APPLICATION No: 19/74241/FUL APPLICANT: Ms Jill DaCosta LOCATION: Endowed Primary School, Chapel Road, Irlam, M44 6EE PROPOSAL: Installation of a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA Pitch) on the existing school playing field WARD: Irlam

Description of Site and Surrounding Area This application relates to part of the Irlam Endowed Primary School site, located at the junction of Chapel Road and School Lane, Irlam. The school site comprises the main school building and a hard surfaced playground to the west, a staff car park, accessed from Chapel Road, to the east and the school field to the north/north east. The wider area is predominantly residential in nature with St John the Baptist’s Church and Vicarage and Chapel Medical Centre in the vicinity.

Description of Proposal Planning permission is sought for the installation of a multi-use games area (MUGA) on the school field. The MUGA will measure 28m in length, 20m in width and will be enclosed with mesh boundary fencing at 2m in height.


Site Notice: Not Applicable

Press Advert: Not Applicable

Neighbour Notification

23 neighbouring occupiers have been notified of the application.


$zvjbdunj.docx Four letters of representation (all objections) have been received in response to the application publicity. The issues raised are summarised below:  Concern with the use of the MUGA outside of school hours and the impact that this may have on the amenity of neighbours.  Considers that there are already plenty of opportunities for out of hours sports and leisure in the area.  A neighbour didn’t receive a notification letter.  There is an existing detrimental impact on neighbours as a result of: o Traffic/parking/blocking of driveways o Noise o Litter  The height of the fencing bordering the field is higher than the neighbour’s fences, detracting from the appearance of the rear of the neighbour’s property.  Potential for anti-social behaviour.  No details of the proposed hours of use.  Will object to any form of lighting.

In response:

All adjoining neighbours have been notified in writing, in accordance with the requirements of Article 15 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) () Order 2015.

There is no lighting proposed for the MUGA.

All other points raised are addressed in the appraisal section of this report.

Relevant Site History

97/37249/DEEM3 - Demolition of existing hall and replacement with new hall, new classroom block to north east with link to new hall, new car park for 30 vehicles accessed from Chapel Road - Approve - 2 April 1998

01/43123/DEEM3 - Erection of 2.4m high palisade security fencing - Approve - 15 November 2001

02/44094/DEEM3 - Erection of security fencing - Approve - 6 June 2002

03/46142/DEEM3 - Re-roof existing flat roof with cladding - Approve - 19 June 2003

07/54803/DEEM3 - Erection of a single storey storeroom extension and erection of new 2.4m high weldmesh security fencing to Chapel Road and School Lane elevations - Approve - 19 July 2007

09/58443/FUL - Erection of a single storey extension - Approve - 30 September 2010

10/59540/FUL - Erection of a single storey extension - Approve - 22 December 2010


United Utilities Water Ltd - No objection subject to a condition requiring the submission of a surface water drainage scheme. A condition has also been requested for separate foul and surface water drainage, however, it is considered that this is a potential error as there is no requirement for foul drainage.

Arboricultural Consultant - No objection subject to conditions requiring tree protection and the submission of an Arboricultural Method Statement.

Air Quality, Noise, Contaminated Land - No objection subject to conditions requiring the submission of a noise management plan, installation of anti-vibration fixings to the fence and the restriction of the hours of use.

Senior Drainage Engineer - No comments received to date.

Sport England – The development does not fall within their statutory remit or non-statutory remit and so no detailed assessment has been made. See the ‘Principle of Development’ section for more detail on this matter. Planning Policy

Development Plan Policy

Unitary Development Plan ST1 - Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods This policy states that development will be required to contribute towards the creation and maintenance of sustainable urban neighbourhoods.

Unitary Development Plan DES1 - Respecting Context This policy states that development will be required to respond to its physical context and respect the positive character of the local area in which it is situated and contribute towards a local identity and distinctiveness.

Unitary Development Plan DES7 - Amenity of Users and Neighbours This policy states that all new development, alterations and extensions to existing buildings will be required to provide potential users with a satisfactory level of amenity in terms of space, sunlight, daylight, privacy, aspect and layout. Development will not be permitted where it would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers or users of other development.

Unitary Development Plan DES10 - Design and Crime This policy states that developments must be designed to discourage crime, antisocial behaviour, and the fear of crime. Development should i) be clearly delineated ii) allow natural surveillance iii) avoid places of concealment iv) encourage activity within public areas.

Unitary Development Plan EN12 - Important Landscape Features This policy states that development that would have a detrimental impact on, or result in the loss of, any important landscape feature will not be permitted unless the applicant can clearly demonstrate that the importance of the development plainly outweighs the nature conservation and amenity value of the landscape feature and the design and layout of the development cannot reasonably make provision for the retention of the landscape feature. If the removal of an important existing landscape feature is permitted as part of a development, a replacement of at least equivalent size and quality, or other appropriate compensation, will be required either within the site, or elsewhere within the area.

Unitary Development Plan EN17 - Pollution Control This policy states that in areas where existing levels of pollution exceed local or national standards, planning permission will only be granted where the development incorporates adequate measures to ensure that there is no unacceptable risk or nuisance to occupiers, and that they are provided with an appropriate and satisfactory level of amenity.

Unitary Development Plan EN19 - Flood Risk and Surface Water This policy states that any application for development that it is considered likely to be at risk of flooding or increase the risk of flooding elsewhere will need to be accompanied by a formal flood risk assessment. It should identify mitigation or other measures to be incorporated into the development or undertaking on other land, which are designed to reduce that risk of flooding to an acceptable level.

Unitary Development Plan EHC1 - Provision, Improvement of Schools and Colleges This policy states that planning permission will be granted for the improvement, replacement or provision of new schools and colleges, provided that the development would i) not have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of neighbouring uses; ii) secure adequate, accessible playing field provision iii) be accessible by a rage of means of transport iv) incorporate disabled access v) not give rise to unacceptable levels of traffic generation, impact on highway safety, parking or servicing; vi) make provision, where possible, for community use of buildings and grounds.

Unitary Development Plan A8 - Impact of Development on Highway Network This policy states that development will not be permitted where it would i) have an unacceptable impact upon highway safety ii) cause an unacceptable restriction to the movement of heavy goods vehicles along Abnormal Load Routes.

Unitary Development Plan R2 - Provision of Recreational Land Facilities This policy states that planning permission for recreational development will be granted unless the development would have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity, have an unacceptable impact on highway safety, fail to make provision for cyclists, pedestrians and disabled people, have an unacceptable impact on the quiet enjoyment of the countryside, have an unacceptable impact on sites or features or archaeological ecological, geological or landscape value, or have an unacceptable impact on existing recreational facilities. The policy seeks to ensure that all households are within set distances of a range of facilities, and that there is at least 0.73ha of high quality managed sports pitches per 1,000 population, 0.25ha of equipped children’s playspace per 1,000 population, and adequate amenity open space.

Other Material Planning Considerations

National Planning Policy

National Planning Policy Framework

Local Planning Policy

Supplementary Planning Document - Design This document reflects the need to design in a way that allows the city to support its population socially and economically, working with and inviting those affected into an inclusive decision making process. Equally, development must contribute to the creation of an environmentally sustainable city supporting the natural environment minimising the effects of, and being more adaptable to, the potential impact of climate change.

Supplementary Planning Document - Trees and Development The policy document has been prepared to give information to all those involved in the development process about the standard that the Local Planning Authority requires for new development proposals with specific reference to the retention and protection of trees.

It is not considered that there are any local finance considerations that are material to the application

The Spatial Framework Draft 2019 (“GMSF”) and the Revised Draft Local Plan 2019 were subject to public consultation until 18th March and 22nd March 2019 respectively. They will go through a number of further stages, including examination at a public inquiry, before they are adopted. Adoption is expected to take place towards the end of 2020 or early 2021.

Now the GMSF and Local Plan are published documents decisions, including those by the Council and ultimately by inspectors on appeal, are able to start to afford them some weight as emerging policies. However, as the weight given depends on the stage of the plan; unresolved objections; and consistency with the Government’s policies, the weight currently to be attached to the GMSF and Local Plan is only limited. The weight moving forward will be reviewed and is likely to depend on the extent to which there are unresolved objections emerging from the consultation process.

In addition, following the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) it is necessary to consider the weight which can be afforded to the policies of the Council's adopted Unitary Development Plan (paragraph 213 NPPF February 2019).

In terms of this application it is considered that the relevant policies of the UDP can be afforded due weight for the purposes of decision making as the relevant criteria within the UDP policies applicable to the proposed development are consistent with the policies contained in the NPPF.


Principle of Development UDP policy EHC 1 supports the redevelopment and improvement of schools, subject to the development securing an adequate standard of playing field and recreation provision in an accessible and convenient location and making provision for community uses, amongst other matters such as amenity, accessibility and the impact on traffic.

Paragraph 97 of the NPPF seeks to protect the redevelopment of existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, unless: a) an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or b) the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or c) the development is for alternative sports and recreational provision.

Sport England is a statutory consultee for development that will lead to the loss of use of land being used as a ‘playing field’. The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 defines playing field as a site which encompasses at least one playing pitch. A ‘playing pitch’ is defined as a delineated area of 0.2ha or more and which is used for association football, American football, rugby, cricket, hockey, lacrosse, rounders, baseball, softball, Australian football, Gaelic football, shinty, hurling, polo or cycle polo.

The MUGA is proposed to be installed on an area of grassed open space; forming part of the school field but not marked out as any formal playing pitch. The site’s existing capacity for sport and the teaching of PE will be retained; an existing football pitch to the west will be unaffected, and the hard surfaced playground, on the opposite side of the building, marked out for netball, will remain as existing. For this reason, Sport England does not consider that the proposed development falls within their remit. The MUGA is intended to be utilised by other local sports club beyond school hours, with interest shown by Irlam Vale FC and Sale Sharks, thereby meeting criterion (vi) of UDP policy EHC1. The unmarked grassed area currently suffers from waterlogging and drainage problems and is unusable for large parts of the year. The replacement of this area with a formally marked out playing pitch, with suitable drainage to be secured by condition, represents an improvement in the provision of recreation space, in accordance with paragraph 97 (b), described above. The proposal represents a significant improvement to the existing facilities, providing benefits to the school and the wider community and is acceptable in principle.

Design The proposed MUGA will be situated within the north eastern area of the site, enclosed by 2m high fencing to all sides and set well in from the side boundaries of the school; 10.25m to the rear boundaries of 20-28 Platts Drive (evens) and 11.25m to the rear boundaries of 16-22 Chapel Road (evens). The situation of the site is such that this part of the playing field is bound on three sides by residential dwellings and will be scarcely visible from the street due to the intervening car park. The proposed MUGA fencing will be formed of weldmesh fencing, coloured in green. It will be visually permeable and will not form an obtrusive feature in the street scene, nor will it detract from the appearance of neighbouring dwellings in accordance with UDP policy DES1.

Amenity Concerns have been raised by objectors in relation to the increased use of the site as a result of offering the facility to sports clubs outside of school hours. It is recognised that this proposed community use, outside of school hours and in the holiday periods, may give rise to additional noise and disturbance, when noise from the school would ordinarily be absent. In addition, noise from sporting activities, such as balls hitting fencing, whistles and shouting etc. is likely to be readily audible within neighbouring gardens and properties. As a result, it is important to control the use of the MUGA so that a balance can be achieved between protecting the amenity of neighbours and the benefits that the facility provides to the school and the community.

This control will be in the form of conditions attached to the planning permission requiring the submission of a noise management plan, to be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first use of the MUGA. In addition, the fencing detail supplied with the application confirms that rubber backstops can be attached to the fixings to prevent rattling when balls strike.

The hours of use of the MUGA will be restricted to Monday to Friday 08:00 to 19:00 and Saturday 09:00 to 17:00 (term time) and Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00 and Saturday 09:00 to 17:00 (outside term time). With these controls, it is considered that the amenity of neighbours will be suitably protected in accordance with UDP policy EN17.

In relation to the perceived anti-social behaviour, the MUGA will be managed and supervised when in use, either by the school or the club occupying the site at that time. The MUGA will not be available for general open usage.

Trees There are a number of trees around the perimeter of the site, none of which are protected by a Tree Preservation Order. A BS 5837 Arboriculture Report has been supplied in support of the application. The report contains a fair and accurate appraisal of the trees on site; six individual trees and two group features have been recorded. It is proposed that to facilitate the development T2 (category C) will be removed and that T3 (category B) will be pruned back from the MUGA to allow for clearance.

It is also proposed that in order to accommodate the MUGA, an incursion into the Root Protection Areas (RPA) of T3 and T4 (category B) will be necessary; a cellular confinement system will be used to achieve this. Category C trees should not be allowed to constrain development and the proposed removal of T2 to facilitate the development is considered acceptable.

A Tree Constraints Plan showing the layout of the surveyed trees and the existing layout along with a Tree Protection Plan (TPP) have also been supplied; the TPP shows the proposed layout of the temporary protective fencing throughout the development phase, along with the location of the proposed cellular confinement system. An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) has not been supplied, however the report states, at paragraph 4.10.1, that one should be supplied. The AMS should be site specific and detail the method of installing the cellular confinement system. This can be secured by condition to be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of development; the proposed remediation measures must be understood prior to works commencing on site as any ground works could detrimentally impact the trees and/or root protection area.

Highways The MUGA will not impact on existing parking and access arrangements at the site. The existing staff car park is sufficiently sized to accommodate visitors during the times when the MUGA will be used beyond school hours.

Drainage The site currently suffers from waterlogging and is poorly drained. The installation of the MUGA affords an opportunity to improve the drainage in this area. The agent has confirmed that the proposed drainage system complies with BS 7044 (artificial sports surfaces) and some details have been provided. However, United Utilities have requested a condition detailing an appropriate surface water drainage scheme which includes an investigation of the hierarchy of drainage options in the National Planning Practice Guidance with evidence of an assessment of ground conditions and the potential for the infiltration of surface water. If it is agreed that infiltration is discounted by these investigations, a restricted rate of discharge of surface water shall be agreed.

Recommendation Approve

1. The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Proposed MUGA Pitch Location and Site Plan, dwg no IE1 Proposed MUGA Pitch Proposed Site Plan, dwg no IE3 Mesh and MUGA detail, received 09/10/19 Mesh fencing data sheet (Alexandra Protek 868 Clamp)

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of proper planning.

3. The MUGA boundary fencing shall be colour treated in green (RAL 6005) prior to installation and shall be a height of 2m. The fencing shall be maintained and retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area in accordance with policy DES 1 of the Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

4. Prior to the first use of the MUGA, a noise management plan shall be submitted to an approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall include an assessment of likely noise sources and identify suitable control measures. The approved noise management plan shall be implemented in full at all times that the MUGA is in use. Reason: In the interest of the amenity of residents in accordance with policy EN 17 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

5. The MUGA fencing shall be constructed using rubber anti-vibration fixings, as detailed within the Mesh fencing data sheet (Alexandra Protek 868 Clamp). The fixings shall be retained and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of neighbouring residents in accordance with policy EN17 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

6. The MUGA shall only be used between the following hours: Term Time: Monday to Friday 08:00 to 19:00 Saturday 09:00 to 17:00

Outside Term Time: Monday to Friday 09:00 to 18:00 Saturday 09:00 to 17:00

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of neighbouring residents in accordance with policy EN17 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework.

7. No development shall take place until a scheme for surface water drainage for the site using sustainable drainage methods and which includes details of how water quality will be improved, and how existing surface water discharge rates reduced, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented prior to first occupation or use of the development hereby approved unless alternative timescales have been agreed in writing as part of the strategy.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory method of surface water disposal to reduce the risk of flooding elsewhere in accordance with policy EN19 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and seeks to provide betterment in terms of water quality and surface water discharge rates and meets requirements set out in the following documents; o NPPF, o Water Framework Directive and the NW River Basin Management Plan o The national Planning Practice Guidance and the Non-Statutory Technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (March 2015) o Manchester, Salford, Trafford Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) (2011) and associated technical guidance o Environment Agency Pollution Prevention Guidelines (now withdrawn) o Flood Risk Assessment/SuDS Requirements for new developments (Salford's SuDS Checklist)

Reason for pre-commencement condition: The solution for surface water disposal must be understood prior to works commencing on site as it could affect how underground works are planned and carried out.

8. No development shall commence until all the retained trees within (or overhanging) the site as shown on the Tree Protection Plan (TPP) [Drawing No: UG_294_ARB_TPP_01 dated 16-09-2019], have been surrounded by substantial fences. Such fences shall be erected in accordance with the fence specification submitted within the Tree Protection Index (TPI) [Drawing No: UG_294_ARB_TPI_01 dated 18-09-2019] in the positions as shown at [TPP Drawing No: UG_294_ARB_TPP_01] and shall remain in situ until all development is complete and no work, including any form of drainage or storage of materials, earth or topsoil shall take place within the perimeter of such fencing.

Reason: To safeguard trees on the site and to ensure that adequate provision is made for their protection whilst the development is carried out in accordance with City of Salford UDP Policy EN12 and the Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document. Reason for pre-commencement condition: Tree protection measures must be implemented prior to works commencing on site as any work or delivery of materials could detrimentally impact the trees and/or root protection area without such protection.

9. No development shall commence unless and until an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The AMS shall include details of the method of installing the recommended cellular confinement system. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved AMS.

Reason: In the interests of good arboricultural practice and to protect the amenity of the area in accordance with City of Salford UDP Policy EN12 and the Trees and Development Supplementary Planning Document.

Reason for pre-commencement condition: The proposed remediation measures must be understood prior to works commencing on site as any ground works could detrimentally impact the trees and/or root protection area.