Penyamun Rumor
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UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA HUMANITNÍCH STUDIÍ Institut doktorských studií Obecná antropologie – integrální studium člověka Kidnapping Otherness Tourism, Imaginaries and Rumor in Eastern Indonesia Disertační práce Mgr. Adriana Kábová Školitel: PhDr. Marek Halbich, Ph.D. Praha 2019 Prohlášení Prohlašuji, že jsem disertační práci vypracovala samostatně, že jsem řádně citovala všechny použité prameny a literaturu a že práce nebyla využita v rámci jiného vysokoškolského studia či k získání jiného nebo stejného titulu. V Praze dne 28. března 2019 Adriana Kábová Acknowledgements I would like to thank all of my research participants, especially people from the vicinity of Waikabubak and also those tourists who allowed me to accompany them on their tours or shared their stories with me. My special thanks also go out to the Sumbanese family and friends who took care of me during all my stays in Sumba and who taught me about the local customs. Further thanks are due to my supervisor PhDr. Marek Halbich, Ph.D. who supported me throughout my doctoral studies as well as during the fieldwork. The fieldwork on which this dissertation is based could be realized partly also due to a grant (GA UK No. 611512) carried out at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Humanities and a project realized earlier (specific research No. 263104/2011) at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. I am also grateful to academics from the International Society of Contemporary Legend Research with whom we had inspiring debates, and who gave me valuable advice and motivated me in further research. Last but not least, I want to thank all my family for their infinite mental support, for their empathy, and also for their financial help. Without them, my repeated stays in West Sumba would not have been feasible and this thesis could not have been written. Summary This dissertation is based on my research into distinction processes (Calhoun, 1994; Cerulo 1997) between tourists and inhabitants of West Sumba in Eastern Indonesia. The imaginiaries (Castoriadis, 1987; Strauss, 2006; Lacan, 1977; Anderson, 1991; Salazar, 2012) of West Sumbanese people about foreigners also emerge from diving rumors (Bysow, 1928; Allport and Postman, 1947/1965). Their origins, dissemination, and sharpening processes, as well as their consequences will be analysed herein. This case study demonstrates how mental models of otherness are formed and reified, how they clash, and for what purposes they may be utilized. It will also analyze how imaginaries influence behavior and may lead to miscommunication in West Sumba. Abstrakt Předkládaná disertační práce je založena na výzkumu procesů odlišování (Calhoun, 1994; Cerulo, 1997) turistů a obyvatel západní Sumby ve východní Indonésii. Imaginaries (Castoriadis, 1987; Strauss, 2006; Lacan, 1977; Anderson, 1991; Salazar, 2012), ustálená sdílená kognitivní schémata, Sumbanů o cizincích, vycházejí i ze současných mýtů, jejichž původ, šíření, procesy vybrušování i důsledky budou analyzovány v této práci. Případová studie ukazuje, jak jsou různé mentální modely o jinakosti vytvářeny, posilovány, jakým způsobem se střetávají a k jakým cílům mohou být využívány. Práce se soustředí také na vliv těchto schémat na jednání a zkoumá příčiny komunikačních nesouladů na západní Sumbě. Key words Imaginaries - mental models - cognitive schemas - Otherness - otherization - distinction - tourism - ethnotourism - rumor - contemporary legend - whiteness - violence - primitivism - exoticism - contested spaces - communication mismatch Contents Prohlášení ................................................................................................................................. 2 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 3 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 4 Abstrakt .................................................................................................................................... 4 Key words ................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Fields and methods .......................................................................................................... 12 1.2 The penyamun rumor ....................................................................................................... 21 1.3 Rumors and methodology ................................................................................................ 24 1.4 Rumors and resistance ..................................................................................................... 27 2. Bloodthirsty strangers ............................................................................................................ 31 2.1 The penyamun as a foreigner, colonizer, or missionary .................................................. 32 2.2 Penyamuns as government officials ................................................................................ 41 2.3 The penyamun as a tourist ............................................................................................... 46 3. The process of Othering ........................................................................................................ 53 3.1 Tourism imaginaries ........................................................................................................ 54 3.1.1 Social evolutionism, imaginative times, and geographies ........................................ 56 3.1.2 Pure primitivity and dangerous civilization? ............................................................ 61 3.1.3 Contamination by cash transactions? ........................................................................ 68 3.1.4 Violence and exoticism ............................................................................................. 71 3.2 Ethnotourism, marginalization, and development ........................................................... 76 3.3 The Loli conception of whiteness .................................................................................... 81 3.4 Experiencing together? .................................................................................................... 85 4. The local victimized body ..................................................................................................... 90 4.1 Body parts ........................................................................................................................ 92 4.2 Blood and technologies .................................................................................................... 96 5. Space and its perception ...................................................................................................... 103 5.1 Space and land in Sumba contexts ................................................................................. 105 5.2 Tourism and Sumbanese contested spaces .................................................................... 109 5.2.1 The beach as an exemplary contested space ........................................................... 118 5.3 Space in penyamun rumors ............................................................................................ 122 5.4. Spatiotemporal settings ................................................................................................. 124 6. The after-effects of a rumor ................................................................................................. 126 6.1 Events: actors and mental models .................................................................................. 129 6.2 Repercussions of local outsiders .................................................................................... 132 6.3 Maintaining the imaginaries .......................................................................................... 136 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 139 References ............................................................................................................................... 144 Appendices .............................................................................................................................. 166 A. List of respondents cited in the thesis ....................................................................... 166 B. Audiovisual material ................................................................................................. 168 1. Introduction The real challenge we face is learning to “live with an alien culture’s estimation of ourselves”. (Nandy, 1987 as cited in Bashkow, 2006, p. 255) Tourism is supported by imaginaries and at the same time strengthens them. Ethnotourism1 is thus mainly based upon imaginaries about others, but the host side also gazes back. This counter- gaze (Evans-Pritchard, 1989; Hendry, 2000) or mutual gaze (Maoz, 2006) of ethnotourists and West Sumbanese people was the focal point of my research in Eastern Indonesia. I was interested in the processes through which otherness is construed, perceived, inculcated, grasped, lived, and also feared. Although tourism imaginaries can be studied in tourism settings by encountering