
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Gwinear- Parish Council held on Monday 26th July 2021 at Gwinear-Gwithian Parish Hall, Copper Meadows, Reawla, Gwinear, , TR27 5FN commencing at 7.00pm.

Present Councillors N Bawden A Burt D Cupples S Elliott-Rennard C Gill B Jones R Norman L Pascoe M Pryor M Smith (Chairman) J Tovey

Others present 1 member of public Mrs Tracey Goldsworthy, Admin Assistant

1. Routine matters a) Safety Procedure. b) Apologies for absence were received and approved for Cllr Rowe. c) To receive personal and prejudicial interests (including the details thereof) and preapproved dispensations in respect of any items on this Agenda. i. Cllr Pascoe declared that “In commenting on any item on this agenda I should make it clear that my comments are based on the information currently available and do not commit me to taking the same position when the matter is discussed at Council and full information is available”. d) Public Participation. i) Mr Hardaker reported that the Carnhell Green village road sign on the approach from Connor Downs had been defaced with the letter ‘n’ having been removed. He further reported that a Speed Watch Group was being set-up for the Carnhell Green area and requested advice from the Parish Council for suitable locations which could be put forward to the Police. Mr Hardaker also mentioned that it would be appreciated if councillors could come to Carnhell Green to watch the traffic in the village for an hour or so but on varying days and at different times and not wear hi-vis.

2. Minutes a) To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th July 2021. Cllr Cupples proposed the minutes be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Cllr Elliott-Rennard seconded with all in favour and the proposal was RESOLVED. b) Business arising from the Minutes. None.

3. To consider planning matters a) PA21/05008 Outline Application with some matters reserved for up to forty units with associated open space Land North West Of Lane Connor Downs Hayle TR27 5JF Mr Davis Land Promotion Group Planning Zone Councillors Cllr Pryor (lead) Cllr Smith (Support) Please note this is for information, the Parish Council will make its final comment on this application at its meeting on the 9th August b) PA21/06251 Construction of 2 storey rear extension 5 Barn Courtyard Greenbank Connor Downs Hayle TR27 5DA Mr Barnaby Greef Planning Zone Councillors Cllr Elliott-Rennard (lead) Cllr Cupples (Support). Cllr Elliott-Rennard advised she had circulated her report prior to the meeting. Cllr Elliott-Rennard outlined the application and proposed no objection providing the exterior is rendered and painted in keeping with all the other properties instead of the timber cladding detailed in the plans. Cllr Cupples seconded with all in favour and the proposal was RESOLVED. c) PA21/06191 Proposed demolition of existing chalet dwelling and construction of a replacement dwelling and associated works 97 Gwithian Towans Gwithian TR27 5BU Mr and Mrs S Noble Planning Zone Councillors Cllr Smith (lead) Cllr Burt (Support). Cllr Smith advised that he had circulated his report prior to the meeting and proposed support for the application and acknowledgement of the references to the ‘Gwithian Towans Design Guide’ in all design aspects. Cllr Burt seconded with all in favour and the proposal was RESOLVED. d) PA21/06072 Construction of Replacement Dwelling Bay View 62 Gwithian Towans Gwithian TR27 5BU Mr Paul Baker Planning Zone Councillors Cllr Jones (lead) Cllr Smith (Support). Cllr Jones read his report which had been circulated prior to the meeting and proposed objection to the application in its present form based on non-compliance to the ‘Gwithian Towans Design Guide’ included in the Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan for the following reasons: 1. The proposals do not refer or comply to the Gwithian Towans Design Guide which is included in the GGPC Neighbourhood Plan. 2. The proposed building will be double in size to the existing dwelling having an interior area of 104.10sqm. 3. The ridge height is greater than that recommended by the Gwithian Towans Design Guide which is 5m and should be no more than twice the eaves height. 4. The eaves height is greater than 2.5m. Cllr Cupples seconded with all in favour and the proposal was RESOLVED.


e) PA21/04733 Erection of an extension to an existing commercial building Higher Drewollas Farm, Safety Trolley Systems Workshop 41 Praze Road Leedstown TR27 6DS Mr C Jones Planning Zone Councillors Cllr Rowe (lead) Cllr Bawden (Support). Cllr Bawden advised he had circulated his report prior to the meeting and outlined the application proposing the Council support it, seconded by Cllr Tovey with all in favour, the proposal was RESOLVED. f) Planning Correspondence - To receive a list of planning notifications. Noted.

4. Reports a) Verbal reports from Parish Councillors/representatives (Note: Limited to under one minute per report) i. Cllr Burt advised she had attended a very informative Towans Partnership meeting via Zoom which had also been attended by Cllr Gill. ii. Cllr Cupples reported that he had attended the face to face AGM meeting of the Hayle Day Care Centre Trust. Officers were elected with the Chair and Vice Chair returning and acceptance of members from organisations confirmed. The Centre has opened again and gradually increasing numbers. A large bequest has been received from a former member. New staff have to be recruited as only 2 of the original staff remain. Staff, volunteers and members will need to be double vaccinated to attend the Centre. iii. Cllr Smith advised that he had attended the CDRA Trustees meeting and a newsletter is going to be produced in September. Cllr Smith asked if the council wished to consider wider parish circulation of this newsletter with Cllr Pryor suggesting it being uploaded to the Parish website and Cllr Tovey suggesting it could advertise the proposed GVA coffee mornings.

5. Correspondence received a) Community Network Panel (CNP) notes and local information. Noted. b) CNP – Update Highways projects. Noted. c) Cornwall AONB – News update. Noted. d) Gwithian Green Advisory Group – Moth study. The meeting agreed to place the information on the website. e) Forest for Cornwall – Newsletter. Noted. f) Police Community Liaison Meeting 24th June 2021. Noted. g) Local resident – Wild Flower planting Connor Downs – Update. Cllr Tovey proposed that a letter of thanks was sent. Cllr Jones seconded with all in favour and the proposal was RESOLVED.

6. Matters requiring decisions of the Council a) To receive and approve the 1st quarter of the 2021/22 accounts. Cllr Cupples proposed the 1st quarter of the 2020/21 accounts be approved, seconded by Cllr Bawden with all in favour the proposal was RESOLVED b) To consider a ‘useful contact information’ guide for the website/social media. After a discussion, the meeting agreed to defer the item to another meeting. c) To receive an update on the defibrillator project and consider Wall Hall as a new location. Cllr Gill felt Wall Hall was a gap which could be filled. A debate then ensued regarding all the defib locations in the parish, how accessible they are along with the funding of additional defibs. Following further discussion, the meeting agreed to approach the Wall Hall Committee regarding a potential defib at their site and continue to pursue defib funding for Roseworthy and Fraddam.

7. Late or urgent items not on the agenda i. Speed Watch - Cllr Cupples reported that Speed Watch has been restarted and signed off for Connor Downs and Upton Towans and he is currently gathering volunteers. There should be between 7 and 10 operatives once everyone is trained. With reference to agenda item 1d) Cllr Cupples advised the meeting and Mr Hardaker that he would not be his Co-ordinator as Mr Hardaker was forming his own Speed Watch group. ii. Masks - Cllr Bawden raised the issue of wearing masks at meetings and Cllr Smith suggested that masks should continue to be worn until at least September following the two August meetings. iii. Angarrack Lane Planning Application – a discussion regarding the outline of the 9th August meeting ensued with consideration to holding the meeting outside if numbers attending were high.

8. Agenda items for future meetings i. Cllr Tovey asked for an agenda item to consider a notice board for the wall of the Parish Hall building (Relistian Lane side) for the numerous people who regularly walk past.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.45pm.