Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Biotechnology for Biofuels

RESEARCH Open Access Development of a metabolic pathway transfer and genomic integration system for the syngas‑fermenting bacterium ljungdahlii Gabriele Philipps1, Sebastian de Vries1,2 and Stefan Jennewein1*

Abstract Background: Clostridium spp. can synthesize valuable chemicals and fuels by utilizing diverse waste-stream sub- strates, including starchy biomass, lignocellulose, and industrial waste gases. However, metabolic engineering in Clostridium spp. is challenging due to the low efciency of gene transfer and genomic integration of entire biosyn- thetic pathways. Results: We have developed a reliable gene transfer and genomic integration system for the syngas-fermenting bacterium Clostridium ljungdahlii based on the conjugal transfer of donor plasmids containing large transgene cas- settes (> 5 kb) followed by the inducible activation of Himar1 transposase to promote integration. We established a conjugation protocol for the efcient generation of transconjugants using the Gram-positive origins of replica- tion repL and repH. We also investigated the impact of DNA methylation on conjugation efciency by testing donor constructs with all possible combinations of Dam and Dcm methylation patterns, and used bisulfte conversion and PacBio sequencing to determine the DNA methylation profle of the C. ljungdahlii genome, resulting in the detection of four sequence motifs with ­N6-methyladenosine. As proof of concept, we demonstrated the transfer and genomic integration of a heterologous acetone biosynthesis pathway using a Himar1 transposase system regulated by a xylose-inducible promoter. The functionality of the integrated pathway was confrmed by detecting enzyme proteo- typic peptides and the formation of acetone and isopropanol by C. ljungdahlii cultures utilizing syngas as a carbon and energy source. Conclusions: The developed multi-gene delivery system ofers a versatile tool to integrate and stably express large biosynthetic pathways in the industrial promising syngas-fermenting microorganism C. ljungdahlii. The simple transfer and stable integration of large gene clusters (like entire biosynthetic pathways) is expanding the range of possible fermentation products of heterologously expressing recombinant strains. We also believe that the developed gene delivery system can be adapted to other clostridial strains as well. Keywords: Synthetic biology, Metabolic engineering, Acetogen, Conjugation, Inducible promoter, Himar1 transposase, Genomic integration, Syngas fermentation, Isopropanol, Acetone, Bio-fuels

*Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Department for Industrial Biotechnology, Fraunhofer IME, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Forckenbeckstr. 6, 52074 Aachen, Germany Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Introduction between Gram-negative and Gram-positive [13] Te microbial conversion of industrial waste streams and from bacteria to eukaryotes [14]. Tis method has into bulk chemicals and fuels is a promising approach to been used for DNA transfer to C. beijerinckii NCIMB reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ofset the efects 8052 (formerly Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIB 8052) of climate change [1]. Te bacterial genus Clostridium [15] and C. perfringens [16] and is the standard method includes several species that can produce valuable chemi- for DNA transfer to C. difcile [17]. Although conjuga- cal building blocks, such as acetone, organic acids, and tion is an efcient strategy for gene transfer to Clostrid­ various short/medium-chain alcohols [2]. For industrial- ium spp., the donor plasmid is susceptible to the host’s scale production, the feedstock is often starchy plant restriction–modifcation system [18]. Te decline in con- material that provides sugars as a carbon and energy jugation efciency caused by unmethylated recognition source, e.g., C. acetobutylicum can produce acetone using sites within the donor plasmid sequence has been dem- starch as a substrate [3]. However, one drawback is that onstrated for C. difcile [17]. Plasmid instability is also starch crops cultivated for industrial purposes compete an important issue, especially in an industrial context with food and feed crops. A more attractive feedstock where the bulk use of antibiotics to maintain selection is synthesis gas (syngas), a mixture of carbon monoxide, pressure is too expensive [19, 20]. Tese issues can be carbon dioxide, and hydrogen, which is emitted in large addressed by targeted genomic integration, as has been amounts e.g., by the steel industry and can be produced demonstrated using the ClosTron system based on group by the gasifcation of municipal waste [4]. C. ljungdahlii II introns [21]. Various transposon systems have also and C. autoethanogenum among others can utilize syn- been used to achieve non-targeted integration, includ- gas as a sole carbon and energy source [4, 5]. Tese spe- ing the conjugative transposon Tn916 [22–24] and non- cies use the reductive acetyl-CoA pathway, also known as conjugative transposons such as Tn5 [25, 26]. While most the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway, to reduce CO, ­CO2, and approaches use transposon mutagenesis as a means for ­H2 to the key metabolite acetyl-CoA, which is processed reverse genetics to disrupt genes [23–25, 27], it has also further into biomass and the main fermentation products been applied to integrate entire biosynthetic pathways ethanol and acetate [6–8]. into several Gram-negative bacteria species [26, 28]. A Te ability of certain Clostridium species to convert useful alternative is the mariner-type transposon Himar1 syngas into acetyl-CoA, a central biochemical building from Haematobia irritans [29], which has the capabil- block, could be exploited to produce additional chemi- ity to deliver biosynthetic pathways as large as 29.6 and cals by extending and modifying the corresponding 57.5 kb into the genome [30]. Te Himar1 transposase ­metabolic pathways. However, the genetic manipulation facilitates the random and even multiple integration of of Gram-positive bacteria remains much more challeng- DNA sequences fanked by ~ 27-bp inverted terminal ing than the amenable processes developed for model repeats (ITRs) without additional cofactors [29], making Gram-negative species such as Escherichia coli, due to the system applicable in any host including Clostridium the physiological and biochemical distinctions between spp. [31]. Te integration occurs by a ‘cut and paste’ these groups of bacteria. Successful metabolic engi- mechanism in the 2-bp TA target sequence of Himar1, neering in Gram-positive bacteria requires a strategy to which is duplicated upon insertion [32]. Te Staphylococ­ achieve the introduction of multiple transgenes encoding cus xylosus xylose-inducible promoter–repressor system appropriate enzymes and to ensure their stable integra- [33] is functional in C. acetobutylicum [34] and can be tion and expression, while overcoming the restriction– used to induce the transposase. After conjugal transfer of methylation system of the host. the donor plasmid, the addition of xylose induces Himar1 Multi-gene transformation in Gram-positive bacte- transposase expression and promotes the integration of ria can be achieved using traditional approaches such as one or more copies of the cassette bounded by the ITRs electroporation, but the efciency of gene transfer tends for increased transgene stability, with multiple integra- to be inversely proportional to the plasmid size, as shown tion events enhancing the gene dosage and ultimately the in other species such as E. coli [9, 10]. Optimal param- anticipated product yield. eters must be established empirically or systematically Here we describe the development of an efcient con- for each species [11]. An alternative strategy is conjuga- jugation and genomic integration protocol that allows the tion, a natural DNA transfer process that requires only transfer of large gene cassettes, e.g. coding for entire met- the presence of a dedicated origin of transfer (oriT) abolic pathways, to the host species C. ljungdahlii and on the donor plasmid, with all other functions (tra and thus facilitates the production of diferent bulk chemicals mob genes) provided in trans [12]. Conjugation is ver- and fuels from a syngas-fermenting bacterial strain. Te satile because it mobilizes large plasmids efciently and industrial scaling of such a process would allow the recy- can transfer DNA between species, including transfer cling of syngas, reducing the environmental harm caused Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 3 of 14

Helper strain Donor strain Recipient strain Genomic integraon strain (E. coli) (E. coli) (C. ljungdahlii) (C. ljungdahlii)

+ 2% Xylose Genome Genome • genomic Integraon ermC tra &mob Cluster oriT bla xylR bla xylR g-ori g-ori H1 H1 repeated pRK2013 oriT Plasmid of oriT Plasmid of interest interest catP ermC catP ermC culvaon g-ori g+ ori Cluster g+ ori Cluster • plasmid loss

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the triparental mating and genomic integration process. A helper strain (E. coli Stbl3) is used to provide the genes necessary for conjugation in trans on the helper plasmid pRK2013. Once the helper plasmid is transferred through the conjugation bridge, the donor strain with the plasmid of interest can transfer its cargo to the recipient Clostridium strain via conjugation. The mechanism of plasmid transfer between Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria is currently unknown and is indicated by a dotted arrow. Genomic integration is induced by the addition of 2% xylose to the medium. Plasmid loss is promoted by repeated cultivation in YTF medium with selection on d-cycloserine and clarithromycin only, omitting thiamphenicol by its release, and channeling this waste stream into the the broad-range origin repH (pCB102) to generate the production of valuable chemicals. fnal vector pSOS-traJ-repH. Triparental mating was carried out using donor and Results and discussion helper strains of E. coli and the recipient strain of C. ljung­ Development and optimization of a conjugation protocol dahlii (Fig. 1). We used the E. coli B-strain NEB Express for C. ljungdahlii as a donor, since it was reported that B-strains achieve Te syngas-fermenting bacterium C. ljungdahlii ofers higher C. ljungdahlii transformation efciencies by elec- the tantalizing prospect of converting an important troporation than K-strains [40]. Te helper strain Stbl3 industrial waste stream into environmentally sustainable carries the vector pRK2013, which supplies the necessary platform chemicals and fuels. Although the availability of tra and mob functions in trans [41]. a complete C. ljungdahlii genome sequence will facilitate Several conjugation methods were tested with vari- this process [35], several technical challenges must be able results. Te most straight-forward method (con- addressed before efcient metabolic engineering is pos- centrating, washing, and incubating the mixed strains in sible, including the low efciency of transformation with liquid medium overnight, as often used with E. coli) was large gene cassettes [36]. Te latter refects a combina- unsuccessful. Switching to solid rich medium achieved tion of factors including inefcient gene transfer, a hostile better results as suggested by Willets [42], although the host restriction–modifcation system, and the instability frequency of transconjugant C. ljungdahlii colonies var- of plasmid DNA. ied widely among experimental replicates. We therefore We addressed these challenges by developing a robust investigated the relationship between the conjugation gene delivery system based on conjugation, which ef- efciency and culture volume by conducting parallel tri- ciently transfers large plasmids, combined with an induc- parental mating experiments in liquid medium and on ible Himar1 transposase to facilitate cassette integration solid medium poured either 2 days or 2 weeks before into the C. ljungdahlii genome. To establish and opti- conjugation, which results in the absorption of diferent mize the conjugation procedure for C. ljungdahlii, the quantities of the concentrated conjugation broth. We also oriT region of the broad host range IncPα plasmid RK2 varied the amount of conjugation broth applied to the [37, 38] was transferred to a derivative of pSOS95 vector, plates (100 µl or 1 ml). which contains the repL (pIM13) origin of replication for Te lower mating culture volume (100 µl) on a fresh Gram-positive bacteria [34, 39], resulting in the vector plate gave comparable results to plating the higher vol- pSOS-traJ. Several further origins of replication are suit- ume (1 ml) onto older plates, but the combination of the able for C. ljungdahlii [40], and to extend the potential of lower mating culture volume and the well-dried plate for our conjugation platform we therefore replaced repL with overnight mating gave the best results (Fig. 2a). Placing Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 4 of 14

200 poor on the plate or is inhibited by selection pressure, a so the harvested cultures were poured into the plates after mating, using low-melting-point agarose to prevent 150 heat shock. Te impact of these minor procedural difer- ences may explain the range of conjugation frequencies 100 reported by diferent research groups using an identical cf u protocol [43]. To verify the complete transfer of the donor plasmid, 50 10 transconjugant colonies were picked randomly and the isolated plasmid DNA was reintroduced into E. coli 0 for restriction analysis. Digestion of the plasmids with liquidplate (2d) plate (2d) plate (2w) plate (2w) HindIII revealed the anticipated restriction pattern 1000µl 100µl 1000µl 100µl (unpublished observations). 1000 b The impact of diferent origins of replication We compared two diferent origins of replication that are

100 known to function in C. ljungdahlii and other Gram-pos- itive bacteria: repL (replicon pIM13, derived from Bacil­

cf u lus subtilis) and repH (replicon pCB102, derived from C. butyricum). Both origins were used with the same donor 10 plasmid backbone, pSOS-traJ. Te repH origin was the most efcient, generating two orders of magnitude more transconjugant C. ljungdahlii colonies than repL (Fig. 2b). 1 Tis supports the results achieved using the same origins pSOS-traJ repL pSOS-traJ repH with an electroporation protocol [40] although no frm

1000 conclusions can be drawn because the vector backbones c and selection procedures were diferent in this earlier study. It is unclear whether the better performance of the 100 repH origin refected its impact on mating efciency (i.e., transfer) or stability (i.e., replication and maintenance).

cf u Our experiments indicate the latter is more likely, given 10 the larger number of repH transformants recovered by plasmid rescue and the tendency for repL transformants to undergo a sudden arrest in cell growth after several 1 passages. Te instability of repL plasmids in C. ljungda­ dam+ dcm- dam+ dcm+ dam- dcm+ dam- dcm- hlii has been reported before [40, 44]. However, the insta- NEB Express NEB 10β GM4714 NEB dam- bility of repL plasmids can be of advantage, when limited dcm- plasmid stability is desirable. Fig. 2 Number of transconjugants per plate when using diferent A typical mating efciency in our hands was 2.4 10−6 mating setups. a The same number of cells was subjected to diferent × mating conditions. Conjugation was performed in liquid medium, transconjugants per recipient cell. Tis is in the range applied as 1000 µl or 100 µl onto freshly poured plates (2 days) or reported for inter-species transfer especially between as 1000 µl or 100 µl onto 2-week-old well-dried YTF agar plates Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. For exam- (2 weeks). b Conjugation was performed using donor plasmids with ple, Strätz et al. [45] reported a transfer efciency the Clostridium origin of replication repL and repH. c E. coli strains of ~ 7.3 10−6 per recipient when transferring a plasmid with diferent dam and dcm methylation patterns were used as the × donor strain containing pSOS-traJ repH. The data represent biological from E. coli to Acetobacterium woodii. Efciencies rang- −5 −9 triplicates with standard deviations ing from 4.7 × 10 to less than 3.3 × 10 per recipient have been reported for conjugation between E. coli and C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 (formerly C. acetobutylicum NCIB 8052) [15]. Although successful conjugation has unsealed fresh plates face down at 37 °C for 1–2 days been reported between E. coli and C. cellulolyticum [46], accelerated the drying process and also increased the C. difcile [17], and C. perfringens [16], conjugation has number of transconjugants (unpublished observations). not yet been achieved between E. coli and C. acetobutyli­ Te growth of freshly transformed C. ljungdahlii can be cum ATCC 824 [47]. Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 5 of 14

Table 1 Results of PacBio sequencing Motif and modifed Modifcation type Number of modifed motifs Number of motifs Percentage position detected in genome of modifed motifs detected (%)

CAGNNNNNGAT​ m6A 581 2338 24.85 ATCNNNNNCTG​ m6A 494 2338 21.13 GAAT​AYC m6A 251 1375 18.25 GATAA​ T m6A 740 5769 12.83 CAAAA​AR m6A 504 4717 10.68

Summary of the detected motifs with methylated adenine residues (underlined)

The infuence of donor strain dam and dcm methylation DNA methylation profling using bisulfte conversion on conjugation efciency and PacBio sequencing Host DNA is often protected from endogenous restric- Another potential drawback of the diverse restric- tion endonucleases by modifcation, which typically tion–modifcation systems of diferent bacteria [51] is involves the methylation of certain bases at the enzyme’s the unpredictable impact of further host DNA restric- recognition site [18]. Te efciency of C. ljungdahlii­ tion enzymes on heterologous transgenes. We therefore transformation by electroporation was reported to be investigated the C. ljungdahlii global DNA methylation higher when using plasmids isolated from an E. coli profle to identify unique characteristics of this species B-strain with Dam methylase activity but lacking Dcm that might afect conjugation efciency or transgene methylase activity (dam+dcm−) compared to the same expression. Bacterial genomes often contain 5-methyl- plasmids isolated from a K strain (dam−dcm+) [40]. cytidine (m5C), ­N4-methylcytidine (m4C), and/or Furthermore, both Dam and Dcm methylation inhibit ­N6-methyladenosine (m6A), and various methods are transformation and conjugation in C. pasteurianum available to map these residues [52]. Putative m5C resi- NRRL B-598 [48], and Dcm methylation reduces the dues were mapped by sequencing after bisulfte conver- efciency of transformation by electroporation in C. sion, a deamination reaction that converts unmethylated thermocellum DSM1313 [49]. Dam methylase modi- and therefore unprotected cytidine residues to uridine fes adenosine residues in the GATC motif, whereas and thus changes the base-paring properties at that site Dcm methylase modifes the second cytidine residue compared to the reference genome. However, compari- in the CCWGG motif. To investigate the efect of dam son with the reference sequence for C. ljungdahlii DSM and dcm methylation backgrounds on conjugation 13528 (GenBank CP001666.1) revealed no evidence for and colony forming efciency, E. coli strains with all the presence of m5C residues. Putative m6A residues four possible combinations of dam and dcm methyla- were mapped by PacBio sequencing, using a culture har- tion were transformed with pSOS-traJ-repH and used vested in the logarithmic growth phase (Table 1). Te as the donor strain for conjugation (Fig. 2c). Although most prominent motif was C­ m6AGNNNNNGAT (25% the dam+dcm+ strain generated the most colonies and of potential sites methylated) together with its reverse the dam−dcm− strain generated the fewest, the difer- complement m6ATCNNNNNCTG (21% of potential ences were not extensive and we conclude that (at least sites methylated). Other sites were methylated at lower under our conditions) Dam and Dcm methylation do frequencies: GAATm6​ AYC (18%), GATAm6​ AT (13%), not substantially infuence the success of conjugation and CAAAA​m6AR (11%). Te data were submitted to between E. coli and C. ljungdahlii. Our data suggest that REBASE (http://rebas​ [53]. C. ljungdahlii has no adverse restriction methylation Te C. ljungdahlii methylation profle is therefore simi- system or alternatively that conjugation circumvents lar to that of C. autoethanogenum, which features m6A the restriction system due to its single stranded DNA residues in the motifs CAAAAm6​ AR, GWTAm6​ AT, and transfer mechanism and rapid methylation of the newly SNNGCAm6​ AT [54] probably due to its close evolu- synthesized double stranded DNA [50]. Nevertheless, tionary relationship with C. ljungdahlii [55]. However, we recommend the cloning strain NEB10β (dam+dcm+) the above-mentioned motifs showed a methylation not only for its superior performance but also because frequency of more than 85% in C. autoethanogenum it has an endA1 and recA genotype, which abolishes [54]. Te low frequency of methylated sites in our sam- nonspecifc endonuclease I activity and homologous ple may refect the testing of samples in the logarithmic recombination. growth phase, which may show limited methylation due to concurrent DNA replication [56]. Interestingly, the Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 6 of 14

­Cm6AGNNNNNGAT and m6ATCNNNNNCTG sites acetobutylicum thlA and ctfA-ctfB genes were used that are methylated in C. ljungdahlii are unmethylated because this species is a natural producer of acetone [3]. in C. autoethanogenum. Tese motifs match the antici- However, the C. acetobutylicum Adc enzyme is inhibited pated target sites for type I restriction–methylation sys- by CO [59, 60], so we used the C. beijerinckii adc gene tems, which comprise separate methylation, sequence instead. Te three corresponding enzymes catalyze the recognition, and endonuclease domains [57], predicted production of acetone from the intermediate acetyl-CoA to be represented by the proteins M.CljII (CLJU_c03310), (Fig. 3c). Te gene cluster was placed under the control of S.CljII (CLJU_c03320), and CljIIP (CLJU_c03330) in C. the strong C. acetobutylicum ptb promoter and upstream ljungdahlii, respectively [53]. of the C. pasteurianum DSM525 fdx transcriptional ter- minator. After verifying the nucleotide sequence of the Design of a versatile E. coli–C. ljungdahlii shuttle vector vector by DNA sequencing, triparental mating was car- for genomic integration ried out as described above with C. ljungdahlii as the DNA transfer by conjugation must be followed by the recipient strain. Te 12-kb plasmid was successfully stable genomic integration of a transgene cassette in transferred to the recipient as shown by comparative order to maintain the new phenotype in the absence of restriction analysis after plasmid isolation and reintro- selection. We therefore developed a new E. coli–C. ljung­ duction into E. coli NEB10β (Additional fle 1: Figure S1). dahlii shuttle vector for this purpose (Fig. 3a). Even larger constructs of 18, 20, and 25.6 kb were also Te shuttle vector includes a pMB1 origin of replica- successfully transferred by conjugation (unpublished tion and bla selectable marker for high-copy-number observations). maintenance and selection in E. coli, and a repL origin For genomic integration, a single transconjugant con- of replication for maintenance in C. ljungdahlii. Addi- taining pIM-Ace#22 was grown repeatedly in YTF tionally to bla, the catP and ermC selectable markers medium containing clarithromycin and d-cycloserine are included because only they can be used for propa- for selection and 2% (w/v) xylose to induce transposase gation in both E. coli and C. ljungdahlii (catP is located activity (Fig. 1). Subsequently, 100 µl of the suspension on the non-integrating vector backbone and ermC is was spread onto YTF agar plates without xylose or anti- present as part of the transgene cassette and is used for biotics, and the resulting colonies were replica plated the further selection of integrants). Te vector also con- onto medium containing either clarithromycin or thiam- tains a Himar1 transposase gene controlled by a xylose- phenicol to identify the integrants. Colonies containing inducible promoter–repressor system [33], allowing the episomal plasmids remain resistant to both antibiotics induction of transposase activity. Te transgene cassette whereas integrants should be sensitive to thiampheni- (including ermC) is fanked by ITRs, which act as the sub- col but resistant to clarithromycin. Te latter colonies strate for the transposase. Te ermC gene is also fanked were picked and inoculated into fresh medium to allow by fippase recognition target (FRT) sites recognized by the extraction and analysis of genomic DNA. Te site FLP recombinase, to allow subsequent marker removal of genomic integration was identifed by inverse PCR and additional rounds of integration with the same cas- (Additional fle 2: Figure S2). Strain Ace#22-24 was inves- sette or a diferent one. An oriT/traJ region allows plas- tigated in more detail, revealing that the cassette had mid transfer by conjugation. SLIC sites are also present to integrated within a gene encoding a putative membrane facilitate cloning strategies for the introduction of addi- protein (CLJU_c32170) at position 3523326. An analyti- tional transgenes by Gibson assembly. A variant of the cal PCR confrmed the integration at this position and shuttle vector containing repH and a hyperactive Himar1 loss of the plasmid backbone (Additional fle 3: Figure transposase (H1C9) [58] was generated as well result- S3). Whole-genome sequencing was carried out to verify ing in pIM-SLIC-H1C9-repH. As discussed above, the the site of integration, revealing the integration of a single inclusion of a repH origin of replication instead of repL copy of the complete 5-kb cassette comprising the ace- generated a larger number of transconjugants (Fig. 2b), tone cluster and the ermC selectable marker between two which may rather refect the ability of repH to maintain ITRs. Successful genomic integration was also confrmed the plasmid as an episome. However, the use of the repL for an 11.1-kb fragment (unpublished observations) indi- origin is more suitable when rapid vector loss is desirable. cating that Himar1 transposase can facilitate the integra- tion of even larger DNA fragments into the C. ljungdahlii Proof of principle using a Clostridium acetone biosynthesis genome. pathway Although Himar1 transposase has mostly been used Te new shuttle vector was tested by introducing a for the generation of random mutagenesis libraries [31, clostridial acetone biosynthesis pathway (Fig. 3b), 61, 62] and also for complementation in a mutant Rickett­ comprising the genes adc, thlA, and ctfA-ctfB. Te C. sia rickettsii strain [63], we have shown for the frst time Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 7 of 14

a bla xylR

rep pMB1

pIM-SLIC traJ 8731 bps H1 oriT


SwaI P-ptb fdx-T ermC repL MCS ITR FRT


adc thlA ctfA ctfB c

O ThlA O O CtfA/CtfB O O Adc O SCoA SCoA OH Acetyl-CoAACoA cetoacetyl-CoA Acetoacetate Acetone Acetate CO Acetyl-CoA 2 NAD(P)H psAdh Wood-Ljungdahl + pathway NAD(P) OH

CO, CO2, H2 Isopropanol Fig. 3 E. coli-Clostridium shuttle vector for the inducible genomic integration of an acetone biosynthesis gene cluster. a The vector pIM-SLIC contains a multiple cloning site (MCS) and a SwaI restriction site to allow directed and undirected insertion of cassettes. b A cluster comprising the four genes necessary for acetone biosynthesis (adc, thlA, ctfA-ctfB) was inserted by Gibson assembly via the SLIC sites (dark blue triangles) between the ptb promoter (P-ptb, yellow) and the fdx terminator (fdx-T, orange) resulting in pIM-Ace#22. c In C. ljungdahlii acetyl-CoA is derived from syngas

(CO, ­CO2, ­H2) via the Wood–Ljungdahl pathway. Acetyl-CoA is used as a starting material for acetone biosynthesis by the engineered pathway. Acetone biosynthesis starts with the condensation of two acetyl-CoA molecules to acetoacetyl-CoA and the release of one molecule of CoA by acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (ThlA). The CoA is then transferred to an acetate molecule by the CoA-transferase (CtfA/CtfB) to yield acetoacetate. Finally, acetone is generated via a decarboxylation reaction catalyzed by acetoacetate decarboxylase (Adc). However, the obtained acetone gets reduced by an endogenous primary secondary alcohol dehydrogenase (psAdh) to the secondary alcohol isopropanol Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 8 of 14

that the same system can be used for the introduction In a previous report, the expression of heterologous of several genes corresponding to complete metabolic acetone biosynthesis genes resulted in the production pathways into the C. ljungdahlii genome. Te analysis of of 13 mM acetone in C. ljungdahlii using syngas as the additional C. ljungdahlii strains possessing Himar1 trans- carbon source with an inducible expression system [65]. poson mediated genomic integrations revealed a random Te diference in fnal product concentration and profle distribution throughout the genome (unpublished obser- may refect diferences in the detection methods used vations). Te C. ljungdahlii genome is remarkably AT- or a gene dosage efect, given that our strain contained rich (68.9%) thus ofering great variety in terms of the a single copy of the transgene cassette. Te ability of C. integration site, which allows the exploitation of position ljungdahlii to reduce acetone to isopropanol refects efects that could modulate the expression of the inte- the activity of a secondary alcohol dehydrogenase— grated transgenes [64]. Te xylose-inducible promoter such activity has already been detected in C. ragsdahlii system [33] was useful as a transposase control strategy. but not in C. carboxidivorans [71]. Te corresponding Although xylose is metabolized by C. ljungdahlii [5] 2% C. autoethanogenum and C. ljungdahlii enzymes have (w/v) of xylose for induction was sufcient and was not been characterized more recently [72]. Te production metabolized to completion during cultivation (unpub- of 0.6 mM acetone and 2.4 mM isopropanol by C. ljung­ lished observations). Recently, an alternative induc- dahlii strain Ace#22-24 in this study suggests that up to ible expression system for C. ljungdahlii was introduced, 3 mM acetone could be generated if the alcohol dehydro- based on the lac promoter employing lactose, which does genase was inactivated, e.g., by gene knockout. However, not serve as carbon source in C. ljungdahlii [65]. isopropanol itself is a valuable substance, since it can be Gene transfer to Clostridium spp. for the purpose of used as a drop-in fuel in order to reduce crystallization transgene integration has also been achieved using tar- temperature of biodiesel [73]. geted methods, including the ClosTron system based on A steadily growing toolbox of strategies becomes avail- group II introns [21, 66], allele coupled exchange [67] and able to increase product yields of the desired products the use of counter-selectable markers during screening in the genus Clostridium. A recent study in A. woodii [68]. Te targeting of specifc genomic sites allows these showed the impact of diferent promoters and difer- methods to be used for gene knockout and knock-in pro- ent origins of replication (resulting in diferent plasmid cedures. Although the ClosTron system is a valuable tool copy numbers) on the heterologous expression of the to generate deletion mutants, its efciency declines when C. acetobutylicum acetone gene cluster, resulting in the introducing heterologous sequences of more than 1 kb accumulation of up to 15.2 mM acetone in sealed serum [69]. An elaborate but laborious multistep process system bottles [74]. Hence, further improvements in the yield of has been used to integrate 40 kb of heterologous DNA this or other heterologous metabolic pathways might be into the C. acetobutylicum genome [70]. achieved by selecting strong native, heterologous or even synthetic promoters [75], screening for mutants with dif- ferent integration sites or multiple copies of the cassette, Expression of the acetone cluster genes and product knocking out competing pathways using CRISPR/Cas9 formation and related technologies [76], in addition to standard Finally, having confrmed the integration of an intact cas- approaches such as medium and process optimization. sette in strain Ace#22-24, we used targeted proteomics to confrm the presence of the corresponding heterologous Conclusion enzymes. Accordingly, in addition to the internal con- Te difculty of transferring large DNA fragments into trol peptides, we also detected the proteotypic peptides the genome of C. ljungdahlii represented a major obsta- for TlA, CtfA, CtfB, and Adc, with Adc producing the cle, which severely limited the metabolic engineering weakest ion counts (Additional fle 4: Figure S4). of this industrial relevant organism. In order to obtain To verify the activity of the transgene cluster, we products such as acetone/isopropanol or other bio- measured the amount of acetone and alcohol produced chemicals and bio-fuels from syngas, a method for trans- by strain Ace#22-24. Terefore, a serum bottle contain- ferring metabolic pathways comprising several genes is ing modifed ATCC medium was inoculated with the required. Furthermore, for the purpose of obtaining a genomic integrant of C. ljungdahlii and gassed for 15 s stable industrial fermentation strain, genomic integration with artifcial syngas (comprising an equimolar mixture of heterologous genes is desirable. We were able to trans- of CO, CO­ 2, and H­ 2). After incubation for 2 weeks in a fer plasmids of up to 25.6 kb by conjugation and integrate sealed bottle in the syngas atmosphere, the acetone con- clusters of up to 11.1 kb into the genome of C. ljungdahlii. centration was 0.6 mM, the ethanol concentration was Tis method shows the clear advantage over other sys- 9 mM, and we also detected 2.4 mM isopropanol (Fig. 4). tems based e.g., on homologous recombination, in that it Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 9 of 14

140 60

wild type l wt Ace#22-24 50 120 Ace22-24.1 l

40 Isopropano Ethano 100 30 andard) st x 10000 20 ] 80 e [CPS 10 (Internal Aceton nsity

te 60 0

In 1.82.0 2.22.4 2.62.8 e Propanediol 1,3

40 Acetat


0 12345678 Time [min] Fig. 4 Chromatogram of fermentative products of C. ljungdahlii wild type and integration strain Ace#22-24. C. ljungdahlii wild type (black) and

integration strain Ace#22-24 containing the acetone biosynthesis cluster (red) were grown in modifed medium on syngas (33% CO, 33% CO­ 2, 33% ­H2) for 2 weeks. The supernatant was analyzed by GC–MS does not require additional cloning of homology arms or necessary for efcient conjugation [78]. All E. coli strains preparation of a target site within the genome of the host were cultivated aerobically at 37 °C in LB medium strain [68, 77]. In this example, we have demonstrated according to Lennox (Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) proof of principle for the construction, conjugal trans- on a rotary shaker at 160 rpm. For single-reagent selec- fer and genomic integration of an acetone biosynthesis tion, the fnal antibiotic concentrations were 100 µg/ml pathway in C. ljungdahlii. Functionality was confrmed ampicillin, 250 µg/ml erythromycin, 34 µg/ml chloram- by the formation of acetone and isopropanol from syn- phenicol, and 100 µg/ml kanamycin. For double or triple gas. Our straight-forward strategy for gene delivery and selection, the antibiotic concentrations were reduced to integration provides a basis for the bio-based production 50 µg/ml ampicillin, 50 µg/ml erythromycin, and (where of chemicals and fuels using industrial waste streams not applicable) 3.4 µg/ml chloramphenicol. C. ljungdahlii only in syngas-fermenting strains but our approach can DSM-13528 (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikro-organis- be easily adapted to other clostridial strains as well. men und Zellkulturen GmbH, Leibniz, Germany) was cultivated in a Bactron-IV anaerobic workbench (Shel- Materials and methods lab, Cornelius, OR, USA) under strict anaerobic condi- Bacterial strains and cultivation tions (5% H­ 2, 10% CO­ 2, 85% N­ 2; Westfalen AG, Münster, A detailed list of bacterial strains used in this study Germany). Te cells were cultivated without shaking in is provided in Additional fle 5: Table S1. E. coli strains yeast tryptone fructose (YTF) medium (16 g/l tryptone, NEB10β and NEB Express (New England Biolabs, 10 g/l yeast extract, 4 g/l sodium chloride (pH 6.0) sup- Ipswich, MA, USA) were used as conjugation donors. plemented with 5 g/l fructose, 0.75 g/l l-cysteine and NEB10β was also used for general plasmid cloning pro- optionally 2 mg/l resazurin as a redox indicator). Alter- cedures. E. coli conjugation helper strain Stbl3 was used natively, modifed Protein Expression Technology Center as part of the ­GeneArt® Seamless PLUS Cloning and (PETC) 1754 medium (ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA) was Assembly Kit (Termo Fisher Scientifc, Waltham, MA, used as a defned medium by replacing sodium bicarbo- USA). Tis strain contains pRK2013, which provides nate with 20 mM Bis–Tris. For cultivation on solid plates, the mob (mobility) and tra (transfer) gene functions we added 1.5% (w/v) BD Difco agar (Becton–Dickinson, Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 10 of 14

Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA). When pouring the liquid cul- Te pIM-Ace#22 vector was prepared by amplifying tures into plates, we added 1.5% (w/v) low-melting-point the complete acetone gene cluster in pSOS-MCS-acetone agarose (Carl Roth). Low-level oxygen contamination using Herculase II DNA polymerase (Agilent Technolo- was detected on agar plates prepared as above (omitting gies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and primers Ace_096 and l-cysteine but including resazurin) by incubating them Ace_087, resulting in a 3.3-kb product. Vector pIM- in an anaerobic atmosphere. Where applicable, antibiot- SLIC was amplifed as above using primers Gn_026 and ics were used at the following concentrations: 4 µg/ml Gn_027. Te products were combined by isothermal clarithromycin, 4 µg/ml thiamphenicol, and 200 µg/ml in vitro recombination at 50 °C. Te primers used in this d-cycloserine (the latter to counter-select against E. coli). study are listed in Additional fle 6: Table S2.

Vector construction Conjugation (triparental mating) Shuttle vector pSOS-MCS is based on pSOS95 (Gen- A pre-culture of C. ljungdahlii inoculated from an expo- Bank AY187686.1; [79]). A BamHI-NarI fragment con- nentially growing culture was cultivated overnight in YTF taining the ctfA-ctfB-adc cassette was replaced with the medium and diluted the following morning to an ­OD600 multiple cloning site from pYUBDuet, prepared with of 0.05. Te diluted culture was incubated anaerobically the same enzymes. A cluster containing the acetone at 37 °C and split successively into several tubes depend- biosynthesis pathway was designed, encompassing the ing on the number of planned conjugations (40 ml each) genes for acetoacetate decarboxylase (adc, CA_P0165, and was grown until the ­OD600 reached 0.2–0.3. Clostridium beijerinckii), acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase In the meantime, an inoculation loop full of E. coli (thlA CA_C2873, C. acetobutylicum), CoA-transferase helper strain Stbl3 with pRK2013 and donor strain NEB subunit A (ctfA, CA_P0163, C. acetobutylicum), and Express or NEB 10β containing the plasmid to be con- CoA-transferase subunit B (ctfB, CA_P0164, C. aceto­ jugated were transferred from overnight agar plates into butylicum). Te genes were synthesized by GenScript separate shake fasks containing 100 ml and 50 ml LB (Piscataway, NJ, USA) and integrated into pSOS-MCS medium, respectively, supplemented with the appropriate by Gibson assembly [80] to generate vector pSOS-MCS- antibiotics. Te cultures were incubated until the OD­ 600 acetone. An oriT region including the adjacent traJ gene reached 0.2–0.5, then, for each conjugation 10 ml of the was integrated in the same manner to generate vector helper strain and 40 ml of the donor strain were har- pSOS-MCS-traJ. Te origin of replication repL in the vested by centrifugation (4000g, 10 min, room tempera- vector was replaced with repH [40]. Te pSOS-MCS-traJ ture), washed with fresh LB medium to remove residual and repH sequences were amplifed by PCR using primer antibiotics and centrifuged at 12,000g for 1 min at room pairs pSOS-traJ del repL for/rev and repH-pSOS-SLIC temperature. Te cells were then washed with anaerobic for/rev, respectively, and the products were joined by iso- YTF medium to remove residual oxygen, centrifuged and thermal in vitro recombination [80] to produce the fnal resuspended in 100–200 µl fresh YTF medium. vector pSOS-traJ-repH. Te E. coli donor and helper strains were mixed and Te pIM vector was assembled from four synthetic incubated at 37 °C anaerobically, and meanwhile the C. fragments (GenScript) and an oriT region with the ljungdahlii cells were recovered by centrifugation (4000g, adjacent traJ gene were inserted by Gibson assembly 15 min, room temperature) in tightly closed 50-ml Corn- resulting in pIM-traJ. Te shuttle vector pIM-SLIC was ing tubes. Te supernatant was carefully discarded derived from vector pIM-traJ to support sequence and and the pellet resuspended in the residual medium and ligation independent cloning (SLIC) and Gibson assem- pooled. Aliquots were added to the E. coli mixed culture bly [80]. Terefore, a SacII fragment of pET41a contain- to initiate triparental mating. Te relative proportions ing the multiple cloning sites was prepared and inserted of the three strains were equivalent to OD­ 600 values (in into pIM-traJ, which had been linearized with SacII. total) of ~ 5 for the E. coli helper strain, 2–20 for the E. Plasmid pIM-SLIC was used to introduce the amino coli donor strain and 4.5–12 for the recipient C. ljung­ acid exchanges for the hyperactive Himar1 C9 trans- dahlii strain. Te cell suspension was spread onto YTF posase version [58] by Quick Change PCR with prim- agar plates without selection and allowed to dry com- ers QC_himar_for1 and QC_himar_rev1. Subsequently, pletely at 37 °C for 12–20 h. Te cells were resuspended the repH origin of replication was introduced by Gib- by adding 2–3 ml fresh medium to the agar surface and son assembly using fragments amplifed by primer dislodging the cells with an inoculation loop. Te suspen- pairs pIM-repH SLIC for1/rev2 for repH and pIM-repH sion was transferred to Petri dishes and mixed with YTF SLIC for2/rev1 for the remaining backbone resulting in plus 1.5% (w/v) low-melting-point agarose at ~ 37 °C, pIM-SLIC-H1C9-repH. which was allowed to solidify at room temperature for 1 h before transfer to 37 °C (Bactron-IV). Te frst colonies Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 11 of 14

became visible after 3–7 days, depending on the origin of sequencing was carried out by Zymo Research (Irvine, replication and concentration of antibiotics. CA, USA). Methylated adenines were detected by PacBio single-molecule, real-time DNA sequencing Genomic integration [83]. Genomic DNA was prepared from wild-type cul- Single colonies were inoculated into YTF medium con- tures in the logarithmic growth phase ­(OD600 = 0.6) taining 4 µg/ml clarithromycin, 4 µg/ml thiamphenicol, and sequenced by Microsynth (Balgach, Switzerland). and 200 µg/ml d-cycloserin. After verifcation by plasmid A SMRTbell™ library was prepared according to the rescue and PCR sequencing using primers 16S_fD1 and 10-kb template protocol using the DNA Template Kit 16S_rD1 [81], gene cluster integration was induced by 2.0, and was sequenced using P4-C2 chemistry on an transferring the cells to YTF medium as above but lack- RSII instrument (all from Pacifc Biosciences, Menlo ing thiamphenicol and containing 2% (w/v) xylose. Te Park, CA, USA). Te whole-genome sequencing of cells were subcultured at least three times in Hungate integrant Ace#22-24 was carried out by Seq-IT GmbH tubes. Single colonies were obtained by streaking on YTF & Co KG (Kaiserslautern, Germany) using 2 µg of agar plates or by spreading 2-µl aliquots into YTF agar genomic DNA. Te library was prepared using the Nex- plates without clarithromycin, thiamphenicol, and xylose. tera XT DNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina, Inc., Plasmid loss was confrmed by replica plating onto San Diego, CA, USA) and was sequenced using a MiSeq agar plates without antibiotics, or supplemented with Benchtop Sequencer (Illumina) generating paired-end clarithromycin alone, or supplemented with clarithromy- reads of 2 × 250 bp with a coverage of ~ 20–100×. cin and thiamphenicol.

Inverse PCR Protein extraction and LC–MS/MS analysis To confrm integration, genomic DNA was isolated Protein samples were prepared as previously described using the Genomic DNA from Tissue Kit (Macherey– [84] with minor modifcations. Briefy, 35 ml of C. ljung­ Nagel, Düren, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s dahlii culture grown in modifed ATCC 1754 medium ­recommendations for difcult-to-lyse bacteria, with one with 0.5% (w/v) fructose was harvested by centrifu- exception: after treatment with lysozyme (20 mg/ml) in gation (4000g, 15 min, 4 °C) and the pellet was resus- lysis bufer (20 mM Tris/HCl, 2 mM EDTA, 1% Triton pended in 1 ml freshly prepared 50 mM ammonium X-100, pH 8.0) the cells were resuspended in fresh lysis bicarbonate (pH 7.8). Te cells were disrupted by mill- bufer (without lysozyme) before adding proteinase K. ing with 500 mg 0.1-mm zirconia/silica beads (Carl From the isolated genomic DNA 500 ng was digested Roth). After centrifugation (13,000g, 2 min, 4 °C) the with diferent restriction enzymes (1 µl of an appropri- soluble protein fraction was transferred into a fresh ate restriction enzyme, e.g., AseI, BsrGI, HindIII, or PstI Eppendorf tube. Te protein concentration was deter- (New England Biolabs) in 30 µl bufer for 6 h) and 5 µl of mined using the Bradford assay, and an aliquot contain- the heat-inactivated reaction mixture was used for liga- ing 200 µg total protein was then processed, digested tion in a reaction volume of 20 µl containing one unit of with trypsin and desalted as previously described [84]. T4 DNA ligase (Termo Fisher Scientifc) at 15 °C over- Te digested samples were analyzed by LC–MS/MS using a Shimadzu UFLC (Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) night. Te products were amplifed from 1 µl of a 1:20 ® dilution using Herculase II DNA polymerase and primers ftted with a Supelco Ascentis­ Express Peptide ES-C18 iPCR_mlsR_for01 and iPCR_mlsR_rev01 for PCR (initial reversed-phase column (50 × 2.1 mm, 2.7 µm particle denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min, 40 cycles of denaturation size; Sigma-Aldrich, Munich, Germany). Fractionated at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 53 °C for 30 s, and elonga- samples were injected into a QTRAP6500 triple-quad- tion at 72 °C for 3 min 30 s, then a fnal elongation step rupole mass spectrometer (AB Sciex, Framingham, MA, at 72 °C for 5 min before holding at 4 °C). Te PCR prod- USA) managed with Analyst software v1.6.2. Te fol- ucts were verifed by in-house sequencing using an ABI lowing proteotypic peptides were used to confrm the 3730 DNA Analyser (Applied Biosystems, Termo Fisher presence of the acetone cluster: APYLANNAR (TlA), Scientifc). TGLGTLIEK (CtfA), NTTIDEIR (CtfB), and EYLNIIYR (Adc). Te following proteotypic peptides were used as C. ljungdahlii internal controls: DFEPVLER (CODH/ Methylation analysis and whole‑genome sequencing ACS, CO dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase complex Te cytosine methylation status of the C. ljung­dahlii beta subunit, CLJU_c37550), AIEAGLK (MeTr, methyl genome was characterized by bisulfte sequencing tetrahydrofolate:corrinoid/iron-sulfur protein, CLJU_ [82] using a 10-µg aliquot of genomic DNA obtained c37560), and IVVGYTR (F-THFL, formate-tetrahy- from stationary cell cultures. Bisulfte conversion and drofolate ligase, CLJU_c37650). Peptide FDGTVEVK Philipps et al. Biotechnol Biofuels (2019) 12:112 Page 12 of 14

(glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) was used Author details 1 Department for Industrial Biotechnology, Fraunhofer IME, Fraunhofer to exclude potential E. coli contamination. Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Forckenbeckstr. 6, 52074 Aachen, Germany. 2 Present Address: Department of Intensive Care GC–MS analysis Medicine, University Hospital, RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany. Te concentrations of acetone, isopropanol, ethanol, and acetate were determined by GC–MS analysis using Acknowledgements a Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010S instrument. Supernatants We wish to thank Daniel Volke for establishing the QTRAP6500 triple-quadru- pole mass spectrometer for targeted proteomics analysis and Jens Lennartz from bacterial cultures were diluted 1:10 in 100% meth- for technical assistance in sample preparation. We are grateful to Elisabeth anol spiked with 5.5 mM 1,3-propanediol as an internal Raleigh for providing E. coli strain GM4714. We would like to express our standard, and were fractionated on an InertCap FFAP gratitude to Richard Twyman, Stefan Gaida and Christopher McElroy for critical reading of the manuscript. capillary column (0.25 mm × 30 m, 0.25 µm flm thick- ness; GL Sciences, Torrance, CA, USA). A 1-µl sample Competing interests was evaporated at 200 °C, and the following temperature The authors declare that they have no competing interests. profle was then applied: initial 3 min hold at 50 °C, tem- Availability of data and materials perature gradient (35 °C/min) to 220 °C, and fnal hold at All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published 220 °C for 2 min. Te eluate was ionized at 1 kV and the article (and its additional fles) or are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. total ion count was monitored. Absolute concentrations of analytes were calculated using corresponding calibra- Consent for publication tion curves. Not applicable. Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable. Additional fles Funding This work was supported by the internal Fraunhofer program MAVO Syngas- Additional fle 1: Figure S1. Restriction digest analysis of re-isolated Ferm (Grant Number MAVO825 794). plasmid pIM-Ace#22. To verify the complete transfer of pIM-Ace#22 into C. ljungdahlii by conjugation the plasmid was isolated and retransformed into E. coli. An agarose gel from pIM Ace#22 and the reisolated plasmid is Publisher’s Note shown after restriction digest with EcoRV, ScaI and XbaI. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub- lished maps and institutional afliations. Additional fle 2: Figure S2. Inverse PCR on genomic integrant strain Ace#22-24. 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