MPPSCADDA Web: Telegram: WhatsApp/Call: 9953733830, 7982862964 MADHYA PRADESH: GEOGRAPHY CONTENTS ❖ Chapter 1 Introduction to Geography of Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 2 Physiographic Divisions of Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 3 Climate Season and Rainfall in Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 4 Soils of Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 5 Rivers and Drainage System of Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 6 Major Irrigation and Electrical Projects of Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 7 Forests and Forest Produce of Madhya Pradesh ❖ Chapter 8 Biodiversity of Madhya Pradesh CONTACT US AT: Website Telegram WhatsApp :7982862964 WhatsApp/Call :9711733833 Gmail:
[email protected] FREE TESTS: Web: Telegram: WhatsApp/Call: 9953733830, 7982862964 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY OF MADHYA PRADESH MPPSCADDA Web: Telegram: WhatsApp/Call: 9953733830, 7982862964 1. INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHY OF MADHYA PRADESH Topography of Madhya Pradesh • Madhya Pradesh is situated at the north-central part of Peninsular plateau India, whose boundary can be classified in the north by the plains of Ganga-Yamuna, in the west by the Aravalli, east by the Chhattisgarh plain and in the south by the Tapti Valley and the plateau of Maharashtra. • Geological Structure: Geologically MP is a part of Gondwana Land. 3,08,252 km2 Area (9.38% of the total area of India) 21⁰ 6' - 26 ⁰30' Latitudinal Expansion 605 km (North to South) 74⁰ 59' - 82 ⁰66' Longitudinal Expansion 870 km (East to West) Width is more than Length Indian Standard Meridian Singrauli District ( Only one district in MP) 82⁰30' passes • Topic of Cancer and Indian Standard Meridian do not cross each other in any part of MP Geographical Position of MP • Madhya Pradesh is the 2nd (second) largest state by area with its area 9.38% of the total area of the country.