Iliill United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization International Centre for Theoretical Physics International Atomic Energy Agency H4.SMR/1645-15 "2nd Workshop on Earthquake Engineering for Nuclear Facilities: Uncertainties in Seismic Hazard" 14 - 25 February 2005 Holocene-historical volcanism and active faults as natural risk factors for Armenia and adjacent countries A. Karakhanian, S. Arakelian Georisk Scientific Research Company Yerevan, Armenia Strada Costiera I I, 34014 Trieste, Italy - Tel. +39 040 2240 I I I; Fax +39 040 224 163 -
[email protected], Journal of volcanology and geothermal research ELSEVIER Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 113 (2002) 319-344 Holocene-historical volcanism and active faults as natural risk factors for Armenia and adjacent countries A. Karakhaniana'*, R. Djrbashianb, V. Trifonovc, H. Philipd, S. Arakeliana, A. Avagiana a 'Georisk' Scientific Research Company, 375019, 24a Marshal Baghramian Ave., Yerevan, Armenia b Institute of Geological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia c Institute of Geology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia d Montpellier II University, Montpettier, France Received 18 May 2000; accepted 26 June 2001 Abstract Examples of Holocene-historical volcanism in the territory of Armenia and adjacent areas of Eastern Anatolia and Western Iran are discussed. Holocene-historical activity is proved for the volcanoes of Tskhouk-Karckar, Porak, Vaiyots-Sar, Smbatassar and Ararat. Based on the analysis of remote sensing data, field work, and historical and archeological information, it is demonstrated that there was a considerable number of cases of volcanic activity in Armenia and adjacent regions of Turkey, Syria and Iran during the historical period.