Living in harmony with nature in the Mediterranean • • •

Vivre en harmonie avec la nature en Méditerranée

Quar­ter­ly newslet­ter produced by the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an In­for­ma­tion Of­fi­ce for the Environ­ ­ment, Culture and Sustai­na­ble Deve­lop­ment, in collaboration Issue no 62 Issue No 62, 02/2010 with the Euro­pe­an Environ­ ­me­ntal Bure­au and the This issue of Sustainable Mediterranean Arab NGO Network for was financed by MIO-ECSDE with the Environ­ ­ment and Deve­lop­ment support of the European Commission EDITORIAL

he Mediterranean region, frequently referred reducing certain pressures through specific legislation a région méditerranéenne, fréquemment appelée Cela ne signifie pas qu’il n’y a pas eu d’initiatives also as an “eco-region”, is considered to be one at EU level e.g. on atmospheric emissions, freshwater “écorégion”, est considérée comme l’un des points importantes. En effet, des efforts et des progrès ont of the world’s hotspots with exceptional concen- quality and waste water treatment. However, key sec- chauds du monde, du fait de ses concentrations été réalisés dans la réduction de certaines pressions, trations of biodiversity. However, the region’s unique tors remain problematic and need deeper re-thinking exceptionnelles de biodiversité. Toutefois, la richesse à travers la législation spécifique au niveau européen, wealth is critically endangered as biodiversity contin- of their operations vis-à-vis sustainability, e.g. fisher- unique de la région est en danger car la biodiversité conti- par ex. sur les émissions atmosphériques, la qualité de uesT to decrease rapidly, due to human-induced pres- ies. In addition, of particular significance for Mediter- Lnue à se réduire très rapidement en raison de la pression l’eau douce et le traitement des eaux usées. Toutefois, sures which result in the fragmentation, degradation ranean biodiversity are the impacts of climate change, humaine qui entraine la fragmentation, la dégradation et les secteurs principaux demeurent problématiques et and loss of and of species. As biodi- which are just emerging and have not yet been fully la perte de l’habitat et l’extinction des espèces. Alors que il est nécessaire de repenser les opérations concernant versity loss continues our knowledge of its importance recognised and integrated. Many ecosystems have been la diversité biologique diminue, notre conscience de son la durabilité, par ex. la pêche. De plus, les impacts du is growing, highlighting the fact that urgent actions degraded thereby reducing their capacity to respond to importance augmente, soulignant le fait que des mesures changement climatique qui émergent à peine et qui should be undertaken at all levels to tackle this critical future shocks such as the effects of climate change. urgentes doivent être prises à tous les niveaux pour gérer n’ont pas été entièrement reconnus et intégrés, sont issue in the wider Mediterranean area. m cette question critique dans la région méditerranéenne. d’une importance significative pour la diversité bio- In order to achieve greater progress towards bio- This issue of Sustainable Mediterranean is dedi- Cette édition de Sustainable Mediterranean est logique. De nombreux écosystèmes ont été dégradés, diversity conservation and avert the accelerating, cated to biodiversity on the occasion of the UN of consacrée à la biodiversité, à l’occasion de l’année réduisant ainsi leur capacité à répondre à des chocs catastrophic loss of the variety of life forms in the Biodiversity and the failure to meet our expectations internationale de la biodiversité des Nations Unies futurs tels que les effets du changement climatique. Mediterranean region, there is an urgent need for and achieve the objectives set to preserve biodiversity at mais également dans le contexte de notre incapacité à Afin de progresser dans la préservation de la biodi- a set of actions and responses closely linked with both International and European level and particularly: répondre à nos attentes et à atteindre les objectifs de versité et d’éviter la perte accélérée et catastrophique m ambitious short- and long-term post-2010 targets, préservation de la biodiversité au niveau international des formes de vie dans la région méditerranéenne, il to achieve the 2010 biodiversity target to signifi- aiming to tackle sufficiently and effectively the et européen, et particulièrement : y a un besoin urgent d’un ensemble d’actions et de cantly reduce the rate of biodiversity loss adopted by indirect and direct drivers of biodiversity loss in the m réponses étroitement liées aux objectifs post-2010 à the 2000 UN General Assembly as a target of Millen- réaliser les objectifs de biodiversité de 2010, visant à Mediterranean region. This requires actions at dif- court terme et à long terme, ayant pour but de s’at- nium Development Goal 7, “to ensure environmen- réduire de manière significative le taux de perte de ferent “fora”: EU, Union for the Mediterranean and taquer de manière efficace aux causes directes et indi- tal sustainability”; biodiversité, Barcelona Convention. rectes de la réduction de la biodiversité dans la région m m m to halt the decline of biodiversity in the EU by 2010 The initial step should be the setting of ambitious adoptés en 2000 par l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU en méditerranéenne. Cela nécessite des mesures de la part and to restore and natural systems, a tar- yet realistic and measurable short-, medium and tant qu’objectif 7 de développement du millénaire, de différents forums : Union pour la Méditerranée et get adopted by EU Heads of State and Government long-term targets. These targets should be based on « pour garantir une durabilité environnementale » ; Convention de Barcelone. robust scientific evidence (e.g. with the use of the m in 2001. The new objective set aims to halt the loss arrêter le déclin de la biodiversité dans l’Union Euro- L’étape initiale serait d’établir des objectifs à court, pan-European Streamlining European 2010 Biodi- of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem péenne d’ici 2010 et restaurer les habitats et les systè- moyen et long termes, ambitieux mais tout de même versity Indicators, etc.), taking into account related services in the EU by 2020, restore them insofar as mes naturels, objectif adopté par les chefs d’Etats et réalistes. Ces derniers devraient être fondés sur des challenges and opportunities, while actively engag- feasible, while stepping up the EU contribution to de gouvernements de l’UE en 2001. Le nouvel objectif preuves scientifiques solides (par. ex. avec l’utilisation ing all stakeholders. The latest should be supported averting global biodiversity loss; a pour but de stopper la diminution de la diversité d’indicateurs pan-européens de biodiversité pour 2010, m m in order to play their role effectively. etc.) en prenant en compte les défis et opportunités, et to see concrete indications of a diminishing biodi- biologique et la dégradation des services écosysté- loss at Mediterranean level. The post-2010 overarching goal towards the protec- en engageant toutes les parties intéressées. Ces derniè- versity miques dans l’UE d’ici 2010, les restaurer dans la tion of biodiversity should be coherent with com- mesure du possible, tout en intensifiant la contribu- res devront être soutenues afin de pouvoir jouer leur The inadequacy of country policy responses to halt the mitments made by the Contracting Parties to the UN tion de l’UE pour éviter la réduction de la diversité rôle de manière efficace. general decline of biodiversity at International, Medi- Convention on Biological Diversity at their 10th ses- biologique à l’échelle mondiale ; Les objectifs importants post-2010 pour la protec- terranean or European level is evident in the outcomes sion (Nagoya, Japan 18-29 October 2010), while going m tion de la biodiversité devraient être cohérents avec of several reports and assessments, such as the EEA’s beyond halting the loss of regional biodiversity and constater concrètement un ralentissement de la réduc- les engagements pris par les Parties contractantes à la tion de la biodiversité au niveau méditerranéen. assessment “Progress towards the European 2010 bio- also including actions towards restoring its integrity Convention des Nations Unies sur la diversité biologi- diversity target, 2009”; the Millennium Ecosystem and variety - thus ensuring the continued provision L’inadéquation de la réponse constituée par les politi- que au cours de leur 10ème session (Nagoya, Japon 18-29 Assessment, 2005; the IUCN Red List of Threatened of its goods and services. The needed considerable ques des pays pour arrêter le déclin général de la bio- octobre 2010), tout en allant plus loin que le ralentisse- Species, 2008; etc. expansion of protected areas in the region should be diversité au niveau international, méditerranéen ou ment de la réduction de la biodiversité régionale et en This does not mean that there have not been impor- accompanied by provisions for their proper monitor- européen est évidente dans les conclusions de certains englobant des mesures afin de restaurer son intégrité tant initiatives, efforts and some progress made in ing and management. rapports et évaluations tels que l’évaluation de l’AEE et sa variété, et ainsi assurer la disposition continue de intitulée « Progrès réalisé vers l’objectif européen 2010 ses biens et services. L’expansion considérable néces- pour la biodiversité, 2009 », l’Evaluation des écosystè- saire des secteurs protégés dans la région devraient être mes pour le millénaire de 2005, la Liste rouge mondiale accompagnée de dispositions pour leur suivi et leur de l’IUCN des espèces menacées, 2008, etc. gestion appropriés.

2 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 3 CONTENTS Les enjeux de la biodiversité dans une vision systématique de la vie

par Son Altesse Sérénissime Albert II, Prince Souverain de Monaco

Editorial 2 La Biodiversité au Maroc et les activités de l`association SPANA concernant orsque l’Assemblée qui nous entourent que déjà nous constatons leur fragilité. Les enjeux de la biodiversité dans une vision le sauvegarde des ecosystèmes de la region 14 Générale des Nations- Plus qu’aucune autre, la problématique de la biodi- systématique de la vie 5 Unies a décidé de faire versité nous impose donc de comprendre l’apport irrem- (Biodiversity challenges in the framework of a The Prespa ecosystem and its significance to the de 2010 l’année internatio- plaçable de la recherche scientifique à notre perception systemic vision of life) biodiversity of Southeastern Europe 15 nale de la biodiversité, nous du monde. Sans un soutien très fort aux chercheurs, Biodiversity, the tissue of life 6 Sea turtles in the Mediterranean 17 neL mesurions alors pas plei- nous ne pourrons jamais espérer connaître les espèces nement la pertinence de ce qui nous entourent. Sans la communauté scientifique, Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in the Biodiversity at the centre of the Mediterranean: choix. Après la déception du nous ne pourrons donc pas sauver les espèces aujourd’hui Mediterranean 8 the case of Malta 18 sommet de Copenhague et les menacées. débats des mois qui ont suivi, Troisième question concrète posée par l’enjeu de la The Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Non indigenous species in the Mediterranean sea: cette année dédiée à un sujet biodiversité : la mise en place d’une croissance économi- a new chance for biodiversity 9 Distribution and Impacts 20 majeur permet de rappeler quelques vérités importantes. que responsable et durable. Developing a Mediterranean Marine Dragonflies go thirsty in the Mediterranean 21 Tout d’abord, l’érosion de la biodiversité est malheu- Nous savons qu’il nous faudra en 2050 nourrir 9 mil- Protected Areas network (MedMPAnet) 11 reusement un fait incontestable dont l’origine largement liards d’êtres humains. Or, les menaces contre la biodi- MIO-ESCDE Position Paper on ‘Biodiversity in the humaine ne fait aucun doute. versité nous alertent déjà sur les impasses de notre mode Human disturbance to waterbirds in wetlands 11 Mediterranean region’ 23 Contrairement au changement climatique, c’est un de vie actuel. phénomène dont le constat ne souffre aucune discus- Le cas du thon rouge, espèce emblématique de la Médi- Mediterranean biodiversity under threat: Nagoya Biodiversity Summit: A new era of living in sion, même si son évolution obéit à des lois complexes. terranée aujourd’hui menacée par une pêche déraison- invasion of non indigenous species 13 harmony with Nature 28 Chacun peut en mesurer la gravité, tout spécialement nable, doit ici nous faire réfléchir. Cet exemple crucial, dans la région méditerranéenne. Chaque extinction d’es- pour lequel Monaco s’est battu et continuera de le faire, pèce est irrémédiable et aucun progrès technologique ne montre la nécessité de mettre en place des garde-fous

The views and opinions expressed in Sustainable Mediterranean by individual contributors do not necessarily pourra lui redonner vie. qui garantissent l’avenir des espèces menacées. Il nous reflect those of MIO-ECSDE or those of our sponsors. Nous savons tous que la situation est particulièrement impose aussi d’imaginer des modes de production ali- inquiétante. Sous l’effet notamment des dommages cau- mentaire pérennes et qui ne mettent pas en péril l’équi- sés par l’homme aux écosystèmes naturels, en particu- libre des espèces. Il y a là un potentiel de développement lier aux forêts, aux zones humides, aux mangroves, aux économique très important. lacs, aux rivières et aux espaces marins, le nombre d’es- Le quatrième apport de la question de la biodiversité pèces connues aurait décliné de près de 40 % depuis les aux débats sur la préservation de la planète est d’ordre années 1970. plus philosophique. En Méditerranée où 10 % des espèces de la planète coha- Au travers de la problématique de la biodiversité, c’est bitent sur 0,7 % de sa superficie, la protection de la biodi- notre place sur la Terre qui est en jeu et nous oblige à pen- versité terrestre et maritime est une urgence en faveur ser au-delà de nous. Au-delà des intérêts économiques ou de laquelle Monaco et ma Fondation se mobilisent, en nationaux à courte vue, bien sûr. Mais surtout au-delà de association avec les autres Etats riverains et les ONG de l’anthropocentrisme qui structure habituellement notre la région. vision du monde. La deuxième donnée importante de la biodiversité Je l’ai dit et répété, nos actions en faveur de l’envi- réside dans le caractère encore très parcellaire de nos ronnement répondent avant tout à une préoccupation connaissances. humaniste, c’est-à-dire guidée par le souci d’offrir aux Malgré son accélération récente, la perte de la biodi- humains dans leur diversité les meilleures conditions de versité demeure trop mal connue pour nous permettre vie et d’épanouissement physique, intellectuel et moral. d’avoir une vue globale. Nous avons à ce jour inventorié S’il s’agit de protéger cette planète, de préserver l’avenir environ deux millions d’espèces, mais nous ignorons tout de ses espèces et de ses paysages, c’est avant tout pour du nombre de celles qui restent à découvrir… Sur les uni- garantir aux générations futures un environnement qui vers marins par exemple, et en particulier sur les grands ne soit pas irrémédiablement détruit. Un progrès qui se fonds, nos connaissances sont encore balbutiantes. Des ferait aux dépens des humains ne saurait être un vrai pans entiers de notre planète, pourtant potentiellement progrès.

Photograph: ©Thomais Vlachogianni ©Thomais Photograph: menacés, échappent ainsi à notre vigilance. A cette exigence d’humanisme, l’enjeu de la biodiver- Danaus chrysippus Linnaeus Or, à peine commençons-nous à connaître les espèces sité apporte la démonstration que l’avenir de l’homme ne

4 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 5 peut se concevoir indépendamment de celui de son envi- biosphère dont nous ne savons pas tout mais que nous Within this demand for humanism, the issue of biodiver- The Biodiversity issue having political scientific, ronnement. Dès lors, l’injonction humaniste se teinte devons protéger. sity proves that the future of humanity cannot be conceived moral and economic dimension, poses a perspective both d’une nuance nouvelle. Ce n’est plus l’homme seul qui Question à la dimension tout à la fois politique, scien- independently of the future of its environment. There- for action and reflection. est la finalité de l’action, c’est l’ensemble complexe au tifique, morale et économique, la biodiversité nous trace fore, the humanist injunction is tinged with a new shade. Being an issue with political, scientific, moral and sein duquel il évolue et sans lequel il n’est rien, cette des perspectives tant d’action que de réflexion. Human are no more the ultimate purpose of the operation, economic dimension, biodiversity opens perspectives it is the whole complex within which humans evolve and both for action and reflection. without which we are nothing, this biosphere for which we do not know everything but we need to protect. Biodiversity challenges in the framework of a systematic vision of life

by his Royal Highness Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco

hen the General Assembly of the United species that surround us; and already we notice their Nations decided to announce 2010 as the Inter- fragility. national Year of Biodiversity, we hadn’t ful- Therefore, the issue of biodiversity -more than any lymeasured the relevance of this choice. After the disap- other- imposes us to realize the irreplaceable contribu- pointment from the Copenhagen Summit and a series of tion of scientific research to our worldview. Without pro- Wdiscussions during the following months, this year dedi- viding a strong support to researchers, we can never hope cated to a major topical issue, enables to recall certain that we will know the species surrounding us. Without important truths. the scientific community, we will not be able to save the Firstly, the erosion of the biodiversity is unfortu- currently threatened species. nately a compelling fact and there is no doubt that it is Third specific question raised by the issue of biodiver- of human origine. sity is the establishment of a responsible and sustainable Unlike climate change, this phenomenon doesn’t economic growth. raise any doubt and topic for discussion, even if its evolu- We know that in 2050 we will need to feed 9 billion tion follows complex rules. Its severity can be measured human beings. However, the threats against biodiversity by anyone, especially in the Mediterranean region. Each already alert us on the deadlocks of our actual life style. Photograph: ©Milan Vogrin ©Milan Photograph: species extinction is irreversible and there is no techno- The case of bluefin tuna, a symbolic species ofthe logical progress which can bring it back to life. Mediterranean threatened today because of uncontrolla- Little owl Athene noctua We are all concerned and aware of how worrying the ble fishing, should make us think about the seriousness situation is. It is estimated that the number of known of the problem. This crucial example, for which Monaco species has declined by 40% since 1970’s mainly due to has fought and will continue to do so, demonstrates the damages inflicted to natural ecosystems by human activ- need to establish safeguards rules to ensure the future of Biodiversity, the tissue of life ities, especially in forests, wetlands, mangroves, lakes, the endangered species. It also forces us to think of sus- rivers and marine areas. tainable food production ways which would not put in In the Mediterranean, where the 10% of the world spe- danger the survival of species. That brings a great poten- by Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, cies coexist in 0.7% of its surface, the protection of land tial for economic development. The fourth input of bio- Member of the European Parliament, member of the Environment Committee and marine biodiversity is an emergency and Monaco diversity issue in the debate for the preservation of the and my Foundation, in association with other riparian planet is more philosophical. countries and NGOs of the region are mobilized in order Through the issue of biodiversity we realize that the to call up for its preservation. future of our planet Earth is put in danger and forces us to espite decades of envi- tion against storms, etc. If the intrinsic value of nature, the The second important fact regarding biodiversity is the think beyond ourselves; beyond economic or short-sighted ronmental protection beauty of it, does not suffice to convince people to protect fragmentary character of the knowledge that we actually national interests of course. But mostly beyond anthropo- biodiversity is declin- it, the dependence on natural resources should do the trick have. centrism that usually structure our world view. ing at a highly alarming rate. to ensure the survival of biodiversity. The United Nations Despite its recent increase, there lack of thorough I have said it over and over again, our actions for the One third of all species is calculated that loss of services from nature worldwide costs knowledge on biodiversity loos does not enable us to have protection of environment respond primarily to a human- threatenedD by extinction. That more than 50 billion Euros a year. The UN has also made a global scope of the situation. Up to now we have man- ist concern, i.e. guided by a concern to offer to people, in is alarming for the survival of this year the year of international biodiversity, which is a aged to register about two million species, but we do not their diversity, the best living conditions as well as phys- thousands of species of plants unique opportunity to have biodiversity at the top of the know the number of those who still remain undiscov- ical, intellectual and moral development. That means to and , but also for political agenda. Important for the Mediterranean region ered… we still do not have adequate knowledge. Regard- protect this planet, to safeguard the future of its species the survival of mankind. We and the rest of the world will be the decisions taken at the th ing marine ecosystems for instance and particularly and landscapes, primarily to guarantee an environment hardly realise it, but also we, 10 Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biologi- deep-sea ecosystems. Thus, whole parts of our planet, yet to the future generations which will not be irreparably the people, are completely dependent on natural resources cal Diversity the Convention in Japan, and the upcoming potentially threatened, escape our vigilance. damaged. A progress made at the expense of humanity in the end. We depend on what nature gives us, for exam- EU Strategy on Biodiversity, which is expected to be pub- And yet, we barely have the time to to get to know the can’t be a real progress. ple medicines, food, clean water, timber, natural protec- lished by the end of this year or in the beginning of 2011.

6 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 7 The situation of the sea is a good illustration of the cur- What we see is that short term profits prevail over long lic decision-makers with a common quantitative meas- ticipation of all Contracting Parties in this process that rent state of play. If current policies would be maintained, term economic interests. And it is exactly because of the urement to improve the management of environmental requested their full involvement in every step forward in the seas and oceans will be empty in 30 , while more long term economic perspective that we have to treat our issue. In addition, a methodology to assess the economic order to implement the ecosystem roadmap. than one billion people in the world are dependent on natural resources in a sustainable way. Studies, such as value of the services provided by ecosystems was also What else remains to be done? protein provided by fish. Despite our knowledge of the the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) identified, and it is based on a macroeconomic approach incredible decline in fish stocks we keep on subsidising study launched by the Germany and the European Com- at the regional level, inspired by the principles of the 1) Determining the Mediterranean ecological objec- the fisheries sector worldwide with 20 to 50 billion Euros a mission, have proven that sustainable management of United Nations System of Integrated Environmental and tives by creating a prioritization methodology tak- year, which is roughly the same as the value of all landed the environment is more profitable, over and over again. Economic Accounting (2003). ing into account the findings and recommenda- fish. The big question here is of course when wewill Why is that? Because the costs of replacing or restoring Development of the ecological objectives has advanced tions of the assessment report (the list of threats is reach the so-called «tipping point»: the moment where a completely depleted ecosystem, if possible at all, are with regard to the compilation of the existing assess- harmonious with but not identical to the threats we have damaged nature so much it cannot recover any- extremely high. So the most important step we have to ment methodologies and identification of possible qual- more. The European Commission made the comparison take is to let biodiversity be a part of our economy. Or in ity descriptors of the marine and coastal ecosystem. covered in the 11 descriptors); with the two degree limit in the climate debate. If the other words, we will have to start paying for the use of As a starting point, it was agreed that the 11 EU MSFD 2) Determining the operational objectives (indica- temperature rises with more than two degrees, climate biodiversity. Green banking and integrating biodiver- descriptors will be used as an example for defining the tors and target levels) based on GES, subject to data change will become an autonomous process on which we sity into national accounts are important steps to take, Mediterranean ecological objectives taking into account availability; have no influence anymore whatsoever. The same goes and ground work is already done, e.g. by the European the regional specificities, list of threats and issues iden- 3) Finalizing the assessment report with an empha- for biodiversity. What that can lead to is visible on Easter Environmental Agency. Besides that, we also need to tified in the assessment report. sis on ecosystem services streamlining and better Island, where the whole population died because of mas- integrate biodiversity into all other policy areas such as integration in each sub-regional sub-reports and sive deforestation and depletion of natural resources. In agriculture and fisheries. We have to start now, in order What is achieved so far: the Mediterranean-wide chapter; my opinion the lesson to be taken home is clear. to save our biodiversity for the future generations. a) A consolidated and innovative Mediterranean 4) Finalizing the Assessment Report with a special assessment report based on best information avail- focus on ecosystem services, able in the region; 5) Advancing the preparation of a QSR report based on b) Consolidated sectoral sub regional assessment the sectoral reports on pollution and biodiversity; reports on pollution and biodiversity; Implementing the ecosystem approach in the Mediterranean 6) Proposing a time frame for implementing all steps c) Integrated analysis of data gaps for the assessment of the ecosystem approach roadmap for the consid- process of the marine and coastal environment for eration of the 17th Meeting of the Contracting Par- each of the four designated areas finalized; ties in 2011; by Ms. Maria Luisa Silva Mejias(UNEP/MAP) d) Decision was made to define the ecological objec- 7) Developing an approach with regard to monitoring tives on the basis of the 11 MSFD descriptors. programmes and management effectiveness. It is worth mentioning the high degree of active par-

he Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Conven- b) Undertaking a socio-economic analysis of Mediter- tion, at their 15th meeting held in January 2008, ranean ecosystem goods and services; Almeria, Spain, decided that UNEP/MAP should c) Developing a set of ecological and operational objec- gradually implement the ecosystem approach in view of The Marine Strategy Framework Directive: tives with indicators and target levels; an ecological vision for the Mediterranean as “a healthy a new chance for marine biodiversity d) Revising of monitoring programmes in order to TMediterranean with marine and coastal ecosystems that are productive and biologically diverse for the benefit of take into account the ecosystem approach by Vera M.P. Coelho (ESEC/Seas At Risk) present and future generations» (Decision IG 17/6). For e) Undertaking management programmes and actions this purpose, the Contracting Parties at the same meet- taking into account the ecosystem approach ing adopted the ecosystem approach roadmap, the vision and strategic goals and established a government desig- Currently UNEP MAP is finalizing the assessment report n the International Year of Biodiversity, it seems message, real actions will be needed in order to reverse nated expert group (GDE) with the mandate to guide the that covers pollution and biodiversity, physico-chemical there is not much reason for celebration. The EU had the dire situation in which our oceans and seas find work of UNEP/MAP in this respect. In addition, the eco- characteristics, hydrogeology and oceanographic param- committed itself to halt the loss of biodiversity by themselves. system approach is considered an overarching principle eters, as well as a study on the economic value of the 2010, but clearly that target has not been met. Marine A key tool for halting the loss of marine biodiversity for all UNEP MAP work. Mediterranean marine ecosystems. The finding of the biodiversity in particular continues to decline rapidly: in and restoring marine ecosystems to health will be the Taking into account the stock of the relevant proc- assessment would serve to define the ecological objec- EuropeanI waters, 72% of assessed fish stocks are deemed EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This esses on the regional and global levels and in particular tives that should correspond to the Ecological Vision and to be overfished, and 59% are at a high risk of depletion is the first piece of all-encompassing EU legislation spe- the linkages with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Strategic Goals as adopted by the Contracting Parties in (outside safe biological limits). For 14% of the stocks there cifically aimed at the protection of the marine environ- Directive (MSFD), the implementation of the ecosystem 2008, and the operational objectives with indicators and is “emergency” scientific advice to stop fishing. Climate ment, and its aim is to achieve Good Environmental approach by UNEP/MAP will go through several steps: targets. All this work has been reviewed by two meetings change, pollution, invasive alien species and marine lit- Status in EU marine waters by 2020. In order to guide of experts appointed by the Contracting parties. ter also pose serious threats to marine biodiversity. Member States’ measures, the Directive includes a set The study on the economic valuation of Mediterranean a) Identifying important ecosystem properties and However, not all is lost. This year, the European Coun- of 11 “descriptors” of Good Environmental Status, which marine and coastal ecosystems will improve knowledge assessment of ecological status and pressures in cil endorsed a new and ambitious target to halt biodi- range from the status of biodiversity and of the sea floor of the services and benefits provided by ecosystems with the Mediterranean for 4 specific areas and Mediter- versity loss and restore, where possible, lost or damaged to the introduction of litter and noise in the marine envi- a view to taking them into account more effectively at ranean-wide; ecosystems by 2020. While this is an important political ronment. the regional, national and local levels and provide pub-

8 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 9 Developing a Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas network (MedMPAnet)

by Atef Limam (RAC/SPA)

he Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected sity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD Protocol). This will Areas of the Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP- be achieved through a series of demonstration activities MAP RAC/SPA) is a co-executing agency in the and targeted capacity-building exercises to enable coastal implementation of a sub-component of the project “Stra- nations to contribute to the overall conservation and sus- tegic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine tainable use of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem and its TEcosystem (LME)” led by UNEP. This sub-component is resources through a Mediterranean MPAs network. entitled “Conservation of the coastal and marine diver- By implementing the above activities, RAC/SPA will sity through the development of a Mediterranean Marine assist the country partners to implement the prioritized Protected Area network (MedMPAnet)”. The overall objec- elements of the Strategic Action Programme for the Con- tive of the action is to ‘maintain the long-term function servation of Biological Diversity (SAP BIO) in the Mediter- of the Mediterranean LME through the use of an ecologi- ranean Region through the provision of a series of ena- cally-coherent network of protected areas combined with bling activities at national, sub-regional and regional the sustainable use of renewable marine resources’. levels. It will also effectively expand the current MedPAN The implementation of RAC/SPA component activities MPA management network to include the rest of the through the MedMPAnet Project consists of enhancing Mediterranean.

Photograph: ©Milan Vogrin ©Milan Photograph: the effective conservation of regionally important coastal The target groups and beneficiaries of the project are Green crab Carcinus mediterraneus and marine biodiversity features in areas under coun- MPA mangers, practitioners and relevant authorities of tries’ national jurisdiction through the creation of an the following countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and ecologically coherent MPA network in the Mediterranean Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, In order to achieve its ambitious goal, the MSFD estab- However, the MSFD contains some serious weak- region, as required by the Barcelona Convention Protocol Montenegro, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. The occupied lishes that an ecosystem-based approach must be applied nesses which might compromise its ability to deliver its concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diver- Palestinian territories are also intended to be involved. to the management of all human activities which have goals. On the one hand, it leaves fundamental decisions an impact on the marine environment. In this respect, to the Member States, such as the determination of what the Directive is a great tool for the integration of envi- is considered to be a Good Environmental Status, or the ronmental considerations in other sectoral policies. setting of environmental targets. On the other hand, European policies such as the Common Fisheries Policy, it also contains an important “escape clause”, whereby Human disturbance to waterbirds in wetlands as well as national policies on tourism, transport, waste, Member States are not obliged to take action if the costs etc. will have to take into consideration their effects on are “disproportionate”. marine ecosystems and the need to comply with the pro- Civil society therefore has a key role to play in mak- visions of the Directive. ing sure that the Directive is properly implemented and by Milan Vogrin (DPPVN) Another interesting aspect of the Directive is that it delivers on its promises. Citizens and civil society organi- imposes on Member States the obligation of regional sations have the right to be fully and timely informed of cooperation: since most marine environmental issues their country’s plans regarding the implementation of are transboundary in nature, it is crucial that different the MSFD, and they should make use of that informa- etland habitats are among others, impor- the effect of human disturbance on waterbirds, especially Member States in the same marine region work together tion to demand that their governments and administra- tant for many waterbirds not only for breed- on colonies, is dependent on the nature of disturbance in order to collectively achieve Good Environmental tions set ambitious targets and appropriate measures. At ing but also, during the winter months, for (Klein et al. 1995). Human-related disturbance can be Status. In this respect, Regional Seas Conventions will European level, citizens have an opportunity to engage wintering and migration. However, many wetlands are attributed to four main categories: scientific workers, eco- become crucially important. In the Mediterranean con- in processes such as the reform of the Common Fisheries nowadays under pressure from different human activi- tourists, recreationists (walkers, joggers, bikers, boaters, text, the Barcelona Convention will play a key role not Policy, or to demand stronger action on marine litter and tiesW such as habitat destruction, pollution, land-claim, anglers, etc.) and hunters. From these four groups scien- only in coordinating the activities of EU Member States, climate change. hunting, recreation, etc. This article focuses mainly on tists work usually very closely with waterbirds, e.g. when in order to implement the Directive, but also in trying to Restoring the marine environment to a healthy state recreational activities, which in some regions and/or in doing research on nesting biology (eggs, young ones) but ensure that other (non-EU) Mediterranean countries con- is now a Member State and European obligation, but all some wetlands, are not taken into account or are under- are mostly aware of the threat they may pose. tribute to the effort of restoring the marine environment Europeans have a role to play – so that we can once again estimated or even ignored. A big threat for waterbirds is the second group, the to a healthy state. enjoy the beauty and the bounty of our seas. so called nature lovers, which include also some wild- life photographers without any ethic code (e.g. photo- Recreational activities could be harmful graphing a bird on its nest). This group often wishes to Recreational activities can take place on the shores, e.g. approach birds at a close distance and returns to the same walking, biking, angling, bird watching or in the open places frequently, leading to high levels of disturbance, water, e.g. swimming, boating. It is already known that especially to nesting birds.

10 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 11 Guidelines are needed Mediterranean biodiversity under threat: Human disturbance can prevent birds from reaching their breeding sites, accessing food supplies and roost- invasion of non indigenous species ing areas temporarily or for longer periods. These fac- tors affect waterbirds in various ways and may lead to by Thomais Vlachogianni (MIO-ECSDE) increased nest predation risk, lower density and breed- ing success, changes in their distribution and habitat use, changes in activity and energy budget (Keller 1996, Nisbet 2000). he Mediterranean Sea is exceptionally suscep- stantially decreased water pH and thus to acidification, Most tourists and recreationers are often not aware tible to biological invasions. The rate of marine through an increase of surface-water dissolved inorganic of the negative impacts that their presence may have on bio-invasions has increased in recent decades carbon and a decrease of carbonate ion concentration. In birds. Therefore, it is essential to raise awareness on this Photograph: ©Milan Vogrin ©Milan Photograph: with significant ecological and economic impacts in the addition, temperature has long been known to modify issue. In the most frequently visited wetlands, which are Boats could be very problematic for disturbance of waterbirds Mediterranean. The principal vectors of Non Indigenous the chemistry of a number of chemical pollutants result- of great importance for birds, leaflets, brochures, info Species (NIS) introduction are: the passage through the ing in significant alterations in their toxicities in aquatic tables, etc. should be in place providing information on T Suez Canal, aquaculture, and shipping activities (ballast organisms. It is also generally accepted that a higher the above discussed threat. water). temperature increases the rate of uptake of pollutants via Anglers usually do not cause much disturbance, but can Guidelines for minimizing visitor induced disturbance Apart from the above mentioned paths of introduc- changes in ventilation rate in response to an increased affect birds by clearing the vegetation or with their fre- should be prepared for each such place, since guidelines tion, there are other human activities that may lead to metabolic rate and decrease in oxygen solubility. quent (permanent) presence in the same fishing spots will differ depending on the type of human activities, the introduction of NIS, which are often overlooked. Overall, the anthropogenically induced changes in (e.g. near nests). Permanent or frequent visits to nests bird species and also the place. In most cases however, a These include water management systems such as large the abiotic conditions of water (e.g. temperature, pH, could lead to their abandonment by adult birds. Very buffer zone between 100 and 200 meters is usually enough dams, which can alter the abiotic characteristics of total alkalinity, salinity, oxygen solubility, etc.), can problematic for waterbirds are also certain types of boats. to prevent disturbance to waterbirds. receiving water bodies (e.g. salinity of outflow areas, cause physiological stress to aquatic organisms, particu- People with boats which are very agile, can approach etc.) or their hydrological regime (e.g. flow disturbance). larly on species already near their tolerance limit, and previously undisturbed areas such as islands where birds References A very representative example is the impact of the Aswan have the potential to affect the competitive interactions usually nest and rest (Vogrin 1999). Keller, V. 1996: Effects and management of disturbance of water- Dam on the Nile Delta. According to recent publications between NIS and native species, thus altering the balance Madsen & Fox (1995) recently show that hunting is the birds by human recreational activities: a review. Gibier Faune the damming of the Nile River accounts for about 45% of of native species versus NIS, in favour of the later. This is major cause of disturbance to waterbirds, especially dur- Sauvage, Game Wildl. 13: 1039-1047. the observed trend in increased salinity that has occurred especially evident in the Mediterranean Sea and recent ing winter when the peak in shooting coincides with the Klein, M. L., Humphrey, S.R. & Percival, H.F. 1995: Effects of ecot- ourism on distribution of waterbirds in a wildlife refuge. Conser- over the last 40 years in the Western Mediterranean Deep studies on biological invasion mechanisms highlight peak numbers of waterbirds in most central and south vation Biology 9: 1454-1465. Water. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that Nile the need for actions, not only to monitor the state of the European countries and especially in the Mediterranean Madsen, J. & Fox, A.D: 1995: Impacts of hunting on waterbirds - a damming has played a crucial role in the long-term salt marine environment but also to predict future changes, region. In this region there are numerous internation- review. Wildlife Biol. 1: 193-207. preconditioning of the surface/intermediate layers of mitigate and manage them. ally recognised wetlands of high importance for winter- Nisbet, I. C. T. 2000: Disturbance, habituation, and management the Cretan Sea. As a result, pre-existing environmental ing birds. Many of them are however still without any of waterbird colonies. Waterbirds 23: 312-332. barriers directly linked to the physico-chemical charac- References management plan and protection. Vogrin, M. Breeding birds of Rače ponds in NE Slovenia and their teristics of the sea (e.g. salinity) have diminished, thus trends during 13 years. Ornis Svecica 9: 127-132. Bardsley DK, Edwards-Jones G. Invasive species policy and climate facilitating the invasion of non-indigenous species and change: social perceptions of environmental change in the Medi- the opportunistic establishment of invasive or pest spe- terranean. Environmental Science & Policy, 2007, 10(3): 230-242. cies in the Mediterranean. Occhipinti-Ambrogi A. Global change and marine communities: Another extremely important threat looming in the Alien species and climate change. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2007, 55: 342–352. horizon, when it comes to human induced introduc- Sarà G, Romano C, Widdows J, Staff FJ. Effect of salinity and tem- tion of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea, is climate change. perature on feeding physiology and scope for growth of an inva- Climate change has profound implications on marine sive species (Brachidontes pharaonis - MOLLUSCA: BIVALVIA) ecosystems, well beyond the increasing sea-water tem- within the Mediterranean sea. Journal of Experimental Marine perature that gives a distinct advantage to thermophilic Biology and Ecology, 2008, 363(1-2), 130-136. invasive species over native biota. The effects of climate Schiedek D, Sundelin B, Readman JW, Macdonald RW. Interac- tions between climate change and contaminants. Marine Pollu- change on the marine environment include quite com- tion Bulletin, 2007, 54: 1845-1856. plex abiotic and biological responses. Together, increases Skliris N, Lascaratos A. Impacts of the Nile River damming on the in water temperature and elevated CO2 result in a cas- thermohaline circulation and water mass characteristics of the Medi- cade of physical and chemical changes in marine sys- terranean Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 2004, 52 (1-4): 121-143. tems. Continued uptake of atmospheric CO2 leads to sub- Photograph: ©Milan Vogrin ©Milan Photograph:

Anas Penelope. Ducks are usually the most frequently disturbed birds in winter

12 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 13 ainsi que des espaces de sensibilisation et d’éducation problèmes environnementaux, en particulier dans les La Biodiversité au Maroc et les activités de l`association SPANA environnementale. La SPANA participe également à forêts, les lacs et les zones humides. Les week-ends et concernant le sauvegarde des ecosystèmes de la region divers programmes de conservation de la nature, en par- jours fériés, son exposition interactive permanente et ses ticulier dans les aires protégées. circuits informatifs et éducatifs sont ouverts au grand by Abdelhamid Belemli (SPANA au Maroc) Le programme d’éducation et de sensibilisation à la public. protection animale et à la conservation de la nature de la Les activités de conservation de la nature menées par la SPANA s’adressent à : SPANA s’inscrivent dans des programmes nationaux ou m internationaux et concernent, notamment : Tout public, pour qui la SPANA élabore, publie et m La participation à l’établissement et à la mise en es conditions géo-climatiques du Maroc lui con- suberaie du Rif Central a pratiquement été décimée et diffuse du matériel d’information, d’éducation et fèrent une grande diversité de bioclimats allant de de nombreuses terres agricoles et zones côtières ont été de sensibilisation et organise des journées, rencon- œuvre de plans de gestion et d’aménagement de l’aride, le semi-aride, le sub-humide à l’humide. Ce urbanisées. tres et visites aux refuges, réserves et parcs; certaines aires protégées ; m m qui se traduit par une large variété d’écosystèmes : fores- Face à ces menaces, le Maroc a mis en place une stratégie Les groupes scolaires et enseignants, par des pro- La gestion du site Ramsar de Sidi Boughaba par délé- tiers, steppiques, agricoles, sahariennes, aquatiques et un plan d’action pour la protection de son patrimoine grammes spécifiques axés sur la biodiversité, gation du Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts et marin,L côtier et continental ainsi que des grottes. Il en biologique et pour son utilisation durable après de nom- à la Lutte Contre la Désertification (HCEFLCD). Il l’empathie et les cinq besoins fondamentaux des résulte une biodiversité d’une richesse exceptionnelle en breuses études, notamment l’étude nationale sur les aires animaux. s’agit là d’une première en matière de cogestion des méditerranée où l’on trouve des représentants de la faune protégées et l’étude nationale sur la biodiversité. m Les centres de la SPANA qui sont aménagés et aires protégées. et de la flore aussi bien africaine qu’euro-asiatique. Ainsi, L’un des objectifs de ce plan d’action qui rencontre des m équipés en salles de cours, d’expositions interac- La mise en œuvre de projets en partenariat avec le uniquement pour les espèces répertoriées, on dénombre retards et des obstacles pour sa mise en œuvre est la sen- Haut Commissariat des Eaux et Forêts et de la Lutte plus de 24000 espèces animales et 7000 végétales, avec sibilisation et l’éducation, clé de la prise en conscience de tives et de jardins assurent l’encadrement par un un endémisme extraordinaire de 11% pour la faune et 20% l’appropriation, de l’action et de la participation, aussi personnel formé spécialement à cet effet ainsi que Contre la Désertification, comme le Programme de pour les plantes vasculaires en particulier, dans les hau- bien des décideurs que des populations. le transport des groupes scolaires. Petits Dons, l’équipement de l’écomusée du Parc tes altitudes. C’est dans ce cadre que la SPANA a décidé depuis 1986 National de Toubkal et le diagnostic en éducation, de prendre part et d’être un partenaire actif dans la con- Le CNEE édifié par la SPANA en 1992 dans la réserve information et communication dans le cadre du servation de la nature et dans l’éducation et la formation biologique de Sidi Boughaba dans le cadre d’une con- projet GEF de gestion des aires protégées ; vention spéciale avec le Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et m environnementales. La mise en œuvre ou la participation dans divers Forêts et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification avec l’aide La Société Protectrice des Animaux et de la Nature projets de recherche, de suivi et de développement « SPANA » du Maroc, affiliée à la SPANA de Grande Bre- de l’Union Européenne, BirdLife International et de la comme ceux de l’Union Mondiale pour la Nature tagne, est une association marocaine déclarée pour la SPANA de Grande Bretagne, offre aux groupes scolaires (UICN), BirdLife International, projet Emeraude, première fois en 1959 et reconnue d’Utilité Publique par un programme d’éducation environnementale spécial décret en 1976. axé sur la biodiversité, les ressources naturelles et les Circle Med, RENAZH, Med Wet. Initialement une ONG œuvrant pour la protection des animaux de travail et de compagnie, elle s’est fixée en 1986 deux nouveaux objectifs : la contribution à la conser- vation du patrimoine naturel du Maroc, de sa biodiversité The Prespa ecosystem and its significance to the biodiversity et l’utilisation durable de ses ressources naturelles d’une of Southeastern Europe part, et la formation, la sensibilisation et l’éducation environnementale, d’autre part. En plus de la SPANA de Grande Bretagne (Society for by Anita Logotheti (SPP Prespa) the Protection of Animals Abroad) avec laquelle elle opère Malheureusement, cette formidable biodiversité est conjointement au Maroc, elle est membre de plusieurs l’objet d’une tendance à la dégradation. Elle fait face à réseaux, notamment de l’UICN (Union Mondiale pour la de nombreuses menaces, du fait des activités humaines Nature), WSPA (World Society for the Protection of Ani- fter Lakes Skadar and Ohrid, the Prespa Lakes, (drained in the 1950s). The basin is divided geologically aggravées par les changements climatiques, notamment mals), MIO-ECSDE (Mediterranean Information Office Micro and Macro Prespa, are among the oldest in two distinct parts: the West and South part of the en termes de ressources en eau provoquant un stress for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development), lakes in Europe. Situated in the Balkans in South- basin is dominated by limestones and dolomites, and hydrique pour les écosystèmes aquatiques continentaux MENAW (Middle East Network for Welfare), east Europe, they are shared by three countries, Albania, the North and East part by granites and gneiss, which et une désertification rampante. Les menaces restent RENAZH (Réseau Nord-Africain des Zones Humides) et Greece and the FYROM. The two lakes are well-known also determines the distinctive types of vegetation in cependant plus zoo-anthropiques que naturelles. Elles tout récemment de Med INA (Mediterranean Institute for Afor their globally significant biodiversity, rich cultural each part. The central part of the depression is filled with sont liées à la croissance démographique et au développe- Nature and Anthropos). heritage and unique landscapes. Prespa is a high alti- alluvial sediments. The basin has no surface outflow, but ment socio-économique qui, tout en étant légitime en par- La SPANA est liée par des conventions aux Départe- tude basin, the lakes being situated at approximately the presence of limestone in its western part results in ticulier pour les populations pauvres et rurales, entraine ments Chargés de l’Agriculture, des Eaux et Forêts, 850 m above sea level and surrounded by high mountains underground karstic outflow to Lake Ohrid (which lies une grande pression sur les zones écologiquement frag- de l’Environnement et de l’Education Nationale, et à exceeding 2,000 m. The total area, comprising the drain- ca. 150 m lower than Macro Prespa). iles : surexploitation, agriculture intensive, urbanisa- diverses institutions qui en relèvent. age basin and the two lakes, is 1,519 km2. Geology is one of the reasons the biodiversity of Prespa tion, littoralisation, pollution… C’est ainsi que 1700 Pour atteindre ses objectifs, la SPANA opère à partir de The Prespa Lakes used to be part of the former Das- is very rich and diverse compared to its size, and includes taxa de la riche flore du Maroc sont considérées comme neuf centres régionaux et un Centre National d’Education saretic Basin during the period, and they were many endemic taxa, as well as species and habitats of con- rares ou menacées et 600 espèces animales sont consid- Environnementale (CNEE). Les centres régionaux sont à la formed during a karstic collapse during the Tertiary servation concern. From a phytogeographical perspective, érés comme menacées. A titre d’exemples extrêmes, la fois des centres hospitaliers et des refuges pour animaux period, together with Lake Ohrid and former lake Maliq Prespa can be classified in the Balkan subzone of the Sub-

14 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 15 Sea turtles in the Mediterranean

by Lili Venizelou (MEDASSET)

hree of the seven species of sea turtles are found This has resulted in the drafting of national laws and throughout the Mediterranean. The loggerhead regional legislation (EU Habitats Directive). Several more (Caretta caretta) and green turtles (Chelonia Nations have signed international conventions such as mydas) nest here, and the huge leatherback (Dermoche- the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European lys coriacea) is an occasional visitor. It is estimated that Wildlife and Natural Habitats, the Barcelona Conven- Tonly about 339-360 green and 2.280-2.787 loggerhead tur- tion for the Protection of the Marine Environment and tles nest in the Mediterranean. Both species are classi- the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Action fied as ‘endangered’ in the IUCN Red list of threatened Plan for the Conservation of Mediterranean Marine Tur- species. tles, the Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migra- Sea turtles are cold-blooded, air breathing, egg lay- tory Species of Wild Animals and CITES, the Convention ing reptiles that spend their mysterious lives at sea but on International Trade in Endangered Species. Lack of return to the same beach they were born to deposit their implementation of many of the above, due to ignorance eggs in the sand. They take 20-30 years to mature and and indifference of decision makers, authorities and may live up to 100 years. It is believed that only one in individuals, leaves the marine turtles of the Mediterra- a thousand hatchlings will live to adulthood. Therefore nean under serious threat of extinction. Photograph: ©Milan Vogrin ©Milan Photograph: the loss of even a single adult female is disastrous for Despite having travelled the world’s waters since the Dalmatian pelican Pelecanus crispus their populations. age of the Dinosaurs, some 250 million years ago, their Extensive research and publicity, during the last dec- continuous presence in our seas and oceans is by no ade, has increased public concern for turtle conservation. means guaranteed. Although they have natural preda- Mediterranean vegetation zone. The areas with aquatic the second mixed colony of Dalmatian and Great White vegetation are of special conservation importance. The Pelicans in Europe. Among the 60 encoun- successive zones from the lakeshore to the watershed tered in Prespa, species of conservation concern include line on the mountains are forest formations (lowland the Wolf, the Brown Bear, the Otter and the Chamois. woodland vegetation, deciduous oak forests, deciduous Additionally, a recent survey identified 25 species of bats, beech forests, and mixed beech-fir forests), sub-alpine 15 of which breed in the area. vegetation of dwarf shrubs and alpine meadows. There is no complete inventory of the flora of all the Prespa area, however many endemic species of the Balkan Peninsula have been detected, whereas just on the Greek part of the Prespa basin, studies have recorded more than 1500 different plant species. Concerning the fauna, at least 27 species of local endemic aquatic invertebrates have been recorded (plus 23 others, endemic to the Balkans) and 18 species of local endemic terrestrial invertebrates (plus 14 others, endemic to the Balkans). The fish fauna is also very rich and includes 23 species recorded, out of which 8 are endemic to Prespa. In the 1960s Prespa used to be an ornithological paradise which attracted many visitors and scientists. Despite the land use and habitat changes that Prespa went though especially during the 1970s and 1980s, avifauna diversity still remains very rich. Nowa- days, Prespa is considered a unique place, due to its rich- ness but also due to the presence of significant popula- tions of rare bird species of international importance, such as the Dalmatian Pelican, the Great White Pelican, and the Pygmy Cormorant. More specifically, the area Photograph: ©MEDASSET Photograph: hosts the largest breeding colony of Dalmatian Pelicans Vogrin ©Milan Photograph: in the world, corresponding to 10% of the world’s popula- Phalacrocorax pygmeus Caretta caretta tion, whereas Prespa, apart from the Danube delta holds

16 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 17 tors, by far the greatest threat to these ancient mariners protection means the preservation of multiple habitats of the Mediterranean is mankind’s irresponsible coastal and linked ecosystems. development, pollution, collision with vessels, fisher- Sea turtles are also revered in many cultures all over ies by-catch mortality, especially long-lines, gill nets the world. The Ancient Greeks considered them the sacred and trawls that have a major impact on sea turtle popu- animal of Poseidon and Aphrodite and a symbol of long lations. Additionally, marine turtles may be extremely life, fertility and strength. During the past three dec- vulnerable to the future impacts of climate change as ades they have become very important to human activi- sand temperature during incubation is the sex determi- ties such as tourism, education and scientific research, nant of hatchlings and an increase of just 1 or 2 degrees providing employment, information services opportuni- Celsius from global warming could force embryonic sex- ties, as well as other economic and cultural benefits. ratios towards female-dominance. To protect sea turtles, researchers and NGOs are work- Researchers are just beginning to understand the impor- ing towards reducing the deterioration or loss of critical tant ecological roles sea turtles play in marine and coastal habitats, decreasing by-catch mortality, creating and ecosystems. They are important indicators of the health of strengthening protected areas, lobbying for implementa- coastal and marine environments on both local and global tion of conservation measures, combating pollution, pro- scales. Green turtles graze on seagrass and algae making moting ecotourism, public awareness and education. the seabed healthier and more productive, allowing com- Since 1988, MEDASSET is playing an active role in the mercially important species such as shrimp, lobster and study and conservation of sea turtles and their habitats fish to thrive. Leatherbacks and loggerheads consume jel- throughout the Mediterranean, through environmental lyfish, which feed on fish larvae and are a threat to human education, political lobbying, awareness raising and sci- activities such as tourism. Also, by depositing their eggs entific research. Over 7,800 km of coastline have been sur- on beaches, they transport vital nutrients from the seas veyed, while projects and assessments have been carried to coastal and inshore habitats. About 100 different ani- out in Greece, Egypt, Italy (), Lebanon, Libya, mal and plant species have been recorded living on the Syria and Turkey. A current MEDASSET research project Attard ©Vincent Photographs: body of one single loggerhead, making them an entire focuses on “Monitoring and Conservation of Important Orchid Onion weed Asphodelus fistulosus mobile, living, breathing ecosystem. Sea Turtle Feeding Grounds in the Patok Area of Alba- Marine turtles are emblematic flagship species that nia” which combines traditional census techniques with inspire coastal and marine conservation, and fascinate satellite-based telemetry and genetic analysis, with the all people that view them as the symbol of all enigmatic aim to identify the area as an important foraging habitat Olive leaved germander are a few to be noted in the garigue A common algae, found in very shallow waters surround- oceanic creatures. Their intricate biological cycle, which for sea turtles in the Mediterranean and promote the pro- especially on the island of Comino – a very small island with ing the Maltese islands, is the Sea Firs. This often form for many is one of the wonders of nature, constitutes tection of the species in Patok under Albanian national only one hotel and some 7 inhabitants. While talking of the forests together with other algal assemblages. Malta is them an “umbrella” species for conservation, as their law. garigue - one cannot forget the legally protected Mediter- also surrounded by large communities of Posidonia mead- ranean thyme (Thymus capitatus) which is the reason why ows, which attract a lot of marine life. Posidonia mead- Maltese bees produce excellent honey. It usually flowers in ows are today protected by the European Union. June-July changing the Maltese garigue from a dry brown Being close to two major nesting sites – Lampedusa and Biodiversity at the centre of the Mediterranean: color to a marvelous pink purple totally transforming the Libya, marine turtles are common visitors to the islands, the case of Malta harsh landscape. Other habitats include the steppe which especially during summer months. They are often seen is closer to the cliffs on the western side of islands where in the channel between Malta and Sicily or south of the one finds the endemic Darniella melitensis. Islands. by Vincent Attard (Nature Trust MALTA) Small woodlands are also found with one of the most Malta also attracts a large variety of birds that migrate interesting trees being the national tree – the sandarac over Italy, Sicily and Malta, on their way to or from the gum tree – (Gharghar in Maltese) “Tetraclinis articu- African continent. During spring and autumn, Malta late”. This is a very rare Mediterranean tree found only in becomes a paradise for bird lovers when large numbers iodiversity is the variation of life forms within a The Maltese islands are located right in the middle of the Malta, parts of Spain and parts of Morocco, proving once of birds (including birds of prey) can be spotted on the given ecosystem, biome, or on the entire Earth and Mediterranean. Although very small and densely popu- more the interface role of the islands between the North island. However, over the last few years, birds that had is often used to measure the health of biological sys- lated, its biodiversity, albeit struggling, maintains its and South shores of the Mediterranean. never appeared in Malta are being recorded by ornitholo- tems. Despite the important role that biodiversity plays in place. Here, one witnesses the interface role of the islands Maltese fauna is also adapted to the restricted space gists – a phenomenon attributed to climate change. human life and for our planet, still today, economy plays since various species appear in the north or south shore of and often competes with the local human population Climate change is currently contributing to the aB dominant role over environment and social issues. the Mediterranean. At the same time, the Maltese islands’ and mass tourism for its survival. Some of the most appearance of non indigenous species. These are also Despite the important role that Biodiversity plays biodiversity, isolated from the north or south mainland, interesting species are the Maltese wall lizards, appear- often referred to as alien species and are showing up both in human life and for our planet, the scenario where has evolved and adapted over the years so that today they ing in four different varieties, the Painted Frog which is on land and in the sea. In the marine environment, more economy plays a dominant role over environment and boast a large number of endemic species. also found in Sicily, the Turkish Gecho, and four types of and more Red Sea species seem to be appearing in this social issues is the prevailing one. The Mediterranean is One of the predominant habitats found on the Maltese snakes - none of them poisonous. The fresh water crab is central Mediterranean region. If we do not intervene to a region that has a very rich biodiversity but at the same islands is the Garigue habitat, which is rocky with small very rare, found only in three places near a year-round minimize the climate change process, we will become time faces major problems with regards to pollution, pockets of soil. In this harsh and difficult environment one fresh water spring. witnesses to major changes in biodiversity in the next unsustainable fishing, desertification, water issues, can find a large number of wild plants and animals all of Malta also has a very rich marine biodiversity attracting few years, which in turn will adversely affect humans. mass tourism and many other pressures including armed which have adapted to the conditions. Plants like the Mal- a large number of diving tourists each year in places such Our duty is to safeguard biodiversity for future genera- conflict that directly or indirectly affect biodiversity. tese Spurge (Euphorbia melitens), Yellow kidney vetch, as Xlendi Bay, Dwejra and the Blue hole, Zurrieq area, etc. tions.

18 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 19 Non indigenous species in the Mediterranean sea: Dragonflies go thirsty in the Mediterranean Distribution and Impacts

by Gemma Quilez-Badia (WWF MEDPO, Spain) by Thomais Vlachogianni (MIO-ECSDE)

he introduction of Non Indigenous Species (NIS) Examples on NIS in the Mediterranean such as the inva- lmost a fifth of the dragonfly species occurring together with a lower level of precipitation will result in into terrestrial and freshwater habitats has been sive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, native from the W in the Mediterranean region are threatened with the desiccation of brooks, a habitat on which many of well documented since last century. However, Atlantic – which caused really serious problems to the eco- extinction, according to the IUCN report on the the endemics are dependent. the history, diversity, distribution and effects of marine system and fisheries in other previously-invaded regions “The status and distribution of dragonflies of the Medi- Of the 165 Mediterranean dragonfly species 19% are invasions are poorly known for most coasts of the world, e.g. was first recorded in Israel, Italy and Spain in 2009, terranean Basin”. This fact underlines the extreme pres- classed as threatened: 3% are Critically Endangered, 8% Tand there is a considerable lack of information about the indicating its establishment in the Mediterranean; and Asure posed on Mediterranean habitats since dragonflies are Endangered, and 8% are Vulnerable. A total of 58% are invasions that occurred prior to the mid-19th century. the range expansion of the tropical seagrass species Halo- are widely used in evaluating environmental changes classified as Least Concern, while 16% are Near Threat- However, it is well known that they constitute a major phila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae) to the north-western in the long term (biogeography, climatology) and in the ened. Four species (2%), Agriocnemis exilis, Ceriagrion threat to marine ecosystems, with dramatic effects on Mediterranean, show the vulnerability of the marine short term (biology conservation, water pollution, struc- glabrum, Rhyothemis semihyalina and Phyllomacromia biological diversity and productivity, habitat structure, ecosystems to the threat entailed with the introduction tural alteration of running and standing waters). Africana are listed as Regionally Extinct. and fisheries. of NIS (aggravated by climate change) and illustrate the The most significant threats to dragonflies in the Med- With respect to the endemic species, the results are Historically, organisms have always been dispersed changing Mediterranean Sea biogeography. The presently iterranean Basin are habitat destruction, degradation, not encouraging. In fact, of the species endemic to the naturally intra- and inter-continentally by events such well established east - west patterns in biotic ranges in pollution and mismanagement of water bodies. How- Mediterranean Basin, nine are either Vulnerable or as plate tectonic movements, glacial episodes, ocean the Mediterranean Sea will probably be replaced by north- ever, in recent years it has become evident that climate Endangered, and only eight are of Least Concern. Fur- currents, by being attached to floating logs and debris, south patterns in the not so distant future. Moreover, the change driven impacts will affect dragonflies in the Med- thermore, several species are only marginally present in and other small- or large-scale natural events. Moreover, increasing loss of richness and diversity of the native Med- iterranean, given the fact that increased water demand the Mediterranean Basin. every ecosystem has a dynamic nature where it is com- iterranean ecosystems due to NIS introductions is chang- mon that populations vary, undergo local ing our Sea, to such an extent, that the Mediterranean as and are colonized by new immigrants. Thus, there is a we were used to know it and its long-established descrip- misperception that humans are speeding up the phe- tion found in textbooks, is no longer there. nomenon of natural invasions from non-indigenous spe- Moreover, the environmental status of marine waters cies into new habitats around the globe. However, this has traditionally been evaluated considering the effects dispersion has always been a slow process which was of pollution, eutrophication, habitat destruction and stopped by natural biological, geographical, physical or fisheries overexploitation, but we have to bear in mind chemical barriers, thus preserving global biodiversity. that contrary to what happens with e.g. the pollution But ever since humans started crossing the oceans for arising from an oil spill - i.e. the ecosystem can eventu- exploration, colonization and commerce, marine ani- ally recover from it - NIS invasion impacts are usually mals, plants and other organisms started being trans- irreversible. Therefore, we need to better understand the ported around the world’s seas either intentionally or interactions and dynamic links between “traditional” accidentally leading to a profound (but in many regions pollution, climatic changes and bio-invasions so we can of the world largely still unrecognized) alteration of the start facing the challenge of dealing with difficult man- diversity of many shallow coastal marine and estuarine aging measures. communities. References The Mediterranean Sea, representing 0.8 % of the Gambi MC, Barbieri F, Bianchi CN. New record of the alien sea- ocean surface (or 0.3 % of the ocean volume) and more grass Halophila stipulacea (Hydrocharitaceae) in the western than 7 % of the Earth’s biodiversity, is one of the most Mediterranean: A further clue to changing Mediterranean Sea affected seas in the world regarding NIS. To date, 573 biogeography. JMBA2 Biodiversity Records, 2008, 7. non indigenous marine metazoan species or 903 total NIS Boero F, Marco P, Egidio T, Emanuele P, Stefano P, Shiganova TA. First records of Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora) from the Ligu- have been recorded. Most of these NIS are thermophilic rian, Thyrrhenian and Ionian Seas (Western Mediterranean) and species which come from the Indo-Pacific or Indian first record of Phyllorhiza punctata (Cnidaria) from the Western Oceans, and have entered the Mediterranean through Mediterranean. Aquatic Invasions, 2009, 4(4): 675-680. the Suez Canal. In the eastern Mediterranean, most of Fuentes VL, Atienza D,. Gili J.-M, Purcell JE. First record of Mne- them have entered through the Suez Canal, whereas in miopsis leidyi A. Agassiz 1865 off the NW Mediterranean coast of Spain. Aquatic Invasions, 2009, 4: 671-674. the northwestern Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea mariculture and shipping are the main means of intro- Galil BS. Loss or gain? Invasive aliens and biodiversity in the Medi- terranean sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2007, 55: 314–322. duction. Moreover, the rate of introduction in the past Galil BS. Taking stock: Inventory of alien species in the Mediter- two decades is outstanding: about 10 new NIS are intro- ranean Sea. Biological Invasions, 2009, 11: 359–372. Vlachogianni ©Thomais Photograph: duced into the Mediterranean annually. Spotted Darter Sympetrum depressiusculum

20 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 21 There is also another situation occurring amongst the Although the conservation status of dragonflies in northern and central European species, the alpine spe- Central and Northern Europe has improved in recent MIO-ESCDE Position Paper on cies, such as Somatochlora alpestris, S. arctica, Aeshna decades, in the Mediterranean region the threats to ‘Biodiversity in the Mediterranean region’ caerulea, Aeshna subarctica elisabethae, Nehalennia dragonflies are increasing rapidly. The smaller distribu- speciosa, Sympecma paedisca, and the various Leucor- tion areas of most Mediterranean dragonflies, combined rhinia species. In this instance, although most of these with the increasing threats, make that most threatened species are classified as Least Concern on a global scale, dragonflies are currently found in the Mediterranean their Mediterranean populations are sometimes under Basin. This highlights the necessity for a set of actions to threat, due to their marginal and sometimes relict dis- be undertaken by the Mediterranean countries to protect tribution in the region, and because of the fact that they the global populations of these species. The selection and Introduction 1. The Mediterranean: are very sensitive to global warming and the desiccation protection of key sites are essential to ensure the survival Biodiversity is a crucial natural asset and component of A biodiversity hotspot under threat of breeding habitats. According to the European Red List of these species and their ecological requirements need terrestrial and marine ecosystems directly or indirectly The Mediterranean basin is recognised as a biodiversity of Dragonflies (2010) half of the European species have to be taken into account in the planning and manage- providing or contributing to the maintenance of impor- hotspot. Its flora diversity is outstanding with 15000 to a stable population trend; about a quarter of them are ment of water use, especially for agriculture purposes or tant ecosystem services and thus it is also inextricably 25000 species, 60% of which are unique to the region. declining and about one tenth are increasing. The threats infrastructure development. linked with human well-being. About one-third of the Mediterranean fauna is endemic to European dragonflies vary regionally and over time References The Mediterranean region is considered to be one of (IUCN, 2008). and include large-scale land conversion, canalisation Simaika JP, Samways MJ. Comparative assessment of indices of the world’s hotspots where exceptional concentrations of Although in many cases information is incomplete of rivers and water pollution (including eutrophication) freshwater habitat conditions using different invertebrate taxon biodiversity occur. However, the region’s unique wealth is regarding biodiversity and related trends (in particu- were the main causes of decline, impacting especially sets. Ecological Indicators, 2010 (In Press). critically endangered as biodiversity continues to decrease lar regarding marine biodiversity) in the Mediterranean species dependent on mesotrophic or running waters. Kalkman VJ, Boudot J-P, Bernard R, Conze K, De Knijf G, Dyatlova rapidly, due to human-induced pressures which result in region, there is enough data demonstrating the fact that Declines were particularly severe in Western Europe E, Ferreira S, Jović M, Ott J, Riservato E, Sahlén G. European Red the fragmentation, degradation and loss of habitat and biodiversity in the region is under severe risk. from the 1960s to the 1980s, when several species became List of Dragonflies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the Euro- pean Union, 2010. (ISBN 978-92-79-14153-9) extinction of species. As biodiversity loss proceeds our According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species extinct over large areas. Since then, improved water EU 2010 Biodiversity Baseline. Post-2010 EU biodiversity policy. knowledge of its importance is growing, highlighting the (2008) 19% of fauna species (amphibians, birds, cartilag- management and decreasing eutrophication have had a European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2010. fact that urgent actions should be undertaken at all levels inous fishes, endemic freshwater fishes, crabs and cray- positive impact, and many of the species dependent on Riservato E, Boudot J-P, Ferreira S, Jović M, Kalkman VJ, Schneider to tackle this critical issue in the Mediterranean Region. fish, mammals, dragonflies and reptiles) are threatened running waters have made a surprisingly fast recovery. W, Samraoui B, Cuttelod A. The Status and distribution of drag- The present Position Paper is intended to present MIO- with extinction (5% Critically Endangered, 7% Endangered Recently, there have been some indications that also onflies of the Mediterranean basin. The IUCN Red List of Threat- ECSDE’s collective views on Biodiversity and to propose a set and 7% Vulnerable). In addition at least 16 irreplaceable species dependent on mesotrophic waters are starting to ened SpeciesTM - Regional Assessment. Gland, Switzerland and of actions that should urgently be taken in order to respond species are already extinct, including some endemics such recover. Malaga, Spain, 2009. to biodiversity threats and challenges in the Mediterranean as the Hula Painted Frog Discoglossus nigriventer, the region, including threats from climate change. It also aims to Canary Islands Oystercatcher Haematopus meadewaldoi assist MIO-ECSDE members in their advocacy and policy for- and the Sardinian sardus. mulation efforts at regional, national and local level regarding biodiversity issues. This paper has been drafted on occasion of the UN Year 2. Direct and indirect drivers of bio- of Biodiversity and the regrettably poor results in achiev- diversity loss in the Mediterranean ing the objectives previously set to preserve biodiversity region at International, European and Mediterranean level and According to the findings of the Millennium Ecosystem particularly: Assessment (2005), “changes in biodiversity due to human m to achieve the 2010 biodiversity target to significantly activities were more rapid in the past 50 years than at any reduce the rate of biodiversity loss adopted by the time in , and the drivers of change that 2000 UN General Assembly as a target of Millennium cause biodiversity loss and lead to changes in ecosystem Development Goal 7, “to ensure environmental sustain- services are either steady, show no evidence of declining ability”. over time, or are increasing in intensity”. The Living Planet m to halt the decline of biodiversity in the EU by 2010 Report (WWF, 2010) and its findings, clearly demonstrate and to restore habitats and natural systems, a target that the unprecedented drive for wealth and well-being adopted by EU Heads of State and Government in 2001. of the past 40 years is putting unsustainable pressures on The new objective set aims to halt the loss of biodiver- our planet. Specifically, one of the longest-running meas- sity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the ures of the trends in the state of global biodiversity, the EU by 2020, restore them insofar as feasible, while Living Planet Index (LPI)-which provides information on stepping up the EU contribution to averting global bio- trends in the abundance of the world’s vertebrates- shows diversity loss. a global decline of almost 30% between 1970 and 2007. m to fulfil the aims and targets of the Mediterranean The Ecological Footprint –which tracks the area of biolog- Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) and ically productive land and water required to provide the the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas renewable resources people use, and includes the space

Photograph: ©Thomais Vlachogianni ©Thomais Photograph: and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (SPA/BD needed for infrastructure and vegetation to absorb waste Black-headed gull Larus ridibundus and Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus Protocol) of the Barcelona Convention. carbon dioxide (CO2)- shows also a consistent trend: one

22 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 23 of continuous growth. In 2007 the Footprint exceeded the change models indicate that the Mediterranean region 4. Proposed actions to address biodi- In view of the looming threat of climate change, mit- Earth’s biocapacity — the area actually available to pro- will experience decreasing rainfall, increasing land and sea versity loss in the Mediterranean region igation and adaptation responses should urgently be duce renewable resources and absorb CO2 — by 50 per temperatures as well as progressive desertification which In order to achieve greater progress towards biodiversity implemented. Healthy ecosystems can contribute in cent. Overall, humanity’s Ecological Footprint shows a will have an impact on both the distribution and survival conservation and avert the accelerating, catastrophic loss many ways to climate change mitigation, e.g. providing doubling of our demands on the natural world since the of species (Bates, et al 2008). The poleward shift of flora of the variety of life forms in the Mediterranean region protection against natural hazards aggravated by climate 1960s. The Water Footprint of Production -which provides and fauna induced by temperature rise will pose particu- there is an urgent need for a set of actions and responses change, limiting atmospheric greenhouse gas concen- a measure of human demand on renewable resources- larly dramatic problems for the Mediterranean’s many closely linked with ambitious short- and long-term post- trations through terrestrial carbon storage, etc. In this shows that 71 countries are currently experiencing some islands, whilst also threatening the future prospects for 2010 targets, aiming to tackle sufficiently and effectively context, Mediterranean peatlands and forests (above all stress on blue water sources. the continued cultivation of many traditional staple crops the indirect and direct drivers of biodiversity loss in the those comprising mixed indigenous species, whose car- Human actions are fundamentally and to a significant and trees. Their eventual and progressive adaptation and/ Mediterranean region. bon storage potential much exceeds monostand planta- extent irreversibly responsible for the changes caused to or replacement by other strains or cultivars are key cop- The initial step should be the setting of ambitious but tions) should be recognized as important carbon sinks the diversity of life on Earth. The most important indirect ing strategies which are only beginning to be addressed in realistic and measurable short-, medium and long-term and increased efforts should be undertaken towards their drivers of biodiversity loss and ecosystem service changes some countries. targets. These targets should be based on current scien- protection and restoration. in the Mediterranean region include overpopulation, tific evidence, taking into account related existing and The major potential contribution of soil carbon stor- urbanization, littorilisation and unsustainable modes of emerging challenges and opportunities, while actively age should be thoroughly reviewed and translated into consumption, trade, tourism, etc. while the direct ones 3. The main legal biodiversity related engaging all stakeholders. a modification of current agricultural and land manage- are marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitat fragmenta- instruments for the Mediterranean The post-2010 overarching goal towards the protec- ment practices. Full use should be made of research and tion and destruction caused by overexploitation of natural region tion of biodiversity in the Mediterranean should be coher- project activities developed within existing institutions, resources, rapid and large scale land use changes, physical Mediterranean countries have recognized the imperative ent with commitments made by the Contracting Parties international organizations and programmes. Wetlands modification of and water withdrawal from rivers, dam- need for biodiversity preservation and ecosystems bal- to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity at their 10th and forests are also among the most useful systems for age to sea floors due to dredging, drilling and trawling, ance, in order to avoid the severe consequences of biodi- session (Nagoya, Japan 18-29 October 2010), while going appropriate adaptation to climate change, reducing run- various types of pollution including biological/microbial versity loss. This is clearly reflected in the fact that most beyond halting the loss of regional biodiversity by also off, erosion and floods that will result from the expected pollution, introduction of non indigenous species, and countries within the Mediterranean region are contract- including actions towards restoring its integrity and vari- increased frequency of extreme events (such as heavy unsustainable use/removal of wild living resources (hunt- ing parties to major international/regional conventions, ety -thus ensuring the continued provision of goods and rainfalls, melt of mountain ices caps, etc.). Plant cover, ing, fishing, etc.). agreements and legislative frameworks that deal with or services related to it- and the considerable expansion of forests in particular, and wetlands are closely connected Of particular significance for Mediterranean biodiversity are closely related to biodiversity issues. protected areas in the region. with the water cycle and the improvement of the qual- are climate change impacts since the region is predicted to The new Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for the period ity and quantity of water, which is most vulnerable to cli- become one of the most severely affected regions. Climate These legal instruments are presented in the table below. 2011-2020 “Living in harmony with Nature” may serve as a mate change. good basis for facilitating the mainstreaming of biodiver- The prevention of fires and the promotion of sustaina- sity into broader national and global agendas and by pro- ble grazing management are essential to achieve the effec- moting actions at multiple entry points towards achieving tive conservation of forests as well as prevent the exacer- Table 1. Main legal instruments for the Mediterranean region aiming at the conservation of biodiversity the overall vision of the plan according to which “By 2050, bation of soil degradation and erosion in the region. biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, In addition there is also an apparent need to identify pri- maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy ority sites for biodiversity protection in the Mediterranean International Level he UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the CBD Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety; planet and delivering benefits essential for all people.” region and increase the number of protected habi- the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance; tats and the quality of protection in underrepresented the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Herewith are listed MIO-ECSDE’s general recommen- the Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, including several dations as well as those specific to the different fields of Mediterranean areas and habitats of special ecological Agreements (binding instruments) and Memoranda of Understanding (not binding) to conserve action: importance. particular species relevant to the Mediterranean Region e.g. a special agreement under the Bonn Reflecting the highlighted importance of biodiversity Convention was made in 1996 for the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean 4.1. General Recommendations and the growing political commitment to halt its decline, Sea and Contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS). Increased efforts should be made towards the protection increased governmental and EU funding needs to be ear- marked for the establishment of a considerable number Mediterranean Level the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of The Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (1976) and its of terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats and species of new protected areas (core protected areas, buffers, relevant protocols such as the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity by: tackling the major sources of pollution (solid waste, (SPA/BD) in the Mediterranean (adopted in 1995); waste water, industrial emissions) including contamina- corridors) in the region, while further biodiversity-related the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (adopted in 2008). tion and all forms of biological destruction by preventing research, conservation, and uninterrupted management the introduction of non-indigenous species; eliminating of established protected areas is needed, including sys- European Level the EU Birds Directive 79/409/EEC and the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC establishing respectively Special unsustainable fishing practices; stopping overharvest- tematic education and awareness raising activities. Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). The Natura 2000 network, an EU wide network of nature protection areas includes both SPAs and SACs; ing of species; avoiding unsustainable agriculture, aqua- 4.2. Recommendations on policy/governance the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats; culture and forestry practices, avoiding soil degradation the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive; activities, etc. issues the EU Water Framework Directive; The current scope and effectiveness of existing legal There is a growing recognition that effective policies and the European Landscape Convention; instruments under the Barcelona Convention should be concrete measures for biodiversity conservation need to The Pan-European Biological; critically reviewed in this light and if necessary amended be urgently undertaken with focus on the reduction of Landscape Diversity Strategy. by the Contracting Parties to ensure effective protection. socio-economic pressures on biodiversity, either directly In this respect, biodiversity protection concerns should or through modification of their underlying driving be mainstreamed into all relevant national level sector forces. policies and development plans.

24 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 25 4.2.1. Synergies among existing policies, strategies and increased political will is needed to enhance synergies and gressively incorporating measures relating to climate 4.4. Recommendations on research and moni- other instruments relevant to the Mediterranean region/ translate agreements into practice. change mitigation and adaptation. toring countries, as well as management and implementation tools 4.2.3. New instruments/strategies should be put in place to The primary value of the Ecosystem Approach is that Scientific information on biodiversity, its value, function- need to be developed/forged ensuring to the extent possi- reinforce biodiversity conservation, where relevant. it puts people and their natural resource use practices ing, status and trends, and the consequences of its loss is ble the necessary coherence and greater alignment with the Although there are many legal tools and instruments squarely at the centre of decision-making. Because of constantly being improved but there still are major gaps identified biodiversity related priorities. In this sense, for already in place aiming at the conservation of biodiversity this, the Ecosystem Approach can be used to seek an and deficiencies in the existing knowledge. example: in different policy areas there are still “gaps” in the regula- appropriate balance between the conservation and use of 4.4.1. Mediterranean region research needs to focus m the establishment of a network of marine conservation tory framework that need to be addressed. biological diversity in areas where there are both multiple on the assessment of the status and the underly- areas under EU’s Natura 2000 aiming to halt the loss For example, at EU level, it seems very important to resource users and important natural values. ing trends of threatened ecosystems which under- of biodiversity in the EU but also to enhance marine immediately advance (under the current EU Belgian 4.2.6. Communication, coordination and cooperation pin conservation planning at regional and national conservation and sustainable use objectives should be Presidency) the discussion on the adoption of a Soil within the Mediterranean region on protected areas should level. further strengthened by the timely implementation of Framework Directive and achieve a compromise with the be enhanced. This will lead to the strengthening of the science - policy the new EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, call- countries opposing its adoption. In order to achieve EU Regional and sub-regional cooperation and networking interface and the identification of emerging issues and ing for close cooperation among all countries sharing a biodiversity targets it is vital to set out common princi- in the fields of protected areas management should be will contribute substantially to effectively addressing bio- marine region to achieve a good environmental status ples for protecting soils across the EU. Non EU countries promoted and facilitated, especially in the North African diversity threats and driving forces. by 2020. should also be encouraged to apply the same principles and Middle East countries, where most programmes are m the implementation of the MedPartnership’s activi- for a comprehensive regional approach to soil protection. entirely country driven and there is lack of effective mech- 4.4.2. Reliable, well-validated, easy to apply and ties through the Mediterranean Marine Protected Area On the wider Mediterranean level a common strategy anisms for sharing experiences and knowledge, while robust tools (since the Mediterranean countries have network (MedMPAnet) aiming to enhance the effec- by governments of the region and competent international trans-boundary cooperation and coordination is mini- limited human and financial resources) to measure tive conservation of regionally important coastal and organisations (UN bodies, EC, etc.) to prevent and abate mal. the different components of biodiversity should be marine biodiversity features in areas under countries’ forest fires should be established. This recommendation developed to achieve efficient assessment and moni- national jurisdiction through the creation of an eco- has been proposed along with others more than 20 years 4.3. Recommendations on awareness raising, toring. logically coherent MPA network in the Mediterranean ago within the framework of the Athens Declaration on education & communication It must be emphasized that the lack of scientific data or region (as required by the SPA/BD Protocol), should be forest fires (1987) and still remains very topical and urgent One of the key issues that need to be effectively addressed the existence of fragmented knowledge should not be actively supported. in view of the annual loss of Mediterranean forests and in the Mediterranean is the lack of awareness of the wider used as an argument for inaction when it comes to the m the EU “Guidelines for the establishment of the Natura their biodiversity due to fires. public and stakeholders about the role of biodiversity in conservation, protection or management of habitats and 2000 network in the marine environment” (2007) cov- The EU Forest Action Plan (2007–2011) and its proposals relation to the survival and well-being of the people of the species. As many Mediterranean countries cannot afford ering both the inshore and offshore marine environ- for action, together with those outlined in the Declaration region. A recent EC report on the “Attitudes of Europeans to carry out comprehensive research for all habitats and ments should be considered in connection with on- and the five Resolutions of the Fourth Ministerial towards biodiversity» confirms this need which is very species a different pragmatic and effective approach is going regional strategies set through the Barcelona Conference on the Protection of Forests (2003), represent obvious for the EU Mediterranean countries – expected to needed and therefore this should be thoroughly explored Convention’s SPA/BD Protocol and its Protocol on a good example which could inspire a system of joint sus- reflect also the rest of the region - and reveals that com- and addressed. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) adopted tainable forest management in the Mediterranean, also munication and outreach activities should become a high In 2008 the European Union published “The biodiversity in 2008. in line with the CBD Expanded Programme of Work on priority. action plan: Halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 – and m elements of the Natura 2000 Network should also Forest Biological Diversity and other global forest-related In this respect, combination of the United Nations beyond” aiming to assist Members States in halting the be used as a source of inspiration for the systematic commitments. Decade of Education for Sustainable Development loss of biodiversity. In this action plan are highlighted the protection of terrestrial habitats and species in the (UNDESD) with the International Year of Biodiversity main biodiversity related gaps in knowledge and research South Mediterranean countries, eventually through an 4.2.4. Adequate assistance in terms of financial and capacity offers a unique opportunity and can be used to draw pub- need and a set of very useful recommendations are being expansion of the SPA/BD Protocol to cover terrestrial building support should be provided to countries in the region lic attention to the value of biodiversity and the need to proposed which can be revisited and implemented for biodiversity. for the implementation of biodiversity conservation measures. conserve it, as well as on the opportunities derived from both EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries. m The development and restoration of ecological cor- Additional support should be provided to the developing its conservation and sustainable use. Biodiversity has ridors which provide connectivity among protected countries of the region for revising NBSAPs to include the been identified as one of the key areas of Education for 4.4.3. Research approaches should be broadened to areas, as well as the establishment of transboundary integration of biodiversity targets into sectoral planning Sustainable Development (ESD) in the framework of the ensure the integration of social sciences and eco- protected areas/biosphere reserves should be actively and policies. It is important to ensure that greater empha- ongoing UN Decade (2005-2014) on ESD, where MIO- nomics with biodiversity research. promoted in the Mediterranean region. sis be given to environmental mainstreaming and to pol- ECSDE through its MEdIES programme is very active. As in many other cases, the understanding of the link icy and institutional changes rather than projects. between socio-economic and cultural drivers and bio- 4.2.2. Biodiversity protection concerns and measures should 4.3.1. The wider public should be fully informed about the diversity pressures and impacts is incomplete and the be mainstreamed in all relevant sectoral policies and devel- 4.2.5. Every environmental policy in the Mediterranean real implications of biodiversity losses for their daily lives related information is very scattered. An effort to connect opment plans. countries should be developed in such a way to ensure the and should be encouraged to commit themselves towards marine biodiversity and ecosystem services with their eco- Although some progress can be identified in this direction, implementation of the Ecosystem Approach (ECAP). the conservation of biodiversity through various activities. nomic value in order to highlight their importance for the for example at the EU level through the integration of bio- This approach was adopted by the Contracting Parties to In this context, MIO-ECSDE will continue its long-stand- sustainable development of the Mediterranean riparian diversity concerns into community policies and instru- the Barcelona Convention at their conference in Almeria in ing efforts to enhance awareness raising on biodiversity countries was made by UNEP/MAP’s Blue Plan in its report ments such as the Common Agricultural Policy, the Water 2008 and aims at improving the way human activities are issues through education (formal, informal and non for- on “The economic value of sustainable benefits from the Framework Directive, the Marine Strategy Framework managed for the protection of the marine environment. mal), communication and capacity building actions. Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems”. Such research needs Directive, and at the wider Euro - Mediterranean level This could be a starting point for a larger scale implemen- to be enhanced and deepened. (UfM) through the implementation of de-pollution tation of the ECAP towards the integrated management Initiatives such as the “Horizon 2020” initiative and the of land, water and living resources promoting conserva- preparation of a Strategy on Water in the Mediterranean, tion and sustainable use in an equitable way whilst pro-

26 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62 27 MIO-ECSDE at the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP-10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 18-29 October, Nagoya, Japan.

MIO-ECSDE represented by its Senior Adviser Ms. Vanya Walker-Leigh (Nature Trust Malta) participated at the 10th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP-10) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, held on 18-29 October, in Nagoya, Japan. Ms. Walker-Leigh not only disseminated MIO-ECSDE’s recently developed position paper on “Biodiversity in the Mediterranean region», but participated in the work of the NGO network - the CBD Alliance - as well as of the Women’s caucus, and at- tended conference sessions, side events and press briefings. Moreover, MIO-ECSDE was one of the 20 NGOs selected by the Alliance to take part as observers at the 3-day High Level Segment (27-29 October) attended by 122 ministers of the environment and five heads of state. This group of NGOs was also invited to the four official recep- tions organized during the Segment by the Government of Japan.

A report on the outcomes of this conference and their implications for biodiversity policies in the Mediterranean will be published in the next issue of Sustainable Mediterranean.


Our Mission The Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development, is a Federation of Our mission is to protect the Natural Environment (flora and Mediterranean Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) fauna, biotopes, forests, coasts, natural resources, climate) for the Environment and Development. MIO-ECSDE acts and the Cultural Heritage (archaeological monuments, and as a technical and political platform for the intervention traditional settlements, cities, etc.) of the Mediterranean of NGOs in the Mediterranean scene. In cooperation with Region. The ultimate goal of MIO-ECSDE is to promote Governments, International Organizations and other socio- Sustainable Development in a peaceful Mediterranean. economic partners, MIO-ECSDE plays an active role for Major tools and methods the protection of the environment and the sustainable development of the Mediterranean Region. Major tools and methods used by MIO-ECSDE in order to Background achieve its objectives are the following: m MIO-ECSDE became a federation of Mediterranean NGOs Promotion of the understanding and collaboration among in March 1996. Its roots go back to the early 80s, when the the people of the Mediterranean, especially through their expanding Mediterranean membership of the European NGOs, between NGOs and Governments, Parliaments, Community encouraged the European Environmental Local Authorities, International Organizations and socio-economic actors of the Mediterranean Region. Bureau (EEB) to form its Mediterranean Committee m supported by Elliniki Etairia (The Hellenic Society for the Assistance for the establishment, strengthening, co- Protection of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage). operation and co-ordination of Mediterranean NGOs The Mediterranean Information Office (MIO) was established and facilitation of their efforts by ensuring the flow of in 1990 as a network of NGOs, under a joint project of EEB information among relevant bodies. and Elliniki Etairia and in close collaboration with the Arab m Promotion of education, research and study on Network of Environment and Development (RAED). The Mediterranean issues, by facilitating collaboration continuous expansion of MIO-ECSDE’s Mediterranean NGO between NGOs and Scientific and Academic network and the increasing request for their representation Institutions. in Mediterranean and International Fora, led to the m transformation of MIO-ECSDE to its current NGO Federation Raising of public awareness on crucial Mediterranean status. Today it has a membership of 112 NGOs from 26 environmental issues, through campaigns, publications, Mediterranean countries. exhibitions, public presentations, etc.

Contact Information

POSTAL ADRESS: 12, Kyrristou str. • 10556 Athens, Greece T: F: +30210 3247267, 3247490 +30210 3317127 E: W: • [email protected] •

SUSTAINABLE MEDITERRANEAN • Issue no 62 - numéro 62