The Talg. Soapstone and Asbestos Deposits of Massachusetts
of "assachu?? tts U.S., Department of the Interior of Public Worka Geological Survey THE TALG. SOAPSTONE AND ASBESTOS DEPOSITS OF MASSACHUSETTS by E. Chute Prepared under a cooperative project for geologic investigations in the Coraroonvealth of >! Boston, Massachusetts CONTENTS Page Abstract .......................... ... ....... .................. * , . 1 Introduction. ...................... .......................... «s . 2 General description of the gaoiogy of the tale and aoapatone deposits... k Talc and soapatona mines, prospects, and quarries^ ......... ...... ....... & Foliated Talc Cesapany mina^ ...,.,. ................................. ^ Location^ ...,.................. .. ."......................,.,., ^ History^ ...... k ........ ^ . ................................ & Mining »«tho4 ^ .....' ^ ................... .^ , ... ^ ,....,..,.. .. 9 10 Appraisal^ ..^.^.... ........ , Massachusetts Talc Coapany stine^ $*pl°gy..........;.,;,.....,......... 11 ' ..'"';-: 12 .... ................................................ Ma rke t ing^...;.. 12 "-"*''.''V»; Appraisal^...... '. *'» t<k ............................................ 13 «'* *' Undeveloped! soapato&e deposit near the Hassachuaetta Talc Ccapany mine. a ^ . B4 a ......... ........ ..... ...... 15 Hocsac Tunnel aoapatone quarry^...,.... 4 ,.......................... 1^ Locat ionv .,...,...,,.....,.,............,........,..,..,.,.... I**- History^...................................................... 1^ i COKTENtS (Continued) Talc and soapstone mine a, prospects, and quarries
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