The Secretary of War
71ST CONoESS COM rITZrEON RIVERS AND HARBORS, DocumENTr ,?d Session I HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES No. 53 RARITAN RIVER, N. J. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR REPORT FROM THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS ON RARITAN RIVER, N. J., COVERING NAVIGATION, FLOOD CONTROL, POWER DEVEL- OPMENT, AND IRRIGATION JANUARY 0, 1930.-Referred to tho Committee on Rivers and Harbors WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, December 27, 1929. The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I am transmitting herewith a report dated December 26, 1929, from the Chief of Engineers United States Army, on Raritan River, N. J., submitted under the provisions of House Doctment No. 308, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session, which was enacted into law, with modifications, in section I of the river and harbor act of January 21, 1927, with accompanying papers. Sincerely yours, PATRICK J. tURLEY, Secretary of War. WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, Wa8hington, December 26,1929. Subject: Report on Raritan River, N. J. To: The Secretary of War. 1. I submit, for transmission to Congress, my report, with accom. panyin papers, on Raritan River, N. J, submitted under the provi- sions OfHouse Document No. 308, Sixty-ninth Congress, first lesson, which was enacted into law, with modifications, in section s of the river and harbor act of January 21, 1927. 1572-R. and H. Doe. 53, 71-2-1 2 . ABTAX RIVR, i. IT. 2. The Raritan River rises in the north-central part of New Jersey and flows in a southeasterly direction 30 miles into Raritan Bay. The drainage area of 1,105 square miles contains several small cities and is largely devoted to agriculture and manufacturing.
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