This supplement has been created with the support of the of Montecarlo, so that you may discover all the beauties that surround you here, beginning with Montecarlo's friendly people! On July 3rd at 8 pm, Montecarlo's Misericordia di Maria SS. Del Soccorso is sponsoring a community feast at a 250-meter long table, bringing together 800 "Friends of Montecarlo". The event will take place in via Roma (Montecarlo's centro storico) at a cost of 15 euros per person – children under six free – and your participation will help the Misericordia to help others. The meal includes: Antipasto (prosciutto, salame, mallegato, crostini al pomodoro e ai funghi, farro freddo), Zuppa alla toscana, Arista con contorno di verdure al forno (roast pork with baked vegetables), Trippa, Cantucci & Vin Santo and of course Montecarlo's finest red and white wines. Telephone 0583-228844 for reservations.

painting by Roberto Pasquinelli

How to reach Montecarlo: 17 km east of historic , in the direction Val di Nievole (), easily accessible by train (Montecarlo-San Salvatore station, then less than 2 km by foot to the town center), even closer by car (via Pesciatina or via Romana, between Gragnano, and Pescia). With only 4500 inhabitants and 1560 hectares (15.5 sq km), little Montecarlo is a delightful day trip from Lucca.

Montecarlo tourist information office, tel. 0583-22 8881, is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 10.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30 in July and August. Here you will find a wealth of information from helpful volunteers, who can also arrange a visit to the historic Teatro dei Rassicurati nearby. photo by Geom. Giorgio Pieraccini Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement

In Vino Veritas

Convinced that there is no more sane and simple way to live than the Montecarlo way, you may now be ready to join us on a country tour. Landscapes that have not been overly re-modelled (sometimes ruined in the process) offer scope for the imagination, for self-expression and creativity. Just look around and see what appeals to your taste: Montecarlo DOC reds or whites (especially , , Sauvignon, Chardonnay, San Giovese, Canaiolo, , , Pinot, Cabernet, Sirah and ) and excellent golden (with an acidity level below 0.4% and an almondy after-taste), for example.

Many Montecarlo events are centered on wine. In mid-May Via Vinaria offers tastings of DOC and IGT wines with a Wine Bus for carefree visits to the Fattorie; Montecarlo in Festa honours the Madonna del Soccorso on 8 September but for 10 days glories in the grape, local gastronomy and cultural and musical entertainment; the Festival of New Wine and Oil takes place on the second weekend in November. Then of course there is the summer Jazz and Wine Festival (see page 4).

With its surrounding vineyards and olive groves, Montecarlo has existed at least since 1000 AD. Its people moved from a nearby site called Vivinaia (property of the Duchi della Tuscia) after suffering a disastrous attack by the Florentines; soon thereafter, in 1333 Carlo IV of Boemia founded his "Montecarlo" by building the Fortress. Little has changed, at least architecturally and agriculturally, since that time. Montecarlo wines were appreciated even in the 16th century, by Pope Paul Farnese III and Gregory XII and many others. In 1999 the wine route became "officially" identified; see for more information and enjoy Montecarlo wines in Lucca at Enoteca Calasto (piazza San Giovanni) and many other fine establishments.

Wine Routes of Montecarlo (from


3 1 4 5

7 9 16 8 6

17 11 10 12 13



1. Fattoria Michi 9. Fattoria La Torre 2. Fattoria Il Poggio di Giancarlo Rossi 10. Fattoria Tori di Lucia Tori Ducci 3. Fattoria Vigna del Greppo di Angiola Naldi 11. Fattoria del Buonamico 4. Fattoria di Montechiari di Moreno Panattoni 12. Fattoria Belvedere di Alfiero Fantozzi 5. Azienda Agricola Stefanini 13. Azienda Agricola Bozzoli di Giovanni Bozzoli 6. Azienda Agricola Enzo Carmignani di Elena 14. Fattoria del Teso Carmignani 15. Tenute di Badia di Romolo Romani 7. Vitivinicoltore G. Fuso Carmignani 16. Azienda Agricola Anna Maria Selmi 8. Fattoria di Cercatoia Alta di Angelo Fornaciari 17. Azienda Agricola Lo Sgretoli di Angela Diletti

2 Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement

Put Yourself into the Slow Living Mode

By foot, on horseback, by bicycle – new trails: The new itineraries for exploring Montecarlo are indicated with coloured signposts and cover 15 kilometers, in sections of roughly 5 kilometers, mostly over cobble- stones or packed earth. The beauty and peace of nature can be discovered freely while wandering through vineyards, olive groves, parks and forests. In July, guided tours for groups of at least 5 people will be offered on Saturdays at 3.30 pm, beginning at Piazza d'Armi. Reserve by calling the Proloco at 0583-228881.

The first trail, Via Cassia (sign- posted in yellow), is named for Carlo Cassola and the second (which will be inaugurated in 2011), signposted in orange, for Emperor Carlo IV. This initiative by the Proloco, the Office of Tourism, Mayor Vittorio Fantozzi and many others informs vis- itors in both Italian and English of the itineraries, flora and fauna, and cultural and historical features to be found along the way. Here are just a few:

Vivinaia, a hamlet near the villa of the Marchesi of , dates back to the 10th century and was documented in 1038. Vivinaia was destroyed on 25 February 1331 by the Florentine army retreating from the siege of Lucca; in the next two years the villagers moved to the new village of Montecarlo (where Carlo IV built the fort called Cerruglio).

The giant oak tree at San Martino in Colle, more than 14 me- ters high and 500 years old, with wide branches bending to the ground, features in legends about witches and full moon mischief, but also in Pinocchio; it is said that Collodi (Carlo Lorenzini) was inspired by this tree to create the episode of Pinocchio's hanging from an oak tree. At Turchetto, Via Vinaria (the wine route beginning at Vivinaia) joins , the medieval pilgrims’ route to the Holy Land.

3 Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement

Jazz and Wine

For three Sunday evenings beginning at 9.30 pm, Piazza will rock to the rhythm of jazz and the spirit of Bacchus. The events are coordinated by Circolo Lucca Jazz under the artistic direction of Patrizia Landi and for the wines, sommeliers from FISAR and AIS.

18 July – “Klaus Lessmann Quartet” – clarinet, sax, piano, bass, drums

25 July – “Klaus Bellavitis Trio” – violin, bass, piano, voice

8 August – “Antonello Vannucchi Quartet” – sax, piano, double bass, drums

K. Lessmann Quartet

Vannucchi Quartet

Want more jazz and wine? Montecarlo's La Piccola Enoteca, via Roma, 26 (tel. 0583-229327), offers live music on Thursdays – 8, 15, 22 and 29 July – guitar, violin, voice, piano and sax.... Imbibe, enjoy....

The Festival of San Salvatore, on Friday-Saturday-Sunday 6-7-8 August celebrates the patron saint in Piazza Bertini, San Salvatore with music, cabaret, cinema and cultural meetings.

On Tuesday August 10th, “Calici di Stelle” (Chalices of Stars) brings music and star- watching for the Night of San Lorenzo. Gaze at San Lorenzo's tears falling from the sky while enjoying a glass of good wine.

4 Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement

Theatre and Cinema beneath the Stars

FITA, the Lucca Federation of Italian Amateur Theatre, offers a series of amusing live productions, again ani- mating Piazza Carrara with shows be- ginning at 9.30 pm:

Sunday 4 July – “Le Baruffe Chiozzotte” – a comedy inspired by Goldoni

Saturday 17 July – “Effetto Lussemburgo” – music, dancing, theatre

Friday 23 July – “Vegliarini” by showman Gavorchio (photo) – stories, anecdotes, rhymes in vernacular

Saturday 31 July – “La Ballata del Gran Macabro” – a tragicomic carnavalesque celebration

Saturday 7 August – “Rumors” – an anniversary party inspired by Neil Simon

Friday 13 August – “Vegliarini” by showman Gavorchio

Saturday 21 August – “La Bellissima Dama” – the legend of Lucida Mansi with puppets and storytellers

And here are the films to enjoy – same place, same hour:

Saturday 24 July – “Io e Marilyn” – Pieraccioni's film about the legendary blonde

Saturday 14 August – “Invictus” – Mandela and soccer

Sunday 22 August – “Io, Loro e Lara” – a comedy about a missionary in Africa having a spiritual crisis

5 Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement

For the Young and Young at Heart

Ferragosto, 15 August, 9.30 pm is the date for street entertainment in Piazza Carrara, with “Il Castello Incantato” – clowns, jugglers, magicians for young and old.

“Carnevale” - painting by Margherita Biondi

August 1st to 6th, a special musical and cultural exchange organized in French, English and Italian will take place, “Maestri e Bambini” from L'Autre Ecole di Piano 'Scherzando' from Paris – with these concerts:

Sunday 1 August 9 pm in Piazza Carrara, “Musette” featuring Marini, Bartok, Piazzola

Monday 2August 7 pm in Teatro dei Rassicurati, “Ninna Nanna” featuring Bizet, Schumann, Chopin, Villa Lobos, Gershwin

Friday 6 August 6.30 pm in Teatro dei Rassicurati, Closing concert with both i Maestri and young children.

Sports For All Ages

“Pedalata di mezz'estate” On Sunday 25 July, 6 pm, a mountain bike tour will be organized by the non-profit association “Gocce di Vita” with the sponsorship of the Montecarlo District Council, leaving Pescia at Agenzia Albaluna via Galeotti, following the Vecchia Via Cassia through the Montecarlo hills, with arrival in Piazza Carrara, where sommeliers of the FISAR and the AIS will host an apertivo with tasting of Montecarlo DOC wines. For information call 0572-490951 – 444638

“7th Alberto Tintori Trophy” On Saturday August 28, 5 pm, a walking competition through the Montecarlo hills organized by the Misericordia of Montecarlo and two blood donor associations.

“51st Remo Puntoni Cup” On Sunday August 29, 10 am, a cycling competition for Juniors organized by the Marco Giovannetti Bicycle Club.

6 Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement

Art On Display

Margherita Biondi, “Visioni Colorate” – Teatro dei Rassicurati, via Carmignani, 14

Roberto Pasquinelli (see page 8), “L'Anima del Colore” – 19 June to 19 September, 9 pm to midnight weekdays, 6 pm to midnight holidays, at Palazzo Chiriconi via Roma, 19 –

Franco Puccini, “Immagini Ceramiche e Oltre” – via Roma, 4 – wine and vine themes. July and August. Tel. 349-3747690

At Ex-Chiesa Misericordia, via Cerruglio, 11-24 August, 6 to 8 pm and 9 to 11 pm, closed Mondays: · Antonio Timpanaro – hand-made copper creations · Alberto Betti – antique art objects on display

· PROGETTO MONTECARLO: projects for historic Montecarlo by University of architecture students, in collaboration with Valencia (Spain) Polytechnic University. Coordinated by Prof. Paolo Riani. 28 June to 7 July. Information at 0584-388657, [email protected]

Fortezza di Montecarlo Open for visits Saturdays and Sundays from 4 to 7.30 pm, also weekdays by appointment (tel. 0583-22401,

7 Summer in Montecarlo 2010 - GRAPEVINE Supplement - a referral and interpretation service to help you realize your dream of settling into Tuscany sai kidò sushi and sashimi with typical hot Japanese dishes

“Butterfly Nights”, early dinners (6.30-8.00) management by Sushi Train so you can attend the opera “Madame Butterfly” viale Puccini, 947 – S. Anna, Lucca at ( tel. 0583-316379 – 17/25 July, 1/14/22 August.

closed Mondays also take-away: