Kennedy Leads Ballot Carrying Pivotal States
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" 181880 Founded00" " " . 190-1905W- . W i2 Worporated' '-' It- 11t WEATHER of The; It Snow5Snow FF-Flurrieslurr- Member; - 'ifIt11t( 11 Windy : PPress .1 . easociated © : iftt ' ® . Qlmmi Low in the 40s40's. :?: W4Irto? nrm SmmSmi"wUt1 RUn 5E:: r:40'- "Ithaca'ss"Ithaca's" ' Only Morning Newspaper" swi totrilIthacas 4Ir _ _ vvv m No .- 38 ITHACA1THACA ., N.Y. .. ! TWELVE PAGES-TEN CENTS WindyeasociatedLXXVII-NoI-No- NY . WEDNESDAY ,. NOVEMBER 9, ]1960960 FlurriesMemberLXXVIINoINo38- t PAGES-- NoPressLowI' TEN -Kennedy Leads BallotBallot- CarryingCarr'ying' Pivotal States Taber Halts Souhan - Slim MarqinMargin rza County PicksPicks- Kennedy Retains Slim Lead-Lead GOP Ticket; After 57557.5. Million VotVotesVotesT-s Metcalf WinsWinsB- heThe young MassachuMassachusettsetts Senator, John F. KennedyKemwdyKennedy-, was agonizingly close yBy RICHARD J.. LEVINELEVINE- to election as President of thethe- John Taber, RepublicanRepublicanr-Republicarr- United States early Wednesday morning . epresentativerepresentative from NewNew-N e ww-v- But his popular vote lead , which had ranged from I1 to 22- ' I York'sYorks 36th CongressionalCongressionad-Congressionald- million allaU night long , slipped to less twnt'wnthan' 800,000, at < 800000 at- IstrictdIstrictistrict ., defeated DemocraDemocratDemocratFr-Democrafr- 4:30: a.m. ancisfrancis J.. Souhan early today in-InIn-ii- 430 am OMoneODe of the closest electionselecl10ns of hi-his 33- Several newspapers hadhac1 given thetlie electionelprtion to KennedyKennedy-Kennp yy- y18 year career in national politics . ro : early in the morning . At 44304:3030:30: ama.m.. the AP :;saidaid KennedyKennedy- Souhan ,, unlike the DemocraticDemoCJatieDemocraticn-DemoCJatieD- ¬ " " ationalatlODainationalDatlODai and local tickethckct , ran: exex-ext-- had apparently"apparently crunched through to10 victoryyictolYyictol'Y' . remelyremelytremely well in Tompkins CountyCountyl-,, - - - - - - - - - - - losmglosingosing the county by only 15241524-1524T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OlesrotesTOlesTotes , and winningwlllDlng here in1D Ithaca.. BULLETINBULLETIN- State Senator George R . MetMet--Met-Metc-- M- lE . At 5065:065 06:06: the PresidentialelectionPresidential election was still inin- alfcalf(fetalf of Auburn headed a listal-ofof-ol- cnlecnle\cnaesenincn\ Republican incumbentsincumbcnts thatthat-thate- doubt as eight important states hadreportedhad reportedonlyreported only inin-in'-- lenere, ere returned to ya ' re office by voters . complete returns.. Some authorities were saying thatthat- But it was the Souhactig-Taber-SouhanTaberSouhanfi-Taber-Souhacti-- Souhan the election might be -¬ fight . not decideduntildecided until 4 in the after- ghtht that held theTabe-TaberspotlightspotlightT-spotlight.T-. afterafter- Taberraber,, seeking his 20th term in thethe- noon.. The state of California , whose electoralvoteselectoral votes-votes House of Representatives , waswasb-wash-was- ardbardhard pressed in the metropolitanmetropolitanir-metropolitana-metropolitanirea'- could put Kennedy over the top willnotwiUnotwillwiUwrU not have completecomplete- -,' eaiea'ireaareaarea- . : returns until late this evening . , Michigan Il-Il-¬ iAndareaAnd But and IlIl- And it was not till the earlyearlym-early- ii- linois loomedasloomed as the all-important- . Kennedy , orningmorningBorning hours that his electIOnre-electIOnelectionH-re-election-reelectIOn--- important states atat- ,% , : . easHasas announced . The 80 year oldold- 5105:10 ama.m . was leading in both , but his margin waswas- RepublIcanRepublican saidaid that hereexpectedexpectedt- slowlyilowly .. to " slipping to110o \win110\110 by about"about 50005,000, votes , " aa-if-af- all igurebgurefigure that represents only a smallsmallfr-smallf-smaUf- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------ ractionactIOnfractIOn of the plurality he ran upup- ufI- i But various Democratic were < Dm111 past years .. r- leaders making claimclaims; ofof- victory . - victory Sen Kenneth (RI-N.Y- .. ¬ AccordlAccordingg to the Auburn Adve-CltizenCitizenCltizen-Citizen-Citizen--- KtatingKeatingKt'ating NYN.YKN.YUN.YK-N.YRIN.YU-N.Y . ) had earlier concon-( on.- erl1serAdierhserAderl1serAd\erl1serAdvertiser\ .,, TaberTabcr won the Cit-districtb-districib- ceded ' RI rtiser district a Democratic victory . byizen y iiOO77007,700,, .. KU Advotes 4 : 10 .. Souhan managed to win in IthacIthacaIthacao-; At 4104:10 ama.m . Kennedy maintained his electoralvoteeltcloralelectoralelt'cloral votevote-yoleyole- nmon the strength of LiberaK- ' strengthof the LiberalLiberalv- lead , and regained his popular vote lead of one millionmillion.-. iteotevote IleHe polled 4,720v-( million- a total of 47204,720472t-4,72-, With 79 '' otesvotestotes - of which 549 were from per cent of the nationsnation's districts reported Kennedy Liberal votes to 4,277,, . F. KENNEDY , ,, ' votesvotes-to- 4277 for Taber JOHN had 2799000027,990,000'oles27,990,000 \'olesvotes to Nixon's ,. ,. .. befroirLiberalfromLiberalThe vote in \oles'oles Nixons 268940002689100026894.00026.894.00026,891,00026,894,000 ! the county was ]3250132503,25013,250,, ( ' for TahcrTaber , 1172611,726, .. KennedyhadThe popular vote percntalteperc'ntalteperc'ntalte-percentagepercentage- 'TaberTheto for Souhan ! 13,250for was far closer than the usual' pres-¬- 13,25for3,250forAs expected -- pres- Nixon-Lodge( 1325forthe idential . id'nttal election Nixon-LodgticketNixonLodgehcketNixonLodgetickethcketticket ran NixonLodge- Key . idnttal! Lodgticketbetter than 2-1 ahead of The States presid'nttalpresidential'Several anan- the? Kennedy-Johnson-- 21 Severalstatesstates that nearly allall- KenneKennedyJohnsonY-Johnson slate . AdAd-- ! the politicalpolitJcal soothsoothsayersayers heringhermterm Johnson! to traditional RepublicalRepublican awarded-awarded Nixon an ¬ Adheringtieses in10 inIn advance to one man or the othoth-- the AdhermRepublicanties. rurali areas ., the voters er things up by going Y Spearhead Kennedy crossed thing in-InIn- ofthecounty stood fast Industrial Centers Win behmdbehind the opposite direction .. the lawyer from East WhitWhit-- tier.,, . Ohio was supposed to .vindwindv.ind upup- fasbehindfastbehmdfastbehindCalifornia , and the - overwhelmingly to Kennedy . TheThe-ThTh- JohnsonJohn.John.. on was evident early ; - dor ambassaambassa-r Michigan-20Michigan20Str-Michigan 2020- TuesTues-TueTue- with Kennedy . picked . from Michigan Senator ran up a greater pluralityplurality-. with Nixon it off Massachusetts . / day night whenwben Massachusett - ' John Towner wawaswas- ( WhiltierWhittier Strong publicity oItambassstorambassadorBut ong of the UnitedUnited- inIn New any DelawarelaDelaware was supposed too be aa- even York than DemocraDemocratDemocrat- \la in TompklllTompkins county Auto Workers - toppled and Johnson.Johnson. regainedregamed hishis-hils \la the Republican pushed PresidentPrePresident-ldentldent- since FrankhnFranklin Roose\RoosesRoose\olt\ elt in 1936( . Nixon statebutstatestate-- but turned a\layaway\ . margin of ; RooseRooseelt Senate scatseat by , lay victory . .. an overhelmingoverhelming-overwhelmingoverwhelming-overwhelmin g In the presidential ElectFlect John F Kennedy over the toptop- and he made startling inin- " At Hyannis Port .,, Massl\fa . KenKen-- counttlicrace \laswas smal--- '' inroadsmroads marginmargm .. The support was probably ' fa victorttlipler racelaslas smal in MichigansMlchlgansMichigan'sMlchlgan's 20 olt probabi nedy's press , electoralelectoral- nedys pre a, victoryIn securingsccurlng electors Up secretary ' than ID normally Republican Upstate . \ PierrePierre-PIPrrePIPrre- in either 1952\ ] (' tate TheThe- or 1956956' .. - ' transrrredtransr'rredtransferred( to the national .. , "bisonIxon votevotes20Heavy votingvotmg in tlicthe autoauto- New gave tickcticket>. SalIngerSalinger .,, said KennedyKenne-dy- \\\entwent\ toto-tGtG- polled 17,016] ,, York Times the statestate- t Kennedyentl 170167,016 votes to 7,598, ' Kenne ent for 7016 7598 city of ,wentent in ofof-' Both the New York Times and thethe-th Detroit favor toto 10 15 p ,, bed without making a statement-.. smallerKennedy , Kennedy m statement , as - " at pm and thethe- dy 1956bison - smaler . 195"ixoncompared to Ei- AP " .- 195ixonsenho\\ '' Ei Kl'nncdyKlnncdyKennedy by a majority .. InIn- AP had termed the state "unde-' large In- "unde defmItelydefinitelydefmItely-definitely- senhoer'ssenhowerssenhower'ssenho ers , - Daily NewsNe\l s conceded the wholewhole- unde These were the 5tatesstates \ er's 18,673-5,760, winWID over . " % - e\ ; Ste\ 18,673 ' 15 1900 ,, MichMich- cidedclded ¬ Eisenhower'sSte en elections S1/1'e Micr-Mich- 1 EidiliowersEidiliower'sSteensonSteen\ on 186735,760 the election since( MichMicr election to him ]11 30.. in the Nixon column at the momo- 7,59w' 57601956 . at TheThe- mo- in S11'e' definitelyin- 1e l I , 759woverSteensonovewensonThis igan has gone Democratic/ in onlyonly- ment virtually tossp in ovew'ensondecrease ( a RcpubhcansRepublicans conceded New YorkYork-. he "irtually"irtually tossed thethe- Ihroughoutthroughout trend detected .. Of the Demoerahc- sponge , in overStedetectedthroughout) threetlirce three DemocratiDemoerahcDemocraticDemocratic- shortly after midnight ,, two hourshours-s the order in whichwhich-\I hlchhlch- detectifflrouRhoutupstate areas comcom-- CalifCalifornia32Ti-California 32 inII bIDedllthbinedbIDed \ '' victories in Michigan , !wotwo.wo. wcr-werewere- Tammany e CaliforniaCalifornia32California-32ornia-32 they joined his cause