FINLAND NEWS BUSINESS SPORT HOUSING CULTURE Political Cold spells Kallio Increasing National campaigns good for victorious rents worry Opera boring sales in Japan Finns autumn season page 5 page 10 page 12 page 13 page 18

LEHTIKUVA / MARKKU ULANDER Vanhanen: Current military capacity is too costly

HELSINKI TIMES similar to ’s situation, politi- cal discussions were not the only fac- tors infl uencing policy. simply PRIME MINISTER Matti Vanhanen didn’t have enough money to defend has stated that Finland may not itself from all perceived threats. have enough resources to maintain "The most diffi cult situation its current military capabilities. arises as the cost of weapons tech- Speaking to a group of journalists at nology increases by 8% a year. But at YLE, he said that cash shortages will the same time, we need more tech- force Finland to reassess military nologically-advanced equipment in threats, and determine the defence the army," Vanhanen said. capabilities of a smaller army. Vanhanen agrees with comments Vanhanen said that the discus- made by Commander of the Finnish sions in other European countries fo- Defence Forces Juhani Kaskeala. cus far less on war terminology than Kaskeala said the current troop lev- in Finland.“This type of serious dis- el of 350,000 soldiers needs to be cussion, that a war in Europe could reduced by at least 100,000. Even happen, simply does not occur. In Fin- with the cuts, Vanhanen said Fin- land many discussions involve com- land would still have a large army bat rhetoric. This is something I don't by European standards. understand,” he told YLE. A government report on foreign The idea that Finland is facing mili- and security policy is expected to be Finland needs to cut the number of soldiers to purchase more of technologically advanced equipment, according to tary threats is subsiding. In the 1990s, ready in about a year. prime minister Matti Vanhanen. New class action law improves consumer rights Finland needs to open

HANNA KOIVISTO - STT ative. The costs incurred in bring- JAMES O’CONNOR - HT ing the case are also paid through recruitment offices abroad the ombudsman. These limits are in CONSUMERS in Finland will be in a place so as to minimise the possibili- MIRVA LEMPIÄINEN He warns that time is running out “The pay level is our strength, as better position to claim compensa- ty of claims being brought before the TIMES as there are increasing numbers of wages here are much better than in tion for small damages, thanks to a court on dubious or trivial grounds. EU countries competing over for- many immigrants’ home countries,” new law that comes into force in Oc- Group claims have been a conten- FINLAND needs to open up re- eign labour. Fagernäs explains, adding that good tober. The new group claims law will tious issue in Finland since the early cruitment offi ces abroad as soon “We are not a tempting country social security and a safe living en- give consumers more legal protec- 1990s. Representatives of industry as possible to alleviate the grow- to come to, unless we make our- vironment are other pull-factors. tion in cases where the damages in- and commerce have opposed the ing labour shortage problem, ad- selves that way,” Fagernäs says. In Wärn points out that the offi c- volved are relatively small. new law on various grounds, includ- vices the Confederation of Finnish his opinion, the new agencies could es wouldn’t actually be recruitment “The problem at the moment is that ing that it would damage the Finnish Industries (EK). Leif Fagernäs, the be set up in Russia, Ukraine, Po- agencies as such, as no one would get often a single claim is so small that con- economy’s competitiveness. It has chief executive of the confedera- land and Turkey, for example. Riit- recruited on the spot. “They would sidering the costs of bringing a case to also been feared that the introduc- tion, is worried that Finland will tä Wärn, a labour market specialist basically be information agencies, court, legal action makes little sense,” tion of a group claims law would lead miss the employment boat unless at EK, says Finland should also look where we would tell about Finland as says Jari Suurla,a lawyer for the Offi ce to the same kind of litigious culture the country acts soon to attract into acquiring labour from In- a work destination,” she explains. In of the Consumer Agency & Ombuds- and enormous compensation pay- foreign labour. dia, Vietnam and China. The focus Wärn’s opinion Finland should learn man. In a group claim there can be outs as in the . According to Fägernäs, Finland should be on “young democracies from Canada, which has hundreds of thousands of claimants involved in the In Suurla’s view, however, the new will be short of about 300,000 em- with high population numbers,” recruitment offi ces located all over action, and the costs for the individu- Finnish law is unlikely to lead to such ployees in 25 years time, as some she explains. Wärn says that es- the world and a much more lenient al claimant are consequently reduced. outcomes. Under the law, the courts 20% of the current labour force will tablishing the agencies should al- immigration system. For instance, This requires that all parties to the cannot award greater damages than have retired. He calls for the Finn- ready be included in the next year’s one doesn’t need to fi nd a job before group action have the same reasons for those incurred by the consumer. Judg- ish government to fi nally act on in- budget . arriving in the country. bringing the claim, otherwise the case ing from the experience of Sweden creasing work-related immigration, The recruitment offi ces could be Both Fagernäs and Wärn call for cannot be h andled as a single case. and Norway, where similar laws have which was agreed upon already in set up at the existing consulates and changes to be made to Finland’s cur- In practice, the new law does have already been in place for some time, the previous government’s agen- embassies, Fagernäs suggests. Their rent slow immigration process. Wärn certain limitations. Group claims on- Suurla does not see any evidence to da. “We are dealing with a serious task would be to tell prospective im- thinks that the 3-6-month work per- ly cover consumer issues and can on- support the view that group claims are issue here, one that has for some migrants about job opportunities in mit waiting period needs to be re- ly be brought by an ombudsman, detrimental to a country’s economic reason been put on the backburn- Finland, and about the pay level and duced to a month. “The process is who acts as the group’s represent- competitiveness. er,” Fägernäs told Helsinki Times. language training available. very diffi cult now,” Fagernäs agrees.

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kinkatu Lönnro Lönnrotinkatu 13 • 00120 HELSINKI Tel. +358 9 680 3780 • 2 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 VIEWPOINT HELSINKI TIMES


I got to know about Helsinki Times when I picked up a copy of SixDegrees from the local library. I enjoyed read- ing that issue and subsequently I checked the website of Helsinki Times and it had news and information about Finland, Europe and the world from Finland’s perspec- tive - and all of that in English. At last I get some news about Finland - where I have been living for the last sev- en years - in a concise and simple commonly used “in- ternational” language. Immense thanks for your effort to reach out to the expatriates. Keep up the good work! Prasad Chatterji

Thanks for a fresh publication. Finally, great to have some printed news from Finland in English. It would be good to have even more content, interviews and fea- tures. It would also be valuable to have information on MARKKU WILENIUS is a professor of futures studies at the issues such as taxation, social security, education and Turku School of Economics. He has also acted as the director of employment in Finland. Have you ever thought of hav- Finland Futures Research Centre. He is also a member of the ing a section for recruitment? executive board of the Club of Rome, a global think tank for M. Spencer long-term issues. Thank you for your suggestions. Issue 24 this autumn, published on 26 October, will be a recruitment issue. Hopefully you will fi nd some useful information in that issue!

First of all I want you thank you sincerely for fi nally Finland’s image bringing to life something that should have existed long ago. As a foreign immigrant in Finland I have had diffi - culty following he events and news of Finland. Me and my husband both work in IT business and the compa- ny we are working in uses English as the working lan- is crumbling – so what? guage, so we don’t have a chance to practice it Finnish. In my opinion Helsinki Times is a high quality newspa- per comparable to any international publication. One FINLAND: land of unemploy- try that, based on the sta- Finland in the summer after hefty dose of self-esteem – thing I miss though is more stories on people, those that ment, alcoholism, despair tistics, is even better than a long interval, he fi rst told also a large portion of humil- are not “news” but cover the humane aspects of living and social alienation. Where Sweden in many things? me of his dismay and then his ity and faith in the future. in Finland. services aren’t provided, the amusement when observing Tameka Coon labour market is rigid and IT IS UNDOUBTEDLY confus- Helsinki’s street life: alcohol- SO IN THE end it is all about people are unable to capital- ing, although not surprising. ics shambling around in the attitude. In the course of his- ise on innovations. Or Fin- As a Finn who has active- middle of the lovely Espla- tory we have been walked land: a welfare paradise in ly travelled abroad, I have nadi boulevard, and waiters over countless times. At the the midst of beautiful nature noticed how the image of measuring wine centilitres same time a certain kind of and high technology. A coun- Finland has changed dramat- to the glasses. What most as- survival mentality has af- try that invests in educa- ically. When going to school tounded him (since he had fected Finland’s develop- in Germany at the forgotten it in Spain, poor ment and this has enabled a Aren’t we the wonderland, end of the 1970s, my thing) was the kind of “per- strong basis not only for sur- friends there mostly petual crankiness” that peo- vival but for success as well. the country that rose from thought that at least ple had, meaning that they For the truth is that there is the backwoods of Europe to Finland belonged to complain all the time about no one particular viewpoint the Eastern Bloc, if how things aren’t right and on Finland: Finland has good fame and fortune? not the Soviet Un- how this actually makes and bad traits like all oth- ion itself. Nowadays things bad. According to him er countries do. What is es- tion and research, and where “everybody” knows Fin- it is this attitude that sepa- sential is whether or not we people are honest, the wom- land. In congresses where re- rates us from the others… have faith in the future. That en beautiful and the work searchers ponder the future, is what I would like to blow 3X ^RO ROK\^ YP 2OV]SXUS -S^c moral is straight out of the the Finnish examples are at ON THE other hand I be- into this country with all my rulebook. the top of the frequency list lieve that historically atti- strength. 3XNSKX >KXNYY\

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A country with room 0ETPERH /EMRYY 2SVXLIVR3WXVSFSXLRME for development 'IRXVEP3WXVSFSXLRME 2SVXL/EVIPME 2SVXLIVR7EZSRME Most of Finland is still covered by forests and fields, 3WXVSFSXLRME with only 4% of the land developed. 7SYXLIVR3WXVSFSXLRME 'IRXVEP*MRPERH 7SYXLIVR7EZSRME dPERH-WPERHW

MIRVA LEMPIÄINEN vironmental student Sanna only two regions in Finland 4MVOERQEE HELSINKI TIMES Viljakainen thinks that the where forests cover less than capital is now a good sized 60% of the land . 7EXEOYRXE THE PERCENTAGE of devel- city, but she wouldn’t mind 8EZEWXME4VSTIV oped land is growing in Fin- it growing into a bit of a me- Top of the forest league land, but it still only made up tropolis either. “Then again, Finland is the only country in 4mMNmRRI8EZEWXME 4% of the country's surface Helsinki needs to pay atten- Europe with more than 70% 7SYXL/EVIPME area in 2005. Forests cover tion to maintaining its parks of its area covered by for- a huge 77% of the country, and green areas when devel- ests. Other forest-rich coun- 7SYXL[IWX*MRPERH while agricultural produc- oping further,” she points tries on the continent include /]QIRPEEOWS tion takes up 9% of the land, out. Viljakainen feels that Sweden, Slovenia and Esto- with the remaining 10% com- a well-functioning public nia. Taken as a whole, some )EWXIVR9YWMQEE prising of mixed types of transportation system is one 31% European Union is cov- 9YWMQEE land, reports Statistics Fin- of the best things about ur- ered by forests. land in its annual publication banisation. “As a negative as- Statistics Finland’s data Ympäristötilasto – vuosikir- pect I would mention the new shows that Southwest Fin- ja 2007. suburbs which look boring- land has the most farm land The percentage of developed land in Finland by region. Source: Statistics Finland., The percentage of devel- ly homogenous, even ugly,” of any region in Finland, with oped land varies enormously she says. more than 30% of its surface fi elds. It’s fl at like Ostroboth- deed covered by inland wa- had a lot of water but I didn’t from one region to anoth- Those tired of Helsin- area used for agricultural nia there,” he describes the ters, i.e. lakes, rivers and think that we had the most! ” er. The most built up region ki’s hustle and bustle can al- production. Eastern area. In Koli’s opinion, it’s the streams. Southern Savonia she rejoices. Leppänen enjoys is Uusimaa, which includes ways escape to northeast has the second most fi elds, nearby sea that has moulded is the wettest inland region living close to nature, and es- the Helsinki area, with 14% Finland. According to Statis- covering over 25% of its ar- the region into the wheat belt with 25% of its area being un- pecially near to Lake Saimaa, of land developed. In other tics Finland, the region with ea. Tavastia Proper, Uusimaa of Finland. “We have mild der water, followed by South the largest lake in the coun- regions the percentage var- the most forests is Kainuu, and Satakunta all comprise seasons here due to the prox- Karelia’s 20% share. These try. “The islands on the lake ies from just 1% in Lapland where trees cover more than more than 20% of farm land. imity of the sea, which helps regions also include the mu- are very beautiful, as are the to 9% in Eastern Uusimaa. 90% of the area. Suomussal- Risto Koli has lived in the agricultural industry,” he nicipalities with the most beaches and the shoreline.” The most developed munic- mi and Heinävesi of Kainuu Southwest Finland for most explains. lakes: more than half of Tai- Leppänen loves to spend her ipalities in Finland are Hel- are the top two forest mu- of his life and knows that Finland has long been palsaari consists of water, as summers swimming in Lake sinki and Grankulla, where nicipalities in Finland, with fi elds are all around. “You on- marketed as a country of does over 40% of Savonlinna. Saimaa. “It’s a great place for over half of the area has been 93% of their area covered by ly have to drive an hour north thousands of lakes, and Sta- This comes as news to a summer cottage,” she adds. developed. forests. Southwest Finland of Turku, to Loimaa and Pöy- tistics Finland reports that Kaisa Leppänen, a native of Helsinki resident and en- and the Åland Islands are the tyä, and it’s nothing but 10% of Finland’s surface is in- Taipalsaari. “Wow, I knew we

LEHTIKUVA Hobbies and companionship increase life expectancy

According to senior physi- feel very isolated. Social habits are cian Markku T. Hyyppä, these The study uses the term skills also reduce the risk of “social capital” to refer to absorbed during premature death in men. Un- the shared benefi ts offered childhood. like women, however, it is by membership of various men on higher incomes who hobby groups, societies and PÄIVI SEPPÄLÄ – STT tend to have more developed associations. For example, MATTHEW PARRY – HT social skills, and who conse- members of a choir don’t quently enjoy a greater ben- merely sing together, they CONFIDENCE in other people efi t to their health compared also enjoy each other’s com- Strong social networks have positive effects on wellbeing and life expectancy. and developed social habits to those who earn less. pany and, in the process of lengthen a person’s life. Ac- Middle-aged men’s ability preparing for a perform- indicate that Swedish-speak- many publications because organisations alone attract cording to a study conducted to maintain an active social ance, build trusting and sup- ing societies enjoy great- it’s embarrassing. This mal- the voluntary membership of by the Finnish Department life has no bearing on the risk porting relationships with er social capital, and that treatment of children can in- around half a million people of Health, hobbies and an ac- of premature death. Rather, one another. Swedish-speakers in one dis- clude partial abandonment, and many Finns take part in tive social life reduce a wom- it is the social behaviour of trict live noticeably longer physical punishment, and choirs and other cultural ac- an’s risk of premature death older men that has a greater A harsh childhood lives than Finnish-speakers humiliation,” says Hyyppä. tivities,” Hyyppä says. by four percent. The result bearing on life expectancy. leaves its mark in that same area,” Hyyppä The maltreatment of chil- The study utilised mate- hold true regardless of in- The study failed to clar- Hyyppä emphasises that so- explains. dren can later results in anti- rial provided by the health come levels. ify the reasons behind the cial capital can’t simply be According to Hyyppä, the social behaviour, alcoholism survey Mini-Suomi, which A high level of social con- signifi cant difference be- acquired overnight, no mat- typical Finnish childhood is and marginalisation. studied 8,000 Finns over the fi dence in a woman offsets tween men and women. Oth- ter how willing a person is. quite unforgiving. Finns fail age of 30. This survey was the risk of premature death er studies have pointed to The best way to develop such to give their children much Finns rely on conducted during the years by as much as a third. The the nature of much middle- capital, and especially the independence, which is re- each other 1978-1980. This was com- ability to trust other people aged, working-class men’s trust upon which it is built, fl ected in the attitudes of the “Finnish society never- pared with the results of a allows a person to function work, which leaves little time is to ensure that children are citizens they become. Many theless provides resourc- more recent study which ex- more effectively in diverse for a fulfi lling social life. Of- well cared for. parents enforce rather phys- es for this problem. Cultural amined the of social social circles, and this of- ten the only friend a typical “The development of so- ical discipline. “In Finland, an strengths include a tradition capital on life expectancy 20 ten translates into a reliable middle-aged working class cial capital starts during exceptionally large number of cooperation and various years later. network of friends that can man is his wife. After cas- childhood. This is evident in, of children are mistreat- forms of association. For ex- offer support. es of divorce, these men can for example, studies which ed, which isn’t made clear in ample, exercise and sports HELSINKI TIMES FINLAND NEWS 28 SEPTEMBER — 4 OCTOBER 2007 5

BRIEFLY “Finnish political campaigns Finnish president Finland prepares to calls for action on take part in Chad informative and dull” Burma operation KIMMO MÄNTYLÄ Tarja Halonen, the Finnish Jyri Häkämies (cons), the president, expressed her Finnish defence minister, Vivikka Richt- concern over the situation in told the Finnish News Agen- Pelkonen’s master’s Burma in her address to the cy (STT) 25 September that UN general assembly on 26 the defence ministry was thesis work reveals September. “We must react,” carrying out preparations to distinctive traits in the president said. Earlier in take part in a peacekeeping political marketing. the speech President Halo- operation in Chad. Häkämies nen had stressed the need to added that the matter would reform the UN in order to en- come before the government MIA PELTOLA – STT MATTHEW PARRY – HT sure the implementation of and the president “relatively its three fundamental prin- soon”, perhaps next month. FINNISH political campaigns ciples of security, develop- He refused to be drawn fur- and marketing lack boldness, ment and human rights. ther on the issue. STT claims a recently completed The Finnish leader al- dissertation. so underlined the world or- “As a whole, one could ganisation’s role in fi ghting Finnish children’s say that Finnish political climate change, adding high- veins show signs campaigns and marketing level climate meeting on 24 of cardiovascular are factual, quite Finnish, September called by the UN old-fashioned, amateurish, secretary-general had been disease informative, and dull,” ac- a success. At the meeting The veins of some Finnish cording to Vivikka Richt- Halonen spoke on how ec- children who are under ten Pelkonen, who specialized ological sustainability and years old show changes that in the subject in her master’s Finnish political campaigning is relatively amateurish, but the media still buy what the parties say social justice were key ele- presage cardiovascular dis- thesis at the University of due to lack of time for critical interrogation. ments that had rendered Fin- ease later in life, says Jaana Amsterdam. land competitive. “One third Pihkala, a paediatric cardi- Richt-Pelkonen studied become both more profes- tor phenomenon, that is, the on the wider campaign.” of the total value of Finnish ologist at the Helsinki Uni- material from spring 2007, sional and also more Ameri- use of professional political The study also reveals exports consists of environ- versity Hospital. According especially the campaigning can in fl avour. consultants, remains practi- that it’s quite easy for parties mentally friendly technolo- to the Finnish Heart Asso- that preceding the parlia- “The National Coalition cally non-existent. “Finnish and politicians to take ad- gies.” STT ciation, only a fi fth of Finn- mentary elections in March. Party, along with the Social political circles are terribly vantage of the media in their ish children eat at least one As part of her research, she Democrats, have been par- small,” Richt-Pelkonen says campaigning. “In the opinion fruit a day, the lowest fi gure interviewed prominent polit- ticularly active on that front. and points out that the use of of the politicians, the Finnish Finland took among industrialised coun- ical journalists, the campaign They make a habit of observ- consultants is expensive. media is still relatively inde- another sugary tries. STT managers of different politi- ing campaigns elsewhere in In practice, decisions re- pendent, but representatives flogging at EU cal parties, as well as adver- Europe and taking lessons,” garding campaigns and po- of the media themselves are tising agencies involved in Richt-Pelkonen says. litical marketing are made convinced that they have Finland’s Central Union of Koskinen: Finnish the design of the party politi- by the party machines them- too much work and too little Agricultural Producers and income inequality cal campaigns. Politicians selves. Some of the par- time for them to not be held Forest Owners (MTK) told back to 1970s level The study makes clear that adept at spin ties also employ advertising by a leash. the Finnish News Agen- Finnish political marketing Regardless of the changes agencies to help them. “At a “When it’s easier and fast- cy (STT) it was disappoint- Johannes Koskinen (soc and campaigning has grown noted, Finland has not yet number of points, it becomes er to just believe what is said, ed with changes to the EU’s dem), a deputy speaker of dramatically in the last ten entered the age of profes- evident that the party or- statements tend to receive sugar restructuring scheme Finland’s Parliament, was years. Campaign strategists sional political campaign- ganisations’ slow and cum- neither the critical interro- approved by the council of quoted as saying by Uutis- have looked to models over- ing entirely. For example, bersome decision-making gation nor the attention they ministers on 26 September. päivä Demari that income seas, and techniques have the international spin doc- process has a similar effect might merit.” Finnish farmers are particu- equality had worsened to larly embittered by the pros- a level not seen since the pect of further cuts, having 1970s. Koskinen faulted just fi nished reducing pro- both the National Coalition the authorities. In April, the ing to help terminally ill chil- duction by almost 40% under party and his own, adding Court sentences on district court of Helsinki gave dren. Police say he held on to the fi rst stage of the sugar tax legislation and incomes an Espoo-based man a condi- most of the profi ts from the reform and noting that some policy had failed to prevent tional sentence in the widely magazine he was selling for EU member states have kept the widening of inequality. fundraising fraud publicised case of the cancer their benefi t. production unchanged. STT charity Syöpäsairaiden tu- It is already three years EU agriculture min- STT 5,500 Finnish citizens, busi- ki ry. The court ordered the since the Ministry of the In- isters agreed on 26 Sep- ALEKSIS TORO – HT nesses and organisations telemarketing company un- terior issued a warning that tember to make available EU refund rules to made donations in good der his name to pay compen- legally dubious fundraising further fi nancial incentives have little impact on HELSINKI POLICE is investi- faith. sations in excess of €435,000 was becoming more common. to farmers to stop grow- Finnish Railways gating the fundraising activ- The fi nancial and proper- for the amount defrauded. At that time, the blurring of ing sugarbeet. Many Finn- ities of Kiusattujen Tuki ry, a ty crimes unit of the Helsin- Teddy bears, calendars and the distinction between com- ish beet farmers are likely New EU rules on minimum support organisation for vic- ki Police Department invites envelope sealing stamps sold modity sales and fundraising to accept new fi nancial in- compensations for train de- tims of harassment, as a sus- persons who purchased Ki- by the organisation were was considered a problem, centives, potentially threat- lays, expected to enter into pected case of serious fraud. tu magazine sets, sold for of purchased by 56,000 people as the benefactor thought to ening the profi tability of the force in 2010, are unlikely to Police sources say a prelim- €39 and €63, to send possi- in 2002-2005. support a good cause by pur- country’s sole remaining re- have a large impact on Finn- inary investigation has re- ble compensation claims to The story may soon be chasing a small trifl e for a fi nery and thus the future of ish Railways (VR). Daily Aa- vealed that only a fraction of the police by 15 October. The continued, as the district at- large sum. sugar production in Finland. mulehti had reported that the funds collected by the or- claim must be sent by fax or torney has another suspect- Fundraising costs have STT the reform would make it ganisation was used for char- regular mail. This does not ed case of major fraud under emerged as the major ex- easier for Finnish passen- itable activity. apply to those who have al- consideration in Helsinki. A pense in some organisa- gers to claim refunds in the The fundraising was car- ready been in personal con- man operating in the met- tions. Reliable sources say Finland keeps title event of delays. ried out by telephone from tact with the police. ropolitan area is suspected that this can easily take up of least corrupt Under the draft rules pas- May 2006 to March 2007. Ac- This is by no means the of swindling over €700,000, at least 60% of the revenues country sengers are to be refunded a cording to the police, about fi rst fundraiser to interest which he claimed was go- collected. quarter of the fare if a train NGO Transparency Interna- is delayed by more than an

HEIKKI SAUKKOMAA tional said in a report on 26 hour and half the fare in the September that Finland was event of a delay exceeding Finns not enthusiastic the world’s least corrupt two hours. Martti Mäkin- country alongside Denmark en, a VR spokesman, told the and New Zealand. However, Finnish News Agency (STT) about climate tax Finland’s perceived corrup- that only a quarter of delays STT serious threat. On principle, ers and respondents with tion level had risen some- in Finland were longer than Finns were prepared to do high incomes were more what from last year. “That 15 minutes and that a small MOST FINNS consider cli- many things to fi ght climate supportive of measures to is probably mostly attribut- fraction exceeded the one- mate change to be at least change. For example, the re- combat climate change than able to a few cases of sus- hour mark. a relatively serious threat, spondents were willing to cut the respondents on average. pected corruption that have Although passengers face Helsingin Sanomat quoted down on their own consump- Women were more concerned come to light over the past the burden of proving such a survey which was carried tion. Most of the respondents about climate change than couple of years,” said Antti costs, compensation sums out by Taylor Nelson Sofres. were not willing to pay a so- men. TNS interviewed 1,000 Most Finns are worried about Pihlajamäki of Transparen- paid currently by VR can A good quarter of the re- called “climate tax” on prod- people in mid-September. climate change but are not cy Finland. STT at times be rather high and spondents said they regard- ucts and services. The highly willing to pay tax to improve could actually be lowered by ed climate change as a very educated, white-collar work- things. the new EU rules. STT 6 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 FINNISH PAPERS HELSINKI TIMES

MAASEUDUN TULEVAISUUS 21 September HELSINGIN SANOMAT 23 September JOUKO KYYTSÖNEN MINTTU MIKKONEN Strong euro poison for exports Haavisto: Image of Russia should Maaseudun Tulevaisuus reports on the effects of the recent US interest rate cut. be updated LEHTIKUVA / MARTTI KAINULAINEN The dollar cheapened when the US central bank lowered a key interest rate half a per- Helsingin Sanomat, Finland’s biggest daily, cent on 18 September, after reports on the views of a Green MP who which the world’s stock ex- believes that Russia should be viewed from change rates rose. Parkki- nen notes, however, that the a wide range of perspectives. reasons for the interest rate drop are namely the US hous- ing credit problems and the “MEMBER of Parliament, Finland’s readiness to decrease in private consump- Pekka Haavisto (Greens), be- take part in crisis manage- tion. He suspects the rise in lieves that not everyone in Fin- ment should also be tackled markets to be short-lived. land has been updating their in the report. Haavisto be- Forest industry stock ex- image of Russia often enough. lieves that Finland should be change rates rose nine per- He notes that last year Russia more active in international cent in a few days, but on 20 was Finland’s largest trading crisis management than at September began to fall once partner in imports and third present. Finland should also again. Since July, the rates largest in exports. offer support to the UN and have clearly been falling. He hopes that the drafting African Union’s Darfur oper- There is cost-push in- of a security and defence po- ation if it wants to preserve fl ation in the fi eld of forest litical report would discuss its reputation as a peace- industry products and, espe- Russia from a broad securi- keeping superpower. Strengthening euro is a blow to the Finnish forestry export. cially at Stora Enso, a restruc- ty viewpoint, that takes note Haavisto demands that turing is expected during the of environmental threats, en- this autumn the government “THE EURO strengthened on try. Fur and machinery ex- The strengthening of autumn. A drop in interest ergy dependence and human should still bring a separate 20 September to a new record ports are also affected while the euro will continue, as- rates further accelerates in- rights. ‘These challenges or Afghanistan report to the high, over 1.4 dollars. In Fin- petrol costs have come down. sess general manager Pasi fl ation. According to Holm, threats which are seen in Rus- consideration of parliament. land the strengthening is a The forest industry loses Holm and share strategist real interest on credit looks sia cannot be dealt with in the ‘The peacekeeping operation blow to the entire export of hundreds of million of euros Henri Parkkinen of the Pel- to remain small when infl a- main division of the Ministry has changed form and now manufactured products and in a year if the value of the eu- lervo economic research tion rises to three and credit of Defence,’ he said at a Green there is a place for discus- especially to the forest indus- ro increases by ten percent. institute. rates to four percent.” League meeting in Tampere. sion,’ he said.”

KESKI-UUSIMAA 23 September KALEVA 23 September LEENA JOENSUU “ ‘THIS IS TOTALLY inconceiv- NIILES NOUSUNIEMI A four-cub bear litter is ex- able. We have to tell custom- tremely rare. Jaakola says he ers that nothing is available has only once before seen one from recycling when ship- of this size. The near yearling Thousands of good televisions ping containers at landfi ll Rare bear clan in Kuhmo cubs will spend their fi rst win- end up in landfill containers sites fi ll up with televisions ter in the same den as their in just a few days,’ snaps Ol- mother. Jaakola plans to pho- li Torkkeli of Kierrätysmyl- A Finnish nature photographer and bear tograph the bear family before According to a Keski-Uusimaa report, second- ly, a recycled goods dealer in enthusiast has been observing an unusually they head off for their winter Järvenpää. nap. ‘It would be lovely to see hand television sets are not being made According to Torkkeli, the large family of bears near the eastern border, the cubs wrestling. Bears have available for recycling in Finland. scores of televisions ending reports the daily Kaleva. a habit of throwing each other up in the containers are ... in turn as if in wrestling train- LEHTIKUVA / KIMMO MÄNTYLÄ only a few years old, and it is ing,’ Jaakola states. certain that not all the units “OULU photographer Ilkka of summer.’ Male bears, it has An amateur photogra- heading for the containers Jaakola captured a rare large been shown, will kill young bear pher since the 1990s, Jaa- are broken. family of bears on fi lm on 19 cubs to ensure the continuation kola says bears in nature ‘Retailers and the man- September in Kuhmo, near of their own genetic offspring. are peaceful and very intel- ufacturer community are the Finnish-Russian border. According to Jaakola, the ligent. He knows that bears ... clearly directing all the The large family consisted of instinctively protective moth- and other predatory ani- equipment to the scrap pile. a mother and four cubs. er bear is more cautious of oth- mals recognise the nation- They have apparently given Jaakola says that the bear er bears than of humans. ‘This al boundary markers. ‘They instructions which prevent clan was born last winter. ‘It mother bear is strong and have learned that in the vi- the units from being sold is good luck that everyone has healthy looking and this could cinity of the border zone and or recycled,’ says Torkkeli. made it through the summer be one reason why the cubs on the Russian side they are There is a clear shortage of alive. The cubs could have fall- have been left in peace. The safe,’ he says. Jaakola be- televisions at places where en victim to a male bear during large mother would certainly lieves bears are harassed Thousands of unbroken televisions end up in landfill containers. recycled goods are sold.” the mating season at the start defend her cubs until the end.’ too much in Finland.” 20 € off rentals 3 days or longer e.g. 4 days from 172 €

With this advertisement you will get 20 € off any rental over 3 days. To make your reservation, please call Avis downtown office: Hietaniemenkatu 6, tel. (09) 44 11 55, Avis call center: tel. (09) 8598 356, Avis at the Airport: tel. (09) 822 833. The offer is valid from 01 October to 15 December 2007 in all Avis locations in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Not valid during weekends (Friday to Sunday). When making your reservation, use the campaign number I578500. Please give this advertisement to the Avis agent when picking up the car. This offer may not be used in conjuction with any other promotional offer or discount. HELSINKI TIMES INTERNATIONAL NEWS 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 7

LEHTIKUVA / AFP PHOTO / ADALBERTO ROQUE Soviet Union, and the loss of BRIEFLY massive subsidies that re- sulted in shortages of food, fuel, transportation and Turkmen leader Al Qaeda plot to capital. Agricultural inputs, heads to U.S. to kidnap French in such as seed, fertilizers, pes- ticides and farm equipment, explore closer ties Algeria foiled were cut by 80 percent. Cu- Turkmen President Kurbangu- Two employees of a French ba’s ineffi cient farm produc- ly Berdymukhamedov heads company working in Algeria tion almost ground to a halt, to the United States to ex- were urgently sent back to land fell into disuse and the plore closer energy ties with France this month after in- dreaded “marabu” spread. the West for his gas producing telligence suggested that a The weekly economy news- state in a trip certain to irri- branch of al Qaeda was plan- paper Opciones recently re- tate Russia. Berdymukhame- ning to kidnap them, news- ported that “marabu and dov will meet Secretary of paper Le Monde reported. Al other weeds have become a State Condoleezza Rice and Qaeda’s second in command plague in Cuba” that covers make a speech at the U.N. urged North Africa’s Mus- one third of the 3.6 million General Assembly in his fi rst lims in a video tape posted to hectares (9 million acres) trip to the West since com- “cleanse” their land of Span- of arable land. The closure ing to power last year. Rus- ish and French nationals of half Cuba’s sugar mills in sia, Turkmenistan’s Soviet-era as a way to restore Muslim 2003 added sugar cane plan- overlord which buys most of rule that once stretched in- tations to the vast tracts of its gas exports, will watch to southern Europe. The two unused land and deepened the trip closely for signs Ash- employees were working at A promising future for Cuban agriculture is expected under Raul Castro’s interim government, after the crisis in agriculture by gabat might agree to a West- the main airport for Algiers, he called for “structural and conceptual changes” in the state-dominated agricultural sector. throwing tens of thousands ern-proposed pipeline linking Houari-Boumediene, which of people out of work. Turkmenistan with Western is operated by Aeroports de Cuba has gradually pulled markets and bypassing Rus- Paris. Reuters out of its economic crunch sia. Washington and the Euro- with fi nancial help from Ven- pean Union are aggressively Mandela still alive Raul Castro stirs hopes ezuela and China, and high wooing the country to ease its after embarrassing prices for its top export com- dependence on Russia, which modity, nickel. This has al- buys most of the Central Asian Bush remark for Cuba farmers lowed the state to assign state’s gas exports at below- Nelson Mandela is still very resources to upgrade farm- market prices. Turkmenistan’s much alive despite an em- REUTERS ing the need to produce more The workers at Manolo’s ing infrastructure. Many vast untapped gas reserves, as barrassing gaffe by U.S. food in a country that re- ranch climb aboard a beat- Cuban farmers, however, well as its strategic proximity President George W. Bush, lies on imports to feed its 11 up 1948 Chevrolet truck to believe that more incentive to Iran, are of major interest to who alluded to the former ROASTING a pig over a fi re million people, even from tour their cooperative, called is needed to turn Cuban ag- the West. Reuters South African leader’s death amid the dust and fl ies, ranch the United States, its ideo- a Basic Unit of Production, riculture around. Some ex- in an attempt to explain sec- manager Manolo sips rum logical foe since Cuba’s 1959 where they own everything perts argue that the state Taiwan says it won’t tarian violence in Iraq. “It’s and gazes out over the pas- revolution. but the land, which is leased should hand land over to the host the Olympic out there. All we can do is tures of the farming coopera- The younger Castro has to them by the state free farmers and farming coop- reassure people, especially tive where he has worked for doubled and tripled what the of charge. Cattle and sheep eratives if it wants to raise torch South Africans, that Presi- a decade. “Things are moving state pays for cattle, milk and graze over the low-lying hills, productivity. The Olympic torch will not dent Mandela is alive,” Ach- in the right direction. We have other farm products, and cut but almost half the land is After Castro’s 1959 revolu- stop in Taiwan en route to the mat Dangor, chief executive to make unused land produce red-tape that often left farm- covered by a prickly brush tion, large landowners were Beijing Games in 2008, Tai- offi cer of the Nelson Mande- and we need more resources ers unpaid and crops to rot. In called “marabu” and a waste- stripped of their property. wanese offi cials said after la Foundation, said as Bush’s for that,” said Manolo, who a key speech on July 26 in the high weed that farmers call Hundreds of thousands of pri- talks broke down with Chi- comments received world- asked that his last name not central agricultural province the “witch’s weed” because it vate holdings of up to 6.5 hec- na which considers the self- wide coverage. In a speech be used because of govern- of Camaguey, Raul Castro quickly renders pasture use- tares were allowed, including ruled island its sovereign defending his administra- ment rules about talking to called for “structural and con- less. “We need a bulldozer or the growers of the tobac- territory. International Olym- tion’s Iraq policy, Bush said foreign journalists. ceptual changes” in the state- at least machetes to cut this co leaves for Cuba’s famous pic Committee (IOC) offi cials former Iraqi President Sadd- Similar upbeat talk can be dominated agricultural sector down, then herbicide to kill hand-rolled cigars. But, un- had wanted Taiwan and China am Hussein’s brutality had heard across Cuba’s country- to reverse a decline in output the roots to stop it reappear- like other socialist countries, to reach a verdict by Sept. 20, made it impossible for a uni- side, spurred by acting pres- and reduce prices. “We face ing,” said a ranch hand as the the state kept most of the land sports offi cials in Taipei said, fying leader to emerge and ident Raul Castro, who has the imperative of making our truck bounced along a dirt for itself. “Small farmers own which meant the matter was stop the sectarian violence been running the govern- land produce more, and the road. “Not even goats can eat just 15 percent of the land,” now closed. Tensions over the that has engulfed the Mid- ment since his brother, ailing land is there to be tilled ... we the stuff.” said sociologist Aurelio Alon- island’s sovereignty are a con- dle Eastern nation. “I heard Cuban leader Fidel Castro, must offer these producers Cuba is emerging from a so in a discussion on property stant source of acrimony be- somebody say, Where’s Man- fell ill more than a year ago. adequate incentives for the severe economic crisis trig- in the magazine Temas. “But tween Taiwan and China, and dela?’ Well, Mandela’s dead Raul Castro has made agri- work they carry out in Cuba’s gered by the 1991 collapse they produce 60 percent of have affected agreements because Saddam Hussein culture a top priority, stress- suffocating heat,” he said. of its former benefactor, the what we eat.” from trade to sports, espe- killed all the Mandelas,” cially as independence-mind- Bush, who has a reputation ed Taiwan President Chen for verbal faux pas, said in Shui-bian leverages anti-Bei- a press conference in Wash- jing sentiment before his term ington. Reuters Japan eyes robots to support ageing population ends in May. Reuters Thailand seeks LEHTIKUVA / YOSHIKAZU TSUNO with an ageing population try in which 40 percent of the leave clothes lying around, Chile’s top court to block YouTube and a declining labour force. population will be over 65 by a robot might pick them up rules to extradite The vacuuming machine de- 2055. As Japan’s population for you and put them in the videos again veloped by Fuji Heavy Indus- grows older and its labour washing machine,” Shimoya- Fujimori Thailand is seeking to block tries Ltd is already cleaning force shrinks, researchers ma said. “Once they are dry it Chile’s Supreme Court said it clips on video-sharing Web fl oors in about 10 buildings say new types of robots will might fold them up and put had ruled to extradite Peru’s site YouTube that accuse around the country, includ- play a major role as there them away.” former President Alberto Fu- the chief royal adviser of ing a 54-fl oor skyscraper in simply won’t be enough peo- Prototypes of new robots jimori to face charges of em- masterminding last year’s central Tokyo. The device op- ple to do these jobs. “In the capable of performing mun- bezzlement and human rights bloodless coup, a top Justice erates at night after offi ce type of ageing society that dane tasks will be unveiled abuses during the 1990s. Al- Ministry offi cial said. The workers have gone home. It we foresee, the situation will in 18 months. Such machines berto Chaigneau, president government, which lifted a takes elevators to move from likely get to the point where do not need to be humanoid, of the courtroom where the fi ve-month ban on YouTube one fl oor to another. “The el- there will be little choice but although robots that resem- extradition case was heard, in August after it agreed to evator is in cleaning mode. to get some help from them ble people have some advan- said magistrates had accept- block clips deemed offen- Please do not board,” an au- (robots),” said Isao Shimoya- tages, said Shimoyama, who ed seven of the 13 points made sive to revered King Bhumi- tomated message warns hu- ma, dean of the University researched humanoid droids by Peruvian state prosecu- bol Adulyadej, was seeking a Is he the new Japanese striker man passengers as the droid’s of Tokyo’s Graduate School earlier in his career. Two-leg- tors seeking to bring Fujimori court order to block two vid- for the next football World Cup? wheels whir to life and the ro- of Information Science and ged, humanoid robots such to trial. Fujimori, 69, has been eo clips posted recently on bot rolls inside. Technology. Shimoyama is as Honda Motor Co Ltd’s ASI- in Chile since November 2005, The two- REUTERS Such robots capable of op- among a group of University MO would likely have an eas- when he was arrested on an part postings, entitled “The erating in homes, offi ces and of Tokyo researchers who are ier time climbing up stairs international warrant after Crisis of Siam,” and running other venues outside facto- working with counterparts inside homes than a robot fl ying into the country from 10:42 minutes and 6:06 min- IT LOOKS like a washing ma- ries are still rare even in Ja- from seven leading Japanese that moves on wheels, de- Japan. He was apparently utes, accuse former Prime chine on wheels, but the bulky pan, a powerhouse in the fi rms - including Toyota Mo- velopers say. But it will be planning to launch a political Minister Prem Tinsulanon- contraption vacuuming the fi eld of robotics and home tor Corp, Fujitsu Labora- some time before such devic- comeback in Peru, where he da of plotting the September hallways of a Tokyo high-rise to roughly 40 percent of the tories Ltd and Mitsubishi es make their way into peo- served two terms as president 2006 coup, not the generals is a robot. Japanese research- world’s industrial robots. Jap- Heavy Industries Ltd - to de- ple’s homes. “They may look from 1990 until 2000. His gov- who took credit. Reuters ers hope that robots like this anese researchers are racing velop robotic and informa- smart, but they are still quite ernment collapsed in a mas- one will be the answer to a against time to build robots tion technology that will lead stupid,” Shimoyama said. “I sive corruption scandal and he pressing question hanging smart enough to serve the to a new generation of robots don’t think they will ever be fl ed to exile in Japan. Reuters over the country - how to cope needs of the elderly in a coun- in the next 15 years. “If you as smart as humans.” 8 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 FINLAND IN THE WORLD PRESS HELSINKI TIMES

LEHTIKUVA / SANNA HEIKINTALO AFP 15 September Finland no longer the suicide capital of the world

Finland is finally losing its grim international reputation for suicides. Thanks in great part to the improvements in the mental health care system, potential suicide victims are considering non-tragic solutions for their problems. Agence France-Presse explains the developments that led to this significant change.

“FINLAND has fi nally shed Finland’s dire reputation as cide rate is highest in isolated a bleak record as one of the a nation of suicidals dates back and economically disadvan- world’s suicide capitals after to the 25-year period from 1965 taged regions in the east and the number of people taking to 1990 when Finland experi- north of the country.” their own lives in this Nordic enced an economic and urban “In addition to traditional state has dropped by 40 per- boom. During that period, the risk factors such as depres- cent in the past 15 years. Now- suicide rate tripled. By 1991, sion, alienation, personal adays around 18 out of 100,000 Finland was the world leader in problems and unemployment, people commit suicide each teen suicides, and among the Finnish researchers single year in Finland, about the same top three in overall suicides out alcoholism as the biggest level as in France and Austria. alongside New Zealand and single risk factor…‘half of all In 1990, the number was 30 per Iceland. Faced with the grim suicides are linked to alcohol, 100,000. The decline is attrib- fi gures, Finnish authorities and one-third of all suicides uted largely to better treatment dramatically increased fund- have been (committed by) al- for depression, but even experts ing to improve mental health cohol-dependent persons,’ cannot really explain why the and since 1991 the amount of Loennqvist said.” drop has been so dramatic, ad- available psychiatric help has “Experts meanwhile dis- mits psychiatrist Jouko Loen- doubled.” miss the widespread belief nqvist, the head of the mental “Awareness campaigns that Finland’s dark winters, health department of Finland’s in schools and among mili- where the sun doesn’t rise National Public Health Insti- tary conscripts also seem to at all in the north for several tute. ‘Depression is more often have paid off, as the suicide months, play a role in the sui- properly recognised, prevent- rate among adolescents and cide rate. ‘There is a link (be- ed and treated. We have had young adults has dropped by tween darkness and suicide) special projects and campaigns 30 percent since 1991. But but it’s not an important ex- about depression, which is now the suicide rate is still high planation,’ Loennqvist said, better recognised and treated. among young men - it is the noting that suicides tend to Psychological support and so- main cause of death among peak each year at the end of Harsh winter conditions are not the ultimate explanation for suicides in Finland. The suicide rate cial support are nowadays in males aged 20 to 34. Among spring when the sun shines tends to peak in spring when the sun lights every dark corner after its long hibernation. better condition,’ he said. all ages and genders, the sui- late into the day.”

SKIRACING 17 September ASSOCIATED PRESS 18 September Finland plans 1st indoor ski-jumping hill Nokia buys

LEHTIKUVA / REUTERS / PETR JOSEK prox. 140 m; and a normal hill mobile ad company (K90). The top part of the in-run track is planned in a tunnel Enpocket to be dug into the Aavasak- sa mountain. The rest of the facility also would be cov- ered to ensure that weath- Nokia is expanding its mobile advertising er conditions have no impact activities and taking on the competition in on the competition results and that safe and equal con- the tough telecommunications market, ditions can be guaranteed for reports the Associated Press. all competitors. Given the in- door setup, the hills could be in use almost 10 months “NOKIA CORP. said…it will buy and gadgets to help custom- a year. The estimated budg- Enpocket, a U.S.-based mo- ers download music and play et for the project amounts to bile advertising company, in games on mobile handsets in 30 million euros and fi nanc- a bid to expand its role in In- a strong push to challenge ri- ing is expected to be avail- ternet services. ‘By acquiring vals, including Apple Inc.’s Ski-jumpers may miss out on enjoying a bird's eye view of the exceptional Lappish landscape. able by the end of 2007. The Enpocket, Nokia will acceler- iTunes and iPod. The com- construction is estimated to ate the scaling of its mobile pany also launched its Web begin in 2009 and last more advertising business, lever- services in a new site known The international journal of ski and snowboard competition reveals than two years.” aging Enpocket’s platform, as Ovi that will include an on- “In addition to the Aava- and strong partnerships line music store. the plans that aim to transform Finnish Lapland into a world class saksa project, a competing with advertisers, publishers Enpocket, based in Boston, centre for ski-jumping. ski-fl ying hill project is un- and operators,’ the Finnish provides technology and serv- der way at Suomu, Kemijärvi, telecommunications devic- ices that allow clients, includ- in the eastern part of Finnish es maker said. No fi nancial ing MasterCard Inc., PepsiCo “YLITORNIO in Finnish La- pality presented the results plan calls for building three Lapland. This plan calls for details were disclosed, but Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, pland is developing plans of an eight-month feasibility hills side by side: a ski-fl ying a normal ski-fl ying hill with Nokia said the deal was ex- to offer mobile advertising to become the fi rst venue study to the representatives hill (K185) enabling jumps construction completed by pected by the end of 2007. through various formats such to stage indoor ski-jumping of the Finnish Ski Associa- of up to 250 meters; a large 2011. There is currently no Last month, Nokia un- as mobile phone text messag- competitions. The munici- tion recently. The innovative hill (K120) with jumps of ap- ski-fl ying hill in Finland.” veiled new Internet services es and on the Internet.” HELSINKI TIMES FINLAND IN THE WORLD PRESS 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 9

LEHTIKUVA / EPA RUSSIA CRASH GERMANY TASS BUSINESSWEEK 13 September Besides Loviisa, there are two 860-megwatt reactors at Olkiluoto, 250 kilometers (155 miles) northwest of Hel- sinki. It is also the construc- Fault shuts nuclear tion site of Finland’s fi fth nuclear reactor -a 1,600- generator in Finland megwatt unit- expected to be online by 2011.”

Business Week Magazine reports on a hiccup LEHTIKUVA / MARJA AIRIO in the promised land of nuclear energy.

“PLANT offi cials shut down a was running normally, oper- nuclear reactor in southern ations manager Markku Tii- Finland… after a faulty tur- tinen said.” bine caused a generator to “Tiitinen said a fault in the lose power, but no radiation electrical control mechanism leak or other damage was re- caused the turbine to lose ported, offi cials said. power but plant offi cials did The 250-megawatt gener- not know why the mechanism ator, at the Loviisa plant, 90 failed. Another 500-megwatt kilometers (55 miles) east of reactor at the Loviisa plant Helsinki, was shut down but was out of operation because Is something happening under the other 250-megwatt unit of an annual service. Loviisa's tranquil setting?

An IL-76 military-cargo plane is being prepared for another regular flight. that, it is opposition to the KOMMERSANT 15 September PRESS TV 21 September Iraq war. However, with Ma- jor Janne Piiroinen, the head of border control at Helsin- ki’s airport, declaring that Finland regards the US as a IL-76 of Russian air force US citizens to take “safe country,” it appears un- likely their case will be suc- intrudes Finland’s airspace refuge in Finland cessful. In addition, the fi ve arrived from another coun- try within the Schengen free Russian online newspaper Kommersant reports that the latest incursion The Iran-based news network highlights an travel zone, rather than the is a repeat performance according to the Finnish authorities. unusual case of asylum. US. Under the Dublin Con- vention, asylum seekers are required to fi le their case in “FINLAND´S Defense Minis- the fact of the alleged tres- Chief Command, which will “FIVE US citizens have thought to be from the same the fi rst country they reach. try said that IL-76 military- passing of airspace borders. ‘investigate the fl ight prep- claimed political asylum in family -arrived in the coun- Many US soldiers, fl eeing cargo airplane of Russia’s Air Finland also claims that Rus- aration and the fl ight itself.’ Finland, due to a speculation try Tuesday. Finnish author- military service in Iraq but Force ‘apparently’ intruded sian airplanes following that Drobyshevsky explained that that they oppose the United ities are refusing to reveal considered by Washington Finland’s airspace on Friday, route had already intruded the IL-76 was carrying out States war on Iraq. on what precise grounds the as deserters, have sought September 14, and that the Finland’s mid-air before, in a regular fl ight from Chka- The fi ve US citizens-two group are claiming asylum- sanctuary in third countries, intrusion was 4.5 kilometers August 2005 and April 2006. lovsk airport of Kaliningrad adults and three children with local media speculating principally Canada.” deep, reported Finland’s STT In response, Russian Air to an airport in Tver Region, news agency. According to Force Commander’s Assistant using the onboard navigation Finland, the incident hap- Alexander Drobyshevsky means. The offi cial added pened around 10:35 a.m. near said to Interfax news agen- that air traffi c control servic- the city of Porvoo. Finnish cy that a special commission es supervise all fl ights in the frontier services now check was created in the Air Force’s area in question.”

THESTAR.COM 21 September

Pippen near deal to play in Finland TRAVEL AGENCY AT YOUR SERVICE ! An NBA legend may come to play in Finland as part of a two game deal, according to the Toronto-based newspaper. BUSINESS- & LEISURE TRAVEL, TAILORMADE PACKAGES

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DAVID J. CORD is Managing Director of Fundior Investment Services Limited.

Real estate companies face tough competition

FINLAND’S listed real estate companies have found their share prices lagging in 2007 despite an extreme- ly strong property market. The OMX Helsinki stock exchange boasts six listed companies, from the tiny SSK with a €6.4 million market capitalization to the giants Sponda and Citycon with market capitaliza- tions of around €1 billion.

ONLY Interavanti and Julius Tallberg Real Estate Cor- poration have managed to show an increase in share price this year, while Citycon, Sponda, SSK and Tech- nopolis have all had declines. The average real estate management and development company has seen its share price fall by almost 11% this year while the OMX Helsinki index has climbed 12%. Cold weather boosts the sales of footwear and clothing in Finland.

THE declines in the share prices of these companies are out on footwear and cloth- not indicative of their failing fi nancial health, howev- ing. Gorski agrees: “From the er. Citycon, for instance, showed a 70% increase in di- Finnish clothing industry’s luted earnings per share for the fi rst six months of Clothing and footwear perspective the older gener- 2007 but had its share price fall about 8% so far this ation are the lost generation. year. Sponda increased its earnings per share 150% It’s not realistic to expect ma- the fi rst half of this year but its share price has fall- jor increases in sales fi gures en 22%. stores hope for a until such time as the young- er generations reach the age SHARE prices are indicative of what investors believe where they have more buying the future holds. After several outstanding years in chilly autumn power.” the Finnish real estate market, many investors be- lieve a decline is coming. The American market is SARIANNA TOIVONEN – STT ly so this year, according to He notes, “If sales of outer- Wage increases already showing signs of falling prices. Increasing in- JAMES O´CONNOR – HT Yrjö Gorski, managing di- wear take off as hoped for boost retail sales terest rates raise the cost of borrowing and turmoil in rector of the Association of during October and Novem- In the retail industry overall the money markets make fi nding capital diffi cult for THE RETAIL TRADE in Finland Fashion Retailers in Finland. ber, we could expect a slump the good times of 2007 are some companies. The construction boom of recent expects generally strong “Sales fi gures in the industry in sales in the coming Janu- set to continue for the rest years may glut the commercial market which many growth towards the end of for Spring 2007 were down ary-March period. In practice of the year. Sales for the fi rst real estate companies depend upon. the year. To be on the safe almost 20% on the previous the clothing retail indus- half of the year (January-Ju- side, however, the clothing year. For the clothing indus- try isn’t even prepared for ly) were up by 7.5% on the 2006 was a banner year for real estate companies. The and footwear branches of try to recover, we can only any dramatic increase in previous year. institute for Real Estate Economics (KTI) announced the industry are hoping for hope for a cold spell soon to demand.” “At the moment there are that total returns last year were 10.1%, comprising a a cold spell to help guaran- kick-start sales for the au- One of the reasons for no signs of a downturn. The 6.9% income return and 3.1% growth in capital. The tee a safe profi t margin. The tumn and winter ranges,” such modest expectations in coming salary increases will share prices of listed companies last year increased dra- traditional boom period for Gorski comments. the industry is the consum- be important to sustaining matically. Listed real estate companies showed a 60% these branches comes in Oc- The sector has not seen er habits of the older genera- consumers’ buying power,” increase in share price, al- tober and November, when annual growth rates above tions. Although this section according to spokesperson Investors in real most double the OMX Hel- the winter clothing ranges single fi gures for many years, of the country’s population for the Federation of Finnish sinki index return. hit the shops. and this is a trend unlikely to may contribute a lot to sales Commerce Matti Räisänen. estate companies The fashion retail industry be broken this year. Gorski of jewellery, household ap- Räisänen adds, however, may have been INVESTORS in real es- is to a large extent dependent predicts growth for the year pliances and cars, for exam- that such a continuation of tate companies may have on the weather, and especial- 2007 to end up at around 4%. ple, they tend not to splash the current upswing could overly optimistic been overly optimistic well lead to infl ation levels last year; this year last year; this year they LEHTIKUVA / SARI GUSTAFSSON that would put an end to the may be overly pessimis- boom. they may be overly tic. Listed companies are Overall growth levels in the pessimistic. showing healthy balance Finnish retail industry during sheets and income state- 2006 were 4.5%, the biggest ments. Long term leases help to stabilize income. The increase for fi ve years. The average dividend yield is still a respectable 3.9% on benefi ts are felt throughout average, ranging from Julius Tallberg’s 1.7% up to In- the sector, through increas- teravanti’s 8.5%. Share price declines may be more in- es in sales of higher-quality dicative of fears for the future and profi t taking from and more expensive goods in a last year’s appreciation. wide range of retailers. “There has been strong growth in COMPETITION remains strong, not only among listed sales of domestic appliances, Finnish companies but also among private fi rms and for- especially due to the transi- eign investors. KTI estimated that the fi rst half of 2007 tion to fully digital television had a volume of € 2.7 billion in real estate transactions, transmissions [introduced with a stunning 70% of them involving international in- to Finland in August]. The be- vestors. Besides the stiff competition companies face, ginning of the year brought a consensus seems to remain that the real estate market surge in sales for the interi- will slow. Forward looking statements from the listed or decoration industry, which companies remain prudently cautious. came hand in hand with the in- creases in business for the real [email protected] estate market and renovation After the downturn last spring, the Finns will likely spend more money on clothing this autumn. sectors,” Räsänen concludes. HELSINKI TIMES BUSINESS 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 11

LEHTIKUVA / MARTTI KAINULAINEN Strong growth BRIEFLY predicted Moody's says Fortum maintains Finnish public 25% stake in finances stronger Russia’s TGC-1 for Finnish than eurozone's Finnish utility Fortum said in a statement 20 September Finland's public-sector econ- that it had taken part in the omy is notably stronger share issue of Russia’s Terri- economy than the eurozone average, torial Generating Company US credit rating company 1 (TGC-1) by subscribing to OLLI KUIVANIEMI – STT revised its previous forecasts Moody's said in its annual shares worth €243 million. JAMES O’CONNOR – HT for the domestic economy up- report on 25 September. It Fortum added it had thus wards, by 1.7%. The revised added its best possible rat- maintained a stake of more THE HOUSING mortgag- fi gure for 2007 now fore- ing of treble A for Finland's than 25% in TGC-1 and its es crisis in the United States casts a 4.4% increase on the long-term obligations was position as the second-larg- has been a recent media hit, previous year. ETLA is opti- attributable to a solid pub- est shareholder. TGC-1 oper- in Finland as much as else- mistic about 2008 also, for lic-sector economy and the ates power and heat stations where. Much of the fascina- which it currently predicts a country's careful prepa- in an area stretching from St tion with the theme lies in 3% growth rate. rations for the aging of its Petersburg to the Kola pe- the fear that the problem may ETLA is not alone in re- population. ninsula. STT spread from the housing sec- vising its forecasts for Finn- Moody's said rapid growth tor to produce broader effects ish economic performance in the Finnish economy and on the global economy. If they in an optimistic direction. strong public fi nances were Stora Enso to sell were to come true, such fears Among others, the Finnish founded on pragmatics and North American would mean a turnaround in Labour Institute for Econom- the ability to reform. Ac- operations for €1.8 the exceptionally high levels ic Research and the country’s cording to the report, the of growth of the global econ- largest fi nancier Osuuspank- Finnish government is con- billion omy over the past few years. ki-Pohjola Group have raised tinuing the country's tra- Finland-headquartered pa- For 2007, the predicted rate of their predictions in the face of dition of prudent economic per and board group Stora global economic growth is ap- Finland’s continued economic As the household debts mount, the consumption levels fall. policy by preparing for costs Enso said in a statement 21 proximately 5%. growth. The former predicts arising from an aging popu- September it would sell its In an overview of the glo- an overall domestic econom- view that the growing debt be seen fi rst in the levels of lation when the economy is North American paper op- bal economy published last ic growth rate of 4.2% for this burdens of Finnish house- spending on durable goods still humming along nicely. erations to NewPage Hold- Wednesday, the Research In- year, and 3.4% for 2008. holds are likely to put the such as cars, real estate and Moody's lauded Finland for ing Corporation for about stitute of the Finnish Econo- According to ETLA, the brake on consumption lev- household appliances. Ac- public-sector spending disci- €1.8 billion. The value of the my (ETLA) predicted that the main reason for the revised els in the near future. Grow- cording to ETLA, this greater pline, adding this had led to deal is about €3 billion low- slowdown over the coming forecast is that growth rates ing household debt levels caution on the part of con- budget surpluses, cut state er than what Stora Enso paid years would be only slight. for early 2007 turned out to would also slow investment sumers, added to rising in- debt and given Finland room for Consolidated Papers in ETLA predicts that the prob- be better than data avail- rates in the domestic hous- terest rates and rising real for manoeuvre with spend- 2000. Stora Enso expects to lems currently facing the able at the time seemed to ing sector. estate and site prices, is like- ing related to aging. STT have the transaction fi nal- housing sector in the Unit- indicate. Adjustments to eco- During 2006, Finnish con- ly to lead to a slight drop in ised in the fi rst quarter of ed States will remain rela- nomic indicators made by sumers generally spent more current investment rates on Finnish army next year, subject to stand- tively localized and will not Statistics Finland now give than they earned. Average the country’s housing mar- auctions tanks for ard regulatory approvals. have destabilizing economic a much-improved picture of household debts are current- ket over the next few years. "This is the fi rst major step effects on a wider scale. The trade cycles in the country. ly high enough to limit house- As part of this change, ET- €650,000 in focusing our operations Institute also predicts in its hold spending increases for LA predicts that the steady The Finnish Defence Forc- to improve the long-term overview that even if the US Spending slowdown at least the next few years growth in housing prices es attracted buyers from earnings of Stora Enso. The economy were to go into re- in sight for indebted of income. According to ET- seen in recent years will at across the world when it divestment will simpli- cession, economic growth households LA, when this imbalance be- least stop. auctioned about 20 decom- fy our group structure and elsewhere, particularly in The Finnish economy’s vigour tween wage earners’ income ETLA predicts that Finnish missioned armoured vehi- strengthen our focus on Eu- Asia, would be likely to re- has been generously helped and expenditure is taken in- consumer spending rates for cles at a depot in Ruovesi. rope as well as Stora En- main strong. along by high levels of con- to account, reductions in cur- the whole of 2007 will grow Mike Stallwood from so's growth markets," Jouko sumer spending. This in turn rent consumption rates are by around 3%, compared to Ashwood in Britain bought Karvinen, the chief execu- Predictions revised has been partly encouraged inevitable. 4% for the previous year. In a Sturmgeschütz III Aus- tive of Stora Enso, said in upwards for the by the salary increases for According to ETLA’s chief the same forecast, ETLA pre- führung G, a German sec- the statement. The compa- Finnish economy 2008 promised in the recent economic forecaster Pasi dicts a further slowdown in ond world war-era assault ny added it would keep the The performance of the Finn- budget. Sorjonen, possible decreases consumer spending levels for gun, for €185,000, the high- North American operations ish economy this year has ex- ETLA urges caution, how- in Finnish consumer spend- 2008, to an annual rate of ap- est price paid at the auction. of Corenso, an arm that ceeded expectations. ETLA ever, predicting in its over- ing rates are most likely to proximately 2.5%. All three Sturmgeschütz ve- makes cores and coreboard hicles fetched more than for industrial use. Shares in €100,000. Mr Stallwood, Stora Enso rose on the news, who bought fi ve tanks in with the more traded R se- Ruovesi, runs a business ries shares fetching €13.88 that restores tanks and sells by 12:36 , up by 6.44% them on to museums and from 20 September’s close private collectors. on the Helsinki stock ex- Most of the tanks sold change. STT on 25 September were Brit- ish-made Charioteers and HKScan to cut 124 Comets, most of which were bought by Finland in the jobs in Finland 1950s. Olli Toivonen from Finnish food group HKScan the Finnish capital region said in a statement 24 Sep- got his hands on a Chariot- tember it would discontin- eer for €8,200. The total rev- ue production in Tampere in enues from the auction came Finland at the end of March to just over €650,000. STT next year and cut 124 jobs. HKScan started a wide- ranging cost-cutting pro- Price of food to rise gramme two years ago. STT by 3.5% in Finland next year Finnish farmer-backed think- tank Pellervo Economic Re- search Institute (PTT) said in a statement 25 September that it saw the price of food rising by 3.5% next year. It added the prices of milk, bread and meat were expected to go up by more than 5%. STT 12 28 SEPTEMBER — 4 OCTOBER 2007 SPORT HELSINKI TIMES

LEHTIKUVA / KIM KYUNG-HOON Kallio gets first 250cc win in Japan

Mika Kallio won his first Grand Prix since moving up from the 125cc classification at Motegi on Sunday.

Andrea Dovizioso, Mika Kallio and Hector Barbera pose on the podium at the Japanese Grand Prix.

EGAN RICHARDSON show with excellent racing onds from Honda’s And- have to work very hard.” that he is simply the best as tient and wait for technical HELSINKI TIMES skills making fears about the rea Dovisioso, who made up The Valkeakoski-born rid- far as two-stroke technolo- improvements,” said Kallio. wet conditions redundant. some ground on Champion- er is clearly focused on pro- gy goes.” “But with Red Bull KTM, I MIKA KALLIO sensationally Championship leader Jorge ship leader Lorenzo. Dovisio- gressing in Moto GP and “Everybody saw how he simply have to talk to Harold won the Japanese Grand Prix Lorenzo was clearly not a fan so won 20 points in Japan to would like to win a title after fi rst turned Yamaha, then and he can take the appropri- to complete a great month of the rain, and ended up in fi nish the weekend in second fi nishing second at 125cc lev- Derbi into winning machines, ate decisions and go ahead for him and his KTM team. 11th position. place in the 250cc standings, el in 2005 and 2006. and how fast the KTM en- with new parts and altera- His opening year at this level Along with his new con- with 226 points to Lorenzo’s He was elated to confi rm gine was right from its fi rst tions straight away. We fi nd has seen steady progress as tract and fi rst win, Kallio had 262. he will be a part of the KTM year in the world champion- problems, and we fi x them he has achieved one 3rd place another reason to celebrate Kallio is in 6th position, team again in 2008, prais- ship. He works day and night without losing any time. The fi nish, one 2nd and fi nally a in September. “It couldn’t looking to consolidate in his ing the Austrian team’s back- to improve our bikes and his team feels like a well organ- win in the Japanese Grand have gone better,” Kallio told fi rst year in the 250cc clas- room staff. He had especially passion for this sport is sec- ised family enterprise. It’s Prix, and at the start of Sep- the Finnish News Agency sifi cation. He cannot win the kind words for Technical Di- ond to none.” just fantastic!” tember he re-signed with (STT). “Last Sunday my baby World Championship but rector Harold Bartol. Kallio is obviously hap- In the four stroke champi- KTM to compete in the 2008 girl was born and now I got will consider 6th to be a good “It has always been very py to stay at KTM for anoth- onship Casey Stoner clinched World Championship. the victory. What a brilliant achievement in his fi rst sea- special and inspiring to work er season, and the man from the World Championship Kallio started the race week. Thanks should also go son. “Winning was my clear with him and his team,” the Pirkanmaa enjoys the home- with his win at Motegi. The well and was in second posi- to the KTM team, everyone goal, because I already had 24-year-old says on KTM’s ly atmosphere at his team. 21-year-old Australian can- tion after a fractious start. did a lot of hard work for this second and third place fi n- website about signing the “With a bigger company or not be caught now after Ital- The front fi ve riders in the race.” ishes this season. I knew it new contract. “He has prov- team structure, you some- ian Valentino Rossi fi nished Japanese GP put on a good Kallio won by 4.839 sec- would be possible, but I would en on numerous occasions times have to be very pa- outside the top 10.

28.9. KAUNIAINEN 4 and 7 pm 30.9. LOHJA 1 and 5 pm Over 40 Finns in the 1.10. KIRKKONUMMI 4 and 7 pm Swedish ice hockey league October 3rd – November 4th

STT been in the fi nals six times for the medals, with the help MIRJAMI SCHUPPERT – HT in a row, until it lost against of three Finnish defenders, HELSINKI Linköping in the semi-fi nals Antti-Jussi Niemi, Tuukka Tue–Tho 7 pm THIS SEASON there are 44 last year, which then lost Mäntyä and Toni Söderholm, Finnish players in the Swed- against Modo in the fi nal. as well as Finnish attacker Fri 3 pm and 7 pm ish national ice hockey league Frölunda’s season was a Tomi Kallio. The team has Elitserien. The number of disappointment for its fans also put its trust in Finnish Sat–Sun 1 pm and 5 pm Finns has grown by four from as it was left outside the play- goalminder Ari Ahonen, who (Mon closed) last year. Most of the Finnish offs. This season Frölunda will be doing his best to frus- players are playing for the wants to get back in the fi ght trate the opposition attacks. Timrå and Mora teams. Tim- rå is one of the favourites in the league, and will start its journey through to the fi nals with the help of seven Finns. There are even more sudoku Finns playing in the tee- ny Mora, a total of eight. Brynäs, Frölunda and HV71 from Jöngköping each have 578 936 fi ve Finnish ice hockey play- ers. In Luleå there are six 693 Finns. Örnsköldsvik’s Mo- do, the defending champions, and Stockholm’s Djurgården 693 124 are the only teams in the league without Finnish 134 reinforcements. Two of the Finnish players in the Elitserien are predict- 134 257 ed to have a successful sea- son ahead. They are Mora’s 725 new Finnish reinforcement Toni Dahlman, and Mika 361 472 World’s Greatest Finnish Circus Pyörälä who Timrå bought from the Finnish team Oulun For more information and tour programme, Kärpät. 247 Modo, HV71 and Färjes- visit our web site. tad are expected to improve 247 598 their standings from the last season. Färjestad had SOLUTION ON PAGE 15 HELSINKI TIMES HOUSING 28 SEPTEMBER — 4 OCTOBER 2007 13 Renting: The downside of the real estate boom Rents must rise drastically – or apartment sales will apartments as a target for of €837 for a single adult, or a ple banks might have thought investment will slow; signs of couple on a single salary. would be the prime target fall to balance the market. which are already apparent. Put into simple terms – if market for new apartments Which leaves us would- you are living on one income, – well educated couples and DAVID BROWN rather pay rent and enjoy my mute in from Jakomäki or be buyers trapped in a cycle. please enjoy your commute singles in their mid-thirties, HELSINKI TIMES life.” Vuosaari, you can expect to Young buyers cannot afford in from the end of the met- in good jobs, reasonably well The trend away from buy- pay a good deal less. In fact, apartments. Investors can. ro line, because you can no paid and relatively settled in TWENTY years ago, buying an ing seems to have spread into about half of the price of But investors want returns, longer afford to live in the in- life. apartment marked as clear a all sectors of society. Ylioppi- an apartment in Töölö. Et- so if those young would-be ner city. These are people who step in a Finnish adult’s life laslehti last week reported uovi lists a 53.5 square me- buyers cannot afford to buy, The picture looks a lit- twenty, even ten years ago, as getting married, having that HYY, the University of tre apartment in Vuosaari they are going to have to fi - tle brighter if both partners would have taken mortgages children, or picking mush- Helsinki’s apartment serv- for a mere €590 – a snitch nance the returns for those work. An average combined without question. While the rooms at the summer cot- ice, currently had a wait- when compared to prices who can. net income of €4,000 could newspapers are full of news tage. But as prices of even ing list of some 5,200 people. elsewhere. International real es- support a €1,600 month- of interest rate rises and mediocre two-room apart- The number is well up on last And just in case you are tate investor Dick Ayres ly rent, which is more than price stabilisations that may ments reach €220,000 in dif- year, and does not look likely curious what is available explained recently, “Invest- enough for a 70 square me- well be yesterday’s news by ferent parts of the city, the to get any shorter. out there for the rich and fa- ment apartments are just tre apartment almost any- the end of the week, beneath number of people who can Apartments listed on- mous, the well dressed rent- that. They are units pur- where you like. That said, it the market spasms and con- afford to share their parents’ line seem to have gone be- er this week can settle back chased with the sole purpos- is also very much a question tractions are clearer signs of dreams is becoming smaller fore they appear, newspaper into a furnished three-room es of renting out to others of priorities – the rent would a wider and more distinct so- by the week. adverts are worse. One bat- apartment in Katajanokka, in return for a rent that will also rule out much in the way ciological change. Opinions about quite tle for young couples is being all 72 square metres of it, for cover all expenses and show of international travel, run- The icing on this horribly what is happening in the real able to afford an apartment, €3,100 per month. an acceptable rate of return ning cars, or children or stu- expensive cake is that Hel- estate market seem to vary another is fi nding one in the on the capital invested.” dent loans. It would also rule sinki is by no means excep- drastically. On the one hand, fi rst place. Price rises will His views were echoed by out saving to buy. tionally pricey. Apartments we are told that the market also hit rents a Finnish real estate manag- There is, of course, one in London tend to be slight- is cooling, and that prices are Location, location, Those already well settled in- er, “You have to be realistic. solution. You can fi nd a ly larger than Helsinki, but stabilising as post-credit cri- location to rental apartments are not People who buy apartments two-bedroom apartment, even so, rents in even the sis demand for investment Prices differ widely in dif- likely to avoid the price hikes. are investors, and they are 48 square metres in a new outer suburbs of London hit properties falls internation- ferent parts of Helsinki. One Töölö-based real estate com- buying apartments for one building, and for only €440 €1,500 for a dishevelled fl at, ally. On the other hand, inter- can buy a 51 square metre, pany Kiinteistö-Tapiola re- reason and one reason only – a month. The only problem is, and people looking to share est rates are going upwards, two-room apartment with a cently informed residents of to make money.” it’s in Imatra. Which is fi ne if a fl at may well end up paying meaning buyers end up pay- sauna in a newish building in their 800 apartments of a you happen to live in a small- €1,000 a month if they want ing more. And at the same Jakomäki for €147,000. For 15% rent increase, to begin in City centre rents er centre, frustrating if work to live anything less than a time, migration into Helsinki Töölö, you can add €100,000 February 2008. Given infl a- tough for singles commitments tie you to the 45-minute underground ride means demand is strong and on to that. For or Kata- tion in Finland has not been For most of us, the only ques- capital region. from the centre. Copenha- the backlog is only growing. janokka, you can double it. above 3% since 2001, an in- tion that really matters is – gen rents mean people on an One thing no one seems Not surprisingly, rental crease of fi ve times that rate can I afford to live where I The decision to buy average salary just cannot to be in any doubt about is prices refl ect the same pat- will come as a huge jolt for want to? Increasingly, the no longer easy live in the CBD at all. Paris, that the meteoric rise in tern. Apartment service Et- those already struggling. answer to that question is Talking to friends, the trend Berlin… even in smaller cit- apartment prices is start- lists a 50 square And yet any increase of going to be a resounding “no.” seems clear. Basically every- ies like Warsaw and Oslo the ing to force buyers out of the metre property in Töölö at less than 10% per annum Statistics Finland list one I talked to had one of two trends and prices refl ect the market. €1,150 per month. That gets could be seen as restrained. the average monthly salary replies to my question about same reality as Helsinki. “I’d love to buy,” admits you two furnished rooms in a Why? Because in the past in Finland as being €2,597. buying – I’d love to buy an We no longer live in a soci- Sanna, who ironically works 1930s building. Without the 10 years, the price of apart- Even if we work assume a tax apartment, but I’m no long- ety where owning your own for a major bank, “But loan- furnishings, you could ex- ments in Helsinki has risen rate of only 20%, that leaves er sure they’re a great invest- home is seen as being every- ing €150,000 would mean pect to shave around €200 by 100%, whilst rents have €2,077. Banks advise cus- ment. Or, they are a great man’s dream – perhaps just I couldn’t have any life at off that price, but that still increased by only 40%. The tomers to spend less than investment, but I couldn’t everyman’s fantasy. Which, all. I’d have to eat, sleep and leaves you paying very close message is thus a clear one 40% of their net income on handle owing €200,000 for renters’, is fast becoming think about my mortgage to €1,000 a month. – rental rates must rise dra- housing – which in this case to the bank for the next 45 a nightmare. 24/7. At the moment, I’d just If you’re willing to com- matically, or the market for would mean a maximum rent years. And yet these are peo-



- You can search for apartment on the free market through advertisements in newspapers (generally Sunday editions) or through an estate agent. There are also many Finland-wide property search sites on the Internet, such as

- Many larger companies also own apartments for short-term use by employ- ees, and some offer long-term contracts as well.

- Occupancy rates are high, particularly in Helsinki, and finding housing can be time-consuming.

- Note that in Finland a 2-room apartment (kaksio) consists of one bedroom, living room and kitchen/kitchenette.

- When renting an apartment it is common to pay the first month’s rent in advance and two months’ rent as a security deposit. The security deposit cannot equal more than three months’ rent, and it should be returned to the tenant after the termination of the agreement if the apartment has been maintained in good condition. It is advisable to specify in the contract when the deposit should latest be returned.

- Rent is paid monthly. Increases to the rent during the lease period a fixed- term lease are possible only if the grounds are specified in the term of agreement – it can for example be tied to an index.

- The agreement can be for a fixed term or a non-fixed term, but contracts that are fixed for the first year are fairly common.

- Typically, the tenant’s term of notice is one calendar month and the lessor’s term of notice three months. If the tenancy agreement has been valid for more than a year, the lessor’s term of notice is six months.

- You usually have to contact the local electricity provider to have the ac- count switched to your name. Water payments are often included in the rent.

What will happen when people can no longer afford to buy nor rent housing in Helsinki? 14 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 HOUSING HELSINKI TIMES


REAL ESTATE INFORMATION FOR 15 TOWNS – is a service in operation since late June 2007 to provide pricing information for the previous 12 months on terraced houses and apartments currently for sale. The service is run by the Department of the Environment and the Housing Fund of Finland (ARA). – The service covers properties for sale through the estate agencies Kiinteistömaailma, OP-Kiinteistökeskus and Realia Group (the joint name for Huoneistokeskus and SKV Kiinteistövälitys). – Information on properties in the towns covered by the site can be searched by street name or postal code. – The following data on properties is provided by the service: year of construction; type of property; property area in m2; price including housing organisation expenses (e.g. renovation costs) for the entire property and per m2; and, where applicable, the number of floors in the building and whether there is a lift. In addition, the service provides the relevant estate agency’s estimate of the property’s current condition. – The service only provides information on properties in areas where at least three similar property sales have been carried out through the three estate agencies currently involved in the service. The service does not offer street numbers of the properties for sale, nor does it reveal any features that would be distinctive enough to allow precise identification of a property.

Currently prospective buyers In addition to coverage of can only search and compare detached houses, many users prices for terraced houses and of the service have expressed apartments. their wishes to see coverage User feedback on the serv- of a wider variety of areas and The new housing price information services on the Internet help prospective buyers to estimate the realistic value of a property they ice comes in every day, and so more real estate agents. At are interested in. However, the final price is more dependent on the home’s individual value than its location. far it has been overwhelm- the moment the service offers ingly positive, says Tahva- pricing information on hous- nainen. According to data ing in the country’s 15 most administrator Heikkilä, tech- highly populated towns, and Apartment prices information nically the service’s website only the three largest real es- has stood up well to the ex- tate agencies are involved. Ac- pected early rush. Tests were cording to both Tahvanainen carried out prior to opening and Heikkilä, the range of ar- services to expand further to minimise the likelihood of eas covered and the number the site collapsing due to vis- of estate agencies involved LAURA KOLU – STT ment in conjunction with the amber light”, according to the operation. By the beginning of itor overload. In the begin- are issues that will be given JAMES O’CONNOR – HT Housing Fund of Finland (ARA) Department’s development of- the autumn user numbers had ning individual users would further consideration early may soon be extended to cover fi cer Markku Tahvanainen. levelled out to between 10,000 carry out as many as 20 dif- in the new year based on us- THE APARTMENT prices infor- detached houses. No fi rm de- The service proved an im- and 20,000 visits per day, ac- ferent searches in a single er feedback. Until then things mation launched on the Inter- cision on the matter has so far mediate hit right after open- cording to the Department of sitting, whereas the typical will remain as they are, says net during the summer by the been made, although the ex- ing, with 1.3 million visits to the Environment’s data ad- fi gure has now decreased to Heikkilä. Department of the Environ- pansion “has been given the the site in the fi rst three days of ministrator Heikki Heikkilä. three or four per sitting. Continued on page 29.

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LEHTIKUVA / JAAKKO AVIKAINEN Renewed pace of residential building in the metropolitan area

STT increases in the amount of JAMES O´CONNOR – HT workplaces on offer there. The construction of busi- AFTER A BRIEF lull, the pace ness premises in the Helsin- of apartment building in Hel- ki region, on the other hand, sinki is picking up again. In is a sector showing signs of re- the remainder of 2007 and cession rather than growth. early 2008 there will be a According to RAKLI, new con- signifi cant increase in the struction projects are now less amount of residential build- frequent than they were a year ing, according to RAKLI, the ago, when the rate of activity Finnish Association of Build- in the sector was at a record ing Owners and Construction high. Clients. RAKLI is confi dent that According to an overview the current labour shortag- of the current business situ- es in the industry will pass ation in the residential con- once construction projects struction sector published by that are currently underway RAKLI on 11 September, the are completed. Steadily in- main contributing factors to creasing operating costs are the growth in the market are a growing problem in the in- migration to the capital and dustry, however. With their Jugendstil houses, Eira and Ullanlinna are among the most expensive areas to buy real estate in Helsinki. LEHTIKUVA / MIKKO STIG Katu in Kamppi. Markedly city’s top prices per square lower real estate prices are metre. Real estate prices found outside the capital. In When it comes to leisure Turku, for example, the high- accommodation, huts in La- est price per square metre is pland and on the islands at record levels €4,000, on Kaarle Knuutin- and islets of Turku and Sai- STT real estate agency Huoneis- pojan Rantatie. Riverside lo- maa are at the top of the price JAMES O´CONNOR – HT tokeskus. According to the cations also command the range. A luxury leisure cot- study, the prices per square highest prices in Tampere, tage in Lapland can cost up MERIKATU street and the metre in these areas range where prices per square me- to €1 million, and in Saimaa nearby Kaivopuisto area from €8,000- €12,000. tre in the Tampella area of prices start from €180,000. in Helsinki are home to the Other areas in Helsinki the city centre costs around According to the Huoneis- most expensive real estate which break the €10,000-per- €4,400. In Oulu, Kanavaran- tokeskus study, the luxu- in Finland. This was part of m2 barrier are Engelinaukio ta, Kiikelinranta and Piki- ry accommodation market Steadily increasing operating costs are a growing problem in the the fi ndings of a survey pub- in Eira, Merikannonranta in saarentie are among the makes up 3-5% of the total real construction industry. lished on 11 September by the Töölö and Urho Kekkosen street addresses carrying the estate market in Finland.

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As. Oy Helsingin Ula As. Oy Helsingin Kosmos As. Oy Helsingin Myrna ja Illusia Helsinki Arabianranta As. Oy Helsingin Kide As. Oy Helsingin Metsänhenki In premarketing. 5/7 storey As Oy Helsingin Ula is going Stylish and light Kosmos As Oy Helsingin Kosmos will be As. Oy Helsingin Myrna and Illusia will be built in As. Oy Helsingin Arctica As. Oy Helsingin Kide will be built next to excellent As. Oy Metsänhenki will be built on leased building lot to be built on Radiokatu. In the garage located next to the built in the Arabianranta right next to a park by the shore. Arabianranta on their own building lots. Myrna and Illusia As Oy Helsingin Arctica is a modern 8 storey housing transportation possibilities in West-Pasila. Kide is offering in a park like area in Viikki’s Latokartano. Metsänhenki apartment building, there are 45 warm parking spaces, There’s been special attention paid on living comfort by are stylish 8 storey apartment blocks. The apartments company of 45 apartments. Arcitica will be built in 50 new and well functioning homes, from which you can is a Hitas location, which consists of two small apartment which are sold as shares. From the garage there’s a direct designing separate bath/utility room. As. Oy Helsingin include a terrace or a balcony with glass. There is a Arabianranta on a lease building lot close to the nature find a suitable option. Estimated time of completion is blocks and two row houses. Estimated time of completion access to the living floors. Ula will be built partially on Kosmos will be built on its own peace of land. The possibility to buy a parking space in the garage which will by the seaside and flexible transportation possibilities. August 2008. is March 2008. leased building lot. The shareholder may cash the lot estimated time of completion is October 2007. be built underground. You can move in to Illusia on 28 Sep Estimated time of completion is autumn 2008. share for the company, and will be freed from the monthly 2007, Myrna will be completed by the end of the year 2007. lease charge. The lease of the building lot is €3.98/m2. The estimated time of completion is February 2007. Apartments Sales price Total price Appartement i.e. Sales price Total price Apartment i.e. Sales price Total price Apartment i.e. Sales price Total price Apartment i.e. Sales price Total price 3rm, k, s 86,5 m² €182.005 €384.317 2rm+k+s 58m² €41.160 €274.400 2rm+kk+s 47,5 m² €25.155 €167.700 2rm+k+s 61 m² €33.025 €202.600 2rm,k 48 m² €94.594 €157.651 Apartments i.e. Sales price Total price 3-4rm, k s 108 ² €243.510 €498.239 3rm+k+s 74.5 m² €48.840 €325.600 2rm+k+s 59 m² €28.845 €192.300 3rm+k+s 80 m² €40.345 €246.300 3rm, k s 95 m² €169.444 €282.395 2rm+kk+s 47 m² €26.145 €174.300 3rm, k, s 114 m² €217.453 €478.619 4rm+k+r 90m² €48.105 €320.700 3rm+k+s 84,5 m² €39.630 €264.200 4rm+k+s 89 m² €46.665 €285.600 4rm,k,s 121 m² €215.363 €358.924 2rm+k+s 57 m² €28.230 €188.200 4rm, k 117 m² €316.243 €592.123 4rm+k+s 112,5 m² €49.020 €326.800 4rm+k+s 106.5 m² €55.730 €341.500 4rm,k,s 159 m² €249.344 €415.556 3rm+k+s 82 m² €38.000 €254.000 5rm, k, s 158 m² €410.211 €778.971 Hämeentie 147 ja 149. Muotoilijankatu 10 Radiokatu7 workspace 4rm+k+s 100 m² €46.470 €309.800 Birger Kaipiaisen piha 3 Metsänhoitajanraitti 1

Radiokatu 9 Kiinteistömaailma | Manskun Kodit Oy LKV p. 436 6590, Vallilan Kodit Oy, Sturenkatu 29, 00510 Helsinki. Tel. 09 8563 4900 Oulunkylän asunnot p. 8563 5100, Keski-Helsingin Kodit LKV p. 8563 4910, Vallilan Kodit Oy LKV p. 8563 4900. Manskun Kodit Oy, Mannerheimintie 104, 00250 Helsinki. Tel. 09 4366 590 [email protected] Keski-Helsingin Kodit LKV, Pasilan Asema. Tel. 09 8563 4910 [email protected] Oulunkylän Asunnot LKV, Mäkitorpantie 23, 00630 Helsinki. Tel 09 8563 5100 [email protected]

Jani Tanninen, Irma Majaniemi Jari Olkkonen Kristina Niina Akselin Jutta Tarkiainen Kimmo Saari, LKV Anna-Liisa Jyrki Matilainen, Shirin Gaderi Helinä Mäkilä, Anneli Grönholm Mia Terä Pekka Rönkkö Yrittäjä, Tj, LKV 050 366 9127 050 366 9125 Saajanaho, LKV 050 366 9126 046 851 4911 0400 585 711 Vartiainen, LKV LKV 050 586 0988 LKV, YKV 050 386 6656 050 366 9124 0400 469 923 040 515 1226 050 36v6 9123 050 366 9121 044 302 6627 050 366 9132

Kari Vikatmaa Leo Turunen Marja-Kaarina Maire Alenius, LKV Timo Leppänen Helena Valta Mirva Ojakoski Elena Ivanova Elina Kantola Arja Oreschnikoff Juha-Pekka Osku Simberg Ville Mattila 050 573 5652 050 366 9134 Koivistoinen 050 366 9136 050 917 6051 050 917 6052 050 366 9129 050 971 6052 050 573 5662 050 366 9128 Haapamäki 050 366 9130 045 635 3778 050 366 9131 050 573 5665 Commission e.g. 3.3% + 975 Euros incl. VAT 16 28 SEPTEMBER — 4 OCTOBER 2007 HOUSING HELSINKI TIMES

bolder colours, but the older cording to Korolainen. Kati quality is an important con- generation like to stick with Mattila, who was standing sideration in selecting fur- the familiar and safe,” Tall- near the department, stat- niture, since a high-quality Finns cautious berg-Kalliomäki said. ed that a colourful toilet lids piece stands a better chance Pensioners Aino and Erk- works. “We’ve got a blue of surviving both time and ki Koho from Kouvola had one at home. It was already changing fashions. Accord- planted themselves on one of in the fl at when we moved ing to him, furniture is re- decorators the exhibition room couch- in, though,” the 28-year-old newed once in a decade, at es and were enjoying a fi lm woman laughed. most. playing on a nearby televi- Riitta Peltomäki, who “Antti is a more cautious sion. “We’re in the middle of was presenting the tex- decorator than I am. I’d be renovating our kitchen at the tile brand Lennol at the fair, willing to experiment with Colourful versions of home decor favourites turn moment, so we came to have believes that Finns focus more colours,” Susanne said. heads, but when it comes to the actual buying, a look at some of the alter- on textiles and small fea- In the couple’s current home, natives on offer,” Erkki Ko- tures in personalising their the kitchen wall, painted red, Finns opt for long-lasting classics. ho said. homes. “People aren’t so cau- is the most striking feature. The Kohos are not terribly tious about textiles any more, Industrial designer and interested in the some of the since swapping them is not entrepreneur Tuomas An- more daring trends, and only such an issue, unlike with tikainen stressed that there LEHTIKUVA / MARJA AIRIO INNA PERHEENTUPA – STT choose earthy hues for their furniture,” Peltomäki said. are pioneers among the MATTHEW PARRY – HT home. “It’s a pretty big deci- Finns, too. The most adven- sion when you set out to buy Renovation once turous are looking for modi- NEON-COLOURED cupboard new furniture. It’s not every every ten years fi able homes, where the walls, doors attracted glances at year that you redecorate.” Antti and Susanne Ahokas, kitchen and other features the Habitare Furniture, In- both in their thirties, came to can be changed according to terior Decoration and De- Pimp my toilet bowl the fair seeking inspiration the inhabitants’ situation in sign Fair held in Helsinki on Colourful versions of every- for their new home. “We’ve life. “That way, if your life- 19-23 September. “They’ve day favourites were a prom- just bought a semi-detached style changes, you don’t nec- certainly attracted atten- inent feature of the fair, but house in Tapanila,” the cou- essarily have to fi nd a new tion, but they haven’t been didthey sell? According to ple explained. home. You just modify your a wild commercial success,” Janne Larjama, who was In Antti Ahokas’ opinion, home accordingly.” said Markus Ojala, who rep- selling fl at-screen televi- resented the furniture label sions, middle-aged people Muurame at the fair. In his on comfortable incomes in HOME DECORATION opinion, it was the television particular go for colours as CONSUMES MORE AND MORE MONEY stands in black that were the well as personalised televi- most sought after product in sions. “They’re interested in - Finns spent an average of €287 per person on the department. more than just the technical furniture and items for the home last year, which Finns are quite conserv- features.” is €55 more than in 2002. ative when it comes to in- Even toilet bowl lids in - In August, slightly less than 50% of consumers terior design, at least in blue and red attracted inter- predicted that they would purchase products for the comparison to Swedes and est according to Jarno Koro- home at some point during the following six months. Norwegians. So argued Sti- lainen who was selling them. na Tallberg-Kalliomäki and “It’s like Pimp my Ride, but - According to the national association of interior Helena Äystö, who both rep- people are now pimping toi- designers, Sisustussuunnittelijat SI ry, an increasing The general opinion at the Habitare Furniture, Interior Decora- resented the furniture pro- let bowls instead!” number of people seek professional help when tion and Design Fair was that the Finns are still fairly conserva- ducer P. Rotola-Pukkila. Black and white are nev- decorating their homes. tive when it comes to using colour. “Younger people may go for ertheless still favourites ac-


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SARI GUSTAFSSON Floating homes landing in Finland

ANNUKKA KOSKELA – STT from which pre-suspended MICHAEL NAGLER – HT rubber cables reach out to the pontoon under the house. THE IDEA of building hous- Sewage and water pipes are es on water is catching on in drawn along the sea bed to Finland. This summer a fl oat- prevent them from freez- ing model house already ap- ing in winter. Therefore the peared in Keilalahti, Espoo, house must be construct- and more will be built in ed on a spot where the water Pori’s Reposaari area by next depth is at least two metres. summer for the Pori vaca- According to Seppälä, on tion home fair. “Reposaari’s certain locations the houses area plan allows habitation can also withstand the harsh all year long, but we reck- climate conditions of Fin- on that people will be buying land. Floating houses cannot the houses mostly as sec- be built in open seas. Instead, The first of Finland’s floating homes will be built in Pori in 2008. The Villa Helmi model house designed by Kari Ristolainen and Timo ond homes,” says CEO Ilkka the location has to be shel- Urala floats in Espoo’s Keilalahti. Seppälä of Marinetek Oy, a tered and close enough to the company that manufactures shore. It also has to be an area marinas and pontoons. where ice fl oes cannot move. well as municipal engineer- According to Seppälä ing and waste disposal. The All sorts of houses needed in Finland fl oating habitation has al- Childless families required building permits STT mon,” Särkijärvi says. Department thinks that Fin- ready been tried in Keilanie- as target group are just the same as for those MICHAEL NAGLER – HT Särkijärvi thinks that land needs all sorts of con- mi for fi ve years in Villa Marina Housing Oy, which for houses built on land, says Finns can be attracted to struction and especially the Tähti, which has been used as builds the fl oating houses, CEO Kimmo Anttalainen of DIRECTOR GENERAL Jouni fl oating houses if they are kinds of houses that people the harbour’s maintenance has several fl oating villag- Marina Housing. Särkijärvi of the Ministry of built near the city centre and want. Särkijärvi thinks that building and test house. Sep- es planned. The area plan of The cheapest of the the Environment regards the areas of activity. “If someday Finland is moving in the di- pälä says that the experienc- Pori’s Reposaari has been houses being constructed building of fl oating houses there are a thousand fl oat- rection of owner-occupan- es of winter use have been confi rmed and Tammisaari, in Reposaari costs around in Finland as a good idea. “It ing houses in Finland, mostly cy and private home living. good and no problems have Kotka and Kuopio are next 250,000 euros and is 52 m² in is positive that these kinds in major cities near the city “When you look at the number arisen. on the planning list. In addi- size. According to Anttalai- of opportunities are sought centre, I would not at all be of inquiries, then it seems The new model house Vil- tion to the houses, the village nen the houses are expected after. When you look at the surprised.” that we have half a million la Helmi stays still with the includes maintenance build- to be particularly attractive world, you can see that for in- The Director General of apartments too many and help of concrete anchors that ings to be built on the shore, to childless couples and sen- stance in Central Europe this the Ministry of the Environ- an equal amount of private are attached to the sea bed, parking lots and marinas, as ior citizens. is quite popular and com- ment’s Housing and Building homes that are missing.”

together with West End International Ltd proudly presents Finnish fashion flying high

TERHI RUUSKANEN printed. The atmosphere of events and attended by the THIS AUTUMN’S LONG-WAITED HELSINKI TIMES the show will be fragile and international media and buy- delicate, but also melancholy ers for major stores all over WEST END PRODUCTION THE IVANAHELSINKI spring/ and dark; the models have a the world. Suhonen will con- summer 2008 collection will clumsy Bambi-look. tinue her work in Paris after soon in Helsinki! be presented at the Fashion IVANAhelsinki describes the Fashion week because week in Paris on Tuesday 2 the show like this: “Par- one of the Parisian depart- October. The collection of the is has seen everything, Par- ment stores, Printemps, has top Finnish designer, Paola is is bored with everything. requested her to design a Suhonen, is called Diamond, This is something totally Scandinavian Christmas ex- Stripes and Revolver and the new. No one has ever showed position for them. One show only, buy your ticket now! show takes place at the Ritz this kind of straight cotton hotel in Paris. dresses, where sweet clumsi- IVANAhelsinki spring/ This will be the fi rst time ness turns out to be sexy and summer 2008 collection in the history when a Finnish more fashionable than any- Diamond, Stripes and designer is having a big run- thing ever since Twiggy was Revolver on Tuesday way show at Paris Fashion born!” All the models, hair- 2 October 2007 at 20:30 Week. IVANAhelsinki is also dressers and make-up art- at the Grand Salon the only Scandinavian fash- ists are Finns. of the Ritz Hotel. ion house that will be pre- Fashion weeks are major sented at the catwalk in Paris this year. Altogether, there HEIKKI SAUKKOMAA are 90 fashion shows around the city during the eight-day event. Runway shows are typically the highlights of the fashion week. The most prominent fashion weeks are held in the fashion capitals of Paris, London, New York and Milan, yet Paris Fashion Week has become the most impor- FRI 2 Nov 2007 at 19:30 tant one and it is the last one of all the fashion weeks. Tickets 69/49/39 EUR Suhonen chose the glam- orous Ritz Hotel for the venue because it creates an inter- esting contrast for her col- lection, which she describes to be Scandinavian, Slavic, GROUPS (min. 6 tickets) and VIP PACKAGES tel. 0600 412 550 girlish and straightforward. Mon-Fri 9-16 (0,50 /min + local call charge or mobile phone charge) - Events Club Oy - There are fi gures of dia- Book at Lippupalvelu monds and stripes printed on and pick up in R-kioski. the fabrics, but the fi gures of Paola Suhonen describes her show at the Ritz hotel as something the revolvers are knitted, not totally new. 18 28 SEPTEMBER — 4 OCTOBER 2007 CULTURE HELSINKI TIMES Star quality at HEIKKI TUULI the National Opera

KAISA MÄENPÄÄ Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem Georges Bizet is still popular HELSINKI TIMES at the Johannes Church, and around the world. the National Opera’s orches- Another autumn high- Wolfgang THE FINNISH National Opera tra and choir are fronted by light is Zaide by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has gone through serious fi - soloists Kirsi Tiihonen, Tui- Amadeus Mozart. He nev- (1756-1791) is one of the nancial problems and has ja Knihtilä, Mika Pohjoinen er fi nished working on Zaide, most known and beloved not made profi t in its recent and Jyrki Korhonen. as he started concentrat- musicians and composers years. Even if money has not The Magic of Operetta con- ing on Idomeneo, but he did of his time. He created his been fl owing in, the quality of cert offers long-awaited per- complete about 70 minutes first opera when he was only the shows has remained high, formances at the Helsinki of music and left the end- eleven, and had composed offering star performances, Culture House on 29 Septem- ing undone. Now completed, world class singers and beau- ber. The soloists and the Na- Zaide is sung in German and three operas in three differ- tiful sets to opera-lovers. tional Opera’s own orchestra Finnish, but even if one does ent languages by the age of Opera and ballet shows are conducted by Kari Tikka. not understand either lan- 13. During his short life, he have already started on 13 The Opening Gala will guage it is well worth seeing produced over 600 composi- September at the Almi hall, start the new opera sea- for its powerful performanc- tions, including pinnacles but once renovation work is son on 6 October, and sing- es, paintings by artist Rafael of concertante, symphonic, completed at the beginning ers including Soile Isokoski Wardi, colourful costumes chamber, piano, operatic and of October, all performances and Gerald Finley will per- and beautiful staging. Fin- choral music. 250 years have will be held in the main audi- form on the newly renova- land’s star soprano Anna- passed since his death, and torium. Free weekly cham- ted stage. Kristiina Kaappola and the ber music matinees continue The fi rst major production 2006 winner of the Lappeen- one can only wonder how in the main foyer, starting 15 on the new stage is the wild- ranta song competition Kaisa much more he would have ac- September. ly romantic Carmen, which Ranta take turns in perform- complished had he lived On Wednesday 19 Septem- will premiere on 9 Novem- ing the title role. 40 more years. Anna-Kristiina Kaappola shows her true emotions in Zaide. ber, Mikko Franck conducts ber. This undying classic by

Pearls of in Helsinki Talk of the devil Sigur Rós plays Helsinki

ROBIN DEWAN HELSINKI TIMES KAISA MÄENPÄÄ HELSINKI TIMES LEGENDARY Icelandic band Sigur Rós will be making a ANIMATRICKS is a Finnish surprise visit to Helsinki on animation festival that has 30 September for a one-off been organised annually acoustic concert in Bio Rex. since 2000. Coinciding with This very special event was the International Day of An- arranged at the last minute imation, this year’s festival to coincide with the closing presents fi ve days of diverse screening of the Love & An- from Finland and archy fi lm festival. The fi lm abroad at the cultural centre Devil’s Violin plays everything from folk to classics. will be the music documen- Andorra on 24-28 October. tary Home – Sigur Rós and The festival depicts the cur- KAISA MÄENPÄÄ memorable classics. features intimate concert per- rent trends and directions in A detail still from The Water People by Paul Driessen, whose HELSINKI TIMES The melodies bring back formances by the band. The the world of animation. unique style and fresh sense of humour have attracted some of the already forgotten, previously scheduled screen- Three different awards international acclaim. THE DEVIL’S VIOLIN orches- emotional aspects of history, ing of this fi lm in Andorra on will be presented during the tra was formed in 1991. Af- and they vary from wailing 29 September is cancelled festival, and the winners will ter initially only touring in ballads to irresistible tunes in lieu of this new screening. be announced during a cer- industry and only started his Dutch Pearls Eastern Europe, the orches- that make even the most re- Tickets available at Bio Rex. emony at Andorra on 28 Oc- animation career in the late This year’s featured coun- tra soon attracted interna- served members of the au- tober at 3am. Altogether, 40 1960s. However, his anima- try is the Netherlands and tional acclaim, taking its dience want to stand up and Beautiful states fi lms have been chosen for tions brought immediate suc- the festival is showing a col- musical magic to the U.S., start dancing. The group defi - of mind lection of Dutch short fi lms. the Baltic & Nordic animation cess, winning several Finnish Australia, Canada, Japan, nitely lives up to its name. CARINA CHELA contest. The most innovative and international awards. The Dutch Pearls will present China, Taiwan and Mexico, The Devil’s Violin has won HELSINKI TIMES new Finnish animation will One of his works is a series of old animations as well as as well as around Europe. several prizes and sold gold receive the €1000 Laurea seven fi lms that portray sto- the freshest visions and cur- Now the nine brilliant Slova- in Poland with Gypsy Dance. PHOTOGRAPHER Mikko Sin- prize, presented in coopera- ries from Kalevala, capturing rent trends in the world of kian Roma musicians will be In 2000 it won the Slovakian ervo (b. 1981) has always tion with the Laurea Univer- the spirit of beliefs that ex- animation. performing to a Nordic audi- Music Academy’s prize for the had a special place for land- sity of Applied Sciences. The isted before Christianity. An- The acclaimed Dutch an- ence for the fi rst time at the best group, best album, and scapes. For him landscapes programme also includes imatricks will show one of his imation fi lm director Paul Savoy theatre in Helsinki, the best interpretation of an are states of mind that take new animated Finnish music earlier creations, The Little Driessen (b. 1940) will be the on 3 October. original tune. The group has the observer to another videos and AnimaKids shows Mermaid, which is an animat- festival’s guest of honour. The wide repertoire of also worked with a host of in- place in time. Sinervo’s pho- for children. ed version of the much-loved Driessen’s award-winning the Devil’s Violin Orches- ternational singers and mu- tographs are sensitive and The festival pays tribute Hans Christian Andersen work has won fame through- tra takes in the folk music sicians, and charmed concert personal. The Korjaamo gal- to Reijo Niiniranta (b. 1927), fairytale, as well as some of out the world. A retrospective styles of different countries, hall audiences around the lery is presenting Sinervo’s a master of silhouette anima- his works that consciously of Driessen’s fi lms will be pre- including Slovakian, Rus- world with its charismatic fi rst solo exhibition until 7 tion and one of the pioneers go beyond the limits of farce. sented as part of the Dutch sian, Hungarian and Jewish performances. October. His abstract and of animation in Finland His Niiniranta uses silhouettes theme and he will also be the infl uences. Audiences will manipulated landscapes of- beautifully and delicately cut by refl ecting light through chairman of the board of the also be able to pick up some Devil’s Violin performs in fer a moment of meditative images tell mythical stories, colourful silk paper which Nordic and Baltic fi lm compe- more familiar tunes, as the Savoy Theatre, Helsinki, and peaceful observation. ranging from ancient Greece makes his characters visu- tition. On 26 October Driessen group often accompanies 3 October at 19:30. Sinervo’s work has been dis- to Finland’s own nation- ally astonishing and enjoya- will also lecture at the Master traditional music with pop- Tickets: Adults 20€, played before in joint ex- al epic, Kalevala. Niiniran- ble to watch, even if the story Class seminar, organised at ular songs from fi lms and children 15€. hibitions in Helsinki, Oslo, ta worked in the advertising is familiar. the Media Centre Lume. musicals, as well as some Zagreb, Berlin and Paris. HELSINKI TIMES 28 SEPTEMBER — 4 OCTOBER 2007 19 THE WIDEST SELECTION OF IMPORT MOVIES IN HELSINKI! NEW RELEASES EVERY WEEK FROM ENGLAND!


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Fri 12.10. at 7 pm Jonathan Kreisberg Trio (USA): The South Of Everywhere Impressive jazz guitarist Jonathan Kreisberg from New York with his new band. Jonathan Kreisberg guitar Mark Ferber drums Matt Penman bass Fri 26.10. at 7 pm Carlos del Junco (CAN) Havana-born, Ontario raised blues harmonica player is a world champi- on harp player and winner of several national and international awards. Carlos del Junco harp/vocals Jonni Seppälä guitar Jaska Prepula bass Tomi Leino drums Fri 7.12. and Sat 8.12. at 7 pm Peter Bernstein Trio (USA) Jazz guitarist Peter Bernstein has developed a distinctive and unforget- table guitar voice that is all his own. Peter Bernstein guitar Gary Versace Hammond organ Mika Kallio drums

Tickets 10€. Box office tel. (09) 310 12000 and Lippupalvelu.


MUSICMUSIC ized as acoustic folk-proge. Mc- Gregor was born in Britain, but THIS WEEK'S PICK Fri 28 Sep lives nowadays in Finland. Tuomo Prättälä Club Liberté Tuomo has said to have brought Kolmas Linja 34 Exhibition at Ateneum Art Museum: CENTRAL ART ARCHIVES black soul music tradition to Fin- Tales from Denmark land. Club Tavastia Wed 3 Oct Ateneum’s autumn exhibition Tales from Denmark presents Danish art from its Urho Kekkosenkatu 4-6 Devil’s Violin Golden Age in the early 19th century to the following turn of the century. Tickets €12/10 This is the Devil’s Violin Orches- Ateneum’s own collection of Danish art is complemented with paintings from tra’s first performance in Nordic the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen, the Nationalmuseum in Stock- Countries. The Orchestra’s pro- Fri 28 Sep holm and private collections. All in all, there will be some 90 works on display. Radio Symphony Orchestra: duction includes Russian, Slova- Bruno Weill and Murray Pera- kian, Hungarian and Jewish mu- hia, piano (USA) sic. Devil’s Violin was founded in The development of Danish 19th century art differs from that of the other Music by W.A. Mozart, Ludvig van 1991 and it consists of nine musi- Nordic countries. Despite economic depression and poverty during the Gold- Beethoven and Joseph Haydn. cians. The group has won various en Age of Danish art in 1815-1850, artists were able to create skilful portrayals Finlandia Hall, 19:00 awards all over the world. of their surroundings and friends. The warm paintings depict family and fellow Mannerheimintie 13 E Savoy Theatre, 19:30 artists and scenes from everyday life. Even the landscapes seem to radiate a Tickets €17.5/12/10/6 Kasarmikatu 46-48 mellow calmness. Major Danish artists featured in the exhibition include Tickets €20/15 Golden Age masters C.W. Eckersberg, Christen Købke, J.Th. Lundbye and P.C. Skovgaard, and from the turn of the century Vilhelm Hammershøi and L.A. Fri 28 Sep to Sun 7 Oct Ring. The collection of Danish art donated to Ateneum by ship owner H.B. To- Irish Festival in Finland Thu 4 Oct Irish music festival. The pro- Helsinki Philharmonic Orches- biesen in 1953 is exhibited as a special group. gramme includes many events in tra & Johanna Rusanen, so- various locations e.g. 30 Sep at prano The Tales from Denmark exhibition also offers an abundant programme of 19: Mary Coughlan (IRE) at Savoy Music by Felix Mendelssohn, Jean events for both children and adults. There will be lectures, workshops and Theatre, tickets 26€. 5 Oct at 21: Sibelius and Jukka Tiensuu. Con- tales from storyteller H.C. Andersen, as well as the usual guided tours in The Begleymen with Caoimhin ductor Leif Segerstam. Finnish and Swedish. O´Raghallaigh at Tavastia Club, Finlandia Hall, 19:00 tickets €12/10. Mannerheimintie 13 E Tales from Denmark at Tue, Fri 9:00-18:00 See festival programme www. Tickets €17.5/11.5/5 Portrait of the Artist’s Brother Hans Peter the Ateneum Art Museum Wed, Thu 9:00-20:00 Fri 28 Sep to 27 Jan 2008 Sat, Sun 11:00-17:00 Købke by Christen Købke, 1841, oil canvas. Sat 29 Sep THEATRETHEATRE AND AND DANCE DANCE Kaivokatu 2 Tickets €8/6.50/0 Nina Tapio – In This Moment! In her intimate concert Nina Ta- Sat 29 Sep, 1 & 2 Oct pio interprets pop classics, mu- Deep & Trio Finnish National Opera Until Sun 30 Sep dependence, and all of them are Wed 3 Oct sical compositions, new and old Alpo Aaltokoski´s new choreog- Helsinginkatu 58 Marge Monko: Studies of the exhibited at the Post Museum ex- Movies from Israel: “Walk on songs that have left a mark in the raphy Trio premieres in Helsin- Tickets €30/15 Bourgeoisie hibition. Water” Finnish musical history. ki, at the Stoa Cultural Centre of Estonian Marge Monko’s series Post Museum The film is directed by Eytan Fox. Savoy Theatre, 19:00 Eastern Helsinki, along with Aal- deals with hysteria and how, ever Asema-aukio 5 H Duration 104 min. English subti- Kasarmikatu 46-48 tokoski’s earlier work Deep. In Thu 4 to Fri 19 Oct since Freud, it has persisted in Mon - Fri 9:00-18:00 tles. Suitable for all ages. Tickets €22/18 Trio, three male dancers ponder Being Greta Western cultures as a way of de- Sat -Sun 11:00-16:00 Cultural Centre Caisa, 20:00 on the challenges of communica- Being Greta by performance art- fining women’s states of mind. Tickets €4/3/0 Mikonkatu 7 C/Vuorikatu 14 tion. Deep is realised in co-op- ist and choreographer Maija Hir- Finnish Museum of Photography Free entrance Sat 29 Sep eration with media artist Milla vanen deals with the essence of Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 G The Floating Cockroach Fes- Moilanen and it combines a live the kind of mediated substance Tue - Sun 11:00-18:00 Until Sun 4 Nov tival: Tuomari Nurmio, PK & dance performance with compu- that lives in a person only for a Tickets €6/4/0 Landscape Wed 3 Oct to Sun 4 Nov Janko, (FIN/GAM), Cosmo ter animation. moment, moving then to a next The works from Kiasma’s collec- Circus Finlandia Jones Beat Machine, Black Riv- Stoa, 19:00 target. The piece works on turn- tions shed light on the contem- Acrobatics, clowns, dogs, horses, er Bluesman and The Croaking Turunlinnantie 1 ing around the obsession of fame Until Sun 30 Sep porary idea of a landscape. rope dancers and jugglers. Lizard, Bullfrog Brown (EST), Tickets €17/10 and concentrating on how cultur- Euro-Koponen-Näsänen: Tem- Museum of Contemporary Art Auroran kenttä Leighton Phoenix (GBR) al icons can lead to personal and poral Installations and Vid- Kiasma Tue - Thu 19:00 The Floating Cockroach festi- collective creativity. eo Works Mannerheiminaukio 2 Fri 15:00 & 19:00 val is organized by Alt.Blues Fin- Zodiak – Centre for New Dance Pia Euro, Tanja Koponen and Ele- Tue 9:00-17:00 Sat - Sun 13:00 & 17:00 land ry, a non-profit organization Tue 2 to Thu 4 Oct 4/6/12/13/17/19 Oct 19:00 na Näsänen will take over the en- Wed - Sun 10:00-20:30 Tickets Adults €25/17 founded to promote non-main- Paris, Helsinki, Berlin 7/14 Oct 15:00 tire Kunsthalle with their large Tickets €6/4/0 Children €22/14 stream blues in Finland. It is the Kurt Weill nights by dancer Jor- Cable Factory, temporal and spatial installa- first alternative blues festival in ma Uotinen. Tallberginkatu 1 B tions, which include also moving Finland. Aleksanteri Theatre, 19:00 Tickets €15/8 images. The group represents the Tuesdays until 27 Nov Restaurant boat Wäiski, 20:00 Bulevardi 23-27 spearhead of Finnish video art. OTHERSOTHERS Croquis Evenings Hakaniemenranta 11 Helsinki Kunsthalle Bring your own equipments. Tickets €10 CHILDRENCHILDREN Nervanderinkatu 3 Until Fri 28 Sep Helsinki Kunsthalle, 18:15-20:00 Wed 3, 10 & 17 Oct Tue, Thu - Fri 11:00-18:00 Agit-Cirk: Newton Zeppelin Nervanderinkatu 3 cockroach Theatre and Jazz by the Finn- Fri 28 Sep Wed 11:00-20:00 New circus. Newton Zeppe- Tickets €6 Brit Players Clown Sebastian & Acrobat Sat - Sun 12:00-17:00 lin studies the differences be- Tue 2 Oct The Finn-Brit Players is a Helsin- Jani Hurmerinta Tickets €10/5/0 tween human beings and sim- Wiley (GBR) ki-based English-language ama- A show full of great circus enter- ple machines, asking whether we Hiphop and Drum’n’bass. teur drama society whose origins tainment for the whole family. all have been programmed to act Redrum, 22:00 date back to the early 1950s. Malmitalo, 9:00 Thu 4 Oct to Sun 11 Nov according to one model. SUDOKU Vuorikatu 2 During the show food and drink Ala-Malmin tori 1 Memories and Pictures of Fin- Kanneltalo, 19:00 SOLUTION Tickets €20 are readily available from the Tickets €4 land Klaneettitie 5 cafe as well as being the theme Finland Post and the month- Tickets €8/6 578412936578 936 of this autumn’s run. Jon Millar ly supplement Kuukausiliite of 412693785693 Tue 2 & Fri 5 Oct will provide music on the clarinet. Sat 29 Sep the nation’s leading newspa- 693578124693 124 Zaide Directed by Joel Holmberg. Theatre ILMI Ö: KATO! per, Helsingin Sanomat, arranged Until Sat 29 Sep A fresh new take on Mozart’s hid- Café Engel, 20:00 In this absurd show three crea- a competition, open for all, to South-African Cultural Week 725134869134 Aleksanterinkatu 26 den gem returns. tures explore basic shapes and search for photos taken during Films, documents, lectures on 134986257134 257 Finnish National Opera, Free entrance colours by looking, listening and the period since Finland became South Africa. 986725341725 The Almi Hall, 19:00 combining. independent. Eight of the photo- Cultural Centre Caisa Helsinginkatu 58 Malmitalo, graphs sent in for the competi- Mikonkatu 7C/Vuorikatu 14 361859472361 472 Tickets €30/15 Until Thu 4 Oct 14:00 & 16:00 tion were selected for publication See full programme 859247613247 Ek-Fontoura Ala-Malmin tori 1 on stamps to commemorate the 247361598247 598 Mats Ek is a world-famous Swed- Tickets €4 90th anniversary of Finland’s in- Tue 2 to Sat 6 Oct ish choreographer with a career Helsinki Early Music Week spanning more than 30 years and Helsinki Early Music is organised his works have been performed EXHIBITIONSEXHIBITIONS by the Helsinki Early Music As- by dance companies all around sociation, an independent non- the world. Marilena Fontoura was Until Sun 30 Sep profit association aiming to pro- a member of the Finnish National Metro 25 Years mote and develop early music Ballet from 1986 until last spring. Pictures, sound and stories about performance and events. Her first choreography was per- metro. See ticket prices and festival pro- formed at the Ballet workshop in Päivälehti Museum gramme 1995, and since then she has cre- Ludviginkatu 2-4 ated works for the Finnish Na- Tue - Sun 11:00-17:00 Wed 3 Oct tional Ballet and Free entrance John McGregor the Nancy Ballet. Singer/songwriter John McGre- gor’s music has been character-

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Sunday 11 am in Leppävaara and 4 pm in Olari, Welcome! Contact:, [email protected] 22 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 The Fabulous Picture Show BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:15 Ballykissangel 08:00 All in the Family FPS brings our audience face to face 06:30 A European breakfast show that fea- 11:05 Heartbeat 14:35 It’s All Relative with film makers, features the best The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 13:35 Live Earth: Bob and Harry - The 15:35 Hope Island of world cinema and Hollywood, and around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews Last Two Polar Bears 16:40 Days of Our Lives tells the stories of people passionate from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. 14:30 Doctors 17:30 The Oprah Winfrey Show about film. don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International 15:05 Diagnosis Murder Tackling the issue of whether psy- 06:30 Inside Story overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day's global busi- 17:08 Heartbeat chics can really communicate with Going beyond the headlines and to the ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- 18:55 Waterloo Road the deceased. heart of the news of the day. We get you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. Izzie’s ex-husband causes a scene at 18:30 That 70's Show the Inside Story from some of the best 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News the school demanding for access to 19:00 10 Years Younger minds in the Middle East and beyond. News bulletins on the hour, featur- 07:45 their children. Tom confronts Lorna 21:00 Robin Hood: Men in Tights 07:00 News Review ing the latest international news from 08:30 about her apparent miscarriage. The standard Robin Hood story with around the world, financial updates, 07:30 Witness Tom Brook presents all the latest 21:30 Cry Baby a special touch from director Mel sports, weather and special reports. Another Road Home. Another Road news and reviews from the US cin- Musical directed by , star- Brooks. A comedy with a great deal Home is the simple and heart-rend- ema scene with reports from Holly- ring as teen rebel Wade of silly humour poking fun at vari- ing story of one young Israeli wom- wood and New York. “Cry-Baby” Walker. The film serves as ous film genres as well as at the idea an's search for the Palestinian man 09:30 Extra Time a parody of teen musicals, Elvis movies of men running around the forest in who helped raise her as a child. In-depth interviews with the stars, and juvenile delinquent films from the tights. Starring: Cary Elwes, Rich- 08:00 Riz Khan coaches and the power brokers in the 1950s. Starring: Johnny Depp, Amy Lo- ard Lewis, Roger Rees, Amy Yasbeck, Interactive show letting viewers di- world of sport. Rob Bonnet goes behind cane, Susan Tyrrell, Polly Bergen, Iggy Dave Chappelle, Isaac Hayes, Tracey rectly question world leaders, news- the glamour to see what makes them Pop, , Traci Lords. USA 1990. Ullman, Patrick Stewart. USA 1993. makers and celebrities, addressing is- tick, and examines the risks and rewards 23:00 Midsomer Murders 00:30 The One (CERT 15) sues impacting lives around the globe. of a cut-throat competitive business. 23:50 Euronews Electrifying action film starring Jet 08:30 10:30 Click Li as a superhuman criminal who Southern Thailand Special. Hosted The programme for everyone interested used to be a member of the organ- by Teymoor Nabili, 101 East reports in the internet and new media. Whether Cry Baby. TV1 at 21:30 ization policing interdimension- on the people and events shaping its e-commerce, new developments and TV2 al travel and who now seeks to hunt the Asia Pacific region. products, or gadgets and games, Click down and kill variations of himself in 09:00 Everywoman looks at the tools that will revolutionise 10:30 World Sport 11:00 Auf Wiedersehen, Pet! alternate universes to absorb a com- Trafficking. Is enough being done business and personal life. A comprehensive review of sports 13:00 Supernanny mon life force that connects them against human trafficking? The 11:30 World Business Report news from around the world, includ- 13:50 Creature Creatures all. Directed by James Wong. Star- woman battling to become a Muslim 11:45 Sport Today ing all the key highlights, profiles 15:00 Monster Garage ring: Jet Li, Carla Gugino, Delroy Lin- chaplain in the US military and Tarja 12:00 and interviews with the newsmakers The show where ordinary vehicles do, Jason Statham, James Morrison, Halonen president of Finland. 13:30 World Business Report and stars of sport. gets converted into extraordinary Dylan Bruno. USA 2001. 09:30 People and Power 13:45 Sport Today 11:00 Larry King machines! Hosted by Jesse G. James, Denmark. People & Power is Al Global talk-show featuring inter- great-great grandson of legendary 14:30 Jazeera's ground-breaking documen- views with high-profile politicians Wild West outlaw Jesse James. 14:45 Sport Today tary programme about the use and and top entertainment figures. 15:50 Derrick SUBTV abuse of power in the 21st century. 15:30 Extra Time 12:00 Business International 16:50 Creature Creatures 15:30 Late Night with Conan O'Brien 10:00 News 13:00 World News Asia 22:05 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 16:20 E! Entertainment: The Interview 10:30 Listening Post Andrew Stevens presents the latest (CERT 15) with Ryan Seacrest What is being reported by world me- financial developments in the Asia- Waste. The team investigates the An intimate interview with Tyra dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- rape of a woman who has been in a Banks. you through the global news divide. nomic and financial trends. coma for a year. 17:10 E! Entertainment: E! News Weekend 11:00 News 14:00 World News 19:30 Two and a Half Men 11:30 Inside Story 14:30 World Sport Can You Eat Human Flesh with 12:00 News 15:00 World News Asia MTV3 Wooden Teeth? Judith goes on vaca- 12:30 Riz Khan 16:00 Your World Today tion and leaves Jake with Alan. Even 13:00 News A programme that keeps viewers 09:20 Hollyoaks Charlie has to assist. 14:00 News from around Europe, the Middle East 10:30 Emmerdale 20:00 Friends and Africa updated with breaking 14:30 Everywoman The Interview with Ryan Seacrest. 14:25 What I Like About You 20:30 The Simpsons 15:00 News SUBTV at 16:20 news, the latest global stories and The Kid, the Cake, and the Chemistry. weather information. 21:00 Friday Night lights 15:30 Witness Holly plans a surprise for Vince’s birth- 17:00 Your World Today 23:00 The X Files Another Road Home. 16:30 Our World: Passage to Pakistan day but gets devastated when she finds F.Emasculata. Mulder and Scul- 20:00 World's Untold Stories 16:00 News 60 years ago colonial India was split out he has a date. Val meets a cute guy ly search for two escaped prisoners Courageous filmmakers tell intimate 16:30 God’s Business into two; the Hindu majority re- who has an eight year old son. who have a highly contagious dead- stories of society's most vulnerable Hinduism Goes Global. mained in the newly defined India, 15:20 Kevin Hill ly disease. while most Muslims settled in the members. Gritty, powerful tales that Gods and Monsters. Kevin and Veroni- 17:00 News open our eyes to a world that is both 23:50 Late Night with Conan O'Brien 17:30 Listening Post new state of Pakistan. BBC's Mishal ca defend a hockey player who got 00:45 Cheaters disturbing and captivating. kicked off the team for attacking a fan. 18:00 News Hussein went to find out how the 01:35 Caesars 24/7 country has changed since 1947. 20:30 World Business Today 17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful 19:00 News 17:00 World News Today A round-up of the day's global busi- 17:30 Emmerdale 19:30 The Fabulous Picture Show ness news with focus on internation- 18:30 World Business Report 20:00 Nanny 911 20:00 News al business and market trends, eco- 18:45 Sport Today 21:00 Without a Trace YLE TEEMA 20:30 Inside Iraq nomic developments, stock market Two of Us. A young girl goes missing A critical look at Iraq, a platform for 19:00 World News Today trading, bids and take-overs. leaving behind a blood-stained dress 20.00 The Henry Rollins Show politicians and experts to express their 20:30 Indian School 21:00 World News Europe and a great many questions as to Celebrity guest Kevin Smith, musical opinion and provide viewers with a Howzat. Every little boy in In- Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- guest New York Dolls. dia dreams of becoming a cricketer. what could have happened to her. fresh perspective in a dynamic format. est financial developments in Eu- 20.30 Monty Python’s Flying Circus There are over 100 million schoolboys 22:40 Dogfight 21:00 News rope, as well as giving an analysis of More laughs from the surreal sketch and just 11 places on the national The day before a group of 18-year- 22:00 Frost Over The World economic and financial trends. comedy series. team. Can the national obsession of old guys are sent to Vietnam they Sir returns to the global 21:30 World Business Today India transcend the social divides? play a game to see who can find the stage with some of the biggest names 22:00 World News Europe 21:30 Extra Time ugliest girl to take to a party. One in world affairs and entertainment. 22:30 World Sport 22:15 World Business Report girl, however, sees through their 23:00 News 23:00 Business International 22:45 Sport Today game. Directed by Nancy Savoca. 23:30 People and Power 00:00 World News Starring: River Phoenix, Lily Taylor, 23:30 Asia Today Denmark. 00:30 World Sport Richard Panebianco, Anthony Clark, Do we have 23:45 World Business Report 00:00 News 01:00 World News Mitchell Whitfield, Holly Near, E. G. a cheater in the house? 00:30 Extra Time 01:00 News 01:30 News Entertainment Daily, Brendan Fraser. USA 1991. Find out on SUBTV at 00:45 01:30 Everywoman 01:30 World Business Report 01:00 Reba

The One Listening Post Chinese martial artist, Wushu cham- Presented by Richard Gizbert, pion and international film star Jet Li Listening Post will bring viewers a (in the photo) stars as Yu-Law in this weekly insight into how the news action-filled 2001 Revolution Studios is covered by the world's media. film. Li is a superhuman criminal who It will monitor and examine all used to be a member of the orga- platforms, all over the world, nization policing interdimensional from newspapers, radio and TV travel and seeks to hunt down and to blogs and podcasts. Listening kill variations of himself in alternate Post is also looking for new voices Dogfight universes to absorb a common life and is willing to give anyone a force that connects them all. By try without caring if they're from Set during the Vietnam War (1963-1973), Dogfight highlights the night before killing his other selves and absorbing the West Bank or Washington. a group of 18-year-old guys are shipped to Vietnam. Dogfight is the name of a their powers, he hopes to become The programme wants to push contest among the guys in which they look for the ugliest girl they can find and invincible. The only one who can stop the term media to its limit, and if persuade her to come to a party, in which the winner is announced. Eddie Birdlace him is the last of his alternate selves, possible, beyond. Global Village (Phoenix, in the photo) finds Rose Fenny (Taylor), who agrees to accompany him, Gabriel Law who works in the Los Voices will be the platform to be but sees through the game and confronts him. By then, however, Birdlace has Angeles County Sheriff’s Department seen and heard, it aims to show already fallen for her and feels extremely guilty about the dirty game he was play- in the near-image of our universe. the emergence of new voices from ing. River Phoenix, who plays Birdlace, was regarded highly talented by critics. He Also starring Carla Gugino, known for regions that are not often heard in died at the age of 23 due to a drug overdose. His death was number 16 in the top her role of Ingred Cortez in the Spy traditional western media. 101 events in E! Television’s 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment. Kids trilogy. USA 2001. CERT 15. MTV3 at 22:40 NELONEN at 00:30 at 10:30 and 17:30 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 23



06:00 People and Power BBC News every hour 06:00 World News 14:00 Live Earth: Waste 12:30 Kung Faux Denmark. People & Power is Al 06:30 Formula For Success 06:30 World Report 16:00 Holby City 13:00 Pop Icon Jazeera's ground-breaking docu- Technology. Formula For Success gets Offering the world's broadcasters 19:35 Dalziel & Pascoe 15:30 Wife Swap mentary programme about the use under the skin of the world's greatest a global forum from which to report 22:00 The Chase 21:00 The Score and abuse of power in the 21st cen- racing series to unearth the thrills, ex- the news, as they see it, to the rest Part 3/8. Crime drama about a retiring thief tury. citement and skills. This episode looks of the world. 22:55 Green Wing (De Niro) who is persuaded to en- 06:30 Listening Post at the role of technology in both F1 07:00 World News 23:45 The Commander (CERT 15) gage in one last heist with help from What is being reported by world me- and in business and how it can be used 07:30 World Business This Week 00:55 Euronews a rookie thief (Norton). Directed by dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides to gain an edge over competitors. Review of the week's business and Frank Oz. Starring: , you through the global news divide. 07:30 Click political developments and their glo- Edward Norton, Marlon Brando, An- 07:00 News Review 08:10 Equator bal economic implications. Also cov- gela Bassett. USA 2001. 07:30 Inside Iraq Latin America. In the final part of a ers breaking stories, business sum- TV2 23:55 Weeds A critical look at Iraq, a platform for three part series Simon Reeve con- mits and national elections. 00:30 Weeds politicians and experts to express their cludes his amazing 25,000 mile 08:00 News Special 14:55 Fawlty Towers opinion and provide viewers with a journey around the Equator by In-depth coverage and analysis of Part 2/12. Basil’s wife hires a handy- fresh perspective in a dynamic format. traveling across Latin America. the key issues of the day. man, but Basil feels he can do a better 08:00 Frost Over The World 09:30 Fast Track 09:00 World News job himself (and a cheaper job too). SUBTV Sir David Frost returns to the glo- 10:00 World News 15:25 Live Earth Part 7/11. Footage from the Live 14:25 E! Entertainment: E! News Weekend bal stage with some of the biggest 10:30 World Sport Earth concert. Featuring: Katie Mel- The hottest celebrity news and gossip. names in world affairs and enter- A comprehensive review of sports ua, Beastie Boys, Spinal Tap. 15:15 Cruiseline tainment. news from around the world, includ- 15:45 Cruiseline 09:00 Riz Khan One on One ing all the key highlights, profiles 18:00 The Unteachables Asha Bhosle. Bhosle s success can and interviews with the newsmakers Part 2/4. Make way for strict head 16:15 Reba be attributed to her versatility, and stars of sport. teacher William Atkinson. 16:45 MacGyver whether singing devotionals, ghazal 11:00 Larry King 22:35 Hotel Rwanda (USA 15) . While protecting a priceless na- (romance) or Bollywood film hits. Global talk-show featuring inter- The true story of a man who risks it all tional treasure at the museum, Mac- 09:30 The Fabulous Picture Show views with high-profile politicians to save the lives of over a thousand ref- Gyver runs into someone he used to FPS brings our audience face to face and top entertainment figures. ugees by giving them shelter in a hotel love and someone he thought was he manages. Directed by Terry George. dead. with film makers, features the best 12:00 World News Starring: Dan Cheadle, Nick Nolte, So- 17:40 Mad TV of world cinema and Hollywood, and 12:30 World Sport tells the stories of people passionate phie Okonedo. USA-UK 2004. Guest starring Keanu Reeves and 13:00 World's Untold Stories about film. Kung Faux. NELONEN at 12:30 Will Smith. Courageous filmmakers tell intimate 19:00 Flavor of Love 10:00 News stories of society's most vulnerable 10:30 101 East 10:30 Visionaries members. Gritty, powerful tales that MTV3 20:00 Holiday Showdown Southern Thailand Special. Hosted Visionaries is a ground breaking open our eyes to a world that is both 21:00 Temptation Island by Teymoor Nabili, 101 East reports show which takes the great and the disturbing and captivating. 08:55 Disney Classic Cartoons 00:35 Miami Vice on the people and events shaping good, dead and alive, and pitches 13:30 Living Golf Donald Duck’s encounter with a Don Johnson and Philip Michael the Asia Pacific region. them against each other. Advocates Golf show discussing business, trav- mystic gorilla. Thomas star as undercover Miami 11:00 News argue for their hero/heroine in an el, fashion and technology in the 13:25 Top Gear Police detectives. 11:30 Everywoman unprecedented appraisal of some of game. 15:30 Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness 01:25 Jonny Zero A weekly magazine show that takes history's greatest minds. 14:00 World News Monster a critical look at the universal issues 11:30 Middle East Business Report 14:30 World Sport Scooby and the gang travel to Scotland affecting women around the world. Getting behind the issues of trade, 15:00 World News to tackle the mystery of the famous YLE TEEMA 12:00 News business and economics, Middle East Loch Ness Monster. Directed by Scott 16:00 News Special 12:30 Inside Iraq Business Report provides a window Jerald and Joe Sichta. Sounds by: Frank 17:00 International Correspondents 12.45 Transaction 13:00 News on finance and commerce in the Gulf, Welker, Casey Kasem, Mindy Cohn, Short film about the interaction be- revealing how this important eco- Top news journalists and media fig- Grey DeLisle, Michael Bell. USA 2004. 14:00 Frost Over The World ures from across the world meet to tween a client and a call girl. Di- 15:00 News nomic region works and interacts 17:00 The Simpsons rected by Jacques Thelemaque. USA with the rest of the world. discuss the current news stories and 15:30 Riz Khan One on One offer a critique of the week's events. 17:30 Grand Designs 2005. 12:30 This Week NEW SERIES. The Timber Frame Kit Asha Bhosle. 17:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: 13.00 The Tribe A weekly showcase for reports from House. British reality series cover- 16:00 News Global Edition Short documentary examining the the BBC's network of over 250 glo- ing unusual architectural house-build- 16:30 101 East Emmy award winning late night chat Barbie doll, its Jewish inventor and bal correspondents. ing projects ranging from underground show with comic reports and sketch- Jewish culture and identity. Narrat- 17:00 News 13:10 The World Debate homes to converted water towers. In to- es on American current affairs with ed by Peter Coyote. Directed by Tiff- 17:30 48 14:15 Sport Today day’s episode Tim and Julia want to build Chad. One journalist, one crew, one satirist Jon Stewart. any Shlain. USA 2006. 14:30 The Record Europe a new home for themselves and their four 13.15 Robin’s Big Date destination and just 48 hours to 18:00 World News children. Presented by Kevin McCloud. journey to the heart of the world's 15:30 Imagination 18:30 Inside Africa Can Robin go on a date without Bat- Building For Islam. 21:00 Survivor man ruining it? Directed by Will Car- most exciting cities. News magazine programme featur- SERIES CONTINUES. Season 12 be- 18:00 News 16:10 Equator ing reports on African political and lough. Starring: Sam Rockwell, Jus- Latin America. In the final part of a gins gathering 16 fearless compet- tin Long, Callie Thorne. USA 2005. 19:00 News social issues from host Femi Oke and three part series Simon Reeve con- itors in Panama’s Exile Island. This 19:30 Listening Post CNN correspondents in the region. time the competitors are split into cludes his amazing 25,000 mile 19:00 World News 20:00 News journey around the Equator by four tribes. The battle to get immu- 20:00 World News 20:30 God’s Business traveling across Latin America. nity is on because nobody wants to 21:00 News Special Hinduism Goes Global. John McCa- 17:30 Final Score be voted out. Hosted by Jeff Probst. rthy reports on the links between re- Ray Stubbs and a panel of guests bring 22:00 World News 22:25 A Perfect World (CERT 15) ligion, money and power. you results, tables, interviews and reac- 22:30 World Sport Two escaped prisoners kidnap a young 21:00 News tion from today's Barclays Premiership, 23:00 World News boy and flee across Texas. A touching 22:00 Witness Special Football League and SPL games. 23:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: bond develops between the boy and his Another Road Home. 18:30 Visionaries Global Edition kidnapper. Directed by Clint Eastwood. Starring: Kevin Costner, Clint East- 23:00 News 19:15 Sport Today 00:00 World's Untold Stories 23:30 Inside Iraq 00:30 World Sport wood, Laura Dern, T.J. Lowther, Paul 19:30 Formula For Success Hewitt, Keith Szarabajka. USA 1993. 00:00 News 01:00 World News 20:10 The World Debate 01:40 Saved 01:00 News 01:30 Inside Africa 21:30 Visionaries SERIES ENDS. Crossroads. As LifeShield 01:30 48 22:30 Imagination goes up for sale Cole and his colleagues Chad. Building For Islam. face a major crossroads in their lives. Cole 23:30 Middle East Business Report Watch also has a big decision to make regarding 00:30 This Week Marlon Brando’s last film on Alice who is contemplating moving to the 01:10 Equator NELONEN at 21:00 East Coast for a new job. Grand Designs. MTV3 at 17:30 Latin America.

Riz Khan One on One A Perfect World Riz Khan One on One provides Butch Haynes (Costner) and an intimate look into the lives of Terry Pugh (Szarabajka) are escaped celebrities and newsmakers from convicts. Butch’s tendency toward around the globe, focusing on their violence is masked by his affability personal histories, defining moments while Terry is more blatantly danger- and their goals in life. Presenter Riz ous. The two take an 8-year-old boy Khan is a recognized face worldwide Philip Perry (Lowther) hostage and following extensive careers with BBC after a near disturbing incident, Butch and CNN prior to joining Al Jazeera. gets rid of his partner taking Philip to Khan was born in South Yemen, but the Texas highway to flee the police. A moved with his family to London at Texas Ranger (Eastwood) is deter- Hotel Rwanda the age of four. Today’s guest is Asha mined to catch the criminal before he In 1994, genocide took place in Rwanda; a sudden and savage massacre that Bhosle, Indian singer best known as crosses the Texas border. Philip, who took the lives of up to one million people in only three months. This was the Bollywood playback singer although has been brought up in strict religious result of a very long tension between the native Tutsi and Hutu populations. her repertoire is much wider than conditions, has been forbidden from Hotel Rwanda tells the true-life story of Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle, in that. She has done playback singing indulging in normal pursuits common the photo), manager of a luxury hotel situated in the Rwandan capital who for over 950 Bollywood films and is for kids. Butch allows him what he has housed over a thousand Tutsis refugees against the Hutu militia. The film has believed to have sung over 12,000 been forbidden all along and the two been referred to as the African Schindler’s List as both portray a man who uses songs. Bhosle’s career has spanned develop a tender bond. A touching his political position, social skills and quick wit to rescue numerous lives. Hotel over six decades. story set in 1963 with incredible act- Rwanda was nominated for three Oscars: Best Actor (Cheadle), Best Supporting AL JAZEERA ENGLISH ing performances. USA 1993. Actress (Okonedo) and Best Original Screenplay. at 09:00 and 15:30 MTV3 at 22:25 TV2 at 22:35 24 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES


Beach. The series is also about the AL JAZEERA ENGLISH BBC WORLD CNN TV1 colliding of two worlds: the summer cottagers and those who are living 06:00 Listening Post BBC News every hour 06:00 World News 16:05 Black Soldier Blues and working in Falcon Beach all year What is being reported by world me- 06:30 Reporters News bulletins on the hour, featur- 17:10 Monk round. Starring: Steve Byers, Jennif- dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides A weekly programme of stories filed ing the latest international news from 17:50 Live Earth: Bob and Harry – The er Kydd, Peter Mooney, Morgan Kel- you through the global news divide. by BBC from all over the around the world, financial updates, Last Two Polar Bears ly, Allison Hossack, Devon Weigel. 06:30 Riz Khan One on One world, ranging from analyses of ma- sports, weather and special reports. 21:15 Manufacturing Dissent – Uncov- 17:30 Kyle XY Asha Bhosle. Bhosle s success can jor global issues to personal reflec- 06:30 World Report ering Michael Moore Diving in. be attributed to her versatility, tions and anecdotes. Offering the world's broadcasters a glo- Topical documentary examining the 18:30 October Road whether singing devotionals, ghazal 07:30 bal forum from which to report the news, life of Michael Moore and aiming to 21:00 Closer (CERT 15) (romance) or Bollywood film hits. 08:10 The World Debate as they see it, to the rest of the world. separate the facts from the fiction A romantic drama exploring the na- 07:00 News Review The World Debate puts the impor- 07:00 World News and legends. The documentary ex- ture of relationships and fidelity fol- 07:30 God’s Business tant questions to those in the spot- 07:30 International Correspondents plores his life, his message and ulti- lowing the lives of four strangers Hinduism Goes Global. John McCa- light, including representatives from Top news journalists and media fig- mately his controversial filmmaking with one thing in common: each oth- rthy reports on the links between re- global politics, finance, business, ures from across the world meet to methods. Written and directed by er. Nominated for two Oscars. Di- ligion, money and power. the arts, media and other areas. The discuss the current news stories and Debbie Melnyk and Rick Caine. Can- rected by Mike Nichols. Starring: 08:00 Witness Special panels and contributing audiences offer a critique of the week's events. ada 2007. Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Julia Another Road Home. Another Road discuss topical themes. 08:00 News Special 22:30 Walking the Dead Roberts, Clive Owen, Nick Hobbs, Home is the simple and heart-rend- 09:30 The Record Europe In-depth coverage and analysis of 23:25 Smack the Pony Colin Stinton. USA 2004. ing story of one young Israeli wom- 10:30 Imagination the key issues of the day. Part 5/14. 23:30 Lost (CERT 15) an's search for the Palestinian man Building For Islam. 09:00 World News 01:05 Euronews who helped raise her as a child. 09:30 Living Golf 09:00 Inside Iraq Golf show discussing business, travel, SUBTV A critical look at Iraq, a platform for fashion and technology in the game. politicians and experts to express their TV2 10:00 World News 10:30 Batman opinion and provide viewers with a 10:30 World Sport fresh perspective in a dynamic format. 11:00 7th Heaven 11:00 American Dad! A comprehensive review of sports 11:45 Corner Gas 11:30 Fullmetal Alchemist 09:30 Everywoman news from around the world, includ- 12:10 Junk Brothers 12:30 Ride with Funkmaster Flex A weekly magazine show that takes ing all the key highlights, profiles Canadian reality series where broth- Rapper 50 Cent gets a car renovation. a critical look at the universal issues and interviews with the newsmakers ers Steve and Jim Kelley make new Blink-182’s drummer Travis and NFL- star affecting women around the world. and stars of sport. furniture out of discarded items. Wayne Chrebet show us their cool rides. 10:00 News 11:00 Larry King 14:05 Monster Garage 13:00 MacGyver 10:30 Riz Khan One on One Global talk-show featuring inter- Asha Bhosle. views with high-profile politicians 15:00 Football: Women’s World Champi- 13:55 Criss Angel: Mindfreak 11:00 News and top entertainment figures. onships Body Suspension. Junk Brothers. TV2 at 12:10 Finnish commentary. 11:30 Listening Post 12:00 World News 14:20 Dog the Bounty Hunter 19:10 Air Bud: World Pup What is being reported by world me- 12:30 World Sport 14:50 Just for Laughs Gags A family film about a boy and his dog dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides 11:30 This Week 15:20 Quantum Leap 13:00 World News who take the football world by storm you through the global news divide. A weekly showcase for reports from 16:10 Xena: Warrior Princess 14:00 World News with their skills. Directed by Bill 12:00 News the BBC's network of over 250 glo- The Path Not Taken. In order to stop 14:30 World Sport Bannerman. Starring: Kevin Zegers, bal correspondents. a war Xena must find a princess who 12:30 101 East 15:00 Inside Africa Dale Midkiff. USA/ Canada 2000. Southern Thailand Special. Hosted 12:30 Formula For Success has been abducted from her home. News magazine programme featur- 22:35 Fawlty Towers by Teymoor Nabili, 101 East reports Technology. 17:00 Arrested Development ing reports on African political and 23:20 Yle Live: Beatsteaks on the people and events shaping 13:10 Equator social issues from host Femi Oke and 17:30 Jesse the Asia Pacific region Latin America. In the final part of a CNN correspondents in the region. 18:00 Summerland 13:00 News three part series Simon Reeve con- 16:00 World News 19:00 Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency 14:00 Witness Special cludes his amazing 25,000 mile 16:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: MTV3 19:25 Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency Another Road Home. journey around the Equator by Global Edition 19:55 Little Britain 15:00 News traveling across Latin America. Emmy award winning late night chat 11:10 Just for Laughs Gags 20:25 Smith and Jones 15:30 48 14:15 Sport Today show with comic reports and sketch- 14:05 Joey 23:00 The Secret World of Haute Couture Chad. One journalist, one crew, one 14:30 Visionaries es on American current affairs with 14:35 Smallville Uncovering the anachronistic and destination and just 48 hours to Visionaries is a ground breaking satirist Jon Stewart. 15:25 The Simpsons surprising fairytale world of haute journey to the heart of the world's show which takes the great and the 17:00 Late Edition 15:55 Beckham: New Beginnings couture through its players, past and most exciting cities. good, dead and alive, and pitches In-depth analysis of Washington Documentary dealing with Beck- present. Featuring Victoria Beck- 16:00 News them against each other. Advocates politics. Includes interviews with the ham’s preparations for his new life in ham, Sophia Loren and Jean-Paul 16:30 Inside Iraq argue for their hero/heroine in an top newsmakers and headline-mak- the U.S. UK 2007. Gaultier. 17:00 News unprecedented appraisal of some of ers from around the world. 17:55 You are What You Eat 00:20 Veronica Mars history's greatest minds. 17:30 People and Power 19:00 World News 21:00 Amazing Race 01:10 Last Man Standing Denmark. People & Power is Al 15:05 20:00 World News 22:40 02:00 Buffy, the Vampire Slayer Each week, BBC World viewers can Jazeera's ground-breaking documen- 21:00 News Special join the multimedia phone-in pro- tary programme about the use and 22:00 World News abuse of power in the 21st century. gramme, broadcast alongside BBC World Service Radio and BBC On- 22:30 World Sport NELONEN YLE TEEMA 18:00 News line, and share their views on top- 23:00 World's Untold Stories 19:00 News ical issues of the day with a global Courageous filmmakers tell intimate 08:30 Tyler’s Ultimate 16.05 Dance for the Camera 19:30 Witness audience. stories of society's most vulnerable 09:00 Jamie at Home 17.10 The Civil War 20:00 News 16:30 members. Gritty, powerful tales that 10:30 The Crocodile Hunter 18.00 Brideshead Revisited open our eyes to a world that is both 20:30 Inside Story 17:30 Reporters 11:30 Animals are People Too 19.00 Only Angels Have Wings disturbing and captivating. 21:00 News A weekly programme of stories filed 12:30 Dr. Phil An adventure aviation film filled with 23:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: 22:00 God’s Business by BBC reporters from all over the 13:30 Married with Children drama, suspense and romance. Direct- Hinduism Goes Global. Global Edition world, ranging from analyses of ma- 14:00 Married with Children ed by Howard Hawks. Starring: Cary 22:30 101 East jor global issues to personal reflec- 00:00 World News Grant, Jean Arthur, Rita Hayworth, Ri- 14:30 American Chopper tions and anecdotes. 00:30 World Sport chard Barthelmess. USA 1939. 23:00 News SERIES GOES ON A BREAK. 18:10 The World Debate 01:00 CNN Today 21.00 Pavarotti - The Last Tenor 23:30 Listening Post 15:30 King of Queens 19:15 Sport Today The most well-known opera star Lu- 00:00 News 16:00 Everybody Hates Chris 19:30 Have Your Say ciano Pavarotti passed away re- 01:00 News 16:30 Falcon Beach 01:30 Inside Story 20:10 Equator cently at the age of 71. This BBC NEW SERIES. Canadian teen drama production gives viewers a unique Going beyond the headlines and to the Latin America. about a group of teenagers from dif- heart of the news of the day. We get 22:30 Dateline London A behind-the-scenes look into behind-the-scenes look into the life ferent social and economical back- of the great Italian tenor. 2005. the Inside Story from some of the best 23:30 Reporters the life of Pavarotti grounds who cross paths during the minds in the Middle East and beyond. 00:30 Have Your Say on YLETEEMA at 21:00 summer in the resort town of Falcon 01:30 Dateline London

India Business Report Presented by the BBC's India Business Correspondent Karishma Vaswani, India Business Report is half an hour of business news every Saturday and Sunday pro- viding an indispensable guide to the big stories to watch out for in the week ahead. The programme has a dedicated team covering Only Angels Have Wings Closer all aspects of the booming Indian economy, from the financial mar- Only Angels Have Wings is directed by Howard Hanks and considered as one of Written by Patrick Marber and based on his award-winning play of the same kets in Mumbai to the thriving his finest films due to the portrayal of professionalism of the pilots, its atmo- name, Closer is a story involving infidelity, intimacy and sacrifice. Dan (Law, right software centres of Bangalore sphere and the flying sequences. Grant (left in the photo) plays Geoff Carter, in the photo) is a struggling British writer, who meets Alice (Portman, left in the and the political movers and a pilot and manager of a small air service carrying mail from the port town of photo) a shady woman and part-time American stripper who has just arrived in shakers steering the economy Barranca in Colombia over the Andes. Arthur (right in the photo) plays Bonnie London. The two meet during rush hour when Alice is hit by a car. Dan rushes to from Delhi. The show provides a Lee, a piano playing entertainer who develops strong feelings towards Carter. her and takes her to the hospital. One year later, they are in a relationship. Dan, platform for Indian companies to She decides to stay in Barranca. The situation becomes more complicated when however, is smitten with Anna (Roberts) who is an American photographer. Anna talk to a world audience and gives Bat Kilgallen (Barthelmess) and his wife Judy (Hayworth) arrive. Judy is Carter’s meets Larry (Owen), a British doctor, and they start a relationship. Complicated international investors a deeper former lover. Kilgallen is a pilot shunned by other pilots because he was involved enough? Not even close! Portman and Owen received Oscar nominations for insight into one of the planet's in the death of Carter’s best friend. their performances in supporting roles. most dynamic economies. YLETEEMA at 19:00 NELONEN at 21:00 BBC WORLD at 07:30 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 25



06:00 Riz Khan One on One BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:15 Ballykissangel 07:00 Legend of the Dragon Asha Bhosle. Bhosle’s success can be 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- 11:05 Heartbeat 07:25 Sabrina attributed to her versatility, wheth- The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 14:30 Doctors 08:00 All in the Family er singing devotionals, ghazal (ro- around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews Abide with Me. The family of a pa- 14:35 It’s all Relative mance) or Bollywood film hits. from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. tient with Alzheimer’s receive even Waking Uncle Paddy. Uncle Paddy 06:30 Inside Story don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International more bad news. Joanna experiences passes away and Liz offers her sup- Going beyond the headlines and to the overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day's global busi- jealousy when it comes to her boy- port and comfort to Bobby by at- heart of the news of the day. We get ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- friend. tending the wake. the Inside Story from some of the best you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. 15:05 Diagnosis Murder 15:35 Hope Island minds in the Middle East and beyond. 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News 17:08 Heartbeat 16:40 Days of Our Lives 07:00 News Review 07:45 Sport Today 10:30 World Sport Speed Kills. A local doctor gets a hit 17:30 Dr. Phil 07:30 Witness 08:30 Our World: Passage To Pakistan A comprehensive review of sports in the head during a burglary. Stolen 18:30 That 70's Show Vanishing Voices. Inspirational and news from around the world, includ- 60 years ago colonial India was split pills are sold as drugs. 20:00 Ugly Betty provocative stories providing a fresh ing all the key highlights, profiles into two; the Hindu majority re- 19:00 Live Earth: Sivuniq In or Out. Daniel is still suffering from and informative insight into the and interviews with the newsmakers mained in the newly defined India, 23:55 Euronews his break-up with Sofia. Betty tries her world's key events as they impact on and stars of sport. while most Muslims settled in the best to help him get over her and back the lives of ordinary people. new state of Pakistan. BBC's Mishal 11:00 Larry King to work. Starring: America Ferrera, 08:00 Listening Post Hussein went to find out how the Global talk-show featuring inter- TV2 Alan Dale, Vanessa Williams, Eric Ma- What is being reported by world me- country has changed since 1947. views with high-profile politicians bius, Ana Ortiz, Ashley Jensen, Becki dia and how? 09:30 HARDtalk and top entertainment figures. 15:45 Extreme Animals Newton, Mark Indelicato. 08:30 Inside Iraq 10:30 Indian School Part 1/6. 21:00 Desperate Housewives 09:00 Riz Khan One on One Howzat. Every little boy in India 16:15 McLeod’s Daughters A Weekend in the Country. Bree and Asha Bhosle. dreams of becoming a cricketer. 20:25 Britain’s Worst Driver Orson are going on their honeymoon, 09:30 God’s Business There are over 100 million school- Part 5/8. Gabrielle and Lynette are going on a Islam in Israel. boys and just 11 places on the na- 20:55 Comedy Inc. (CERT 13) spa vacation while Susan is planning 10:00 News tional team. Can the national ob- More laughs with this Australian a quiet romantic getaway with Ian. 10:30 48 session of India transcend the social sketch comedy series. 22:30 Lovespring International divides? Chad. One journalist, one crew, one 22:05 Robin Hood 23:20 Oz (CERT 15) 11:30 World Business Report destination and just 48 hours to 22:50 Third Watch Exeunt Omnes, part 1/2. journey to the heart of the world's 11:45 Sport Today Responsible Parties. Yokas hands out most exciting cities. 12:00 World News Today street justice to a gangbanger re- 11:00 News 13:30 World Business Report sponsible for the deaths of two lit- SUBTV 11:30 Inside Story 13:45 Sport Today tle boys. 12:00 News 14:30 Asia Today 23:35 I’ll Show them who’s Boss 10:30 Cruiseline Desperate Housewives. 12:30 Everywoman The daily current affairs programme Part 2/10. Business guru Gerry Rob- British reality show about Greek NELONEN at 21:00 A weekly magazine show that takes aimed at viewers across Asia with inson shares his international busi- born British millionaire Stelios Haji- a critical look at the universal issues in-depth reports from BBC corre- ness knowledge with the three Ioannou and his shipping company. affecting women around the world. spondents and interviews with lead- 12:00 Business International brothers who own a cafe chain. 11:00 Cruiseline 13:00 News ing players. A round-up of the day's global busi- 15:40 Late Night with Conan O'Brien 14:00 News 14:45 Sport Today ness news with focus on internation- 16:30 E! Entertainment: Style Her Famous al business and market trends. 14:30 Sportsworld 15:30 HARDtalk MTV3 Jessica Alba. Hollywood makeup art- Reporting on the week's major 16:30 Click 13:00 World News Asia ist works his magic on yet another sporting events, Sportsworld will al- The programme for everyone inter- Andrew Stevens presents the latest 09:10 Hollyoaks lucky lady. so visit countries often overlooked, ested in the internet and new media. financial developments in the Asia- 10:30 Emmerdale 17:00 E! Entertainment: High Price of Fame Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- showcasing sports rarely featured. Whether its e-commerce, new devel- 14:25 Quintuplets 19:30 Living with Fran nomic and financial trends. 15:00 News opments and products, or gadgets 15:20 L.A. Law 20:00 Friends 14:00 World News 15:30 Witness and games, Click looks at the tools America the Beautiful. A homeown- The One with the Proposal (2). Mon- Vanishing Voices. that will revolutionise business and 14:30 World Sport er, who killed a homeless person go- ica is still on the fence regarding her 16:00 News personal life. 15:00 World News Asia ing through his garbage, is prose- choice between Chandler and Richard. Andrew Stevens presents the latest 16:30 People and Power 17:00 World News Today cuted. Phoebe and Rachel discuss their back- financial developments in the Asia- Alice Springs. People & Power is Al 18:30 World Business Report 17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful up plans. Last episode of season 6. Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- Jazeera's ground-breaking documen- 18:45 Sport Today 17:30 Emmerdale 20:30 My Name Is Earl nomic and financial trends. tary programme about the use and 19:00 World News Today Marlon doesn’t know what to do. Two Balls, Two Strikes. Richard Chub- abuse of power in the 21st century. 20:30 Fast Track 16:00 Your World Today Pearl and Len advice Frank to con- by dies, so his son Little Chubby ar- A programme that keeps viewers 17:00 News The series with the latest news tact the police. rives to take over the family business. from around Europe, the Middle East about travel, from the industry it- 18:00 Your Money or Your Wife Earl tries to cross an item off his list 17:30 God’s Business and Africa updated with breaking self to the latest deals and destina- SERIES ENDS. and learns the true meaning of sacri- Islam in Israel. news, the latest global stories and 18:00 News tions, with the most current informa- 00:00 Will & Grace fice. Guest starring Norm MacDonald weather information. from Saturday Night Live. 19:00 News tion on flights, holidays, and advice for people travelling on business or 20:30 World Business Today 21:00 Numb3rs 19:30 Witness for leisure. A round-up of the day's global busi- Bettor or Worse. The team is called My sister The Geisha. Inspiration- ness news with focus on internation- in when a woman attempting to rob al and provocative stories providing 21:30 HARDtalk al business and market trends, eco- a jewellery store is shot. a fresh and informative insight in- 22:15 World Business Report nomic developments, stock market 23:00 Invasion to the world's key events as they im- 22:45 Sport Today trading, bids and take-overs. 23:50 Late Night with Conan O'Brien pact on the lives of ordinary people. 23:30 HARDtalk 21:00 World News Europe 01:15 Holiday Showdown 20:00 News 00:00 BBC World News America Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- 20:30 Inside Story 01:30 World Business Report est financial developments in Eu- 21:00 News rope, as well as giving an analysis of YLE TEEMA 22:00 Riz Khan economic and financial trends. Interactive show letting viewers di- 21:30 World Business Today 17.00 The Civil War rectly question world leaders, news- A round-up of the day's global busi- Part 2/13. Historical documentary makers and celebrities, addressing is- ness news with focus on internation- series dealing with the American Civil sues impacting lives around the globe. al business and market trends, eco- War and the fight against slavery. 22:30 Everywoman nomic developments, stock market trading, bids and take-overs. 00.05 The Henry Rollins Show 23:00 News Punk legend Henry Rollins shares his 22:00 World News Europe 23:30 Sportsworld Your last chance views on popular culture and poli- 00:00 News to watch Your Money or Your 22:30 World Sport tics. Tonight’s episode features ce- 23:00 Business International 01:00 News Wife on MTV3 at 18:00 Oz. NELONEN at 23:20 lebrity guest Johnny Knoxville and 01:30 Inside Story 00:00 CNN Today musical guest Slayer. USA 2006.

I’ll Show them who’s Boss E! Entertainment: TOP 5 Style Her Famous ENGLISH LANGUAGE Too Hot to Handle. Gerry Robinson (in TV Programmes in Finland Have you ever dreamt of having your the photo) is notorious for transform- Mon 17 – Sun 23 September ing vast companies by sacking their own stylist? Ever wished you could bosses. Robinson has run everything look more like one of your idols? Style 1. HOUSE from Coca Cola to the Granada Media Her Famous gives regular women that TV series – MTV3 Thu (567,000) Empire. In 1996 he took over the luxury. In each episode one lucky lady gets a crash course from Jay Manuel International Forte Hotel chain from 2. PRISON BREAK and his team of makeover maestros in the Forte family in what must have TV series – MTV3 Tue been the most cutthroat take-over hair, makeup, clothes and accessories (529,000) battles in British business. In tonight’s to give her the look of her favourite star. episode Robinson goes to deal with The show isn’t about creating clones, 3. C.S.I. three brothers behind the AMT coffee but learning to apply subtle skills stars TV series – MTV3 Wed firm. Their business is going well but use to set themselves apart from oth- (521,000) the brothers are extremely quarrel- ers. Jay Manuel is a Canadian makeup 4. DALZIEL & PASCOE some and no one has the final say. artist and fashion photographer most recognizable as creative director of TV series – TV1 Sat The brothers are in for a confrontation (442,000) followed by a shock when they hear photo shoots on popular reality show Robinson’s recommendations. Sir America’s Next Top Model. In today’s 5. THE AMAZING RACE Gerrard Jude Robinson is indeed an episode a woman with the tendency to TV series – MTV3 Sun Irish-born businessman who began his wear shorts and clogs gets tips on how (428,000) career in accounting back in 1965. to look like Jessica Alba (in the photo). Source: Finnpanel Oy / Television TV2 at 23:35 SUBTV at 16:30 Audience Measurement 26 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 101 East BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:15 Ballykissangel 08:00 All in the Family Southern Thailand Special. Hosted 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- 11:05 Heartbeat 14:35 It’s All Relative by Teymoor Nabili, 101 East reports The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 14:00 Live Earth: The New Normal Swangate. on the people and events shaping around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews Directed by Alex Smith. Austral- 15:35 Hope Island the Asia Pacific region. from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. ia 2007. 16:40 Days of Our Lives 06:30 Inside Story don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International 14:10 Live Earth: Spinal Tap 17:30 Dr. Phil Going beyond the headlines and to overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day's global busi- Directed by Rob Reiner. USA 2007. 18:30 That 70's Show the heart of the news of the day. We ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- 14:30 Doctors SERIES ENDS. get the Inside Story from some of you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. Love is the Drug. Mac must make a 19:00 Jamie at Home the best minds in the Middle East 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News decision when he finds an MS pa- Jamie uses his creativity on berries and beyond. 07:45 Sport Today 10:30 World Sport tient with a drug problem. Helen and ends up with a great many tasty 07:00 News Review 08:30 Click A comprehensive review of sports helps a pregnant alcoholic. dishes. 07:30 Witness The programme for everyone interested news from around the world, includ- 15:05 Murder, She Wrote 20:00 Top Design My sister The Geisha. Inspiration- in the internet and new media. Whether ing all the key highlights, profiles 17:08 Heartbeat NEW SERIES. Mystery Judge. Reality and interviews with the newsmakers al and provocative stories providing its e-commerce, new developments and 22:00 Green Wing television series in which 12 aspiring a fresh and informative insight in- products, or gadgets and games, Click and stars of sport. Dr. Statham gives politics a try; Caro- interior designers compete in hopes to the world's key events as they im- looks at the tools that will revolutionise 11:00 Larry King line realises she’s made a mistake and of winning a cash prize and spot in pact on the lives of ordinary people. business and personal life. Global talk-show featuring inter- Mac’s past comes back to haunt him. New York’s Designer showcases. views with high-profile politicians 08:00 Riz Khan 09:30 HARDtalk 23:40 Euronews Hosted by Todd Oldham. USA 2007. Interactive show letting viewers di- Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- and top entertainment figures. 21:00 The Sopranos rectly question world leaders, news- ers and personalities from across 12:00 Business International Stage 5. Christopher’s movie pre- makers and celebrities, address- the globe. A round-up of the day's global busi- TV2 mieres, showing Tony how he feels ing issues impacting lives around 10:30 Fast Track ness news with focus on internation- about him. Johnny Sack faces a the globe. al business and market trends. The series with the latest news about 11:55 Airline health crisis. American drama series. 08:30 Everywoman travel, from the industry itself to the 12:30 Mr. Bean 22:10 Diary of a Mail Order Bride A weekly magazine show that takes latest deals and destinations, with the Each year over 25,000 Russian wom- a critical look at the universal issues most current information on flights, 16:15 McLeod’s Daughters Dirty Pool. Claire has a reason to en sign up with agencies to meet and affecting women around the world. holidays, and advice for people travel- marry men. Most of these men are 09:00 48 ling on business or for leisure. worry as the cattle thieves are get- ting more cruel. foreign, which means the woman has Chad. One journalist, one crew, one 11:30 World Business Report 20:00 Northern Lights to move to a new country for her new destination and just 48 hours to 11:45 Sport Today Colin and Howie are both unem- love. In this documentary we meet journey to the heart of the world's 12:00 World News Today 22-year-old Liuda from Siberia and most exciting cities. ployed. This comforts Colin as they 13:30 World Business Report are both on equal grounds once David from London. The two don’t 09:30 People and Power 13:45 Sport Today speak a word of each other’s lan- Alice Springs. People & Power is Al again. But for how long? 14:30 Asia Today guages, but plan on getting married Jazeera's ground-breaking docu- 20:50 Creature Creatures The daily current affairs programme despite the language barrier. mentary programme about the use aimed at viewers across Asia with in- 23:40 Birdland and abuse of power in the 21st cen- depth reports from BBC correspondents 01:10 The Street of tury. Brothers & Sisters. MTV3 at 20:00 MTV3 and interviews with leading players. 10:00 News 14:45 Sport Today 10:30 Sportsworld 09:15 Hollyoaks 15:30 HARDtalk 13:00 World News Asia Reporting on the week's major 10:30 Emmerdale SUBTV 16:30 Indian School Andrew Stevens presents the latest sporting events, Sportsworld will al- financial developments in the Asia- 14:25 Complete Savages Howzat. 10:30 Criss Angel: Mindfreak so visit countries often overlooked, Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- 15:20 ER 17:00 World News Today showcasing sports rarely featured. nomic and financial trends. Parenthood. Abby tries to get used 15:40 Late Night with Conan O'Brien 18:30 World Business Report 11:00 News 14:00 World News to her new mother role. Pratt is in 16:30 E! Entertainment: Love Ride 18:45 Sport Today Today’s Hollywood story features 11:30 Inside Story 14:30 World Sport deep water. 12:00 News 19:00 World News Today 17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful lovebirds Ben Affleck and Jennif- 15:00 World News Asia er Garner. 12:30 Riz Khan 20:30 TBA Andrew Stevens presents the latest 17:30 Emmerdale 17:00 E! Entertainment: Married Away 13:00 News 21:30 HARDtalk financial developments in the Asia- The police are interested in where Ireland is a fabulous place to get 22:15 World Business Report Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- Scott and Sid were on the night 14:00 News married, but excess money is the key 22:45 Sport Today nomic and financial trends. Frank got attacked. 14:30 God’s Business to the Bahamas. 23:30 HARDtalk 16:00 Your World Today 18:00 You Are What You Eat Islam in Israel. John McCarthy re- 19:30 Living with Fran 00:00 BBC World News America A programme that keeps viewers 20:00 Brothers & Sisters ports on the links between religion, Plastered. Fran’s artist friend wants BBC World News America is a com- from around Europe, the Middle East An Act of Will. The family is together money and power. her to pose nude for a sculpture, but prehensive programme of news and and Africa updated with breaking once again, but under grief-stricken 15:00 News Riley isn’t too into the idea. analysis. news, the latest global stories and circumstances. The reading of Wil- 15:30 Witness 20:00 Friends 01:30 World Business Report weather information. liam’s will threatens to cause a rift My sister The Geisha. The One with Monica’s Thunder. From London and New York, World 20:30 World Business Today between the family. 16:00 News Season 7 begins. Monica is over the Business Report brings not just the A round-up of the day's global busi- 21:00 Prison Break 16:30 48 moon and wants to tell everyone her headlines but the explanation be- ness news with focus on internation- Subdivision. Michael and Lincoln Chad. good news. Everything is perfect un- hind the headlines and an examina- al business and market trends, eco- travel house-to-house in Utah still 17:00 News til Rachel and Ross ruin things. tion of the trends in technology and nomic developments, stock market searching for the treasure. 17:30 Everywoman the world of business. trading, bids and take-overs. 22:31 C.S.I. 20:30 The Simpsons 18:00 News 21:00 World News Europe 23:30 C.S.I. 21:00 : The 19:00 News Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- Search for the Next Doll 19:30 Witness est financial developments in Eu- 23:00 Blade Titans of the Coral Sea. rope, as well as giving an analysis of 23:50 Late Night with Conan O’Brien 20:00 News economic and financial trends. 01:30 Fullmetal Alchemist 20:30 Inside Story 21:30 World Business Today 21:00 News A round-up of the day's global busi- 22:00 Riz Khan ness news with focus on internation- YLE TEEMA 22:30 Listening Post al business and market trends, eco- Full Metal Alchemist. SUBTV at 01:30 23:00 News nomic developments, stock market 17.00 Don’t Die Young 23:30 People and Power trading, bids and take-overs. 22:00 World News Europe Alice Springs. Dr. Alice Roberts shows Join the adventures 00:00 News 22:30 World Sport us how to treat our eyes well of Jessica Fletcher 01:00 News 23:00 Business International 01:30 Inside Story on YLETEEMA at 17:00 00:00 CNN Today Prison Break. MTV3 at 21:00 on TV1 at 15:05

48 Chad. Through the personal stories of local guides, headstrong journalist Amanda Palmer and her crew have a mere 48 hours to find the heart and soul of their chosen city. The team explores cultural and religious events, as well as the social and economic backdrop of each unique location. All is portrayed through the eyes Pussycat Dolls Present: The Search for the Next Doll Top Design of those who call it home. View- ers get insight into the lives of For the past few weeks we’ve gotten to know Melissa R., Chelsea, Jaime, Brit- Mystery Judge. Reality show mania continues! Top Design is a battle for a young people who explain what tany, Mariela, , Melissa S., Sisley and Asia, the nine finalists who chance to start one’s own design firm and a spot in one of New York’s fin- is important to them. From Syria’s survived all the tough auditions and who have ever since been competing to est designer showcases. The contestants will live together in a superiorly heavy metal fans to Belgrade’s become the newest member of the super sexy girl group Pussycat Dolls (in designed loft and go through extreme design challenges. One by one the “turbo folk” stars, 48 explores the photo). The girls have lived together, performed, undergone makeovers, contestants will be sent home after praise and criticism from the judges: lead the extremes of every destination travelled to and taken part in lots of dance trainings. Has all the judge Jonathan Adler, editor-in-chief of ELLE Décor magazine Margaret Rus- to give a reality check on how blood sweat and tears been worth it? For sure! Tonight we find out which of sell, and American model and professional interior designer Kelly Wearstler. people are living today. Amanda the final three gets the spot! Created by Robin Antin, hosted by Mark McGrath. The show is hosted by Todd Oldham, an American fashion designer. In today’s Palmer conceived the series, and Featuring among others Lil’ Kim and Ron Fair. Pussycat Dolls will be performing episode the contestants work in teams of two and have to design a room for a writes it too. in Helsinki’s Hartwall Areena on 8 October 2007. mystery judge based on personal items the judge feels represents him or her. AL JAZEERA ENGLISH SUBTV at 21:00 NELONEN at 20:00 at 09:00 and 16:30 HELSINKI TIMES TV GUIDE 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 27



06:00 People and Power BBC NEWS every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:15 Ballykissangel 07:25 SpongeBob SquarePants Alice Springs. People & Power is Al 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- 11:05 Heartbeat The Snowball Effect. It’s snowing Jazeera's ground-breaking docu- The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 14:30 Doctors so SpongeBob and Patrick are hav- mentary programme about the use around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews Control. Kate has bad news for Mac. ing a snowball fight and this annoys and abuse of power in the 21st cen- from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. Dr. Rawlings is helping a teenage Squidward. tury. don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International boy with his eating disorder. 08:00 All in the Family 06:30 Inside Story overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day's global busi- 15:05 Diagnosis Murder 14:35 It’s All Relative Going beyond the headlines and to ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- 17:08 Heartbeat Road Trippin’. Bobby and Liz are al business and market trends. the heart of the news of the day. We you need to start the working day. 00:00 Euronews sneaky in trying to get their families get the Inside Story from some of 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News together but things don’t go the way the best minds in the Middle East 07:45 Sport Today News bulletins on the hour, featuring they planned forcing the couple to and beyond. All the latest sports news and results the latest international news from TV2 flee to Vermont in frustration. 07:00 News Review from around the globe. around the world, financial updates, 16:40 Days of Our Lives sports, weather and special reports. 07:30 Witness 08:30 Indian School 16:15 McLeod’s Daughters 17:30 Dr. Phil Titans of the Coral Sea. Inspiration- Howzat. If the Boot Fits... Claire gives Tess a 18:30 King of Queens al and provocative stories providing 09:30 HARDtalk new pair of boots as she leaves to at- SERIES CONTINUES. a fresh and informative insight in- Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- tend a seminar on artificial insem- 21:00 Grey’s Anatomy to the world's key events as they im- ers and personalities from across ination and leaves her in charge of Let the Angels Commit. Cristina pact on the lives of ordinary people. the globe. Drovers Run. scrubs in on a rare surgery, which 08:00 Riz Khan 10:30 TBA 21:30 Football - UEFA Champions causes envy. Derek’s sister visits. Interactive show letting viewers di- 11:30 World Business Report League George and Addison work togeth- rectly question world leaders, news- 11:45 Sport Today Second round. Finnish commentary. er with Noelle, who is pregnant with makers and celebrities, address- 12:00 World News Today 00:25 Football - UEFA Champions twins one of which is growing slower ing issues impacting lives around League than the other. the globe. 13:30 World Business Report 13:45 Sport Today Compilation of round 2. Finnish 22:00 Jericho 08:30 Listening Post Long Live the Mayor. 14:30 Asia Today commentary. What is being reported by world me- 23:25 Big Apple dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides The daily current affairs programme aimed at viewers across Asia with 00:25 Rescue Me (CERT15) you through the global news divide. King of Queens. NELONEN at 18:30 MTV3 09:00 The Question of Arab Unity in-depth reports from BBC corre- Arab Union has been a dream for spondents and interviews with lead- ing players. 10:30 World Sport 09:15 Hollyoaks SUBTV some in the Middle East since the A comprehensive review of sports 10:30 Emmerdale fall of the Ottoman Empire. This se- 14:45 Sport Today news from around the world, includ- 14:25 Still Standing ries examines why this dream has 15:30 HARDtalk 10:30 Dog the Bounty Hunter ing all the key highlights, profiles Still Eighteen. Brian turns 18 and not been fulfilled. 16:30 Fast Track Reality show about the life of Duane and interviews with the newsmakers gets a creatively interesting gift 09:30 101 East The series with the latest news about and stars of sport. Dog Chapman, a real bounty hunter from his father. Linda helps Lauren who chases down fugitives with his 10:00 News travel, from the industry itself to the 11:00 Larry King with a homework assignment. family in the Hawaiian Islands. 10:30 Everywoman latest deals and destinations, with the Global talk-show featuring inter- most current information on flights, 15:20 ER 15:10 Late Night with Conan O'Brien 11:00 News views with high-profile politicians holidays, and advice for people travel- Ames v. Kovac. Guest starring 16:30 E! Entertainment: Paradise City 11:30 Inside Story and top entertainment figures. award-winning actor and director ling on business or for leisure. 17:00 E! Entertainment: Extreme Hollywood 12:00 News 12:00 Business International Forest Whitaker. 17:00 World News Today Hollywood stars have blunders too 12:30 Riz Khan 13:00 World News Asia 17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful Andrew Stevens presents the latest whether it’s tripping on the red car- 13:00 News 17:30 Emmerdale pet, choosing one’s words incorrect- 14:00 News financial developments in the Asia- A familiar man arrives at the police Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- ly or wearing too revealing clothes. 14:30 48 station with information regarding nomic and financial trends. Extreme Hollywood reveals the Chad. One journalist, one crew, one Frank and his attack. stars’ most embarrassing blunders. 14:00 World News destination and just 48 hours to 19:30 Two and a Half Men 14:30 World Sport journey to the heart of the world's 20:00 Big 15:00 World News Asia most exciting cities. Be careful what you wish for be- Andrew Stevens presents the latest 15:00 News cause it just might come true! A ro- financial developments in the Asia- 15:30 Witness mantic comedy about a 12-year-old Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- Titans of the Coral Sea. boy who wishes he could be an adult nomic and financial trends. 16:00 News and wakes up in the body of a 35- 16:00 Your World Today 16:30 Sportsworld Grey’s Anatomy. NELONEN at 21:00 year-old man. Directed by Penny A programme that keeps viewers Marshall. Starring: Tom Hanks, Elis- 17:00 News from around Europe, the Middle East 17:30 People and Power abeth Perkins, Robert Loggia, John and Africa updated with breaking Heard, Jared Rushton. USA 1988. World cup 2010. People & Power is Al 18:30 World Business Report news, the latest global stories and 23:00 Crossing Jordan Jazeera's ground-breaking documen- 18:45 Sport Today weather information. tary programme about the use and 19:00 World News Today Gray Murders. When a passenger 20:30 World Business Today ER. MTV3 at 15:20 and a baggage handler die from an abuse of power in the 21st century. 20:30 Our World A round-up of the day's global busi- international flight, authorities are 18:00 News Our World features some of our fin- ness news with focus on internation- 18:00 Space for Living worried about an air borne path- 19:00 News est News programmes on current al business and market trends, eco- 21:00 C.S.I. ogen. When they find out it was a 19:30 Witness issues around the world. The pro- nomic developments, stock market Post Mortem. Grissom receives a drug overdose, Woody starts search- Eat Sugar. Inspirational and provoc- grammes will showcase BBC journal- trading, bids and take-overs. miniature crime scene replica dur- ing for a drug smuggler. ative stories providing a fresh and ism at its best with programmes that 21:00 World News Europe ing his investigation of an old wom- 23:50 Late Night with Conan O'Brien informative insight into the world's expose and evaluate global topics. Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- an’s murder. Gregg’s agony in court 01:10 Quantum Leap key events as they impact on the 21:30 HARDtalk est financial developments in Eu- continues. Justice. Sam must put on the robe of lives of ordinary people. 22:15 World Business Report rope, as well as giving an analysis of 22:31 Top Gear a Ku Klux Klansman in order to save 20:00 News economic and financial trends. 22:45 Sport Today Jeremy wants to find out more about the life of a young civil right’s leader 20:30 Inside Story 23:30 HARDtalk 21:30 World Business Today caravanning. The Mazda 6 MPS, who’s trying to register black votes. 21:00 News A round-up of the day's global busi- 00:00 BBC World News America Ford Mondeo ST220 and Vauxhall 22:00 Riz Khan 01:30 World Business Report ness news with focus on internation- Vestra VXR are tested. Featuring 22:30 48 al business and market trends, eco- Hollywood actor Brian Cox. YLE TEEMA Chad. nomic developments, stock market 23:40 Boston Legal 23:00 News trading, bids and take-overs. Stick it. Once again Alan is defend- 20.50 Dance for the Camera 23:30 The Question of Arab Unity Who’ll be scoring goals tonight? 22:00 World News Europe ing his secretary Melissa, who is in BBC series about the making of a Watch football 22:30 World Sport trouble with the tax office. Denise 00:00 News dance piece. 01:00 News on TV2 at 21:30 and 00:25 23:00 Business International meets a nice policeman. 01:30 Inside Story 00:00 CNN Today

Listening Post Presented by foreign corre- spondent Richard Gizbert and produced by Moonbeam Films, Lis- tening Post gives viewers insight on how the news is covered by the world’s media. It monitors and examines all platforms, all over the world, from newspapers, radios and TV to blogs and podcasts. Big Top Gear The show reports on the best in journalism and the worst of what Some wishes do come true. Josh (David Moscow) is a teenage boy who is aged to Top Gear is an Award-winning BBC television series about motor vehicles, cars in passes for news in countries where adulthood overnight by a magical fortune-telling machine. Josh wishes he could particular, hosted by Jeremy Clarkson (left in the photo), James May (middle) and state-run television monopo- be big, and the next morning he wakes up as a fully grown adult (Tom Hanks, Richard Hammond (right). Top Gear is estimated to have 8 million viewers each lizes the airwaves. Big stories are right in the photo). He and his best friend Billy (Jared Rushton) head off to New week in the UK. The original Top Gear was a half-hour show and ran from 1977 examined and viewers are given York in search of the machine that changed him but adult Josh ends up getting until 2001. In 2002 the show became an hour long and got a new format featuring the explanation as to how and why a fulltime job in a toy company thanks to his computer expertise and knowledge new segments such as Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car and also having one-off coverage of them differs in differ- of what kids want. Josh impresses the company owner (Robert Loggia, left in the features like races and competitions. In September 2006 Hammond was seriously ent parts of the world. Over the photo) and this attracts the attention of beautiful and ambitious Susan (Elizabeth injured while driving a jet-propelled drag racing car at up to 502 km/h for a past 25 years Gizbert has covered Perkins). Billy leaves and Josh begins to realise that adult life has its own needs feature. His accident delayed the show’s ninth season. The humour and chemistry stories in more than 50 countries and responsibilities. Hanks was nominated for an Academy Award for his role. between the presenters makes the show a must-see. on five continents. SUBTV at 20:00 MTV3 at 22:31 AL JAZEERA ENGLISH at 08:30 28 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 TV GUIDE HELSINKI TIMES



06:00 The Question of Arab Unity BBC News every hour 06:00 CNN Today 09:15 Ballykissangel 08:00 All in the Family Arab Union has been a dream for 06:30 World Business Report A European breakfast show that fea- 11:05 Heartbeat 14:35 It’s All Relative some in the Middle East since the The latest business news from tures all of the important interna- 14:30 Doctors Thanks, but No Thanks. Bobby and fall of the Ottoman Empire. This se- around the world with live reports tional news stories and interviews Second Chance. A young footballer’s Liz’s families spend Thanksgiving to- ries examines why this dream has from Singapore, Frankfurt and Lon- that are shaping the business day. dreams are shattered after his vis- gether. A fiasco of some kind is in- not been fulfilled. don and the news of what happened 09:00 Business International it to the doctor. Helen is in the posi- evitable. 06:30 Inside Story overnight in New York. World Busi- A round-up of the day's global busi- tion of a patient and awaits her re- 16:40 Days of Our Lives Going beyond the headlines and to the ness Report will give you everything ness news with focus on internation- sults. 17:30 Dr. Phil heart of the news of the day. We get you need to start the working day. al business and market trends. 15:05 Murder, she Wrote 18:30 King of Queens the Inside Story from some of the best 07:30 World Business Report 10:00 World News 17:08 Heartbeat 21:00 Lost (CERT 15) minds in the Middle East and beyond. 07:45 Sport Today News bulletins on the hour, featur- Going Home. A foreign visitor arrives Flashes Before Your Eyes. After Des- 07:00 News Review All the latest sports news and results ing the latest international news at the village. A local doctor drowns mond rescues Claire from drowning, 07:30 Witness from around the globe. from around the world, financial up- during his fishing trip. Charlie and Hurley want to find out Eat Sugar. Inspirational and provoc- 08:30 Fast Track dates, sports, weather and special 23:15 The Newsroom how he seems able to predict the fu- ative stories providing a fresh and The series with the latest news reports. Dinner at Eight. A new co-anchor ture. Desmond recalls exactly what informative insight into the world's about travel, from the industry it- 10:30 World Sport is hired making Jim feel his job is in happened after he turned the key in key events as they impact on the self to the latest deals and destina- A comprehensive review of sports jeopardy. the hatch. lives of ordinary people. tions, with the most current informa- news from around the world, includ- 23:40 Euronews 22:00 Dexter (CERT 15) 08:00 Riz Khan tion on flights, holidays, and advice ing all the key highlights, profiles Return to Sender. The Ice Truck Kill- Interactive show letting viewers di- for people travelling on business or and interviews with the newsmakers er leaves Dexter a surprise at the rectly question world leaders, news- for leisure. and stars of sport. TV2 crime scene leaving him at risk of makers and celebrities, addressing is- 09:30 HARDtalk 11:00 Larry King getting caught. Global talk-show featuring inter- sues impacting lives around the globe. Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- 11:00 Kath & Kim 23:35 South Park (CERT 15) views with high-profile politicians 08:30 48 ers and personalities from across 11:40 The Unteachables Die Hippy, Die. Cartman attempts to and top entertainment figures. Chad. One journalist, one crew, one the globe. Part 2/4. get all the hippies out of South Park. destination and just 48 hours to 12:00 Business International 10:30 Our World 13:00 The Lost Squadron But a hippy festival puts the town journey to the heart of the world's Our World features some of our 13:00 World News Asia An aviation melodrama about three in danger. most exciting cities. finest news programmes on cur- Andrew Stevens presents the latest pilots who return home from the 00:05 Distraction UK 09:00 Listening Post rent issues around the world. The financial developments in the Asia- war, seek employment and end up as 00:35 Pop Icon What is being reported by world me- programmes will showcase BBC Pacific region, plus analysis of eco- Hollywood stunt pilots. Directed by dia and how? Richard Gizbert guides journalism at its best with pro- nomic and financial trends. George Archainbaud. Starring: Ri- you through the global news divide. grammes that expose and evaluate chard Dix, Mary Astor, Joel McCrea, SUBTV 09:30 Sportsworld global topics. Erich von Stroheim. USA 1932. Reporting on the week's major 11:30 World Business Report 15:50 Derrick 10:30 You Are What You Eat sporting events, Sportsworld will al- 11:45 Sport Today 16:50 Creature Creatures 15:40 Late Night with Conan O'Brien so visit countries often overlooked, 12:00 World News Today 16:30 E! Entertainment: Life is Great showcasing sports rarely featured. 23:05 Da Vinci’s Inquest 13:30 World Business Report Ass Covering Day. Da Vinci investi- with Brooke Burke 10:00 News 13:45 Sport Today gates the death of a man who was In this episode we take a look at 10:30 The Question of Arab Unity All the latest sports news and results crushed by a parking-garage door. spoiled celebrity pets and the luxu- Arab Union has been a dream for from around the globe. rious accessories that are designed some in the Middle East since the 14:30 Asia Today for them. fall of the Ottoman Empire. This se- The daily current affairs programme MTV3 17:00 E! Entertainment: 101 Favorite ries examines why this dream has aimed at viewers across Asia with Stars Way Back When not been fulfilled. in-depth reports from BBC corre- 09:15 Hollyoaks 19:30 Two and a Half Men 11:00 News spondents and interviews with lead- Woo-Hoo, a Hernia Exam! Char- 10:30 Emmerdale 11:30 Inside Story ing players. lie has back pains and goes to see a 12:00 News 14:45 Sport Today 14:25 Listen Up doctor. Jake stays home with Berta 12:30 Riz Khan 15:30 HARDtalk 15:20 Ally McBeal and has major work to do. DEXTER. NELONEN at 22:00 13:00 News Stephen Sackur talks to newsmak- Civil War. Rumours about Ally and 20:00 Friends 14:00 News ers and personalities from across Billy are spreading around the of- The One with Rachel’s Book. Every- fice. The adversarial relationship be- 14:30 Listening Post the globe. 14:00 World News body wants to help in planning Mon- tween Georgia and Ally continues 16:30 TBA 14:30 World Sport ica and Chandler’s wedding. Joey 15:00 News and is played out in a curious way. 17:00 World News Today 15:00 World News Asia finds Rachel’s trashy romance novel. 15:30 Witness 17:00 The Bold and the Beautiful Eat Sugar. 18:30 World Business Report 16:00 Your World Today 20:30 The Simpsons 17:30 Emmerdale 16:00 News The latest business news with in- A programme that keeps viewers 21:00 Sex and the City 18:00 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 16:30 People and Power formed analysis from the world's fi- from around Europe, the Middle East Plus one is the Loneliest Number. 21:00 House World cup 2010. People & Power is Al nancial centres. and Africa updated with breaking Carrie’s single status comes up at TB or not TB. A famous doctor be- Jazeera's ground-breaking documen- 18:45 Sport Today news, the latest global stories and her book-release party. comes ill while in Africa and is sent tary programme about the use and 19:00 World News Today weather information. 21:30 Sex and the City to Dr. House. abuse of power in the 21st century. 20:30 Click 20:30 World Business Today Critical Condition. Carrie prepares 22:31 Close to Home 17:00 News The programme for everyone inter- A round-up of the day's global busi- for her book review. Charlotte and ested in the internet and new media. ness news with focus on internation- Romeo and Juliet Murders. Annabeth Bunny battle over the apartment and 17:30 101 East and Maureen prosecute a case in- Hosted by Teymoor Nabili, 101 East Whether its e-commerce, new devel- al business and market trends, eco- Samantha learns to be supportive. opments and products, or gadgets nomic developments, stock market volving siblings whose parents have 23:00 C.S.I. Miami reports on the people and events been murdered after they discover a shaping the Asia Pacific region. and games, Click looks at the tools trading, bids and take-overs. Prey. The search of a missing 18- that will revolutionise business and 21:00 World News Europe secret the teenagers had been keep- year-old girl turns into a nightmare. 18:00 News ing from them. 19:00 News personal life. Finnuala Sweeney presents the lat- 23:55 Late Night with Conan O'Brien est financial developments in Eu- 23:30 Without a Trace 19:30 Witness 21:30 HARDtalk 01:50 Last Man Standing rope, as well as giving an analysis of American Goddess. The winner of a Dying to Leave. 22:15 World Business Report economic and financial trends. plastic surgery TV show disappears 20:00 News 22:45 Sport Today during a publicity event about her. 23:30 HARDtalk 21:30 World Business Today YLE TEEMA 20:30 Inside Story A round-up of the day's global busi- The team discovers she is depressed 00:00 BBC World News America and unhappy about her makeover. 21:00 News ness news with focus on internation- 16.50 Dance for the Camera 01:30 World Business Report 00:30 Munsters 22:00 Riz Khan al business and market trends, eco- 17.48 Dance for the Camera 22:30 Sportsworld nomic developments, stock market 19.30 Don’t Die Young 23:00 News trading, bids and take-overs. Skin. Part 5/6. Dr. Alice Roberts 23:30 101 East Can the Unteachables become 22:00 World News Europe Will the missing teenager puts her skin through a number of 00:00 News good students? See for yourself 22:30 World Sport be found in time? Find out tests, and runs her face through an 01:00 News on TV2 at 11:40 23:00 Business International on SUBTV at 23:00 aging-computer programme. BBC 01:30 Inside Story 00:00 CNN Today UK.

Distraction UK World Business Report British comedian Jimmy Carr known The programme that brings the for his deadpan, satirical humour latest business, economic, share hosts Distraction UK, a British game and market news from the world’s show in which contestants answer financial capitals 24 hours a day. questions while being distracted in At European breakfast time World bizarre, painful and humiliating ways. Business Report brings you up to The first three rounds involve quizzes date with the latest business news with rather easy questions but various with live reports from London, distractions to cause pain and discom- Singapore and Frankfurt. At Asian The Lost Squadron fort to the person trying to answer. At and European peak time World the end of each round the player who Business Report updates you on the The Lost Squadron offers viewers a satisfying and eccentric mix of romance, performs worst is eliminated. Distrac- news as it happens and has a longer tragedy, suspense and dark comedy. Based on the story by Dick Grace, the film tions have included sticking one’s hand programme wrapping the day co- tells the story of three disappointed pilots Captain Gibson (Dix, right in the in a mousetrap to answer a question or presented live from London and New photo), Red (McCrea) and Woody (Armstrong) who return home from the war. being hung upside down and tickled York, bringing not just the headlines Gibson finds out his sweetheart has married another man, Woody’s partner has on the soles of one’s feet. In the fourth but the explanation behind them run off with funds and Red is not happy with his job in his old office. The three and fifth rounds the winner is given and an examination of the trends in become Hollywood stunt pilots for sadistic director Arthur von Furst (von Stro- prizes upfront but the catch is that technology and the world of busi- heim). Gibson finds out that the director’s wife (Astor, middle in the photo) is in they must answer further questions to ness. Its coverage is supported by fact his sweetheart and that she still loves him. This leads to murder, revenge prevent their prizes from getting dam- hourly business bulletins throughout and many amazing action sequences. USA 1932. aged or destroyed. the day. TV2 at 13:00 NELONEN at 00:05 BBC WORLD every weekday HELSINKI TIMES 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 29


WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN BUYING A HOME – In Finland home ownership rates are quite high and purchasing property is much simpler than in many other countries. The estate agent and bank manager handle all the legal issues, and the buying and selling parties just sign. – Even though the legal documents will be in Finnish, most estate agents and banks have staff with good English skills. – A transfer tax (4%) is payable on transfers of real property. First-home buyers (including foreign first-home buyers) are exempt from the transfer tax. – Home-owners have to pay real estate tax at the beginning of every calendar year. The tax is based on the tax value of the real property. – The amount of the home loan that is granted by a bank is usually 70% of the property price. First-home buyers can get a maximum of 20% of the price secured by the state. The remain- ing amount needs to be paid in cash or secured by a guarantor, for example, but note that the guarantor has to have a regular income and permanent job in Finland . – If you take a home loan you are eligible for a reduced income tax rate. The reduction depends on the amount of interest you pay on your loan in one calendar year. – Apartment owners have to pay a monthly maintenance charge which includes, for example, insurance, real estate tax, repairs and heating and cleaning expenses. – One has to consult the housing company before doing any major repairs or remodelling of the apartment. The law requires plumbing and electrical work to be installed by licensed professionals.

Continued from page 14. formed about pricing than be- sion of pricing information fore. Part of the reason for this to the public, the Association Any extension of cover- he attributes to the new Inter- of Real Estate Agents was in- age to smaller towns would net pricing information serv- volved with the Department be made diffi cult by the prin- ice. The change is also due to of the Environment and the ciple that the service does not broader changes in buying cul- Housing Fund in developing publish information on spe- ture, with customers more fre- the Internet service. Malila cifi c properties unless at least quently seeking information points out, however, that po- three similar housing pur- on properties they are inter- tential buyers cannot use the chases have taken place on the ested in even before the prop- service to directly determine same street. The towns cur- erties are put on show. “The how much an apartment in a rently covered by the service new pricing information serv- particular area will cost. “The are Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, ice is a welcome addition to the precise details of any given Vantaa, Turku, Oulu, Lahti, range of tools prospective buy- property’s pricing are fi nal- Kuopio, Jyväskylä, Pori, Lap- ers have at their disposal for ised only after clients have in- peenranta, Rovaniemi, Joen- assessing the value of proper- spected the property. Some suu, Vaasa and Kotka. ties. Overall the ease of access users of the Internet service to information through the are under the impression that The price information services currently only compare terraced houses and apartments but Buyers now better Internet on properties sales properties in the same vicin- detached houses may be added to the service in the future. informed on pricing means that buyers are far ity will cost more or less the In the view of managing di- more price-aware than only a same, but that is not so. Prop- A principal objective of the would help to moderate some ty buying and selling in general. rector Jukka Malila of the few years ago,” says Malila. erties are priced according to Department of the Environ- unreasonable pricing practic- In Malila’s view, at least in indi- Finnish Association of Real Because of the potential their individual value more ment in establishing the new es in the industry. Another aim vidual cases the service could Estate Agents, Finnish buyers benefi ts to the real estate sec- than according to their loca- service was that improved con- was that the service would help well prove successful on both are now noticeably better in- tor offered by better provi- tion,” Malila reminds. sumer access to information speed up the process of proper- these counts. 30 28 SEPTEMBER – 4 OCTOBER 2007 HELSINKI TIMES

Helsinki Times is the one and only English language weekly newspaper in Finland covering a variety of topics from news to press reviews, culture, sport and opinion columns from distin- guished writers. Helsinki Times targets the increasing number of expatriates, immigrants, diplomats, businessmen and tourists arriving to Finland for long and short-term periods of residence, as well as internationally minded Finns.

We are looking for marketing staff to join our team in the sales department. Tasks include negotiating sales of advertise- ment space, subscription marketing mainly on a B to B basis, researching new clients and updating a database of clients and reporting the results regularly. Wanted:

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