Thinking, Language, and Intelligence

Chapter 8 Thinking

Ø Solving Problems - algorithms

Ø Making Decisions and Judgments – confirmation bias

Ø Assessing Risk

Ø The Perils and Power of Intuition

Ø Blink Thinking

Ø “Blink” - Malcolm Gladwell

Ø Unconscious force in decisions = “adaptive unconscious”

Ø Snap judgments

Ø “Thin Slices”


Ø Language Development

Ø Thinking without Language

Ø Animal Thinking and Language Film - Power of Words


Dyslexia / Dysphasia

Ø – Ø Genetic or right brain dominance Ø Socially defined Ø Strategies - Ø Comprehension, not speed is important Ø “Fixing it” not right idea Ø Times of day important Ø Work schedule important Ø Practice writing and spelling Ø Tests’ accommodation Ø Use resource center

Intelligence - General Information

Ø First devised to identify slow learners Ø Two issues - Ø Whether IQ tests favor whites Ø H vs E controversy Ø Basic elements of intelligence Ø Creativity - a separate form of intelligence- Ø Unique ideas Ø IQ of about 120 Intelligence - General Information

Ø Research: Gordon Hodson a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario, Canada Ø People with low intelligence - Ø Hold prejudiced attitudes as adults Ø Gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies which stress hierarchy and resistance to change and offer structure and order

Ø Corresponds with racism and homophobia - Ø Attracts those who have trouble with people of other races and sexual orientation Ø Important: average over large groups Measuring Intelligence

Ø Mental age Ø Intelligence quotient (IQ) score Ø Tests - Ø Individual: Stanford-Binet; Wechsler Ø Group Ø Achievement Ø Aptitude Ø Reliability Ø Validity Ø Standardization ( norms)

Kinds of Intelligence

Ø Fluid intelligence Ø Crystallized intelligence Ø Practical intelligence Ø Savant syndrome Variations in Intelligence Ø = 69 IQ and below Ø Slower encoding; strong storage

Ø Independent functioning Ø Intellectually gifted = 130 and above Ø Twenty per cent of students not graduating from high school are gifted Ø Most prevalent characteristics / behaviors of giftedness Ø Problems of being gifted Heredity vs. Environment

Ø Culture-fair IQ tests

Ø Relative influence of H vs E – adoption studies

Ø Heritability

Ø Scarr & Weinberg research

Ø Stanford longitudinal study of gifted Group Differences in Test Scores

Ø Ethnic Differences – between individuals = reflection of genetic differences; between groups = environmental differences

Ø Gender Differences – greater male variability = more often in special education classes – talk later; stutter more

Ø Biased Test Questions Daniel Goleman- Emotional Intelligence

Ø It’s the master aptitude. Ø Important because it enables one to deal well with his own and other’s feelings Nature of Emotional Intelligence

Ø Definition of emotional intelligence - Ø Knowing one’s emotions Ø Managing one’s emotions appropriately Ø Motivating oneself in service of a goal Ø Recognizing emotions in others = – taps into mirror neurons Ø Handling relationships well Emotional Intelligence

Ø Ø Emotions often unconscious Ø Role of amygdala in early childhood Ø Art of soothing selves Ø Impulsivity Ø Flow Emotional Intelligence Applied

Ø Intimate enemies - marriage Ø Troubled marriages Ø Sign of dominance Ø Stonewalling and criticism Ø Cycle of revenge Ø Mind and medicine – toxic emotions