East Uvean a Condensed Grammar Andrew Livingston a Thesis

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East Uvean a Condensed Grammar Andrew Livingston a Thesis East Uvean A condensed grammar Andrew Livingston A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts University of Washington 2016 Committee: Sharon Hargus Edith Aldridge Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Linguistics ©Copyright 2016 Andrew Livingston University of Washington Abstract East Uvean A condensed grammar Andrew Livingston Chair of the Supervisory Committee: Professor Sharon Hargus Linguistics East Uvean (EUV), also called Faka’Uvea or le wallisien, is a Polynesian language of the Austronesian family, spoken on Wallis Island (‘Uvea) in the French collectivity of Wallis and Futuna, as well as by populations in New Caledonia and metropolitan France. It is a verb-initial language, with basic transitive clauses alternating between VPA and VAP basic word order. Though generally low in inflectional affixation and tending to be analytic, East Uvean features pronominal and possessive systems of considerable morphological complexity with singular, dual, and plural number, clusivity contrasts throughout the first person, and (typical of a Polynesian language) two genitives contrasting in alienability and agentivity. EUV is morphologically ergative in basic clauses, but first- and second-person pronouns have pre-verbal pro-clitic forms in a nominative/accusative alignment. Within clausal nominalizations, the genitive contrast can be used to yield a split-S alignment of arguments. This work is a condensed grammar of the language, with focus on theory-neutral description of morphosyntax. Preface I first came into contact with East Uvean in 2008, when I was nineteen and living in the French territory of New Caledonia. My East Uvean-speaking friends there, particularly members of the Selui family of Calvaire, were patient with my unending questions and hypotheses and very encouraging. When I returned to the United States in 2010, I pursued studies in linguistics and in 2013 had the opportunity to continue studying linguistics at the University of Washington, where I prepared to research East Uvean in the field. That opportunity came from July to September of 2014, when the Tui family of Utufua generously took me in and gave me their time, attention, and patience as I sought to learn the grammar and test its limits. I subsequently spent considerable time with the Hanisi family of Ahoa as well, who were no less generous in the many ways they aided my research and my quality of life. To these families and many other individuals, I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude. Mā lo si’i ‘ofa ‘i takotou tokoni mai. ‘Ofa lahi atu kī a koutou. I also met with the French Prefect of the collectivity, representatives of the customary monarchy of ‘Uvea, and then the Lavelua (king) himself, to be presented and formally permitted to conduct my research in the Kingdom of ‘Uvea. Though the king was deposed only a few weeks later, I maintained a good relationship with the kingdom. At the end of my stay, I was invited to attend a colloquium on language policy in Wallis and Futuna. It dealt with first, the challenges faced by minority language speakers in an education system dominated by a colonial language, and second, with the long-standing (and as-yet unfulfilled) desire of the people of Wallis and Futuna to have their own language academy for the preservation and promulgation of East Uvean and East Futunan. It was truly an eye-opening experience. After I returned to Seattle, the writing of this grammar was delayed many times, some beyond my control. I am particularly grateful to Professor Sharon Hargus and Professor Edith Aldridge for their constant encouragement, counsel, and patience. This work would never have come about without them. Describing just a part of the incredible intricacy of a human language is a daunting task, and has consistently made me aware of how little I actually know; regardless of the progress I make, there is always more to be understood and described. In some ways, writing a descriptive grammar is a bit like composing a woefully incomplete (and very technical) love letter to the i language and its people. It is my hope that, whatever else my work may lack, my love of language and speakers does come across. Andrew Livingston June 2016 ii Table of Contents Preface .............................................................................................................................................. i Symbols and abbreviations used .................................................................................................. viii Glossing and transcription ..................................................................................................................... viii Data source abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ xi Numbering conventions ........................................................................................................................... xi 1. Introduction and metalinguistic data ....................................................................................... 1 Geographical distribution .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Demographic information ............................................................................................................. 4 1.2. Genetic classification .................................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Previous research and available data............................................................................................. 5 1.4. Typological summary ................................................................................................................... 8 1.4.1. Basic word order ................................................................................................................... 8 1.4.2. Headedness ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.4.3. Questions ............................................................................................................................... 9 1.4.4. Grammatical relations ........................................................................................................... 9 1.4.5. Other features of interest ..................................................................................................... 10 2. Phonetics and phonology ....................................................................................................... 11 2.1. Consonant phoneme inventory and phonetic realizations ........................................................... 11 2.2. Vowel phoneme inventory and phonetic realizations ................................................................. 11 2.3. Suprasegmental features ............................................................................................................. 13 2.3.1. Phonotactics ........................................................................................................................ 13 2.3.2. Prosody ............................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.3. Loanword adaptation ........................................................................................................... 14 2.3.4. Definitive accent ................................................................................................................. 18 2.4. Orthography ................................................................................................................................ 20 3. Lexical and grammatical categories ...................................................................................... 22 3.1. Lexical and grammatical categorization in the Polynesian languages ........................................ 22 3.2. Nouns and noun-like words ........................................................................................................ 23 3.2.1. Distribution with nominal morphology ............................................................................... 24 3.2.2. Distribution with predication .............................................................................................. 24 3.2.3. Distribution with arguments ................................................................................................ 25 3.2.4. Lexical and semantic support .............................................................................................. 25 3.2.5. Less prototypical nouns ...................................................................................................... 27 iii 3.3. Verbs and verb-like words .......................................................................................................... 28 3.3.1. Distribution with verbal morphology .................................................................................. 28 3.3.2. Distribution with predication and arguments ...................................................................... 29 3.3.3. Lexical and semantic evidence............................................................................................ 29 3.3.4. Less prototypical verbs ....................................................................................................... 30 3.4. Adjectives ..................................................................................................................................
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