This Is a Preliminary, Unedited Transcript. the Statements Within May Be Inaccurate, Incomplete, Or Misattributed to the Speaker
1 This is a preliminary, unedited transcript. The statements within may be inaccurate, incomplete, or misattributed to the speaker. A link to the final, official transcript will be posted on the Committee’s website as soon as it is available. RPTR ZAMORA EDTR SECKMAN FACEBOOK: TRANSPARENCY AND USE OF CONSUMER DATA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 2018 House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Washington, D.C. The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 2123, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Greg Walden [chairman of the committee] presiding. Present: Representatives Walden, Barton, Upton, Shimkus, Burgess, Blackburn, Scalise, Latta, Harper, Lance, Guthrie, Olson, McKinley, Kinzinger, Griffith, Bilirakis, Johnson, Long, Bucshon, Flores, Brooks, Mullin, Hudson, Collins, Cramer, Walberg, Walters, Costello, Carter, Duncan, Pallone, Rush, Eshoo, Engel, Green, DeGette, 2 This is a preliminary, unedited transcript. The statements within may be inaccurate, incomplete, or misattributed to the speaker. A link to the final, official transcript will be posted on the Committee’s website as soon as it is available. Doyle, Schakowsky, Butterfield, Matsui, Castor, Sarbanes, McNerney, Welch, Lujan, Tonko, Clarke, Loebsack, Schrader, Kennedy, Cardenas, Ruiz, Peters, and Dingell. Staff Present: Jon Adame, Policy Coordinator, C&I; Mike Bloomquist, Staff Director; Daniel Butler, Staff Assistant; Karen Christian, General Counsel; Kelly Collins, Legislative Clerk, Energy/Environment; Zachary Dareshori, Legislative Clerk, Health; Jordan
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