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Galaxy Formation

Galaxy Formation

Galaxy formation

Mojtaba Raouf Formation - Outline 2

̣ Cosmology & initial condition

̣ Structure Formation &

̣ Evolution of Gaseous halos

̣ Galaxy Groups/ Clusters


̣ Feedback - Active Galactic Nuclei

̣ Models for Galaxy formation

̣ Our works

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Cosmology & initial condition 3

A classical, general relativistic description of cosmology is expected to break down at very early times when the Universe is so dense that quantum effects are expected to be important.

The standard cosmology has a number of conceptual problems when applied to the early Universe, and the solutions to these problems require an extension of the standard cosmology to incorporate quantum processes.

One generic consequence of such an extension is the generation of density perturbations by quantum fluctuations at early times.

It is believed that these perturbations are responsible for the formation of the structures observed in today’s Universe.

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Cosmology & initial condition 4

One particularly successful extension of the standard cosmology is the inflationary theory, in which the Universe is assumed to have gone through a phase of rapid, exponential expansion (called inflation) driven by the vacuum energy of one or more quantum fields. In many, but not all, inflationary models, quantum fluctuations in this vacuum energy can produce density perturbations with properties consistent with the observed large scale structure.

Cosmological simulations

This part of galaxy formation theory is still partly phenomenological: typically initial conditions are specified by a set of parameters that are constrained by observational data, such as the pattern of fluctuations in the microwave background or the present-day abundance of galaxy clusters.

Springel et al., Nature, 2006

30th Jerusalem Winter School Romain Teyssier4 Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Structure Formation & Dark Matter 5

The mass inferred from the luminous stars is not sufficient to explain the dynamics of the object so-called Dark Matter.

There must be additional material, whose presence is only revealed by its gravitational effects, as seen for example in the orbital motions of in clusters, or in the rotation of spiral galaxies.

The physical nature of the dark matter is still one of the greatest mysteries of cosmology. Dark matter candidates include as of yet unknown elementary particles, primordial black holes, and stellar remnants.

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Structure Formation & Dark Matter 6

Dark matter halos form through gravitational instability. density perturbations grow linearly until they reach a critical density, after which they turn around from the expansion of the Universe and collapse to form virialized dark matter halos.

These halos continue to grow in mass (and size), either by accreting material from their neighborhood or by merging with other halos. .

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Dark Matter Merger Tree 7

Understanding the structure and formation of dark matter halos plays a pivotal role in the understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Based on Press–Schechter algorithm the time increases from top to bottom, and the widths of the tree branches represent the masses of the individual halos. A horizontal slice through the tree, such as that at t = tf gives the distribution of the masses of the progenitor halos at a given time. Merger trees play a very important role in hierarchical models of galaxy formation. In Lacey & Cole (1993) particular, they are the backbone of the semi- analytical models of galaxy formation

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Structure Formation & Dark Matter 8

The density distribution of dark matter in a high-resolution N-body simulation.

Credit: Millennium Simulation

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Evolution of Gaseous halos 9

Basic Fluid Dynamics and Radiative Processes Euler, and energy equations

The gravitational potential Φ satisfies the Poisson equation

Cooling is a crucial ingredient of galaxy formation. Depending on temperature and density, a variety of cooling processes can affect gas.

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Evolution of Gaseous halos 10

In a spherically symmetric gaseous system, the cooling time at radius r can be defined as

An estimate of the rate at which gas cools out in the halo then follows from

Evolution of Gaseous Halos with Energy Sources

Radiative Cooling Compton Cooling Photoionization Heating Gas can also be heated through non- Hydrostatic Equilibrium Gas Density Profile gravitational processes, such as Virial Theorem Applied to a Gaseous Halo radiation from stars and AGN, stellar Shocks Radiative Cooling in Gaseous Halos explosions and stellar winds.

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Galaxy Groups/ Clusters 11

Ideal Laboratories for Studying the the galaxy formation and evolution

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Galaxies 12

H.Mo et al 2008

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Galaxies 13

H.Mo et al 2008

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation 11

Galaxy Formation - Star Formation 14 Galaxy Formation 11 Figure 3. Aschematicdiagramshowingthetransferofmassandmetalsbetween stars and the hot and cold gas phases during a single timestep. The solid lines indicate the routes and rates by which mass is transferred between the three reservoirs, while the dashed lines refer only to the exchange of metals. The instantaneous rate of star formation is ψ and the cooling rate is M˙ cool.Themetallicitiesof the cold gas, stars and hot halo gas are Zcold, Z∗ and Zhot respectively. The yield of the assumed IMF is p and the parameters β and e describe the effect of SN feedback and the direct ejection of SNmetalsintothehothalogas.

Zcold the of the cold gas, and β the efficiency of the galaxy. The evolution of the stellar metallicity differs stellar feedback. Each of the arrows in Fig. 3 gives rise to from the closed-box model because it is affected by both the Cole et al. 2000 aterminthefollowingdifferential equations that describe ejection of reheated gas and the accretion of cold gas and Figure 3. Aschematicdiagramshowingthetransferofmassandmetalsbetween stars and the hot and cold gas phases during a single timestep. The solid lines indicate the routes and rates by which mass is transferred between the three reservoirs, while the dashed lines ˙ refer only to the exchange evolution of metals. The instantaneous of rate of starthe formation mass is ψ and the cooling and rate is M metalcool.Themetallicitiesof content of the three associated metals. the cold gas, stars and hot halo gas are Zcold, Z∗ and Zhot respectively. The yield of the assumed IMF is p and the parameters β and e describe the ereservoirs:ffect of SN feedback and the direct ejection of SNmetalsintothehothalogas. R: The fraction of mass recycled by stars (winds and SNe) Zcold the metallicity of the cold gas, and β the efficiency of the galaxy. The evolution of the stellar metallicity differs stellar feedback. Each of the arrows in Fig. 3 gives rise to from the closed-box model because it is affected by both the aterminthefollowingdi˙ fferential equations that describe ejection of reheated gas and the accretion of cold gas and the evolutionM of the⋆ mass and metal=(1 content of the threeR)associatedψ metals. the instantaneous star formation(4.6) rate 4.2.2 Star Formation Law and Feedback Parameterization reservoirs: − ˙ M⋆ =(1˙R)ψ ˙(4.6) M− hot = Mcool4.2.2+ Starβψ Formation Law and Feedback Parameterization (4.7) M˙ hot = M˙ cool + βψ (4.7) − In our previous work (e.g. Cole et al. 1994), we specified the ˙ ˙ − In our previous work (e.g. Cole et al. 1994), we specified the M = Mcool (1 R + β)ψ (4.8) cold − − star formation timescale and feedback efficiency in terms of β the efficiency of stellar feedback. ˙ Z ˙ ˙ M =(1 R)Zcoldψ (4.9) the circular velocity of the halo in which each galaxy formed, ⋆ M− cold = Mcool (1 R + β)ψ (4.8) ˙ Z ˙ VH.Therelationsweadoptedwere star formation timescale and feedback efficiency in terms of Mhot = McoolZhot +(pe + βZcold)ψ (4.10) − − − ′ ˙ Z ˙ 0′ −1 α⋆ Mcold = McoolZZhot τ = τ (VH/300 km s ) (4.12) p: The yield of the assumed IMF ˙ ⋆ ⋆ +(Mp(1 e) (1 + β R=(1)Zcold)ψ, (4.11)R)Zcoldψ (4.9) the circular velocity of the halo in which each galaxy formed, −⋆ − − and e: the fraction of newly produced metals Z Z ′ where Zcold = M /Mcold and Zhot = M /Mhot−.The ′ −α cold hot hot ejected directly from the stellar disk to the hot gas phase, Z β =(VH/Vhot) . (4.13) values of R and˙p in these equations are related to the˙ IMF, VH.Therelationsweadoptedwere M = M Z +(0′ pe + βZ )ψ (4.10) as discussed in Sectionhot 5.2. coolThe parameterhot τ⋆ ,wetreatedasafreeparameter,whilethecold ′ ′ ′ We assume that over one timestep the cooling rate, other three parameters, α⋆, Vhot and αhot,weconstrained ˙ − ′ Mcool,andthemetallicityofthehotgas,˙ Z Zhot,canbetaken˙ by comparing our models to the numerical simulations of 0′ −1 α⋆ to be constant.M Thiscold set of first-order,= coupledM differentialcoolZgalaxyhot formation of Navarro & White (1993). These simula- equations can be straightforwardly solved to give the change tions had only one free parameter, the fraction of SN energy τ⋆ = τ⋆ (VH/300 km s ) (4.12) in mass and metal content of cold gas, hot gas and stars since injected as kinetic energy into the . In Zcold the metallicity of the cold gas the start of the timestep (Appendix B). The model is quite order to suppress the formation of low luminosity galaxies, flexible: its behaviour is determined+( by specifyingp how(1 the eand) thus produce(1 a + galaxyβ luminosityR function)Z withcold a rea-)ψ, (4.11) functions τ⋆, β and e depend on the properties of the galaxy− sonably− shallow faint end slope,− as observed, we adopted and and its surrounding halo. We note that compared to the afiducialmodelwithverystrongfeedbackforlowcircular simple, “closed-box” chemical enrichment model, the yield Zvelocity halos, which we obtained by setting the parameter Z ′ ′ ′ −1 ′ is modified by the metal ejection and feedback to produce values α⋆ = 1.5, Vhot =140kms and αhot =5.5. ′ − where Zcold = Mcold/M− cold and Zhot = Mhot/Mhot.The αhot an effective yield peff =(1 e)p/(1 R + β)(equationB9), The more detailed modelling that we now perform of the Lecture− series− Schoolβ of=( AstronomyVH/Vhot) - IPM. (4.13) which is thereforevalues a function of of the potential-wellR and depthp of instructure these of our model equations galaxies allows us to specify are the star related to the IMF, ⃝c 0000 RAS, MNRAS 000,000–000 0′ as discussed in Section 5.2. The parameter τ⋆ ,wetreatedasafreeparameter,whilethe ′ ′ ′ We assume that over one timestep the cooling rate, other three parameters, α⋆, Vhot and αhot,weconstrained M˙ cool,andthemetallicityofthehotgas,Zhot,canbetaken by comparing our models to the numerical simulations of to be constant. This set of first-order, coupled differential galaxy formation of Navarro & White (1993). These simula- equations can be straightforwardly solved to give the change tions had only one free parameter, the fraction of SN energy in mass and metal content of cold gas, hot gas and stars since injected as kinetic energy into the interstellar medium. In the start of the timestep (Appendix B). The model is quite order to suppress the formation of low luminosity galaxies, flexible: its behaviour is determined by specifying how the and thus produce a galaxy luminosity function with a rea- functions τ⋆, β and e depend on the properties of the galaxy sonably shallow faint end slope, as observed, we adopted and its surrounding halo. We note that compared to the afiducialmodelwithverystrongfeedbackforlowcircular simple, “closed-box” chemical enrichment model, the yield velocity halos, which we obtained by setting the parameter is modified by the metal ejection and feedback to produce values α′ = 1.5, V ′ =140kms−1 and α′ =5.5. ⋆ − hot hot an effective yield peff =(1 e)p/(1 R + β)(equationB9), The more detailed modelling that we now perform of the − − which is therefore a function of the potential-well depth of structure of our model galaxies allows us to specify the star

⃝c 0000 RAS, MNRAS 000,000–000 Galaxy Formation - Feedback 15

Missing Satellite problem Down sizing problem

Small dense halos Pursues Cluster form at high redshift and cooling within Böhringer et al., 1991 them is predicted to Fabian et al., 2003 be very efficient. This disagrees badly with observations, which show that only a relatively small f r a c t i o n o f a l l baryons are in cold gas or stars

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) 16 A Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) play a key role in the formation and evolution of galaxies through so- called AGN feedback.

Virgo Cluster

Churazov et al., 2001 Forman et al., 2005

Credit by: NASA/CXC/CfA/R.Kraft et al.; Submillimeter: MPIfR/ESO/APEX/A.Weiss et al.; Optical: ESO/WFI Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM

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’ Galaxy Formation - Models 18 Cosmological N body simulations

What30th Jerusalem is the Winter ideal School N-body simulation? Romain Teyssier31

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Œ ĭÖĴ¿¶ ùÖ¿Ġī ¸õøÙ ¼÷Öû IJ¿Úÿ

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h) supermassiveòÿÖÙ ½ī ĵõñ ½Ù ú¾òįÕ black IJ¶ holes, C etc.) in cosmological P =(j㠍)ρE j SPH  Œ ĩöç ¼³įÕöºŃ ĭĶ¿ûŃĶīöě õñ òÿÖÙ ½ī ıõó ¼ñÕòĔßsimulations ÝõĶăρ−j IJÙ that ĵ ĶħõÖ¶ − calculate ÞįĶī ýĵõ fluid ÖÙ ĥÖ¿û motion þ¾ÖĬį ("hydrodynamics")½ĨăÕ ıò¾Õ as well as , in j!= ĥÖäī ¼ÕöÙ ñö¶ Į¿¿Ĕß ĥÖ¿û ¼ÕöÙ Õõ ½įÕò¿ī öijprinciple ĭÕĶß ½ī ÝÕõó offering Į¾Õ ÷Õ ıñÖĜàûÕa self-consistent ÖÙ òİÿÖÙ ½īòÿÖÙ IJàü¾Ö¬ and ½ī ĥÖ¿û fully ĵõñ öăÖİē predictive ½Ù ú¾òįÕ ĵ ÝÕõó γ methodology.IJ¶ C Ī¾õÕñh ½Ú¾öĠß õĶċ IJÙ CòÿÖÙ r ĭÖ·ī õñ öĐį ñõĶī ĭÕò¿īWA(r,öºÕ h) ÞÚüįĩöç ¼³įÕöºŃ öºÕ IJ¶ ñĶÿ ĭĶ¿ûŃĶīöě ½ī Į¿¿Ĕß õñ ¼Ķìį òÿÖÙ IJÙ ½ī IJàüij ıõóLecture Į¾Õ ¼ñÕòĔß ĦĬē series ÝõĶă õñ  đÖĔÿ IJÙ ĵ õñĶħõÖ¶ ¼÷Öû ÞįĶī õÕĶĬij ýĵõ IJàüij ÖÙ ĥÖ¿û ÷Õ ÞûÕ þ¾ÖĬį ÝõÖÚē SPH ½ĨăÕ IJ¶ ıò¾Õ C School of Astronomy - IPM N η r/h ÝõĶăĥÖäī ¼ÕöÙ òİÿÖÙ ñö¶ öĐį Į¿¿Ĕß ñõĶī ĥÖ¿û ıõó ½»¾ÖüĬij ¼ÕöÙ Õõ ½įÕò¿ī õñ IJ¶ öij òÿÖÙ ĭÕĶß ½ī ½ī ½ßÕõó ÝÕõóAj ĒĬç Į¾Õ ú¬ ÷Õ ıñÖĜàûÕ òÿÖÙ öÙÕöÙ ÖÙ òİÿÖÙ òÿÖÙ ½ī öß ¸õøÙ IJàü¾Ö¬ ĥÖ¿ûÞÙÖã öăÖİē õÕòĠī ÷Õ ĵ ÝÕõó A(r)= mj W (r rj; 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N Œ Aj A(r)= mj W (r rj ; h) Ž ∇ ρj ∇ − j!=

Œ Galaxy Formation - Hydrodynamic Simulations 20

Hubble DEEP Hydro Simulation

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - Semi-Analytic Model (SAM) 21

Indirect galaxy formation

Images of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field as predicted by the Millennium Run Observatory (left) and as actually observed by the (right).

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation - 22

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Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation 25

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation 26

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation 27

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation-Schematic overview of Galaxy formation 28

Cosmological Model

Dark matter halo merger tree

Gas Cooling & Disk Galaxy merger Density profile formation spheroid formation Spheroid sizes Disk sizes

Star Formation & Feedback Feedback Bursts

AGN SN Chemical evolution

Jet model Stellar population

Dust extinction

Observable galaxy properties

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Our works 29 Physical consequences In the radio mode or low energy activity SN (∝SFR) some of hot gas accreted onto the central super massive black hole after cooling down and settled at the galaxy center. Hence, relative to the black hole accretion rate, the amount of energy add to the cooling gas, AGN instantly. 3 AGN (∝mBHσ ) Croton et al. 2006


Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Our works 30

Physically Motivated AGN Feedback

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Our works 31

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Our works 32

Dynamically Old & young identifications

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Our works 33

Effect of environment; Old: evolved & young : evolving


6 / 0.96 Gyr] • O

4 /dt [M BH

Log dM 2

0 11.0 11.2 11.4 11.6 11.8 -1 Log M* [M O• h ]

Recent Major merger Accretion of SMBH

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Our future plans 34

AGN physic in galaxy formation Optimization of our model for galaxy formation Geometrical environment in the Simulation data Hydro-dynamical simulation and metallicity gradient Properties of galaxy groups in hydrodynamic and SAM

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Book 35

@akhtarnegar http://www.akhtarnegar.ir

Thanks for your attention

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM Galaxy Formation- Extra slide 36

Lecture series School of Astronomy - IPM