Exploratory Trip to Democratic Republic of the Congo, August 20 – September 15, 2004 Trip Report for International Programs Office, USDA Forest Service, Washington, D.C. Final version: December 15, 2004 Bruce G. Marcot, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, 620 S.W. Main St., Suite 400, Portland, Oregon 97205, 503-808-2010,
[email protected] Rick Alexander, USDA Forest Service Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region, 1323 Club Dr., Vallejo CA 94592, 707 562-9014,
[email protected] CONTENTS 1 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2 Introduction and Setting ………………………………………………………….…………… 5 3 Terms of Reference ……………………….…………………...……………………………… 5 4 Team Members and Contacts ………………………………………………….……………… 6 5 Team Schedule and Itinerary …………………………………………..….………...………… 6 6 Challenges to Community Forestry ...…………………………………………….…………… 7 6.1 Use of Community Options and Investment Tools (COAIT) ……………………… 7 6.2 Feasibility and Desirability of Lac Tumba Communities Engaging in Sustainable Timber Harvesting ..……………………………………….….…… 10 7 Conclusions, Recommendations, and Opportunities ..………………………...……………... 15 7.1 Overall Conclusions ...……………………………………………….………….…. 15 7.2 Recommendations …………………………………………………….…………… 19 7.2.1 Potential further involvement by FS .…………………………...………. 19 7.2.2 Aiding village communities under the IRM COAIT process .………..… 20 7.2.3 IRM’s community forest management program ..…………………...….. 23 7.2.4 USAID and CARPE .………………………………………….………… 26 7.2.5 Implementation Decrees under the 2002 Forestry Code ……………….. 28 8 Specific Observations ..……………………………………………...…………………….…. 32 8.1 Wildlife and Biodiversity …………………………………………..……………… 32 8.1.1 Endangered wildlife and the bushmeat trade .………………………..…. 32 8.1.2 Wildlife of young and old forests .…………………………………...…. 34 8.1.3 Forest trees and their associations .………………………………….….. 37 8.1.4 Caterpillars and trees .……………………………………………….….. 38 8.1.5 Islands and trees …………………………………………………….….. 39 8.1.6 Army ants ………………..………………………….………………….