NEWS and FEATURES VISTA Physicians Must Come to the Aid of the Party.D.A
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NEWS AND FEATURES VISTA Physicians must come to the aid of the party.D.A. Geekie 1442 POLITICS Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement.E. Michaels 1443 THE LAW Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical practice?.K. Gelbart 1448 THE AFFILIATES Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin.C. Law 1452 FINANCE Some common staff management and money questions .... G. Powers 1456 THE ASSOCIATION Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding.C. Fairbairn 1462 HISTORY Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social conscience.K. Smith1465 LETTERS Legionellosis in British Columbia.E.P. Crichton 1373 How to read clinical journals.D.L. Sackett 1373 Ophthalmologists and optometrists.I. Baker1373 Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease.T.J. Muckle 1373 Nosocomial transmission of listeriosis?.H.S. King, J Duncan, P.M. Tracey 1374 Preventing motion sickness.T. Hodgson1374 Labour pain.D.C. Geggie 1374 Hepatitis B markers in Indochinese refugees.F White, R. Mathias 1374 Serum theophylline levels after influenza vaccination.L. Britton, F.L. Ruben 1375 Friends and families of psychiatric patients.J.F. Thornton, E. Plummer, M.V. Seeman 1375 False claims for magnetotherapy.J.A. 0rpm 1375 Schizophrenics and tranquillizers.A. Hoffer1375 James Grant: ship's surgeon [correction].E.H. Bensley 1376 Sporotrichosis due to contact with contaminated sphagnum moss [correction].J.E. Adam, W.M Dion, S. Reilly 1376 In the next CMAJ.1408 Annual Meeting.1409 Books.1418 Book Reviews.1422 Therapeutic Section and Index.1426 Newsbriefs.1431 Profile.1461 Classified Advertising.1468 Advertisers' Index.1474 CMA Funds Actual value I Valour rAollo Fonds d'snvestissomont do I'AMC 31/05/82 30/04/82 CMARSP common stock fund unit value $47.02 $47.57 RERAMC valour do lunit6 du fonds dactions ordinaires CMARSP insured annuity fund interest rate 1 5.1 7% 1 5.23% RERAMC taux d'int6r.t du fonds do rentes assureos* CMARSP short-term deposit fund unit value $21 .18 $20.93 RERAMC valour do l'unit6 du fonds do d6p6t . court torme (equivalent annual rate of return 17.6%) (taux do rendement annuel 6quivalent 17.6%) CMA Home Ownership Savings Plan R6gime enregistr6 d6pargne-logemont do IAMC common stock fund unit value $47.02 $47.57 valour do l'unit6 du fonds dactions ordinairos fixed income fund unit value $20731 $20477 valour do l'unit. du fonds . revonu fixe (equivalent annual rate of return 16.5%) (taux do rendement annuel 6quivalent 16.5%) Canadian Medical Annuity Plan interest rate* 15.59% 1 5.65% Taux dint6r6t du R6gime do rontos do IAMC lnterest rate paid on new money Taux d',ntdr6t pay6 sur nouveaux capitaux 4/06/82 28/05/82 MD Growth Investments Limited share value $4..s $5.01 Valour do action des Placements dAvenir MD Lte6 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 1365 REGISTRATION FEE RECEIVED BY SEPT. 15 AT TIME OF MEETING NON- SPOUSE/ NON- SPOUSE/ MEMBER MEMBER FRIEND MEMBER MEMBER FRIEND $100 $150 $ 85 $125 $175 $ 85 CMA GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 20-21 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS The full registration fee will be refunded for Sept. 22-24 cancellations received 30 days (i.e. Aug. 20) The Registration Fee provides prior to Sept. 19, 1982. Two-thirds of the admission to: registration fee will be refunded for cancellations Scientific Sessions received after Aug. 20 and up until Sept. 5. No Welcome Reception refunds will be made for cancellations received CMA Dinner (ethnic entertainment) after Sept. 5. Presidential Dinner Dance PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (return with cheque or money order, payable to The Canadian Medical Association, to CMA, P.O. Box 8650, Ottawa KIG OG8) Name: Accompanied by: (first) (family) (first) (family) Address: Street City Prov. Post. Code MEDICAL CMA GENERAL COUNCIL NON- SPECIALTY: MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU RESERVE TICKETS FOR OPTIONAL PROGRAM EVENTS IN ADVANCE AS SEATING SPACE IS LIMITED. In order that we can guarantee your seat(s) please remit the appropriate amount to the Canadian Medical Association prior to the meeting. OPTIONAL PROGRAM No. of tickets Cost per person Western Style Barbecue 'Riverside Jazz Band' Thursday evening $25 per person Mon. 1. Art Gallery Tour morning with lunch at Lucci's $12.00 2. Saskatoon City Tour with lunch at Faculty Club $12.00 Tues. Repeat Tour #1 $12.00 morning Repeat Tour #2 $12.00 afternoon 3. Visit to "show-piece" Farm Home with tea . $12.00 Wed. MD Management Seminar for Spouses morning "Managing your Money", lunch at $15.00 Top of the Inn afternoon 4. Tour of Antique Stores $ 8.00 (china, glass, crystal, furniture) Thurs. afternoon Repeat Tour #4 $ 8.00 NOTE: Tours organized by Saskatoon Tourist & Convention Bureau experienced guides; expert commentary. Tours 1 & 4 limited to 20 each; tours 2 & 3 to 45 each. CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 1409 CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN, SEPTEMBER 19-24, 1982 (Hosted by the Saskatchewan Medical Association) Convention Room Hotel* Sheraton-Cavalier Holiday Rates Bessborough Inn Inn single $ 50.00 $ 47.00 $ 45.00 double or twin $ 58.00 $ 54.00 $ 50.00 bedsitting room $ 72.00 mini suite $78.00 S; $85.00 D 1 bedroom suite $125.00 $83.00 S; $90.00 D $110.00 2 bedroom suite $175.00 $150.00 $185.00 * Convention Hotel All hotels are within walking distance and have indoor swimming RESERVATION DEADLINE: pools. Shearaton Cavalier is across from Hotel Bessborough. Sept. 1, 1982. After Sept. 1 reservations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. BE SURE TO ENCLOSE PRE-REGISTRATION FEE FOR YOURSELF AND ACCOMPANYING PERSON(S) Hotel Reservation Form Please reserve: Please indicate your preference of hotels: single 1. double or twin 2. _ bedsitting room _ 3. mini suite 1 bedroom suite Give at least two choices 2 bedroom suite Name: Address: No. of Persons: Arrival Date: Approx. Time: After 6 PM* Departure Date: Mode of Transportation: Parking Required: *Note: If you arrive after 6 PM you must guarantee your room. The hotel will request a deposit. Please mail it to the hotel! PRE-POST CONVENTION TOURS 3-day Fishing Expedition to Cree River Lodge on Wapata Lake. September 15-18. Cost: approx. $1,000.00 Duck and Goose Hunting: Saturday, September 25. Cost: approx. $100.00 plus license For information on fishing and hunting, please contact: Dr. E. H. Baergen Saskatchewan Medical Association 211 Fourth Ave. South Saskatoon, Sask. S7N lNI (306) 244-21% 1410 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 Pathological findings lished for many years,'0 but only recent- infections: spectrum of disease. Am J Dis Child 1975; 129: 607-611 The uterus was about twice the nor- ly has it been recognized as a primary 11. LEVIN DC, SCHWARZ Ml. MATTHAY RA, LAFORCE cause of pulmonary and extrapulmo- FM: Bacteremic Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia in mal weight for a multiparous woman nary infections in adults."-'5 Some au- adults. A report of 24 cases and a review of the but was not enlarged. The peritoneum literature. Am J Med 1977; 62: 219-224 covering the fundus was thickened and thors have suggested that antibiotic 12. SIMON HB, SOUTHWICK FS, MOELLERING RC JR, treatment during childhood reduces the SHERMAN E: Haemophilus influenzae in hospitalized translucent, with evidence of old scar- adults: current perspectives. Am J Med 1980; 69: ring on the surface. The cervix showed level of circulating antibodies to H. 2 19-226 The influenzae and thus increases suscepti- 13. RUMANS LW, ALLEN MS: Haemophilus influenzae evidence of chronic inflammation. bility to infection in adult life.'6"7 septic arthritis in adults. Am J Med Sd 1980; 279: endometrium appeared somewhat poly- genito- 67-72 poidal, especially at the fundus. There is some evidence that 14. SHAW RA, PLOUFFE IF: Haemophilus influenzae urinary tract infections with H. influen- cellulisis in an adult. Arch Intern Med 1979; 139: Both ovaries were slightly enlarged zae are becoming more prevalent."8 The 368-369 but showed no remarkable histopa- 15. ENG RHK, CORRADO ML, CLERI D, SIERRA MF: thologic changes. The right fallopian source of the organisms in these cases is Non-type b Haemophilus influenzae infections in adults not clear, but ascending infection from with reference to biotype. J Clin Microbiol 1980; 11: tube was greatly thickened and en- the lower genital tract has been pro- 669-67 1 larged. The lumen was completely filled 16. NORDEN CW, CALLERAME ML, BAUM I: Haemo- cells that were posed.2'4'7 Colonization of the adult vagi- philus influenzae meningitis in an adult. A study of with acute inflammatory na by H. influenzae is rare,'8"9 but the bactericidal antibodies and immunoglobulins. N Engi J infiltrating all layers of the wall. The Med 1970; 282: 190-194 serosa was moderately edematous and influence of changing patterns of sexual 17. WEINSTEIN L: Type B Haemophilus influenzae infec- inflammatory behaviour must be considered. Ascend- tions in adults. Ibid: 221-222 infiltrated by chronic ing infection was possible in the case of 18. BEARGIE R, LYND P. TUCKER E, DUHRING J: Perina- cells, including both plasma cells and tal infection and vaginal flora. Am J Obstet Gynecol neutrophils. Fibrin deposits were pre- bacteremia following urinary tract in- 1975; 122: 31-33 strumentation described by Albritton 19. KHURI-BULOS N, MCINTOSH K: Neonatal Haemo- sent on the surface. The other fallopian and associates.8 However, hematoge- philus influenzae infection. Repors of eight cases and tube was of normal thickness, though review of the literature. Am I Dis Child 1975; 129: short. A mild infiltrate of lymphocytes nous spread from respiratory foci in 57-62 serosa.