Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Regeneration

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Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Regeneration PLANNING SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN REGENERATION A thesis submitted to The University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities 2011 By Kai Zhou School of Environment and Development University of Manchester 2 LIST OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................ 8 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................... 10 ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................. 11 DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... 12 COPYRIGHT STATEMENT .................................................................................... 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................... 13 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 17 1.1. Technological Planning Supports in the Information Age................................................ 17 1.2. Planning Support Systems ................................................................................................ 18 1.3. ‘Mismatch’ and ‘Bottlenecks’ of Technical Support in Planning ..................................... 20 1.4. Knowledge Exchange within the Current Planning Discourse ........................................ 21 1.5. Bridging Information Technology and Planning Decision-Making ................................. 23 1.6. Structure of the Thesis ...................................................................................................... 26 1.7. Context of the Research .................................................................................................... 29 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 33 2.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 33 2.2. Research Philosophy ......................................................................................................... 33 2.2.1. Investigating the Context and Mechanism Using Retroductive Reasoning ............. 34 2.2.2. Exploring Interlocks and Complexity Using Action Research ................................. 35 2.2.3. Practising Action Research with Soft Systems Methodology ................................... 36 2.3. Research Questions ........................................................................................................... 39 2.3.1. Research Aim ............................................................................................................ 39 2.3.2. Research Objectives .................................................................................................. 39 2.3.3. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................ 41 2.3.4. Linking Research Questions with Methods .............................................................. 43 3 2.4. Research Methods ............................................................................................................. 47 2.4.1. Documentary Analysis .............................................................................................. 48 2.4.2. Interviews and Workshops........................................................................................ 49 2.4.3. Rapid System Modelling ........................................................................................... 52 2.4.4. Questionnaire ............................................................................................................ 55 2.5. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 55 3. THE TECHNOLOGICAL BACKGROUND: COMPUTATION IN PLANNING AND PLANNING SUPPORT SYSTEMS ......................................... 59 3.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 59 3.2. Computation in Planning .................................................................................................. 60 3.2.1. Development of Computation in Planning ............................................................... 60 3.2.2. Information Systems ................................................................................................. 65 3.2.3. City Models ............................................................................................................... 68 3.2.4. Planning Computation in the New Millennium ........................................................ 71 3.3. Tools for Planning ............................................................................................................. 73 3.3.1. Emergence of PSS ..................................................................................................... 74 3.3.2. Concepts of PSS ........................................................................................................ 74 3.3.3. Approaches of PSS .................................................................................................... 76 3.4. Problems and the Future .................................................................................................. 80 3.4.1. Problem Diagnosis .................................................................................................... 80 3.4.2. Recent Debates on PSS Future ................................................................................. 81 3.5. Summary ........................................................................................................................... 83 4. AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL FOUNDATION: KNOWING, LEARNING, COMMUNICATING AND ACTING........................................................................ 87 4.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 87 4.2. Knowledge and Knowledge Communication in Planning ................................................ 88 4.2.1. A Study of Knowledge Nature .................................................................................. 88 4.2.2. Knowledge Management........................................................................................... 91 4.2.3. Knowledge in Planning ............................................................................................. 93 4.2.4. Knowledge Flowing, Learning and Networking in Planning ................................... 98 4.3. Collaborative Planning Debates and Practice .................................................................. 99 4.3.1. Communicative Planning .......................................................................................... 99 4.3.2. Connect Theory to Practice .................................................................................... 101 4.3.3. Collaborative Planning in Pilot Practices ............................................................... 105 4.4. Summary ......................................................................................................................... 109 4 5. THE ONGOING PLANNING: AREA-BASED POLICIES AND PRACTICES .............................................................................................................. 115 5.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 115 5.2. Local-Level Spatial Planning .......................................................................................... 116 5.2.1. European Spatial Planning ..................................................................................... 116 5.2.2. New Local Spatial Planning in England ................................................................. 118 5.2.3. Enhance Information Sharing and Community Involvement................................ 123 5.3. Area-Based Regeneration ............................................................................................... 124 5.3.1. New Regeneration Policies ...................................................................................... 124 5.3.2. Visioning, Partnerships and Sustainability ............................................................ 127 5.3.3. Dynamic, Long-term, Bottom-up Networking for Regeneration ........................... 133 5.4. Case Example of Sustainable Transport Strategy .......................................................... 134 5.4.1. UK’s National Sustainable Transport Strategy ...................................................... 135 5.4.2. Accessibility Strategy of Greater Manchester ........................................................ 138 5.5. Summary ......................................................................................................................... 142 6. A MISSING GEAR BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY SUPPLY AND PLANNING DEMAND ............................................................................................ 147 6.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 147 6.2. Drawing Together Technology,
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