Index I : Collections
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INDEX I : COLLECTIONS This index lifts all the extant paintings, oil sketches and drawings made by Rubens and his assiftants for the Torre de la Parada. Copies after the paintings and sketches have also been included. The works are lifted alphabetically according to place. AMSTERDAM, RIJKSMUSEUM BRUSSELS, MUSÉES ROYAUX DES BEAUX- Anonymous, painting after Rubens : ARTS DE BELGIQUE Cadmus and Minerva, Cat, 9a, 189 Rubens, oil sketches : Anonymous, painting after P. Symons : Cupid on a Dolphin, Cat. 12a, 73, Cephalus and Procris, Cat. 10, 190 ! 9 4 . *9 5. fig- 8 7 The Fall of the Giants, Cat. 25a, 73, BARCELONA, AYUNTAMIENTO J.B. del Mazo, painting after Rubens : 75n, 159, 213, 214, fig. 108 Deucalion and Pyrrha, Cat. 17, 200, The Apotheosis of Hercules, Cat. 28a, 73> I I 2 > I 55. 2 1 7 - 2[8, 275, 276, % 95 fig. 116 BARCELONA, UNIVERS I DAD The Fall of Icarus, Cat. 33a, 73, 900, J.B. del Mazo, painting after Rubens : 95, 129, 160, 224, 225, 277, fig. The Rape of Proserpina, Cat. 53, 257, 129 fig- 17 2 Jason and the Golden Fleece, Cat. BAYONNE, MUSÉE BONNAT 34a, 73, 97, 154, 226, fig. 13 1 Rubens, oil sketches : Jupiter and Semele, Cat. 36a, 73, 97, Apollo and Daphne, Cat. ia, 76, 161, 158, 162, 165, 228, 229, fig. 135 i6 5> 175. ^ fig- 5 1 The Battle of the Lapiths and the Cupid and Psyche, Cat. 13a, 76, 98, Centaurs, Cat. 37b, 73, 750, non, 142, 165, 195, 196, fig. 89 229-232, fig, 138 Diana and Endymion, Cat. 19a, ójn, Mercury and Argus, Cat. 40a, 73, 76, 98, 142, 165, 183, 202, 203, 159, 16 1, 236, 237, fig. 142 fig- 99 The Judgment of Midas, Cat. 41a, 73, Glaucus and Scylla, Cat. 26a, 76, 95, 154, 16 1, 237-239, fig. 148 16 1, 214, 215, fig. 109 The Creation of the Milky Way, Cat. Hercules’s Dog Discovers Tyrian Pur 42a, 73, 98, 99, 112, 113 , 148, ple, Cat. 31a, 76, 98, 112 , 113 , 142, 149, 240, 275, fig. 150 221, 222, 276, fig. 122 The Fall of Phaethon, Cat. 50a, 73, Pan and Syrinx, Cat. 47a, 76, 247, 9° n> 9 5 . l6°, 2 53. 2 54> fig- i 6 5 248, fig. 160 The Birth of Venus, Cat. 58a, 550, 67, The Rape of Proserpina, Cat. 53a, 76, 73, 98, 146-148, 157, 265, fig. 188 157, 158, 165, 229, 230, 245, 258, BRUSSELS, R. VANDENDRIESSCHE fig- 17 1 Anonymous, painting after Rubens : Anonymous, painting after Rubens : The Rape of Proserpina, Cat. 53, 257 The Banquet of Tereus, Cat. 57a, 263, CARAMULO, MUSEU 264, fig. 184 J. Jordaens, painting : Anonymous, drawing after Rubens : Vertumnus and Pomona, Cat. 59, 188, The Banquet of Tereus, Cat. 57a, 263 265, 266, fig. 189 BERLIN-DAHLEM, STAATLICHE MUSEEN CHICAGO, ART INSTITUTE Rubens, oil sketch : Rubens, oil sketch : Fortune, Cat. 23a, 77, 99, 135, 137, The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis, 14 1, 142, 156, 167, 209, 210, 212, Cat. 48a, 77, 98, 112 , 150, 15 1, fig. 106 I 54> 249> 2 5°. fig- 16 3 365 COLLECTIONS LA CORUNA, MUSEO PROVINCIAL DE BEL Diana and Nymphs Hunting, Cat. LAS ARTES 20a, 75, 98, 1 10, 185, 205, 206, Rubens, oil sketches ; fig. 98 Daedalus and the Labyrinth, Cat. 14a, MADRID, PRADO 73 . 197. 259. % 90 Rubens, paintings : Reason (?), Cat. 54a, 73, 99, 109, Fortune, Cat. 23, 99, 109, 135, 137, 137» I 39-I42> i6 7. 259, fig, 176 14 1, 142, 156, 167, 209, 2x0, fig. DRESDEN, STAATLICHE GEMÄLDEGALERIE 105 Anonymous, painting after Rubens : Ganymede, Cat. 24, 99, 165, 260, The Rape of Proserpina, Cat. 53, 257 261, 210-212, fig. 100 FARNHAM, WOLFGANG BURCHARD The Battle of the Lapiths and the Rubens, drawing : Centaurs, Cat. 37, 59n, 110 , 229, Studies for the Battle of the Lapiths fig. 136 and the Centaurs and Hercules Mercury, Cat. 39, 77, 99, 109, 137, Struggling with a Bull, Cat. 37a, 14 1, 142, 156, 167, 233-235, fig. 67, 230, 231, 278, fig. 137 M3 GRANADA, UNIVERSITY Mercury and Argus, Cat. 40, 16 1, J.B. del Mazo, painting after Rubens 210, 235-237, fig. 14 1 Mercury and Argus, Cat. 40, 235 The Creation of the Milky Way, Cat. GREAT BRITAIN, MRS. NICHOLAS MOSLEY 42, 57n, 98, 99, 112 , 113 , 149, Rubens, oil sketch : 228, 239, 240, 275, fig. 149 Vulcan, Cat. 60a, 77, 99, 112 , 135, Orpheus Leads Eurydice from Hades, 268, fig. 194 Cat. 46, 37, 57n, 109, 165, 244, LENINGRAD, HERMITAGE 245. 247. fig- 155 Anonymous, painting after Rubens : The Rape of Proserpina, Cat. 53, 230, The Battle of the Lapiths and the 237, 256, 257, fig. 170 Centaurs, Cat. 37, 229 Saturn, Cat. 55, 98, 99, 212, 259- LONDON, NATIONAL GALLERY 261, fig. 177 Rubens, oil sketch : Satyr, Cat. 56, 77, 99, 109, 116 , 137- Aurora and Cephalus, Cat, 6a, 05n, 142, 167, 261, 262, fig. 179 75. 183-185, 202, fig. 71 The Banquet of Tereus, Cat. 57, 77, LONDON, COUNT ANTOINE SEILERN 78, n on, 165, 262-264, fig. 182 Rubens, oil sketches : Vulcan, Cat. 60, 99, 112 , 135, 267, Atlas, Cat. 5a, 74, 77, 18 1-183, 199, 268, fig. 193 268, 275, 278, fig. 69 Democritus, Cat. 61, 59n, 77, 99, 107, Hercules and the Hydra, Cat. 30a, 77, 108, 134, 135, 1370, 269, 270, 9 8 ,112 , 219, 220, 275, 276, fig. 120 fig- 195 Anonymous, drawing after Rubens : Heraclitus, Cat, 62, 590, 77, 99, 107, Hercules and the Hydra, Cat. 30, 220, 108, 134, 135, i37n, 271, fig. 196 275, fig. 1x9 Rubens, oil sketches : LONDON, EDWARD SPEELMAN Apollo and the Python, Cat. 2 a, 74, Rubens, oil sketch : 78, 83, 153, 154, 156, 157, 170, The Banquet of Tereus, Cat. 57a, 49n, 17 1, 177, 178, fig. 55 77, 78, 82n, 97, n on, 263, 264, Cephalus and Procris, Cat. 10a, 67, fig- 183 74, 112, 162, 163, 165, 191, 192, LUTON HOO, BEDFORDSHIRE, MAJOR GEN fig. 81 ERAL SIR HAROLD WERNHER, BART. Deucalion and Pyrrha, Cat. 17a, 67, Rubens, oil sketch : 74, 91, 97, i6r, 200, 201, fig. 96 366 COLLECTIONS The Rape of Europa, Cat. 21a, 74, The Death of Eurydice, Cat. 22, 37, 16 1, 165, 206, 207, 242, fig. 102 57n, 109, 207, 208, fig. 103 The Harpies Driven Away by Zetes Jason and the Golden Fleece, Cat. 34, and Calais, Cat. 27a, 74, 98, 165, 225, fig. 130 216, fig. 112 P. Symons, painting : Hercules and Cerberus, Cat. 29a, 50, Cephalus and Procris, Cat. 10, 430, 74, 112 , 219, 275, 276, fig. 117 112 , 190, 19 1, fig. 80 The Death of Hyacinth, Cat. 32a, 67, T. van Thulden, painting : 74, 96, 164, 165, 222, 223, 242, Hercules’s Dog Discovers Tyrian Pur fig. 123 ple, Cat. 31, 98, 1 1 2, 113 , 142, Prometheus, Cat. 52a, 74, 98, 99, 112 , 221, 244, fig. 1 21 13711, 256, 277, fig. 169 T. van Thulden and P. de Vos, attributed Vertumnus and Pomona, Cat. 59a, 67, to, painting : 74, 97, 165, 266, 267, fig. 190 Orpheus Playing the Lyre, Cat. 45, J.B. Borrekens, painting : 57n> 11- I0 ^ 20'• -’-O’ 244’ The Apotheosis of Hercules, Cat. 28, 154 66n, 109, 112, 216, 217, 253, 275, C. de Vos, paintings : fig. 115 Apollo and the Python, ( at. 2, 176, J. Cossiers, paintings : *77. % 54 Jupiter and Lycaon, Cat. 35, 37, 160, The Triumph of Bacchus, C at. 7, 185, 227, 241, fig. 132 186, fig. 72 Narcissus, Cat. 43, 109, 240, 241, The Birth of Venus, Cat 58, 55n, fig. 15 1 147, 148, 264, 265, tig. 186 J. van Eyck, painting : School of Rubens, paintings : The Fall of Phaethon, Cat. 50, 109, Apollo and Daphne, Cat. r, 57m 175, 175, 217, 252, 253, fig. 164 fig. 50 J.P. Gowy, paintings : Cupid and Psyche, Cat. 13, 142, 195, Atalanta and Hippomenes, Cat. 4, fig. 88 179, 180, 224, 253, fig. 64 The Harpies Driven Away by Zetes The Fall of Icarus, Cat. 33, 109, 180, and Calais, Cat. 27, 98. n o , 215, 223, 224, fig. 128 fig, i n J. Jordaens, paintings : Prometheus, Cat. 52, 98, 99, 112 , 137, Cadmus and Minerva, Cat. 9, 188- 255, 256, fig. 168 190, 213, fig. 76 J.B. del Mazo, paintings after Rubens : The Fall of the Giants, Cat. 25, 188, Hercules and the Hydra, Cat. 30, 219, 212, 213, fig. 107 220, 273, fig. 118 The Judgment of Midas, Cat. 41, 188, Mercury, Cat. 39, 234, 260, fig. 144 237, 238, fig. 147 Democritus, Cat. 61, 269 The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis, J.B. del Mazo, paintings after J.B. Bor- Cat. 48, 59n, 98, 109, 112 , 188, rekens : 248, 149, fig. 162 The Apotheosis of Hercules, Cat. 28, E. Quellinus, paintings : 216, 217, fig. 113 Bacchus and Ariadne, Cat. 8, 1370, J.B. del. Mazo, painting after Jordaens : 149, 187, 188, fig. 74 The Judgment of Midas, Cat. 41, 237, Cupid on a Dolphin, Cat. 12, n o , fig. 146 194, 215, fig. 86 Anonymous, paintings after Rubens : The Rape of Europa, Cat. 21, 206, Atlas, Cat. 5a, 74, 18 1, 182, 255, fig. fig. 10 1 70 367 COLLECTIONS Dejanira and Nessus, Cat, i6a, 74, Rubens, oil sketches : T99> % • 94 The Triumph of Bacchus, Cat. 7a, 76, Polyphemus, Cat. 51a, 74, 225, 277, 186, fig. 73 I % i 6 7 Bacchus and Ariadne, Cat. 8a, 76, 98, ' M NEW YORK, WILLIA/SUHR I 37> H 9, I 5°> i6 5> i 7 i , i8 7> Rubens, oil sketdi : 188, fig.