International Association of Bryologists (IAB) Conference
International Association of Bryologists (IAB) Conference January 11-15, 2015 Omora Ethnobotanical Park - Universidad de Magallanes Puerto Williams, Chile & Ecotourism with a Hand Lens in the Miniature Forests of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve January 10, 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Bernard Goffinet, University of Connecticut Francisca Massardo, Universidad de Magallanes - IEB Andrés Mansilla, Universidad de Magallanes - IEB Ricardo Rozzi, University of North Texas - Universidad de Magallanes - IEB Mary Kalin-Arroyo, Universidad de Chile - IEB Juan Armesto, P. Universidad Católica - IEB Francisco Squeo, Universidad de La Serena - IEB Lohengrin Cavieres, Universidad de Concepción - IEB ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The organizers wish to express their gratitude to several institutions, organizations and colleagues that made it possible to organize this first international scientific conference in the Chilean Antarctic Province, Chile. We thank the Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG) and in particular its President Dr. Juan Oyarzo, and its Vice- Presidents Dr. Jose Maripani, Ms. Elizabeth Jeldres and Dr. Andrés Mansilla, for the financial support. Also, the logistic and financial support from the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) and mediated by Dr. Mary Kalin and Dr. Juan Armesto, was critical to overcome the challenges to develop an international conference in Puerto Williams. Support from the Gobernacion of Chilean Antarctic Province and the Governor, Mr. Patricio Oyarzo, was essential to garner national attention for this event. Likewise we thank the Municipalidad de Cabo de Hornos, the Mayor Ms. Pamela Tapia and the school Director, Mr. Francisco Fernandez, for allowing us to use the local school, Liceo Donald McIntyre Griffiths, as the main building to host this conference. We especially thank the Armada de Chile, Distrito Naval Beagle and Tercera Zona Naval, for its extraordinary support and collaboration with relevant parts of the planned activities of the conference.
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