Association of Community Rail Partnerships Annual Report and Accounts 2009-10 1 2 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 Virgin Trains Merseytravel London MidlandTrains Lancashire CountyCouncil Kirklees MetropolitanCouncil Grand CentralRailway Greater ManchesterPTE TranspennineFirst East CoastLtd(formerlyNXEC) Association ofTrain Operating Companies Angel Trains Abellio (formerlyNedRailways) Corporate Sponsors Welsh AssemblyGovernment for TransportDepartment Principal FundersandSponsors Cover: ExchnageofgreetingsontheHeartWalesLine Keeping theServiceRunning:NorthernRail158atKirkbyStephenonSettle-Carlisleline ISBN 1900497 263 Annual Report2009-10 Website: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01484 847790 Slaithwaite, HuddersfieldHD75AB 15a NewStreet Canal Side,CivicHall Registered Office:TheRailandRiverCentre Registered inEnglandno.4219081 A companylimitedbyguarantee Association ofCommunityRailPartnershipsLtd (Chris Prichard) (Andrew Griffiths,Imagerail) From the Chair O’r Gadair

One of the great things about community rail, apart Un o’r pethau gwych am reilffyrdd cymunedol, ar from our day to day support to our members, is the wahân i’r gefnogaeth ddydd i ddydd i’n haelodau, opportunity to be able to work with others who wish yw’r cyfle i allu weithio gydag eraill sydd yn to develop new rail partnerships. There were discus- dymuno datblygu partneriaethau rheilffordd sions with several such groups and it is most reward- newydd. Bu trafodigaethau gyda nifer o grupiau fel ing to be in at the start and lend a guiding hand. hyn a mae’n foddhaol iawn i fod yno yn y cychwyn Such activities take us around and about the length ac i gynnig arweiniad. Mae’r fath weithgaredd yn and breadth of the land from time to time, as does mynd â ni allan ar hyd a lled y wlad o bryd i’w our regular pattern of business. gilydd, fel mae ein patrwm busnes arferol. During the reporting year the ACoRP Board met on Yn ystod y flwyddyn a adroddir arni gwnaeth Bwrdd four occasions. The Finance and General Purposes ACoRP gwrdd ar bedwar achlysur. Gwnaeth y Committee also met on four occasions, whilst the Pwyllgor Cyllid a Phwrpasau Cyffredinol hefyd Annual General Meeting took place in November. gwrdd bedwar tro, gyda’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Geographically these meetings were spread from Blynyddol yn cymryd lle ym mis Tachwedd. Yn Cardiff to Huddersfield and from Birmingham to ddaearyddol gwasgerir y cyfarfodydd yma o Morecambe. Other key meetings attended during Gaerdydd i Huddersfield ac o Birmingham i More- the year included several sessions with members cambe. Bu cyfarfodydd allweddol eraill yn ystod y representatives on developing ACoRP’s future strat- flwyddyn gan gynnwys sesiynau gyda egy, looking to the next five years, and six meetings chynrychiolwyr aelodau i drafod strategaeth dyfodol of the national community rail steering group led by ACoRP, gan edrych ar y pum mlynedd nesaf, a chwe the Department for Transport. cyfarfod o’r grup llywio rheilffyrdd cymunedol I think we may look back on another successful year cenedlaethol a arweinir gan yr Adran dros in which ACoRP represented community rail and Drafnidiaeth. our members to national and regional government Credaf y gallwn edrych nôl ar flwyddyn arall both in England and in Wales, and ensuring that lwyddiannus gydag ACoRP yn cynrychioli community rail and its accruing benefits to users rheilffyrdd cymunedol a’n haelodau i lywodraeth leol and local economies were kept in the eye of industry, a chenedlaethol yn Lloegr a Chymru, ac yn sicrhau media and government. This is achieved in a variety bod rheilffyrdd cymunedol a’r benedithion cynyddol of ways, not least of which is the seminar and confer- i ddefnyddwyr ac economïau lleol yn flaenllaw yn ence programme. The crowning event of the year was llygaid y diwydiant, cyfryngau a llywodraeth. undoubtedly the annual rail awards in Carlisle with Cyflawnir hyn mewn amryw o ffyrdd, gan gynnwys the festival weekend with a wide range of displays y rhaglen o seminarau a chynadleddau. Y and attractive excursions offered on the local rail digwyddiad wnaeth goroni hyn heb os nac oni bai network. oedd y noson wobrwyo flynyddol yn Carlisle gyda’r One of my pleasant duties each year is to thank uyl benwythnos â ystod eang o arddangosfeydd a everyone who supports ACoRP in our work, be they theithiau atyniadol wedi ei gynnig ar y rhwydwaith the train operating companies, industry bodies, local rheilffordd leol. authorities, ATOC, Network Rail, Welsh Assembly Un o’r dyletswyddau braf bob blwyddyn yw i Government, Department for Transport, members of ddiolch i bawb sy’n cefnogi ACoRP yn ein gwaith, the staff team, and the board and committee mem- boed nhw’n Gwmnïau Gweithredu Rheilffyrdd, bers who freely give us their time – and above all, cyrff o’r diwydiant, awdurdodau lleol, ATOC, you, ACoRP’s members. A special word of thanks to Network Rail, Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, our member Gerwyn Jones who carries out the Adran dros Drafnidiaeth, aelodau o dîm y staff, ac Welsh translation for us each year. aelodau’r pwyllgorau sydd yn rhoi ei hamser am Thank you each and every one for what you do for ddim – ac yn enwedig, chi, aelodau ACoRP. Gair community rail. arbennig o ddiolch i’n aelod Gerwyn Jones sy’n ymgymryd â’r gwaith cyfieithu Cymraeg i ni bob Peter Roberts, blwyddyn. Chairman, ACoRP Diolch i chi bob un am yr hyn yr ydych yn ei wneud dros reilffyrdd cymunedol. Peter Roberts, Cadeirydd ACoRP 4 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 working yearistakenup. categories sothatyoucanseehowour Report isbroadlystructuredaroundthese a numberofcategories. This year’s Annual velop anannualworkplan,whichfallsinto agreement withthemrequiresustode- remains ourkeyfunderandpartof for The Department Transport (DfT) organisation. their valuabletimetohelpmanagethe members, allofwhomvolunteertogiveup also recognisetheBoardandsub-committee valued, especiallybyme.Finally, wemust commitment totheorganisationismuch like tothanktheACoRPstaffwhose provide youwithgoodvalue!Iwouldalso out yoursupportandwehopeyoufeel We simplycouldn’t dowhatwe dowith- with fundingorotherin-kindbenefits. the industrywhocontinuetoassistus As always,mythanksgotoourfriendsin Rail (CR)isnotoverlooked. doing ourbesttoensurethatCommunity we canassureeveryonethatwillbe sions madewillbeoutofourhandsbut ships (CRPs). To anextent,manydeci- and itsmemberCommunityRailPartner- in theforthcomingyear–forbothACoRP 2010 andtheimplicationsthismayhave noting theresultsofelectionsinMay within thescopeofthisreport,itisworth still loomslarge.Althoughnottechnically ful, althoughtheshadowoffuturecuts The pastyearhasonceagainbeensuccess- Annual Report KEY OUTPUTS training sessions,whichenables usto Northern Rail’s staffinduction new Group. We continuetohaveapresence at ance attheDfTCommunity RailSteering a facetobasisbutalso viaourattend- regular supportandguidance,notonlyon across Englandandwehaveprovided is tosupportthetwenty-eightCRlines A keyoutputofouragreementwithDfT Strategy Community RailDevelopment Assist withdeliveryofthe of areportthesamename. attended eventandtiedinwiththelaunch port and port Tourism 2009, thesubjectbeing ence wasalsoheldinCardiffNovember To assistourcolleaguesin Wales, aconfer- Morecambe magnificently restoredMidlandHotel, Plans period in February. Ourfinalconferenceforthe the Northern areaCRP Officers’ meeting seminar heldinIpswichJanuaryand in 2010includedtheDesignatedLines teering study tie inwiththelaunchofoursecondkey always, verywellattended.Aseminarto were heldinJune 2009andwere, as The annualACoRPmemberseminars competencies topics whichwillincreasetheir Arrange members’seminarson on thelineinquestion.A totalof projects thatmayhaveameaningful effect encourage match-funding to achievelarger projects whiletheDCRDF isdesignedto WSGF areaimedatsupporting smaller ment Fund (DCRDF). The ESGFand Designated CommunityRailDevelop- Small GrantFund(WSGF)andthe Small Grant Fund (ESGF),the Welsh three fundingpackages–theEnglish ACoRP continuestomaintainandoperate Operate aSmallGrantsScheme range ofmemberorganisationsaspossible. oured toincludefeaturesfromaswidea throughout theyearandwehaveendeav- Train onLine Our twokeypublications, Produce qualitypublications: and theotherinDecember. provided twosessions,oneinApril2009 as andwhenrequiredin2009-10, also providetrainingfornewCRPOfficers implant theCRmessageatstafflevel. We was heldinMarchthe The Value ofCommunityRail Volun- Community Rail&Active Travel was heldinJuly 2009,whileevents . continuedtobepublished . well- This wasavery Sustainable Trans- Train Times and Active Travel conference in the Midland Hotel at Morecambe (Brian Barnsley)

£81,990 was granted through the Provide support in setting up new DCRDF, raising an additional £136,605 partnerships in match-funding – over 62% of the total We’ve been supporting eight potential project value (£218,595)! A full list of CRPs, including Birmingham - Stratford the projects in the three funds is provided (Shakespeare Line), North Downs Line, at the end of this document. West London Line, Goyt Valley, Waterside ACoRP also continues to maintain and CRP, South London Line and Trans Wilts distribute money provided as part of the CRP. We’ve also been approached to East Coast franchise commitment. In provide guidance on the possible introduc- addition to supporting some aspects of tion of commuter services on the Keighley ACoRP’s work, including events, a pro- & Worth Valley heritage railway. Some of portion is reserved for use by the four these have developed faster than others but CRPs that adjoin the East Coast Main they still show an appetite for the CRP Line: Nottingham-Skegness, concept. Middlesbrough-Whitby, Darlington- Bishop Auckland and Newcastle-Carlisle. This has proved immensely valuable to Support existing partnerships these CRPs and in one case, played a key We continue to support CRPs and station part in securing its future. adoption groups in both England and Wales with regular advice and guidance, Organise events to promote and as part of this, updated and reprinted community rail our popular Station Adoption Toolkit. We are also looking at the possibility of a ACoRP’s fifth Community Rail Awards European-funded project which may not were held in Carlisle and despite some only help CRPs with some funding issues last minute difficulties with the venue, were once again a resounding success – but also expand our influence outside the thanks to everyone who made it possible, UK. including our sponsors and colleagues at During the year, support from DfT and the Train and Freight Operating Compa- Government Office South West enabled us nies and Network Rail. to publish a Local Area Agreement & 5 6 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 meetings. lighted atcentralgovernmentandother interests ofour Welsh membersarehigh- made everyefforttoensurethatthe other electedmembers prospective parliamentarycandidatesand advice toassistitsmembersininfluencing ACoRP producedtemplatelettersand towards theendofthisfinancialyear, With theonsetofnationalelections spent considerabletimesortingthisout. this periodandourOperationsManager problem toanumberofourmembersover Volunteer insurancealsocontinuedtobea closely withlocalgovernmentoutputs. encouraging CRPs tolinkthemselvesmore LTP3 GuidanceReport withtheaimof Council, Forward ScotlandandMerseyrail. Midland Trains,County Hampshire to makeenquiries,includingLondon encouraged otherpartsoftherailindustry Wider recognitionoftheCSIconcepthas of ACoRP’s Water Tower project. also providedinvaluablehelpwithaspects 2009-10. The CSIOfficer, Sue Miles, has stations orotherrailwaysitesduring work hastakenplaceatsomeeighteen (CSI) continuestothriveanddevelopment ACoRP’s CommunityStations Initiative Community StationsInitiative . We have also dent thatconversionworkshouldbegin the station).Howeverweremainconfi- building (duetootherworkinandaround funding packageaswellaccesstothe there havebeensomedifficultieswiththe ally movingforward.Duringtheyear continuing and,althoughslow, isgradu- reducing ouroverall budget. Work is office withverylowenergycosts,thus that wewillthenhaveavirtuallyrent-free and practices. The advantage forACoRP is using environmentallysoundmaterials converted intoanenergy-efficientoffice demonstrate howalistedbuildingcanbe Kirklees Council. The principalaimisto Network Rail,First Transpennine and programme, theRailwayHeritage Trust, fromtheEU’sand support INTERREG offices. This hasbeenfacilitatedby grants Huddersfield watertowerintoournew has beentheconversionofredundant A majorACoRPprojectduring2009-10 Office premises options bank. Development Trust andstationpremises investigate thepossibilitiesofaStations scheme, workhasalsobeenundertakento a viewtothelonger-termfutureof discussions withcontactsinPoland! With There havealsobeensomeinteresting Above: towards the end of 2010. Meanwhile, our year has required us to hold-off a Poulton-le-Fylde’s existing premises were improved, largely number of the proposals. It’s our inten- award-winning garden. by converting the shop into more office tion however, to introduce elements of Opposite: CR at space and redecorating the somewhat the plan in the later stages of 2010. Northwich. shabby interior. This has made a tremen- (both: Brian Barnsley) dous difference to the working environ- Corporate management ment, making it more pleasant for the office-based staff, Dawn, Hazel and Phil. With a view to the longer-term future of As a consequence of this, however, we lost the organisation, a five-year strategy has our volunteer shop manager, Paul been developed. Working with members Stevenson. We very much appreciate of ACoRP, key industry players, the DfT everything that Paul has done for us in the and Welsh Assembly Government, it was past and wish him well in the future. hoped to have this completed by the summer of 2010 but, as with other aspects Staff of our work, political and financial devel- opments required a review and we now We continue to hold monthly staff plan to have this finalised by early autumn meetings which, as a number of ACoRP 2010, following consultation with staff are home-based, acts as a vital ACoRP’s members. information exchange. The General Manager attended a very useful three- Management of the organisation as a day management training course in whole has also been improved during this October, which led to a review of the year and there are now sub-committees ACoRP staff structure. Unfortunately, specialising in Finance, Personnel, Major the financial and political situation Projects, Strategy and Communications, developing towards the end of ACoRP’s all of which feed into the Board.

7 8 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 Practice’ journal. also beenfeaturedinNedRailways‘Best Alesupplement on‘Rail Trails’). ing in anumberofmajorpublications,includ- also achievedcoverageforCommunityRail was publishedinspring2010.We have and productionare-designedversion ACoRP takefullcontrolofboththetitle Transport Marketing banner. 2010saw 2009 editionbeingthelastunder continues tobeapopularpublication,the during thisyear. Guides andhaveproducedafurtherthree tinue toreviseourexistingBestPractice issued throughoutthisperiod.We con- produce manyofthepressreleaseswehave ments. He’s alsovalued forhelpingto so relevantdespitehisotherworkcommit- and thanksareduetohimforkeepingit Manager, regularly updatesthewebsite Brian Barnsley, ACoRP’s Operations to membersandthewiderpublicalike. being keytocommunicatingourmessage the organisation,ACoRPwebsite Publicity remainsanimportanttoolfor Press andPublicity Hi SpeedmeetsCommunityRailatStrood Cafes’) The Guardian and Modern Railways Scenic Britain by Train

(‘Ten oftheBest Railway

(a 12-page Wehave (BrianBarnsley) other franchisebidscomeon-stream be abletodevelopthisconceptfurtheras been particularlyvaluableandwehopeto in moredetailearlierthisreport,ithas Coast franchisecommitment. Mentioned funding packagederivedfromtheEast interesting developmenthasbeenthe sponsors forcontinuingtosupportus.An above andwearegratefultoourprincipal to delivermanyoftheprojectsmentioned Funding continuestobekeyourability Funders andSponsors considerations cansometimes makethisa ATOC. We appreciate thatcommercial together withanationaloverview from number of Train OperatingCompanies, continue togetlocalfigures froma Statistics arevital toACoRP’s work andwe Rail duringtheyear. continued asaPublicMemberofNetwork Portuguese Railways.OurChairmanalso and studyvisitsfrombothSwedish UITP Working Group onsmallstations ministerial visittotheSevernside CRP, a several professionalvisits,includinga and groupsduringtheyearfacilitated made presentationstomanyconferences public presence. With thisinmind,we’ve enhance itsinfluencebyhavingawide It’s forACoRP obviouslyimportant to Miscellaneous THE YEAR TO COME With the political and financial situa- tion in a state of flux, it’s difficult to foresee what may happen during 2010-11. We are however, making every effort to influence policy wher- ever possible and without making us hostage to fortune, feel that we have had a modest measure of success in this respect. In an unknown future, it would appear that the Big Society concept holds most opportunity for our members and it’s therefore vital that every CRP pushes hard to be included in that agenda. We already deliver many of the Big Society objec- tives and have done for a number of years. The two ACoRP reports on The Value of Community Rail Partnerships and The Value of Community Rail Volunteering were commissioned to demonstrate just that, so use them little difficult for the industry but the shamelessly! information we get is invaluable to us in making the case for Community Rail. Let’s not pretend that the coming year We are now regularly consulted on Net- isn’t going to be hard and recognise work Rail land disposals and have re- that we are, to some extent, going to sponded to a number of other consulta- have to re-invent ourselves. However, tions, including the Inter City East Coast, as long as we remain flexible and Greater Anglia and Essex Thameside pragmatic, I still believe that Commu- refranchising and Abbey Line conversion nity Rail has a future in bringing new consultations. ACoRP has also made life to local rail! submissions to the government’s ‘Better Rail Stations’ review and ATOC’s Rail Neil Buxton Fares Policy Review. General Manager

An ACoRP study visit to Germany to see tram-train in practice: Above: (l-r) Jim Trotman, Keith Walton, Richard Burningham, Peter Roberts, Mick Stone. Right: What they came to see; diesel tram in Kassel. (Brian Barnsley)

9 10 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 3. Creditors Falling DueWithinOneYear: Tangible1. Fixed Assets: Notes totheBalanceSheet 2. Debtors Falling DueWithinOneYear: Net CurrentAssets Total AssetslessCurrentLiabilities Grants Fund Creditors fallingduewithinoneyear Balance Sheet Accounts Reserves: Profit & Loss Account £ 36,781 £ 35,008 £ 36,781 £ regime. TheseaccountswereapprovedbytheBoardon24September2010. of accounts.Theseaccountshavebeenpreparedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsapplicabletocompaniessubjectsmall directors acknowledgetheirresponsibilitiesforcomplyingwiththerequirementsofActrespecttoaccountingrecords haveThe members not required thecompany to obtainanauditofitsaccountsfor theyear inquestion inaccordance withsecti to smallcompanies. For theyear ended31st March 2010 theCompany wasentitledto exemption from auditundersection477 oftheCompanies Act2006 Reserves: Profit&LossAccount Line Fund Wales England 4 ainlEpesEs os CRP Accommodation&Contingency Fund Coast East Express National South Pennines Line Plans aha ak16511 176,561 (2) Cash inHand Cash atBank FallingDebtors DueWithinOneYear Current Assets: Tangible Assets Fixed Assets: . Small GrantsFund ...-187 - Accruals V.A.T. Grants ReceivedinAdvance Taxation &SocialSecurity Trade Creditors 31st March 2010 Net BookValue: At 31st March2010 Charge for Year Depreciation At 31st March2010 Additions Cost: V.A.T. Prepayments Grants Receivable Trade Debtors 31st March 2009 A s pi 0916,318 At1stApril2009 : at1stApril2009

as at31March2010 £ Opening aac eevdPi Balance Paid Received Balance 2,0 000 33021,700 33,300 30,000 25,000 593£ 55,943 000-1,0 - 10,000 - 10,000 - ,0 ,0 2,500 1,500 - 7,500 6,201 4,000 8,804 1,938 for theyearended31March2010 Computers

£ 2,168 £ 1,598 £ 1,1 £ £15,113 1 5,000 393 963 14,150 1 0201,7 431 83,190 11,777 85,000 10,270 3 3 5,0 136,213 155,704 (4) (3) 1 ,9 2,168 3,292 (1) Notes Funds 6,7 7,7 1£ 11 0£ 70 £ 33,489 196,854 230,343 4 36,781 £ £ 36,781 37138,943 53,781 fieEupetTotal Office Equipment £ £ 1 1 002009 2010 5,0 £ 155,704 4,2 116,075 143,720 3,6 , 1 371£ 53,781 4,057 2221,079 9,375 28,489 12,292 13,259 24,589 50 ,9 - 7,623 4,128 3,799 002009 2010 4 152,563 £ £ 152,563 1 £ - £ 1,694 - 12,796 Grants 1,785 91 7,987 £ £ £ 7,987 9,681 7,896 7,896

192,156 182 32,840 22 55,943 and thepreparation 35,008 85,871 2, 4,996 12,328 £ 2,168 £ 3,292 136,213 5,000 Closing 38,943 23,100 26,392 - 24,214 1,054 22,046 4 on 476. The 1 companies’ 8,011 3,508 , 1 1 78 relating 50 Above: The reality of volunteering: a rainy day at Liskeard. (Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership) Right: St David’s Day on the Heart of Wales line. (David Edwards)

Notes to the Balance Sheet (cont’d)

The Department for Transport (England) and the Welsh Assembly Government make available each year a fund for the Association to distribute to qualifying schemes. Generally the schemes involve small station improvements organised by member community rail partnerships. The unspent balance at the year end mainly represents grants which have been approved for schemes which have not yet been completed. Prior to 31st March 2007 the Association adopted a different accounting policy whereby the unspent funds were treated as part of the general reserve and grants not yet paid were reported as a contingent liability. There are no small grants funds for any other parts of the United Kingdom. 5. Guarantee The liability of members is limited by guarantee to £1 per member. 11 12 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 Profit fortheyearbeforetaxation Profit fortheyearbeforetaxation etRcie 0220 10 1,537 Interest Received Rent Received Charity MoneyReceived Expenditure akCags38482 402 3,908 388 2,766 3,970 155,653 3 Consultancy Fees On-Line FilingIncentive Bank Charges 171,995 Insurance Repairs Publicity &Publications Accountancy Sundry Expenses Travelling Expenses Telephone Postage &Stationery Rent, Light&Heat Salaries, NI&Pension Depreciation Administrative Expenses: 2 Income:FeesReceived Profit onConferences: :Sponsorship Other Sales(Publications, Income &ExpenditureAccount Accounts Grants Paid–Undelegated 571 254,795 9,242 306 290,909 LessGoodsforResale Income Profit onShopSales: Consultancy Fees Grants Received Subscriptions Turnover Carlisle. at theGalaAwardsin The winnersonstage E UFunding: Profit fortheyearbeforetaxation Profit fortheyearbeforetaxation Profit fortheyearbeforetaxation Less: Income: less: less: Income (Paul Bigland) Expenditure xedtr Expenditure adt h ala hlrn157-- - 1,537 Paid toTheRailwayChildren 50%refunded Scenic Britainby Train 12,25 84864,180 48,468 0406,040 2 11,509 10,460 15,505 14,728 04421,560 50,494 23,900 312- 13,132 2223,732 12,292 for theyearended31March2010 9,918 andCDs): ,8 946 1,184 3,510 1,054 ,8 42,138 7,380 4,568 1026 206 100 ,7 6,216 6,207 8,075 7)(100) (75) 5 35 7 10/031/03/09 31/03/10 5 55 9,9 297,059 292,590 8,5 283,555 £ 1,773 7,262 848 - - (8,428) 206 (2,026) ert Year to Year to ,3 12,971 9,035 6,000 2,587 35,250 20,4 4 28,930 8,823 683,114 618 4,088 4, 8 182 389 1 220,008 72 73 2,03 £ 3,635 £ 3,635 £ 3,635 £ 3,635 £ 3,635 284,088 10,709 9,336 1 Profit and Loss Account Year to Year to 31/03/10 31/03/09

Turnover 378,483 340,207 Cost of Sales 85,948 45,179 Gross Profit on Ordinary Activities 292,535 295,028 Administrative Expenses 283,555 284,088 8,980 10,940 Interest Receivable 55 2,031 9,035 12,971 Grants Made 7,262 9,336 Profit on Ordinary Activities before taxation (1) 1,773 3,635 Taxation (2) - - Profit on Ordinary Activities after taxation and Profit for the Financial Year £ 1,773 £ 3,635

Notes to the Profit and Loss Account Year to Year to 1) The Profit on Ordinary Activities before 31/03/10 31/03/09 Taxation is arrived at after charging: Depreciation 1,054 3,510 Wages & Salaries 155,805 140,632 Social Security Cost 14,526 13,406 Pension Costs 1,664 1,615 Grants Paid 7,262 9,336 and after crediting: Grants & Sponsorship Received 314,809 257,795 2) Taxation: No Corporation Tax is payable due to losses brought forward. No Deferred Tax provision is required. There are tax losses to carry forward amounting to £61,892. 3) Small Grants Fund: See Note 4 of Notes to the Balance Sheet 4) Reconciliation of Reserves: Profit & Loss a/c Balance at 1st April 2009 35,008 Profit for the Year 1,773 Balance at 31st March 2009 £36,781

Attendance at Board Meetings 2009-10

9 9 9 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 9/ 2/ 3/ 0 0 1 0 4/ 0/ 1/ 7/ 1 1 0 1 Austin 1/1 Ayers 3/4 (+ 2FGP) Key: Birch 4/4 Resigns by rotation, 2010 Bishop 3/4 Resigned, 4.11.09 Burningham 3/4 Absent Dee 3/4 (+ 4FGP) Present Edwards 4/4 Not applicable Hummel 3/4 (+ 3FGP) Kitchen 2/4 Lock 1/4 There were four full Board and four F & GP Roberts 4/4 (+ 4FGP) meetings during the year Smart 1/2 Trotman 1/4 Walton 4/4 (+ 4FGP)

13 14 ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 WALES WALES Beneficiary Beneficiary Beneficiary Beneficiary Beneficiary Beneficiary T T Beneficiary ENGLAND Awards 2009-2010 Small GrantsFund Kent CRP Beneficiary DESIGNATED COMMUNITYRAILDEVELOPMENTFUND CRPs Wales&theBorders Beneficiary WALES Severnside CRP With thematchfunding attracted,theDCRDFcreated Intotalprojectsworth£218,595 A Devon andCornwallCRP Bittern &WherryLinesCRP MaritimeLineupgradeLaunchevents Devon andCornwallCRP SignageProject Postercaseproject All PointsWest Llangollen Railwayplc Heart ofWalesLineForum Borderlands CRP Conwy ValleyRailInitiative Cambrian RailwaysPartnership Conwy ValleyRailInitiative Esk ValleyRailwayDevelopment Baskets-obtaining,fixing,planting Friends ofPenmereStation Yorkshire CoastCommunity Friends ofLittleboroughStations North StaffsCRP eo n onalCPTrails from the Track Devon andCornwallCRP East Lancs.LineCRP Travel2009 Projectsafe Isle ofWightCRP RunninginboardsforChirk&RuabonStations Chester ShrewsburyCRP Freccles (FriendsofEcclesStation) South FyldeLineCRP eo n onalCPWalksfrom T Devon andCornwallCRP East LancsLineCRP Trav Brockenhurst -LymingtonCRP RealAlePubGuide Friends ofHomertonStn Yorkshire CoastCommunity Tyne Valley CRP East Lancs.andClitheroeLineCRPs Esk ValleyRlyDev Devon andCornwallCRP East Lancs.CRP North StaffsCRP Friends ofBroadbottomStation Bittern &WherryLinesCRP Clitheroe LineCRP Friends ofChinleyStation Flower/Plant Displays /Two RailBusLinks RedesignlogosfortheEL&CLCRPs Severnside CRP Crewe ManchesterCRP CRP Line Clitheroe & Lancs. East Three RiversCRP eo n onalCP‘AndTheTrains Kept Running...’ campaign Devon andCornwallCRP East Lancs.CRP Newsletterprintingcosts Kent CRP Cambrian CoastCRP Severnside EnhancedseatingSt AlbansAbbey TheNewDalesRailWebsite Severnside Abbey LineCRP Barton LineCRP Clitheroe LineCRP Devon andCornwallCRP L LythamStationDetailedDesignStudy South FyldeLineCRP Isle ofWightCRP East Lancs.LineCRP Devon andCornwallCRP South FyldeLine ewn alyCPContinuingtheCommunityRailMessage DigitalStories Derwent ValleyCRP Esk ValleyRlyDevCo Barton Line CRP Barton to Barton Barton LineCRP Beneficiary Beneficiary Beneficiary Beneficiary T T Beneficiary Beneficiary WALES WALES O O O O O T T T T T AL AL LAL AL AL R SouthFyldeLine MarketingBrochure CRP oEmbeddingthe EVRwithintheCommunity Co alWebsiteredesignandupdate Rail Rail oE-newsletterdevelopment Co Project Project Medway ValleyLineStationGuides Project Winter LineGuideDistribution DVD Project-GreeningtheEastLancashireLinel Accrington StationGuide:walking,cyclingandtransport Friends ofCreditonStationProject&promotion Rhythm andBluesFestivalPromotion Explore theRibbleValley–SchoolsProjectPhase3 Accrington &LostockHall-RecyclingShelters Stapleton RoadStation Marketing andArtworkatCliftonDownStation Marketing projectsandgardening Rail AlePromotionguide Marketing PendleConnect TamarCommuter buslink, Valley villages-Gunnislake Project Project ake Garden Better WelcometoStIves elsafe PosterCampaign Project Project Project Project Project ‘Scenic WalesbyRail’promotion Project Flower bed Information PackforSchoolChildren Renewal ofStationInformationPosters Spring 2010MarketingProject Credit cardtimetables 130 yearscelebration Planters Shrubs andPlanters Gardens Project Link SeatPlanterStAnnesStn Posters Station PlantersonHull-Scarboroughline ‘Reading BetweentheLines’Magazine Painting/Poetry Competition Frames Guided Walkspromotion Planters x2 Repair worktothemuralatStapletonStation Help Pointsatfivestations Snodland artworkinstallation Project Project Project Project HeritageandTourism Boards the Railway–TheEdenProject Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount 81,990 81,990 81,990 81,990 81,990 3,900 1,235 1,235 1,400 1,400 3,950 3,950 5,000 5,000 1,200 1,200 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 3,250 3,250 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 1,750 1,750 1,200 1,200 1,750 1,750 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 1,250 1,250 3,250 3,250 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 3,900 3,250 3,250 1,000 1,000 7,000 7,000 3,900 1,235 7,000 1,400 3,950 5,000 1,200 4,500 5,000 3,250 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,750 1,200 1,750 3,000 ,0 1 2,000 5,000 1,250 3,250 5,000 2,000 3,250 1,000 3,900 1,235 1,235 1,400 1,400 3,950 3,950 5,000 5,000 1,200 1,200 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 3,250 3,250 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 1,750 1,750 1,200 1,200 1,750 1,750 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 1,250 1,250 3,250 3,250 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 3,900 3,250 3,250 1,000 1,000 7,000 7,000 800 800 180 180 875 875 500 500 750 750 0 800 800 8 60 875 180 875 0 1,750 500 5 740 750 800 800 180 180 875 875 500 500 750 750 980 980 136 136 250 250 980 136 250 980 980 136 136 250 250 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Amount Amount 8,250 8,250 Amount 8,250 8,250 8,250 Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount 720 720 893 893 893 893 890 890 850 850 300 300 720 893 893 890 850 300 720 720 893 893 893 893 890 890 850 850 300 300 136,605 136,605 136,605 136,605 136,605 Match Match Match Match Match 250 250 300 300 850 850 525 525 250 250 560 560 800 800 250 250 650 650 230 230 250 250 250 300 850 525 250 560 800 250 650 230 250 250 250 300 300 850 850 525 525 250 250 560 560 800 800 250 250 650 650 230 230 250 250 1,000 1,000 10,000 1,000 22,500 1,000 1,000 4,350 1,850 1,400 6.500 7,500 1,200 4,500 5,000 3,250 5,000 2,000 1,750 1,222 1,750 6,500 2,000 1,250 6,750 5,000 2,000 3,250 1,358 7,000 793 793 793 793 793 250 250 150 150 100 100 250 150 100 250 250 150 150 100 100 7 7 7 7 7 45 45 45 45 45 Member Organisations Officers The following organisations were members during Neil Buxton (General Manager) the calendar year 2009: Brian Barnsley (Operations Manager) ACoRP Station Friends Sub-Group Dawn Wolrich (Office Manager) Abbey Line Community Rail Partnership Hazel Bonner (Events Manager) Bittern Line Partnership Philip Jenkinson (Company Secretary) Borderlands Line Rail Partnership Susan Miles, MBE (Community Stations Initiative) Cambrian Rail Partnership Jane Buxton (GM’s Office Assistant) Campaign for Borders Rail Management Board Chester - Shrewsbury Rail Partnership Peter Roberts, M.B.E. (Chairman)* Clitheroe Line Rail Partnership Richard Burningham, M.B.E. (Vice Chairman) Community Rail Sheila Dee* (Vice-Chair) Conwy Valley Rail Initiative Chris Austin, O.B.E. John Hummel* Cotswold Line Promotion Group Philip Ayers* John Kitchen Crewe - Manchester Community Rail Partnership Marjorie Birch Bobby Lock Cumbria County Council Mike Bishop Jim Trotman Derwent Valley Rural Transport Partnership David Edwards Keith Walton* Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership * Member of ACoRP F & GP Committee East Lancs Community Rail Partnership Individual Honorary East Suffolk Community Rail Partnership Members Members East Sussex Community Rail Partnership Chris Austin Richard Horne Esk Valley Railway Development Co. Mike Bishop Dave Prescott Essex & South Suffolk Rail Partnership John Davies Colin Speakman Ffestiniog Railway/Welsh Highland Railway Tony Francis Jeremy Whitaker Grantham – Skegness Community Rail John French David Williams Partnership John Hummel Caroline Young Heart of Wales Line Forum Peter Roberts Founding Linda Smart Heart of Wessex Rail Partnership Member Heritage Line Community Rail Partnership Reciprocal Hope Valley & High Peak Transport Partnership Paul Salveson, M.B.E. Members Isle of Wight Rail Partnership Kent Community Rail Partnership Community Transport Association Leeds – Morecambe Community Rail Development Trusts Association Partnership Heritage Railway Association Sustrans Llangollen Railway Lymington - Brockenhurst Line Partnership Station Friends Sub-Group Members Marston Vale Community Rail Partnership Representatives of the following stations were Mid-Cheshire Rail Partnership members of the group during the year North Cheshire Rail Users’ Group Altrincham Levenshulme North Staffordshire Community Rail Partnership Barnstaple Littleborough North Yorkshire Moors Railway Trust Blackrod Market Rasen Partnership Brandon Millbrook* Broadbottom Mytholmroyd Purbeck Heritage Committee Bugle* New Milton Settle – Carlisle Railway Development Co. Chapel-en-le-Frith Patricroft* Severnside Community Rail Partnership Chinley* Penmere South Fylde Community Rail Partnership Davenport Poulton-le-Fylde Stranraer to Ayr Line Support Association Dronfield Reddish North* Three Rivers Community Rail Partnership Eccles Rishton Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership Furness Vale Rose Hill* Association Glossop Sandbach West of Lancashire Rail Partnership Handforth Saunderton Wherry Lines Community Rail Partnership Hebden Bridge* Sudbury* Heyford* Todmorden Hindley Walkden The various lists of members show membership for the calendar Homerton Whaley Bridge year 2009; new members are indicated by * Those of officers and board members are those effective at 31 Irlam Winchelsea March 2010. Leamington Spa 15 Community Rail in Action: Top to Bottom: Roll out the barrel: Members of the Penistone Line Partnership were suitably joyous when the first brew of a beer named after the line travelled by train from Honley to the Head of Steam, Huddersfield. (Huddersfield Daily Examiner) Music at Manningtree: Singer - songwriter Ana Silvera entertains most of the crowd on a Mayflower Line music train and Manningtree Station (Brian Barnsley) The sermon on the mount: Neil Buxton addresses a multitude from on high at the civic reception at Whitehaven which preceded the Awards Gala Dinner. (Paul Bigland)

Association of Community Rail Partnerships The Rail and River Centre 15a New Street Slaithwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5AB Telephone: 01484 847790 Email: [email protected] Website: ISBN 1 900497 26 3