HANNAH ARENDT-A RETROSPECTIVE SY/I,1POSIUM Do Well to Reflect Upon the .Jewish Feminine ;.Ll'chetype,S'~Hich'ij;E E~Pecia:Ny',(; ,: Significant Now." ~
:. ::;:. <::. - Sel' ial~'De Pti(~,"<., ';', />.' .... ( Xerox Un! v.ers1tY"~,1.e;-cjf1~pl~;'.·, , , 369 N~ Ze~b.,Rd.:': i," ," Ann Arbor', '111 ~h .i"" : .,: 4810.6".:::',';··N;I:'.,·': ... I...... Shifra Bron;zniCK Steven M. Cohen Arnie Eisen Michael Strassfeld, " ' • Jeannette M~ B?,ron .'" David Biale .', Henry Feingold Sharon Muller . FEMININE ARGHETYF?ES'.lN"THE)BIBtE,' Everett Gendler,' ' ,,'. Number 39 ~; ; R'8S 0 S8 Editors Shifra Bronznick -1\RTICLES Steven Cohen, Publisher Anita Norich ISRAEL: OLD MYTHS AND NEWFACTS.~ Ellen Umansky A PERSONAL SYMPOSIUM, Steve Zipperstein . Ii) hap fhe B/cssillg- Why! am Ma/"'z"ng Aliyah', Contributing Hdiwr! Mitchell Cohen Amie Eisen ........... '. " ... , .. , .. <. ~.. ' : ••• ' ;; ..... """'",:,.,7 Leonard Levin "If Jewishness is ;Jt· the',cellter of one's life, o~e ta,.kes't.h~cr.~~ti?A;ofI~;ael"·1 Alan Minl1. witli LJltilllate. rersonal seriousness. .. ,0 whether,'one·;·shoiildn:ot' William Novak OJleas~{.S he Not Joel Rosenhcr~ living thcrr.:. out of guilt (though this guiLt v.,.o:ould'riot'beurihe'aithy)i; Zev Shanken nor out ~)r obligation (though I feel a certain 'obligation), n.9rbecaus~a1iY:i4.· Lucy Y. Steinit I is nccessary to become a better Jew (it isn()~). On,e.goes,'ifonesq·.'de9i4~:s,;·, hccausc onc physically cannot sit by and let other people1;)low it:.",. '''0., "RESPONSE: A ContcmpOf"ry Jt'wish Review, IS :111 Illdq)('Il(knl lour 11.11 (>I Jewish expression, T()ward a Creative Dia.s'pora Michael St r<lssfcld ..... :' RESPONSE is a'11 affUiatc of tht' Jc\"ish Student Pn'ss SnvIl'e. :llld I~ ;1 rllcrll bn . of''the North American Jewish Stmknt Appeal.
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