MARTLET THURSDAY, Yoveltiber 6, 1969
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Page 2 THE MARTLET THURSDAY, YOVEltiBER 6, 1969 Pancake Breakfast Clover Point7:30 - 9:30 a.m. BeerandBarbecue This week I would like to lash POLLUTION is theotasslum outat all the liberal-minded in domestic DETE:KGl?NTS. Po- Log Saw Clover Point 10:oo - 1 :30 professors at IliVIC. Let me ask tassium does not neutralize itself - Tickets - $1.75/person and cannot be removedin sewage RugbyGame Centennial Stadium - 4:30 you where you were on AMCHI- 2:OO Beer - 3/$1.00 TKA DAY? Yes, there were ten treatment.Furthermore, SOAP of you but where were the rest MANUFACTURERS havesaid of you? Or maybethere are that they had tried real hard to Steeplechase/ORacebstacle with GeneralAdmission - .50 only 10 liberal profson this developa substitute for potas- teams fromFaculty, Alumni, campus. .What aboutthe pro- sium butso far been unableto do Uvic Students with AMS Cards - FREE !!! fessor whotold his students so. Theinteresting thin about thatit was agood idea to go this is that a UNIVERShY OF down to the BLACK BALL DOCK TORONTO studenthas during and voice your disapproval of thelast fourmonthsbeen working the Amchitka bombing and yet on just such a substitute andhas won’t allow his own students to succeeded in findinga formula MONTOYA, /’ havefree discussion inside his that is completely harmless and J’ he did it withoutthe financial class??? Would it be outside of my role as a student to suggest resources that the soap compan- MoN- that professors stop trying to ies have. .I’ve heard so many World Renowned / / get students turnttd on about all people say that COMMUNISM the world problems URLESS is so evil (Mr. BENNETT??) and they are willing to stand side-by- that we should fight it day and side with the students and getall night. I can’treally see thatit thesedamned injusticies correc- will makeany difference if the ted. They could also be working ARMS liACEkeeps going the inside the faculty .association (or way it is. All that somebody has failing that, the Alma Mater So- to do is push the wrong button NEWCOMBE AUDITORIUM ciety)to bring about the long and St. Peter herewe come. Any- overdue socialchanges. Why oneremember the movies DR. TICKETS $3.00 PERSON’ don’t some of you come over to STRANGELOVEand YAIL- the SUB sometime and help put SAFE? When is mankind going f out the Martlet or give us ideas to learn to love one-another in- on stories and exposes. Time is stead of trying to findbetter running out on everyone- faculty ways of killinhim. .Did you I HOMECOMING DANCE and studentsalike. .I just learned knowthat dILE.3 1;OK MIL- that one of the major causes of LION has ATHLETES FEET??? I FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 RevolutionaryEducational Concept s TO I O’C,LOCK “Uvic’s place in the sun,” a on at the Gordon Head Campus. Dr.Partridge philosophised SO With the resources not avail- eloquently a week agoMonday able at present, nor unlikely to CRYSTAL GARDEN onthe eve of his inauguration, be so in thenext decade, to is ana univeristy with, “Em- 3.50 per couple. establishall these programs, he phasis ongood undergraduate AM BAS SADO RS BARCUSESTHE AMBASSADORS WILLING suggested thatcommittees (ed. training,quality of instruction note: heaven forbid)should be I and excitement of leaning.” struck to determine the rationale, B.C. SOUND & Speaking in the University possible accomplishments,cur- ExtensionDepartment Lecture RADIO SERVICE Make a hit with your riculum,enrollments, budgets, SALES 81SERVICE Series, the recently installed ad- and the type of person the pro- H ministration president stated that grams should attract. Car Rad@ - Transistor Radios6 6 date with flowers Uvic is at “crossroad”a in Partridgedisplayed con- Record Players decision making. Uvic should be Tape Recorders fidence, inhis conclusion, that from takingtime out thesedays to Uvic will notignore the under- Stereo Tape Players stop inits footsteps and assess graduate.Commenting on the its future. For Car, Boat or Home needfor professors to keep He madenote of the well- abreast of theirtopics and the 2208 OAKBAY AVENUE known fact that this campus is desire of goodundergraduate TELEPHONE 383-6441 J suffering from limited resources institutions forgood grad schools RETRACTION: the fees at thesedays, which he remarked, tostimulate young minds, he ColumbiaJr. College are not was a“natural order of events closedby saying thatsuch was three times Uvic’s. MAYCOCH OPTICAL for universities ”in today‘sworld. “essential, desireable, and where He referred to the ‘siren song’ we should be going.” Complete lineof repe recording plaguingtoday’s universities, in “The University of Victoria supplies - reel and casette which it is expected to mean all has the air of doing well and the 1327 Broad St. (at Johnson) HUDSON‘S TAPE people.“Some of theseneeds spirit of co-operation,” he said. RECORDING CENTRE can be better met by other 10% DISCOUNT 1543 Fort at Padom 382-0923 forUvic Students and Faculty canbe better met by other aencies,” Dr. Partridge stated. Quote: 0 Instant Optical Repairs’ #e cautioned againstcreating CUSTOM COLOR unnecessaryduplication in our Old Socialists never die; 0 One-doyPrescription Service 2821 Douglas St. universities. 0 Eye Exominationby appointment with an Eye Mentioning Senate’s accept- They just rant and grey. Specialist ANY CAR ANY COLOR ance of programs of law, social From $50.00 work, nursing, and the programs -George Manning 0 Free Eye Examinations under B.C. Medical Plan now underconsideration of 0 Credit Terms marinebiology, public admin- 0 Open All Doy Monday through Saturday istration and Pacific Kim studies, L)r. Partridgeinferred thatthe Correction:Ron Armstrong, CONTACT LENSES time was at hand to make some not Richard Quan, was definitedecisions on theprior- elected to theExecutive Council. 384=7651 ities these programs should take ” I OpeningSat. Nov. 15th ! Town & CountryShopping Centre (Next To Woolcd .._..,...,.,,).,-l,l,l.. ,....,~... ., i. ,, 1 * ., I . .. ,%2 ,; . ‘ (‘I ,.#, <. .,” ’ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1969 MARTLET THE Page 3 MORATORIUM DAY NOV. 14 A Brief History of Vietnam until 1%0 Vietnam has maintained its on Vietn; -lese soil. penditure of more than $30 bil- SAFES OFFICIAL identity and has a written history lion a year.The U.S. pays the Eisenhower said (in1953 full cost of the Saigonarmy The SUB ManagementBoard Next, the gradstudents replete with hero-figures and urgingfinancial aid to France) met last Wednesday afternoon to wanted a monthly bridge nigh poets of high order, going back (with heavilypadded payroll) that America"cannot afford to discuss the proposed SUB ex- in the SUB,and wanted per- 4000 years. It fell victim to as well as of about 50,000 South lose the rubber, tin, and tung- Koreanand Thai mercenaries. pansion.Before this, though,mission to obtain a liquor li- French colonialist expansion in stenwe get from South East 1871.During WW 11, it was The American people pay taxes theydiscussed some 'relative' cense SO they could drink beer. Asia."(Asia hasmore than to support this vast war machine, overrun by the Japanese,and 90% of the world'stungsten matters. then,Now this is very disturbing while American(and Canadian) two million peasantsstarved to -thesupplies in the U.S.are to the Martlet staff because, like, corporationscollect barrels of Mattersconsidered 'relative' death.The Voice of America, running low) American"ad- can you imagine 30 grad. stu- money on government contracts beamed to South East Asia, pro- visors" moved in on the heels of were the safes in the SUB and a dents playing bridge and drinking in Vietnam, hiring 41,800 natives Graduate Student Society bridge misedover and over again that the retreating French and set up ..:-L* beer, I mean like it could net at $1.40 a day. Their American .llpL. D the USA. would respect Vietna- thepuppet Ngo Dinh Diem as out of hand.When a Martlet bosses start $1000.00 a month, mese independence once the ene- "President" of the "Republic of at After Amrit !hnak hadstaffer mentioned this to the my was gone. Vietnam."Diem attempted to tax free. (1966 figures). moved to install safemachines in board, he was that he crush all oppositionwith extreme Thereare now "peace talks" both men's andwomen's wash- receiveda very In 1945the Democratic Re- sympathetic re- cruelty. A portable guillotine in Paris,which get nowhere. rooms, there was a ception,However, requestthe public of Vietnam was established made the rounds of the villages; Oddly enough, the Vietnamese filled moment WHERE IT AP-.,vas granted unanimously. over the whole of Vietnam. Early hundreds of thousands were kill- will settle for nothing less than PEARED THE hwmm HAD in 1946 the French moved in to ed, imprisoned and/or tortured. complete independence. Big busi- NO SECONDERbefore Bob An interestingremark made re-establish their colonial rule by ness will settle for nothing less Coulter leaped erect in his chair, by Dick Chudley was that every force.Truman, and later Eisen- than a strangleholdon cheap hower, forgot the promise about labour and raw materials. as if prodded from behind. The request for a liquor license at the respectingindependence, and motion passed, even though the university (including the SUB) gavemassive aid to the French Americalied to theVietna- two faculty and Administration has to becleared bv the Pres- THE NATIONAL LIBERATION mesewhen they were fighting (80% of the cost) but they were representativesrecorded their ident'sOffice. FRONT the Japanese;sheaided the defeated in 1954 in spite of it. abstentions. Under the treaty ending French On Dec. 20, 1960, under the French; she scrapped the Geneva rule the country was divided at leadership of 8 Saigonlawyer, Agreements.How can the Viet- the 17th parallel only to give Nguyen Huu Tho, the people of namese takeher word for any- theFrench.