196 bus time schedule & line map

196 Wakeeld - Newstead View In Website Mode

The 196 bus line (Wakeeld - Newstead) has 6 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) New Crofton <-> Newstead: 5:22 AM - 8:42 AM (2) Newstead <-> Belle Isle: 11:29 PM (3) Newstead <-> New Crofton: 2:42 PM - 11:34 PM (4) Newstead <-> Wakeeld City Centre: 5:38 AM - 10:34 PM (5) Wakeeld City Centre <-> New Crofton: 8:20 AM (6) Wakeeld City Centre <-> Newstead: 6:20 AM - 10:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 196 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 196 bus arriving.

Direction: New Crofton <-> Newstead 196 bus Time Schedule 18 stops New Crofton <-> Newstead Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:22 AM - 8:42 AM The Slipper Ph, New Crofton 1 Spring Lane, Crofton Tuesday 5:22 AM - 8:42 AM

Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Wintersett Wednesday 5:22 AM - 8:42 AM

Santingley Grange, Wintersett Thursday 5:22 AM - 8:42 AM Friday 5:22 AM - 8:42 AM Wintersett Ln Love Lane, Wintersett Saturday 6:12 AM Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill

Nostell Lane Long Dam La, Ryhill

Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill 196 bus Info Direction: New Crofton <-> Newstead Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill Stops: 18 Trip Duration: 16 min Line Summary: The Slipper Ph, New Crofton, School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Wintersett, School Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Santingley Grange, Wintersett, Wintersett Ln Love Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill Lane, Wintersett, Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill, Nostell Lane Long Dam La, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Mill Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Lakeside Estate, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill Ryhill, School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill, Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill, Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill, Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill, Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill Havercroft, Cow Lane West St, Havercroft, Cow Lane East St, Newstead, Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft Newstead, Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Crofters Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Newstead, Upper Hateld Place, Newstead

Cow Lane West St, Havercroft

Cow Lane East St, Newstead Bethan Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish

Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Newstead Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Newstead Brooklands Crescent, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish

Upper Hateld Place, Newstead Direction: Newstead <-> Belle Isle 196 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Newstead <-> Belle Isle Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 11:29 PM

Monday Not Operational Upper Hateld Place, Newstead Tuesday Not Operational Cow Lane East St, Newstead Bethan Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Wednesday Not Operational

Cow Lane West St, Havercroft Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft Crofters Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational

Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill

Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill 196 bus Info Mill Lane Havercroft Green, Ryhill Direction: Newstead <-> Belle Isle Brier Lane, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 30 min Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill Line Summary: Upper Hateld Place, Newstead, Mill Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Cow Lane East St, Newstead, Cow Lane West St, Havercroft, Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft, Cow School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill, Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill, Mill School Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Lane Havercroft Green, Ryhill, Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill, School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill, Nostell Lane Long Dam Ln, Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill Ryhill, Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill, Wintersett Nostell Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Ln Love Lane, Wintersett, Santingley Grange, Wintersett, Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Nostell Lane Long Dam Ln, Ryhill Wintersett, The Slipper Ph, New Crofton, Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton, High St Meadowelds Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill Road, New Crofton, High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton, High St Slack Lane, Crofton, Shay Lane Wintersett Ln Love Lane, Wintersett Harrison Rd, Crofton, Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton, Shay Lane Holly Crescent, Crofton, Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton, Shay Lane Brook Santingley Grange, Wintersett Farm, Walton, Shay Lane Cherry Tree Rd, Walton, Shay Lane the Grove, Walton, Shay Lane Memorial, Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Wintersett Walton, Shay Ln Thornhill Drive, Walton, Greenside Shay Lane, Walton, Greenside Walton Station Lane, The Slipper Ph, New Crofton Walton, Station Bridge School Lane, Walton, 42 Santingley Lane, Crofton Civil Parish Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton, Grange Farm, Sandal, Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal, Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal, Walton Lane End 1 Ash Street, Crofton Civil Parish Castle Rd, Sandal, Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal, Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg, Manygates High St Meadowelds Road, New Crofton House, Belle Isle 110 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton 93 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

High St Slack Lane, Crofton 17 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish Shay Lane Harrison Rd, Crofton 1 Shay Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton 41 Shay Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Holly Crescent, Crofton 14 Holly Close, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton

Shay Lane Brook Farm, Walton

Shay Lane Cherry Tree Rd, Walton 1 Cherry Tree Road, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane the Grove, Walton 151 Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Memorial, Walton 57 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Ln Thornhill Drive, Walton Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Greenside Shay Lane, Walton Greenside, Walton Civil Parish

Greenside Walton Station Lane, Walton 3a Greenside, Walton Civil Parish

Station Bridge School Lane, Walton Greenside, Walton Civil Parish

Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton 90 Oakenshaw Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Grange Farm, Sandal

Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal 76 Walton Lane, Wakeeld

Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal 52 Walton Lane, Wakeeld

Walton Lane End Castle Rd, Sandal 1-7 Woodlands Croft, Wakeeld

Barnsley Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal 1b Sandal Avenue, Wakeeld

Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg 132 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld

Manygates House, Belle Isle 92 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Direction: Newstead <-> New Crofton 196 bus Time Schedule 17 stops Newstead <-> New Crofton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:42 PM - 11:34 PM Upper Hateld Place, Newstead Tuesday 2:42 PM - 11:34 PM Cow Lane East St, Newstead Bethan Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Wednesday 2:42 PM - 11:34 PM

Cow Lane West St, Havercroft Thursday 2:42 PM - 11:34 PM Friday 2:42 PM - 11:34 PM Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft Crofters Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Saturday 11:34 PM

Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill

Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill 196 bus Info Mill Lane Havercroft Green, Ryhill Direction: Newstead <-> New Crofton Brier Lane, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Stops: 17 Trip Duration: 14 min Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill Line Summary: Upper Hateld Place, Newstead, Mill Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Cow Lane East St, Newstead, Cow Lane West St, Havercroft, Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft, Cow School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill, Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill, Mill School Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Lane Havercroft Green, Ryhill, Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill, School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill, Nostell Lane Long Dam Ln, Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill Ryhill, Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill, Wintersett Nostell Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Ln Love Lane, Wintersett, Santingley Grange, Wintersett, Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Nostell Lane Long Dam Ln, Ryhill Wintersett, The Slipper Ph, New Crofton

Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill

Wintersett Ln Love Lane, Wintersett

Santingley Grange, Wintersett

Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Wintersett

The Slipper Ph, New Crofton 42 Santingley Lane, Crofton Civil Parish Direction: Newstead <-> Wakeeld City Centre 196 bus Time Schedule 50 stops Newstead <-> Wakeeld City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:28 AM - 10:29 PM

Monday 5:38 AM - 10:34 PM Upper Hateld Place, Newstead Tuesday 5:38 AM - 10:34 PM Cow Lane East St, Newstead Bethan Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Wednesday 5:38 AM - 10:34 PM

Cow Lane West St, Havercroft Thursday 5:38 AM - 10:34 PM Friday 5:38 AM - 10:34 PM Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft Crofters Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Saturday 6:32 AM - 10:34 PM

Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill

Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill 196 bus Info Mill Lane Havercroft Green, Ryhill Direction: Newstead <-> Wakeeld City Centre Brier Lane, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish Stops: 50 Trip Duration: 46 min Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill Line Summary: Upper Hateld Place, Newstead, Mill Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Cow Lane East St, Newstead, Cow Lane West St, Havercroft, Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft, Cow School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill, Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill, Mill School Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Lane Havercroft Green, Ryhill, Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill, School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill, Nostell Lane Long Dam Ln, Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill Ryhill, Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill, Wintersett Nostell Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish Ln Love Lane, Wintersett, Santingley Grange, Wintersett, Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Nostell Lane Long Dam Ln, Ryhill Wintersett, The Slipper Ph, New Crofton, Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton, High St Meadowelds Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill Road, New Crofton, High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton, High School, Crofton, High St Slack Lane, Crofton, Shay Lane Harrison Rd, Crofton, Shay Lane Wintersett Ln Love Lane, Wintersett Thorntree Ave, Crofton, Shay Lane Holly Crescent, Crofton, Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton, Shay Santingley Grange, Wintersett Lane Brook Farm, Walton, Shay Lane Cherry Tree Rd, Walton, Shay Lane the Grove, Walton, Shay Lane Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Wintersett Memorial, Walton, Shay Ln Thornhill Drive, Walton, Greenside Shay Lane, Walton, Greenside Walton The Slipper Ph, New Crofton Station Lane, Walton, Station Bridge School Lane, 42 Santingley Lane, Crofton Civil Parish Walton, Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton, Grange Farm, Sandal, Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton Sandal, Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal, Walton 1 Ash Street, Crofton Civil Parish Lane End Castle Rd, Sandal, Barnsley Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal, Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg, High St Meadowelds Road, New Crofton Manygates House, Belle Isle, Barnsley Rd Welbeck 110 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish Street, Belle Isle, Arriva Bus Depot, Belle Isle, Barnsley Road Bus Depot, Belle Isle, Hepworth Gallery, Belle High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton Isle, Kirkgate, Wakeeld City Centre, Kirkgate, 93 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish Wakeeld City Centre, Union Street, Wakeeld City Centre, Bus Station Stand 12, Wakeeld City Centre High School, Crofton 2 Claremont Crescent, Crofton Civil Parish High St Slack Lane, Crofton 17 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Harrison Rd, Crofton 1 Shay Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton 41 Shay Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Holly Crescent, Crofton 14 Holly Close, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton

Shay Lane Brook Farm, Walton

Shay Lane Cherry Tree Rd, Walton 1 Cherry Tree Road, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane the Grove, Walton 151 Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Memorial, Walton 57 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Ln Thornhill Drive, Walton Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Greenside Shay Lane, Walton Greenside, Walton Civil Parish

Greenside Walton Station Lane, Walton 3a Greenside, Walton Civil Parish

Station Bridge School Lane, Walton Greenside, Walton Civil Parish

Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton 90 Oakenshaw Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Grange Farm, Sandal

Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal 76 Walton Lane, Wakeeld

Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal 52 Walton Lane, Wakeeld

Walton Lane End Castle Rd, Sandal 1-7 Woodlands Croft, Wakeeld

Barnsley Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal 1b Sandal Avenue, Wakeeld

Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg 132 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld

Manygates House, Belle Isle 92 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld

Barnsley Rd Welbeck Street, Belle Isle 69 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld

Arriva Bus Depot, Belle Isle 8 Belle Isle Depot, Wakeeld

Barnsley Road Bus Depot, Belle Isle 5 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld

Hepworth Gallery, Belle Isle Bridge Street, Wakeeld

Kirkgate, Wakeeld City Centre 212 Kirkgate, Wakeeld

Kirkgate, Wakeeld City Centre 62-70 Kirkgate, Wakeeld

Union Street, Wakeeld City Centre Union Street, Wakeeld

Bus Station Stand 12, Wakeeld City Centre Borough Road, Wakeeld Direction: Wakeeld City Centre <-> New Crofton 196 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Wakeeld City Centre <-> New Crofton Route VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Timetable:

Sunday Not Operational Bus Station Stand 12, Wakeeld City Centre Monday 8:20 AM Borough Road, Wakeeld Tuesday 8:20 AM Kirkgate K4, Wakeeld City Centre 61 Kirkgate, Wakeeld Wednesday 8:20 AM

Kirkgate, Wakeeld City Centre Thursday 8:20 AM 219-221 Kirkgate, Wakeeld Friday 8:20 AM

Hepworth Gallery, Belle Isle Saturday Not Operational Bridge Street, Wakeeld

Barnsley Road Bus Depot, Belle Isle 17 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld 196 bus Info Barnsley Rd Welbeck Street, Belle Isle Direction: Wakeeld City Centre <-> New Crofton 75 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Stops: 31 Trip Duration: 24 min Manygates House, Belle Isle Line Summary: Bus Station Stand 12, Wakeeld City 66 Woodcock Street, Wakeeld Centre, Kirkgate K4, Wakeeld City Centre, Kirkgate, Wakeeld City Centre, Hepworth Gallery, Belle Isle, Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg Barnsley Road Bus Depot, Belle Isle, Barnsley Rd 217 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Welbeck Street, Belle Isle, Manygates House, Belle Isle, Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg, Barnsley Rd Barnsley Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal Agbrigg Road, Sandal, Walton Lane Barnsley Rd, 293 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Sandal, Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal, Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal, Grange Farm, Walton Lane Barnsley Rd, Sandal Sandal, Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton, School 38-39 Sandal Hall Mews, Lane the Stables, Walton, School Ln Beech Croft, Walton, Shay Lane Memorial, Walton, Shay Lane the Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal Grove, Walton, Shay Ln Cherry Tree Drive, Walton, 54 Walton Lane, Wakeeld Shay Lane Brooklands View, Walton, Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton, Shay Lane Nature Park Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal Reserve, Walton, Shay Lane Holly Close, Crofton, 76 Walton Lane, Wakeeld Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton, Shay Lane Harrison Rd, Crofton, High Street, Crofton, High Grange Farm, Sandal School, Crofton, High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton, High St Meadowelds Road, New Crofton, Santingley Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton Lane Ash St, New Crofton, The Slipper Ph, New 129 Oakenshaw Lane, Walton Civil Parish Crofton

School Lane the Stables, Walton 5-7 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish

School Ln Beech Croft, Walton 29 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Memorial, Walton 51 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane the Grove, Walton Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Ln Cherry Tree Drive, Walton 138b Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Brooklands View, Walton 104 Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton

Shay Lane Nature Park Reserve, Walton

Shay Lane Holly Close, Crofton 12 Holly Close, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton 12 Shay Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Harrison Rd, Crofton 14 Harrison Road, Crofton Civil Parish

High Street, Crofton 17 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

High School, Crofton 2 Claremont Crescent, Crofton Civil Parish

High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton 71 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

High St Meadowelds Road, New Crofton 19 Manorelds Court, Crofton Civil Parish

Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton 2 Santingley Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

The Slipper Ph, New Crofton 1a Spring Lane, Crofton Civil Parish Direction: Wakeeld City Centre <-> Newstead 196 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Wakeeld City Centre <-> Newstead Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:50 AM - 10:50 PM

Monday 6:20 AM - 10:55 PM Bus Station Stand 12, Wakeeld City Centre Borough Road, Wakeeld Tuesday 6:20 AM - 10:55 PM

Kirkgate K4, Wakeeld City Centre Wednesday 6:20 AM - 10:55 PM 61 Kirkgate, Wakeeld Thursday 6:20 AM - 10:55 PM Kirkgate, Wakeeld City Centre Friday 6:20 AM - 10:55 PM 219-221 Kirkgate, Wakeeld Saturday 6:50 AM - 10:55 PM Hepworth Gallery, Belle Isle Bridge Street, Wakeeld

Barnsley Road Bus Depot, Belle Isle 17 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld 196 bus Info Direction: Wakeeld City Centre <-> Newstead Barnsley Rd Welbeck Street, Belle Isle Stops: 48 75 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Bus Station Stand 12, Wakeeld City Manygates House, Belle Isle Centre, Kirkgate K4, Wakeeld City Centre, Kirkgate, 66 Woodcock Street, Wakeeld Wakeeld City Centre, Hepworth Gallery, Belle Isle, Barnsley Road Bus Depot, Belle Isle, Barnsley Rd Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg Welbeck Street, Belle Isle, Manygates House, Belle 217 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Isle, Barnsley Road Burkill St, Agbrigg, Barnsley Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal, Walton Lane Barnsley Rd, Barnsley Rd Agbrigg Road, Sandal Sandal, Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal, Walton 293 Barnsley Road, Wakeeld Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal, Grange Farm, Sandal, Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton, School Walton Lane Barnsley Rd, Sandal Lane the Stables, Walton, School Ln Beech Croft, 38-39 Sandal Hall Mews, England Walton, Shay Lane Memorial, Walton, Shay Lane the Grove, Walton, Shay Ln Cherry Tree Drive, Walton, Walton Lane Rosedale Ave, Sandal Shay Lane Brooklands View, Walton, Shay Lane 54 Walton Lane, Wakeeld Nature Reserve, Walton, Shay Lane Nature Park Reserve, Walton, Shay Lane Holly Close, Crofton, Walton Lane Mountbatten Ave, Sandal Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton, Shay Lane 76 Walton Lane, Wakeeld Harrison Rd, Crofton, High Street, Crofton, High School, Crofton, High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton, Grange Farm, Sandal High St Meadowelds Road, New Crofton, Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton, The Slipper Ph, New Oakenshaw Lane Walton Ln, Walton Crofton, Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, 129 Oakenshaw Lane, Walton Civil Parish Wintersett, Santingley Grange, Wintersett, Wintersett Ln Love Lane, Wintersett, Swine Lane Moorhouse School Lane the Stables, Walton Lne, Ryhill, Nostell Lane Long Dam La, Ryhill, Nostell 5-7 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill, Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill, School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill, Mill School Ln Beech Croft, Walton Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill, Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill, 29 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill, Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft, Cow Lane West St, Havercroft, Cow Lane Shay Lane Memorial, Walton East St, Newstead, Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, 51 School Lane, Walton Civil Parish Newstead, Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Newstead, Upper Hateld Place, Newstead Shay Lane the Grove, Walton Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Ln Cherry Tree Drive, Walton 138b Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Brooklands View, Walton 104 Shay Lane, Walton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Nature Reserve, Walton

Shay Lane Nature Park Reserve, Walton

Shay Lane Holly Close, Crofton 12 Holly Close, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Thorntree Ave, Crofton 12 Shay Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Shay Lane Harrison Rd, Crofton 14 Harrison Road, Crofton Civil Parish

High Street, Crofton 17 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

High School, Crofton 2 Claremont Crescent, Crofton Civil Parish

High Street Hare Park Ln, Crofton 71 High Street, Crofton Civil Parish

High St Meadowelds Road, New Crofton 19 Manorelds Court, Crofton Civil Parish

Santingley Lane Ash St, New Crofton 2 Santingley Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

The Slipper Ph, New Crofton 1 Spring Lane, Crofton Civil Parish

Santingley Lane Anglers Country Park, Wintersett

Santingley Grange, Wintersett

Wintersett Ln Love Lane, Wintersett

Swine Lane Moorhouse Lne, Ryhill

Nostell Lane Long Dam La, Ryhill

Nostell Ln Lakeside Estate, Ryhill

Nostell Ln Common Ing Lane, Ryhill

School Lane Cemetery Rd, Ryhill School Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish

Mill Lane Quarry Mount, Ryhill Mill Lane, Ryhill Civil Parish

Cow Lane Mill Ln, Ryhill

Cow Ln Mulberry Place, Ryhill

Cow Lane Madeley Rd, Havercroft Crofters Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish

Cow Lane West St, Havercroft

Cow Lane East St, Newstead Bethan Court, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish

Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Newstead

Brooklands Crescent Cow Lane, Newstead Brooklands Crescent, Havercroft With Cold Hiendley Civil Parish

Upper Hateld Place, Newstead 196 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved