

' i - . .

The Weather Scattered showers likely today followed by par- tial clearing by late afternoon. Highs in the low to mid 80s, lows in the mid 50s. Wednesday variable cloudiness, cooler and less humid, highs in the mid 70s to low 80s. ^


______ " . t

Five Prisoners Landed

In Trade for Hostages

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (UPI) - A the embassy Monday and seized U.S. Con- men in the embassy and aboard the plane Delicate negotiations remained before' Japan Air Line DC8 arrived today from sul General Robert Stebbins, 42, Swedish began immediate consultations with each the four Red Army men leave the 12-story Tokyo with five Japanese radicals freed Charge d’Affaires Fredrick other through the Embassy switchboard. American International Assurance t\V“ from Tokyo jails in hopej a band of Bergenstrahle, 48, and an estimated 48 JAL airlines meanwhile requested a 12- Building - home of the 9th floor U.S. Em- Japanese Red Army commandos would other persons. The commandos were hour layover before the crew begins any bassy — and joined the five fanatics free 50 U.S. Embassy hostages they have armed with explosives and said they would flight to the Middle East but that the brought here from Japan for a flight to an threatened to kill. blow up the building with the hostages if terrorists still insisted the plane should undisclosed haven, probably Kuwait. The Four gunmen of the ultra radical their demands were not met. depart as soon as possible, using a backup Red Army had demanded release of seven Japanese Red Army shot their way into A U.S. spokesman said the Red Army crew brought from Tokyo, of their associates but two refused to fly here. Whether that would snag the negotiations was not known.

The JAL DCS landed at the closed and sealed off Subang airport 15 miles outside Anti-Communist Violence town at 7:44 p.m. (8:14 a.m.EDT) and

began taxiing up to a floodlit parking

apron about 100 yards from the main ter- minal.

Japanese Ambassador Michiaki Suma

and several of his aides stood by at the air- Spreads South in Portugal port along with Malaysian officials as the 5

plane came in. Diplomatic sources in LISBON (UPI) — Anti-Communist Lisbon where a bomb exploded in the the past five days also could be spreading Tokyo said both the United States and violence that has wracked northern Por- Forestry Ministry, killing one man and to the Aveiro and Leiria districts. Sweden had applied pressure on Japan to

^ tugal for five days spread south today to causing extensive damage. As the situation deteriorated. Premier accede to the terrorists wishes and free

In the north, anti-Communist mobs Vasco Goncalves met with several left- the hostages before President Ford met

began burning the homes and businesses wing ministers from his former cabinet in Japanese Premier Takeo Miki in of known leftists in Vila Nova de an apparent new attempt to form a new Washington today. The State Department Chicks Die Famalicao. Residents said the crowds government. An expected meeting of the has denied U.S. pressure.

were being supported by the enlisted men military commanders of the Lisbon region Final negotiations for exchanging the

among the troops sent there to pacify the did not take place. prisoners for the hostages and transpor-

From Heat, town. Portugal has become embroiled in a ting the Red Army terrorists from the em-

The residents said all shops in the town steadily growing political and military bassy to the airport were getting un- were closing their doors for the funeral of crisis since the country’s two biggest par- derway immediately, with technicians two anti-Communist demonstrators killed Aid Sought ties — the Socialists and Popular connecting a telephone to the DC8 for talks by an army captain Sunday night. The Democrats — went into opposition three with Japanese and Malaysian officials. town council offered the crowds the weeks ago to protest against the niilitary’s Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut will national flag flying over city hall for the 5 seek federal aid for poultry farmers in the decision to create a Soviet-style “Peoples Raxak told a news conference earlier p.m. (11 a.m. EDT) ceremony. Democracy.” eastern part of the state who lost an es- today that the gunmen had refused to dis- The commander of the central military The violence centered in the northern timated 85,000 chickens valued at $300,000 cuss the final steps for ending the tense region issued a statement indicating that town of Vila Nova Famalicao where mobs in the weekend’s heat wave. the public unrest reported in the north for Thousands of chickens died in their -See Page Sixteen See Page Sixteen

i roosts when temperatures rose above the MART G OOD THRU | | Former Sen. Edward Gurney has a smile but his daughter Jill Gurney Holt v I ’^ART ^ 100-degree mark during the heal wave, doesn’t look too happy as they enter the courthouse after the lunch break.

. ONE despite efforts to cool the coops with

The jury trying Gurney and three others on bribery-conspiracy charges water sprayed from hoses. reported they had ag re^ on some charges but couldn’t decide on others, and were told to resume deliberations. (UPI Photo) Gov. Ella T. Grasso said Monday a Grasso Support Called preliminary survey by the state Agriculture Department shows the inland section of New London County was hardest by the scorching

temperatures. Farmers In Windham and To Quick Development Vote Gurney Jury Deadlocked, Tolland counties also reported losses.

As soon as the federal government ap- HARTFORD (UPI) — Democratic The bill has been argued over, rehashed proves the state’s request for a disaster of the powers granted communities. legislative leaders &y passage of the and rewritten in committee and debate declaration, the farmers will be able to The State and Urban Development Com- revamped City and Town Development since Mrs. Grasso vetoed the original Urged to Deliberate More apply for low-interest loans at local mittee today was scheduled to go over the Act could occur by week’s end if it is en- measure in June because of what she said Farmers’ Home Administration offices in the final version of the act, designed to dorsed by Gov. Ella T. Grasso. was inadequate protection against abuses North Franklin and Brooklyn, Mrs. Grasso spur private development in Connecticut TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) — The jury says it emphatically agree that we have reached- said. cities. is “unanimously and emphatically” 1 Democratic legislative leaders said with all verdicts that can possibly be reached, If further investigation finds damage to deadlocked on some counts in the bribery- Mrs. Grasso’s endorsement, the could regardless of further deliberations, and poultry flocks to be statewide, farmers in bill |i conspiracy trial of former U.S. Sen. we feel that In consideration of all con- go before both houses on Friday with I other areas of Connecticut might become

Edward Gurney and three associates. The cern^, we should make the court aware passage apparent. eligible for similar aid, she said. - ONE C O judge says that’s not good enough. of this,” the note added. Senate Majority Leader Joseph I. Sam Kofkoff of Norwich, one of the "This is an important case,” said U.S. Lieberman of New Haven said Monday Krentzman invited the jurors into the biggest egg farmers In Connecticut with a District Judge Ben Krentzman, who sent legislative leaders were “waiting for a courtroom and asked the foreman to seal flock of more than 300,(X)0, said between the jurors back for more deliberations the verdicts in an envelope. 20,(W0 and 25,000 of his chickens died of commitment from the govenor that she’ll today. "This trial has been expensive in Krentzman recited the so-called “ Allen heat prostration. In nearby Montville, sign it.” time and effort and money, both to the Sen. Richard F, Schneller, D-Essex, who Charge," sometimes called the “shotgun John Lahaniatis, who runs the Trading defendants and to the prosecution. oversaw the bill’s line-by-line revision, charge,” urging those in the minority to Cove Poultry Farm, said a local volunteer " la m going to ask that you go back to said a major revision of the bill would give more thought to their positions. fire department sprayed down his the jury room and give further considera- protect taxpayers from unknowingly ad- The judge said the verdicts would be aluminum-roofed coops but it apparently tion to the remaining matters,” he said ding to their tax burden. kept in a vault until the jury has com- helped little. Monday. “We’ve taken the mystique and suspi- pleted its work. He said between 300-400 egg-laying The jury, which began deliberations cion out of it to make crystal clear what Krentzman did not say how long he chickens died anyway when the inside nine days ago in the five-month trial, the powers are and what they are not,” he would keep the jurors at work. But last temperature reached 115 degrees. handed Krentzman a sealed envelope Mon- said. He said it gives the municipalities week he said he would not consider two Kofkoff, who also had the roofs sprayed day containing several verdicts, but said weeks of deliberations excessive. the powers they need while at the same they were deadlocked on some of the down, said, “In the past. I’ve seen it go up time making 'them “responsive and There was no indication whether the to 98 degrees, which is still hot but I charges. responsible.” jury was hung on counts involving Gurney bearable. "After long and careful deliberations on Under the revisions, a municipality may or his associates. “But when it gets above 100 degrees, ail charges and all the defendants, we Gurney is charged with conspiracy In a borrow money only under certain specific have been able to come to verdicts on that’s too hot for chickens to stand," he conditions of high unemployment, urban $400,000 Influence peddling scheme in- said. some defendants and some charges on volving the Federal Housing Administra- blight and economic deterioration. State Agriculture Commissioner George others, but not all,” said one note the jury tion, bribery, receiving unlawful compen- Two types of referendum requiring sim- O sent to the judge. M. Wilber said the four million egg-laying ple majorities have been add^. sation and four counts of making false chickens in Connecticut constitute the “ We, the jury, unanimously and statements to a grand jury. One is mandatory, so residents may biggest agriculture industry In the state. lecide whether their municipality should

adopt the broad powers granted in the act.- Assuming the powers are adopted, the

municipality’s legislative body would have

to pass a resolution for each further step.

The other referendum would be tied in Mayor Expects Vote Tonight with the floating of two types of bonds per-

mitted under the bill.

To Build Buckland Firehouse

By SOL R. COHEN (most district voters, some Buckland area might become eventually. By using the Law Invalidates Herald Reporter property owners and several uninvolved word "eventually,” explained Thompson, observers) packed the district firehouse Gandhi Conviction Mayor John Thompson said today he he wanted to call attention to the fact that meeting room and witnessed a voice vote the proposed Buckland f irehouse is needed expects Board of Directors’ approval by district voters (the only ones eligible to there — whether constructed by the town NEW DELHI, India (UPI) - -The lower 5 tonight for a Town of Manchester vote). or the district. house of parliament today pa.sed a firehosue at N. Main St. and Tolland Tpke. They approved expansion of district — In the Buckland area. Tonight’s meeting will begin at 7 p.m., government bill that would invalidate boundaries for fire protection — to take In instead of the usual 8 p.m. It Is in the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's convic- “Barring any advice to the contrary by the area bounded by South Windsor on the Municipal Building Hearing Room. tion on charges of illegal election prac- our town counsel, and we don’t anticipate north. East Hartford on the west. Slater any,’’said Thompson, “we’re prepared to Thompson said, barring any time- tices. St. and the existing district boundary on consuming problems, he expects the bord The sole dissent came from Mohan move ahead on the proposed $295,000 ap- the east, and Middle Tpite. (with several propriation for its construction.” to finish all its business tonight, and not Dharia, a former cabinet minister who exceptions) on the south. The exceptions have to call a second meeting this month. was expelled last month from the ruling The appropriation, if voted, would be by are Wickham Park, Cheney Tech, East the board’s Democratic majority. It is 6 to The board is expected to authorize a Congress Party for publicly criticizing Catholic High School and apartments on November referendum question for a Mrs. Gandhi’s policies. His demands that 3 Democratic. New State Rd. They would remain under The minority Republicans (Vivian proposed $2,373,000 bond issue for ad- the bill not be made retroactive were Town Fire District protection. Ferguson, Carl Zinsser and Hillery ditions and renovations to Bentleg and shouted down. Thompson said Tpwn Counsel William Washington Schools and for replacing the Gallagher) have indicated they’ll propose Bronelll is investigating the legality of the West Side Rec building. Sewer Work Proceeding a November "advisory" referendum — to district’s action. He said he doesn’t expect determine the voters’ position on the A proposed $500,000 bond issue for ~ Bronelll to have his decision by tonight various sanitary sewer installations — to Inside Today proposd construction. The Republican and can’t comment on whether or not the Work is preceding on the west side of Keeney St., from Polly Brook south to proposal isn't expected to be backed by the be paid by assessments against the town has grounds to initiate legal action to property owners Involved — also will be Linwood Dr., on the installation of sanitary sewers. This trench is almost Area Profile ...... Page 9 Democrats. To date,______the board hasi voted 8 appeal the district’s extension. considered tonight. The installations exactly opposite Keeney St. School. In it is A1 Otis, who works for A. Dzen Business news...... Page3 to 1 on every proposal for the firehouse. He said it’s possible the district action would be subject to public hearings (not Co. of Manchester, contractors for the project. On the sidewalk, in the Only Gallagher has voted agdlnst It. Dear Abby...... Page6 may complicate money-borrowing yet scheduled) for each area to ^ con- foreground, is George Blake, the town’s construction inspector. Beyond him Betty’s N o teb ^k ...... Page 6 The proposed firehouse would service procedures for the proposed firehouse. sidered. is Hap Dodd, an A. Dzen employe. Sanitary sewers already have been in- Manchester Ooserver Quits...... Page 18 that area In Buckland paying taxes to the “It’s regrettable,” said Thompson. Town-Fire District but serviced under Representatives of the state Depart- stalled in other sections of Keeney St., south of this project. Tonight, the Thoughts ApLENty ...... Page 10 "The district’s action could threaten the contract by the Eighth District Fire ment of Transportation will appear Board of Directors wilt consider a $77,(K)0 appropriation (to be financed from Ellington Ridge record 6 5 ...... Page 10 very sovereignty of the town.” tonight to explain their proposal for Department. ' He said, also, every mpnth the ccnstruc- assessments against abutting property owners) for Keeney St. sanitary Softball, basketball...... Page 10 Thursday night, a crowd of about 115 designating a portion of Charter Oak Field tlen is delayed, the more expensive It a commuter parking lot. sewers from Hackmatack St. to Folly Brook. (Herald photo by Pinto) Sala blanks H erb's...... Page11 A V P ^ g TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tues., August 5, 1975 ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., August 5. 1975 — PAGE THREE}

iw iiil ‘Las Vegas Nights’ Under Probe A MODERN TV TONIGHT NEWS PHARNIAI POLICE REPORT MERIDEN (UPI) - “Las today to evaluate findings of allegations winning gamblers at the Terra Mar Marina in Old New York crime families who 6:00 8:30 CAPSULES Vegas nights” were legalized in their investigation into the are paid in cash. The law that Saybrook. showed up at the gambling News...... 3-8-22-30 M-A-S-H...... 3 Connecticut to allow nonprofit gambling. permits casino-style gambling Patrick Sullivan, 45, head of tables Saturday night. Jamra Bewitched ...... 5 Merv Griffin Show...... 5 organizations to raise money Kneeland said state police for charitable purposes Connecticut Fun and Games Members of the State Police I. Wild Wild West ...... 9 Movie...... 8-40 New Trial Ordered through gambling events. Of- MANCHESTER Dobson Rd., Vernon was Reward Offered have kept a watch on the games restricts payoffs to merchan- Inc., was arrested on various Criminal Intelligence Division Black Buffalo's Pow-Wow .. 18 Consumer Survival K it...... 24 HARTFORD (UPI) - The ficials now feel the law has D’Amato • David P. Deyorio, 23, of 689 arrested today at 2:35 a.m. on EAST WINDSOR (UPI) - since they were legaliz^ two dise or cr^lts, such as gift cer- gambling charges in the raid. first began infiltrating the The Honeymooners ...... 20 Connecticut Supreme Court has been abused by organized crime BS/R.PH. 9:00 Main St. was arrested Monday Cooper St. and charged with The Board of Selectmen have years ago, and their interest tificates. Other arrests were expected. casino games at the Terra Mar Electric Company...... 24-57 ordered a new trial for a figures. ' Hawaii Five-0 ...... 3 afternoon on a Common Pleas breach of peace. offered a 6300 reward for infor- heightened about six months Several thousand dollars were several weeks ago and were Bonanza ...... 40 Bridgeport man found guilty of “It’s our priority. We’re "In February, our in- The Living Word ...... 78 Court 12 warrant charging him mation leading to arrest and ago. seized and gambling tables con- followed by plainclothes Task The charge stems from a telligence ' indicated organized with third-degree burglary (two manslaughter and rejected the conviction in the death of a 15- looking into every operation in In One recent Las Vegas night fiscated. Force detectives, Kneeland 6:30 N ova...... 24-57 crime figures had become in- It is difficult to believe that counts) and third-degree domestic disturbance. Court is claim of a convicted heroin year-old girl. the state,” said Lt. William operation, the amount of money “The usual organized crime said. News...... 3-8-20-22-30 9:30 volved,” Kneeland said. people who say marijuana larceny (two counts). Aug. 25. seller that his arrest was il- The victim, Stephanie B. Kneeland, deputy commander taken in was more than 690,000. figures were there,” Kneeland According to sources, the un- 1 Love Lucy ...... 5 Human Dimension...... 18 legal. isn’t harmful have ever The charges stem from Olisky, was found lying un- of the Statewide Organized Police officials said the spon- On Saturday night, police said. dercover men were paid their The Real McCoys ...... 18 10:00 • Terry M. Courtright, 27, of worked with young people who breaks into a Foster St. apart- The court ruled Monday Paul conscious on Rt. 5 July 21 and Crime Task Force. sor, a VFW post, received only staged their first raid on a Las Kneeland was referring to in- night’s winnings in cash under Witness to Y esterday...... 24 Barnaby Jones ...... 3 110 Birch St. was arrested are using the drug ment June 24 and the Kwick Gerak was entitled to a new remained in a coma until she Members of the special force 61,012 in proceeds. Vegas night. They moved in on dividuals from Fairfield Coun- the table on at least two oc- Hodgepodge Lodge...... 57 News...... 5 today at 1:32 a.m. at the sand regularly...One research Food Mart at 234 Oak St. July trail because the jury in his 1972 died Friday in Mt. Sinai were to meet with FBI agents There also have been an elaborate casino operation ty, reputed to have ties with the casions. Marcus Welby. M.D...... 8-40 pits off Parker St. and charged scientist, after treating a cou- 7:00 18. A color TV and a stereo set trial was not properly in- Hospital in Hartford. Police Story ...... 20-22-30 with disorderly conduct and In- ple of thousand youngsters News...... 3-22-40 were taken in the first break structed on the legal distinc- Police Chief Gerald Oimstead Interface ...... 24 toxication. Court is Aug. 25. over a five-year period, knows Andy Griffith Show...... 5 and about 6100 in cash was tions of manslaughter regar- said Monday some information Down the Road...... 57 that marijuana can cause taken in the second. ding voluntary and nonvolun- had been received in the case Truth or Consequences...... 8 muscular incoordination, dis- The Avengers ...... 9 10:30 Deyorio was released on a tary commission of the crime. but there were no new tort perception of time and Mr. Chips...... 18 Woman...... 24-57. 6150 -surety bond for court Renn’s Tavern at 76 Cooper developments. He said he was Weicker Cramped In Underwater Lab space, impair the memory as 10:40 Aug. 25. St. was broken into Sunday hopeful the reward offer would To Be Announced...... 20 Smog Inspires Mural well as the ability to make Kiner's K orner...... 9 • Ronald E. Ralph, 27, of 34 night. Missing is about 6248 in spur fresh information. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. by-8 feet, has bunks inside for surface on a reef, about 80 boiling water. He said he also Jean Shepherd ...... 24-57 MIDDLETOWN (UPI) - of his 6-foot-6 frame. judgm ents and Englewood Dr. was arrested cash. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., is in sleeping, but Weicker is too miles east of Miami. had a peanut butter and cracker To Tell the Truth...... 30 11:00 Wesleyan University students The pair, accompanied by decisions...Take enough of it Monday on a court warrant the second day of an un- tail. “Nothing big enough for He said he observed various sandwich. 7:30 News...... 3-8-22-30-40 are painting the horrors of two officials of the National and it can induce charging him with third-degree The 1966 black Volkswagen of derwater stint on the ocean the senator who’s sleeping on fish while out in the water American Lifestyles ...... 3 The Best of Groucho...... 5 pollution on a downtown mural Partial Merger Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- hallucinations every bit as in- larceny. a Rockville woman was stolen floor off the Bahamas with ministration, plan to remain un- the floor,” Weicker said in a during the day. “The one I’ve In addition to gaining Hogan's Heroes ...... 5 Movie ...... 9 in this community recently tense as those of He allegedly stole a young from where she parked It Mon- HARTFORD (UPI) - Two fellow lawmaker Rep. Bill tape-recorded radio call to his seen most is the barracuda,” he knowledge of ocean research, Let's Make a Deal...... 8-22 I Love Lucy ...... 20 described as having New derwater until Wednesday, LSD...Marijuana, though not woman’s handbag from a table day evening at the Manchester electric company subsidiaries Alexander, D-Ark. Senate office. added. Weicker said the diet might Greatest Sports Legends ... 18 Captioned N ew s...... 24-57 England’s highest concentra- making occasional dives to gain physically addictive, can at the Gaslight Restaurant on Memorial Hospital. of Northeast Utilities will Weicker, who began the cause him to "drop a few Martin Agronsky ...... 24-57 11:30 tion of smog. firsthand knowledge of aquatic He reported visibility of quickly lead the user to Summer Pops Orchestra Prepares for Concert Oak St. May 31. merge field and service three-day research test with Weicker said nourishment pounds off the middle.” Masquerade P a rty ...... 30 Movies...... 3-5 One half of the painting shows research. several hundred yards in the become psychologically Ralph was released on a 6100 Three bicycles valued at a operations under a state Public Alexander on Monday, soon ran was generally restricted to Congress has recessed for the Room 222 ...... 40 It Takes a Thief...... 8 half the earth engulfed in black The Hydro-Lab, a cylinder 16- area, 60 feet below the water’s dependent on it... Conductor R.E. Richardson Jr. takes the Greater on-surety bond for court Aug. total of 6390 were reported Utility Commission order gran- into a sleeping problem because items that could be cooked with month of August. 8:00 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 p.m. in the MCC auditorium. Next Saturday, Aug. 9, the and gray auto fumes while the Manchester Summer Pops Orchestra through a rehearsal 18. stolen from different homes ting a 647.7 million rate hike. Good T im es...... 3 Wide World M ystery...... 40 Wind Ensemble plans a concert in the same auditorium at other portion depicts sunshine Find service as you like it — at Manchester Community College's music building. The • Joseph A. Peralli, 31, of 51 Monday. The PUC granted the rate in- Dealer's Choice ...... 5 12:30 the same time. (Herald photo by Dunn) and birds in a pollution free fast and friendly from the ef- crease last October and ficient staff at LENOX Happy Days...... 8-40 Wide World M ystery...... 8 orchestra plans a public concert Saturday, Aug. 23, at 8:15 world. directed Connecticut Light & PHARMACY. We handle a Mets vs. Expos...... 9 1:00 Power Co. and Hartford Elec- Top State Court Upholds ‘No-Fault’ Sharing...... 18 full'line of nationally known Joe Franklin Show...... 9 tric Light Co. to merge their cosmetics including Worth Movie...... 20-22-30 services as an efficiency move 5 Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 HARTFORD (UPI) - deprives the public of the right auto injuries, said there has When TV Was Live! ...... 24 The plan was put into effect suffering” claims filed in minor and St. Laurent, an exclusive 1:35 Crasso Visits Track by this winter. Connecticut’s no-fault auto in- to sue for damages. been a trend to provide alter- Rivals of Sherlock Holmes .57 two and a half years ago to accidents, he*said. in this area, to fill all your Combat...... 5 HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. surance plan provides a Connecticut joins six other native means of dealing with reduce the huge backlog of The court logjam , needs, and have a large well FBI Puts Big Force Into Hoffa Search Ella T. Grasso, an outspoken reasonable alternative to states where the con- society’s problems. And the cases involving personal auto MacDonald said, amounted to a equipped pharmacy to handle critic against gambling, visited cumbersome litigation in many stitutionality of no-fault auto in- court said, the administration injuries which cluttered court denial of justice and it is in ail your prescriptions. You New Trial Hearings auto accident cases and is con- surance, which makes payment THEATER SCHEDULE DETROIT (UPI) - For the resources into the search for men — one a reputed Mafia looking in alleys and sleazy without calling Josephine Hoffa Saratoga Race Track recently of justice is no exception. calendars, many of a minor society’s interest to provide can depend on LENOX said, was a personal call to FBI NEW HAVEN (U PI) - stitutional, the Connecticut for injuries or death and loss of better part of a decade, the the onetime Teamsters Union chieftain — for iunch. bars for leads on why this bare- beforehand. but apparently didn’t place any “No longer may we align with nature. Juries had a tendency to alternate remedies to clear the PHARMACY, 299 E. Center boss it tracked all the way to Director Clarence Kelley from Hearings for a new trial Supreme Court says. wages automatic following an word from FBI headquarters knuckle street fighter could be That may be a reason she bets on the horses. the ancient civil law premise overcompensate in some minor way for more serious cases. St., 649-0896 for all your was "get Jimmy Hoffa.” The jail in the 1960s. Hundreds of agents, sources Mrs. Crancer that "you used 2,- An aide Monday confirmed ordered by the Connecticut ■The high court, in a un- accident within certain limits, that recourse to the courts is cases, leading to undercompen- prescription requirements UA East 1 — "Jaws" 2:00- UA East 3 — “Mitchell” 7:30- compelled to leave a suburban fainted Monday in their “Individual rights and Hoffa has been missing since ■ said, were at work in cities 000 agents to put my father in jail Mrs. Grasso attended the races Supreme Court for convicted animous opinion Monday, has been upheld. the primary or only alternative sation in serious ones, Free Delivery Service..Open: 7:20-9:40 9:25 same order was out today — but parking lot without calling his summer home outside the town remedies must at times and of with a different meaning. last Wednesday when he was throughout the country trying and up to now you have used Friday at the Saratoga Springs, murderer Guillermo Aillon’ rejected the claim by private The high court, saying routes to force for redress of in- MacDonald said. Mon thru Sat 8 a.m.-9 p.m.. UA East 2 — “ Bite the Showplace — "The Land That wife first. of Lake , about 30 miles necessity give way to the in- The FBI has thrown its full supposed to have met three to find Hoffa. They were only two agents to find him.” N.Y., track but did not place were scheduled to begin today investigator Louis Gentile of other than the overburdened juries,” Justice Herbert S. Eliminated by the law were Sun and Holidays, 8 a.m.-8 Bullet" 7:00-9:20 Time Forgot" 7:30-9:15 Hoffa never went anywhere from Detroit. Her son, attorney terests and needs of society,” Now, it appeared, the full in New Haven Superior Court. New Britain that the plan courts can be used to remedy MacDonald said. “Young Jimmy," and her any wagers on any races. the difficult-to-prove "pain and MacDonald said. Manchester Drive-In — force of the FBI was out trying daughter, Mrs. Barbara FILM RATING GUIDE “Wilby Conspiracy’’ 8:30; to find Hoffa — alive. Crancer of St. Louis, Mo., were "Man Who Loved Cat Dancing” Their insistence was such For Parents and 10:30 by her side and she was reported that the Detroit Free Press Galbraith Blames GOP for Bad Economy in good condition afterward. By >p«cial arrangement wHh the Willimantic Redevelopment Their Children Vernon Cinema 1 — "The reported agents had moved a Eiger Sanction” 7:00-9:15 The FBI had held off — of- Agency, we w ill re-open our doors Wednesday, August 6th cot and a mattress into the Hof- for one week to Cinema 2 — "The Reincarna- BOSTON (UPI) - The sad state of minds, maybe 17th century, that could be fically — from getting its hands GENERAL AUDIENCESAUl certainiy hasn't been a shortage of press fa cottage, brought in their own t All Apt!Agt% AdiAdmiiitd tion of Peter Proud” 7:30-9:30 America’s economy is no mistake, was not ■ dug up in this country." in how the man who weathered releases on this, and impress releases will telephone lines and installed a fm m m ' caused by “naturai forces," and must be “They have been seeking to control in- a score of street comerbattles BUSINESS Burnside 1 — “The Drowning bring recovery, then we’ll have it.” television monitor and antenna. Pool" 7:30-9:30 attributed to the Republicans, according flation through unemployment, and disappeared. Hoffa was L JL An FBI spokesman said, PARENTAt OlRDANCt Burnside 2 — "The Wilby to economist John Kenneth Gaibraith. deliberately increased the recession to Galbraith said he had no economic ad- directed Wednesday to a tUOOCSTlD "If you attribute this to natural forces, vice for his old friend and political ally "With a man of this importance LIQUIDATE P6 Conspiracy” 7:15-9:15 control unemployment,” he said, taking luncheon date with a reputed S « M M M iriN N e i • • and in a case of this size, I can S w it M F«r Pfe T e e n ijm then the only possible assumption you can Dukakis, who is trying to quarterback his Mafia chief and two other men our entire stock, fixtures & equipment. Showcase Cinema 1 — time to show off the light-blue safari suit assure you the FBI is going to “Rollerball” 2:00-4:35-7:10-9:50 reach is that God must be a Republican,” draped on his tall frame. state through the worst financial crisis in in suburban Bloomfield People’s Bank Lists have more than the adeqauate Showcase Cinema 2 — the former ambassador to India jok^ He said to break the current inflation- its history. Township and then disappeared Our complete inventories consisting of power tools, hand staff assigned. tools, builder's hardware, plumbing supplies, bohs, screws, with reporters Monday following a social recession stalemate, the answer must iie without a sign of struggle. “Nashville” 1:15-4:05-7:00-9:45 "Anything so simple that I could recom- “This thing is going to spread Record High Assets electrical supplies, paints, wallpaper, housewares, glass, etc. RttTRICTfO Showcase Cinema 3 — visit with Gov. Michael S. Dukakis. in a permanent system of restraints on One reason for the- FBI’s Undtr 17 raqu im K c o n v trty in i mend quickly would have already been through the nation.” Pavn t Of Adult O w » c lii "Return of the Pink Panther” “Nobody should imagine that these both prices and wages. done, " he said wryly. “The largest myth decision to move in, sources probiems are an accident,” Galbraith MOST ITEMS FOR SALE AT 1:10-3:20-5:20-7:30-10:00 Asked if he believed in the Ford Ad- about public office is that there is a higher The People’s Savings Bank of He said People’s now has said. "We have a federal government pop- Showcase Cinema 4 — ministration’s pronouncements on wisdom that can find something which can Corns To Rockville has reached a new mortgage loans totaling 623,- ulated by some of the finest 18th century “ Dinosaurs” 2:20-5:40-9:00; economic upswing, Galbraith said, “there cost less.” record in assets — 635,701,041 — 960,000 and installment loans of ^ NO ONE U N D ER 17 A O M T T E O "Cinderella” 1:00-4:15-7:30 for 1975, bank President 6887,300. lA ^ limit fflfif * w Session Planned Manchester Frederick S. Winkley told Ml cwiRM arMd For New Voters directors at the bank’s recent At the annual meeting. 1/2 PRICE annual meeting. A 7 to 9 p.m. Manchester Country Club People’s elected the following Winkley said the new asset officers and directors: voter-making session is figure, representing 105 years Come in early for best selection. This is for one week only. scheduled for Wednesday in the Winkley, president; Malcolm Bayh Testing His Support Restaurant of growth, compared to 633,- town clerk ’s office in the W. Thompson, vice president; WEDNESDAY, AUG 6 to TUES, AUG 12 ON 131,557 in 1974. J. Robert Lessard, secretary ABOUT Municipal Building. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sen. “If we can get enough people SOUTH MAIN STREET Winkley also said savings ac- and assistant treasurer; Frank 9 AM to 5:30 PM, Thursday 'til 9 PM Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma. Eligible applicants must be at Birch Bayh of Indiana edged to join us we can get about win- TOWN counts reached a new high, at L. Jaworski, assistant Alabama Gov. George least 18 years of age, U.S. for your closer to a campaign for the ning the nomination and the 632,317.659. up from 629.779,599. Wallace is almost certain to citizens and residents of Business Luncheons treasurer and manager, Vernon 1976 Democratic presidential eiection...and turning this coun- We invite offers for job lots of our inventories. . Two others who are Manchester. or your i office. nomination today with forma- try around,” Bayh said. “I'd nearing a formal declaration New voters may sign up also Social Affairs iBnnuEBiiim i tion of a committee to test his like to be convinced that if Members of Sunset Rebekah Directors elected were John Payment by cash or certified check are Sargent Shrlver, the on any working day (Monday We have the Wood- S. Mason, Paul B. Sweeney, [AST WINDSOR strength around the country. Birch Bayh gets involved he can Lodge will meet tonight at 7:30 bridge Room or our Local Claims MITCHELL m Democrats’ vice presidential through Friday) in the town ISew Front Takes Shape Thompson, Frances J. DRIVE IN RT 5 Bayh, who has been giving serve as a catalyst...and give at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Dining Room to accom- candidate in 1972, and Penn- clerk’s and registrar of voters’ Prichard, William Schneider, "serious consideration” to run- this country the kind of Main St., to pay respects to the modate groups from a The new “front” at Caldor Department Store takes shape major renovation to the structure since the discount store Up to 4,041 sylvania Gov. Milton Shapp. office. Donald B. Caldwell, Winkley, MORRIS ning for some months, in- leadership it' needs.” late Mrs. Anne Lamb, a dozen to a hundred or at Manchester’s Burr Corners Shopping Plaza. It’s the first opened. (Herald photo by Pinto) Unemployment compensa- formed the Federal Election member and past noble grand Frederick W. McKone, Martin Bayh, 47, announced for the more. tion claims filed in Manchester Commission he has authorized Fugitive Hitchhiker of the lodge. F. Fagan, and Lessard. Democratic presidential ALL FILM ROLLS rose to a weekly average of 4,- creation of a “political com- HARDWARE nomination in 1972 but STAMFORD (UPI) — A man D«v«lop«d and Prinlad Tel. 646-0103 Of Consumer Concern 041 for the two-week period en- People's announced it has Sidney Poitief pq mittee to operate in my 20 UNION ST., WILLIMANTIC withdrew after his wife, picked up Monday for Fast Sarvica Service from ding July 26, the state Labor filed papers with the state Mkdiael Caine behalf.” Disabled American Veterans Diacount Pricaa Marvella, underwent surgery hitchhiking on Interstate 91 in lltSO a.m. to 3 p.m. Department has reported. Banking Department to offer 423-2427 The exploratory committee Auxiliary will meet Wednesday TKWUYCONSPHICY for cancer. She now has fully Stamford was identified by 'The new total represents an personal checking accounts PLUS will be headed by former In- at 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Home. recovered. state police as a fugitive from increase of 6.1 per cent. The startirfg Jan. 2, 1976. Burt RtynoWt diana Gov. Matthew Welsh and If Bayh enters the race, he an Alabama jail where he es- Bottles Can Explode statewide filings total in- THE MAN WHO LOVD U T DANGMG Meyer Feldman, former 'm will join an already crowded caped last December. creased 4.3 per cent for the counsel for Presidents John field. State police said Walter By Stale Department you can do to minimize the risk emergency room treatment of bottle explosions: same period. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Candidates who already have H arold'Robertson, 42, was Of Consumer Protection throughout the nation last year Complaints appear to be in- Don’t leave the glass bottles for injuries associated with The Manchester total in- EASTHARTFORD Bayh said in a statement he announced are Sens. Henry stopped about 4:30 p.m. while cludes 658 extended benefits creasing in regard to car- in your car any longer than glass containers. Almost half of DRIVE-IN RT 5 has been told there was Jackson of Washington and hitchhiking. During a routine claims, 505 emergency compen- bonated beverage bottle necessary for transportation. these cases involved car- “significant support” for his Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, former check, it was found that Robert- sation claims, and 338 claims candidacy and that he would governors Jimmy Carter of son was being sought by Bir- explosions, especially in the one Trunks and locked cars can bonated soft drink bottles and MATMEES attributed to seasonal closings. spend the “next few weeks Georgia and Terry Sanford of mingham, Ala., authorities quart, non-returnable size. reach high temperatures in the many of them resulted from EVERY WED. Fact-finding hearings to in- sun. exploding bottles. Women filing claims in SAT.-SUN. determining whether that sup- North Carolina, Rep. Morris since his Dec. 24, 1974, escape Manchester accounted for 40.6 99‘ port is real. vestigate the safety of glass At home, store the con- If a bottle explosion occurs in Udall of Arizona and former from a jail where he was ser- per cent of the total filings, the containers for pressurized tainers In a cool place, keeping your home or car, save the cap CUNT EASTWOOD (R) V ving a larceny sentence. department said. products, particularly bottles them out of direct sunlight. portion and the coded base of ‘THE EIGER used for carbonated soft drinks, Avoid subjecting bottles to the bottle. Report the incident SANCTION” were held by the U.S. Consumer excessive movement or jarring. to the Product Safety Office of Product Safety Commission in The bottles are c a p ^ under the Department of Consumer M0N.-TUES.-99CX Prices Won’t Drop Much April, but it will be some time pressure and shaking them will Protection, giving information Orchard Fresh \ before consideration is given to increase the internal pressure concerning the brand, bottler WASHINGTON (UPI) - ago, USDA economists said declined in recent months, the setting safety standards in this and the chances of an explosion. and code number. BURNSIDE 0 Fresh vegetable prices will Monday “ farm and retail report also said consumers area. According to federal figures, APPLES BSMIWniSiM ML, I. NTF9. • S2l-»]3 move down this month in a nor- vegetable prices are running can’t expect much price relief. Joins Agency Mepnwhile, there are things 111,000 persons sought hospital TORE ROUTES 15 E4 IS (EXIT PAUL NEWMAN mal seasonal reaction to well above a year earlier and Although processors are Answers to questions of FERRANDO’S JOANNE WOODWARD harvest-time supply peaks, but likely will continue to average JENNIFER O'NEILL paying less for some of the Richard Gowen of 32C Jeffer- general interest will appear in ORCHARDS r MICHAEL 8ARRAZIN(R) “DROWNING POOL” consumers will still be spending well above corresponding crops they can and freeze, the son St. has joined the sales staff this column. Address questions BIRCH MT. ROAD (PO) 7:30-9^0 1 *THE REINCARNATION considerably more than they months of last year for most of report said those declines are of the Clarke Insurance Agen- to: Of Consumer Concern, 3 Mffss boyond OF PETER PROUD" did last year, an Agriculture the rest of 1975.” being offset by higher labor, cy, 237 E. Center St. ' department of Consumer VHo’i RNtaurant 5 Nma CW4M* Nna Department report says. Although supplies of “THE WILBY energy and transportation Gowen, a May graduate of Protection, State Office QLASTONBURY Mon.-Tuat. - 99c With planting of vegetables processed vegetables are up NJ CONSPIRACr costs. For the consumer, the Manchester Community Building, Hartford, Conn. 06115, (PQ) 7;1S-B!19 for fresh sale this summer moderately from a year ago current outlook is for “general- College, recently completed PUBLIC RECORDS or dial toll free 1-800-842-2649. PHONE 049-9333 down 3 per cent from a year Catch the and wholesale prices have ly steady” retail prices this courses at the Insurance summer and fall although License Preparation School superm arkets may find conducted by the Connecticut Warranty Deeds against Helen Smith, 32 Weils ,SHCWCASE CINtM AJ 1234 processors offering more price Association of Independent In- St., 672.36. 1-84EXITS8-SILVER LANE-ROBERTS ST. cuts in the form of temporary ALL YOU CAN EAT surance Agents, and has been Robert Samuelson to Edwin Marriage License spirit. And win EAST HARTFORD • 24HR. TEL. INFO. 568-8810 discount “allowances” on some licensed by the state. A. and Barbara C. Dawley, William Emldlo ; FREE LIGHTED PARKING- Ws Honor MASTER CHARGE products. G ow en , a n a tiv e of property at 428 Parker St., 635,- DeDomlnlcis, Simsbury, and EM§55S4!!1 The report on fresh Only Manchester and graduate of 900. Janice Ellen Beisiegei, 128 vegetables said pfoductlon this local schools, has worked for Harold C. and Genevieve Park St., Aug. 16, South United ■ Dinotaiirf the Town of Manchester In Wareham to Virginia D. 76,000 valuable Mnosaiifs summer probably will be down Methodist Church. is Missing M for cabbage, carrots, celery various capacities, including Gallagher, property at 56 Christopher George “^ . . a n J . . . C l n d t r s H i and tomatoes. There will be in- two seasons as coordinator of Elwood St., 647,000. Fenlmore Cooper, 188 Ferguson SAM (Summer Activities in Blair J. and Marcia G. l.'ll SII4 creased supplies of lettuce, Rd., and Gail Ann Czerwlnski, IH ITDOllDO! 0, Every Wednesday, A Family Feast At A Manchester). VanjJamp to Steven A. and engravings ID sweet corn and melons and lit- Real Friendly Price: Golden Filets Of 254 Henry St., Aug. 22, St. tle change from 1974 in supplies A Gowen received the Karen J. Dleterle, property at fiip. Flounder, Fretrch Fries And Cole Slaw. Bridget Church. ^‘GOOD [Tuesday,August 5 through Saturday, August 16( Manchester Jaycees 33 Dorothy Rd., 6^,500. ttWRITUIINI of peppers, cucumbers and late- As Much As 'You Want, For Only $1.99! Timothy Austin Corlett, Distinguished Service Award in Lester C. LaFreniere to OftiMPInIft summer onions, officials added. Best Volue In Town And It's Right Simsbury, and Joyce Lynn SOUND’ Production of summer 1974. Harold F. and Dorothea P. Moberg, 130 Highland St., Aug. Tickets $3 50 SH j B Reservations Nearby. , UOUIARD harvest potatoes is down about The Clarke agency, headed by Shine, property at 20 Oakwood 9, Second Congregational IdSlM Students. $2:50 I l M K l s Call 429-2912 13 per cen t from la st year and Edgar H. Clarke, is one of the Rd., 636,900. reason to U54SS.7SI.MS JoHri6on':( Church. Spirit of '76 Bonus Curtain: 8 15pm potato prices will remain high 394 TOLLAND TURNPIKE] ______oldest insurance firms in James Michael Hunt and Connecticut's ^200.000 Lottery At the Air-Conditioned Harriet S. Jorgensen Theatre until the fall crop comes in, the Manchester.. It was founded in Judgment Lien Laura Ann DlBella, both # I ALL PERFORMANCES CONTINUOUS D A im LISTEN! University of Connecticut Group Rates Available ^ report predicted. MANCHESTER tSeTbmrcfAmerka 1917 by Fayette B. Clarke. Mohawk Farms of Newington Ellington, Aug. 5. AT EXIT 84 - WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY

1 " PAGE FOUR — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Tues., August 5, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., August 5, 1975— PAGE FIVE EupuingHfralb

Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Suggested Carrier Rates The Manchester Publishing ______C o . a ssu m e s no fin a n c ia l P u b lis h e d b y th e ayable n Advance resp onsibility for typographical Manchester Publishing Co., ^ ngle Copy ...... 15c e rro rs a p p e arin g in a d ver- Herald Square. Manchester, yyeekiy ...... goc tisem ents and other reading HERALD YESTERDAYS Conn. 06040, telephone m atter in Th e M a nch ester 2711 (Area Code 203). Three Months ...... $11.70 Evening Herald. S ix M o n ths...... $23.40 “ Published every evening One Y e a r...... $46.80 except Sundays and holidays. Mail Rates Upon Request Display advertising closing 25 Years Ago are elected to Manchester Democratic Entered at the Manchester. Su bscrib ers who fail to receive hours: Three full days prior to Conn . Post O flice as Second their newspaper before 5:30 p.m. publication. Deadline lor Herald Two Manchester young people, Town Committee. Class Mail Matter. should tele phone the circulatio n classifie d advertising: 12 noon Ruthelaine Jones and Alton J. Munsie, are department. 647-9946. prior to day of publication; 12 Raym ond F Robinson Member noon Frid ay lor publication flying to London to attend the Inter- 10 Years Ago Publisher Audit Bureau of Circulation Saturd ay and Monday. national Youth Conference of the Salva- Young Adults Club plans first activity, a tion Army. dance, white waiting word from the town Lois M. Pallein and Alphonse A. Reale on where it will be allowed to meet.

iHaurliriitrr Euruimi Umilft An interesting product of winter chill and abominable IfCBTisift TODAY’S THOUGHT roads was the New England practice of bundling. In the OPINIO N sparsely settled rural districts, ; w i the swain who went acourting The author of the Declaration of given by the Continental Congress. When and was caught by bad weather Independence wrote: “Prudence, indeed, they presented the declaration, their task spent the night tucked in, fully Hope For Housing will dictate that governments long es- was accomplished. They did more than clothed, beside his love in one tablished should not be changed for light that. They charged every American that bed divided lengthwise by a and transient causes.” followed them with a comparable task, theonebank long board. The practice later The outlook is far from bullish for January of this year. The recovery As fully aware as the author was of the fclvery one of us must be as vigilant as they caused some astonishment and the long-depressed and still sluggish from January to May was the gravity of the step he and his copatriots were as we govern ourselves. Each in our much comment among the were proposing to their countrymen, they own way must exercise prudence: Our young British officers housing industry, but there are signs sharpest ever seen in the savings and did it with conviction. political decisions governed by serious and quartered in New England dur- that the bears, if not exactly on the loan business. Latest figure for June We, their followers and benefactors, substantial causes. ing the Revolutionary War, The have no less a responsibility in the Now is the time, at our 200th birthday, to World Almanac recalls. run, are getting restless. put lending volume at $5.9 billion, an maintenance of our government. All of us encourage and strengthen each other with Housing secretary Carla Hill all-time record. must exercise the same prudence in all this serious political commitment. in Connecticut predicts that new construction starts Also in June, total mortgage loans our governmental affairs, as they did. Rev. Bernard D. Killeen It was no easy task that Jefferson. St. James R. C. Church Rezoning will reach an annual rate of 1.5 million put on associations’ books in the first Adam, Sherman and Livingstone were at the end of 1975. While far below the six months of 1975 rose to $22.8 billion The Ozone peak rate of more than 2 million in up from the $22.3 billion recorded for I : 3 B y D I C K W E S T 1971 and 1973, this would be a vast im- the first half of 1974. • 3 t 3 I ) la n 13 13 l< II l( 13 WASHINGTON ( U P D - N e w II II 3D 31 33 33 33 most respected provement over the low of 880,000 And since the banks can’t lend 33 3( 33 3> 33 30 ALMANAC evidence that chemicals from 5 recorded in December 1974. money for mortgages unless it com- aerosol spray cans are destroying the ozone layer is The nation’s savings and loan es in from the other direction, the fact It y l / 'n ilr il P rc» » In t e r n a li o n u l French novelist Guy de Maupassant was Today is Tuesday, Aug. 5, the 217th day cause for pertubation and great associations, which handle the bulk of that savings deposits in the first six born Aug 5, 1850. dismay. of 1975, with 148 to follow. On this day in history: mortgage loan money, achieved a months of 1975 are already $10 billion The moon is approaching its new phase. The gravity of the situation In 1861. the U S. government imposed may be seen in the fact that the major recovery in mortgage lending ahead of the same period last year — The morning stars are Mars. Jupiter the first income tax. All incomes over $800 ‘No. 2898” at Branford Trolley Museum Photo by Doug Bevins) and Saturn. Food and Drug Administration for service were taxed .3 per cent volume in May, when loans closed $26 billion to $16 billion — is another The evening stars arc Mercui^ and is being petitioned to ban In 1%2, actress Marilyn Monroe died of sprays containing fluorcarbon soared to an estim ated $5.5 billion. reason for thinking that now may be a Venus. an overdose of barbiturates. propellants. This contrasts dramatically with good time to buy a house. It is doubtful that humankind the $2 billion in loans closed in could survive without the ozone layer to shield the earth’s at- mosphere from solar radiation. Which is perturbing. to its customers, How Free is the Sexual Freedom But it also is doubtful that humankind could survive without lemon fresh hair spray, How free can the new sexual freedom eluding fidelity, privacy, women's libera- as their own problem Gods, appropriate believing in “commitment, " which they antiperspirants and instant be without hurting the marriage or love tion, sexual therapy and human fulfill- MAX LERNER their lightning and thunder, bring them define as “ an exchange of foaming lather. Which is dis- relationship and the sexual balance in the ment. thus out of the sky onto the familiar earth, vulnerabilities.” maying. society? This has become the central It is 20 years now since Masters and and end by making them part of the con- This leads into the third, or psychosocial Humankind, I regret to say, is question in the sexual debate of our time. after Masters and Johnson as it was ple saying there was never really anything Johnson started their work in what was ventional currents of thought and question. Watching Masters and Johnson that facing up to the latter we want to know Over the past decade 1 have mentioned, before them. original about them. first known as the St. Louis Project, and therefore almost banal. over the years I feel that they haven't prospect bravely. Typical of the in writing and conversation, a dialogue This needs saying now, because the then became familiar throughout the Like Samson in his strength — but changed positions but that ttiey have timorous public reaction was with Drs. William Masters and Virginia Masters-Johnson research has carried our world simply under their combined Mostly they have brought this about by without his blindness — Masters and John- changed emphases. Their emphasis has the comment of my friend Wal- Johnson. Luckily we were able to resume thinking along with it, changing it so names. Their two major volumes — first their success. Americans can’t stand son pulled the pillars of the temple down shifted from a severely physiological one ly Tortbaker. it when they came to New York as visiting drastically that what once seemed “Human Sexual Response” and then failure, but neither can they tolerate and sent them crashing. ’The danger they to a total take which leaves Important "If God had intended cohosts for the TV show, A.M. America. In shockingly radical, even outrageous, is “Human Sexual Inadequacy” — have success. They make pariahs of the failed. run is of being buried in the ruins they room for love, tenderness, fidelity, humankind to live without their wind-up session of the week we now pretty well taken for granted. They revolutionalized our knowledge and They envelop the successful in a hurricane made. privacy, shared values and the whole psy- lemon fresh antiperspirants. He talked all too briefly about some of the have become — God help them — almost perception of sexuality. For better or of publicity, make best sellers and But they won’t stay put. They are still chosocial universe. Yet they remain stub- would have put citnis juice In aboutitr things that trouble many Americans, in- respectable, and I hear some foolish peo- worse the world will never be the same national symbols out of them, adopt them pushing ahead with new research. Even if born about the physiological, too. our sweat glands,” Tortbaker they ended here, some of the massive The lasting impact of the Masten- lamented. questions they have raised about sexuality Johnson work will fall, I suspect, on the The situation, then, is, in a would go on provoking torrents of con- fourth and fifth areas In my overview — nutshell, dire. But as long as CIA Official Defends Agency troversy for many decades. what it has done to enrich our understan- there’s an aerosol can for Of the five major areas of questions, as I spraying clouds with silver ^6. u ding of female sexuality (thus giving great see them, the first — the laboratory ques- impetus to the women’s freedom linings, we need not despair. “T h e b an k that listens.” By Lee R oderick publicly unknown successes of the U.S. tion — has largely been resolved. Was it movements) and what it has done In One possible way out of the WASHINGTON - The CIA’s No. 2 of- LEE RODERICK intelligence community, which he said ethical to study liuman sexuality in the sexual therapy. These areas will continue dilemma was suggested to me ficial, Lt. Gen. Vernon A. Walters, says have contributed to both war and peace. laboratory? This had doctors, psy- to evoke tempests of controversy. by a scien tific-m in d ed It isn ’t just a slo gan. It’s a way his agency has not been “badly” hurt to Through greatly improved technology and chiatrists and university circles in a dither In both areas Masters and Johnson will colleague who has abiding faith “The United States is in the toughest Walter said he believes that, had the t^ e t date by recent public disclosures of its ac- analysis of intelligence data, the deputy a decade ago. The answer now is pretty be criticized but never ignored. My guess in the ability of humankind to of doing b usin ess. tivities, but that its work “irievitably” has power situation we have faced since CIA succeeded in killing Cuba’s Fidel director said the CIA has succeeded in clear. It is perfectly ethical, among con- is that on both scores their work will still wriggle out of tight places. Valley Forge,” said Walters. “This is the Castro 15 years ago, the American people, suffered somewhat. quietly defusing potential conflicts senting adults. But the results you get in be standing when the ruins of the temple “What is needed is something G first time since then that a foreign power who then felt more threatened than they “Our foreign covert operations in- between third countries. “We have been the laboratory are only a baseline. They have been cleared away and a new one is to offset the destructive effect A n d that’s what this question evitably have b ^ n damaged,” said Walters has had the power to cripple us as a do today, “would have accepted it. Today, able to bring them together on various oc- don’t tell you the full story of what sexuali- being built. of spray can propellants,” he nation.” He explained that the USSR is I’m not sure they would, and we have to in a briefing for the press. “People who casions and dissipate their fear of each ty is like in daily life, outside the pointed out. “So flow about an now deploying four new generations of operate in view of what is acceptable to naire is all about. It’s the sa m e one used to give us whole reports are now other by disproving what they thought to laboratory. aerosol can that sprays pure Inter-Continental Ballistics Missiles and is them.” giving us summaries. People who were be true ” ’Then there is the “natural function” ozone?” giving us summaries are giving us a making a “tremendous effort to moder- Walters said his agency “can live” with question. Dr. Masters feels strongly that “By George,” I cried, “I that’s b een available for so m e nize” and increase its strategic striking handshake. And still others are saying He added that he personally is against whatever form of oversight recommended sex is a natural function, like the appetite think you're onto something.” ‘don’t come near us’.” force. political assassinations: “Bullets kill only by Congress as a result of the current for food. This is a healthy reaction to the Dateline 1775 “As 1 see it,” my colleague He added that for the U.S. intelligence Walters, who emphasized that the Soviet men, not ideas.” tim e at all C B T b ra nch es hearings. “I am less confident, however, past uptight attitudes, but it continues to WATERTOw N, Mass. Aug. 5. -T he continued, “every can of ins- community to survive indefinitely in the effort is well beyond what is logically that we will get clear guidelines as to what trouble many, especially those who feel it colonial council agreed to a recommenda- tant plastic dessert topping, or face of wide publicity of its operations necessary for its own sense, said, “The In the face of a Senate Foreign we can and cannot do.” he added. disposes too easily of the complexities sur- tion that two British prisoners be whatever, could have a con- would be “like going to the moon — we (part of our continuing question then becomes: What do they in- Relations Committee probe into alleged He insisted that, despite the public dis- rounding homosexuality, and those who exchanged for the selectmen of Concord tainer of ozone attached. Each will have been the only nation to do it.” tend to use these weapons for? It’s up to CIA involvement into such assassinations, closures, morale remains high within his feel that it strips away the affectional and village and nine Bostonians. Approval time you pressed the button to Walters, who became deputy director of the CIA to find out.” Walters said flatly that “it is not in the in- agency. “We have a room at the CIA ends by a surrender to the “polymorphous came despite belief that Gen. Gage had glop up your strawberries with pro gra m of listening to our the agency in 1972 after a career as a The deputy director added that the most terests of the United States to point the where stars are carved in the wall perverse.” To which Masters and Johnson deliberately taken the Americans hostage a glob of imitation whipped critical problem facing the country is the Army intelligence officer, was careful not finger at anyone inside or outside of the representing individuals who have died replied that it doesn’t keep them from to compel the exchange. cream, you also would release a to specifically criticize members of “lack of perception of the threat” facing U.S.” He denied knowing of any foreign while serving their country in the agen- counter-balancing blast of custo m ers). Its p urp ose is a sim ple but Congress who are now conducting a the United States on the part of its leader killed by his agency, however, cy,” he said. “They are unsung, their ozone. searching investigation of the CIA. citizens. He also cited as a major problem while adding — in answer to a question — fellow citizens don’t know who they were “It would drift up to the up- extrem ely im portant one: W e want to know However, his disdain for those leveling for his agency a changing perception by that the Soviet Union’s counterpart agen- or what they did. But they were heroes per atmosphere along with the what he considers unfair charges at the the American people and their represen- cy, the KGB, defintely has done so in the nonetheless. Our people are extremely fluorcarbons and replace any . U.S. intelligence community was clearly tatives of what is proper and improper for past. dedicated to this country and what it part of the ozone layer that the what we ca n do to further im prove evident. the CIA to do. Walters also alluded to “numerous” stands for.” chemicals destroyed.” ■ ; i I said, "It surely looks good on paper, but where are we service to our custo m ers. going to get the canned ozone?" My colleague squared his B eca use if C B T isn ’t the one b an k in Co n n ecticu t shoulders resolutely. “We’re going to manufacture it. Ozone OPEN FORUM is nothing but a blue, gaseous, m ost resp ected for its service, there’ll be so m e oxidizing form of oxygen. You can’t tell me any country that Is capable of producing a lemon ch a n g es m ade. Can Mayor Justify Position? How can the mayor justify his position? Mayor Thompson’s actions are con- The $300,000 bond for the new firehouse, fresh feminine hygiene spray The voters of the Eighth District have tributing to the emotional strain between paid off over a 10-year period will add an isn’t capable for producing an W e pro m ise you that. To the editor: expressed their opinion. Their efforts areas of town. The disregard both he and additional $40,000 per year. ozone spray.” It is with disbelief that I write this were put forth in the belief that the the town general manager have displayed Maintenance costs are estimated to be I agreed that good, old- letter. The disbelief is caused by Mayor people’s will would prevail. By pre- throughout this entire issue should be another $5,000 per year. fashioned American know-how John Thompson’s cavalier attitude toward judging this matter, the mayor is attemp- questioned by all townspeople. These three items alone (fire apparatus . probably could be depended 5 the result of the recent special meeting of ting to confuse the rights of district voters It is ironic that recently the courts were not included) will amount to $1%,000 a upon to achieve such a the Eighth Utilities District voters at as granted by the State of Connecticut, year for the town to provide its own fire breakthrough. called upon to save our national rights Pick u p yo ur p ost a ge-p aid co p y o f o ur co nsu m e r which they overwhelmingly voted to ex- with his personal decision as to what he coverage. “And if we’re lucky," my from our national leaders, and now the qu estio nnaire at a n y of o u r 8 4 offices. tend their district boundary lines as wants for Manchester. courts may be called upon to act on the The town presently collects $84,000 in colleague enthused, "we might requested by the residents of Buckland This is demeaning to all taxpayers and rights of Manchester residents versus the town fire taxes from the Buckland even improve the ozone for- and as authorized by the district’s charter voters, especially those residing within opinions of Manchester town officials. residents. In turn, the town pays the mula and make it possible for granted by the State of Connecticut. the Town Fire District whom the mayor Sincerely, Eighth Utilities District $11,000 to service the earth to have a lemon fresh The mayor’s statement cannot help but iFhas decided to deny the opportunity to Wallace J. Irish Jr. the area, thus realizing a profit of $73,000 atmosphere.” remind me of a former President of the express their opinions. 315 E. Center St. per yea^A' pretty good deal by any stan- United States who split hairs over legal Should Mayor Thompson continue his dards. THE CO N N ECTICUT B A N K technicalities and legal opinions in an ef- biased disregard for the rights of the If the town builds this new firehouse fort to avoid issues. people's wishes and order the town they wilt still collect $84,000 In town fire Clearly the voices of the people are counsel to take legal action against taxes. However, it will cost them $165,000, A N D TRUST CO M PA N Y speaking out over the issue of the residents of Manchester, namely those What Will Firehouse Cost? resulting in a loss of $81,000 a year. /ABOUT Buckland Fire Station. residing in the Eighth Utilities Fire That’s rather a drastic change. From a The mayor’s action of “stonewalling” District, then the costs.of this action To the editor: $73,000 profit to an $81,000 loss with no ap- TOWN and riding the issue out, based on his in- should be paid by another group of town The Town of Manchester is on the verge preciable change in fire coverage. itial vote for the purchase of a parcel of residents, namely those residing within If the town is so intent on building a new of building and operating a firehouse in the The Women’s Bible Study land is utterly fantastic. The members of the Town Fire District. firehouse, I suggest they build it in the • ' 1 ' Buckland area of town. What does this Group of South United the Town Board of Directors are elected It would be totally unfair for the town’s southern end of town, where they present- mean to the taxpayers of the Town Fire Methodist Church will meet to represent all the voters, not just those General Fund (to which all Manchester District? Higher taxes, naturally! ly service homes which are nearly four miles from the nearest firehouse. tonight at 7:30 at 1208 Main St. who reside in specific areas. The mayor’s taxpayers contribute) to be responsible In order to staff this firehouse with two - . , efforts of blocking the sentiment of the for paying the legal costs and fees on this Bill Sheridan '5 ' ; V i i men around the clock, it will require ap- ’The committee on hunger of townspeople is a travesty when open 141 Delmont St. issue. Residents of the Eighth District proximately 10 men. Based upon a Emanuel Lutheran Church will government on all levels is being would then be subsidizing the fight against minimum cost of $12,000 per man, it will (Director of meet tonight at 7:30 at the Kuz- demanded throuehout our nation. themselves. cost $120,000 a year for manpower alone. Eighth District)' “ Sam! Cut His rope!” nicki home, 61 Ridgewood St. PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Tues., August 5, 1975

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues,, August 5, 1975 — PAGE SEVEN WE WE GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE gw eI \ - B ETTY’S NOTEBOOK o By BETTY RYDER f ' LU Do you ever wonder just what nearly loved by the Irish, The In the book ‘Bubble & Squeak’ the world is coming to? bubbling and squeaking in the is listed as cold boiled meat ■:'l ■ I read yesterday that skillet as it cooks are thp with greens. someone is missing an artificial sounds of the witches and Her recipe comes from an r'l ‘ Christmas tree apparently ghosts trying to escape from American cookbook entitled ■S LL stolen from an apartment base- the fiery heat. Not surprisingly, "Introduction to British By Abig a il Van Buren B > • o “ « i S’ ment storage area. it is traditionally served on Cooking.” - S’SS e 1l75byChiccooTrlbun**N.Y.Nfwt8ynd..lnc. It-5 « m m Now who would steal a Halloween night.” Ingredients: Cabbage 1 small ai 3 ^ (o: Christmas tree. And if they did, The recipe calls for 5 head, about 2tk pounds. 12 > why in August? tablespoons of butter or bacon slices of cooked corned beef V* 2s|a li Guess people are just funny. fat, 1 small onion finely inches thick about 1Y4 pounds, 2 DEAR ABBY: We don’t have any problems, but after 'H H being married for 25 years and as much in love as ever, we i l l l But I bet they have a twinge of chopped, 2 cups shredded cal^ tablespoons butter or CD O S2 ^ . a > * tr £g’5.£ margarine. wonder if you have ever heard of anyone else in our ““is conscience when they go to put bage boiled for 15 minutes, and I-S S tt 2 cups of mashed potatoes. Cut cabbage in quarters, cook . s i t u a t i o n . the star on top. We are husband and wife—also brother and sister. We n M n s6 S 01 UJ Heat the butter in a large in large pan boiling until tender £ ". 5 e — about 10 minutes. Drain and have been close as long as we can remember. There is a € S.S I skillet and fry the onion over difference of two years between us. We were raised in a big W 10 ”9 Sits chop finely and mix with salt si & f E S c a She Wore While low heat for 5 minutes until city. All through high school we went together. We tried v’itt’E and pepper to taste. Lightly Further away from home, in softened. Add cabbage and stir dating others, but preferred each other. I a i lli« a 3 8 over low heat for two minutes. sprinkle corned beef with We never realized the depth of our feelings until our Loxahatchee, Fla. the bride pepper. Heat butter or wore white. Actually, that’s all Fold in the mashed potatoes un- parents were killed in an automobile accident. We were 17 UJ margarine in large skillet, she wore. til well blended with the cab- and 19. We continued to live together, remembering that bage. Press mixture lightly saute corned beef until lightly our parents told us always to stick together because we bad W It seems the wedding brown. Place on serving skillet ceremony took place at a nudist onto the surface of the skillet to no close relatives. form a large pancake. Cook for with chopped cabbage. Serves One night while discussing our future, we broke down and camp and, perhaps, busy plan- four to six. (/) ning her trousseau, the bride 5 minutes until the underside admitted our feelings for each other. A week later we went Mrs. Ferguson says "When to a state that allowed first cousins to marry, claimed to be a /' just hadn’t had a chance to get has browned lightly. Turn and you boil the cabbage it bubbles cousins and were married. as much exposure to the sun as brown on the second side for hi five minutes. and when you place it in the You ngsters Pitch In An d H ave F u n, Too We moved as far away from our home as possible to break Q. the bridegroom. frying pan it squeaks.” off all ties there and keep our secret. We are considered good Now the bridegroom is vice Had a call from Mrs. Doreen Scripture, she’s manager of the Roger Landon of Manchester believes that busy hands are happy hands. Landon, who is citizens in our community, and have two healthy children » 5 ■ -J -J president of the nudist camp, so physically handicapped, runs a small odd jobs business and enlists the help of several area and one healthy grandchild. 'O k I co< naturally he was bronze. But E. Middle Tpke. branch of the Hartford National Bank. A N() Picnic youngsters. Pitching in on a leaf removal detail are, from left, Ronnie Gerrish, Landon, We know that society does not accept what we have done, alas, the little lady was a half but it has worked out perfectly for us. Have you or any of •'“ Sll dozen shades lighter than her Doreen’s from England and Had a real “cool” time on a Heather Roy, Roland Roy and Edward Gerrish. Others who assist, but are not pictured, ■ a?; c she said her mom always made your readers ever known of a situation like ours? Please c -- c new husband. very warm Friday when I was are Wesley Coolbaugh, Brian Plecity, Steve Gerich, Mike Roberts and Ronnie Penney. keep our name confidential. Every word of this letter is true. o O © < “Bubble & Squeak” on Mon- But the poor dear rallied and invited to a n(ice) picnic at the Youngsters are rewarded when Landon takes them to Ocean Beach, Riverside Park, cam- MRS. AND MRS. X. o > 5 with a bright smile on her pale days. Bolton Ice Palace. ping trips and daily cookouts to Andover Lake and East Hampton. Anyone having odd jobs Ui s ® face said, “Well, the bride is “We would haye a roast beef The occasion was the awar- such as raking leaves, painting, cleaning cellars, etc. may call him at 646-7786. Z UJ h" supposed to wear white, isn’t or lamb on Sunday and on Mon- ding of certificates to the I I I ^ 111 she?’’ day mother would serve it cold. youngsters who had completed DEAR MR. AND MRS. X.; I thought I had heard Il U i O CO 5 ^ C 2 in the U.S. Air Force vehicle by her father, wore a gown of (20i) envelope. fU 'B S LU maintenance field at Chanute, imported organza and Venise AFB, 111. lace designed with fitted Airman Smith attended bodice, V neckline, long sleeves Manchester High School. His edged with double pleated Now You Know father, Ernest J. Smith, lives at organza, and high-rise waistline VACATION United Press Inlernalional NEEOS« SUNTAN LOTION 140 Hilliard St. with circular skirt extending to Eamon de Valera served as I SUNOlASStt SWIM CAPS a chapel-length train edged Navy Fireman Appren. Prime Minister of the Republic with pleated organza. Her of Ireland three times. ARTHUR in Laurence B. Perry, son of Mr. fingertip veil of imported silk Ul III > and Mrs. Laurence B. Perry of illusion was edged with a 233 School St., was graduated border of Venise lace and at- O o from Advanced Hull tached to a matching lace

^isspsesss Mrs. Shoup New Home Economist BOLTON the Windham Region Planning him was whether or not Bolton Donna Holland Area and from Andover and would be interested in joining Xh Coventry will be at tbe with Andover and Coventry for For the past five years, Mrs. TOLLAND COUNTY Mrs. Shoup was reared on a David Dreselly, first select- meeting. a public bearing. Shoup has taught home man, will attend a meeting It will take place at 21 Church I»n B a rb a r a R ir h m o n d western Pennsylvania farm and The selectmen agreed to wait economics in the Somers school Wednesday morning to discuss St. in Willimantic. for Dreselly’s report on the (H e ra ld Re porter) in 1952 earned her B.S. degree system. She also served for six 5^Si§S in general home economics the corridor for 1-84 between Dreselly said he isn’t sure of meeting before deciding if a 50 Mrs. Esther Shoup of 13 year as extension home Bolton Notch and Willlmantic. the subject of the meeting. He combined public hearing on the ? * from Juniata College in Hun- economist in three Penn- »H ni Virginia Dr., Ellington is the A representative from said one specific comment to corridor should be held. tington, Pa. She recently com- sylvania counties. For two new home economist for the pleted requirements for a 5 years she was assistant to the D a /S V Tolland County Extension Ser- master’s degree, at the Univer- ^ P dean at the College of Home vice. She replaces Miss Cora sity of Connecticut. ’The exten- Webb who retired in January Economics, Pennsylvania State V m ^ m sion service comes under the University. Comment Withheld on Dump Issue O after serving in that position for jurisdiction of the university. ^mjQ i 9>S 30 years. Mrs. Shoup is a member of Cn-A r 00 in C^s the Connecticut and the BOLTON but that Andover wouldn’t sign make comments now.” American Home Economics Donna Holland the contract until all charges Association, the Society of owed by Bolton were paid in The comments by Bolton’s Nutrition Eklucation, and the town counsel corrected some ni4> *S I I I war When asked for the status on full. CD Tree Limb Cuts Power EUingtoh Women’s Club. David Cyr of Miller Rd., South Windsor is one of the first the dump situation between According to the Andover wording in tbe contract, vt N The duties of the home to ti'y out the bike route in town. Signs were recently in- Bolton and Andover David selectmen, Bolton owes $8,- provisions for making payment, m economist include developing stalled guiding cyclists along plotted routes. (Herald photo Dreselly, first selectman, said 310.87. and added some wording. About 1,400 electrical of Rts. 44A and 31 tripped an and implementing an extension by Kuehnel) Monday; “I don’t think there’s Dreselly had comments from Mahon suggested the Bolton P r customers in Coventry and automatic shutoff mechanism home economics program for selectmen get a copy of the or- •I p r- at about 10 a.m. ’The areas anything for discussion at this Bolton’s town counsel, John 00 00 Tolland were without power for various groups in cooperation point. I’ll have comments when Mahon, on the contract and said dinance passed by Andover con- m about an hour Monday morning affected by the blackout were with the UConn extension facul- cerning Bolton’s use of the dis- no 00 North Coventry and the it’s proper.” he has relayed the comments to n- f\' when a tree limb fell on lines in ty. On July 23 the Andover David Yeomans, first select- posal area to make sure the use Coventry. southern section of Tolland. Her primary emphasis will be is in accordance with the ’The CL&P spokesman said selectmen approved sending a man in Andover. A Connecticut Light & Power on foods, nutrition, and im- Bike Routes Installed lettfer to Bolton saying it (An- Dreselly said, “There’s wishes of the selectmen. .10- •A- is Co. spokesman said a falling power was restored at about 11 proving the allocation of family a.m. dover) wanted the contract for nothing to comment on. Dave C/5 tree limb near the intersection resources. Carmen Burrows, SOUTH WINDSOR town, includes Deming St. and Bolton’s use of the disposal (Yeomans) has work on his M hmMM field coordinator and extension Judy Kuehnel passes in the area of Timothy area returned within 30 days. end. It’s not appropriate to 4-H agent, said. Edwards and Orchard Hill HALL FOR RENT '9 ;i The U.S. Department of 644-1364 Signs, directing bicycle Schools. For parlies, showers, receptions, -i S v vO Agriculture also cooperates meetings. Complete kitchen facilities. with the program which is enthusiasts along specific The second, and longer route, Urge enclosed parking lot. Inquire: routes, have been installed in funded with state and federal begins on Griffin Rd. and in- Contract Authorized > South Windsor. cludes old Main. St. Cyclists Lithuanian Haii ssM S " m FIRE CALLS money and Is free-of-charge to any person or group wishing to The routes—not to be confused following the route will bypass With State Police 24 GOLWAY STREET » ? « g with bike paths — have been take advantage of the program. Veterans Memorial Park. MANCHESTER TO LLA N D were meeting at the firehouse plotted by the Mass Transit BOLTON Call before 6 P.M. The extension office is in the Copies of the brochure with a The town retains the respon- Tuesday, 9:22 p.m. —fire in at the time so response by a full Commission and form two a Tolland County Agricultural map of the routes are available Donna Holland sibility, administrative and Phone 643-0616 or 646-9155 the attic of the garage of a crew was almost immediate, “circles.” X3 2 D£m Center, Rt. 30, Vernon, and at Town Hall. The 'Board of Selectmen otherwise, lor the constables. " D is home oi> Goose Lane. Members said Chief Ronald Littell. There The first, on the east side of authorized David Dreselly, first of the Tolland Fire Department was some water damage. serves the 13 ’Tolland County s towns. selectman, to sign a contract in " i IP- with the Connecticut State $ ^ 0 1 Police Department for two years. ROCKVILLE HOSPITAL NOTES Disenchanted Teacher Dreselly received a letter ><^2§ Won’t Appeal Firing. from Jacob Domowitz, business m .p 'O d m manager of tbe department, DuBALDO APPLIANCE VISITING HOURS Babcock, Woodbine St., Stafford Rd., Ellington; Rachel saying tbe present contract and Surgical and medical wings, Rockville: William Beebe, En- Shirk, Enfield. SOUTH WINDSOR of Teachers union here for the expired on June 30. ? A> 12:30 to 2 p.m. and 4 to 8 p.m.; field; Jill Card., Old Post Rd., Discharged Monday: Harvey Judy Kuehnel past two years. He said the services of Maternity, 2 to 4 p.m. and 6:30 Tolland; Jeannette DiMauro, Bearse, Hopkins Rd., 644-1364 Longo’s attorney^. Paul Bolton’s resident trooper have SIGN SERVICENTER 'O to 8 p.m. (fathers 8 to 9 p.m.); Prospect St., Rockville; Ellington; Joan Brenger, Angelo Longo, a South Wind- Sherabacow of Hartford, said continued uninterrupted and the 42 P U R N E L L P L A C E M A N C H E S T E R m ' 8 T -8 Pediatrics, parents anytime Frances Fluckiger, Stafford Prospect St., Rockville; Ella sor art teacher suspended in that the possibility still exists new agreement has been SPECIALIZING IN. and others, 12:30 to 8 p.m.; Springs; Bertha Guillan, Bolton Chapman, Merrow Rd., March from his position at the that a civil action suit may be prepared. Intensive Care Unit, imm olate Rd., Vernon; Leslie Libby, Ash Tolland; Irene Chatham, Castle Ellsworth School, has said he filed sometime within the next The new contract has been WESTINGHOUSE MAJOR APPUANCE SALES 3 Rr family only, five minutes per Rd., Tolland; Walter Davis, modified to clarify the , - 2 0 ^ St., Manchester; Doris will not appeal the school two years. MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR FOR hour. MacMillan, West Wlllington; Somers; Rosemary Henry, board’s decision to terminate Both South Windsor school of- relationship between the state r- mS Paulette Murphy, Webber Rd., Crestridge Dr., Vernon; Emma him. ficials and Longo have police and appointed con- WESTINGHOUSE • GENERAL ELECTRIC - < Admitted Monday: Dorothy Tolland; Mary Jane Neary, Hyland, Lanz Lane, Ellington. Longo has stated that he is remained silent .regarding stables. HOTPOINT rp.o £2"'*S8 Also, Robert Kuca, disenchanted with the ad- details surrounding the case. By signing tbe contract tbe ELECTRIC SIGN REPAIR and PARKING 9) Ss5 Ellington; Anne Masse, En- ministration and will pursue Meets Tuesday town delegates the authority to 1 « z field; Judith Nagy, High Ridge other economic opportunities The South Windsor Human the state police to supervise and LOT LIGHT MAINTENANCE and REPAIR Many Appointments Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Judith available to him. Relations Commission will direct the operations of ap- F or More Inform a tio n C a ll •A: Ohrt and son, Montauk Dr., pointed constables, including Longo, a 15-year teacher, was meet Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in 646-8114 ;S8P2 Made by Selectmen Vernon; David Reed, High St., terminated in a unanimous the caucus room of the Town work schedules. Rockville; Jane Richards, decision by the school board Hall. m m. S 8 0 - Kibbe Rd., Ellington; Martha following hearings on charges Included on the agenda is a 09^ *^(0 BOLTON Morra and Sberry Shaw; youth Scheiffer, Orchard St,, made that he u s ^ questionable discussion of the bylaws and a pi Rockville; Patricia ’Thompson, n- ^ Donna Holland activities advisors and coor- language and corporal punish- followup on the Open Housing «S dinators, Karen McCooe and Lawrence St., Rockville; Amy ment in class. Forum with emphasis on the D l ' ^ ’The following appointments Zlotsky, Lakeview Heights, Thomas Sheridan; Bolton for two-year terms ending June Longo has been president of next step to be followed by tbe o— m scholarship committee, John Tolland. the local American Federation commission. M( J N r 30, 1977 were made by the Sheets. ip Board of Selectmen Monday: •u»- Board of Health, Norma Ted- Energy coordinators, David ford, Jean Nichols, Willard Dreselly, Norman Preuss, Leon ■ ~ ’ O^.. N) ^ N Dickenson, Esther Haloburdo, Rivers, David Miniccuccl; MaryLou Lemaire, Dr. Richard selectmen’s representative to •2 -"' Olmsted and Virginia the Capitol Region Purchasing Wickersham. Council, Joseph Llcltra; The selectmen appointed .o- selectmen’s representative to Alden Chick to the Building the Regional Forum, Donald Board of Appeals for a term un- ^ TO 10 Tedford. til June %, 1976 to replace ? ? ® 0 O n . Assistant to the civil Robert Fluckiger. pii preparedness director, Donato ’The following appointments Rattazzi; civil prepareidness in- for five-year terms, ending June terim communications officer, 30, 1980, were also made; Raymond Soma; community * -A Zoning Commission, George contact person between the Hawkins; Zoning Commission jb • 5* BOLTON Tuesday, Aug. 12 at SOS Silas everyone but certainly many p^ple should consider the Donna Holland Deane Highway in Wethersfield purchase of an Aetna Scope policy to protect against the 646-0375 at 4 p.m. rare possibility of a huge’judgment. The cost is around Norman Preuss, Bolton's Wednesday,' Aug. 13 at thp per year and Scope provides one million additional V0i¥ representative for Emergency Eastern Connecticut Firemen’s coverage over your present automobile and homeowner’s 9s Medical Services (EMS), said School in Willimantic at 8 p.m. policies. Call us today. VO there will be five public Thursday, Aug. 14 at the Day- ■ 0 - n - hearings during the month of Kimball Hospital in Putnam at .0- August on the statewide 8 p.m. 1 Copies of the proposed rules emergency medical services ROBERT J. SMITH, INC.1 {i • rules and regulptlons. and regulations are available nisi Hearings are as follows: upon request from the office of Inn I the Northeastern Connecticut 963 Main Street, Manchester i V ' 1 i UM Tonight at 340 Capitol Ave. in Hartford at 7. Emergency Medical Service Monday, Aug. 11 at Tolland Council, P.O. Box 62, Williman- Phone 649-5241 S Fire Station No. 2 at 8 p.m. tic, 06226. /,, '

PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Tues., August 5, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., ’Tues., August 5,1975 -r PAGE fi.p .veN _____ ' ' Sala Blanks Herb^s, [ MAJOR LEAGUE BOXSCORES I Thoughts Fenway Park Fountain of Youth SCOREBOARD ' Cincinnati San Francisco N ATIO N AL LE A GUE ' CalifomU y Chicago ab r h bi ab r b bi National League Atlanta Los Angeles abrhbi abrhbi American League Comets Home Tonight Rose Sb 3110 Joshua cf 4 0 0 0 ApLENty East Remy 2b 4 011 Nyman cf 5 02 0 East abrhbi abrhbl Griffeyrf 5211 Miller 2b 5000 w. 1. pet. g.b. Garr If 5 01 0 Lopes 2b 5131 Rivera cf 4110 Oita 2b 4 000 w. 1. pet. g.b. Morgan 2b 4110 Murcer rf 4 010 By Len Auster Pittsburgh tt M in — Gilbreath 2b 5 0 0 0 Buckner If 5 3 21 Collins if 3 0 10 May lb 2 000 PhiladelphU 61 « iS Boston 06 43 .606 ~ Driessen lb 4110 Matthews if 4 0 0 0 Qarrett lb 4 011 DJohnm dh 3 0 0 0 Baltimore Behind the five-hit shutout pitching Evans Sb 3111 Wynn cf 3 310 Foster If 412 4 Montanez lb 5 12 0 For Orioles’ Aging Star Robinson New Vorfc » U iO I 56 50 528 8W Sala registered his fourth win SUnton rf 4 0 0 0 Hendersn cf 3 110 WilUams lb 2 0 10 Hale cf 0000 Geronimo cf 4 0 0 0 Speier ss 4 10 0 St. LouU 56 S3 i l l 9 New Yoit 56 52 519 9M of Pete Sala, Moriarty Brothers without a lo8s walking one and ChalkSb 4000 Kellyrf 0000 Milwaukee Lum lb 0 0 0 0 Garvey lb 3 0 11 Concepdn ss400 0 OntiverosSb30 1 0 Chicago 51 00 .«9 15 53 57 .4B IM stopped Herb’s Sports, 6-0, last night May rf 4 0 2 0 Crawford rf 4 2 12 Harper dh 3110 Melton 3b 4110 Cleveland 48 58 .463 16Vk striking out six. Plummer c 3110 Robinson 2b 0 10 0 HampUm c 2 0 0 O' Hairston If 2 110 NEW YORK (UPI) - If run homer in the seventh in- stroked a solo homer in the Indians 6, Tigers 4 Montreal 46 60 .429 18 in Twilight L e^ e action at St. Blanks ss 4020CeySb 4000 Norman p 2 0 0 0 Adams pb 1011 • The Red Sox, who saw Texas club record four runs West 46 63 .422 30 Office cf 4 0 10 Yeager c 4112 Nettles ph 0 0 0 0 Dent ss 3131 Move Won’t Work not the fountain of youth. ning. second, his 18th. West ’Thomas S e m i n a l McEnaney p 0 0 0 0 Thomas 2b 0 0 0 0 Rodriguez c 0 0 0 0 Downing c 4 012 their lead over Baltimore Charlie Spikes, in a and Ferguson Jenkins - k 1. p et g.b. Moriarty’s plated single runs in the Pocoroba c 4 0 0 0 Russell ss 4111 Borbim p 0 0 0 0 Hill c 1110 Brooks Robinson has at “This is a heckuva park to Cincinnati 7S SI . 6K - w. i. pet. g.b. Miley ss .3000 Wood p 0000 For the second time in his major league managerial sliced to 8 1/2 games, did Elsewhere in the season-long batting slump coasted on six-hitter for his Oakland Tonight at Monarty Field, the 15-3 second and third and broke it Dal Cantn p 2 0 0 0 Hooton p 3 0 0 0 CC^rroll p 0 0 0 0 Rader c 1111 Los Angeles 67 41 420 - Good son ph 10 0 0 Hocimbrry p 0 0 0 0 Gossage p 0 00 0 career. Bill Virdon has been let go by a club hoping a new least discovered that age-old hit in,” said Robinson, who American League, New 87 54 i l 4 l» k Kansu City Rttnmnd ph 1 0 0 0 Montefusc p 1 0 0 0 with just 20 RBIs, drove 13th win against 12 losses in San Prandaco 59 49 546 8 (hornets entertain Belltown Garden open with a four-run fifth on an Beard p 0 0 0 0 Scott p 0 0 0 0 56 56 iOO 17 Chieago Eastwick p 0 0 0 0 Brown ph 0 0 0 0 man will spark a resurgance. American League remedy broke up a ,6-6 tie in the York edged Milwaukee 2-1, home four runs with a two- San Diego 51 so .464 21 so 56 .481 15 Center at 5:45. Manchester Communi- outfield miscue and five solid hits. Leon p 0 0 0 0 ToUls 31 2 5 2 ToUls 30 4 9 3 the Rangers’ cakewalk over Teus Lavelle p 0 0 0 0 Atlanta 48 61 .440 23V^ 51 U .468 16V^ Baker ph 00 0 0 CalifomU 000 001 lOO- 2 In 1973, the replaced the baspec- for batting slumps: Fenway seventh with his homer of Cleveland topped Detroit 8- run homer and a single to Minnesota ty College journeys to McAuUffe Park Moffilt p 0 00 0 Oakland. Mike Hargrove Houston 40 73 .364 SSVk 49 62 .441 19V4 Rich Riordan and Mike McDonald Totals 34 18 1 Totals 36 9 10 8 (Chicago OOOKSOlx—4 i tacled Virdon with Danny Murtaugh, whom he succeeded, Park. loser Jim Willoughby after California Thomssn ph 0 0 0 1 4, Texas routed Oakland 12- help Cleveland hand Detroit also drove home three runs Monday’s Gaines 48 62 .438 30 in East Hartford to face the East AllanU 100 000000-1 E-Miley, Remy. DP-CaIifomU2. LOB- Monday's Results each had two hits for the Comets. Caldwell p 0 0 0 0 in September hoping a change would give the club the lift it Arriving in Boston for the Baylor singled and Bobby 0, Chicago edged California its eighth straight loss. Montreal 4 New York S. night. Hartford Merchants. Los Angeles 30020040x-9 CallfomU 7, Chicago 9. as Texas scored three in the Texas 12 Oakla^ 0, n i^ t ToUls 34 7 8 5 ToUls 33 5 7 3 2B-Hairston. SB-Rivers, Downing. SB- St. Louis 5 Pittsburgh 4, night. E-Evans, Blanks, Lopes. DP-AUanta 1, needed. That ploy didn’t work and the latest move by the start of a crucial two-game Grich doubled. “I’d rather 4-2 and Kansas City shaded Rookie Dennis Eckersley (9- Kansu City 6 Minnesota 5, 10 Inns, Cincinnati 00100000-7 Collins. S-Miley/Hairston. SF-Dent. fourth and four in the Chicago 8 P hllad eli^ 2, night. Los Angeles 2. U)B-Atlanta 10, Los series with the Red Sox, night San Francisco (1^000230-5 Yankees replacing Virdon with fiery Billy Martin won’t play the Red Sox up here Minnesota 6-5. 3) went 5 1-3 innings to win. Houston 5 San EMego 3, night. Angeles 5. ip b r er bb so seventh in embarrassing the Chicago 4 CaUfomia 2, night E-Morgan, Rose, Griffey, MonUnez. Hockenberry LO-1 5 73343 either. Robinson, the Baltimore than at home anyday.” Lof Angelea 9 Atlanta 1, night. 2B-Rus8ell. HR-Evans (17), Oawford world champions. New York 2 Milwaukee 1, night DP-San Francisco 1. LOB^nclnnatl 6, Scott 3 ^ 1 0 0 1 Yankees 2, Brewers 1 While Sox 4, Angels 2 Cincinnati 7 San Pranclaco 5, nl0t. (5), Lopes (7), Buckner (5). SB*Lopes2, In his day, Virdon was an excellent defensive Orioles’ ironman third Grich, who was 3-for-4 in- Geveland 6 Detroit 4, n i^ t San Francisco 9. Wood W IMS 6 5 2 2 2 4 Today’s Games Garvey. Thurman Munson, who Brian Downing's two-run Baltimore 13 Boston 8, night 2B-Plummer, Ontiveros, Rose, Griffey, Gossage 3 0 0 0 1 3 who made a reputation with his glove. It’s too bad he baseman, was showing the cluding a three-run homer in (AU Times EOT) ip h r er bb so drove in only 60 runs all of Today's Gamu Murcer. HR-Foster (18). S ^ riffe y , Hockenberry pitched to 3 batters in ravages of his 38 years as the fourth, agreed. “This is sixth inning triple sent Royals 6, Twins 5 Montreal (Blair 6>12 and Carrilhers 0- Dal Clanton L(M6 55322 couldn’t hit, fibld or pitch for some of those he most (All Timu EDT) Driessen. S-Nornun, Montefusco. SF- 6th; Wood pitched to 1 batter in 7th.,. last season, delivered a Kansas City, which had to 0) at New York (Koosman l&g and Beard 0 2 3 3 1 0 Thomasson. recently had the pleasure of guiding. witnessed by a .207 batting the best hitting park in the Wilbur Wood to his sixth Oakland (Bosman 64 and Siebert Save-Gossage (16). HBP-by Hockenber- game-winning eighth inning HaU 44), 2. 5:36 p.m. Leon 2 3 1 1 0 0 ip b r er bb so The Shea Stadium tenants are notoriously weak where a average. league,” he said. “I wish I straight victory and halted a rally three times, finally put at Texu (W rl^t 2-4 and Umbarger 4- Hooton W 84 9 6 114 4 ry (Henderson), by Gossage (Nettles). single against Milwaukee Chicago (Bonham 10-7) at Phila- 4). 3. 7:00 p.m. Norman 61-3 3 2 0 5 2 T-2:34. A-6,400. pennant contender must be strong — up the middle. The se- But the cozy walls of could play here all the four-game Chicago losing the game away in the 10th delphia (Ruthven (M)), 7:36 p.m. Beard pitched to 3 batters In 7th. McEnaney 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 for his 68th RBI as the California (Figueroa 84 and Singer 6- T-2:15. A-25.036. cond base and shortstop hole have been the bain of the Fenway can do wonders for time.” streak. Downing’s game- inning when Fred Patek (Mttsburgh (Hooker 7-7) at St. Louis 10) at Chicago (Jefferson 2-6 and Borbon 2-3 3 3 1 0 0 Oakland Texas Yankees rallied to their slapped a single to score A1 (Rasimissen M), 6:30 p.m. (Sogolewski (H)), 2, 6:30 p.m. C.CarroU W66 2-300000 ab r h bi ab r h bi even the oldsters of the Ken Singleton added winning hit came after a Atlanta (Nidun U4) at Los Angeles Pittsburgh St. Louis Eastwick 1 1 0 0 0 1Campnrs ss 4 0 0 0 Randle 2b 2 4 2 1 third win in four games un- walk to Jerry Hairston and a Cowens from second base MlnnesoU (Goltx 66) at Kaiuas Qty abrhbi abrhbi game, and as the Orioles another homer in the most of their scoring early (Sutton 144), 10:30 p.m. (Fltzmorris U)4), 8:30 p.m. Montefusco 7 3 1 1 3 5 Alezandr 2b 0 0 0 0 Harrah ss 4 3 3 2 der new manager Billy Mar- Taveras ss 3 0 0 0 McBride cf 4 3 3 0 Lavelle 0 1 3 2 1 0 celebrated their arrival with single by Bucky Dent. Wood with the winning run against Houston (Dierker 9-11) at San Diego New York (Hunter 14-10) at Mil- North cf 3 0 0 0 Hargrove If 4 113 seventh after Robinson’s with five runs in the second, Robinson ph 1 0 0 0 Melendez If 4 121 Moffitt 1 1110 1 Haney c 0 0 0 0 Jones If 10 0 0 tin. Munson’s single drove (Johnson 14), 10:30 p.m. waukee (Champion 64). 8:30 p.m. 16 hits (five by Don Baylor), three-run blast and Baylor, (12-13) needed three innings Minnesota. It was Patek’s Reynolds ss 0 0 0 0 Davis cf 4 0 2 2 Caldwell L 5-12 1 3 2 1 0 0 Washlngtn If 4 0 4 0 Burroghs rf S 0 2 2 the highlights being Jim CinclnnaU (Bi)Un(^iam 11-6) at San Detroit (Bare 66) at Geveland home Fred Stanley from se -,, second RBI of the game and Robertsn ph 1 0 0 0 Simmons c 5 0 2 1 Jackson rf 4 0 0 0 Fregosi lb 5 0 2 2 it was Robinson who sent who earlier collected four Rice’s two-run single and of relief from Rich Gossage. Francisco (HaUckl 64), ll:(B p.m. (Raich 54), 7:30 p.m. Lavelle pitched to 3 batters in 8th. cond to break up a 1-1 tie and ' gave the victory to Doug Wednesday's Games Stennett 2b 5 2 4 0 Smith lb 5 13 0 Save-Eastwlck (11). HBP-by Montefusco Kf^klns rf 0 0 0 0 Grieve dh 4 0 0 0 them off to a 12-8 victory singles, capped the Orioles’ Carlton Fisk’s three-run Baltimore (Palmer 14-7) at Boston Oliver cf 512 2 Sizemore 2b 3 0 0 0 (Plummer). Williams lb 3 0 10 Howell 3b 3 2 2 0 give Rudy May his 11th win (CinclnnaU at San Francisco (Moret 6-1), 7:30 p.m. Bird (7-4), the fourth Stargell lb 4 0 11 Reitz 3b 4 0 0 0 WP-Montefusco. Rudi lb 4 0 0 0 Sundberg c 5 10 0 over the AL East-leading scoring in the eighth with a homer. Rice, who had four Rangers 12, A’s 0 Pittsburgh at St. Louis, night Wednesday's Gamu Red Sox with a key three- after a route-going seven- Royals’ . Atlanta at Los Angeles, night Zisk If 3 0 10 Tyson ss 3 010 T-2:58. A-13^61. Perry p 0 0 0 0 Moates cf 5 111 two-run Tiomer, his 17th. of the Boston’s 15 hits, also Len Randle scored a Oakland at Texu, night Parker rf 3 0 0 0 Curtis p 3 011 Bando 3b 4 0 0 0 Jenkins p 0 0 0 0 hitter. Houston at San Diego, n i^ t CaUfomia at Chicago, night Montreal at New York, night Hebner 3b 4 0 10 Bradford ph 10 0 0 Gamer 2b 2 0 0 0 Minnesota at Kansu City, night Dyer c 4 0 0 0 Hrabosky' p 0 0 0 0 Chicago at Philadelphia, night Holt ph 10 0 0 New York at Geveland, n i^ t Reuss p 4110 Martinez ss 10 0 0 Boston at MUwaukee, night BII.I.V MAKTIN KI.LIOTT MADDOX BILL VIRDON Totals 37 4 10 3 Totals 36 5 14 5 Fosse c 2 0 0 0 Baltimore at Detroit, night Pittsburgh 001(00106-4 Mangual cf 2 0 10 St. Louis 21100001X-5 A M E R IC A N L E A G U E 5 Holtzman p 0 0 0 0 Yanks for the entire season and centerfield-was weakened Loses No-Hitter, Game' E-Stennett, Davis, McBride. DP-St ToUls 34 0 6 0 ToUls 38 12 IS U A'hen Elliott Maddox was felled by injury. Louis 1. LOB-Pittsburgh 10, St. Louis 12. OakUnd 000000000-0 2B‘Smith, Tyson, McBride. Stargell. 3B- Baltimore. Boston Texas 200 30142x-12 The relationship between Maddox and Martin is a tenable Francis Reparts Melendez. HR-Oliver (13). SB-Smith. S- ab r b bi ab r h bl E-Rudi, Harrah, Jackson, Martinez, one at best. Martin, when he was skipper with Texas, felt Melendez. SF-Davis. Singleton rf 51 3 1 Carbo rf 3 110Alexander. LOB-Oakland 9, Texas 12. ip h r er bb so Blair cf 5 10 0 Evans rf 0 0 0 0 Maddox would never be a major league hitter and dealt 2B-Washington, Mangual, Harrah, Ho- Peaks and Valleys Reuss L 12-7 8 14 5 5 3 1 Davis dh 6 2 2 0 Doyle 2b 4 12 0 well. 3B-Hargrove. SB-Randle. SF- him away. Virdon showed confidence in Maddox and the To Patriots’ Camp Curtis W 66 6 94346 May lb 5 0 0 0 Griffin 2b 1012 Harrah. Hrabosky 1 1 0 0 '0 1 Muser lb 1 0 0 0 Ystrzmsk lb 5 0 0 0 Ip h r er bb so latter has blossomed, not without problems however. Baylor If 5 4 5 3 Lynn cf 4 110 Save-Hrabosky (15). Holtzman L 134 52-3 7 6 6 7 5 During spring training. Ranger came T-2:16. A-28,097. Grich 2b 4 3 3 3 Rice If 5 2 4 3 AMHERST, Mass. (UPI) — New England Patriots’ Coach (Herald pnolo by Pinto) Perry 21-3 6 6 4 1 1 For Talented Tate Robinson Sb 5 12 4 Fisk c 5 113 Jenkins W 13-12 9 60024 precariously close to Maddox and the situation continued Chuck Fairbanks took a look at some new additions to Duncan c 4 0 0 0 (>)oper dh 5 0 0 0 HBP-by Holtzman (Hargrove). into the season. Maddox believed Martin had ordered his Belanger ss 5 0 11 Pelrocelli 3b5 1 4 0 training camp this week. Montreal New York T-2:28. A-14,66B. pitchers to brush him back and they’ve had their share of fVomen*s Rec League Champions Mitchell p 0 0 0 0 Burleson ss 3 110 NEW YORK (UPI)' - failed) to do with Ryan. They included tifeht end Russ Francis and linebacker ab r h bl ab r h bi Alexander p 0 0 0 0 Lee p0 0 0 0 heated exchanges. Now we are led to believe that one (iarilinaU 5, Piraleg 4 Mangual cf 210 0 Clines cf 3 112 MinnesoU Kansas City There seems to be two sides Rod Shoate, who had been absent from the Patriots camp Garnering the Women’s Rec Softball League championship this season are the Jackson p 0 0 0 0 Wlllogbby p 0 0 0 0 Ryan never reached his Wiilie Davis singled home Dwyer If 4 0 0 0 Millan 2b 4 0 0 0 abrhbi abrhbi telephone call has settled all their differences. Who are to Randy Tate. to play with the College All-Stars. Tigers with an undefeated 14-0 record. Team members (left to right) Front row: Miller p 0 0 0 0 Segul p0 0 0 0Bostock rf 5 2 3 0 Patek ss 6 0 2 2 peak until he was traded to Bake McBride with two out Carter rf 3 111 Alou If 4 010 ToUls 46 12 16 12 ToUls 40 6 IS 8 they trying to fool? It will be most Interesting to see if and Francis was “very impressive,” Fairbanks said Mon- Claire Thorp, Frances Muszynski, Carole Page, Cindy Pabst. Center; Kristee Jorgensn lb 3 113 Kingman lb 3 0 0 0 Ford cf 5 0 0 0 Pinson rf 4 12 0 Tate, a 22-year-old rookie the California Angels. The in the eighth inning to give Baltimore 010140420-12 Carew 2b 3 011 Otis cf 4 110 when Maddox gets back into the lineup. Nichols, Clayre Hall, Maureen Arnold, Diane Cusson. Back row; Coach Ken Cusson, BUttner rf 4 0 0 0 Staub rf 4 0 0 0 Boston 061 000(00-8 right-hander, at times Mets will send Tate to Puer- day, and "should fit right into our plans.” Taylor p 0 0 0 0 Torre 3b 4 0 0 0 Oliva dh 4 0 0 1 Mayberry lb 3 111 Yankee General Manager Gabe Paul has staunchly St. Louis a victory over El-PetroceUl. DP-Baltimore. LOB-Bal- demonstrates fantastic “it’s true he hasn’t been with us lately,” Fairbanks said. Dawn Varava, Teri Thomas, Denise Harrison. Missing: Karen Close, Helen Parrish 3b 3 0 0 0 Grote c 3 010 Briggs lb 4 2 2 0 SoUiU dh 5 0 0 1 refused to say anything negative about Virdon. “We’re not to Rico this winter in hopes Pittsburgh in a nationally- timore 10, Boston 9. Soderhlm 3b 5 0 2 1 Brett 3b 4 011 ability that makes his "But he’s an Intelligent young man and we gave him a lot Gallagher, Dot Maselli, Judy Pospisil, Janet Sumislaski. Mackanin 2b 4 0 0 0 Heidemnn ss 2 1 0 0 2B-Singleton, Grich. HR-Rice (16), Fisk of getting him straightened televised game. McBride Frias ss 2 0 0 0 Tate p 3 10 0 Braun U 412 0 Cowens If 4 2 2 0 blaming Virdon for a thing,” Paul insisted. We think it’s in employers, the New York of material to go over earlier this year. It seems he has (5), Grich (10), Robinson (5), Singleton Terrell ss 4 0 2 2 Stinson c 2 010 out. singled with one out, moved Morales ph 1 0 0 0 Baldwin p 0 0 0 0 (12), Baylor (17). S-Burleson. the best interest of the club. I’m not saying anything Foil ss 10 10 Roof c 5 010 Killebrew ph 0 0 0 0 Mets, grin from ear-to-ear. retained a lot of it.” ip h r er bb so derogatory about Billy Virdon — no way. “He’s going to pitch for to second on a groundnut and Warthen p 10 0 0 Hughes p 0 0 0 0 Scott pr 0 10 0 Shoate, considered a middle linebacker, was tried at out- Mitchell 21-3 6 6 6 1 1 Yet, Tate also has an uncan- Bailey ph 10 0 0 Wiley p 0 0 0 0 Martinez c 0 0 0 0 I “ If Billy Martin hadn’t been available. Bill Virdon would scored when Davis threw his Alexander W 4-7 42-3 82202 side linebacker "to see if he can handle it,” Fairbanks DeMola p 0 0 0 0 White 2b 10 0 0 ny knack for undoing all the bat at a low pitch by Jerry Jackson 2-3 1 0 0 2 0 still be the manager of the Yankees,” Paul later added. said. QB Gilliam Learning Lyttle ph 1110 Rojas 2b 3 0 2 1 good things he does by Miller 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Reuss and poked the ball Foote c 10 0 0 Leonard p 0 0 0 0 Virdon has been accused of being colorless and dull Lee 5 9 6 6 2 2 giving up bases on bails and "If he can, then it adds versatility and to the things we Totals 31 4 4 4 Totals 30 3 3 2 McDaniel p 0 0 0 0 while Martin has an aura around him — wherever he’s over second for a single. Willoughby L 2-1 12-3 4 4 4 0 0 Mlngori p 0 0 0 0 long home runs at most inop- can do on defense,” Fairbanks said. "And with today’s 43- Montreal 000000040-4 Segui 21-3 3 2 2 2 0 been. Last week when the Yanks had their big series with New York 000030000-3 Bird p 0 0 0 0 portune moments. man roster, that becomes an important consideration.” To Handle Pressure Lee pitched to 1 batter in 6th. ToUls . 39 5 13 5 ToUls 36 6 12 6 Aglrog 5, Padres 3 E-Jorgensen. DP-Montreal 1. LOB- the Eastern Division leading Boston Red Sox, one could ’The peaks and valleys of I UPI Photo) Fairbanks also singled out the play of his No. 3 draft Save-Milter (4). One out in 10th when winning run scored Montreal 5, New York 3. T-3:09. A-35A8. see them letdown when the Beantowners scored in the first Greg Goss’ two-run single 2B-Foli. 3B-CIlnes. HR-Jorgensen (11). MinnesoU 010100111(^5 this extraordinary talent pick, defensive tackle Pete Cusickof Ohio State.. “He’s PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Joe Kansas City 000 012 011 1— 6 inning of the second game of a Sunday doubleheader. in the seventh enabled Orioles’ Don Baylor Slides Home Safely ball in the air nearly 40 times a game ip h r er bb so were never more apparent stronger and quicker than I thought he would be,” Fair- Gilliam is learning the ropes. E-Hughes, Bird. DP-MinnesoU 1, Who’s to blame there? The manager? ’The players? A com- Houston to defeat San Red Sox Carlton Fisk Too Late with Tag under his direction. Warthen 5 3 3 2 2 3 New York Milwaukee than in Monday night’s banks said. DeMola W 66 2 00004 Kansas City 1. LOB-MlnnesoU 12, Kansas' Gilliam was the black quarter- abrhbi abrhbi City 12. bination of both maybe but not one. Diego. The hit by Gross Taylor 2 0 0 0 I 1 Bonds rf 3 0 0 1 Money 3b 4 0 2 0 game against the Montreal ’The coach said no game plan had been developed yet for backing sensation who lead the “I believe I know more about the 2B-Soderholrh, Otis. Braun, Bostock, scored Jerry DaVanon and Tate L 4-10 8 3 4 4 5 IS . Pinlella dh 3 0 0 0 ^ r p rf 3 010 The problem is you can’t fire 25 players at once. The game now,” Gilliam says. Terrell. 3B-Briggs, Bostock. HR-Mayberry Expos. Sunday’s home exhibition against the New York Giants. Pittsburgh Steelers through an un- Baldwin 1 1 0 0 0 1 White If 4 0 2 0 Scott lb 4 0 0 0 Tommy Helms, both of (23). SB-Cowens. S-Ford, Martinez. SF- logical situation has been to fire the pilot and get another The Patriots announced they had released punter Rich Save-Taylor (5). Munson c 4 011 Aaron dh 2 0 0 0 For seven innings against defeated exhibition season and half Nevertheless, Coach Chuck Noll has Oliva. ohe, who more times than not has been head man at least whom had reached on WP-Warthen. ^Ik-Tate. Nettles 3b 4 0 0 0 Lezeano dh 2 0 0 0 Montreal, Tate resembled Pelletier of Holy Cross. way through the regular season on the ip h r er bb so chosen Bradshaw to start again this T-2:22. A-10,720. (%amblss lb 4 0 2 0 Moore c 412 0 once elsewhere. singles. Joe Niekro, making Hughes 8 10 4 4 6 1 Nolan Ryan (with Sandy Santurce in Puerto Rico,” strength of a crackling right arm. BUdt cf 4 01 0 Mitchell If 3 0 0 0 Injuries have hurt the Yanks and the bullpen has not his first start of the year, week against the Philadelphia Eagles Wiley L 1-3 11-3 2 2 2 2 0 Koufax’ control) as he held says General Manager Joe Then he became part of the “Great Alomar 2b 4 12 0 Thomas cf 4 010 Leonard 6 7 2 2 3 1 was lifted for a pinch-hitter in the Steelers’ first NFL pre-season Houston San Diego done its job. Couple that with the outstanding play of the SUnley ss 3110 Yount ss 4 011 McDaniel 2-311101 the Expos hitless and struck McDonald. “ The manager (Quarterback (Controversy” in which game. abrhbi abrhbi May p 0 0 0 0 Bevacqua 2b 3 0 0 0 Red Sox and you can understand why the Yanks aren’t on in the three-run seventh but Mlngori 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 out 11 while walking only Howard cf 4 0 1 0 Grubb cf 5 12 0 there was going to be Whitey Storen Moves to WFL he shared duties with Terry Hanratty Noll put a quick end Monday to Travers p 0 0 0 0 Bird W 7-4 3 4 2 2 3 5 top. got credit for the win. The Gross rf 4 012 Fuentes 2b 5 110 three. Showing off a blazing, and Terry Bradshaw in a revolving- ToUls 33 2 9 2 ToUls S31 7 1 HBP-by Hughes (Pinson). Herzog. But then Whitey got speculation that the No. 1 quarteback Cruz If 4 110 Ivie 3b 4 010 New York OOlOOOQlO-2 No mistake about it. Virdon has been made the game drew 15,000 and WP-McDanlel. rising fastball and a sharp the Kansas City job. Whitey door policy which each player job was up for grabs. C^grove p 10 0 0 McCovey lb 3 1 0 1 scapegoat. It will be up to Martin, the battling, brawling boosted the Padres’ home MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) — Former American Basket- Milwaukee 000001000-1 T-3:17. A-12.1S6. curve, Tate was in total denounced publicly. Watson lb 412 0 Winfield rf 3 0 0 0 E-Yount. DP-Mllwaukee 3. LOB-New fun loving sidekick of Hall of Earner Mickey Mantle, to was one of the reasons we attendance over the million ball Association Commissioner Mike Storen, who was un- “We had a lot of people who didn’t command and had been ’This season Gilliam is once again a May c 3 12 2 York Tolan 8, If Milwaukee4 011 8. prove management correct in this move. wanted Randy to pitch in mark. able to keep the struggling ABA Memphis ,Sounds from have a good night,” Noll said. “You Boswell 3b 4 0 0 0 Torres2B-Alomar, ss 4 010 Sharp. 3B-Moore. SB- staked to a 3-0 lead. Puerto Rico.” SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL backup to Terry Bradshaw but he DaVanon ss 4 1 3 0 Alomar. Hundley SF-Bonds.c 10 0 0 MAJOR Cubs 3, Phillies 2 going under, has become executive vice president of the don’t lose your job playing poorly in Then, suddenly, after Tate In other National League World Football League Memphis Southmen. gives every indication he can deal one game.” Andrews 2b 2 0 0 0 Kendall ph 10 0 0 ip h r er bb so Jose Cardenal’s solo CMohnson lb 2 0 0 0 Freisleben p 2 0 0 0 May W 11-6 9 7 1 1 3 5 LEAGUE struck out Jose Morales to games, Los Angeles with it like a professional. Gilliam says he thinks he can win Becker Leads State Open homer in the sixth inning led Niekro p 2 0 0 0 Tomlin p 0 0 0 0 Travers L46 9 92233 start the eighth, pinch-hitter whipped Atlanta 9-1, St. TONIGHT’S GAMES NIKE VUIMEN’.S REG Storen, 40, told a Monday Once so nervous about his job he the starting job “if the opportunity is Helms 2b 2 111 Greif 0 0 0 0 T-2;29. A-13,544. Chicago over Philadelphia in LEADERS Jim Lyttle ruined the no-hit Louis edged Pittsburgh 5-4, NUMelhodisI vs. Center Two seven-run frames and a Plating 11 runs in the fourth afternoon news conference he could not eat, the 187-pound whippet there. I can’t worry about things I Sharon ph 1010 a game that was twice Congo, 6:15 — Keeney Jones Now ToUls 36 5 U 5 Total» 33 3 7 2 bid with a single and Tate Houston beat San Diego 5-3, 14-run outburst in the fifth saw frame, the Tigers oulscored the will direct the team’s business now shrugs off the pressures of the have no control over. The personal Houston 200000300-5 Leading Batters delayed by rain for a total of Cougars vs. Leopards, (based on 275 at bats) then walked Pepe Mangual. Chicago topped Philadelphia Annulli Construction trounce Bobcats. 18-5, last night at affairs and have “complete, 100 game. things take care of themselves.” San Diego 300000 000-3 Detroit Cleveland two hours and 39 minutes. 6:15 — Cheney E-DaVanon, Howard, Torres. DP-San ab r h bi ab r h bl National League Ellington Ridge Mets Manager Yogi Berra Motts, 33-2. last night at Nike Cheney Tech in a game called Free Agent per cent control over the "Pressure is what happens when g ab r h pet. 3-2 and Cincinnati downed Nelson vs. Tarorral, 6:15 Rookie quarterback Jeff Hollenbach Diego 2. LOB-Houston 7. San Diego 8. James cf 512 1 Manning cf 4 10 0 Steve Stone, who left after Field. For the winners, John after five because of darkness. secretaries”, while bead coach Madlock, Chi 96 388 54 136 351 went to the- mound to calm San Francisco 7-5. — Fitzgerald you're not prepared,” he said, com- was put on waivers Monday along 2&May, Watson, Grubb, Sharon. S- Baldwin rf 5 110 Gamble If 5 12 0 the second rain delay, got Burger had six hits, Ron Moe Arnold homered and NEW YORK (UPI) - Out- John MeVay will have ”100 per May, Freisleben. Ogllvie If 5 012 Robinson dh 4 1 2 1 Simmons, St.L 106 379 56 128 338 the youngster and he Eogarly vs. Trudon, 7:30 menting on his appearance Friday with linebacker Greg Murphy, a 12th Course Mark Set Dodgers 9, Braves 1 three shutout innings of Koepsel and Brad Downey four doubled and Carol Page clubbed fielder Cleon Jones officially cent control over the football Ip h r er bb so Horton dh 5 011 Carty lb 2110 Watson, Hou 103 390 52 128 328 seemed to have succeeded — Fitzgerald night when the College All-Stars were round draft choice from Penn State. Freehan c 3 0 0 0 Spikes rf 4 13 4 Parker, Pitt ■ 98 366 54 120 .328 Willie Crawford hit a two- relief from rookie Paul apiece, Gil Flavell and BIaz two homers for unbeaten and became a free agent Monday team.” Niekro W3-4 6 63334 when Tate fanned Jim Crockett vs. Bogner's, leding the Steelers 14-7. Cosgrove 3 1 0 0 1 3 Pierce lb 2 0 0 0 Bell Sb 4 010 Sanguillen, Pitt 93 343 41 112 327 run homer in the fifth inning Stimac three each and Lon An- league champ 14-0 Tigers. when final waivers cleared on MeVay was given the ad- The Steelers added No. 1 draft Bowa. Phil 84 364 49 118 324 Breaking the Ellington Ridge Country Club course Dwyer for No. 13. Reuschel to win his ninth 8:45 — Moriarly In 10 minutes, Gilliam turned the Freisleben L 5-11 62-3 9 5 5 0 0 Rodriguz 3b 4 0 0 0 Ellis c 4 110 and Davey Lopes and Bill nulli, Pete Traggis, Chris Shirley Adams had two bingles him. ditional title of general choice Dave Brown, a defensive back TomUn 1 2 0 0 1 0 Knox 2b 413 0 Brohamr 2b 3 010 Garvey. LA 111 462 60 149 .323 game. SBM vs. Looking Glass, Morgan, Cin . 102 XI 73 113 322 record with a seven-under-par total of 65 yesterday, Jim But Gary Carter, the Saunders and Art Clarke two for the 1-13 Bobcats. ’The 33-year-old Jones had manager last week after Leo game around using a ground game to from Michigan, and tight end Walter Greif 11-3 0 0 0 1 1 Michael ss 1110 Duffv ss 4 011 Buckner added solo homers Reds 7, Giants 3 6:15 — Robertson GBrown ph 0 0 0 0 Eckersley p 0Brock, 0 0 0 St.L 88 3X 56 108 322 ^ c k e r took a five-stroke lead going into today’s 36-hole leading candidate for NL apiece. Ed Hart and Ken Honer become embroiled in a dispute Cahill, who bad filled the post set up two scoring passes. He passed White, the No. 12 pick from Maryland. Save-Cosgrove (1). in the seventh to lead Los Back-to-back doubles by Wholesale vs. Dick's, 7:30 WP-Niekro. PB-May. LeFIore pr 0 0 0 0 Bibby. p 0 0 0 0Rose, Cin 110 461 72 147 319 finale in the 41st annual Connecticut Golf Open. Rookie of the Year honors, had three and two hits respec- with Manager Yogi Berra, who for Memphis, left to become just three times in all, a far cry from Both played with the College All-Stars Veryzer ss 1 0 0 0 Brown p 0 0 0 0Joshua. SF 90 345 54 110 319 Angeles over Atlanta. Burt Pete Rose and Ken Griffey — Robertson T-2;16. A-15,000. singled to ruin the shutout tively for Mott’s. DUSTY refused to have him back on the general manager with the WFL last season when the Steelers put the Friday. Lollcb p 0 0 0 0 American League Becker, a 19-year-old Hooton allowed eight hits to in the ninth inning gave Cin- Holidays vs. Vito's, 8:45 — Chicago Winds. ToUls 36 4 9 4 ToUU 34 6 12 6 g ab r h pet. attempt and a moment Coming from behind with team. When Jones, a 10-year Carew, Minn 102 382 70 143 .374 University of Georgia junior gain his eighth win against Robertson Chicago Philadelphia Detroit 000030001-4 later, ’Tate lost the game as cinnati its victory over San veteran, refused two trades set "I think it is a real opportuni- Lynn, Bos 99 359 71 120 .334 VS. seven runs in the sixth, CBT ab r b bl ab r h bi Cleveland 000 QSO Olx— 6 playing out of the Millbrook nine losses. Darrell Evans Francisco. Rose doubled Oil Heat B.A. Club, ty for me professionally,” said Hargrove, Tex 96 337 56 100 323 well when Mike Jorgensen outlasted the Keggers, 14-11, last up by the Mets, the club granted Kessinger ss 5 0 0 0 Cash 2b 5 110 DP-Detroit 1, Cleveland 1. LOB-Detroit 6:15 - Nike Washington, Oak 102 409 60 131 .320 Golf Club in Windsor, broke homered for the Braves. A with one out and scored on INDY him his unconditional release. Storen, who gave up plans to Monday cf 4 110 Bowa ss 4 0 2 0 10, Cleveland 8. homered to give the Expos a Farr’s vs. M&M Pizza, 7 :30 night at Robertson Park. Pete Munson, NY 106 396 57 125 316 the old standard by three crowd of 25,036 boosted the Walnut Barbers scored a 7-0 become an agent for sports Madlock 3b 4 110 Brown ph 0 0 0 0 2B-Bell, James, Baldwin. HR-Spikes 4-3 victory. another double by Griffey to Schunder had four hits for the Rice, Bos 100 398 71 123 309 — Nike forfeit win over Gunver Watson Ready for PGA Cardenal If 4 111 Maddox cf 5 0 2 0 (7). S-Brohamer. shots to build his margin Dodgers’ home attendance figures to take the job. He had The loss was the 10th in 14 break a 5-5 tie. Joe Morgan Bankmen with six others ad- Hiser rf 1 0 0 0 Luzinski If 2 0 0 0 ip h r er bb so McRae, KC 108 397 49 122 307 over two pros. over two million, marking Stampers last night at Nike. previously built successful! LoUch L 10-11 9 12 6 6 3 2 Manning, Clev 69 281 32 X 302 decisions for Tate, but the then got an infield single and ding two apiece. Stan Luszczuk Player of Week Morales rf 2010 Allen lb 3 0 0 1 ea sier n ABA franchises at Indiana and AKRON, Ohio (UPI) - Last the PGA (Hiampionship, “it’s people even talk about the two LaCock lb 10 0 0 Johnst(X)e rf 4 0 1 0 Eckersley W 9^ 51-3 63342 White, NY 96 XI 61 IX 399 Sixty-four golfers the 11th time in their 18-year Griffey scored when had four hits and Vern Day a Brett, KC 106 423 56 126 296 Mets still are hoping to Behind the seven-hit pitching SILK CITY SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Kentucky. February, Jack Nicklaus blew hard to learn how to win.” Thornton lb 2 0 0 0 Schmidt 3b 2 0 0 0 Bibby 31-3 3 1 1 1 1 qualified for today’s finale history on the West Coast like number for the Keggers. balls he hit into the water on the Home Runs * harness that great potential shortstop Chris Speier threw of Rich lloilis. Jim’s Arco upset With Don Simmons driving Montreal outfielder Jim He and Southmen principal the Jackie Gleason-Inverrary Watson should know. 70th hole at the Masters last Trillo 2b 4 02 1 Oates c 4 0 0 0 Brown that they have surpassed Dwyer’s sizzling bat earned Swisher c 3,0 0 6 Twitchell p 10 0 0 National League:Luzinski, Phil 27; B A S K E T B A L I Charles Moore of ’The as they once tried (but the ball into the Giant league champ Lathrop Agency, home John Gionfriddo with the owner John Bassett "made a Golf Tournament when he hit a Nobody even thinks any more Kingman, NY 24; Bench, Cin 22; CANDLELIGHT spring although in that case, he Stone p 2 0 0 0 Schueler p 0 0 0 0 ------^ Farm s in Wallingford and that barrier. dugout for an error. George 9- 1, last night at Moriarty winning run in the bottom of the him the National League deal in about three seconds” ball out of bounds on the 12th about the Hawaiian Open or the Schmidt, Phil 21; SUrgell, Pitt 20. Behind a 25-hit attack, had no chance to win, anyway. PReuschel p 0 0 0 0 Taylor ph 0 10 0 Ed Rubis of Chippanee Golf Foster had a grand slam eighth inning. Lynch Toyota PUyer of the Week title, league when they discussed the move, hole of the final round. World Open he threw away in Hilgendorf p 0 0 0 0 American League: Jackson, Oak 27; Field. Dan Jones, Tom Those dark days, Watson Mayberry, KC 23; Scott, Mil and Bonds, Club in Bristol trailing Crispino’s belted Nassiff Arms, president Charles Feeney an- McCarvr ph 10 0 0 homer for the Reds in the Thibodeau, Joe Ruggerio and nipped Allied Printing, 7-6, last Storen said. “I had the tournament in my 1973 before winning for the first believes, are all in the past.' NY 21; Horton. [>et and Burroughs, Tex SE.MOR 1 18-3, last night at Robertson. nounced Monday. Garber p 0 0 0 0 Becker by five shots. eighth. Don Zura each had two hits for night at Fitzgerald Field. Cal A year after Storen was hip pocket,” Nicklaus said. "I time on the tour. Those tour- This year, only Watson, Astecs Protest 20. Tony C Struggling Mike Crispino homered and had Dwyer hit two homers, had Hutton ph 10 0 0 Wild Turkeys 56 (Tom Juknis Six shots back are Ralph the 10-4 w in n ers. John Chawanick, Dolph Hampton named ABA commissioner in threw it away.” naments mean nothing com- Nicklaus and Hale Irwin have Totals 32 3 6 2 ToUls 32 2 61 Runs Batted In 18, Tom Haggarty 10), MCC 52 three singles. Corky Coughlin five RBIs and and scored six LOS ANGELES (UPI) - The National League: Luzinski, Phil 90; DeNicolo, the assistant pro Wollenberg and Thomas and Don Simmons each had 1973, he resigned to become In March and April he blew pared to the two U.S. (}^ns he finished among the top 10 in all Chicago 000 201000-S Los Angeles Aztecs, last year’s (Manny Ries 21). had four hits and John runs with a .478 batting average Philadelphia 00002000(^2 Bench, Cin 87; Watson, Hou 76; SUub, at Manchester Country each had two blows for 11-3 three hits for 13-14 Lynch. Duke president of the troubled six and five-stroke leads in led before blowing up, and some three major championships. North American Soccer League NY 72; Simmons, St.L 71. Dead Bears won by forfeit Down on the Farm Domenick, Mike Riccio, Bruce for the week ending Aug. 3. tournaments, although both E-Swlaher, Schmidt. LOBOhicago 7, Ciub, and Mike Ballo and Lathrop. Hutchinson and Phil Smith each Memphis franchise. Philadelphia 10. champions, have protested American League: Lynn. Bos 80; Rice. over Moriarty's. Tracy and Brian McDermott Bos and May, Balt 76; Horton, Det and RICHMOND, Va. (UPI) — Tony Conigliaro has known had two blows for 9-18 Allied. times he came back to win. 2B-Maddox. HR-Cardenal (7). S-Stone. their 2-1 overtime loss at San Doug Dalzi. Wally Clchon of TV three apiece for 19-8 Crispino’s. Jackson, Oak 74. At the U.S. Open in June, SF-Allen. better days. AND FELINE Jose Saturday. Stolen Bases Ellington Ridge is nine Dick Osgood and Ed Litwin ip h r er bb so SENIORS Plating six runs in the fourth Pounding out 20 hits, Frank’s Nicklaus bogeyed the last-three National League: Lopes, LA 47; strokes back with a 74. . At 20, he was the American League king, con- each had a pair of hits for 7-20 Stone W 96 6 52235 The Aztecs filed the protest Superbads 49 (Mike O'Reilly Market topped Acadia Little Miss Softball holes when a par-par-par finish Morgan, Cin 44; Brock. St.L 42; Cedeno, sidered the Boston Red Sox’ most outstanding long ball inning, Scruse Wallpaper & Nassiff's. Seeded Players Out P.Reuschel 3 1 0 0 2 1 with NASL commissioner Phil Play began this morning Hou X; Cardenal, Chi, Concepcion. Cin 14, Tom Miles 8, Skip Eremita RADK Restaurant, 18-8, last night at would have won him the cham- Twitchell 32-3 4 2 2 3 0 hitter. Paint downed Busy Bee Mobil, Woosnam Monday, claiming and Mangual, Mtl 23. at 8 in the event which car- pionship — and kept alive his Schueler 11-3 0 0 0 0 0 7), Trademen AC 29 (Jim 10- 7, last night at Moriarty. Fitzgerald. John Barry had crowd noise kept their coach, American League: Rivers, Cai 56; Now, at 30, he’s struggling to go from the Pawtucket Red Maintaining hold of top rung Hilgendorf L 2-3 1 2 1 1 0 1 Kurlowicz 13). ries a total purse of $5,000, three bingles and John Hren Following are the results in tirany homered and singled Grand Slam ambitions. NORTH CONWAY, N.H. Washington. OakX; Remy. Cal and Otis, Cathy Grant and Lori Hansen in the league, Dick’s American first-round byes. Rosewall and Garber 3 0 0 0 1 1 Terry Fisher, from talking to CBG 40 (Pat Collet 17, Cliff including $1,000 in merchan- MX of the AAA International League, which he considers TONIGII'F had two singles and homered the Little Miu Softball League twice, Shana Hopperstead Nine days ago, in the Cana- KC31; North. Oak X. each had three hits and Dale got past Moriarty Brothers. 5-4, (UPI) — Harold Solomon and Laver begin their play today. Save-P. Reuschel (1). HBP-by Stone his players between the end of LaPointe 9), Nymrods 31 (Tim D League ball,” back to Boston, strong leaders of the 5:3.5 .Mels vs. Kx|>os, WINE for 12-12 Frank’s. Five others last night at Martin Field. homered, tripled and singled dian Open, Nicklaus blew a dise for amateurs and a top Titus two for 6-8 Scruse. Shirley last night at Robertson. Craig Jeff Borowlak, seeded Nos. 6 Connors and Nastase begin (Schmidt). regulation play and the over- Bixbey 10, Brendon Duffy 9). American League East. 7:15 Hi‘d Sox vs. <>riolcs, had two blows apiece. Clayt Cut ti Curl downed Wilson twice and Tammy Kleperls stroke lead on the 72nd home and 8, were upset in the first Balk-Twltchell. prize of $1,200 for Roglis fanned five. Debbie Pepin and Leo Williamson each Wednesday. time period. And Conigliaro, who was knocked out of baseball fter he WTIC Nivison had three singles and Electric, 16-6. Denise Kelley tripled for ’Turnpike. Laurie when he drove his tee shot into round of the $100,000 Volvo T-2:S2. A-16,285. professionals. Beaulieu qnd Rita Lupacchino stroked two hits for 21-5 Dick's. / MOWI, was nearly blinded by a pitch in 1967, is finding that these 8:25 Yunki'i's vs. Brewors, had three hits each and Sharon Mike Kilby homered for 2-24 homered for the winners and Grant homered and Lynnanne a lake. ’Then he lost a sudden- international Tennis Tourna- WINE Fred Valenti had two hits Solomon said the new red Lorraine two for 3-11 Busy Bee. Acadia. Sue HaU belted a Uiree-run Feeney tripled for Armory. death playoff to Tom Weiskopf. ment, clay courts at Mt. Cranmore just aren t the best of times, that his comeback journey and Lyle Eastman homered for Oiw 40 T m at Umxo iM Im lo i Dan F. Reala, Realtor through the minors is anything but a pleasure trip. homer for Wilson. >, Manchester Carpet stopped ’The point'of this is not that Solomon of Silver Springs, were very slow and the balls Three Released 14-12 Moriarty’s. Army It Navy toppled Bantly Wyman Oil, 9-1. Georgeanne Jack Nicklaus is over the hill. GOLF at BUCKLEDGE C.C. Open 24 Hours Dally 175 Main St., Manchester Conligiaro has been with Pawtucket since June 24, and in CIIAKTER OAK Md., considered one of the best felt heavy. He withdrew from KENT, Ohio (UPI) - The Player of Week I Moving out of the cellar. Oil, 16-3. Liz Wleczorek Ebersold had three hits and Hardly, and not that he chokes clay court players in the world, the doubles competition' after Public Course FOR EMEMENCY SERVKE I t p r o u d to a n n o u n c e the minors he has endured one minor trouble after Cleveland Browns released REC homered for the losers while Connie Murray, Patty a lot, either, but sometimes it’s Nfew YORK (UPI) - Willie Army i Navy belted Fuller’s Two four-run innings powered was surprised Monday by Hans losing the singles match. W e s t St., H e bro n, C o n n . P h o n e 228-9983 the a a a ocle tlon o1 another, including an eight-day injury and a series of three rookies Monday, bringing Sue Massiner homered and Frankovitch and Sandy necessary to remember that Plots of West Germany, 6-2,4-6, “The ball was like a thefts. Horton of the hit Fackage, 13-8, last night at CBT to a 15-7 win over Second Rates: 9 Holes W e e k d a y s...... $2.50 to 67 the. number of players in Fitzgerald. A1 Birile had three tripled and Mary Bossidy Banlvige two apiece for Carpet. Tom Watson isn’t the only man M. V watermelon,” Solomon said. “I JOSEPH GORDON In Pawtucket’s six-game series with the Richmond .455 last week with four home Congo last night at Keeney Debbie Fedora had three who ever threw away a golf ©I training camp at Kent State runs to win the American hits and Dave Krinjak, Tom tripled for Uie Servichmen. Borowiak of Berkeley, Calif., hit it as hard as (.could and still 18 Holes W e e k d a y s...... $5.00 wrt/i M a firm. Braves which ended Sunday, Conligiaro went 3-for-16. His University. .Field. Tom Sokolowsky had - Manchester Olds bested bingles for Wyman. tournament, and now that he was beaten by Larry Turvllle of HEATIN9 OILS League Player-of-the-Week Conran, Buzz Ames, John four straight hits, Mike Belcher wasn’t able to put it away.” 9 Holes Sa t., Sun. & H o li d a y s ...... $3.25 batting average is just above .200. Placed on waivers were Hagler Realty, S-3. Jackie Willie’s got past B.A. Club, 9- has won the British Open, he’s St. Petersburg, Fla., 6-4, 6-2. Turville, a 6-foot-7 graduate award. McCarthy, Phil Custer, Larry homered and doubled, Frank 18 Holes Sa t., Sun. A H o li d a y s ...... $6.50 OIL BURNER 9 For aU your Real On my first trip down here, I had eight bats, a hat, two defensive end Tom Gay from Morrison and Jeff O'Neil two Tucker and Patty Breen each 7. Denise Boutllier and Beth hoping no one ever asks again The top four seeds — Jimmy of Georgia Tech who has played Horton went 15-for-33 with Dinucci had three blows and Tobin homered for Willie’s. about the ones that got away. Moat leaguM have completMl their schedule, and open HEATINR INSTALLATION Eatata noods, call gloves and all my practice shirts stolen,” he said. “It was Arkansas, defensive tackle eight RBI and raised his apiece for the 4-9 Ser- homered and Mlmi Laneri (kinnors of BeUeville, III., Ken on the satellite circuit the past Joseph at B46-4S2S. Tom Marinelli of Boston Bruce Thieling two for CBT; added four hits for Olds. Kathy Seavey hurled three in- "Sometimes,” Watson was Rosewall of Australia, Ilte play Is now available. Weekend starUng reservallona just ridiculous. And I had a box of bats sent from Boston average 16 points to .280. He vicemen. Spider Cejkowski had Walt Sharp had three safeties two years, called his victory College and Joe Pearson, a three hits and Norm Yester two Turnpike TV outdistanced Ar- nings of no-hit ball for the saying Monday before prac- Nastase of Rumania, and Rod over Borowiak, "the best win of available. 643-5135 and it was stolen before I ever saw it.” now has 20 homers and 72 RBI and Bill Sharp and Dick Corley 315 C w itvf St. M to ctm to r guard from Virginia State. , for 4-10 Fuller’s. mory Package, 18-10. Lynn Sen- losers. ticing for Thursday's start of Laver of Australia — all had my career.” P.G.A. Pro Carroll Erickson on the season. two apiece for Congo. - ) -Si V ■ »' i k- I ■ ■ t . a,,?; ► -.-.■r- . --vi'gVV

PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues,, August 5, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., August 5, 1975— PAGE THIRTEEN Beirut Claims Israeli LEGAL NOTICE NOTICES EMPLOYMENT Hom aa F o r Sala ^ Homaa F o r Sala 23 Homes For Sale 23 Homaa F or Sale 23 Homaa F o r Sala

Planes Attack Camps INVITATION TO Help Wanted 13 TALCOTTVILLE- Main Street, BID Lo$t and Found old Colonial styled two-family ATTENTION Demonstrators - 6-6 with three bedrooms. Two- LOST- black and white male, car garage, close to highway. United Press International The spokesman said an army The Manchester Board of Toys and Gifts. Work now thru “So Easy To Dwn” [ B cat, vicinity of Middle School,- Wolverton Agency, Realtors, daiM I. reale HRALTOR Israeli warplanes, long-range patrol south of the border town Education seeks bids for December. Free Sample Kit. Projection Lamps for the 1975- Vernon, answers to Max, No experience needed. Call or Heralti 649-2813. mas artillery and gunhoats today at- of Metullah ran into some light 1976 school year. Sealed bids Reward, $25, call 872-2721. write Santa’s Parties, Avon, juit tacked a Lebanese army post fire from Lebanon around CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BOLTON- Custom built raised tak* ov«r MIg. paynMnto for $6,900. Eliminate all will be received until 3:30 P.M. Conn. 06001. Phone 1-673-3455. and Palestinian refugee camps dawn. There were no LOST- Black medium size cat, Ranch, on over an acre, huge bank fata and red tepa. Ovaralzad capa with full ahad August 18, 1975 at which time Also Booking Parties. dormar. $36,900. Call Bud Lawla. outside Lebanop’s ancient casualties. half a tail. Vicinity of Packard kitchen,With built-in oven and they will be publicly opened. Mediterraneap port city of Tyre The Israeli national radio and Horace Streets. Please call RNs/LPNs, wanted for full range. Three bedrooms, 2W The right is reserved to reject baths, 2-car garage, 854,500. today, Beirut reports said. said the raiders came ashore 646-1199 anytime. and/or part time on 7 a.m-3 PHONE 643-2711 any and all bids. Specifications FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUfl AD Wolverton Agency, Realtors, from Israeli gunboats that p.m. and 3 p.m.-ll p.m. shifts. Arab military sources in LOST- BLUEPOINT Siamese 649-2813. landed early in the morning and bid forms may be secured Apply to Directors of Nursing, , REALE’S CORNER Beirut said the gunboats and at the Business Office, 45 N. cat - Charlie - Cider Mill Road, Salmon Brook Convalescent 175 MAIN STREET______PHONE 646-4525 near Tyre. MANCHESTER- Three long-range artillery killed at School Street, Manchester, Bolton. Call 649-7770. Home, off House St., Glaston- INDEX least nine persons but had no The Israeli military com- bury. Please call 633-5244. bedroom older Colonial on tree Connecticut. Raymond E. NOTIC H ADVERTISING O N C E IN A W H ILE ... shaded lot, dining room, large reports on effects of the air- mand and the national radio LOST- In Manchester. Black 1 — Lott tnd Found Demers, Business Manager kitchen, 2-car garage. Only MANCHESTER- Redwood Lota-Land For Sala 24 strikes. Witnesses said Israeli said a number of terrorists female cocker-poodle cross. JOBSEEKERS Employment 2 — Ptrton a lt a superb house in a very choice location becomes Farms, 7 room, Aluminum 3 — Announctm tntt RATES 837,900. Wolverton Agency, warplanes attacked at least one were wounded or killed and Call Manchester Dog Warden. Service - open 8 a.m.-8 p.m., siding Cape With full Dormer. 3 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ 643-6642. 4 — Enttrttlnmtnt 1 d a y ...... 9c word per day available; and tbisds situated on an acre plus wooded Realtors, 649-2813. 196 ACRES of land, 8125 per Palestinian refugee camp and a arms and ammunition were with full and part time op^r- 5 — Auctions bedroom, 1(4 baths, formal IN VITA TIO N T O BID tunities available now. ^ s t 3 days ..... 6c word per day lot at the end of a cul-de-sac street with all the acre whole parcel located in up- number of civilian areas short- blown up. The attackers also 6 days ... 7c word per day NEW DUTCH COLONIAL- d|ning room, living room, eat-in per state New York. For more destroyed a number of fortified The Eighth Utilities District, 32 LOST- In Manchester. Shepard Hartford, 568-1070. FINANCIAL privacy you would expect in a country home, and yet kitchen, adjacent to family ly after the shelling. tollie puppy, male, tan. Call 8 — Bondi-S tock t-Mortota tl 26 days ..... 6c word per day Seven spacious rooms, three, information call 872-8652. positions and vehicles, the Main St., Manchester, Conn. 9 — Ptrtona l Loam 15 WORD MINIMUM within 5 minutes of shopping and parkway. Ah 8 room, with floor to ceiling fire Manchester Dog Warden. 643- MATURE PATIENT person bedrooms, fireplaced family An Is ra e li m ilita ry report said. A spokesman said 06040. 0 — Iniuranca Happy Ads S2 00 inch room, 4 bedroom, Colonial featuring a fireplaced room off kitchen, aluminum place, sliding glass door to 6642. with own transportation to patio, wall to wall carpeting, at- Inve a lm ani Proparly 25 " spokesman said in Tel Aviv he there were no Israeli Notice is hereby given thqt the EM PLOYMENT living room, a parquet-floored formal dining room, a siding, two-car garage, high %- had no information to release supervise two children before 3 — Halp Wantad lached garage, lovely treed (4 casualties. Board of Directors of the LOST- Big orange altered male and after school and do some completely equipped kitchen, a carpeted family acre wooded lot with fabulous MANCHESTER- Invest in the concerning the Tyre attack, but 4 — Buainaaa Opportunitiai acre lot. Many extras 854,900 Eighth Utilities District will cat, answers to “Weebles”. housework in Bolton. Call 289- 5 — Situation Wamad room with floor to ceiling fieldstone fireplace, Vk view. Merritt Agency, 646-1180. owner 643-0611, future with this four family in- said rocket fire wounded one accept bids for fuel oil at the Vicinity Waddell School Child’s 6894, days, 643-0000 evenings. EDUCATION bathrooms, and a 2 car garage. Priced to sell at $62,- come property. Central loca- man in Kiryat Shmona and firehouse, 32 Main St., and at pet. 649-9605. REFURBISHED CAPE, six tion and steady income. 856,566. • B - Privata Initructlom 900. rooms, three bedrooms, COVENTRY NORTH- 5(4 damaged some cars, houses and the Public Works Department, 9 — Schoolt-Clataai Room Ranch, garage, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, electric lines. Fleming Road, Manchester, for LOST-In Manchester English surance, are you interested in 3 — Imiructioni Wantad Happy Birthday | fireplaced living room, garage, 649-2813. new plumbing, kitchen, roof, fireplace, area wooded lot. Only the hearing season of 1975-1976. Setter, female, white - liver. Part time work? Must be REAL E S TATE 833.900 Pasek Realtors 289-7475. The spokesman also said an 1 — Hom a i lor Salt professionally decorated inside Hebron firemen work to remove victims from automobile in simulated accident drill Mon- The bids are to be quoted as Call Manchester Dog Warden. experienced in handling billing Buainaaa Proparty 26 army patrol south of the border 643-6642. I — Lota-Land lor Sala CELENA f and out, Merritt Agency, 646- day night. (Herald photo by Dallaire) delivered in Manchester, with a and collections on auto and S — Invaatmant Proparty MANCHESTER West Center town of Metullah ran into some 1180. bid for contract service. homeowners insurance ac- ) — Buainaaa Proparty Street Area Newer 5(4 -5(4 2 MANCHESTER - 16,660 square ■ light fire from Lebanon around Bonda-Stocka-Mortgagea 8 counts. Call 278-7770. f — Raaort Proparty SCRANTON i family Large country kitchen, The bidder must maintain their } — Raal Eatata Wantad B O LTO N foot brick industrial building, dawn. There were no completely furnished, ground level and raised loading own service department. From HORSE LOVER'S PARADISE casualties. MORTGAGES, loans first, se- BOOKKEEPER- Experienced MISC. EER VICE t jm nsH carpeting throughout, 1(4 docks. Own for 86. per foot in- , The bids will be accepted up to I — Sarvicaa Offarad 29'/i te rM of flokf, woodland, and "A number of Israeli planes cond, third. All kinds. Realty to trial balance, with baths, separate furnace. Only eluding land. Move into your Firemen Rescue Three ABOUT 7:00 P.M., August 18th, 1975, at statewide. Credit rating un- I ~ Painllng-Paparlng ADVERTISING Irene • mall pond. 540' fronlaga on main were involved in the mid- secretarial abilities, full i — Building-Contracting mI b” realty company road with aavon room, two bath Salt- 855.900 Pasek Realtors, 289- own building for as cheap as t? the firehouse, 32 Main St., necessary. Reasonable. Con- benefits, 35 hour week. I — Roofing-Siding box. Tw o car garaga, two story shad, 7475. you can rent. City utilities. morning air attacks,” the TOWN fidential, quick arrangements. Founder’s Plaza, East Hart- i — Haating-Plumblng DEADLINE Manchester, Conn. 06040. i Flooring and a horta bam. Idaal for subdlvl- Hayes Corporation, 646-6131. In Simulated Accident witnesses said. The planes Aivin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. ford, 289-8201. 12:00 noon the day be fort • lon. Call axcluslva Raaltora, BOLTON 3 or 4 bedroom ranch, The Board of Directors reserve ^ — Movlng-Trucklng-Storaga publication. withdrew after a 20-minute at- the right to reject any or alt 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart- I — Sarvicaa Wantad MANCHESTER AREA- owner MANCHESTER- II WOODED mUTWOniL BURNS MB OIMSTEM) 2 full baths, fireplace, barn- MANCHESTER - Unique op- 5 HOUSEKEEPER, days 7 a.m.-' Deadline for S a turd ay and tack, they said. The executive board of Xi bids. ford. Evenings, 233-6879. has to move out of state, wants LOTS in quiet residential wood rec room, 1 acre private portunity - modern one floor M ttC . FOR BALE Monday la 12:00 Noon Friday. MOM AND DAD offer on this clean, six room neighborhood. Will build to your 522-2138 treed lot, in the 30’s. 'Tedford HEBRON and the effect of blood and Blackledge Golf Club. A Palestinian spokesman said Gamma Chapter, Beta Sigma Dated at Manchester, Connec- 5 p.m.,care for-two boys, 5 and I ~ Articlaa for Sala e VE N IN Q S 64a-7<30 building with 2366 square feet, MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd 7. Call 644-2720 and 649-0162. ! — Building Suppliat THANK YOU FOR A Ranch, fireplaced living room, specifications. Can be seen end Real Estate, 647-9914. Anne Dallaire serious injuries visible. The clinic will be conducted guerrilla rocket teams attacked Phi, will meet tonight at 8 at three acres, ideal for office, .j ticut August 1st, 1975. mortgages — interim financing I — Pata -Birds- Doga formal dining room, three of Indian Drive. Inquire R.G. club, or organization, ^ lo w ‘ by PGA professional Carroll the Israeli settlement of Kiryat ’ — Livaatock PLEASE READ LOVELY WEDDING 228-3267 Fire fighters broke through the home of Mrs. Geraldine Du- J.A. Volz, Clerk — expeditious and confidential REAL ESTATE- opening for bedrooms, two full baths, full Snyder, General (Contractor ROCKLEDGE-front to back HEBRON-U&R Built Raised replacement at 849,966. Hayes Erickson. Shmona in Upper Galilee in ' — Boats A Accaaaorlaa BARBARA & BILL Hebron volunteer firemen the rear window of to enter the mond, 163 Irving St., Cultural ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ service, J.D. Real Estate licensed full time sales person, I — Sporting Goods YOUR AO cellar, 150x200 ft. lot, listed at 646-4874. split, three bedrooms, 1(4 Ranch. 3 or 4 Bedrooms, Corporation, 646-6131. The only charge is for range reprisal, scoring “direct hits” responded Monday night to a car. Two emergency medical programs for the year will be Assoc. 646-1980. call for confidential interview, — Qardan Products Ctaaalflad ada are taken over 835,900, Great Value, Keith baths, modern kitchen with breakfast bar, rec room, deck, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• simulated car accident at the technicians were inside giving balls and that will be $1; for ad- on the settlement, starting fires scheduled and yearbook F.J. Spilecki, Realtor, 643-2121. — Antiquaa the phone as a convenlanca. Si-X;Xii*K:K*:;WSSSi*iS:!SiSSS:Ii5 Real Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. dining area, large family room fireplace, fenced-in t r e ^ lot, in and ‘‘inflicting very high PUBLIC — Wantad to Buy The Herald ia reaponsibia for NEW-L-RANCH-contemporary Raal Eatata W anlad 28 ' Hebron Town Yard. aid to the victims while other ditional information call material collected at tonight’s BUSINESS and individual loans •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• style, three bedrooms, two with sliding glass doors to patio (he 40’s. Tedford Real Estate, casualties.” Kiryat Shmona available for any purpose. 82,- R ENTALS only one Incorrect Inaartlon and 647-9914. Rescue Capt. John Hooker firemen used an air chisel to Erickson at the Blackledge Golf meeting. NOTICE MATURE BABYSITTER- to than only to tha aiza of tha Hom aa F or Sala 23 MANCHESTER- Suddenly baths, beamed cathedral and beautifully treed rear yard, ALL CASH for your property was the scene of a massacre of — Rooms for Rant coordinated the drill so remove the roof so victims Course. OF PROPOSED ISSUANCE 000 to 810,000,000.00. Long term take care of two children in my — Apartmanta for Rant original insertion. Errors which available, desirable Keeney ceilings, with roman brick two car garage, Philbrlck within 24 hours. Avoid r ^ tape, financing and competitive home. Must provide own — Homaa for Rant Street area, five room Ranch, fire fighters could get practical could be removed easily. Board of Admissions Israeli schoolchildren last year. OF A PERMIT FOR THE do not lessen the value of the VERNON - Six-room older fireplace, two-car garage. Agency Realtors, 6464200. instant service, Hayes Corpora- An Is ra e li m ilita ry Manchester Grange will meet terms. Call E. B. Trimble transportation. To start in — Buainaaa for Rant advertiaemem will not ba cor three bedrooms, fireplaced MANCHESTER $34,500 experience in rescue, extrac- Fire Chief William Borst said The Board of Admissions and FOLLOWING NEW — Raaort Proparty lor Rant home with large kitchen, three Merritt Agency, 646-1180. tion, 646-6131. spokesman in Tel Aviv said he Wednesday at 8 p.m, at Grange Associates, 529-8525. September. ’Call any evening rected by an additional Inaar- living room, full basement, EXECUTIVE L RANCH- nine tion and transportation of in- that no matter how good the Electors will have a session DISCHARGE INTO THE — Wantad to Rant tfon bedrooms, two-car garage, 823,- had no information to release Hall. The committee on after 5, except Thursday., 872- — Miac lor Rant enclosed porch, electric garage SIX room Cape, available im- rooms, 22x28 Master bedroom, SELLING your house? Call us '' jured persons. tire fighters and technicians Tuesday, Aug. 12 from 7 to 9 WATERS OF THE 6850. 5(X). Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. door, attractive lot on non- YOU HAVE TO SEE concerning the Tyre attack, but women’s activities will have a mediately. Fireplace plus family room, game room, den, first and we’ll make you a cash About 20 fire fighters and are, constant training is the p.m. at the Town Office STATE OF CONNECTICUT AU TOM O TIVE through street. Like new condi- private yard, on dead end street For yourself the closets In this 7 room said rocket fire wounded one bake table. Members are asked LEGAL NOTICE — Autos for Sala •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MANCHESTER-Quality built enclosed porch, basement gar- offer.One day. service. T. J. three victim s — Judy backbone of the department. Building. Applicant Information PLAY GOLF, tennis, have fun — Trucks for Sala tion. Only 842,900. Jesdor Real- in prime neighborhood, for townhouse which has 3 large to bring old jewelry, used six room Ranch by Ansaldi. age, many extras. Central. 835,- bedrooms. Also, 2H baths plus central Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. MacDonald of Mansfield, Brian Borst thanked Aaron Reid, Fair Booths man in Kiryat Shmona and Name and Mailing Address Town of Coventry, Conn. and travel, while making — Haavy Equipmant for Sala Situation Wanted 15 ty, MLS. 633-1411. further details call Philbrlck eyeglasses, hearing aids and — MotorcycJaa-Bicyclaa Large eat-in kitchen, three OM. Call owner. 649-2564. air conditioning. Family room, master damaged some cars, houses and Roberts United, Inc. Public Hearings money. High golf hdcp O.IC Agency Realtors, 646-4200. antenna plus use of swim pool, tennis Blackburn of North Windham Hebron’s first selectman, who Robert Tapper, booth chair- hearing aid batteries. — Campara-Traiiara-Mobiia STRONG young man bedrooms, lovely family room, IMMEDIATE CASH for your : electric lines. 44 Commerce Street Zoning Board of Must also speak tennis. C.C. Homaa WETHERSFIELD- in-law and recreation. Much more. Call 549- and Douglas Thibodeau of was on hand during the drill for man for the Hebron Harvest specializes in lawn mowing, two fireplaces plus landscaped 5306 or eves. 644-8224. property. Let us explain our ' • the use of the yard and vehicle. Glastonbury, Conn. Appeals Member over 30 preferred, run — Automdiiva Sarvica living with you? We have just ELLINOTON TWO-FAMILY Duplex, 6-6, fair proposal, Call Mr. Belfiore, , Marlborough — participated in Fair, has announced that there tournaments, escort at least 4 — Autos for Rant-Laaaa garage cleaning and painting. lot. Priced in the 40’s. Zinsser the home to fit your needs. ’This 841,900. Two-family, 44, 836,- The Zoning Board of Appeals of Agency. 646-1511. FIRST TIME EQ U A L HOUSING O PPO RTU N ITY 647-1413. the drill. Coif Clinic are still booths available for the Location of Discharge trips annually, administrate Jr. Billy, 646-2999. four bedroom custom split has 3 000. Two-family flats, 5-5, 834,- .Although the accident was ’The Junior Golf Clinic for fair. For further information 44 Commerce Street Coventry, Conn., will hold a Golf and Tennis funds. 82,500 full baths, formal dining room OFFERED 900. Philbrlck Agency, BARROWS & WALLACE CASH FOR HOUSES- Buyers simulated, the victims’ injuries young people under 18 will persons may call Tapper at 228- Glastonbury, Conn. public hearing in the Board RELIABLE COLLEGE woman IMMACULATE, 5-5 two family with sliding glass doors to deck, Realtors, 646-4200. Menctweter Hew Haven Hettlord cash investment to cover 13 Maintenance free, all brick 6 room with pedigrees. We buy for begin 'Hiursday at 6 p.m. at Room of the Town Hall, Mon- Help Wantad looking for painting or odd jobs. with third floor possibilities. family room, 2 fireplaces, appeared real, with moaning 9217. Roberts United, Inc. proposes training, equipment, supplies, Only 839,900, Pasek Realtors, Ranch on 2 beautiful acres! Large 2 cash. When we bring people to ' day, August 18,1975at7:30p.m. Cali anytime, 643-0673. separate kitchens in upper and car garage, living room, dining, RAISED RANCH - Seven Charges Possible to discharge 800 gallons per and training trip to the Carlb- 289-7475, 742-8243. your home, you know they’re to hear and act upon the bean. Limited number of per' lower levels, many, many, kitchen & 3 good sized bedrooms, full rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 CAPE- Eat-in kitchen, formal three weeks to the sanitary WE’RE HIRINQ walkout basement with wall serious - not “just looking, following applications asking manent positions availaS?e. extras. Asking low 70’s or make fireplaces, 2-car garage, family dining room, fireplaced living sewer and 380 gallons per day of fireplace ready to be finished. Carlene thanks.” Call us for action! relief and or exception from the Part time first year, then full A ir Fore# la h iring qu a lified REAL ESTATE and offer. Century 21, Phyllis Mc^lone, 6 4 9 -^ , eves. 74^9213. room, modern kitchen with room, 3 bedrooms, 2-car garage, In Subway Crash treated m etal finishing woman and man In machanica, tla c- DELIGHTFUL Keith Real Estate, 6464126 or Zoning laws of the Town of time at your option. Please Jackston Agency, 646-1316, 649- beamed ceiling, wall-to-wall immaculate condition, 8^,966. 649-1922. wastewater to the tronlea, plua many mora. Earva your EQ U A L HOUSING O P P O R TU N ITY Philbrlck Agency, Realtors, Coventry, Connecticut: read ad twice more before country In tha NOW aarriea. Homaa For Sala 23 DUTCH 6050. carpeting, air-conditioners, BOSTON (UPI) — Secretary groundwaters in the Town of 6464296. scheduled Tuesday night to take 1st Hearing: Application of calling Mr. McConnell, person- Colonial In convenient, yet HARROWS & WALLACE professionally landscaped. 852,- MAY WE BUY your home? of Transportation Frederick Glastonbury. to-person, collect (404) 321-5191 MANCHESTER - Spring Street 000. Philbrlck Agency, apart several signal along the Warren K. Little, Lake Street, C A L L 649-7440 7.8 ACRES - pond, custom built low traffic area. Brand new MancliMtw Hew Haven Hertford Quick, fair, all cash and no Salvucci said today last The permit will require that and give qualifications. - Many trees shade this large Realtors, 6464200. CAPE- Six rooms, treed lot, Ford Expresses Optimism stretch of track where the acci- Coventry,’ Conn, for a variance Colonial, 2 1/2 baths, family kitchen, enclosed breezeway, problems. Call Warren E. Friday's massive subway acci- all wastes be treated to meet room, fireplaces, garages. raised Ranch with three city utilities, handy location. Howland, Realtors, 643-1108, dent happened. of 8’ designated in the restric- garage. Fireplaced 25-ft. 831,599, Philbrlck Agency dent which injured 133 persons the applicable effluent IMMEDIATE OPENING for a WANTED- substitute grand- Hutchins Agency, 646-3166. bedrooms, one full, two half MANCHESTER-New on the NEW RANCH - Extra large tions of Parag. 10.3 (side line living room. Lovely shaded baths, relax in paneled family modern kitchen, two baths, Realtors, 6464266. was due to human negligence limitations. first shift printed circuit board mother, or mother with pre- market and never lived in six INSTANT cash for your home. Over Result of His Trip distance) to construct a porch fabricator. Must have some and shrubbed yard. Realistic room, two fireplaces, oversized fireplace, 2-car garage, and criminal charges may be Notice is hereby given that schooler, to babysit two nice lit- 30 LOCUST STREET - two room Ranch with three Call Dan Reale, 6464525. to his present building. 2nd experience in machine shop tle boys,. 643-6658. Genuine price. two-car garage. Owner, 643- bedrooms, dining room, kitchen aluminum siding and windows, BOLTON- 6(4 room Ranch on brought in the matter. the above discharger has family, no agents please. 844,- Hearing: Application of Donald equipment and knowledge of liking for kids, please. 000. Phone 6^2426, 9-5. 2553. with dishwasher and disposal, large deck, picture window in 1(4 acres, generous size rooms, “Clearly, there is human LEGAL NOTICES two fireplaces, 2-car garage. WASHINGTON (UPI) - President freedom and independence in 1976Las we applied for a permit to dis- Carlson, Standish Road, Coven- measuring devices and blue BELHORE AGENCY aluminum siding, baseboard basement with walk-out to e rro r involved. ~We’re in- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 839,966. Philbrlck Agency, MISC. SERVICES Ford says he is “very encouraged and op- did in 1776. The United States of America charge into the waters of the try, Conn., requesting a print reading. Full benefits in- PART-TIME- Custodian and_ MANCHESTER - U rge An- Haaltora 647-1413 MANCHESTER- W-acre treed heat, only 843,500. Wolverton patio. 847,900. Philbrlck Agen- vestigating to find out exactly State of Connecticut. The Com- cluding CMS and Blue Cross. lot, dead end street, insures cy, Realtors, 6464200. Realtors, 646-4206. timistic” over the results of his 10-day, still believes that all men and women, variance of 4’ on para. 10.3 maintenance 7:30 - 10:30 a.m. ' saldi Built Raised Ranch, three Agency, Realtor 649-2813. where,” Salvucci said. INVITATION TO BID missioner of Environmental Contact Multi-Circuits Inc. 646- For appointment write Box B, privacy for this six room Ranch five-nation European trip during which he everywhere, should enjoy the God-given (rear lot line) for purposes of bedrooms, two fireplaces, RANCH- 5 rooms, city utilities, Services Offered 31 He said the safety system on Sealed bids will be received in Protection, acting through the 4100 Manchester Herald. beautiful rec roOm, oversized 2- NORTH COVENTRY- new house. Three bedrooms, two signed the controversial Helsinki agree- blessings of life, liberty and the pursuit of constructing a porch deck on handy location. 829,900. the M assachusetts Bay the Office of The Director of Director, Water Compliance car garage, wooded lot, etc. listing Six room Ranch. fireplaces, and more. Country REWEAVING burns, holes. ment promising greater respect for happiness in a world of peace.” residence on Birch Road, Oak living in the city. 844,900, Keith Philbrlck Agency, Realtors, Transportation Authority line General Services, 41 Center and Hazardous Substances IMMEDIATE OPENING in our COMPUTER TERMINAL 881,9W. R. Zimmer, J. D. Real Garage, fireplace, private Zippers, umbrellas repair^. human rights across East-West borders. Ford said, “I am glad that I went. 1 am Grove. second shift plating depart- Real Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. 6464200. was planned so if a signal Street, Manchester, Connec- Division (hereinafter "the Operator to work in office 40 Estate Associates, 646-1980. wood^ lot. Immediate oc- Window shades, Venetian "I honestly believe the trip had more happy to be back.” 3rd Hearing: Application of ment. Printed circuit board hours weekly. Blue Cross, CMS, cupancy. Only 833,900, Pasek “VILLAGE CHARM” ------r malfunctioned, subway per- ticut until Aug. 19, 1975 at 11:00 Director”) is authorized to COLONIAL- seven rooms, 1(4 blinds. Keys. TV for rent. pluses than minuses,” Ford said on his Asked his thoughts on the trip as he Mass Bus Company requesting electro-plater to run copper and and major medical. Apply in VERNON - U rge 2-(amiIy, 4-4, Realtors,- • 289-7475,—'747...... 742-8243. NEW L RANCH now being sonnel were alerted and took a.m. for the following: issue such permits pursuant to baths, three bedrooms, Marlow’s, 867 Main St. 649-5221, return at Andrews Air Force Base late stepped off the plane. Ford said he was prmission under S^tion 3.3.4a solder plating baths ana various person between 2 p.m. and 4 ideal in-law set-up, immaculate framed on wooded lot. Nice the system manually. Section 25-54i of Chapter 474a, PC board machines. Full m. to Mrs. Plocharczyk, W.G. kitchen, family room combina- 9 ROOMS breezeway, garage, swimming Monday night in a driving rain that “very encouraged and optimistic.” One Maintenance Kettle; One and 3.1.11 of the Zoning condition, carpeting etc. 30’s. J. BIG, new raised Ranch on big pool, redwood deck, wooded MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. He said the light in the tunnel of the Connecticut General benefits including Blue Cross lenney Co., 336 North Main lot with big 82,000 Federal tax tion. Master bedroom features MANCHESTER prevented him from making a formal He was welcomed by Vice President Riding Mower — Reel Type; Regulations of the Town of & D. Real Estate Associates, 646- yard. 842,500. Philbrlck Agency, Removal, pruning, lot clearing, where the wreck took place had Statutes. and CMS. Contact Multi- St., Manchester. 1980. rebate. Pick your finishing dressing room, cathedral 1.42 ACRES arrival statement. Nelson Rockefeller, members of the One Articulated Rubber Tired Coventry to park motor Realtors, 646-4200. spraying. Fully insured. turned red as it was supposed On the basis of preliminary Circuits Inc. 646-4100. colors. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, ceiling and full bath. Call for Licensed! Free estimates. ’The statement, released later at the Cabinet and diplomatic corps who stood in Loader. veblclef (school buses) and in- to, but somewhere MBTA per- review by members of his staff, GARAGE DOOR installer, 643-1577. more details. P.S. soon starting *59,DDD Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. White House, said he was pleased with the the downpour at the foot of the ramp to stall gasoline tanks of four to HAIRDRESSERS wanted - full , S C t ' - 50’i another Ranch and a four TOLLAND- New home, dining sonnel had not reacted proper- Bid form s, plans and in accordance with applicable wonderful opportunity, will M AN C H ESTE R - A large ColonUl, reception he received in each of the five greet Ford and his wife, Betty, when they eighteen thousand gallon or part time. Call 643-2330 or train. Call 27W773. not a Cape, for IS2.900. Attractive eat- bedroom Colonial. T. J. room, 2 baths, fireplace, deck, ly. specifications are available at state law, the Director CENTER OF TOWN, cathedral ceilings. 842,900. TREE SERVICE (Soucier) nations and confident his talks with Soviet stepped down from Air Force One. capacity as well as operator 649-9370. in kilenen, formal dining room, aluminum sided. Colonial, com- Crockett, Realtor. 643-1577. Salvucci said there was a the General Services Office, 41 proposes to issue a permit to downstairs full bath, living room, Fireside Realty Inc., 647-9144, Trees cut, trimmed or topped, party leader Leonid Brezhnev “will lead Ford will have no time to rest from his and maintenance shop in a CX BABYSITTER- Bolton, for pletely remodeled by owner- • Large Living Room stumps removed, fully insured. possiblity of criminal Center Street, Manchester, such discharger subject to cer- family room, carpeting, fireplace, full MANCHESTER - Picture pret- to an accelerated disposition of some of arduous journey that fatigued most (Commercial Expansion) and RESTAURANT G reeter- kindergarten and 6,7,8 year old basement, three bedrooms and full builder. Super kitchen with all Dining Room, Kitch Got a tree problem? Well worth prosecutions. He would not Connecticut. tain effluent limitations and evenings, 3-10 p.m., jpermanent bath upstairs, fixed stairway to the ty is the patio and yard, they HEBRON- Duplex 6-6, three the differences which existed before our members of his party, including his wife. Industrial Zone at Yankee children before and after appliances. Priced to sell. T. J. en. bedrooms, 1(4 oaths, aluminum a phone call. 742-8252. detail the progress of the in- Town of Manchester, other terms and conditions. part-time, ^ p ly Willie’s Steak school. Beginning August 15tb. third floor that could be flnuhed for add the finishing touch to this meetings.” He had meetings scheduled this morning Ingenuity on Armstrong Road, addltlcMial living space, small detached Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. • 4 Rodrooms siding, 851,960. Fireside Realty, vestigation because of the con- Connecticut House, 444 Center Street. 649-7113. I newer four bedroom Colonial. Ford said he was pleased to be able to and again tomorrow with Japanse Prime These proposed determinations Coventry, Conn. garage, neary \ acre loL and exten- Inc. 647-9144. TWO HANDYMEN will clean, fidentiality of the rights of per- Robert B. Weiss, sive recent remodeling, compare the Complete with first floor family • Don A Sowing deliver a message of "enormous Minister Takeo Miki and a dinner for him are tentative. LOW TH IR TIES- 6 room rake, lime, fertilize, mow, sonnel! General Manager At this hearing interested per- PERSONS WANTED to tend HELP WANTED part time. above to what you might expect at 133,- aluminum sided Cape offering room, 2 1/2 baths, 2-car garage, Room significance to all Europeans” at the tonight. A public hearing will be held TOLLAND- New home, maintenance of lawn seasonal. All MBTA personnel con- sons may appear and be heard bar and tables, call 649-0305 Must be 18 years old or over. quick occupancy and quick sale and more. Call Keitn Real • 11 / 2 boths, pantry Cellars and attics cleaned. European Security Conference in In the afternoon. Ford arranged to ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ on the proposed issuance of Estate to inspect. 646-4126, 649- fireplace, 1(4 baths, dining nected with the accident has and written communications between 9 and 5. For an interview please call .ODEGARD wanted. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, Reasonable prices. 643-5305. Helsinki. motor to the Custis-Lee Mansion such a permit on August 13,1975 1922. room, 2-car, acre, 842,900. been reassigned pending com- received. Said appeals and the Grossman’s at 649-0136. An 643-1577. Fireside Realty, Inc. 647-9144. ‘"That message was — America still overlooking Arlington Cemetery to sign INVITATION TO at 11:00 a.m. at the State Office reports of other Town PERSON for housekeeping equal opportunity employer ^REALTY LIGHT TRUCKING - Odd jobs. pletion of the probe. EAST HARTFORD- 6 room 4 cares. ’The torch in the Statue of Liberty the joint resolution restoring citizenship to BID Building, Room 129, Hartford, Departments theron are on file department. Laurel Manor, 649- m/f. ,643-4365 MANCHESTER- West side Cellars and attics cleaned, still burns bright. We will stand for Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. Meanwhile, MBTA, state and Connecticut in accordance with 4519. Cape, fireplace, rec room, for- bedroom colonial. Modern 3 CAR lawns mowed, small tree work. federal investigators were Sealed bids will be received in and may be seen in the office of kitchen with built-ins, dish MANCHESTER the Office of The Director of Section 22a-5-2, Rules of Prac- the Zoning Agent, Town Hall, PERSON FOR general office COVENTRY - Spacious seven mal dining room, extra clean. Free estimates. Phone 643-6060. tice and Procedures, Depart- SCHOOL BUS D rivers. work. Typing ability essential. 5 room Ranch, three bedrooms, Deep lot, big two-car garage. washer. Busline. Only 831,9(XI General Services, 41 Center Coventry. Pasek Realtors MLS. 289-7475. CONDOMINIUMS ment of Environmental Protec- Opening's available for days 8-5. All benefits. Elast fireplaced living room and Price lust reduced to MASONRY - all types concrete Street, Manchester, Connec- Dated at Coventry, Connec- September. We will train. Call GARAGE tion. Interested persons are in- Hartford location. 289-2735. dining room, eat-in kitchen, 3/4 Call Warren E. Howland LOW 30’s work, fieldstone specialty, over ticut until August 13, 1975 at ticut, this first day of August, 64J-2373 or 643-2414. acre freed lot. 829,900. Merritt Realtors, 643-1108. CENTRALLY LOCATED 2 Enjoy your honw and tel 20 years experience, free es- 11:00 a.m. for the following: vited to participate. 1975. family 5-5, 3rd floor partially In addition, interested per- WANTED- Woman to live In Agency, 646-1180. • onieone bIm worry about timates. After 5,643-1870 or 644- Hey Takes School Post in Kansas Fabricated Hood For the Zoning Board of REAL ESTATE salesman. Full with semi-invalid. References HARTFORD-Neat and clean finished. Only 839,900. Pasek 2975. sons wishing to comment upon Realtors MLS. 289-7475. maintenanca, cutting and , Calculators Appeals, time licensed salesman. Real required. Write Box RR, SOUTH WINDSOR - luxurious starter home, 2-family, 3-3. APPROVED BUILDING LOT trimming tha lawn, anow EAST HARTFORD University of Connecticut. She Classroom Furniture or object to the issuance of such George Coon, Chairman Estate experience not a pre- Manchester Herald. six bedroom Raised Ranch, New furnace, ideal for young or PAVING, Recap old driveways. without board action. available at the Central Ad- requisite. Commission plus up THREE BEDROOM Ranch, INCLUDED^ MAY BE removal, etc. Sheila Tuller is replacing Elizabeth Breault Bid form s, plans and permits are Invited to submit Ernest E. Wheeler, plush wall-to-wall carpeting, old. Only, 827,000. Wolverton Excavate and grade new or old As with night school costs, ministration Office, 110 Long same in writing to the Director to 812,000 annual guarantee. central air-conditioning, built- RANCH CONDOMNIUM 289-4283 who resigned. specifications are available at Zoning Agent. ACT NOW dem onstrators: striking floor to celling atone Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. SOLD SEPARATELY. driveways with amesite or this fee has also gone up with Hill Dr., from Friday afternoon at the above address no later Send resume to Warren E. Earn 81000 or more with fireplace, stylish family room, ins, family room, on cuHde-sac, bituminous concrete. 688-5407. French L. Hey, special assis- Following Up a suggestion the times. until 4 p.m. on the Monday of the General Services Office, 41 Howland Realtor, 555 Main half acre near school. 646-1840. COLONIAL CONDOMMUIIL made by board member than August 13,1975. All written Treasure House party plan. prime neignborhood, 889,500, JUST REDUCED- three tant superintendent for per- Adults, who are residents of the board meeting. After this Center Street, Manchester, Street, Manchester. Name brand toys and gifts bedroom Cape, formal dining Each ol thaaa homaa haa an AVAILABLE supervised day Richard Daley in July, the comments or objections H e lp Wanted 13 Warren E. Howland, Realtors, sonnel, submitted resignation East Hartford, may enroll in time, materials will be Connecticut. (Fisher-Price, Tonka, Fenton) 643-1106. room, rec room, appliances, TOLLAND- Choose your own air-conditloned and haatad care with meals for your elder- received prior to August 13, Shangri La, eight room Colonial Monday night to the Board of board voted to schedule day classes at East Hartford available at the board meeting. Town of Manchester, Free Kit. Top commissions. owner must sell. Don't miss (amlly room, all wall-to-wall ly relative, while you go to Education. executive sessions at the se- Connecticut 1975 will be considered by the Also booking parties. Call 242- 836.900 ■ Duplex, 6-3, cabinet this one. Century 21, Phyllis or seven room Raised Ranch, 2D'x16' carpet, central air con work, shopping, visit a friend. and Penney High Schools on a Interested citizens who would Director in his formulation of a He has been named cond meeting of the month at Robert B. Weiss, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 5830 or collect person-to-person kitchens, fireplace, carpeting, Jackston Agency, 646-1316, 649- fireplace, appliances, 2W • Childs nayhouso d ition ing , a tova , hood, Call 649-23^ for information. seats-available basis. like the opportunity for greater determination regarding the wooded acres. Get a tax rebate 5 superintendent of schools for a 7:30 p.m. General Manager for Miss Jean, 0^1-2100. tile baths, 8435 monthly Income. 6050. • Lawn - Caro or refrlgarator, diahwaahar and Selection of classes will be involvement with the board are issuance of the subject permit. as a bonus. 50's. Glidden EXCAVATING - for garage Kansas school district. He has 'Presently the board goes into determined by each high school SOO.bfld a m l^ g EnglnMT to Hutchins Agency, 646-3166. • Hobby Shop diapoa a l go w ith thaaa welcome to pick up the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The application, proposed BUDGET BLUES? A few hours ENJOY this quiet established Associates, 644-2533. foundations, landscaping, etc. been head of the local depart- executive sessions at the end of and applications will be materials. assume responsibility for preventive maintenance, fire, safety homaa. NOTICE FOR ADMISSION permit, and other terms and a week selling famous Avon MANCHESTER - Five room L neighborhood by moving Into Sand, stone, gravel and good ment since August 1970. regular public meetings which and disaster control and other programs. Candidates should SEVEN ROOM older home, processed through the vice- conditions, comments received, products can earn you extra Ranch, breezeway, garage, this lovely older Colonial. Four screened loam for sale.all 646- Dr. Eugene A. Diggs com- most often run quite late. OF ELECTORS, have at least 3 years Engineering experience with exposure five rooms and bath on first j lAtHOKAPtO - i F. J. SPILECKI principal and guidance offices and other information on file money. Interested? Call 523- fireplace, trees, dead-end. bedrooms, dining room, nice 3109. mented Hey for "the fine job he Executive sessions at the se- TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONN. to Hospital Engineering desirable. Excellent salary and floor, two bedrooms on second 1 ; ttiWuoiNc; ■ . ’ . S - f Realtor 843-2121 of each high school. with the Department of En- 9401. Hutchins Agency, 646-3166, 228- private yard. Upper 40’s. Cen- , 7 .'^, Fliullr;;,' ' has done in developing the per- cond monthly meeting would be Notice is hereby given that benefit package. For an appointment, contact the Personnel 3540. tury 21, Phyllis Jackston Agen- floor, garage, conversion to two TWO CO.Lt-EGE students Presently there is one adult vironmental Protection may be .N u rii. 0.1,1 1 .W V sonnel department in the five specifically for special pupil the Board for Admission of Department. EXPERIENCED cy, 646-1316, 649-6050. family a possibility, needs > B f X R i r s . ' speciali*iq6;iin painting, student enrolled at East Hart- inspected and copied in the of- landscaping,’ etc. Phone Jeff, years he has served the town.” placement. Electors for the Town of An- BABYSITTER for infant In my 834.900 - Six room Cape, full work, 832,9(x), Philbrlck Agen- ford High for day classes. BOLAND fices of the Department at the MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL cy, Realtor 6484200. L ' i.' 649-5678 or Larry, 649-5079 . Other resignations received Daley suggested the proposal dover will be in session In the home 35 hrs. week. References. dormer, IW baths, fireplace, EASY Cool living Is offered In Lota-Land F or Sala 24 On a tabled motion made by above address, at any time 71 HAYNES S TR EE T MANCHESTER , CT. 06040 anytime. and accepted were from Mary out of consideration for Plan- Town Office Building on August Box BB, Manchester nice trees, Hutchins Agency, this 3 bedroom ulonial Condo, Kenneth Carrier, who was ab- between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 640-1222 ext. 481 646-3166. central air, beautifully GARRISON COLONIAL- four BOLTON- Treed building lot, Ellen Dahlstrand who taught in ning and Placement Team OIL CO. 11th, 1975 from 7:00 P.M, to 9:00 equal OpporUinlty tmahnr______B 1. I sent from Monday’s meeting, p.m., Monday through Friday. decorated. Mid 30’s. Century 21, years old, fieldstone fireplace, 266’ frontage, convenient to MATURE woman will babysit _ the Learning Center from Oc- members who previously had to P.M., in accordance with State house/apartment plus pets Lawrence DelPonte, the EST. 1935 The proposed permit may be WANTED- Male help for part- MANCHESTER - Maintenance Phyllis Jackston Agency, 646- beam ceiling,, wall-to-wall Route 6. Wolverton Agency, tober 1969, and'Sandra Katz, an sit through lengthy meetings Statue Sec. 9-18a for the pur- carpeting, family room, sliding BARN month of September in '' seconder, felt approval of the obtained by writing to the tlm'e In hay^lng. Apply in person free - 2-story home, beautiful 1316, 649-6050.' Realtors, 649-2813. elementary teacher since 1969. before going before the board. pose of admitting all persons Street, lot with many trees, newly glass doors to large deck, gar- • 6 STALLS Manchester. References. 569- motion on dissemination of Director at the same address. > a t 364 B id w e ll A middle school teacher, At the first and third monthly who are found to be qualified to DUE TO EXPAHSION Manchester. remodeled, formal dining MANCHESTER- Just listed. age, mint condition, 861,700 • 78’x31' BOLTON-60 acres of rolling 2154. materials to the public and FUEL OIL be Electors of the Town of An- Please bring the foregoing to Pnilbrick Agency Realtors, 646- Marilee Marchetti, and JoAnn meetings executive Session will press would generate more room, three bedrooms, city West side location 7 room older • Elocirldty land off West Street. Suitable dover. the attention of persons you J. WATSON BEACH 4200. for a multitude of purposes. LAWN MOWERS and small / Burkett, a science teacher at continue to be at the end of the public interest ip board BABYSITTER N^IEDED- water and sewer, good value. colonial In excellent condition. The qualifications are as know who would be Interested kindergarten child Bowers 834,900. Cantor and Goldfarb Four bedrooms IW baths, gar- Fairly priced. Wolverton Agen- engines repaired, guaranteed .. East Hartford High, also public meeting. meetings. . 38.9« follows: Applicant must be in this matter. REAL ESTATE 00. school area. Call Manchester Realtors, 643-8442, or 875-6244. age, close to school. Only U7,- CIRCA 1830 well maintained cy, Realtors, 649-2813. service, will pick up, low rates, resigned. Superintendent Diggs asked The motion to allow the 200 Gallon Minimum Is seeking experienced real estate salea reprsaentativas call 646-1140. eighteen years of age, must be Robert B. Taylor, 646-1484. 900. Kieth Real Estate 646-4126, nine room Antique Colonial, The board also voted to ap- for a deletion in the board superintendent to make com- lor Its Manchastar ollica who can sarvloa Manchastar, four fireplaces, four bedrooms, I AUTOMATIC DELIVERY resident of the Town of An- Director MANCHESTER - New Ilstlns, 649-1922. ' , BOLTON- Clarke Road, Flora prove the appointment of policy on enrollment of resident South Windsor, Vamon, Andovar, Coventry and na aby, study, one full and two W baths ODEGARD Road, Birch Mountain Road, PROFESSIONAL AUTO ments to the press regarding 24 HOUR SERVICE dover, if foreign born must be a Water Compliance and seven room older Colonial, with Elizabeth LaFramboise to a adults in day secondary past history on agenda items towns.’ Situation Wantad IS detached two-car garage, on MANCHESTER- New to plus attached five room un- building lots, eight available, cleaning. My services include naturalized citizen. Hazardous Substances music position in the middle schools. was approved. Hiom or write Suzamw Shorts or Arthur lliorto lovely treed lot. Three market. Great starter home. ilnished carriage shed, poten- two partially cleared, six light- washing waxing. simoni''ir.g, ir,- ' 646-6320 Department of REALTY terior cleaning, rugs sham- , school. The board voted to delete the Ruth K. Munson, 193 East Contsr ttrool BOOKKEEPING, typing done bedrooms, formal dining room, All large rooms 16x12 master tial for studio, etc., two story W wooded. 88.500-89,500. It was also learned Monday Environmental bam, well treed lot, 854,000, IB. pooed, engine cleaning, and Miss LaFramboise, of Ver- fee of 82 so the fee can be Town Clerk Mbnehosisr 647-9139 at home. Fully equipped and many more extras make this a bedroom, full cellar, city 'Tupper, Adams, Dallaire Main that the board agenda and 300 Ctnlof 81., Monstwolor Protection Philbrlck Agency Realtor, 646- 643-4365 Street, Hebron, 228-9217, 228- engine painting. House calls non, is a graduate, of the changed when necessary for Board for Admission RoAKort M Lt experienced. References. 648- -real value at only 832,000. utilities. Asking 832,500. Keith related study materials will be of Electors Dated July 17, 1975. Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. Real EsUte 646-4126, 649-1922. 4200. 9768. available. Phone 289-1287. i V”

V, PAGE FOURTEEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn,, Tues„ August 5, 1975

BENJY BY JIM BERRY \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues:, August 5, 1975— PAGE F IF T EEN flo o m t for Rent 52 A p e rt m e n f F o r Rent 53 Buelneee for Rent 58 Autoe For Sa fe 51 ...K 3 0 K A T W V J A Y r U ^ O F , You K t ^ , THie 1^ P^fiiUY BUGS BUNNY OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE r A & O I . F V APF T^^P-OP\ ROOMS FOR RENT centrally MANCHESTER- Unusual 2 OFFICE SPACES for rent on DUNE BUGGY- 1969 green |4l 1»7S»,«KMi|nt lAC lA'LL have a ba r r el O’FUN HOVV FAR WILL located, 146 Center St., please bedroom towh house a t the Main Street in Manchester, metallic flake with white snap WITH THIS \WTER N IC E 6 0 I N ', w a r t - IT SQUIRT ^ Y O U 'RE P OIW F lkJEZ IM fiLAP you BOi$ ^ hustle' - O ' call 649-0013. Coach House. Itk baths, full ideal location for professional oft top, new engine, transmis- PISTOL, , r Accurately? y HEARD PROF. BLANKHEAD) TO THE basement, private entrances sion and tires, excellent condi- CICERO,' , ■ • * I W h* W I I 1 Wfafc ■ . AAlM • i offices very convenient to all O O W W A BB u p h i l l T H ' R E S T DESCRIBE TED DY ■< MARKET M. THE { R O O M M A T E - t o s h a r e and patio, includes heat, gas, facilities. Please call 646-4100,9 tion, many extras, 649-4874 ^ O F T H ‘ W AY.' I 0 H00PLE5 SALLANT ROLE) FOR \ fiENERAL^ ve townhouse apartment, male. cooking appliances, caipe& g, a.m.-5 p.m. after 5:30. Ask for Cheryl. I' IN THE revolution . ' V Three \ couldn't i Call after 6, 646-1027. and air conditioning. $300 per SEEN • ~ H AK-KA FF ~ -N O T \ PO UNPsL HAVE A month. Pets aiiowed not over FO R SALE- parts for 1966 THAT IT SHOULD O O ME> OF # SAID MANCHESTER- clean, fur- 20 ibs. Within waiking distance Mustang and convertible top. BALLOON OFFICE SPACf AS A s u r p r is e ; A Sve? CHUCK T IT LOOK iiili! [w w Q; nished room, central, apply 4 of schools, churches, shopping, Call after 4 p.m., 6498626. 4 FOR RENT j bet t er Pearl St. apartment 1 or call and bus. Paul W. Dougan A/v!Aeov/ze BETTER 875-3503 after 6. Realtor 6491021 or 643-4535. 250 square feet-, center of 1971PON’nA C Ventura, 2-door, >6?/S6BVZK KtiH ON A Manchester, air condit^ning 6 cylinder, standard transmis- BARBED -,I m NEWLY DECORATED ROOM SIX ROOM Duplex for rent. and puking. Call 64 9 9 5 » . sion, excellent condition. WIRE , 6-S for re ^ n sib le working person, Close to schools and shopping. Asking $1,550. 643-4332. FEN CE' near Center, private entrance, $190 per month. Security security, 647-1145, 649-6896. deposit required. Write Box A, B - g S e rvices O ffered 1968 PONTIAC wagon. Air con- 31 Bulldlng-C onlracllng 33 Flooring 36 Manchester Herald. Resort Property ditioned, V-8, go/S? ^ Fully insured. Estim ates given. HORACE Tetrault — Siding, 2171 equipped, excellent condition. WILLINGTON, one, two, and PLEASANT four rooms, second power steering, air con- HONDA CL350, 1972, . Call 649-7863. roofing, storm windows, aw- Call 6484)631. three bedroom apartments, floor, central, working couple ditioning, AM-FM stereo, stan- Excellent condition, under 4,- nings. Quality workmanship, SCREEN ED LOAM - driveway with fireplaces, central air con- preferred. Call 64958W after 6 dard transmission, $500 below 1000 miles. $650 or best offer, WALLPAPER Hanging - $2.75 free estimates. Fully insured. gravel, processed gravel, sand, 2 12' overhead garage doors, ditioning, appliances, pool, and p.m. book price, 872-41^. 6494473. per roll. Experienced 872-9187, 649-3417. stone and fill. George H. Grif- complete with hardware, $50 sauna, pollution free country tradesm an. Call R. fing, Andover, 742-7656, for both, one picture window living with highway con- CHORCHES Parts Dept. - is 1972 KAWASAKI 250 MX - good Starkweather, 644-3194. ROOFING - Specializing 54x80 with two side windows, venience, appointment only, now open Saturdays, 9 1 , 649 condition - new knobbles and repairing roofs, new roofs, SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury $25, one 42” metal cabinet sink, 643-2139, 684-3681. TICK TOOK 3646. Preston Petty Mudder fenders. WALLPAPERING and gutter work, chimneys, cleaned above ground pool distributor $25, 646-1418. B.O. can take it. Must sell 649 painting. Painting interior and and repaired. 30 years needs warehouse space. Will MANCHESTER - five large TOWER CORVETTE COUPE, 1968, 327, 7797, 6499010 ask tor Tom. exterior, and wallpapering is experience. Free estimates. sell and completely install a ONE YEAR OLD am/fm rooms, on second floor of brand 300 h.p., excellent condition, €) Hn>rm.>iic.T>l Rea UJ.fil.0B. A new 1 bedroom townhouse apart HAKLEV my full time business. Work Howley, 643-5361. huge 16x31’ O.D. swim pool stereo, 8 track stereo. $220 new, new two-family, carpeting, air must be seen. Phone 647-9401 m uvnum ment community featuring private an* after 5. 6499257 before 5. guaranteed, one room, 10 single com plete with fencing, $125 or best offer. Call 643-0458. conditioning and dishwasher, trances, open staircase, wall to wall 1200PC PU4 8 Sp ar Q IU * rolls, $35. Two rooms, $65, 48-72 ROOFING - Installation and sundeck, filter and pump. Now Like brand new. separate driveways, $260 per carpeting, range, refrigerator, dis lOOOee Sportsler THE FLINTSTONES hours service. Bob Jobin, 649- repairs, gutters, storm win- only $795. Full price financing month, security, call 6491379 posal, pantry unit, cathedral beamed 1968 PLYMOUTH, VIP, full BY HANA-BAKBERA living room, lMi baths, open balcony, 9027. If no answer call after 6 dows, doors. Experienced available. Call Tony collect, PORTABLE ELECTRIC after 6 p.m. power, air-conditioned, with HIULEYDAVBSON SALES abundant closets, air conditioning, 182 wiLXun cnott hiqhwav p.m. quality workmanship. Fully in- 203-232-6500. typewriter, Olivetti, used once, m ast e r T V a n t e n n a , 24 h o u r many extras, very good condi- ALLEY OOP • im sured. Free estimates. tion. Call after 5, 643-4669. DwIniXII F O U R O'CU O CJC S O M ETIM ES I M ISS $200 , 643-9822 after 5:30. FURNISHED three room superintendent service, laundry and _ A LR E A D Y 9 PAINTING - interior and Reasonable prices. Rick apartment, water heat, and storage area in base m e n t No pets. I C E R T A I N L Y H O P E j / W E U .,B C N !S , THAT'S I— THE so o D c5i.p p A y e DARK RICH loam, five yards Im m o la t e through August 1st. oc B E F O R E W E Burnett, 646-3005. 1973 PINTO and THE. FOOD'S GOqO J_( IM^i Xt U HANDSOME/, exterior, paperhanging, $28. plus tax, pool patio sand, REFRIGERATOR- frost free, electric included, $200 per cupancy. Rent per month In 1973 YAMAHA 100, 750 miles. IN TH IS PLACE.*, 0 excellent work. References. gravel, and stone 643-9504. 16 cu. ft, Coppertone month, near hospital and high cluding heat and hot water. Pteaae chopper, both in excellent con- 643-8136. Free estimates. Fully insured. H eating-Plumbing 35 Kelvinator, under warrantee, school, Philbrick Agency call 872-6343 or 675-M7Q. Monday dition. Reasonable. Call 649 through Friday, 8-5 p.m. Directions: f- 4534. Martin Mattson, 649-4431. SWIMMING POOLS - Famous 875-7351. Realtors, 6494200. 86 to exit 05. Route 83 north 8 miles, npers- M obile Heom es 85 c SEWERLINES, sink lines, Coleco guaranteed luxury left on Route 286, % mile on right PAPER HANGING Expert. cleaned with electric cutters, above ground swimming pool, REFRIGERATOR- Never FURNISHED - two room heat, OPEL MANTA, 1974 4-speed, Your average paper, in average by professionals. McKinney completely installed. Huge frosts. 18 Cubic feet, white hot water, stove, refrigerator, michelins, 6491065, anytime. TRAVEL trailer 28’, self- room, $25. Mr. Richman, 646- Bros. Sewage Disposal Com- 16’x31’ O.D. complete with Norge. Excellent condition. utilities supplied, apply H om es for Rent 54 contained, twin beds, air- 3864. pany, 643-5308. filter, pump, vinyl liner, ladder, Call 643-8769. Marlow’s, 867 Main St. VOLKSWAGEN- Super beetle, conditioned, full bath, will 1973, am/fm. radials, must sell. sundeck, fencing and stairs. On- EAST HARTFORD- Six room sacrifice. KOA Camp ground. Best offer. (!;all 6492183. Building-Contracting 33 KITCHEN FAUCET dripping? ly, $689. Full price. Financing D ogs-BIrds-Pets 43 UNUSUAL deluxe one bedroom Cape. Stove, refrigerator. New Interstate 86 ^ t , to exit 100, Call 643-1496 to handle kitchen available. Limited quanity. Call townhouse, private entrances wall-to-wall carpeting. $295. take 44, 5 miles east to Moose 1969 C H E V R O LET , Im pala NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - faucet less spray, Installed Carl collect, 525-9138, for more DOG-CAT boarding reser- and patio, full basement, in- Security, lease. Pasek Realtors Meadow Road, West custom, air-conditioning, power Remodeling, repairing, ad- complete for $38.95.$38 information. vations. Combined inside/out- cludes heat, appliances, MLS, 289-7475, 742-8243. Willington, Conn. ditions, rec rooms, porches and side runs, partitioned privacy, carpeting, and pool. $245 per brakes and power steering roofing. No job too small. Call NO JOB too small, toilet REFRIGERATOR older. Runs germicidal lighting. Canine m onth. P au l W. D ougan, excellent conuition. $1,150. 64$ SUMMER SALE - at Plaza 649-3i A. repairs, plugged drains, kitchen well. Will deliver $3o.OO. Call Realtor, 6491021 or 643-4535. A u tos For S a le 8 1 3371 after 5. Homes. Best housing buy in Holiday Inne, 2(K) Sheldon Road, MR. ABERNATHY faucets replaced, repaired, rec 649-0495 Manchester, 6495971. town. 60’ three bedroom, 1 1/2 BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY W I N A T B R I D G E CUSTOM 3 -S HOMES rooms, bathroom remodeling, ROCKVILLE- neat four rooms, baths, $3,995. New 14' deluxe CO NSTRUCTIO N heat modernization, etc. Free TWO end tables, and coffee PRIVATE riding instructions, first floor, appliances, adults, early American $10,995. Trades A PP A RE N Tiy S H E D O ESN T A DDITIO NS estimates gladly given. M & M table, formica. Mirror, cassette English and Western, $5.00 per no pets, security, $145, 643-9743, welcome. Very clean, 2- GO O D M ORNING, LIK E BEIN G TA LKED TD REM O DELI N Q Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871, recorder, electric manicure hour, call 633-5571, anytime. bedroom great starter .home. ^ LITTLE TU U P! , v»!l E A R iy IN TH E M ORNING, j C a s h a ll w i n n e rs f o r s q u e e z e RO O FI N G F REE set, electric home vibrator, call MANCHESTER- Newer half of $2,995. Something ideally 60IIKH!. ESTI M A TES BATH rem odeling, vanity 643-1649, B A S S E T . H OUN D - AKC 2-family, three bedrooms, special, 70x14’ three huge T EL. S49-8S05 cabinets, plumbing and heating registered, male, eight months, appliances and carpeting. liu c lffi bMrooms, two full baths, wall- repairs. Recession prices. Call TH R EE ROCK Electrofile with $150, 742-9394. Wilhin walking distance to m ore o ur b u ib w H to-wall carpeting throughout, schools and shopping, $280 per matching appliances, deluxe 649-4056 to 8:30 a.m ., 6 to 7 p.m. enclosed cabinet. Excellent By Oswald & Jam es Jacoby South isn’t going to risk his con- STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stone condition. Price open. Call Mrs. month. Call Paul W. Dougan, Spanish, was $16,495, now $14,- Narth tract that way. walls, fireplaces, flagstone FOR SALE- Three male boxer ..CARTER'S FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing LaCroix 646-3050, puppies, AKC registered. Call Realtor, 6491021, or 643-45K. 995. Excellent financing *76 On the other hand, if he just terraces, concrete repairs, in- - Repairs and remodeling, available. Parts, supplies and V 10 4 An Alabama tournament after 1:30 p.m .,- 8 p.m. 742-6258. Most squeezes are rather runs off all his trumps while side and outside. Reasonably sewer lines cleaned electrical- MOVING- For sale Hotpoint accessories. Full time service ♦ 10 8 5 4 player asks, ”We play weak simple. All you need, to have a discarding down to three clubs priced. 643-0851. ly. Prompt service on emergen- Refrigerator-Freezer, 14 cubic department. Plaza Homes, 1348 i-S «K JS43 two-bids with 7-11 high-card Bo a ts- A ccessorles VILLAGER APARTMENTS squeeze possibility, is all but in dummy he is going to squeeze cies. 643-7024. 45 wnbur Cross Highway, ^ r lin W m I Eail (D) points and a good six-card suit. feet, 4 years old, harvest gold, BRAND NEW 1975 CHEVROLET one of the tricks in the form of East. On the last trump East TOBIAS CARPENTRY Service $225. Sears washer 6 years old, Five-room townhouse apart- Turnpike, Berlin, Conn. 1-829 *10 9 3 * 2 will have the choice of chucking My partner criticized me for - Remodeling, repairs, ad- 18’ CRUISER LIN E, 125 h.p. high-card winners and potential BOTTI HEATING and Plum- white■ $75. Call “ ■■■ 742 >9870. ;fnent, IVi tiled baths, 2 alr- 0369. V JS2 W A K Q 976 his queen of diamonds or un- opening two spades ditions, custom buiming. No job Evinnide with trailer. Call 875- low-card tricks in two suits. bing - All heating and pluiplumbing ondltloners, wall-to-wall WINTHROP ♦ 97 63 ♦ K Q 2 guarding his queen of clubs. with:* AQJ976 VA32 too small. Free estimates. Over 8119. BLAZER BY DICK CAVALLI repairs plus remodelingling. Can AIR COMPRESSORS, New in larpeting, full basement, SELLING YOUR Home? *10 9 7 « Q Note that the squeeze only oc- ♦ 8 4 * 9 5 What do you say?” 25 years experience. 643-5769. Ch«ynn« M o(M, 4 w hw FdrFveT ^ 8 6 Then, whether or not you 643-1496. stock, 5 h.p., $595. 10 h.p,, $994. 8 tn gln*. tutomotic, t m t M i l. Buyers waiting. Call Plaza T H B y'« A V E M E A R A K T IN T H E i V e so t a SouUi curs if South cashes his last We agree with our cor- eat, hot water, appliances. THATISA I PIC3NTeAY IT W AS know how to count a hand if you Other sizes available at great A n tiques 48 •talnl« M it M ) mirror, h o i w duty Mobile Home Brokers. 1-629 N E W P L A Y T H EYteB PLITTIN e *AKQJ854 trump. Remember, that as an respondent’s partner. This hand 0 pets. •h o ck i, 31 gtilon fuol tank, (ual S aZ IFT lV BLANK A ©PEAKIN© F^Rt ; just run off all your high-card A rticles for Sa le savings. Habekost Engineering, 0360. 4T8 3 essential to all squeezes, you should be opened one spade and 41 A rticles for S a le 41 tank »kld platt, custom staaring C3N a t t h e B C r r e ' C U J B . 67U PY,,. PIECEOF winners you may find that one 525-6049. WANTED Antique furniture, 649-7620 must cash all your side-suit not with a weak two-bid. It is whaal. powar staarln g, radio, eeE 9 RAF*eR. ♦ A J of your low cards has become glass, pewter, oil paintings, or c h r o m a g r ill, whaal h o u a a NIMROD RIVIERA Tent « A2 winners to develop your too good for that preemptive carpatirw, custom vinyl Intarlor, r high. other antique items. R. Trailer with necessary camping threats. action. L78X16B tlras, aux. whttatop, un* Both Vulnerable Harrison, 643-6709. MANCHESTER- Four room darcoat, Cartar Cara, a t no. 3201. equipment. $450. Call 643-06%. apartment for rent. $150 a list prica $8731. East starts off the defense by cashing two hearts. Then he WANTED - Antiques or collec- month. Available immediately. 1973 28’ Coachman Continental Wot North Eait South shifts to the king of diamonds. Answer to Previous Puzzle m Clip Out - Fill In - Mall Today tables, rugs, paintings, bronzes, Call 644-9635. Travel Trailer. Air con- furniture, lamps, china, etc. ditioning, awning, large 9way Olio c R 0 w 0 A w c q E Any quantity, 644-8962. JUST MARRIED? Four room refrigerator, carpeting. $6,00(). South takes his ace and is A SAVE OVER 50% 1V Double R A L E 0 N A H E L U apartment. Appliances, no pets, pr i c e 646^. looking at a pianola. He has 10 A CR O SS DOWN E F FT p A SALE ’5790 Pass 2 * 2V 4 * Y T G sure tricks. The 11th may A P N ANTIQUES WANTED - utilities extra, immediate oc- Pass Pass 1 Not as much 1 Tosses slowly { T e 1 A "A GOOD PLA C E TO BUY A TRU C K” Autom otive S e rv ice 88 Pass E N M American furniture, oriental cupancy $150. 633-6026. materialize by means of a 5 TV comedian. 2 Bombyx T R E A 1 Dia= A i D 0 Opening lead — 2tf successful club finesse, but Jack----- § T S ? 12 Words - 3 Days - 1 Dollar rugs, paintings, pewter, Wind- C 112$ »Y WA. IW.. TM uq » OB 9f-r 3 Peddle 0 W N m I Classificatio n 41, M iscellane o us For Sa le Only sor chairs, crocks, jugs. Ron MANCHESTER- 2 Bedroom EUROPEAN World Motor Ser- 9 Church seat 4 Lawmaker r> 1 T N 12 Mountain 5 Light touch Dionne, 643-1691. Apartment Heat Appliance, CARTER vice LTD. offering m ajor and SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL A L E R A N N I minor repairs for Audi, (comb, form) 6 Ascended T a 1 a R E A T Ads must be mailed only No phone orders •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Central location, parking, 13 Italian river 7 British princess Porsche, Volkswagen. Factory R 0 N T 0 P ? T Is Payment must accompany ad W anted to Buy 49 security, $205 Monthly 64933M. 1WE KING HAS ORDERED HE ONALLYT VESTERDoy THE WITCH SHE LOST THE ARGUMENT 14 Fruit drink 6 Boy's name E B a Si e T T A CHEVROLET trained, European Mechanics. 15 Assigning 9 Holy Land A e A ft T 0 L L § F US TO CATCH ALL THE UUNCHEP GOT AN AUDIENCE WITH and £ I One Item only, Include price and phone AH w ork g u a ra n te e d . B a n k SHE TURNED HIM military 10 European river e E N E 0 0 E S VOLVOS WANTED any year, MANCHESTER- Deluxe 2 FLIES IN THE KINGDOM- A PEST- I 1 1 Americard and Master Charge HIM TO ARSUE THE RAISE INTO A F R 0 6 . quarters 11 Marries No refunds for early cancellation For non-commercial users only bedroom Townhouse, 114 baths, 03NTRO1- 46 Icelandic tale W' we will pay instant cash on the 1229 Main $L, Manchester 6464i464 welcome. 900 West Main Street IN HER PfiDPERTY TAX. 17 Conducted 16 Make possible 30 Philippine Ad may be edited to conform to rules spot. Call Mr. Mag. Clayton full basement, private en- PROGFtAM?, NT S T A R g a z e r !'' 18 Drawing 20 City in New sweetsop 47 Enthusiasm 5 New Britain, 525-1233, 229-8588. 31 Soap.frame bar 48 Old Irish capital Ad will appear In the next three Issues of the Herald after It Is received Motors 289-3461. trances and patio, includes U H B a o a a u i u u - - By CLAY R. POLLAN- room Hampshire heat, appliances, carpeting, JOS A » n LIIR A 19 Searchers 22 Deviates 33 Ollferent 50 Particle No delay In publication will be permitted. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••a W MA«. 21 JM Yoof Oally AtUvHy Guidt 35 Decree 51 Biblical m pool, air-conditioning, $290 per JUNK CARS towed away free! StfT. 2i r + 21 Church part 24 College (ab.) OLD DOLLS - Paying top prices Xufom offv* S e rv ice 88 Aecord/fig fo 1/it Stars. 'f 23 Residence (ab.) 25 Scope 40 Musical dramas character month. Paul W. Dougan, H om es lor Rent 84 Call 522-1162. It for your old dolls, $65. and up AIM6-IB-46 To develop message for Wednesday, 24 Taxi 26 Most acrid 43 Young sheep 52 Belgian stream Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-45%. 4. 1 5-29.34 (pi.) 55 Possessive for China and biscme dolls. $100 /4938-63 reod words corresp^ing to numbers 42-53^^ 27 Franklin’s 26 Steps over a namesakes ' fence 45 Fixed look pronoun and up for Bye’lo. Never give or COVENTRY- Immaculate iH4 ^ TAUaUS ofyourZodfoc birth slga 1 Offer 31 Be SCORPIO 29 Greek I sell a doll without getting our NEW D U PLEX- three room, split level, 3 bedrooms, F X A M . 20 61 And a 4 7 r" 9 IT It m 2 Smile 32 To 62 Loved OCf. 2ii letters 1 2 I ^ offer. Call locally, W97356. bedrooms, 114 baths, family room, garage, COMPLETE GM I ^ MAY 20 3 Excellent 33 To IL. 63 Up 32 Song bird appliances, full basement with manicured acre. Excellent 4 You 34 FinoTKlol 64 Who HOV. 21 iT" hr JT I ^ BUZZ SAWYER 7-10-1301 34 Explosive J WANTED- Small Utility hook-ups. Available September location. Fireside Realty, Inc. BY ROY CRA-NE 32-3566 5 Don't 35 Good 65 Angles 17.20-36-5^. 36 Missive D: 6 Aspects 36 Help 66 Elders 71.74-88-9(7^ ir 16 rr Trailer. 1 or 2 wheels, 649-8367. 1st, no pets. $285. Security 647-9144. flIM IN I 37Doy 37 Belonging to REPAIRS 7Be 67 Show SA OITTARIUI ■ J ••••••••••••••••••••••****** deposit. (Jail 6498057. 8 You 38 Wilt 68 Ones Miss Rich 19 M 5 ) NAY 21 NOY. 22 / 18“ MANCHESTER- Three ^SIR... 00 >700 , ^MY PEREGRINE^ 9Be 39 Relaxed 69 Help 38 Slat •^DIANA WILL DIVE ON FLYING JUM 20 40For 39 Vended bedroom townhouse con- • COUISION HEAR A LITTLE ('FALCON. FALCONRY lOSmort 70 You OfC. 21 g 2T S" □ RENTALS TIED GAME BIROS SUCH AS QUAIL OJ5I37'-40-43- IIG o o d 41 New 71 An 41 Sigmoid curve m rn dominium. 214 baths, central BELL RINGING? TO 121.24-41. !7, _ IS THE SPORT OF OR PHEASANTS AND KNOCK &m-73-'60-73J3^ l2Sociol 42 A froin 72 Up 42 Conger 24 25 5T 5T sr 31 II • MECHANICAL Ir-MSM— 13 Don't 43 Be 65 67-72 < NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••***** PRESIDENTIAL air-conditioning, wail to wall wH*r (.KINGS. . THEM OUT ------CANCn 73 Assignments- 44 Green I M W E S E R V IC E A LL G E N ER A L M O T O RS 14 Hove 44AAood 74 Old CAPRICORN Room s for Rent 52 carpeting throughout. Fur- ? 1 AM TRAINING WITH HER f YOU y W B lL , I 21 vegetables w H” fr VILLAGtAPTS. 15 Should r 45 Getting 75 Finished 46 Toothed, as a A D DRESS nished rec room 14 bath, ail C A R S A N D T R U C K S . her FOR THE KFISTC.",! OOWT j^OECLARBJ 46 And ^ e l i e r a l b J^ JO i 'y 22 16 Newt 76 To saw CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANCHESTER H U N T I N S . sfly ; 17 Hoppenings 47 Money w IT CITY THOMPSON HOUSE, fur- privileges, rent with or without Qtitulnn ^ Psrts 77 Share 49 European option to buy. 646-4427. M2-26J869 ISCo m ts 48 Perks 78 Attention 5- 9-30-54/^ STA TE nished rooms, centrally Fact o ry Trained Mechenlea V5\-7t-TVat 19 Bring 49 Turn 79 Be 62-68-8145V------nation 39 W located. Kitchen privileges. One and 'twtrbedroomd. 20 Could 50 Will 80 Your 53 Malt brew M*' 1 P.O . Box 591 U O AQUARIUS ZIP Parking. Reasonable rates. Near schools, churches •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 24-HOUR WRECKER SERVICE 21 Some 51 Out 81 Seem 54 Steeps in VT iT 45 M anch est er, C o n n. 06040 mv 21 22 You 52Critk ol 82 Work JAN. 20 seasoning Phone 649-2358. B u sin iss for Re n t 58 1 PHO NE and shopping center,. C)n CALL 648-6464 ___ . A O S. 22 23 Pleosontiy 53 With 83 Accomplish fii. f f , 56 Aeriform fuel 46 w so 51 24 Stortling 54 If $4 Much bqs line. ^11 ahytlme At 2- 914-26 57 Unruly child ESSEX MOTOR INN - weekly SHARE four room office, with 25 Hospitoiity 55 Of 85 Sensitive ^ 6-19-22/ 58 Wander 53 sr 66 y32-4336 26 Event 56 Optimistic 86 Enjoyoble y-61-78 59 Pismire .12 Words • 3 Days • *1 Dollar. rooms, single $56, double $69, accountant, air-conditioning 27 Fovors 57 Revive VMM 67 New PISCIS 60 Back talk 68 w sr 646>2623 and heat, good projection. Carter Chevrolet 28 Reoson 58 You 86 Love plus tax, continental breakfast, (slang) r air conditioning, 6492300. Reasonable. Call 6 4 9 1 ^ , 649- /K'*'*?•« 29Tockle 59 People 69 Zest Sift. 22 30 Disturbed 60 Routine 90 Affoir MAR. 2 0 ^ 61 Arab 59 sr 5T 3549. prince. I-230939 ^ ,„(g )G o oJ ® A Jr e t K m -77-608: (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn,, Tues., August 5, 1975

OBITUARIES Manchester Observer Quits

Mrs. Ardice B. Parsons Benjamin Zubowicz By SOL R, COHEN Main St., but was printed in Palmer, Mass, by the Palmer Journal Publishing VERNON—Mrs. Ardice B. SOUTH WINDSOR - Benja- Herald Reporter Parsons, 74, formerly of South The publisher of the 15-week-old Co. min Zubowicz, 82. of 1101 Sulli- St., died Monday at Rockville Manchester Observer announced today For the first three weeks of publication, van Ave. died Sunday at Rocky the weekly—out every Monday—was sold General Hospital. She was the Hill Veterans Hospital. the weekly newspaper is out of business. widow of Guy C. Parsons. “The paper never really got off the for 15 cents. Then it was distributed free, Born in New Rochelle, N.Y., Born in Russia, Mr. Zubowicz ground and It didn’t look like it ever door-to-door and in stores. Mrs. Parsons had lived in Ver- had lived in South Windsor for would,” said Raymond Healy. Declining comment on the paper’s finan- non for about three years. She many years. He was an Army Healy, president of the Sundex Corp. cial position after 15 weeks of publication, was a member of the First veteran of World War I. which owned the newspaper, said the deci- Healy remarked, “We had no support (for Congregational Church of Ver- The funeral is Wednesday at 8 sion was reached last Wednesday, after a advertising) from the business community non. a.m. at the Rocky Hill Veterans meeting of the Sundex board of directors —so badlv needed to support a free Home chapel. Burial will be in newspaper. In addition, in view of how Survivors are three sons, ' the day before. Kenneth Parsons of Vernon, Col. Raymond F. Gates Healy blamed the paper’s demise on many papers were being circulated in Robert Parsons of Maryland Cemetery, Rocky Hill. Military “inexperience in the newspaper business Manchester, we didn’t feel charging for and William Parsons of honors will be accorded at and the poor economic times.” ours would prove profitable.” Alabama; a daughter, Mrs. graveside. He acknowledged, “If I had taken a-«^ Healy thanked all those who had tried William Edelman of Friends may call at Rose Hill crash course in the business. I'm sure I’d their utmost to make a success of the Hawthorne, N.Y.; and a sister, Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., have done things differently.” paper. “ I can only say, ‘Thanks for Mrs. Grace Finch of Rocky Hill, tonight from 7 to 9. The newspaper had its offices at 982 . helping’.” Providence, R.l. The funeral is Thursday at Ferncliff Chapel, with burial in Ferncliff Mausoleum, Green- burg, N.Y. Violence Spreads Friends may call at Ballard-

Durnad Funeral Home, 2 Maple Schweitzer Earns (Continued from Page One) Ave., White Plains, N.Y., made from sophisticated explosives. It

Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to Doctoral Degree were on the streets throughout the night blew out windows over a block wide area.

9 p.m. Burton L. Schweitzer, assis- sacking the homes of all known leftists in In the northern town of Vila Nova The family suggests that any tant professor of reading at the area. Vila Nova is a textile town near Famalicao, police said mobs roamed the memorial contributions may be Manchester Community Porto where the two anti-Communist streets throughout the night, sacking the made to the First College, received his doctoral demonstrators were shot by an army cap- homes of all known leftists. Congregational Church of Ver- of education degree July 31 tain. It was the fifth night of violence in the non. from Nova University in Fort “The situation here is very unstable,” a textile city near Porto. Two anti- White-Gibson-Small Funeral Lauderdale, Fla. police spokesman in the town said. "It Communist demonstrators were killed Home, 65 Elm St., was in He earned his bachelor’s doesn’t look like it is going to stop.” there Sunday night when an army captain charge of local arrangements. degree from Central Connec- The ruling three-man military junta fired into a mob attacking the Communist ticut State College and his summoned military commanders from party headquarters. master's from the University of the Lisbon region for a second straight day Heavy troop reinforcements moved into Hartford. He has been on the (Herald photo by Pinto) of strategy talks. the area to control angry townspeople who MCC staf for three years. The commander of Portugal’s central demanded an army captain accused of He lives in West Hartford MCC Buildings Get Gutters military region issued a statement urging Richard Magnano Sr. shooting into the crowd 1m handed over for with his wife and four children. the public to remain calm and not par- Richard Henry Magnano Sr., “popular justice” and execution. Working in the hot sun to be ready for the next rain are three student-workers at ticipate in the anti-Communist attacks. 66, of Cape Coral, Fla., former- "We feet the situation is going to get Manchester Community College off Bidwell St. Putting in new rain gutters are, from the "Such incidents have grown acutely in ly of Hartford, died Monday at worse,” a northern police spokesman said. left, Robert Woodworth and Kip Ross of East Hartford and Mike Tuthill of Manchester. the Aveiro and Leiria districts where Por- "The masses are mobilizing in many Hartford Hospital. He was the tuguese are opposing Portuguese father of Richard Magnano Jr. villages to finish off the Communists.” sometimes violently,” it said. of Vernon and Dr. Theresa M. In other developments, a key military The bomb that exploded in the forestry Digiulio of Hebron, and brother security unit decided Monday to reinstate ministry was the fourth reported around of Joseph M. Magnano of its politically moderate commander who the country in less than a week, but the Manchester. Import Car Sales was ousted last week In a minor rebellion. first to claim a life. Police said the victim He is also survived by his AREA Leftists had accused the officer. Col. appeared to be a pedestrian who was wife, two other brothers, two Jaime Neves, and 11 of his subordinates, POLICE REPORT passing the building when the explosion sisters and three Still Set Records of threatening the military’s leftward occurred. grandchildren. course and possibly planning a coup. Army bomb experts said the device was The funeral is Thursday at DETROIT (UPI) - While units, a 25 per cent gain over 8:30 a.m. from Rose Hill Detroit auto industry analysts last year. COVENTRY Rockville after a short chase. Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., estimate July new cars sales Reports from the four U.S. Arthur E. Ashwell Jr., 21, of He was released on a $250 non- Rocky Hill, with a Mass at St. fell 7 per cent from last year’s automakers later today were 678 Main St., Manchester was surety bond for appearance in James Church, Rocky Hill, at 9. already-depressed levels, im- expected to show deliveries of charged Monday night with court in Rockville Aug. 27. Burial will be in Rose Hill ported automobiles continue to about 645,(K)0 cars, compared first-degree criminal mischef, Memorial Park, Rocky Hill, set sales records. with 690,9()4 a year ago. It would third-degree assault, and dis- ELLINGTON Friends may call at the mark the industry’s lowest July orderly conduct. State police are investigating Prisoners Landed funeral home Wednesday from Six of the 23 import The charges were made in a one-car accident that since 1970. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. nameplates reported their July connection with the investiga- happened on W. Shore Rd., The family suggests that any sales Monday. All six topped tion of a disturbance on Rt. 44A, Ellington Monday. Police/said The dropoff, after a mid-July (Continued from Page One) tators grew larger as night fell, lining memorial contributions may be year-ago levels and five set Coventry. Ashwell is scheduled the car was registered ip the period in which sales topped a roads behind police barricades which'kept made to the American Cancer July records. Imported car to appear in Common Pleas name of Gene Fellows of 176 drama until the Japan Air Lines plane year ago, is the result of post- them about %0 yards away from the 12- Society. Court 19, Rockville Aug. 27. Porter Rd., Ellington. carrying their comrades was actually on sales are expected to top 150,000 contest falloff at General story embassy building. Motors whose sales may be off Police said the unknown the ground here. as much as one-fourth from last David Gray, 27, of Stafford driver was seen leaving the ac- Police and fire vehicles and ambulances July. The sales incentive con- Springs was charged Monday cident on foot. A force of several hundred special were pulled back another 100 yards to open test pushed GM’s mid-July night with disorderly conduct in branch officers, paramilitary field force a clear road in front of the building. connection with the investiga- police and regular police were spread out sales up better than 16 per cent. HEBRON Final plans to free the hostages and send tion of a disturbance on all over the airport terminal and grounds A 15-year-old youth was ap- the Japanese terrorists to a haven of their In the final 10-day period of Bellevue Dr., Coventry. prehended by Hebron Constable as the plane arrived. own choice depended on the piane-to- He was released on his Extremists Bomb the month, deliveries reached Warren McGueilness In the embassy negotiations. It was thought the promise to appear in court in Hebron town yard early Sunday The main approach road to the airport about 260,000 cars, one analyst four to six Red Army men would be flown Rockville Aug. 27, was sealed off to traffic at about the same estimated. This would be an 18 morning and two other youths to the airport by helicopter and then sent per cent drop from last year time the airport was closed to normal Bookstore in Spain fled from the scene . aboard the DCS to Kuwait, the country the with GM accounting for most of VERNON The apprehended youth was commercial air traffic. Parking aprons Red Army chose previously as a haven. Richard J. Meagher, 24, of and hangar areas were cleared of all air- MADRID, Spain (UPI) - Minister Luis Carrero Blanco, that falloff. charged with third-degree Malaysian Prime Minister Tuns Abdul 293 Merline Dr., Vernon was craft. Suspected right-wing police said. criminal trespassing and Razak told a news conference today that While U.S. auto sales are charged today with operating As soon as the jetliner came to a stop a extremists today bombed a Carreio Blanco was slain by a fourth-degree larceny and the Japanese terrorists holed up in the expected to be below year-ago under the influence of liquor or catering van and a fuel truck pulled bookshop in Zaragoza, group of Basques who tunneled released into the custody of his U.S. Embassy have refused to discuss the levels, they should be equal to alongside to service it for the next leg of destroying it and causing under a Madrid stre et in drugs and disobeying the orders parents. He will be referred to exchange of hostages and their own depar- or slightly above June sales, the trip. damage to three nearby stores, December, 1973, and planted a of an officer. juvenile authorites. Investiga- ture until the Japan Air Lines DCS arrives. countering a normal 9 per cent Fifteen minutes later Ambassador police sources said. bomb under the prime Police said Meagher was tion is continuing by state "They say they will only talk about it drop from June. Suma, Japanese First Secretary Kazuya The bombing was the latest minister’s car. stopped on Thompson St., police. after the plane arrives,” Razak said. Sadachi and two other Japanese embassy incident of political violence Arrested with Beotegui were Razak said that at one point during the "As long as we can beat the aides were escorted to the plane by two that has gripped parts of Spain. three other leaders of the difficult: 24-hour negotiations the Malay- normal month-to-month Malaysian policemen and went inside. The shop had been exhibiting Basque guerrilla group and an relationship, usually down at sian government had considered the Marxist literature and works on Several hundred airport workers and unspecified number of persons this time of year, we’re making possibility of storming the ninth floor con- the Spanish civil war. travelers caught by the airport shutdown suspected of having aided them. progress,” said one Detroit sulate section of the American em bauy— The bombing, which caused Ford, Miki Begin watched the scene from Inside the heavily These included three Catholic analyst, "Last year, July sales but rejected the idea out of considerklon no injuries, came shortly after guarded terminal. nuns and a monk, police said. were off 5 per cent from June.” for the safety of the American, Malaysian, police announced the arrest of Reporters outside the downtown em- Beotegui, 32,— better known Two-Day Conference Swedish, Australian and Japanese bassy reported crowds of curious spec- Spain’s most wanted guerrilla by the alias “Wilson’’ — was Datsun, the No. 2 selling im- hostages.

leader and several of his captured as his followers port in June, topped last July’s WASHINGTON (UPI) - about9:30a.m. EDT. But it was followers. prepared to free 40 fellow sales by 66 per cent with a President Ford and Japanese not known if he was conveying Police said the band was Basques jailed at Segovia, 60 record 25,808 sales. Up almost Prime Minister Takeo Miki Jupiter is so huge that it alone further information about the preparing to free 40 political miles north of Madrid, the an- 41 per cent this year, Datsun began two days of official con- makes up nearly three-quarters terrorist situation or simply prisoners from a provincial jail nouncement said. deliveries were up 4 per cent sultations today during which of the entire mass of planets and going to accompany Miki to and stage a series of kid- Police said the guerrillas dug from June. they are expected to outline the moons in the solar system. Ford’s office. napings. a tunnel leading to the prison’s future U.S. role in Asia.

Basque terrorist Pedro shower room to smuggle in Toyota, which last month sur- At Miki's request, the usual

Ignacio Perez Beotegui was firearms, lamps, saws and passed Volkswagen as the top- pomp and welcome ceremonies

arrested last Wednesday in a files. selling import, was to report its on the White House South Lawn

shootout in Barcelona. Police "The plan was very far ad- sales today along with the Ger- were dispensed with, and he

delayed announcement of his vanced and offered a great man automaker. was ushered directly into

arrest until Monday. probability of success,’’ a Ford’s Oval Office for the talks.

Police said he was the leader police spokesman said. Other importers setting July Neither leader publicly men-

of the guerrilla section of Authorities said Beotegui’s records were Fiat, up 57 per tioned the demand of Japanese

"basque Homeland and Liber- group also planned to kidnap an cent from a year ago; Volvo, up terrorists in Malaysia for the

ty," an underground organiza- unnamed diplomat and Spanish 7 per cent; Peugeot, up 21 per release of five imprisoned

tion fighting for the seccession bankers and industrialists. The cent; and Alfa-Romeo, up 84 Japanese revolutionaries in

of Spain’s northern Basque arrested nuns and the monk had per cent. Saab, while not setting exchange for release of the provinces. hidden Wilson and another a record for July, said its sales American consul and other He has been involved in a long guerrilla in the days proceeding jumped 9 per cent over last hostages at the U.S. embassy in string of violence, including the their arrest, police said. year. Kuala Lumpur. 1973 assassination of Prime Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger went from the White House across the street to Blair House, where Miki is staying. Vernon Hopes for-11 Bus Shelters FOR OVER 50 YEARS L i V IN O B T O F

Bus shelters the town has originally considered but the 11 proposed sites which must be BAHERIESFOR been pushing for for a long time sites it has narrowed down to on town or state-owned proper- Radios— Hsaring Mds Games— FlashllgMt may become a reality through are W. Main St., Rockville, ty- We know that training and funds the Department of near the green; E. Main St., George McLean of the DOT, professional experience are im­ ARTHUR DRUG Transportation (DOT) expects Rockville, near the redevelop- said construction could possible portant. to receive from the U.S. ment area; the Vernon start by Oct. 22.

Department of Commerce. Professional Building on Rt. 30 But we feel that funeral directing (near the circle); Kelly Rd.; " . . . My Love is in a circle bound." SAVE THIS AD still comes down to a simple matter The DQT expects to receive Betty Crocker Pie Shop, Rt. 30;

some $225,000 to construct 100 55 Grove St. (elderly housing of being concerned about people's For your double-ring ceremony, ORIVEWAY-SEALING choose distinctive Keepsake wedding bands. shelters in 13 Connecticut project); Union St. near Maple needs.

towns. Vernon expects to have St. School; the commuter COLLEGE STUDENT WITH PREVIOUS SUMMER Carved, antiqued or diamond-set, these parking lot on Rt. 30; and the in- 11 of these shelters. EXPERIENCE. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP & perfectly matched rings are mastercrafted tersection of Rt. 83 and Merline in lovely 14 Kt. gold. SAVINGS. USING DUALITY TESTED JENNITE Town Planner John Loranger Rd.. J-16. SPREAD BY SQUEEGE . has suggested to DOT that

seven of the proposed shelters The estimated cost is $2,000 FREE ESTIMATES HO I

be built to accommodate four per shelter. The Commerce 400 M A IN STREET • MANCHESTER, CO N N \ CALL TOM BEDARD persons and the remaining be Department has to commit the HOWARD L. HOLMES ARTHUR G. HOLMES large enough for eight persons. funds by Sept. 7 and the state NORMAN M. HOLMES HOWARD M. HOLMES MANCHE8TEH PARKAD? Thirty-one sites were DOT will then examine the 6 4 3 -4 0 9 4