Sey to Imirsday Said Growing in P Riv a Te
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'.. .A' f . ........ ■ '■!' w • , WBDNiSSDAY, MARCH 6; :| 9 6 l Average Daily Net Preea Ron Ths WMther : r-F O U R gte the W«sk BikM > ' SjpiftMt St U. i . WsatMf aiNS iianrljfPB&r ^ Mvchji, INS . \- Fsir swi m Mst tse^hsT. £(& A luitomagS aale, n>onsored _hy 30-SS. Friday fair with fprU iO ai Ofcolylyn A. Robinson of mepiber of Student Key, student of honor. St. Patrick’s Day deco The Ladlea of St. James’ will Memorial Templs, Pythian Sis 13^949 B a m , Idass., was elected secre hosting' organization. rations were used on a refreshment meet Monday at 8:10 p.m. in the ters, will hold a rummage sale S t Bridget's Rosary Society, eoCtlM AeSIt ctnwdlnsas dtwrioffliig iMriag M Toivii tary o f Clailc University (Wbrcea- table. About 30 members and school auditorium. Revisied by Friday, 10 a.m„ at Orange HalL be held Saturday at 10 In w free deuvery a t OmrihitSwi day. High S5-40. t^ , Maae.) blotogy club. She is Mystic Review, Women’s Bener guests attended. laws will be presented for ap- Members having arUdes to be church basement ,70 Main S t M a n el^ ter^ A Ciiy. o f VUlago Cheahn provaL 'picked up may contact Mrs. Helen nations may be b to u ^ t to ■ the 9 A.M. !• t P.M. XjOdtfH Order o f Vaaa, tl\e daughter of Mrs. Anne G. Rob fit Association, met last night at JU tom orrow at 9 p.m. at inson, 5W Vernon St., and Albert Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. Edward Principals lA' the cast o f "Alice Potyra, 668 Foster St„ Wapplng; basement p W y at 3 and. 7 p.m. HaB. SwedWi dancincr B. ROUnaon o f Newton, Maas, She Hood of Hartford, state field direc in Wonderland” will rehearse to Dr. Israel Gershanoff, 910 Main Mrs. Anita Alley,. 09 WasMngton Mrs. J / Edward MoKeever. 69 N. ARTHUR DRU TOL. LXXXn, NO. 188 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH T, 1968 (CIsMifled Advertising en Page 18) RRiqE nVE CENtS _____ __i at 7. Rafreahmeota will la a Junior at the university, where tor, and Mrs. EMward Lally of night at 7 in the basement room St., has returned fr6m a two-week St.; or. Mrs. Marion Keegan, 48 School S t, may be CMiticted for 8 ; W w n ^ after the maeUa^. she la m ajoi^ g in biology and is a Hartford, state pianist, were guests at the old technical school. vacation in Miami Beach, Fla. Ardmore Rd. articles to be picked, up. Pope Meets MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Cuban Unrest PHONE MI 8-4128 ’ OPEN R ed Editor T sey to imiRSDAY Said Growing In P riv a te V A 'n C A N CJITY ( A P ) - ^ j ' j tin* WA^Hli^GTON (AP) —^ slons and left Cuba to seek free Pope John X X n i unexpected dom abroad sinco the beginning of Becrstary of State D e^ Rusk this prssent regime would Indicate ly lummoned Soviet I^m ier said today there is growing that Cuba is not a satisfactory Khrushchev’s eon-in-Iaw to a discontent in Cubs and several place in which to live now. private audience today. They hundred thousand Cubans “ Our information is that several chatted for 18 minutes in the hundred thousands of these Cu have indicated they want to bans have indicated their desire pontiff’s library. flee Prime Minister Fidel Cas to leave the country if possible.’’ Alexei Adzhubei, who calls him DOUBLE tro’s regime. Rusk epoke in a recorded radio self a confirmed atheist, was ac Dam Burst, DAY “ The aconomla aituatlaa la Interview for an A F L d O pro companied by his wife, Rada, grim,” Rusk aald. “ There U avl- gram. dressed in black and wearing no dence of great and growing dis- He did not outline what specific makeup. Boiler Blast liiii; ecntent on that Island. further stepe might be taken It was the first meeting of a THURSDAY “ The tact that a couple of hun against Castro, beyond those al Roman Catholic pontiff and a lead dreds of thousands of CMbsns have ready disclosed—Buch ss Joint ac ing figure from the Communist GREEN tion with- other American repub S<^et Union. Adzhubei is .editor nvc given up all their material posses- Claims Five lics to 'cut down on subversion of the Soviet government paper, emanating from Cuba. IzvesUa. FRIDAY It was not learned what the Governor John N. Dempfley “ There is no question whatever Pope and the Adzhubeis talked GOP Leaders in my mind that the Cuban people canceled all appointments to about. Vatican custom Is not to day to go to flood-stricken will again be free,” he said. “ But disclose details of the Pope’s con we cannot be precise today about versations to private audiences. Norwich to determine what SATURDAY STAMPS To Spell Out Just how and when this wUl come But a Vatican source said the hdp the state could give to with all cash purchases about.” meeting was informal. Hs said the the city. Five persons perish Cost Cut Plan Rusk did not disclose ths basis Pope greeted the Adzhubeis at the ed and one is missing after a for his information that several door of the library and Adzhubei hundred thousand Cubans have in bowed his head and shook hands br(dcen da4ti tu m ^ flood WASHmaiON (AP) — House dicated they want to leave. De 'With the Pope. They then sat in waters- on a deadly RepuhUcaa leaders said today parture from Cuba has become In- chairs placed informally in a path through th)^ center of creuingly difficult as the Castro LIMITED TIME ONLY! 4-PIECE KING SIZE tiiey are accepting President' Ken comer of the room, rather ftian at the business distHct last NYLON TRICOT regime has tightened Its controls. the pontiff’s desk. nedy’s. challenge to spell out the Some Cubans have managed to - ’The Adzhubeis had come to the night. ' ^ SALE! places where uiey would cut hil- get exit permits, while others have Vatican along with 70 other news The water roared from a 15^bcra TV TRAY TABLES Ucna from his $B8.8 bilHon budget. men for a general audience in lake tm a hill overlooking the city..^ liiiH REVERE WARE “ We’U give them a blU of par (Oonttnoed o* Page Twelve) which the 81-year-o1d Roman (Cath and swept into a cord-maniifactur- '' ticulars when the time comes,’’ olic leader received the $51,000 ing plant, setting off a boiler ax- plosion. extra deep reg. 8.99 said GOP Leader Clharles A; Hal- Balzan Peace prize. There had i i i leck of Indiana, “ and we’U be re been no previous indication Adzhu Four workers on the night shift sponsible about it.” were killed. One wing of the three- SLIPS 2 ^ a r t Senate Probes bel would be granted the private Rep, Frank T. Bow of Ohio, audience. story building was demolished. head o f a Republican task force Pope John said the prize— Another worker is missing, stato reg. 3.99 on budget cutting, sidd the de Zuckert Memo praised by Premier Khrushchev— police said. tailed proposals for reduced honored the "constant action of Margaret Moody, a mother SAUCEPAN spending are already in the hands the Roman Catholic (Church and whose husband and three sons M the Republican members best On Boeing Bid the papacy for peace.” Popes and made their way to a rooftop from iHlii 4.99 placed to use them—the senior the Church, he said, were able to their overtumto car was canded reg. 8.25 minority members of the various away by the waters. Her body was WA8HINOTON (AP)—A Senate re co v e i^ today. 1 • this and 8 other patterns subcommittees considering appro^ (Oontlniied on Pago Nineteen) m to choose from DRESS STYLES prlatlons bills. investigator contends Secretary of ” 1 thought my wife was behind Kennedy, who defended what he the Air Force Ei^ene M. Zuckert us all the time,” Thomas Moody called his hard budget at his said. ” I don’t know what happened in worsted wool understsited by $29.0 million the :::iU 2.59 news conference Wednesday, also to her.” came in for some Republican amount the government stood to State News The roof collapsed. Moody said, 3.87 criticism for his latest statement save if it awarded the Boeing Co. and he put the boys—Thomas, 4; reg. to 17.99 on tax reduction and tax revision. a contract to develop the new Jamee, 4, and Shawn, 10 months— “They seem to blow hot and TFX warplane. into a tree to keep them out of the 2 for 5.00 cold,” Halleck commented. And, according to the Senate Roundup water. They were rescued after Rep. Thomas (Jurtls of Missouri, Investigations subcommittee, this about two hours. a member of the tax-writing Ways brings to a total of about $61 mil llie Moody boys and tiuree wom and Means Committee, said it lion the extent of apparent errors ThSolk toe blocks, esiiTied a half mile by flood waiters, choke a Rescue -workers extricate the body of one of five persona kiUed en who were rescued from the de- • proportioned sizes looks as though there are two Z ^ kert in eq u a tin g the (X)P Chiefs Shun NorwiOh street. A 30-fooit-hdgh dam ki a park ooUapeed, re when the Turner Stoniton Twine Mills collapsed under pressure mrilriied plant were hoepltalized.