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|MIT Continuous 'Cambridge .News Service| Mllassathusetts Since 1881 Tuesday; August 8,.1989 HWwi1G i 1 Volume 109, Number 30 BSgeLn PblPIPFB _,--r Ilp I-s 1119111 · 181111 11 Co nmittee sends fres women booek I By Annabelle Boyd original idea, as it was done for The Women's Residence/Orien- the incoming freshwomen in the tation Committee will be provid- late 1970s, Armstrong said. How- ing each incoming freshwoman ever, this practice was discontin- with a copy of The New Our ued in the~early 1980s, primarily Bodies, Ourselves compiled by due to lack of funding. Accord- the Boston Women's Health ing to Armstrong, many people Book Collective. The freshwo- - both students and staff - felt men will receive this book when that giving the book to freshwo- they first check into the R/C men was "important," and a center on Thursday, Aug. 31. "good idea," so mounting the funding campaign to reinstate the The New Our Bodies, Our- book as a part of the R/O experi- selves is the updated version of ence was not too difficult. Our Bodies, Ourselves, which Working through the Women's first appeared in 1969, and gener- R/O Committee with Christina ated much discussion on such Boyle '91 and Kelly McDonald women's issues as nutrition, '91, Armstrong raised the funds abortion, violence against wom- necessary to purchase 380 copies en, birth control and sexuality. of the book, one for each in- In addition to the distribution coming freshwoman. If potential of the book, a "book party" will donors were reluctant at first, Ken Church/The Tech be held during orientation week, once they were made aware of the With the completion of the west side of the new Harvard Bridge, demolition began on issues addressed in the book, the east side.
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