Management Lessons from Advaita Bhavesh a Kinkhabwala
143 Management Lessons from Advaita Bhavesh A Kinkhabwala Introduction Acharya Shankara is a thorough, outright one. he word ‘Advaita’ is very beautiful. It As indicated by him, whatever is, is Brahman. Tliterally means ‘non-dual’. Dvaita means Brahman itself is totally homogeneous. All dis- ‘dual’ and the prefix ‘a’ negates the exist- tinctions and plurality are deceptive.3 ence of duality so, there is no ‘two’ but, ‘one’. It Dualism, Dvaita; qualified monism, Vish- could be simpler, if we said ‘one’, but then, the ishtadvaita; and Monism, Advaita; are the three next question would be, is there ‘two’; so by say- different fundamental schools of metaphysical ing non-dual, it conveys the clear and firm mes- ideas. They are altogether different stages to the sage of being just one, that is non-dual. final stage of the ultimate Truth, namely,para- Acharya Shankara’s ‘philosophical stand- brahma. They are the steps on the stepping stool point can be tried to be summed up in a sin- of yoga. They are not in any manner conflicting gle word “Advaita”—NonDuality. The objective but, in actuality, they are complementary to one of Advaita is to is to make an individual under- another. These stages are amicably orchestrated in stand his or her fundamental (profound) char- an evaluated arrangement of spiritual experiences. acter with the preeminent realty [sic] “Nirakar Dualism, qualified monism, pure monism—all Brahm” and reality that there is no “two” yet one these come full circle inevitably in the Advaita and only. Advaita shows us to see the substance Vedantic acknowledgement of the Absolute or of oneself in each one and that nobody is sep- the supra-normal trigunatita ananta Brahman.
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