Salford Local Plan Consultation Statement

October 2016


1.1 This consultation statement has been prepared having regard to the requirements of Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) () Regulations 2012. For each stage of consultation on the Local Plan that has been undertaken to date it details: • which bodies and persons were invited to make representations under Regulation 18; • how those bodies and persons were invited to make such representations; and • a summary of the main issues raised by those representations.

1.2 There have been two key stages of consultation on the local plan to date: • Call for sites consultation (8 February – 12 April 2013) • Suggested sites consultation (10 January – 21 March 2014)

Statement of community involvement

2.1 The city council’s statement of community involvement (SCI) was formally adopted on 20 January 2010. The SCI aims to increase public involvement in the planning process. It sets out who will be involved, by what method and at what point in the process of document production or in the determination of planning applications. It gives more certainty to those wishing to get involved in the planning process.

2.2 The SCI sets out the council’s policy for community engagement in the production of formal planning documents. Below is a summary of the SCI guidance in respect of consultation at the different stages of development plan document (DPD) production:

Stage 1 This stage includes defining the objectives for the DPD as well as the framework and scope of the sustainability appraisal (SA).

Stage 2 This stage includes evidence gathering and identifying the main issues and options for the DPD, and developing the necessary evidence to support the DPD. It may involve a number of periods of consultation but is a key stage in the preparation of the DPD as it enables people to express their views, put forward their own ideas and to actively participate in developing options before any firm proposals have been drawn up.

Stage 3 At this stage the council will take into account any representations received as a result of the consultation as it prepares the final document. Representations can sometimes be conflicting and therefore

1 the council will have regard to all opinions expressed as the final document is produced.


Local plan – call for sites consultation

3.1 The local plan call for sites consultation was the initial stage of consultation undertaken to inform the local plan. The consultation period ran for nine weeks from 8 February 2013 to 12 April 2013. The purpose of the consultation was to seek suggestions for sites or areas of land in the city that may be appropriate for allocation or designation in the local plan.

3.2 No formal documents were produced for the consultation but a letter was sent to all consultees together with a proforma for comments to be submitted.

3.3 Any consultees or persons wishing to submit suggestions and recommendations for sites were invited to make their comments in any of the following ways during the consultation period: • by email to [email protected] • by post to Local Plan consultation, Spatial Planning, , Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5BY • by returning forms by hand to the main reception desk at the Civic Centre.

Consultation letter

3.4 The local plan call for sites consultation letter was sent to all stakeholders on the city council’s planning consultation database. The letter is set out at Appendix 1. As the city council had recently ceased work on the production of its core strategy (November 2012), the letter included additional information about why the city council was now progressing with a local plan and what this would do.

Sustainability appraisal

3.5 The consultation letter also referred to the consultation on the proposed methodology for carrying out the sustainability appraisal (SA) for the local plan. This consultation ran alongside the local plan call for sites consultation and the SA scoping report has subsequently been revised having regard to the comments received during the consultation. The revised local plan sustainability appraisal scoping report is available at


3.6 The local plan call for sites consultation letter was sent to all general and specific consultees. There were a total of 11 general and 43 specific consultees. A list of all general and specific consultees consulted at this stage is set out at Appendix 2.


3.7 All of the relevant bodies identified in Part 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 as duty to cooperate bodies were also consulted. A list of these bodies for Salford is set out at Appendix 3.

3.8 In addition to the specific, general and duty to cooperate consultees, all stakeholders on the city council’s planning consultation database were notified about the consultation. This included a total of 1,022 individuals and organisations who had previously commented on, or expressed an interest in, one of Salford’s planning documents (including the core strategy which was withdrawn in November 2012).

3.9 Finally, an email was sent to all local councillors informing them of the consultation.


3.10 In order to assist local residents and businesses in responding to the call for sites consultation, a proforma was produced for respondents to complete for each proposed site. The proforma required details of the proposed site including its address and a site location plan to be submitted, together with information on the current use of the site, what the respondents considered the site should be allocated or designated for, and why the site would be appropriate for this use. By producing the proforma, it was hoped that this would aid the submission of a fully detailed proposal and ensure that sufficient information was submitted in order to understand the nature of the proposal.

3.11 A copy of the proforma was enclosed with all consultation letters and a copy was also available to download on the local plan webpage.


3.12 As soon as the city council commenced work on the production of the local plan a dedicated webpage was set up on the city council’s website which explained about the local plan, its purpose and what it would do. A webpage specifically dedicated to the consultation was established which went live for the start of the consultation. This webpage set out briefly the purpose of the local plan consultation, outlined the dates of the consultation including the closing date for comments and also included downloadable copies of the consultation letter and proforma. A copy of the local plan call for sites consultation webpage is set out at Appendix 4.

3.13 A hotlink was also set up on the homepage of the city council’s website, highlighting the consultation and providing a direct link from the city council’s homepage to the local plan consultation page. This was available on the homepage throughout the duration of the consultation.


3.14 In addition an article was advertised on the city council’s intranet (the city council’s internal network) for the consultation, inviting comments and providing details of where further information could be found regarding the consultation. This was displayed periodically throughout the duration of the consultation.


3.15 A presentation was given to the Shadow Health and Well Being Board on 21 March 2013 to provide information about the consultation and invite them to submit representations. This board had been established in advance of the Salford Clinical Commissioning Group and the city council taking over responsibilities from NHS Salford (formerly the primary care trust for Salford) from April 2013. This meeting was attended by representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group, Greater Police, the voluntary and community sector, and the NHS Foundation Trust, amongst others.

3.16 An informal presentation was also given on 5 March 2013 to the Ordsall and Langworthy community committee following a request from an elected councillor.

Representations received and issues raised

3.17 A total of 315 individuals and organisations responded to the consultation, with over 1,100 sites suggested for either some form of development or protective designation. A list of all those who submitted representations is set out at Appendix 5.

Sites suggested for development

3.18 The city council reviewed all of the suggested sites and consolidated these by removing overlapping sites and discounting sites that were below 1 hectare in size1. The city council also reviewed its strategic land assessment work to identify sites which may have potential to accommodate housing or employment development, or where there has been known developer interest previously. This process resulted in a total of 137 sites being identified, to be assessed for their potential to accommodate development.

Sites suggested for local green space designation

3.19 A number of sites across the city were suggested by the local community for designation as local green space. The city council reviewed all of these sites and consolidated them by removing

1 Sites below 1 hectare in size were typically discounted for the purposes of assessment, as the local plan will not generally allocate sites below this size. The exception to this was where a site would require an allocation in order to make it developable in planning policy terms (e.g. where a site was within the green belt). In such instances, sites below 1 hectare in size were also assessed. 5

overlapping sites. It also included any sites which had not been put forward by the community but which the city council considered could meet the criteria for local green space designation. This process resulted in a total of 48 sites being identified, to be assessed against the criteria for local green space designation.

Sites suggested for recreation allocation

3.20 A number of sites across the city were suggested by the local community for allocation for recreation purposes. The city council reviewed all of these sites and consolidated them by removing overlapping sites. This process resulted in a total of 48 sites being identified, to be assessed for their suitability to be allocated for recreation purposes.

Sites suggested for green belt designation

3.21 A number of sites across the city were suggested by the local community for designation as green belt land. The city council reviewed all of these sites and consolidated them by removing overlapping sites. This process resulted in a total of 20 sites being identified, all located within Salford West and predominantly within and , and and , with a small number in and , and in Swinton.

3.22 Appendix 6 sets out the source of the site suggestion for each of the sites suggested for development. It also sets out the number of representations relating to each site that was proposed for local green space designation, recreation allocation, and green belt designation. Some sites were suggested for more than one type of designation.

3.23 The local plan suggested sites consultation overview document sets out in more detail the criteria against which the sites were assessed and how the final list of sites was derived in terms of those sites for development, for local green space designation, for recreation allocation and for green belt designation.


Local Plan – suggested sites consultation

4.1 The local plan suggested sites consultation ran for a ten week period from 10 January 2014 to 21 March 2014. The purpose of the consultation was to seek views on the sites that had been suggested at the previous consultation stage, and on the city council’s initial assessment of these sites, in order to inform the preparation of the draft local plan. The consultation also presented the opportunity for additional sites to be suggested, either for development, or for protective designation.

4.2 A series of documents were issued for consultation including: • overview document – providing an overview of this stage of consultation, listing all sites that the city council had assessed, together with the methodology for the assessment. • neighbourhood area documents – a separate document was prepared for each of the city’s eight neighbourhood areas (Claremont and Weaste, East Salford, Eccles, Irlam and Cadishead, Little Hulton and Walkden, Ordsall and Langworthy, Swinton, and Worsley and Boothstown), containing all of the sites that have been suggested within that area and the city council’s assessment of them. • green belt assessment document – identifying those sites within the green belt which had been suggested for development, and those sites proposed in submissions to the local plan as possible additions to the green belt. • consultation statement – detailing the call for sites consultation stage.

4.3 Any consultees or persons wishing to make representations were invited to do so in any of the following ways during the consultation period: • by email to [email protected] • by post to Local Plan consultation, Spatial Planning, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5BY • by returning forms by hand to the main reception desk at the Civic Centre

Consultation letter

4.4 A letter was sent to all stakeholders on the city council’s planning consultation database to advise them of the suggested sites consultation and how to make representations. A copy of the consultation letter is set out at Appendix 7.


4.5 The suggested sites consultation letter was sent to all general and specific consultees, as at the call for sites consultation stage. The list of these consultees is set out at Appendix 2. Similarly, all of the Duty to


Cooperate bodies as identified in Part 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, were consulted. These bodies are listed at Appendix 3.

4.6 In addition to the specific, general and duty to cooperate consultees, all stakeholders on the city council’s planning consultation database were notified about the consultation. This represented a total of 1,258 individuals and organisations being notified, including all those who submitted representations at the local plan call for sites consultation stage.

4.7 An email was also sent to all councillors to inform them of the consultation, and the city council’s neighbourhood managers were encouraged to circulate details of the consultation across their own network of community contacts and via social media.


4.8 A proforma was prepared to assist consultees in making representations. In addition to this, the proforma from the call for sites consultation was also made available in order to provide the opportunity for any additional sites to be suggested. Both proformas were made available on the city council’s website, and hard copies of the proformas were enclosed with letters which were mailed out as part of the consultation, and were also made available at all deposit locations.


4.9 A dedicated webpage for the suggested sites consultation went live on the city council’s website which from 10 January 2014 to coincide with the start of the consultation period. This webpage set out the purpose of the consultation and also included downloadable versions of all consultation documents including the proformas, the overview document and the consultation statement. A copy of the suggested sites consultation webpage is set out at Appendix 8. Associated with this, a webpage featuring an interactive map was created, identifying all sites across the city that were suggested for inclusion in the local plan and providing a direct link to each relevant site assessment. The interactive map has remained live for reference purposes following the end of the consultation period.

4.10 In addition, an item was included on the city council website homepage as a rotating news item for defined periods during the consultation, to prominently highlight the consultation to visitors to the city council’s website. A snapshot of the website homepage showing the link to the local plan consultation is set out at Appendix 9.

4.11 During the consultation, information was collated about the number of views of the suggested sites consultation webpages. There were a total


of 3,727 unique pageviews (the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times) over the course of the consultation period, with 500 of these occurring on the first day of the consultation.

Additional publicity

4.12 The following additional activities were undertaken to publicise the consultation period and engage with stakeholders.

4.13 An article was included within the December 2013 issues of LIFE IN Salford. This is a partnership magazine for the city, produced four times a year which is distributed to every home and business in the city by Royal Mail and a door-to-door distributor, and is also available on the city council’s website. The LIFE IN Salford article is set out at Appendix 11.

4.14 Salford’s City Mayor published a press release on 17 December 2013 to publicise the local plan suggested sites consultation. This is set out at Appendix 12.

4.15 City council officers attended three community committee meetings during the consultation period, to provide an overview of this stage of consultation and answer any questions posed by the local community: • Irlam and Cadishead community committee – 16 January 2014 • East Salford community committee – 23 January 2014 • Worsley and Boothstown community committee – 12 February 2014

Representations received and issues raised

4.16 A total of 380 individuals and organisations responded to the consultation, with many respondents making representations on multiple sites. Of the 380 respondents, 34 of these had previously put forward sites at the call for sites stage. A list of all those who submitted representations is set out at Appendix 12.

4.17 Representations provided comments on the city council’s assessment of the suggested sites, and in some cases provided additional evidence in this regard. In addition, a number of respondents suggested additional sites which they considered should be allocated for development, or be given some form of protective designation. As part of this: • 22 additional sites were suggested for development • 16 additional sites were suggested for local green space designation • 3 additional sites were suggested for recreation allocation

4.18 In addition to the above, three other sites were suggested including one for the protection of existing allotments at Dixon Street (Irlam), one to designate land at City Airport and Heliport for the continuation and


protection of the existing airport facility, and one to designate Salford Quays/Media City UK as a strategic location for growth suitable for a range of development consistent with its role as a major creative/digital industries, educational, residential, business and visitor destination.

Additional sites suggested for development

4.19 Of the additional 22 sites suggested for development, 13 were below the 1 hectare threshold for allocation within the local plan. These smaller sites were considered for identification within the city council’s Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). The 9 sites which exceeded the 1 hectare threshold were subject to the same assessment process as those sites which were consulted on at the suggested sites consultation stage. In addition, a further 4 sites were assessed for development, reflecting those sites put forward via the Spatial Framework call for sites in January 2016 which had not previously been assessed.

Additional sites suggested for local green space designation

4.20 16 additional sites were suggested for local green space designation. All of these sites were assessed using the same assessment process as those sites which were consulted on at the suggested sites consultation stage.

Additional sites suggested for recreation allocation

4.21 3 additional sites were suggested for recreation allocation. All of these sites were assessed using the same assessment process as those sites which were consulted on at the suggested sites consultation stage.

4.22 Appendix 13 sets out all of the additional sites assessed following the suggested sites consultation. For those sites assessed for development, the source of the site suggestion is identified for each site. For those sites assessed for local green space designation or recreation allocation, the number of representations relating to each site is identified.

Summary of main issues raised in representations, and how these were addressed in the draft local plan

4.23 The table below provides a brief summary of the main issues raised in representations received at the suggested sites stage, and how these were addressed in the draft local plan.

Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage General comments

A local MP objected to the principle of The Local Plan seeks to maximise the developing green belt and greenfield use of previously-developed land. land, which they consider should only be However, some release of green belt lost in the most exceptional of land is proposed. This includes a circumstances. They highlighted that this proposed expansion of , so reflects the views of their constituents, as to support economic growth and the who want to see green belt and sustainable movement of goods, and four greenfield land protected, and that any housing sites, so as to increase the unprotected greenfield land should be supply of new houses to enable more designated as local green space. families to live in Salford.

Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The proposed site allocations make (GMEU) highlighted the need to specific reference to biodiversity issues, understand the cumulative impact in requiring the protection/enhancement of ecological terms if a number of greenfield designated sites, priority habitats and sites were to be developed. The landscape features. The more general response identified that whilst detailed requirement for developments to surveys may find that the qualitative incorporate green infrastructure should ecological constraints on individual sites also help to ensure that individual are low, the cumulative quantitative developments do not result in any net impact could still be large, particularly for loss of ecological value, as required by non-protected species, leading to a draft Policy BG2. potential erosion of local wildlife interests.

Where there would be clusters of greenfield sites proposed to be allocated for development, GMEU recommend that: • Extended phase 1 habitat surveys are carried out of allocated sites (preferably prior to allocation); • For any of these sites that are determined as suitable for development that these areas are required to develop ‘master plans’ that include proposals for retaining / enhancing biodiversity interests; and • Biodiversity offsetting be considered for development proposals where applicable.

The Highways Agency emphasised the The air quality management area has importance of considering the air quality been taken into account when impacts that new development will considering the development potential of generate, given that the development of individual sites, with some allocations sites within the air quality management referring to the need for buffers to area or close to the strategic road motorways. A strong emphasis has been network will clearly impact on air quality. placed on maximising the potential for


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage making journeys by public transport, cycling and walking, so as to minimise potential air pollution. A developer commented that it is not A strategic housing market assessment possible to draw conclusions about the and evidence on employment issues are suitability of any site for a particular use being published as part of the Greater or designation until the city council has Manchester Spatial Framework evidence prepared a complete and up to date base. The latest housing land supply evidence base to inform the local plan, to position and a summary of a recent include the following: greenspace audit are available on the • strategic housing market assessment city council’s website. The need for a • strategic housing land supply new retail and leisure study will be kept assessment under review. • retail and leisure study • employment land supply study • open space / recreational land audit

A developer proposed that City Airport The draft plan protects the role of City and Heliport should be designated in the Airport and Heliport. Salford Quays is local plan for the continuation and identified as a strategic growth location, protection of the existing airport facility, with a significant level of development and that Salford Quays/Media City UK proposed, provided transport should be designated as a strategic infrastructure issues can be addressed, location for growth suitable for a range of and it is also designated as a town development consistent with its role as a centre. major creative/digital industries, educational, residential, business and visitor destination. The developer also expressed support for the designation of Salford Quays as a town centre within the local plan.

The Environment Agency recommended The two flood storage basins are that existing flood storage specifically protected under Policy WA4, basin and the proposed second storage and are shown on the policies map. basin should be designated as functional flood plain so that they are safeguarded from any future development.

A developer highlighted the potential of Policy H3/4 allocates a strategic site to Irlam and Cadishead as a sustainable the west of Cadishead and Irlam for location to accommodate a strategic housing, seeking to take advantage of scale of new housing development. the proximity to Irlam station. This would involve the removal of land from the green belt. Transport for Greater Manchester Given there is not a specific alignment at identified that the local plan should this stage, the potential Metrolink support and safeguard future Metrolink extension to Port Salford is identified on alignments across the Manchester Ship the transport diagram. The land Canal and between the Western allocation at the AJ Bell Stadium Gateway Infrastructure Scheme (WGIS) specifically requires the incorporation of


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage and Port Salford. Metrolink through the site, and the allocation for the expansion of Port Salford also requires Metrolink to be accommodated. A more specific line, if available, can be included at the next stage. A large number of representations from The Local Plan seeks to maximise the the local community highlighted that the use of previously-developed land. local plan needs to focus on supporting However, some release of green belt the development of previously developed land is proposed. This includes a land within the urban area, so that green proposed expansion of Port Salford, so belt and greenfield land can be protected as to support economic growth and the from development. sustainable movement of goods, and four housing sites, so as to increase the supply of new houses to enable more families to live in Salford. Comments on methodology for assessing sites

English Heritage recommended a These issues are covered in the National number of changes to the approach to Planning Policy Framework and so are assessing the impact of the development not duplicated in the draft Local Plan. of sites on the significance of both Evidence on heritage assets has designated and non-designated heritage informed the proposed allocations, and assets. this will be updated prior to the next stage. Natural England recommended that sites Policy BG3 deals specifically with should be assessed for their impact on geological diversity. geodiversity interests.

Comments on site assessments: Claremont and Weaste

A developer agreed that site ‘CW005 – The site is in an out-of-centre location, Land at Broadway Link Road’ would be and so its use for retail would be unlikely suitable for general employment to comply with national planning policy purposes, but disagreed with the city on retail uses. The draft Local Plan seeks council’s conclusion that this would be an to direct new retail floorspace to unsuitable location for retail designated centres. development.

Comments on site assessments: East Salford

Greater Manchester Ecology Unit The draft Local Plan includes a separate highlighted that development within this policy on the , which seeks to area should not harm the functionality of protect and enhance its wildlife, the River Irwell as a wildlife corridor. The recreation and flood mitigation functions. sites along the course of the river These issues are also highlighted in the represent an opportunity to enhance the housing allocation for Charlestown River Irwell corridor for wildlife, recreation Riverside (Policy H3/5).


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage and potentially in terms of flood defence.

The proposed the The Castle Irwell site has been allocated allocation of site ‘ES016 – Castle Irwell’ for housing as part of the larger for residential use together with the Charlestown Riverside site in the draft potential for small scale retail Local Plan (Policy H3/5). It specifically development along Cromwell Road. requires the incorporation of active town centre uses, which would include retailing, on the Cromwell Road and Littleton Road frontages that fall within the proposed Cromwell Road local centre. A number of local community The draft Local Plan does not allocate representations highlighted concerns that individual development sites within the the noise and air quality impacts arising City Centre. Any proposals on this site from the existing heavy industrial would need to comply with the pollution operations in close proximity to site policies in the plan. ‘ES018 – Land south of the Crescent’ would compromise the redevelopment of this site and its suitability for residential development.

Comments on site assessments: Eccles

Natural England identified that the Of these sites, only EC015 is proposed following sites contain priority habitat as for allocation, forming part of the Port listed on Section 41 of the Natural Salford expansion (Policy EC4/1), and Environmental and Rural Communities this specifically requires the retention of (NERC) Act 2006, and therefore if existing woodland, hedgerows and ponds significant harm resulting from where practicable. None of the other development cannot be avoided, sites are proposed for allocation. Three adequately mitigated, or compensated of them (EC010, EC011 and EC012) for, then planning permission should be have planning permission for housing refused: and are under construction. • EC007 – Land south of Lankro Way • EC009 – Land at Weymouth Road • EC010 – Former GUS warehouse • EC011 – Nasmyth Technology Centre • EC012 – Former Mitchell Shackleton • EC015 – Land north of Barton Aerodrome

The local MP objected to the The site forms part of the Port Salford development of site ‘EC015 – Land north expansion, which is a proposed of Barton Aerodrome’ as it is green belt allocation (Policy EC4/1). Given the land, and because of the impact on local relative merits of the Port Salford site biodiversity and sustainability. once the rail, water and road infrastructure has been completed as part of the development of land to the


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage south of the A57, it is considered that there is an argument for releasing additional land in this area so as to enable more goods to be moved sustainably and to maximise the use of the new rail and water-based infrastructure. This would also have the benefit of providing additional employment opportunities in this part of Salford and Greater Manchester. These factors are considered to outweigh the loss of green belt. The proposed allocation specifically requires the incorporation of landscaping to maximise biodiversity. Natural England highlighted that site Defra data suggests that much of the ‘EC015 – Land north of Barton land is of grade 1 agricultural value, but Aerodrome’ comprises Grade 1 the benefits of expanding Port Salford Agricultural land and that the plan should are considered to outweigh the loss of safeguard the long term capability of the the agricultural land, and so the site best and most versatile agricultural land forms part of the proposed Port Salford and make clear that areas of lower expansion allocation (Policy EC4/1). quality agricultural land should be used for development in preference.

Comments on site assessments: Irlam and Cadishead

Over 200 representations were submitted The draft Local Plan includes a proposed from the local community and the local allocation for a large housing MP objecting to any proposed development in western Cadishead and development on green belt land around Irlam, which incorporates sites IC010, Irlam and Cadishead. These IC011 and IC013 (H3/4). The site offers representations considered that the only opportunity in Salford to deliver proposals for the development of green a major new area of housing close to a belt land within this area should not be direct rail connection (Irlam station) to the taken forward, for a range of reasons City Centre. It also benefits from being including the loss of Grade 1 agricultural close to an existing local centre and land, impact on the character and major areas of existing (Northbank, biodiversity of the mossland, traffic , Trafford Centre) and impacts, and there being inadequate proposed (Port Salford) employment. It is infrastructure to support the proposed located within the Western Gateway, scale of development. which is identified as a strategic growth location in the draft Greater Manchester These representations specifically Spatial Framework. The benefits of the objected to the development of the development are considered to outweigh following sites: the loss of the green belt and agricultural • IC010 – Land at Great Woolden Hall land. The draft allocation includes Farm various requirements to maximise its • IC011 – Astley Road Farm sustainability, including the incorporation • IC013 – Land west of Irlam of large amounts of green infrastructure


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage • IC014 – Land east of Irlam and the provision/enhancement of local • IC015 – Land west of Barton facilities such as schools and shops. Aerodrome • IC021 – Land north of the M62 at Site IC015 is a proposed allocation, to enable the expansion of Port Salford expansion (Policy EC4/1). Given the The community representations also relative merits of the Port Salford site opposed the development of any formal once the rail, water and road recreation facilities on the following sites: infrastructure has been completed as • REC32 – Former Ferry Hill Tip and part of the development of land to the surrounding land south of the A57, it is considered that • REC34 – Astley Road Farm there is an argument for releasing • REC35 – Land adjoining Irlam additional land in this area so as to Steelworks enable more goods to be moved • REC36 – Land north of Silver Street sustainably and to maximise the use of the new rail and water-based infrastructure. This would also have the benefit of providing additional employment opportunities in this part of Salford and Greater Manchester. These factors are considered to outweigh the loss of green belt. The proposed allocation specifically requires the incorporation of landscaping to maximise biodiversity.

Sites IC014 and IC021 are not proposed for development in the draft Local Plan, and would remain in the green belt. Site IC021 forms part of the Chat Moss are which is identified as a strategic piece of green infrastructure, which should be subject to habitat restoration and improved public access. The plan does not allocate any of the recreation sites. Natural England highlighted that the IC010 and IC013 form part of a proposed following sites contain priority habitat as housing allocation (H3/4). The benefits of listed on Section 41 of the Natural delivering a large amount of family Environmental and Rural Communities housing close to a direct rail link to the (NERC) Act 2006: City Centre are considered to outweigh • IC010 – Land at Great Woolden Hall the loss of green belt and grade 1 Farm agricultural land, with there being no • IC013 – Land west of Irlam similar opportunities of the same scale in • IC014 – Land east of Irlam less sensitive locations. • IC015 – Land west of Barton Aerodrome Similarly, the benefits of expanding Port • IC021 – Land north of the M62 at Salford are considered to outweigh the Chat Moss loss of the agricultural land and green belt, and so site IC015 is a proposed For those sites which comprise Grade 1 allocation for an expansion to Port Agricultural land, Natural England Salford (Policy EC4/1). There are no other opportunities in Greater 16

Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage recommended that the plan should Manchester to deliver a multi-modal safeguard the long term capability of the employment site of this order. best and most versatile agricultural land and make clear that areas of lower A habitat regulations assessment will be quality agricultural land should be used completed prior to the next stage, for development in preference. assessing the potential impacts on the SAC. In relation to a number of green belt sites across this area, Natural England highlighted that these sites lie in close proximity to the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and therefore advise that if the development of a site was to have adverse impacts on the integrity of the designated SAC, it should not be taken forward in the local plan.

A developer identified that site ‘IC015 – The site is a proposed allocation in the Land west of Barton Aerodrome’ draft Local Plan (EC4/1 Port Salford represents a unique combination of multi- expansion). modal accessibility as an expansion to Port Salford to meet the need for multi- modal logistics development serving the regional centre and the north west region. They consider that there is no alternative site in the region that can realise the same sustainability benefits and that this context provides the exceptional circumstances to justify green belt release in this location.

Comments on site assessments: Little Hulton and Walkden

In relation to site ‘LW001 – Land west of The site is not allocated in the draft Local Wharton Lane’ a developer considered Plan. It is identified as being suitable for there needs to be further assessment of housing in Salford’s housing and the compatibility of residential employment land availability development on this site with the assessment, but this would not preclude employment uses on the adjoining site, other uses if appropriate. ‘LW002 – Cutacre, Wharton Lane’. They recommended that the site be allocated for mixed-use development or reduced in area to allow an appropriate buffer zone.

A number of local community The site has no formal recreation use, representations and the local MP and there is no funding to improve it for objected to any development of site recreation purposes. It is considered that ‘LW015 – Land south of Hill Top Road’. the benefits of providing new houses in They consider it to be well used open an accessible location outweigh the loss


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage space that also functions as a wildlife of greenfield land, and so it is allocated habitat, and a space that is of for housing (Policy H3/13). The policy considerable value to the local specifically requires development to community. provide for wildlife to move through the site. Natural England identified that site The draft Local Plan does not allocate ‘LW017 – Land east of Linnyshaw’ the site, and it is proposed for retention contains priority habitat as listed on within the green belt. Section 41 of the Natural Environmental and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006, and therefore if significant harm resulting from development cannot be avoided, adequately mitigated, or compensated for, then planning permission should be refused.

In relation to site ‘LW017 – Land east of The draft Local Plan does not allocate Linnyshaw’, a developer contested the the site, and it is proposed for retention city council’s conclusion that there would within the green belt. be a lack of demand for employment uses in this location, and considered that this assertion was unsubstantiated in the absence of an up to date employment land study. They identified that in the context of a mixed use proposal coming forward, the specific split between residential and employment uses would be determined by a strategic masterplanning exercise.

A number of local community The draft Local Plan does not allocate representations and the local MP these sites, and they are proposed for objected to any development of sites retention within the green belt. ‘LW017 – Land east of Linnyshaw’, ‘LW028 – Land south of A6 and north of Ellesmere Golf Course’ and ‘LW029 – Ellesmere Golf Course’ on the basis that this green belt land plays a key role in providing separation between Walkden, Swinton and , and in mitigating air quality impacts associated with the adjoining M60 / M61.

In relation to site ‘LW022 – Land west of The northern part of the site is a Burgess Farm’, a developer contested proposed allocation in the draft Local the city council’s conclusion that only the Plan (Policy H3/8). The rest of site north eastern part of the site has the LW022 is designated as a site of potential to accommodate built biological importance, and therefore development due to identified forms an important part of Salford’s constraints. They therefore consider that green infrastructure and ecological the site could support a greater number networks. Consequently, it is not


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage of dwellings and that the identified considered appropriate for development. mitigation requirements can be achieved in the context of the site’s development.

A number of local community The site is not proposed for development representations, together with a petition in the draft Local Plan. signed by 52 people and a representation by the local MP, objected to any development of site ‘LW027 – Recreation land at Shap Drive’ on the basis that this provides a valuable recreation function for the local community, and there is a lack of alternative spaces for children’s play within the area. Representations highlighted that the site would benefit from the provision of play equipment.

Comments on site assessments: Ordsall and Langworthy

A number of local community The local plan does not include any representations recognised that the specific proposals for this area. The need existing heavy industrial operations and to consider its redevelopment will be kept waste processing facilities which lie under review. within site ‘OL007 – Liverpool Street’ would compromise opportunities for redevelopment across this area. However, they considered that the local plan should set the long-term strategic direction and provide the basis for the comprehensive redevelopment of this area, involving the relocation of these uses.

In relation to site ‘OL015 – Land between The site lies within Salford Quays, which Broadway and the Quays’, a key is subject to its own policy in the draft developer agreed that future Local Plan. This identifies Salford Quays development of significant scale will need as having capacity for significant growth, to be integrated with the delivery of but that this will need to be carefully additional highway and transportation phased with improved transport infrastructure, and that on-going and infrastructure and services. future modelling work will be used to inform the phasing of such development and necessary infrastructure.

A developer recommended that Salford The site lies within Salford Quays, which Quays/Media City UK should be is subject to its own policy in the draft identified in the local plan as a strategic Local Plan. This identifies Salford Quays location for growth suitable for a range of as having capacity for significant growth, development consistent with its role as a but that this will need to be carefully


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage major creative/digital industries, phased with improved transport educational, residential, business and infrastructure and services. visitor destination. They also identified a number of sites within this strategic location which they consider should be identified as strategic development sites.

Comments on site assessments: Swinton

Over 40 local community representations The site is allocated for improvement as were submitted together with a petition a strategic natural greenspace of at least signed by 28 people, in relation to site 20 hectares in size, together with ‘SW001 – Former Swinton Sewage enabling housing development not Treatment Works and surrounding land’. exceeding 250 dwellings (Policy H4/2). The majority of these representations The policy is clear that the number of considered that some housing dwellings should be the minimum development on this site would be required to deliver the recreation acceptable, on the basis that this was improvements, and to the actual number kept to the minimum necessary to could be significantly less than 250 facilitate the open space improvements dwellings depending on viability. across the wider site. These representations typically considered that 100 dwellings is the maximum that the site should accommodate. A number of representations, together with the petition, did however oppose the principle of any built development on this site and considered that the whole site should remain as open land.

The representation submitted by the landowner of this site requested that the scale of housing development be based on a robust assessment of viability which takes into account the potential need for open space improvements, remediation of contaminated land, ecological enhancements and any other abnormal site costs likely to be experienced on the site.

Approximately 15 representations from The sites are not proposed for the local community objected to the development in the draft Local Plan, and principle of any built development on would be retained within the green belt. sites ‘SW005 – Land west of new St High School’ and ‘SW006 – Land north of new St Ambrose Barlow High School’ on the basis that this green belt land plays a key role in providing separation between Walkden,


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage Swinton and Clifton, and in mitigating air quality impacts associated with the adjoining M60 / M61. Concerns regarding biodiversity impacts and the loss of open space with a recreation function were also highlighted.

Approximately 30 representations from The site is not proposed for development the local community objected to the in the draft Local Plan, and would be principle of any built development on site retained within the green belt. ‘SW007 – Land north of Wardley’. These raised similar concerns to those raised in relation to the adjoining sites SW005 and SW006, with concerns regarding biodiversity impacts and the loss of open space with a recreation function being particularly emphasised.

Natural England identified that the The sites are not proposed for following sites contain priority habitat as development in the draft Local Plan, and listed on Section 41 of the Natural would be retained within the green belt. Environmental and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006, and therefore if significant harm resulting from development cannot be avoided, adequately mitigated, or compensated for, then planning permission should be refused: • SW007 – Land north of Wardley • SW008 – Land north west of Little Moss Lane • SW009 – Land at Moss Colliery Road • SW010 – Land west of Collegiate Way

A landowner submitted representations The site is not allocated in the draft Local in relation to site ‘SW010 – Land west of Plan, and would be retained within the Collegiate Way’ which contend that the green belt. The Greater Manchester site no longer serves any of the purposes green belt assessment identifies the site that green belt land should and that there as performing moderate roles in terms of are exceptional circumstances checking urban sprawl and maintaining surrounding the site and its condition the separation of settlements. It forms which warrant the amendment of the part of the wider collection of sites that green belt boundary. maintain the separation of Swinton, Walkden, Clifton and Kearsley, the others of which are also proposed for retention within the green belt. Consequently, it is not considered that there is sufficient justification to remove the land from the green belt. Two businesses based on site ‘SW012 – Clifton Junction is allocated in the draft


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage Clifton Junction industrial estate’ Local Plan for industrial, warehousing expressed support for the city council’s and similar functions (Policy EC4/2), assessment that the site’s existing protecting its long-term employment use. employment function should be retained and expanded. They strongly opposed any proposal for the site to be redeveloped for housing.

English Heritage registered its opposition The site is allocated in the draft Local to the allocation of site ‘SW016 – Land Plan for housing (Policy H3/11). Regard south of St Augustine’s Church’ at this has been had to the important heritage stage of the plan. Given the site’s context of the site, and the allocation is proximity to the Grade I listed St clear that any development must Augustine’s Church and other designated preserve and enhance the setting of the heritage assets, English Heritage Grade I listed St. Augustine’s church, the advised that if the Council wish to pursue Grade II listed Environmental Institute, this site as an allocation, a heritage and the associated conservation area. A impact assessment will need to be more detailed heritage assessment will undertaken prior to this site being be prepared. included in the next stage of the plan. This would need to consider the contribution this land makes to the significance of the heritage assets. English Heritage would wish to review and comment on any such heritage impact assessment.

Comments on site assessments: Worsley and Boothstown

Approximately 30 local community The draft Local Plan proposes the representations identified that the inclusion of the vast majority of the Worsley Greenway should be retained in Greenway in the green belt, and its entirety, as it is a strategically proposes to designate almost all of it as important “green wedge” within the local green space. This would increase Worsley area and contributes to the its protection. setting of designated heritage assets at Worsley , and Beesley Land north of Lumber Lane is included in Green, and the . the draft Local Plan as a housing allocation (Policy H3/16). It is somewhat A series of representations were separated from the other parts of the submitted by the local community, Greenway, and the justification for together with elected councillors and the including it within the green belt and/or local MP, in relation to each of the sites designating it as local green space is which form part of the Worsley more limited. Consequently, given the Greenway: protection of other sites, it provides the • WB001 – Broadoak North potential to increase the housing land • WB002 – Broadoak South supply in this part of the city. • WB003 – Land at Beesley Green • WB004 – Land at Crossfield Drive • WB015 – Land north of Lumber Lane


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage

These representations opposed the principle of development on these sites, and highlighted particular concerns including loss of open space, loss of wildlife habitat, flood risk on parts of sites, and traffic impact.

38 representations were received from the local community, elected councillors and the local MP, objecting to any built development on site ‘WB015 – Land north of Lumber Lane’. Representations also highlighted significant concerns regarding any potential access to the site being via Hardy Grove.

A number of local community The draft Local Plan proposes four representations highlighted high levels of housing allocations in Worsley and traffic congestion within this area at peak Boothstown (H3/1 Land east of times, and opposed further housing Boothstown, H3/2 Land west of development in the absence of significant Boothstown, H3/15 Hazelhurst Farm, and public transport improvements. H3/16 Lumber Lane), collectively providing around 1,110 dwellings. H3/2 specifically refers to phasing development in line with improved public transport along the A580, and all sites would need to ensure good walking and cycling connections, including to the Leigh busway stops from H3/15 and H3/16. A developer submitted representations in These individual parts of the Greenway relation to the following sites objecting to are demonstrably special to the adjacent any proposed local green space communities, but the area has a wider designation: strategic significance in terms of the • LGS26 – Land north of Lumber Lane contribution it makes to the character of • LGS28 – Land at Beesley Green West Salford, including through some • LGS30 – Land east of Crossfield distinctive views. The Greater Drive Manchester green belt assessment • LGS35 – Broad Oak South identifies the northern parts as having a • LGS36 – Broad Oak North strong role in terms of protecting the setting and special character of historic They consider that the Council has settlements, and the southern part for incorrectly applied the methodology in having a strong sense of openness. All appraising these sites for local green parts are identified as having a moderate space designation. They also consider role in preventing urban sprawl and that the Worsley Greenway constitutes protecting the countryside from an extensive tract of land and is therefore encroachment. This collection of unsuitable for designation as local green characteristics emphasises the space in the context of NPPF guidance. importance of strengthening the protection of the Greenway. Its


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage designation as green belt and local green space is considered to be consistent with national planning policy and guidance. English Heritage registered its opposition The draft Local Plan does not propose to the allocation of site ‘WB003 – Land at development on the site, and instead Beesley Green’ at this stage of the plan. seeks to designate it as green belt and It highlighted that the site forms a local green space. substantial part of the Roe Green / Beesley Green conservation area and makes a considerable contribution to its significance. English Heritage identifies that the city council should undertake a conservation area appraisal and management plan to assess what contribution this land makes to the character, appearance and setting of the conservation area. It also highlighted that should the city council wish to pursue this site as suitable for redevelopment, then a heritage impact assessment will need to be undertaken prior to it being including as an allocation at the next stage of the plan.

Natural England identified that the The draft Local Plan does not propose following sites contain priority habitat as development on WB003 and WB004, listed on Section 41 of the Natural and instead seeks to designate them as Environmental and Rural Communities green belt and local green space. (NERC) Act 2006, and therefore if significant harm resulting from WB013 is part of the allocation for the development cannot be avoided, RHS Garden Bridgewater (Policy CT3/2). adequately mitigated, or compensated The policy is clear that the development for, then planning permission should be of must deliver an increase in refused: the biodiversity value of the site, • WB003 – Land at Beesley Green protecting the Middle Wood site of • WB004 – Land at Crossfield Drive biological importance. • WB013 –

In relation to site ‘WB004 – Land at The draft Local Plan does not propose Crossfield Drive’, a developer contested development on the site, and instead the identified scale of development as seeks to designate it as green belt and they consider that there is no basis for local green space. concluding the northern part of the site is undevelopable simply because it lies within the Roe Green / Beesley Green Conservation Area.

Green Belt assessment

For each of the following sites, a The Greater Manchester green belt developer submitted a green belt impact assessment demonstrates that all of


Main issues raised by respondents at How these issues were addressed in the suggested sites consultation the draft local plan stage appraisal which seeks to assess the Salford’s green belt fulfils a green belt site’s green belt function and function. contribution, and the impact on the green belt arising from its release: • GBEX01 – Linnyshaw Green Belt • GBEX02 – Land south of A6 and north of Ellesmere Golf Course • GBEX04 – Green Belt west of Boothstown • GBEX09 – Hazelhurst Farm • GBEX12 – Green Belt between Irlam and Barton Moss Road • GBEX13 – Green Belt east of Barton Moss Road and south of the M62 • GBEX15 – New St Ambrose Barlow High School and Green Belt immediately to the north and west • GBEX16 – Green Belt north of Wardley

In relation to site ‘GBEX11 – Land west The Greater Manchester green belt of Irlam’, a developer submitted assessment demonstrates that all of representations which seek to Salford’s green belt fulfils a green belt demonstrate the land does not function. However, the site is proposed adequately fulfil the purposes of including for housing development as part of a land within the green belt, and that it large allocation in the draft Local Plan should therefore be considered for (Policy H3/4). The site offers the only release. The developer considers that opportunity in Salford to deliver a major that there is a clearer case for release of new area of housing close to a direct rail this site from the green belt than for the connection (Irlam station) to the City other green belt locations around Irlam Centre. It also benefits from being close and Cadishead which have been to an existing local centre and major suggested for release by other areas of existing (Northbank, Trafford developers. Park, Trafford Centre) and proposed (Port Salford) employment. It is located within the Western Gateway, which is identified as a strategic growth location in the draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework. The benefits of the development are considered to outweigh the loss of the green belt. English Heritage opposed any proposal The site is not proposed for development to release site ‘GBEX14: Green Belt in the draft Local Plan, and would be around ’ from the green belt. retained within the green belt. Due to Grade I listed Wardley Hall lying within this land, English Heritage consider that any release from the green belt and its possible development should not be considered and this option should be removed from the plan.



Appendix 1 – Call for sites consultation letter







Appendix 2 – List of specific and general consultees

Specific consultees

Ambulance Service North West HNS Trust Council LDF Team Bolton Council British Gas Bury MBC Carrington Parish Council Civil Aviation Authority Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council Department of Transport Electricity North West Ltd English Heritage EnviolinkNW Environment Agency GM Fire and Rescue Services HQ Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council Highways Agency Highways Agency Homes and Communities Agency Manchester City Council Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership Marine Management Organisation Mobile Operators Association National Grid National Grid Natural England Network Rail (Infrastructure) Ltd NW Strategic Health Authority Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Greater Manchester Office of Rail Regulation Town Council Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire Salford Primary Care Trust Salford Primary Care Trust Council MBC The Coal Authority Trafford MBC Trafford MBC Transport for Greater Manchester United Utilities Warrington Borough Council Town Council Council


General Consultees

Business Consultative Forum Eccles and Salford Mosque Federation of Jewish Services Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce People First Manchester Rapar Salford Community Network Salford Council for Voluntary Service Salford Deaf Gathering Salford Disability Forum Salford Link Project


Appendix 3 – Duty to cooperate bodies

• Environment Agency • Historic England (formerly English Heritage) • Natural England • Civil Aviation Authority • Homes and Communities Agency • Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (formerly Salford Primary Care Trust which was up on 31 March 2013) • Office of Rail Regulation • Transport for Greater Manchester • Highways Agency • Marine Management Organisation • Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership


Appendix 4 – Call for sites consultation webpage text



Appendix 5 – List of organisations and individuals who submitted a representation to the call for sites consultation

Name Organisation - Arnold Laver and Arnold Trailers Malcolm Carter Batleys Cash and Carry Simon Godley Bolton Council Michael Howard Boothstown Residents Association - BUPA David Dutton Bury Council Michael Whitehead Bury Council Anthony Campbell Cadishead Sports JFC CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) North Mark Charnley Manchester Branch Alison Truman Canal and River Trust - Conservative Councillors Group - City West Housing Trust Rachel Allwood Dandara Ltd David Lyons Derwent Construction Ltd Bruce Thompson Ellesmere Park Residents Association (EPRA) Gillian Laybourn English Heritage Helen Telfer Environment Agency n/a Euan Kellie Property Solutions (Agent) Andy Sagar FE Barber Ltd (Kingsland Wines and Spirits) - Friends of Roe Green Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Anne Morgan Partnership Neil McArthur Hamilton Davies Trust - Harworth Estates - Investec Ltd/Sky Properties Ltd John Ferguson Irlam and Cadishead College Warren Dodd Irlam Football Club Fred Catterall Irlam Vale Junior Football Club - James Industrial Ltd - JWPC Ltd (Agent) Jack Ellis LGA Europe Ltd A Love Love Brothers - Maher, Mallon and Loftus Tim Reeve Makro Alan Hodson Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Society Andrew Garnett MCI Developments - Moncton Properties Ltd Robert Snowling Morston Assets Ltd Janet Baguley Natural England Diane Clarke Network Rail Louise Morrissey Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd Warren Marshall Peel Ports Ltd Bobby Williams Persimmon Homes (North West) Sean Mcbride Persimmon Homes (North West) Neil Turnbull Redcliff Estates Ltd Ben Rosengarten RMS International Ltd


Name Organisation - Rock Asset Management Nigel Stanyard Roe Green Cricket Club Richard Critchley Paul Daly Sport England Andrew Connolly Swinton Open Space Community Association Anthony Northcote The Coal Authority Sabaa Ajaz United Utilities PLC Peter Vernon Vernon and Co Worsley and Boothstown Community Adrian Dunning Committee Barbara Keeley MP Worsley and Eccles South Constituency Anne Broomhead Worsley Civic Trust Joy Openshaw Worsley Road North Senior Citizens A and J Challinor - A D and M Smethurst - A Gale - A Halligan - A P Moore - A T and S Robinson - Adrian Morley - Alan Bibby - Alan Woods - Amanda Ashworth - Amanda Rigby - Andrea Fickling - Andrew Aherne - Andrew Fearnley - Andrew Fickling - Andrew Jones - Andrew Moore - Andy Halligan - Andy Brunt - Andy Cheetham - Ann Middleton - Anne Hector - Anne Martins - Anne Middleton - Annette Lloyd - Annette Walsh - Anthony Counsell - Asim Rajpura - B and D Breward - B B Clegg - B Ebert - B P Burns - B Walker - B Williams - Barbara Leigh - Barbara Lyon - Barry Moult - Barry Watts -


Name Organisation Beryl Hughes - Bethan Pickup - Bhavin Patel - C and K Ogden - C and P Seddon - C Batten - C Cowx - C V Stott - Carol A Smith - Carol O’Brien - Caroline Devlin - Catharine Cooper - Christina Bradley - Christine Booth - Christopher Murray - Claire Makin - Clare Batten - Clare Edwards - Colin and Sybil Ackers - D and H Silcock - D and J Smith - D Minshall - D T Belshaw - D W Murphy - David and Janis Williams - David Bartlett - David Fox - David Grant - David Leaver - David Leigh - David McCormick - David Naylor - David Yates - Doreen and Ben Marsh - Dr and Mrs Hyams - E and R Lipski - E M Blackridge - Eileen Hill - Elizabeth Lyon - Ellen Cotogni - F and I Greaves - Frank Howell - Fred Eyre - G and J McMahon - G and L Matthews - G and S Steenson - G Jatwell - G Ledger - G M and J L Kemp - G Ogden - G Tyrrell -


Name Organisation Gail and Harry Muskett - Gary James - Gillian Millett - Glyn Grainger - Gordon Clay - Gwyneth Ridgway - Harry and Gail Muskett - Harry Jones - Heather Medlicott - I and D Lingard - I and J Ashton - Ian Bailey - Ian Sidebotham - Irene Bailey - Irene Counsell - J A Bainbridge - J and A Cumbers - J and D Wroe - J and G Batty - J and J Shaw - J and K Stott - J and L Warton - J Brook - J E Marginson - J F Burns - J Hazeldine - J N Burke - J R Cartwright - J, T, A and C Stiff - Jacqueline Mason - James C Austin - James Hennessy - Jane Eberhart - Jean Grainger - Joan Clay - Joan Summers - John and Gill Batty - John and Wendy - John D Cleare - John Elton - John Winstanley - Jon Bell - Jonathan Hart - Judith Austin - Judith Watts - Juliet Young - K B and JP Ashton - K Lowndes - K Patel - Kath Rigby - Kathryn Barlow -


Name Organisation Kathryn Doyle - Kelly McFarlane - Keryn Green - L A Goodall - L A Hall - L A Richards - Laura Summers - Levinia Frost - Liezel Griffin - Lilian Lo - Lindsay Hall - Liz Wallwork - Louise Adkin - Louise Reid - Lyndsey Furse - M McCormick - M and D G Smith - M and J Fitzsimmons - M and P Rigg - M C Beddows - M Creer - M McCormick - M Preston - M Robinson - Maggie Lunn - Mark and Leanne Watts - Mark Charnock - Mark Edwards - Mark Upton - Mark Watts - Martin Anglesey - Martin Hogg - Martin Seeley - Marylyn Barlow - Michael and Nicola Hazeldine - Michael Dawson - Mike and Jill Hazeldine - Mr and Mrs Ahamed - Mr and Mrs Chetcuti - Mr and Mrs Linford - Muriel and Brian Dunn - N A Binns - N and E Austin - N Gilbert - Nandu Modi - Neil Shepherd - Neill Virtue - Nick Ketley - Nigel Gray - Nina Ainsworth -


Name Organisation Norah and Alan Virtue - P and A Coggins - P Jackson - P M Royle - P O’Reilly - Pam and Paul Rimmer - Pat Sugden - Paul Burgess - Paul Medlicott - Paul Michael Ashurst - Paul Nuttall - Peter and Siobhan Morrison - Peter Andrew - Peter Hughes - Peter Yates - Philip and Carol Barooah - Philip Mansfield - Piers Griffin - R and C Yeo - R and L C Gilbert - R D Boyd - R Maclennan - R W Goodall - Rachel Chape - Rennie McFarlane - Richard Coffey - Richard Evans - Richard Franklin - Robert Lawdber - Robin Stimson - Roddy Maclennan - Ron and Mary Booth - Ronnie Lam - Rosemary Steven - Roy Addison - Ruth Potter - S and A Dhayaude - S Hartley - S J Sumner - S M Gosland - S Rennie - Sadia Jilani - Sally Fryer - Sally Shepherd - Samantha Farrell - Sandra Issar - Sarah Walton - Sean Dunne - Sheila Berry -


Name Organisation Sheila Sidebotham - Stephen Rennie - Stephen Rigby - Steve Fraser - Steven Gunn-Russell - Stewart Pyrah - Susan Parker - Susan Seeley - Susan Walker - Susan Wareing - Susannah Kwok - T Wild - Tim Weber - Tony Dunmore - Tracey Peake - V M Blackburn - Vivien Brearley - Wayne Lynch - Wayne Morris -


Appendix 6 – Schedule of sites and the source of the site suggestion

a) Sites assessed for potential to accommodate development

Ref Site assessed for development Source of site suggestion Claremont and Weaste CW001 Land south of Kintyre Avenue Strategic land assessment2 CW002 Former Willows Stadium Strategic land assessment CW003 Former Weaste Cricket Ground MCI Developments CW004 Site of All Hallows RC High Strategic land assessment School CW005 Land at Broadway Link Road Peel Holdings CW006 Site of former Hope High School Strategic land assessment CW007 Site of former De La Salle Strategic land assessment College East Salford ES001 Land at Way Strategic land assessment ES002 Land at Upper Camp Street Strategic land assessment ES003 Land north of Green Grosvenor Strategic land assessment Park ES004 Land north and west of Mocha Strategic land assessment Parade ES006 Cambridge Riverside Strategic land assessment ES007 Land east of Meadow Road Strategic land assessment ES008 Land west of Meadow Road Strategic land assessment ES009 Land at junction of Duchy Road Strategic land assessment and Summerville Road ES010 Land at Duchy Road north of Strategic land assessment electricity substation ES011 Land at Duchy Road south of Strategic land assessment electricity substation ES012 Former Hercules site and Maher, Mallon and Loftus adjoining land ES013 Land to the rear of 12-66 Langley Morston Assets Ltd Road ES014 Land to the east of Langley Road Strategic land assessment ES015 Charlestown Riverside Strategic land assessment ES016 Castle Irwell Strategic land assessment ES017 Seaford industrial estate Rock Asset Management ES018 Land south of the Crescent Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Society, local community (1)3

2 These are sites which were not suggested through the call for sites consultation, but which were identified by the city council through its strategic land assessment, which reflects where there has been known developer interest previously or may be potential for redevelopment. 45

Ref Site assessed for development Source of site suggestion ES019 Land west of Adelphi Street Strategic land assessment ES020 Former Farmer Norton site Strategic land assessment ES021 Land at Flax Street Strategic land assessment ES022 Land east of Springfield Lane Strategic land assessment ES023 Land at Cheltenham Street Strategic land assessment Eccles EC001 White’s Reclamation, Liverpool Peel Holdings Road EC002 Land south of New Hall Avenue City West Housing Trust EC003 Land at Caledonian Drive/Irlam Peel Holdings Park Wharf EC004 Newhaven industrial estate Strategic land assessment EC005 Akcros west Strategic land assessment EC006 Akcros east Strategic land assessment EC007 Land south of Lankro Way Peel Holdings EC009 Land at Weymouth Road City West Housing Trust EC010 Former GUS warehouse City West Housing Trust, local community (4) EC011 Nasmyth Technology Centre Local community (2) EC012 Former Mitchell Shackleton Investec Ltd / Sky Properties Ltd, City West Housing Trust, local community (5) EC014 Wentworth High School and Strategic land assessment playing field EC015 Land north of Barton Aerodrome Peel Holdings EC016 Land west of Street Strategic land assessment Irlam and Cadishead IC001 Land south west of Cadishead Strategic land assessment Way IC002 Land west of Hayes Road Arnold Laver and Allied Trailers IC003 Land at Martens Road, Peel Holdings Northbank IC004 Univar Limited, Northbank Peel Ports IC005 Land east of Omega, Northbank Strategic land assessment IC006 Irlam Container Terminal Peel Ports IC007 Land east of Irlam Wharf Road Strategic land assessment IC008 Land west of Irlam Wharf Road Strategic land assessment IC010 Land at Great Woolden Hall Farm Peel Holdings IC011 Astley Road Farm Mr Mark Upton IC012 Land at Astley Road City West Housing Trust IC013 Land west of Irlam Persimmon Homes, Vernon and Co, Mr Gary James IC014 Land east of Irlam Peel Holdings, local community

3 The number in brackets reflects the number of nominations from the local community which proposed the site for some form of development. 46

Ref Site assessed for development Source of site suggestion (1) IC015 Land west of Barton Aerodrome Peel Holdings, local community (1) IC017 Boysnope Wharf Peel Holdings, local community (1) IC018 Makro, Liverpool Road Makro Properties Ltd, local community (1) IC019 Port Salford Peel Holdings IC020 Land at Salford City Stadium Peel Holdings IC021 Land north of the M62 at Chat Local community (1) Moss IC022 Land south of Fairhills Road FE Barber Ltd (Kingsland Wines and Spirits) Little Hulton and Walkden LW001 Land west of Wharton Lane James Industrial Ltd LW002 Cutacre, Wharton Lane Harworth Estates, Bolton Council LW005 Former St Joseph’s Primary City West Housing Trust School, Old Lane LW006 Land south of Kenyon Way and City West Housing Trust Parkway LW007 Land at Longshaw Drive City West Housing Trust LW008 Former Our Lady and the City West Housing Trust Martyrs School, Wicheaves Crescent LW011 Ashton’s Field Strategic land assessment, City West Housing Trust LW012 Land at Ladywell Avenue City West Housing Trust LW013 Recreation ground at Eastham City West Housing Trust Way LW014 Eaton’s, Walkden Road North Strategic land assessment LW015 Land south of Hill Top Road Strategic land assessment LW017 Land east of Linnyshaw Peel Holdings LW018 Linnyshaw industrial estate – Local community (1) triangle of land north of Moss Lane LW019 Linnyshaw industrial estate – Local community (1) land east of Safety Systems LW020 Linnyshaw industrial estate – Local community (3) Klyne and Klyne LW021 Burgess Farm Peel Holdings LW022 Land west of Burgess Farm Peel Holdings LW023 Land east of Greylag Crescent Peel Holdings LW024 Land at Mesne Lea / A580 Peel Holdings LW025 Land south of Holyoake Road Local community (1) LW026 Former Walkden High School City West Housing Trust, local community (2)


Ref Site assessed for development Source of site suggestion LW027 Recreation land at Shap Drive City West Housing Trust LW028 Land south of A6 and north of Peel Holdings Ellesmere Golf Course LW029 Ellesmere Golf Course Peel Holdings LW030 Site of St George’s RC High Strategic land assessment School Ordsall and Langworthy OL001 Greengate Strategic land assessment OL002 Former Staples site, off Trinity Strategic land assessment Way OL003 Land at Chapel Wharf Dandara Ltd OL004 Salford Central Strategic land assessment OL005 Middlewood Strategic land assessment OL006 Wilburn Street Basin Strategic land assessment OL007 Liverpool Street Local community (1) OL008 Former Ordsall District Centre Strategic land assessment OL009 Land south of Robert Hall Street Strategic land assessment OL010 Land at Worrall Street LGA Europe Ltd, Monckton Properties Ltd OL011 Land south of Ordsall Lane Strategic land assessment OL012 Clippers Quay Strategic land assessment OL013 Waterfront Quay Strategic land assessment OL014 Land at King William Street Peel Holdings OL015 Land between Broadway and The Peel Holdings Quays OL016 Quays Point Peel Holdings OL017 Pendleton PFI area Strategic land assessment OL018 Langworthy Local community (1) OL019 Sovereign Enterprise Park Strategic land assessment Swinton SW001 Former Swinton Sewage Swinton Open Space Treatment Works and Community Association, local surrounding land community (1) SW002 Former St Ambrose Barlow High Strategic land assessment School SW004 Former Homebase, Wardley Local community (1) SW005 Land west of new St Ambrose Peel Holdings Barlow High School SW006 Land north of new St Ambrose Peel Holdings Barlow High School SW007 Land north of Wardley Peel Holdings SW008 Land north west of Little Moss Peel Holdings Lane SW009 Land at Moss Colliery Road Peel Holdings SW010 Land west of Collegiate Way Redcliff Estates Ltd SW012 Clifton Junction industrial estate Manchester, Bolton and Bury


Ref Site assessed for development Source of site suggestion Canal Society SW013 Land at Agecroft Commerce Park Strategic land assessment SW014 Land south of Agecroft Road Euan Kellie Property Solutions, Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal Society SW015 Land east of Road RMS International Ltd and south of rail line SW016 Land south of St Augustine’s Strategic land assessment Church Worsley and Boothstown WB001 Broadoak North Peel Holdings WB002 Broadoak South Peel Holdings WB003 Land at Beesley Green Peel Holdings WB004 Land at Crossfield Drive Peel Holdings WB005 Hazelhurst Farm Peel Holdings WB006 Land at Simpson Grove Peel Holdings WB007 Land west of Boothstown Peel Holdings WB008 Land at Vicars Hall Lane and Peel Holdings Highclove Lane WB009 Land west of Boothstown Bridge Peel Holdings playing fields WB010 Land east of Vicars Hall Bridge Strategic land assessment WB011 Booth’s Bank Farm Love Brothers WB012 Land at 278 Leigh Road Mr Richard Coffey WB013 Worsley New Hall Local community (1) WB014 Land at junction of Walkden Peel Holdings Road and A580 WB015 Land north of Lumber Lane Peel Holdings WB016 Former Moorside High School Local community (1)

49 b) Sites assessed for local green space

Ref Site assessed for local Neighbourhood area Number of green space individuals / organisations nominating the site LGS01 Peel Park Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS02 St Mary’s Park Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS03 Blackleach Country Park Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS04 Burgess Farm Little Hulton and Walkden 4 LGS05 Parr Fold Park Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS06 Bedford Field Little Hulton and Walkden 4 LGS07 Land east of Greylag Little Hulton and Walkden 12 Crescent LGS08 Land at Mesne Lea / A580 Little Hulton and Walkden 6 LGS09 Land south of A6 and north Little Hulton and Walkden 2 of Ellesmere Golf Course LGS10 Ellesmere Golf Course Little Hulton and Walkden 2 LGS11 Loopline between Newearth Worsley and Boothstown 3 Road and the A580 LGS12 Landscaping around Worsley and Boothstown 5 Ellenbrook, to the east of Newearth Road LGS13 Brickfield Wood Worsley and Boothstown 3 LGS14 Land at Simpson Grove Worsley and Boothstown 6 LGS15 Land north of Vicars Hall Worsley and Boothstown 2 Lane LGS16 Land west of Highclove Worsley and Boothstown 4 Lane LGS17 Land west of Boothstown Worsley and Boothstown 1 Bridge playing fields LGS18 Land east of Vicars Hall Worsley and Boothstown 1 Bridge LGS19 Bridgewater Park and Worsley and Boothstown 1 playing fields LGS20 Boothsbank Park Worsley and Boothstown 1 LGS21 Boothstown Basin Worsley and Boothstown 5 LGS22 Land to the east of Worsley and Boothstown 3 Boothstown Marina LGS23 Middle Wood and Booth’s Worsley and Boothstown 2 Bank LGS24 Worsley Hall Golf Club Worsley and Boothstown 1 woodland LGS25 Land at Ellesmere Bowling, Worsley and Boothstown 5 Tennis and Croquet Club LGS26 Land north of Lumber Lane Worsley and Boothstown 11 LGS27 Roe Green Worsley and Boothstown 7 LGS28 Land at Beesley Green Worsley and Boothstown 131


Ref Site assessed for local Neighbourhood area Number of green space individuals / organisations nominating the site LGS29 Land east of Roe Green Worsley and Boothstown 9 LGS30 Land east of Crossfield Worsley and Boothstown 131 Drive LGS31 Land around Kempnough Worsley and Boothstown 10 Brook LGS32 St Mark’s Church and Worsley and Boothstown 1 vicarage LGS33 Aviary Field Worsley and Boothstown 4 LGS34 Worsley Woods and Old Worsley and Boothstown 6 Warke Dam LGS35 Broad Oak South Worsley and Boothstown 31 LGS36 Broad Oak North Worsley and Boothstown 26 LGS37 Dukes Drive Neighbourhood Worsley and Boothstown 2 Park LGS38 Worsley Green Worsley and Boothstown 2 LGS39 Hazelhurst Farm Worsley and Boothstown 27 LGS40 Alder Forest Eccles 1 LGS41 Three Sisters, Ellesmere Eccles 1 Park LGS42 Ellesmere Park Playing Eccles 1 Fields LGS43 Wentworth High School Eccles 1 playing fields LGS44 Playing fields south of Eccles 1 Portland Road LGS45 Former Swinton Sewage Swinton 1 Treatment Works LGS46 Green Belt around Wardley Swinton 2 Hall LGS47 Barton Green Belt Irlam and Cadishead 1 LGS48 Crescent Meadows East Salford 0 (site identified by city council)

51 c) Sites assessed for recreation

Ref Site assessed for Ward Number of recreation individuals / organisations nominating the site REC01 Linnyshaw Green Belt Little Hulton and Walkden 2 REC02 Burgess Farm Little Hulton and Walkden 1 REC03 Bedford Field Little Hulton and Walkden 4 REC04 Land east of Greylag Little Hulton and Walkden 12 Crescent REC05 Land at Mesne Lea / A580 Little Hulton and Walkden 5 REC06 Playing fields of new Little Hulton and Walkden 1 Walkden High School REC07 Land south of A6 and north Little Hulton and Walkden 3 of Ellesmere Golf Course REC08 Ellesmere Golf Course Little Hulton and Walkden 3 REC09 Land south of Edenvale Worsley and Boothstown 2 REC10 Land south of Ellenbrook Worsley and Boothstown 2 Road REC11 Landscaping around Worsley and Boothstown 4 Ellenbrook, to the east of Newearth Road REC12 Brickfield Wood Worsley and Boothstown 4 REC13 Land at Simpson Grove Worsley and Boothstown 3 REC14 Land north of Vicars Hall Worsley and Boothstown 4 Lane REC15 Land at Vicars Hall Lane Worsley and Boothstown 6 and Highclove Lane REC16 Land west of Boothstown Worsley and Boothstown 3 Bridge playing fields REC17 Land east of Vicars Hall Worsley and Boothstown 3 Bridge REC18 Land east of Boothstown Worsley and Boothstown 5 Marina REC19 Boothstown Marina Worsley and Boothstown 9 REC20 Middle Wood and Booth’s Worsley and Boothstown 4 Bank REC21 Land north of Lumber Lane Worsley and Boothstown 17 REC22 Roe Green Worsley and Boothstown 7 REC23 Land east of Roe Green Worsley and Boothstown 2 REC24 Land at Beesley Green Worsley and Boothstown 26 REC25 Land east of Crossfield Worsley and Boothstown 25 Drive REC26 Land around Kempnough Worsley and Boothstown 11 Brook REC27 Aviary Field Worsley and Boothstown 7 REC28 Worsley Woods and Old Worsley and Boothstown 8


Ref Site assessed for Ward Number of recreation individuals / organisations nominating the site Warke Dam REC29 Broad Oak North Worsley and Boothstown 36 REC30 Broad Oak South Worsley and Boothstown 41 REC31 Hazelhurst Farm Worsley and Boothstown 25 REC32 Former Ferry Hill Tip and Irlam and Cadishead 1 surrounding land REC33 Land adjoining Rowson Irlam and Cadishead 2 Drive playing fields REC34 Astley Road Farm Irlam and Cadishead 4 REC35 Land adjoining Irlam Irlam and Cadishead 2 Steelworks REC36 Land north of Silver Street Irlam and Cadishead 3 REC37 Land west of Salford City Irlam and Cadishead 1 Stadium REC38 Three Sisters, Ellesmere Eccles 1 Park REC39 Ellesmere Park Playing Eccles 1 Fields REC40 Land south of Portland Eccles 1 Road REC41 Former Swinton Sewage Swinton 6 Treatment Works and surrounding land REC42 Land north of Overdale Swinton 1 REC43 Green Belt around Wardley Swinton 4 Hall REC44 Wardley Green Belt south of Swinton 2 the M60 REC45 Duke’s Drives Worsley and Boothstown 3 Neighbourhood Park REC46 Slack Brook Country Park Swinton 1 (adjacent to the River Irwell) REC47 Former Kersal High School East Salford 1 woodland REC48 Land at Chaseley Field Ordsall and Langworthy 0 (site identified by city council)

53 d) Sites assessed for potential to be designated as green belt land

Ref Site assessed for green belt Number of individuals / designation organisations nominating the site Little Hulton and Walkden GBAD01 Cutacre, Wharton Lane 1 GBAD02 Open land south of Cutacre 1 GBAD03 Playing field south of Ashawe 1 Terrace GBAD04 Brackley Golf Course 1 GBAD05 Land north of Little Hulton, between 1 Anchor Lane and Cleggs Lane GBAD06 Land west of Kent Close 1 GBAD07 Land north of Ashton’s Field 1 GBAD08 Land west of Burgess Farm 1 GBAD09 Land east of Greylag Crescent 2 GBAD10 Land at Mesne Lea / A580 3 Worsley and Boothstown GBAD11 Land at Vicars Hall Lane and 1 Highclove Lane GBAD12 Land at Simpson Grove 2 GBAD13 Worsley Greenway north of the M60 8 GBAD14 Worsley Greenway south of the M60 9 and north of Worsley Road (inc land west of Woodstock Drive) GBAD15 Worsley Greenway south of Worsley 9 Road GBAD16 Land north east of Roe Green 1 Irlam and Cadishead GBAD17 Barton Aerodrome 3 GBAD18 Buildings at Barton Moss Road 3 Swinton GBAD19 Land at Mossfield Road 1 GBAD20 Land east of HMP Forest Bank 1


Appendix 7 Letter – Local Plan Suggested Sites



Appendix 8 – Local plan suggested sites web page

Select Language ▼ Local plan suggested sites consultation The city council is currently consulting on sites that have been suggested by landowners, developers and the local community for development or for protective designation through the local plan.

In February 2013 as part of the initial stage of consultation on the local plan, the city council invited people to suggest sites or areas of land in the city that they thought may be appropriate to be allocated for development or given some form of protective designation.

A large number of sites across the city were put forward both by individuals and organisations. Sites were suggested for development, such as housing, offices, or industry. Sites were also nominated for some form of protective designation, such as local green space, recreation or green belt.

The city council has carried out an initial assessment of each of the sites, and some sites have been assessed for more than one type of designation.

We would welcome your views on the sites that have been suggested so far, and the city council’s initial assessment of them. If you consider there is additional evidence that we need to take into account in our assessment of the sites, then we would welcome this information. This is also an opportunity to send us details of any additional sites that you think we should be considering, which have not already been put forward.

How to find out which sites have been suggested A separate document has been prepared for each of the city’s eight neighbourhood areas, which contains all of the sites that have been suggested within that area and the city council’s assessment of them. These documents can be downloaded below.


Alternatively, you can use the interactive map to see all of the sites that have been suggested. This enables you to search for a specific address or postcode, or zoom to a particular area. If you click on a site on the map, this will take you to the city council’s initial assessment of the site.

In addition to the eight neighbourhood area documents, the city council has also prepared a number of other documents. The overview document sets out the methodology the city council has used in carrying out its initial assessment of the sites. The green belt assessment document contains the assessments for all sites that have been suggested for green belt designation. The consultation statement sets out details of the previous stage of consultation and how site suggestions and comments have been taken into account. These documents can be downloaded below.

All of the documents are available to view in each of the city’s libraries during normal opening hours.

Making comments If you wish to make comments or provide additional information in relation to the sites that have been assessed, please complete the comments form.

If you wish to suggest an additional site that has not already been put forward then please complete the additional sites form.

Both forms are available to download below.

All comments should be received by the city council no later than 4.30pm on Friday 21 March 2014.


Comments may be submitted by any of the following means: By email [email protected] By post Local Plan Suggested Sites Consultation Spatial Planning Salford Civic Centre Chorley Road Swinton M27 5BY

What happens next? The city council will consider all comments that are submitted through this consultation and these will be taken into consideration in informing the preparation of the draft local plan. It is anticipated that the draft local plan will be published for public consultation in autumn 2014. This will be the first point at which the city council sets out its preferred approach for Salford’s future development.

If you have any queries regarding the local plan please contact the spatial planning team using the details below.

Downloadable documents Consultation letter (Adobe PDF format, 128kb) Comments form (Microsoft Word format, 285kb) Additional sites form (Microsoft Word format, 293kb) Overview document (Adobe PDF format, 4.1mb) Neighbourhood area document: Claremont and Weaste (Adobe PDF format, 13.4mb) Neighbourhood area document: East Salford (Adobe PDF format, 23.8mb) Neighbourhood area document: Eccles (Adobe PDF format, 23.4mb) Neighbourhood area document: Irlam and Cadishead (Adobe PDF format, 23mb) Neighbourhood area document: Little Hulton and Walkden (Adobe PDF format, 27.9mb) Neighbourhood area document: Ordsall and Langworthy (Adobe PDF format, 24.4mb) Neighbourhood area document: Swinton (Adobe PDF format, 21.1mb) Neighbourhood area document: Worsley and Boothstown (Adobe PDF format, 27.6mb) Green belt assessment document (Adobe PDF format, 4.8mb) Consultation statement (Adobe PDF format, 1.1mb)

If you are unable to view documents of these types, our downloads page provides links to viewing software.

Who to contact Name Spatial Planning Address Salford City Council Civic Centre Chorley Road Swinton


M27 5BY Map to this location Telephone 0161 793 3782 Email [email protected]


Appendix 9 – snapshot of Salford City Council website homepage


Appendix 10 – LIFE IN Salford article (published 2 December 2013)


Appendix 11 – Press release issued by City Mayor

Salford City Mayor

Published on December 17th, 2013 | by Office of the City Mayor

250 sites earmarked by residents

More than 250 sites across Salford have been suggested for development or protection by the city’s residents.

Earlier this year, residents, businesses, landowners and developers all came forward with suggestions for sites in Salford for development or protection.

Council officers have now carried out a full assessment of each one – totalling more than 250 sites across Salford.

Residents will soon have a further chance to offer their thoughts on the sites that have been suggested – to take the city closer to putting together its planning guidance for the next 20 years.

It is all part of the Local Plan – which will be in place until 2032.

A new 10-week consultation kicks off on January 10, with residents being able to make suggestions, present more evidence on sites, or to suggest other sites.

Salford’s Assistant Mayor for Strategic Planning, Councillor Derek Antrobus, said: “Residents have a real chance to shape the future of how their city will look.

“We need new housing and employment sites to cope with the city’s rapid growth. Local residents must be part of that process.

“We must first filter out any suggestions that are unachievable. Then we have to make tough choices that balance our housing requirements and our wish to maintain green spaces.

“No choices have yet been made and everyone will have the chance to have their say when the consultation on choices takes place next Autumn.”


The Salford local plan suggested sites consultation will run for a 10 week period from 10 January to 21 March 2014. Details of all of the sites which have been suggested and the city council’s assessment of them are available on the city council’s website at suggestedsites

All of the documents are also available in each of the city’s libraries. Comments should be submitted no later than 4.30pm on Friday 21 March 2014 for them to be taken into consideration.

The next stage of consultation on the local plan will be in Autumn 2014, when the city council publishes its proposed approach and identifies which sites it considers should be allocated for development or for protective designation.


Appendix 12 – List of those who submitted a representation to the suggested sites consultation

Surname Title Name Organisation Henry Mrs Frances Action Against Astley Road Development (AAARD) MacDougall Dr Craig Americhem Europe Ltd Askon Estates (UK) c/o BDO LLP Kelly Mr Jim Boys and Girls Clubs Greater Manchester Bredale Developments Ltd DPP on behalf of unknown client Thompson Mr Bruce Ellesmere Park Residents Association Hrycan Ms Emily English Heritage Whittingham Ms Sylvia Environment Agency Charnley Mr Mark Friends of Patricroft Station (FROPS) Richardson Mr Derek Greater Manchester Ecology Unit Evans Mr Jonathan Greater Manchester Minerals and Waste Unit Harworth Estates Ltd Owen-Ellis Mr Sion Highways Agency Pearson Mr James Irwell Valley Heritage Bond Mr Graham Magnesium Elektron Maher, Mallon and Loftus Belford Mrs Natalie MDR Associates Considine Mr Andrew MEL Chemicals Keeley Ms Barbara Member of Parliament for Worsley and Eccles South MHE Investments Ltd Maguire Ms Sally Natural England Clarke Ms Diane Network Rail Yaqub Humeira Office for Rail Regulation Davison Ms Clare Council Peel Holdings (Land and Property Ltd) McBride Mr Sean Persimmon Homes (North West) Ltd Punch Partnerships Ltd Redcliff Estates Ltd Residents Against Inappropriate Development (RAID) Cullen Mr Michael Salford Crescent Neighbourhood Association Daly Mr Paul Sport England Swinton Open Space Community Association Connelly Mr Andrew (SOSCA) Truman Ms Alison The Canal and River Trust Northcote Mr Anthony The Coal Authority Clowes Mr Richard Transport for Greater Manchester United Utilities Property Services Ltd Sherratt Mr Dave United Utilities Water Plc University of Salford Fowler Mr Iain Wainhomes NW Ltd Donovan Mr Paul Wardley Residents Group Legg Mr Gary Warrington Borough Council


Surname Title Name Organisation Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Walker Mr Martyn Merseyside Dunning Mr Adrian Worsley and Boothstown Community Committee Zerum Consult Ltd on behalf of unknown client Zerum Consult Ltd on behalf of unknown client Ainscough Mr Colin Alldred R & B Allsey Ms Judith Allsey Ms Lorraine Armitage Mr JL Ashton Mr David Assuncao Mr Jose Bailey Mr & Mrs Balham Mr & Mrs Banks Mr TW Banks Dr TL Banks Mr Andy Banks Mr Peter Bannon Ms Sheila Batten Mrs R Battersby Mrs Diana Battersby Mr David Bentham Ms Margaret Berry Mrs Lilla Berry K Bertenshaw Mrs Helen Beswick Mrs A Blears Mr R Blears Mrs Maureen Bloor Ms Beryl Booth Mrs Jane Bowater Mrs Rita Bowers Mrs Laura Boyce Ms Carol Bracken J Bradford Mr & Mrs Bradford Mrs Mary Bradford Mr John Breadney Ms Joyce Brennan Renay Brown PT Browne Mr Stewart Browne Mrs Barbara Busby S Busby Mr John Butters Mrs Diane Campbell Mrs AT Cardwell Mr Benjamin Carruthers Ms Lisa 65

Surname Title Name Organisation Carruthers Mr Alastair Carruthers Ms Jean Clay Mrs Joan Coeulle Ms Sarah Collins Mrs Deborah Collins Mr Daniel Collins Mr Geoffrey Cooke Mrs Gwyneth Cooper Mr David Coopersmith Mrs Gladys Coopersmith R Corbett Mr William Corlett Ms Sarah Cotterill H Cotterill Ms Susan Cowmeadow Miss Louise Creed Ms Jade Critchley Cllr Richard Cunliffe Mrs Rita Davenport Mr Ian Davies Mr & Mrs Keith and Janet Davis Mr SJ Day Mrs A Dennison Mr Mark Dennison S Denwood Mr Peter Dixon Mr Colin Dixon Mr William J Docker Mr John Doherty Mrs Gail Donovan Mr Paul Draper Miss Janet Drew Mr Jonathan Dunn Mrs P Dutson Mrs Sandra Eames Ms Debra Eaton Mrs P Eccles Mrs Angela Eden Mr Mike Edwards Mr Ron Edwards Mrs H Edwards-Viller Mrs Carole Ellis Mrs Bettina Evans Miss Carol Faragher Mr Gordon Farley, A and Wright, V Farrell D and S Fell Dr Krister


Surname Title Name Organisation Fletcher Mr & Mrs Fletcher J Fletcher B and A Fogg Mrs Nicola Fraser Dr Steve Furness Mr Ian Gabbay Prof Mark Gaffney P Garratt Mr Martin Gill Mrs Norma Glynn Mrs Gordon Mrs I Gorton Mr Alan Gould Mr John Grant Mrs Anne Greaves Mr David Green Mr Les Grice Ms Michelle Griffin Dr Liezel Griffiths Ms Cheryl Guinnane Mr P Guite Ms Deborah Hallen Mr Mark Halliwell Mrs Irene Hamer Ms Christine Hampson Mee S Hanley Mr Patrick Hannah Ms Margaret Hardman Mrs Sarah Hartley Ms Joanne Harvey Ms Deborah Hawkes Ms Angela Hawksworth Ms Susan Heathcote Mr Michael Heathcote Ms Joanne Heaton Mr Darren Heaton Ms Catherine Heaton Mr W Heaton Mr Ian Heaton Ms Elaine Hemmins C Henry Mr Peter Hepburn Mrs Anne Hepburn Mrs Maxine Hesford Ms Janet Hesford Mr Rob Hesford- Preston Ms Katherine Heslop Mr Paul


Surname Title Name Organisation Heslop Pat Hibbert Ms Betty Hickson Ms Janet Hickson Ms Charlotte Higgins Ms Cathy Higham Mrs S Hill Mr Daniel Hill GL Hill Mr William Hill Barbara Hillan W Hindley Mr Alan Hindley Ms Lynn Hodges S Hodges J Horner Mr Barry Horner Mr Martin Howard Mr Scott Hunt Mr Keith Hunt Ms June Hyams Dr & Mrs N & K James Mrs Elizabeth James Mr & Mrs Johnson Mr Anthony Johnson Ms Sharon Jones Mr A Jones Ms Anne Jones Mr Barrie Jones Ms Dorothy Juee Mr Dave Keen Ms S Kerr Mr Robert Kershaw Mrs Katherine Knight Mrs C Lambert M Lambley Mr & Mrs Leaver Mr David Legerton Mr Philip Legerton Mrs Barbara Leigh Mr & Mrs Leisuman Mr Andrew Leisuman Mrs Levy Ms Marie Lindley, I and Turner, L Cllrs Lohan Ms Margaret Longbottom Mrs Pat Love Mr Andrew Lumney Ms Patricia


Surname Title Name Organisation Luscombe A Mahony Ms Doreen Malin Ms Elizabeth Malone Mr & Mrs Robert and Ann Mangan Mrs Jean Marsh Ms Nicola Marsh Mrs L Marshall J Massey Ms Sarah Mather Mr Robert Mather S Mather A Matthews Mr David Mattlock Ms Joan McCormick Mr David McGovern Ms Brenda McHolland Ms Elaine McNicoll Ms Cath McWhirk M Meehan Ms Linda Mellor Mr & Mrs M Merron Mr Richard Midermott J Mitchell Mrs Linda Morris Mr Wayne Morris Mrs Eunice Moss Ms Christine Moult Mr & Mrs Linda and Mull Mr & Mrs James Murray Mr Christopher Musgrave Ms Margaret Musgrave A Musgrave Allan Nelson Mr Lewis Ness Mr James Nettleton T Noble Mrs Maureen Nugent Ms Janet O’Brien Mrs Carole O’Connor Mrs A O’Reilly Ms Margaret Parker Mr Stephen Parkinson Mr Lee Parkinson Mrs Sandra Parncutt A Parncutt Mr Jeffrey Parncutt Ms Anita Parncutt Mr Andy


Surname Title Name Organisation Pasiero Ms Carla Pearson Ms Janet Pearson Mr John Peddie Mr Gavin Pendlebury Ms Helen Peterson Mrs Mildred Phillips Ms Donna Piets Mr Alwin Pimlott Miss Helen Podlasiuk Ms Alison Podlasiuk Mr Peter Poole Mr Darren Preston Miss Lauren Price Ms Sandra Robert and Pritchard Mr & Mrs Susan Pugh Ms Rebecca Pugh Mr Ryan Pugh Ms Christine Pye Ms Dorreen Joseph and Rabbitt Mr & Mrs Nuala Redshaw Mrs S Rice Ms Agnes Rice Ms Jacqueline Richardson Mr W Richardson C Ridgway Mrs Gwyneth Rigby Mr Dennis Roberts Miss Mavis Roberts Mr John Roberts Ms Janet Roberts Mr Clive Roberts L Roberts J and J Rogerson Mrs A Rowles C Brett Royle Mrs Beverley Ruddy Mr Mark Ruddy Mrs Lynette Ruddy A Rutter M J Ryan Ms Gemma Savery F Seely Mr Martin Seely Mrs Susan Selby Mr David Sherlock Mrs I Sidwell Ms Linda


Surname Title Name Organisation Singleton Mrs A Skinner Mrs Sleaford Ms Deborah Smith Mr Lawrence S Smith Mrs B Sollazzi Mr Rossano Sparkes R Sparkes Mr S Sparkes Ms Helen Steel Mr David Stubbs Mr Robert Sullivan B Miss C Taylor Mr Ian Taylor Ms Lynn Taylor Ms Karen Thomas Glyn & Jean Thomas Ms Jean Thompson B Thorpe Mr Stephen Thorpe Ms Michelle Thurston Ms Jane Turnbull AL Turner Mrs Turner Cllr Les Upton Mr Mark Waddecar Mrs M Walton Miss Sarah Walton Mrs Cath Walton Ms Nicola Walton Mr John Welsby Mr Colin Weston Mr Michael Whalley Ms Jean White J & M Wild Ms Susan Wilkins Mr Graham Wilkins Mrs Letitia Wilkinson Ms B Williams Ms Alison Williams Mrs Lucia Williams DK Williams Mr Guy Williams Mr Paul Willis Ms Samantha Woodling Mr Barry Wright Mrs C Wright Mr John S Yates Ms Yvonne 71

Surname Title Name Organisation Zammit Mr Roy


Appendix 13 – List of additional sites assessed following the suggested sites consultation

a) Additional sites assessed for potential to accommodate development

Ref Site assessed for development Source of site suggestion Claremont and Weaste CW008 Duncan Mathieson playing fields Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater and adjoining land Manchester East Salford ES024 Land north of Peru Street University of Salford ES025 Allerton Campus, University of University of Salford Salford Eccles EC017 Land at Cawdor Street Americhem Europe Ltd Irlam and Cadishead IC023 Land at Sunningdale Drive J Fletcher IC024 Land north of Cadishead Strategic land assessment4 Little Hulton and Walkden LW031 Brackley Golf Course MHE Investments Ltd Swinton SW017 Land south and east of Salford Strategic land assessment Civic Centre SW018 Playing fields east of Pendlebury Strategic land assessment Road SW020 Clifton Business Park Askon Estates (UK) SW021 Land at Swinton Park Golf Club Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd SW022 Land north of M60 Junction 16 The Casey Group Ltd Worsley and Boothstown WB018 Land east of Boothstown Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd

b) Additional sites assessed for local green space

Ref Site assessed for local Neighbourhood area Number of green space individuals / organisations nominating the site LGS49 Land south of New Hall Eccles 1 Avenue LGS50 Land north of Barton Eccles 1 Aerodrome LGS51 Albion Green East Salford 1

4 These are sites which were not suggested through the suggested sites consultation, but which were identified by the city council through its strategic land assessment, which reflects where there has been known developer interest previously or may be potential for development. 73

Ref Site assessed for local Neighbourhood area Number of green space individuals / organisations nominating the site LGS52 Land south of Cadishead Irlam and Cadishead 1 Way LGS53 Land at Great Woolden Hall Irlam and Cadishead 1 Farm LGS54 Astley Road Farm Irlam and Cadishead 1 LGS55 Land north of the M62 at Irlam and Cadishead, and 1 Chat Moss Worsley and Boothstown LGS56 Land south of Kenyon Way Little Hulton and Walkden 1 and Parkway LGS57 Land at Ladywell Avenue Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS58 Recreation ground at Little Hulton and Walkden 1 Eastham Way LGS59 Land south of Hill Top Road Little Hulton and Walkden 10 LGS60 Land east of Linnyshaw Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS61 Land west of Burgess Farm Little Hulton and Walkden 1 LGS62 Recreation land at Shap Little Hulton and Walkden 2 Drive LGS63 Land west of Boothstown Worsley and Boothstown 1 LGS64 Land at 278 Leigh Road Worsley and Boothstown 1 c) Additional sites assessed for recreation

Ref Site assessed for Ward Number of recreation individuals / organisations nominating the site REC49 Land bounded by Brinell Irlam and Cadishead 1 Drive and Cadishead Way REC50 Recreation land at Shap Little Hulton and Walkden 1, and a Drive petition with 52 signatures REC51 Bowling green at the Rock Eccles 1 House public house, Edison Road