Association of Community Rail Partnerships Annual Report and Accounts 2009-10 1 Principal Funders and Sponsors Department for Transport Network Rail Welsh Assembly Government Corporate Sponsors Abellio (formerly NedRailways) Angel Trains Association of Train Operating Companies East Coast Ltd (formerly NXEC) First Transpennine Greater Manchester PTE Grand Central Railway Kirklees Metropolitan Council Lancashire County Council London Midland Trains Merseytravel Virgin Trains Keeping the Service Running: Northern Rail 158 at Kirkby Stephen on the Settle - Carlisle line (Andrew Griffiths, Imagerail) Cover: Exchnage of greetings on the Heart of Wales Line (Chris Prichard) Association of Community Rail Partnerships Ltd A company limited by guarantee Registered in England no. 4219081 Registered Office: The Rail and River Centre Canal Side, Civic Hall 15a New Street Slaithwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5AB ACoRP Annual Report 2009-10 Telephone: 01484 847790 Email:
[email protected] Website: Annual Report 2009-10 ISBN 1 900497 26 3 2 From the Chair O’r Gadair One of the great things about community rail, apart Un o’r pethau gwych am reilffyrdd cymunedol, ar from our day to day support to our members, is the wahân i’r gefnogaeth ddydd i ddydd i’n haelodau, opportunity to be able to work with others who wish yw’r cyfle i allu weithio gydag eraill sydd yn to develop new rail partnerships. There were discus- dymuno datblygu partneriaethau rheilffordd sions with several such groups and it is most reward- newydd. Bu trafodigaethau gyda nifer o grupiau fel ing to be in at the start and lend a guiding hand.