NEWS AND FEATURES VISTA Physicians must come to the aid of the party.D.A. Geekie 1442 POLITICS Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement.E. Michaels 1443 THE LAW Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical practice?.K. Gelbart 1448 THE AFFILIATES Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin.C. Law 1452 FINANCE Some common staff management and money questions .... G. Powers 1456 THE ASSOCIATION Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding.C. Fairbairn 1462 HISTORY Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social conscience.K. Smith1465

LETTERS Legionellosis in British Columbia.E.P. Crichton 1373 How to read clinical journals.D.L. Sackett 1373 Ophthalmologists and optometrists.I. Baker1373 Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease.T.J. Muckle 1373 Nosocomial transmission of listeriosis?.H.S. King, J Duncan, P.M. Tracey 1374 Preventing motion sickness.T. Hodgson1374 Labour pain.D.C. Geggie 1374 Hepatitis B markers in Indochinese refugees.F White, R. Mathias 1374 Serum theophylline levels after influenza vaccination.L. Britton, F.L. Ruben 1375 Friends and families of psychiatric patients.J.F. Thornton, E. Plummer, M.V. Seeman 1375 False claims for magnetotherapy.J.A. 0rpm 1375 Schizophrenics and tranquillizers.A. Hoffer1375 James Grant: ship's surgeon [correction].E.H. Bensley 1376 Sporotrichosis due to contact with contaminated sphagnum moss [correction].J.E. Adam, W.M Dion, S. Reilly 1376

In the next CMAJ.1408 Annual Meeting.1409 Books.1418 Book Reviews.1422 Therapeutic Section and Index.1426 Newsbriefs.1431 Profile.1461 Classified Advertising.1468 Advertisers' Index.1474

CMA Funds Actual value I Valour rAollo Fonds d'snvestissomont do I'AMC 31/05/82 30/04/82 CMARSP common stock fund unit value $47.02 $47.57 RERAMC valour do lunit6 du fonds dactions ordinaires CMARSP insured annuity fund interest rate 1 5.1 7% 1 5.23% RERAMC taux d'int6r.t du fonds do rentes assureos* CMARSP short-term deposit fund unit value $21 .18 $20.93 RERAMC valour do l'unit6 du fonds do d6p6t . court torme (equivalent annual rate of return 17.6%) (taux do rendement annuel 6quivalent 17.6%) CMA Home Ownership Savings Plan R6gime enregistr6 d6pargne-logemont do IAMC common stock fund unit value $47.02 $47.57 valour do l'unit6 du fonds dactions ordinairos fixed income fund unit value $20731 $20477 valour do l'unit. du fonds . revonu fixe (equivalent annual rate of return 16.5%) (taux do rendement annuel 6quivalent 16.5%) Canadian Medical Annuity Plan interest rate* 15.59% 1 5.65% Taux dint6r6t du R6gime do rontos do IAMC lnterest rate paid on new money Taux d',ntdr6t pay6 sur nouveaux capitaux 4/06/82 28/05/82 MD Growth Investments Limited share value $4..s $5.01 Valour do action des Placements dAvenir MD Lte6

CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 1365 REGISTRATION FEE RECEIVED BY SEPT. 15 AT TIME OF MEETING NON- SPOUSE/ NON- SPOUSE/ MEMBER MEMBER FRIEND MEMBER MEMBER FRIEND $100 $150 $ 85 $125 $175 $ 85 CMA GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 20-21 CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS The full registration fee will be refunded for Sept. 22-24 cancellations received 30 days (i.e. Aug. 20) The Registration Fee provides prior to Sept. 19, 1982. Two-thirds of the admission to: registration fee will be refunded for cancellations Scientific Sessions received after Aug. 20 and up until Sept. 5. No Welcome Reception refunds will be made for cancellations received CMA Dinner (ethnic entertainment) after Sept. 5. Presidential Dinner Dance

PRE-REGISTRATION FORM (return with cheque or money order, payable to The Canadian Medical Association, to CMA, P.O. Box 8650, Ottawa KIG OG8) Name: Accompanied by: (first) (family) (first) (family)

Address: Street City Prov. Post. Code MEDICAL CMA GENERAL COUNCIL NON- SPECIALTY: MEMBER MEMBER MEMBER WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU RESERVE TICKETS FOR OPTIONAL PROGRAM EVENTS IN ADVANCE AS SEATING SPACE IS LIMITED. In order that we can guarantee your seat(s) please remit the appropriate amount to the Canadian Medical Association prior to the meeting. OPTIONAL PROGRAM No. of tickets Cost per person Western Style Barbecue 'Riverside Jazz Band' Thursday evening $25 per person Mon. 1. Art Gallery Tour morning with lunch at Lucci's $12.00 2. Saskatoon City Tour with lunch at Faculty Club $12.00 Tues. Repeat Tour #1 $12.00 morning Repeat Tour #2 $12.00 afternoon 3. Visit to "show-piece" Farm Home with tea . $12.00 Wed. MD Management Seminar for Spouses morning "Managing your Money", lunch at $15.00 Top of the Inn afternoon 4. Tour of Antique Stores $ 8.00 (china, glass, crystal, furniture) Thurs. afternoon Repeat Tour #4 $ 8.00

NOTE: Tours organized by Saskatoon Tourist & Convention Bureau experienced guides; expert commentary. Tours 1 & 4 limited to 20 each; tours 2 & 3 to 45 each.

CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 1409 CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING SASKATOON, SASKATCHEWAN, SEPTEMBER 19-24, 1982 (Hosted by the Saskatchewan Medical Association) Convention Room Hotel* Sheraton-Cavalier Holiday Rates Bessborough Inn Inn single $ 50.00 $ 47.00 $ 45.00 double or twin $ 58.00 $ 54.00 $ 50.00 bedsitting room $ 72.00 mini suite $78.00 S; $85.00 D 1 bedroom suite $125.00 $83.00 S; $90.00 D $110.00 2 bedroom suite $175.00 $150.00 $185.00

* Convention Hotel All hotels are within walking distance and have indoor swimming RESERVATION DEADLINE: pools. Shearaton Cavalier is across from Hotel Bessborough. Sept. 1, 1982. After Sept. 1 reservations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.

BE SURE TO ENCLOSE PRE-REGISTRATION FEE FOR YOURSELF AND ACCOMPANYING PERSON(S) Hotel Reservation Form Please reserve: Please indicate your preference of hotels: single 1. double or twin 2. _ bedsitting room _ 3. mini suite 1 bedroom suite Give at least two choices 2 bedroom suite

Name: Address:

No. of Persons: Arrival Date: Approx. Time: After 6 PM* Departure Date: Mode of Transportation:

Parking Required: *Note: If you arrive after 6 PM you must guarantee your room. The hotel will request a deposit. Please mail it to the hotel!


3-day Fishing Expedition to Cree River Lodge on Wapata Lake. September 15-18. Cost: approx. $1,000.00 Duck and Goose Hunting: Saturday, September 25. Cost: approx. $100.00 plus license

For information on fishing and hunting, please contact: Dr. E. H. Baergen Saskatchewan Medical Association 211 Fourth Ave. South Saskatoon, Sask. S7N lNI (306) 244-21%

1410 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 Pathological findings lished for many years,'0 but only recent- infections: spectrum of disease. Am J Dis Child 1975; 129: 607-611 The uterus was about twice the nor- ly has it been recognized as a primary 11. LEVIN DC, SCHWARZ Ml. MATTHAY RA, LAFORCE cause of pulmonary and extrapulmo- FM: Bacteremic Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia in mal weight for a multiparous woman nary infections in adults."-'5 Some au- adults. A report of 24 cases and a review of the but was not enlarged. The peritoneum literature. Am J Med 1977; 62: 219-224 covering the fundus was thickened and thors have suggested that antibiotic 12. SIMON HB, SOUTHWICK FS, MOELLERING RC JR, treatment during childhood reduces the SHERMAN E: Haemophilus influenzae in hospitalized translucent, with evidence of old scar- adults: current perspectives. Am J Med 1980; 69: ring on the surface. The cervix showed level of circulating antibodies to H. 2 19-226 The influenzae and thus increases suscepti- 13. RUMANS LW, ALLEN MS: Haemophilus influenzae evidence of chronic inflammation. bility to infection in adult life.'6"7 septic arthritis in adults. Am J Med Sd 1980; 279: endometrium appeared somewhat poly- genito- 67-72 poidal, especially at the fundus. There is some evidence that 14. SHAW RA, PLOUFFE IF: Haemophilus influenzae urinary tract infections with H. influen- cellulisis in an adult. Arch Intern Med 1979; 139: Both ovaries were slightly enlarged zae are becoming more prevalent."8 The 368-369 but showed no remarkable histopa- 15. ENG RHK, CORRADO ML, CLERI D, SIERRA MF: thologic changes. The right fallopian source of the organisms in these cases is Non-type b Haemophilus influenzae infections in adults not clear, but ascending infection from with reference to biotype. J Clin Microbiol 1980; 11: tube was greatly thickened and en- the lower genital tract has been pro- 669-67 1 larged. The lumen was completely filled 16. NORDEN CW, CALLERAME ML, BAUM I: Haemo- cells that were posed.2'4'7 Colonization of the adult vagi- philus influenzae meningitis in an adult. A study of with acute inflammatory na by H. influenzae is rare,'8"9 but the bactericidal antibodies and immunoglobulins. N Engi J infiltrating all layers of the wall. The Med 1970; 282: 190-194 serosa was moderately edematous and influence of changing patterns of sexual 17. WEINSTEIN L: Type B Haemophilus influenzae infec- inflammatory behaviour must be considered. Ascend- tions in adults. Ibid: 221-222 infiltrated by chronic ing infection was possible in the case of 18. BEARGIE R, LYND P. TUCKER E, DUHRING J: Perina- cells, including both plasma cells and tal infection and vaginal flora. Am J Obstet Gynecol neutrophils. Fibrin deposits were pre- bacteremia following urinary tract in- 1975; 122: 31-33 strumentation described by Albritton 19. KHURI-BULOS N, MCINTOSH K: Neonatal Haemo- sent on the surface. The other fallopian and associates.8 However, hematoge- philus influenzae infection. Repors of eight cases and tube was of normal thickness, though review of the literature. Am I Dis Child 1975; 129: short. A mild infiltrate of lymphocytes nous spread from respiratory foci in 57-62 serosa. such patients cannot be excluded. was noted in the Our patient, like Farrand's, who had a fallopian tube abscess,4 had undergone Discussion tubal ligation. Skirrow and Prakash's BOOKS patient with a tubo-ovarian abscess3 had This list is an acknowledgement of H. influenzae is a common commens- had peritonitis and appendicitis in child- books received. It does not preclude al in the nasopharynx of healthy indi- hood; our patient underwent an appen- review at a later date. viduals. Its role as a major cause of dectomy at age 10 years. It is possible childhood infections has been estab- that earlier tubal scarring provided a THE BIOMEDICAL LASER: TECHNOL- OGY AND CLINICAL APPLICATIONS. site for the implantation of H. influen- Edited by Leon Goldman. 342 pp. lIlust. zae in these cases. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., New York, Bacteriologic study of appropriate 1981. $39.80. ISBN 0-387-90571-5 specimens from the genitourinary tract in cases of infection should therefore CANCER BIOLOGY. Raymond W. Rud- a * * include suitable procedures for isolating don. 344 pp. Illust. Oxford University H. infiuenzae. Press, Don Mills, Ont., 1981. $20.95, paperbound. ISBN 0-19-502943-7; hard- A A We are grateful to Mr. John Martin, RT, cover, ISBN 0-19-502942-9 chief technologist in the microbiology de- THE CAUSES OF CANCER. Quantitative A partment, for biotyping and serotyping the Estimates of Avoidable Risks of Cancer in organism. the United States Today. Richard Doll and Richard Peto. First published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 66, References June 1981. 115 pp. Illust. Oxford Univer- sity Press, Don Mills, Ont., 1981. $12.75, L ELLNER PD, SHAHIDI A: Postpartum bacteremia due to Haemophilus influenzae. Report of two canes. Obstet paperbound. ISBN 0-19-261359-6 Gynecol 1969; 34: 403-405 2. HURLEY R: Haemophilus endometritis in woman fitted COMPREHENSIVE MANUALS OF SUR- with Lippes loop (C). Br Med J 1970; 1: 566 GICAL SPECIALTIES. Manual of Cardiac 3. SKIRROW MB, PRAKASH A: Tubo-ovarian abscess Surgery. Vol. II. Bradley J. Harlan, Albert S 0 - caused by a non-capsulated strain of Haemophilus Starr and Fredric M. Harwin. 347 pp. lIlust. influenzae. Ibid: 32 4. FARRAND RJ: Haemophilus influenzae infections of Springer-Verlag New York Inc., New York, the genital tract. J Med Microbiol 1971; 4: 357-358 1981. $125. ISBN 0-387-90563-4 5. HERVA E, POKELA R, YLIKORKALA 0: Haemophilus influenzae as a cause of salpingitis. Ann Chir Gynaecol THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF 1975; 64: 317-319 HOSPITALS. Fifth edition. Howard J. Ber- U.. *U 6. CHEN WN, RICHARDS R, CARPENTER R, RAMA. man and Lewis E. Weeks. 859 pp. Illust. CHANDER N: Haemophilus influenzae as an agent of I S S urinary tract infection. West Indian Med J 1976; 25: Health Administration Press, Ann Arbor, 158-161 Michigan, 1982. $32 (US). ISBN 7. GIBSON M, WILLIAMS PP: Haemophilus influenzae 0-914904-74-4 amnionitis associated with prematurity and premature membrane rupture. Obstet Gynecol 1978; 52 (suppi): HEALTH AFFAIRS INFORMATION 70S-725 GUIDE SERIES. Vol. 8. Bioethics. A Guide 8. ALBRITrON WL, HAMMOND GW, RONALD AR: to Information Sources. Edited by Doris Bacteremic Haemophilus influenzae genitourinary infec- tions in adults. Arch Intern Med 1978; 138: 1819-1821 Mueller Goldstein and LeRoy Walters. 366 9. National Committee on Clinical Laboratory Standards: pp. Gale Research Company, Detroit, Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disc Suscep- Michigan, 1982. $38 (US). ISBN Frederick Inc. tibility Tests, Approved Standard ASM-2, 2nd ed, The 0-8103-1502-5 Committee, Villanova, Pa, 1979: 11 10. TODD 1K, BRUHN FW: Severe Haemophilus influenzae continued on page 1421 1418 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 52.4% and at 5 years 32.3%, and patient or six patients awaiting transplantation We thank Dr. Stewart Lawson for his help survival at 1 year was 84.4% and at 5 at any one time. with the statistical analysis and Dr. Allan years 60%. Eight patients died as a During the survey period the ex- Hull for his useful criticism. result of the transplantation procedure change of donor kidneys between differ- References to ent transplant centres was poorly organ- (Table I). Allograft failure was due 1. Advisory Committee to the Renal Transplant Registry: rejection in 18 cases, to uncontrollable ized; therefore, optimal HLA matching The Ith Report of the Human Renal Transplant Regis- infection of the graft bed in I and to was not possible, given the small size of try. JAMA 1973: 226: 1197-1204 our recipient pool. However, despite the 2. PETO R. PIKE MC. ARMITAGE P. BRESLOW NE, Cox recurrence of membranoproliferative DR. HOWARD SV. MANTEL. N. MCPHERSON K. PETO disease in I. Urologic complications in- small number of cases and the poor 3. SMtTH PG: Design and analysis of randomized clinical ureter HLA matching, graft survival was "in- trials requiring prolonged observation of each patient. II. cluded fistulas of the bladder and Analysis and examples. Br J Cancer 1977; 35: 1-39 after five transplants, obstruction after termediate", as defined by Opelz and 3. OPELZ G. TERASAKt P1: Cadaver kidney transplants in four, renal and retroperitoneal bleeding Terasaki,3 and comparable to the results North America: analysis 1978. Dialtsis Transplant 1979: after from other, larger Canadian centres4'5 8:167-172 after three and wound dehiscence 4. HiGGINS MR. GRACE M. DOSSETOR JB: Survival of two. (M. Cohen: personal communication, patients treated for end-stage renal disease by dialysis and 1981). However, our numbers were transplantation. ('on Med Assoc J 1977; 117: 880-883 Discussion 5. TAYLOR HE. ACKMAN CFD. HOROWLTZ I: Canadian small, so comparison with data from clinical trial of antilymphocyte globulin in human cadaver Patients with renal failure are re- larger centres was difficult.6 Our patient renal transplantation. Can Med Assoc J 1976; 115: ferred to the Kingston General Hospital survival rates were comparable to those 1205-1208 6. OPELZ C. MICKEY MR. TERASAKI P1: Comparison of from as far west as Belleville, as far reported from units recognized as suc- kidney transplant survival among transplant centers. north as Smiths Falls and Perth and as cessful,379 although they were not as Transplantation 1975; 19: 226-229 far east as Brockville. The estimated high as those reported for a more recent 7. Advisory Committee to the Renal Transplant Registry: The 13th Report of the Human Renal Transplant Regis- population of the six core counties is period.9 try. Transplant Proc 1977; 9: 9-26 402 817, but the referral pattern over- The 11th report of the Human Renal 8. HULL A. PETERS P. DICKERMAN R. HELDERMAN H. ATKINS C. PRATt R. LONG D. PARKER T. RINNER S. laps substantially with those of other Transplant Registry' suggests that small WHITE M. VERONE-MARINI P. STASTNY P. CURRY T: centres, particularly Ottawa. About 16 centres have worse results than larger Comparisons of dialysis and transplant results from one patients a year for the past 3 years have centres, but this contention was refuted center. Transplant Proc 1979; 11:125-126 9. MORRtS P3. BISHOP M. FELLOWS C. LEDINOHAM JG. entered our dialysis program. This sug- by the 1 3th registry report7 and the TING A. OLtVER D. CULLEN P. FRENCH M. SMITH JC. gests that we are serving a population of Opelz report,6 which showed that the WIllIAMS K: Results from a new renal transplantation approximately 300 000 if our selection size of the program is not related to the unit. Lancet 1978:2:1353-1356 criteria for dialysis are comparable to rate of success. Our experience is in those of other centres in Ontario, where accord with these data and demonstrates 54.6 new patients with end-stage renal that renal transplantation can be per- failure per million population were formed with acceptable success rates by BOOKS accepted for treatment in 1979 (A. Shi- any centre with nephrologic, urologic continued from page 1418 mizu and colleagues: personal com- and vascular surgical expertise. munication, 1981). The rate of trans- Since we began our survey the On- MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL PROB- tario government's organ donor bank LEMS IN SURGICAL PATIENTS. Mark E. plantation in Canada for the 4 years Molitch. 794 pp. lIlust. F.A. Davis Compa- ending December 1979 was 18 per mil- program MORE (Metro Organ Retrie- ny, Philadelphia, 1982. $40 (US). ISBN lion population per year (A. Shimizu val and Exchange) has been extended to 0-8036-6286-6 and colleagues: personal communication, centres outside Toronto, including 1981). If our selection criteria for trans- Kingston. Hence, the number of trans- MANUAL FOR AUTHORS & EDITORS: plantation are similar to those of other plants performed at our unit annually EDITORIAL STYLE & MANUSCRIPT Canadian centres we should be perform- has more than doubled, and the degree PREPARATION. 7th edition. (Former title: ing six transplants per year, assuming a of HLA matching has improved. Be- Stylebook/Editorial Manual of the AMA.) population of 300 000. The actual num- tween February 1979 and September Compiled for the American Medical Asso- 1980, 12 cadaver kidneys were trans- ciation by William R. Barclay, M. Therese bers of transplants performed in the 4 Southgate and Robert W. Mayo. 184 pp. years from 1977 through 1980 at our planted, and 8 are still functioning; 3 of Illust. Lange Medical Publications, Los Al- unit were 3, 4, 8 and 10 respectively the grafts were removed because of tos, California, 1981. $8.50 (US), spiral- (average of 6 per year). But between rejection, and one patient with dis- bound. ISBN 0-87041-243-4 1968 and 1979 our unit averaged three seminated oxalosis died. This improve- transplants per year, and only one was ment may reflect improved HLA match- MARRIAGE & FAMILY REVIEW SERIES. performed in 1972. However, a popula- ing and the fact that a policy of trans- Family Medicine: A New Approach to tion of 300 000 is relatively small for a fusing all recipients with at least 5 units Health Care. Vol. 4, Numbers 1/2, Spring/ dialysis and transplant centre; conse- of packed cells prior to transplantation Summer 1981. Edited by Betty E. Cogswell five was instituted in 1979. and Marvin B. Sussman. 189 pp. lIlust. The quently, we rarely have more than Haworth Press, New York, 1982. $28 (US). ISBN 0-917724-25-9 Table I-Causes of death in eight renal transplant recipients MEDICINE AND LITERATURE. Edited by Enid Rhodes Peschel. 204 pp. Neale Wat- No. of months son Academic Publications, Inc., New Cause of death after transplantation York, 1980. Price not stated. ISBN Massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage 1 0-88202-189-3 Cytomegalovirus pneumonia 1 Pelvic infection, with massive arterial bleeding 3 OCCUPATIONAL LUNG DISORDERS. Pneumonia (due to Pneumocystis carinil) 4 2nd edition. W. Raymond Parkes. 529 pp. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 18.5 Illust. Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., Hepatic failure secondary to chronic London, 1982. $185 (US). ISBN aggressive hepatitis 30.5 0-407-33731-8 Pneumonia (due to Serratia) 35 39 Erythroleukemia continued on page 1426 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 1421 Inuit diet is comprehensive. The geo- VENOUS AND ARTERIAL THROMBOSIS. graphic approach to diseases tends to Evaluation, Prevention and Management. dominate the book, so it is not surpris- W.R. Pitney. 231 pp. Illust. Churchill Living- stone Inc., New York/Academic Press Can- U The ing to find a certain amount of repeti- ada, Don Mills, Ont., 1981. $26.90, paper- tion in many of the chapters. bound. ISBN 0-443-01973-8 Alpha The book is intended for epidemiolo- gists, nutritionists and gastroenterolo- VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM. Jack Advantage gists, but many of the chapters will be Hirsh, Edward Genton and Russell Hull. 335 pp. lIlust. Grune & Stratton, Inc., New ft's for all kinds of hypertensives of interest to clinicians who are interest- York/Academic Press Canada, Don Mills, ed in total patient care, particularly the Ont., 1981. $38.35. ISBN 0-8089-1408-1 preventive aspects of diseases. Disciples WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU CLEANED of the bran cult will find that the book YOUR NAVEL? 101 Cartoons by James Cttimdnehtrochloride® makes for stimulating reading. It would Simpkins. 112 pp. IlIust. Potlatch Publica- be a worthy addition to any medical tions, Hamilton, Ont., 1976. $2.95, paper- PRESCRIBING INFORMATION library, and all physicians concerned bound. ISBN 0-919676-07-3 about the dubious benefits of our West- Composition WORKING MEN AND GANJA. Marihuana 2-(2,6-dichlorophenylemino)-2-imldazokne hydrochloride. ern lifestyle will find that the work Indications Use in Rural Jamaica. Melanie Creagan Catapres has been used successfully totreat hypertension of allgrades provides much food for thought. Dreher. 216 pp. IlIust. Institute for the of severity. Study of Human Issues, Philadelphia, 1982. Contralndlcatlons ALAN S. MELTZER, MB, Cl-I B, DTM&H There are no known absolote contraindications to the use of Catapres. Associate director $18.50 (US), ISBN 0-89727-025-8 Warnings Catapres therapy is discontinued for any reason, withdrawal should Tropical diseases and health care be done gradually over several days rather than abruptly. There have WORLD REVIEW OF NUTRITION AND been rare instances of rebound hypertensive crises following sudden International Development Research Centre discontinuabonofhighdosesofthedrug. Thiscanbeeffeclivelycontrol- Ottawa, Ont. DIETETICS. Vol. 38. Physiology and So- led by reinatituting Catapres at the previous dosage level; however cial Nutrition and Nutritional Education. more rapid control is necessary, intravenous infusions of alpha ad- renersic blocking agents such as intravenous phentolainine (5-10mg Edited by Geoffrey H. Bourne. 229 pp. doses at 5 minute intervals up to a total of 30 mg) are effective in Illust. S. Karger AG, Basel, Switzerland, reducing the blood pressure. BOOKS Preccautlons 1981. $97.75 (US). ISBN 3-8055-3048-X Patients with a known history of depression should be carefully super- vised while under treatment with Catapres, as there have been occa- continued from page 1421 sionalreportsoffurtherdepressiveepsodesoccumng insuchpetients. As an abrupt withdrawal of Catapres is followed in rare instances by an PRINCIPLES OF NEUROANATOMY. Jay escess of circulating catecholamines, caution should be esercised in B. Angevine, Jr. and Carl W. Cotman. 393 the concomitant use of drugs which affect the metaboism or the tissue THERAPEUTIC uptake of these amines (MAO inhiblto. and tricyclic antidepressants pp. lIlust. Oxford University Press, Don respectively) A few instances of a condition resembing Raynauds phenomenon Mills, Ont., 1981. $23.75, paperbound. SECTION AND INDEX have been reported. Caution should therefore be doserved if patients ISBN 0-19-502886-4; hardcover, ISBN with Raynauds disease or thromboangiitis doliterans are lobe treated Analgesic with Catapres. 0-19-502885-6 Catapres has a mucous membrane drying effect on the eyes. On rare 222 Tablets 1475, 1476, Inside Back Cover occasions this has led to corneal ulceration. PROGRESS IN MICROCIRCULATION As with any drug escreted prim*anly in the urine, smaller doses of Catapres are often effective in treating petients with a degree of renal RESEARCH. Proceedings of the First Aus- Antiarrhythmic failure. tralasian Symposium on the Microcircula- Isoptin 1415, 1416 The use of Catapres during the tirat trimesterof pregnancy is subject to the normal precautions surrounding the use of any drug. Animal tests tion held at the Institute of Administration, have shown no evidence of foetal abnormality, though there was some University of New South Wales, Little Bay, Antibacterial decreased fertility. Bactrim 1400, 1427 Adverse effects Sydney, Feb 28-Mar 1, 1980. Edited by The most commonly encountered side effects are initial sedation and D. Garlick. 677 pp. lIlust. Publications dry mouth. However these effects are seldom severe and tend to be Antidiarrheal dose related and transient. Section, The Registrar's Division, The Uni- There are occasional reports of ftuid retention and weight gain during versity of New South Wales, 1981. Price Lomotil 1429, 1451 the initial stages of treatment with Catapres. This side effect is usually transient, but the addition IA a diuretic will correct any tendency to fluid not stated. ISBN 0-85823-200-6 retention in these cases. Antihistaminic Other occasional drug-related side effects which have been noted in A QUEST FOR CERTAINTY. Essays on Actifed 1364 hteratijreinclodedizziness, headache, dryness, itchingorbumingof the eyes, rarely comeal ulceration, nocturnal unrest, nausea, euphoria, Health Care Economics, 1930-1970. C. constipetion, impotence (rarely), andagitationonwithdrawalof therapy. Rufus Rorem. 196 pp. Health Administra- Antihypertensive Facial pellor has occasionally been noted at high dosage levels. No tosic reachons have been doserved on investigating blood status, tion Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982. catapres 1426, Outside Back Cover renal function and liver function. Long-term treatment has shown no Inderide 1372, 1430 adverse effect on blood urea rstrogen levels, and in pebents with pre- $15 (US). ISBN 0-91404-75-2 Minipress 1395, 1396, 1397, 1396 esisting renal damage there is no suggestion of further impairment of the renal blood flow despite a fell in artenal blood pressure. SEXUAL PROBLEMS IN MEDICAL Dosage Anti-inflammatory Initially 0.05-0.1 mg four times daily This dosage may be increased PRACTICE. Edited by Harold I. Lief. 419 Anaprox 1457, 1456, 1459, 1460 every few days unlit satisfactory control is achieved. When usedalone pp. American Medical Association, Motrin 1429, InsIde Front Cover the final dosage usually ranges between 0.2 and 1.2mg daily. The last dose of the day should be alven immediately before retiring to ensure Monroe, Wisconsin, 1981. Price not stat- blood pressure control during sleep. Anxiolytic Catapres used with a diuretic ed. ISBN 0-89970-098-5 Catapres has been used successfully together with chlorthalidone, Xanax 1376, 1379, 1429 turosemide and the thiazide diuretics. Lower doses of Catapres or the A THEORY OF MEDICAL ETHICS. Rob- diuretic mey be used to achieve the same degree of blood pressure ert M. Veatch. 387 pp. Basic Books, Inc., control whenever a diuretic is added to the Catapres regimen or vice Bronchodilator versa In these circumstances, most mild-to-moderate hypertensives New York, 1981. $20.95 (US). ISBN can be controlled using only 0.3-0.6 mg of Catapres dally in divided Phyllocontin 1376, 1377 dcses. 0-465-08437-0 ventolin/Beclovent 1413 AvaIlabIlIty DE DROIT DE LA SANTE ET 1.0.1 irig Tablet:Awhite, sin9le-scoredtablet, impressedwith the motif TRAITE on one side and the Boehnnger Ingetheim symbol DES SERVICES SOCIAUX. Centre de Hypnotic on the reverse Bottles of 100 and 500 tablets Halcion 1426, 1447 2.0.2mg Tablet:An orange, single-scored tablet, impressed with the Recherche en Droit Public. Andr6e Lajoie, motif on one aide and the Boehringer lngethwim Patrick A. Molinari and Jean-Marie Auby. symbolon the reverse. Bottles of 50 and SOOtablets. Infant Formula Comfepres is available as apink sugar-coated tablelcontairting 0.1 mg 1261 pp. Les Presses de l'Universit6 de Isomil 1360 Catapres and 15mg chlorthatidone. Supplled in bottles of 50 and 500 Montr6al, Montr6al, 1981. Price not stat- Similac 1449 tablets. ed. ISBN 2-7606-0516-7 For further prescrifeng informetion, consuft the Catapres Product Lactose Intolerance Monograph or your Boehringer Ingetheim representative. ULTRASTRUCTURAL PATHOLOGY OF LactAid 1453 THE CELL AND MATRIX. 2nd ed. A Text BoehringerIngeiheim (Canada) Ltd. and Atlas of Physiological and Pathological Laxative ntury Drive, Burlington, Ont. L7L 5J8 Alterations in the Fine Structure of Cellular Metamucil 1366, 1426 and Extracellular Components. Feroze N. Senokot 1418 Ghadially. 971 pp. lIlust. Butterworths, Woburn, Massachusetts, 1982. $240 (US). Vasodilator IiIiiIiI Adalat 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, ISBN 0-407-00166-2 1436, 1439, 1440, 1441 1426 CMA JOURNAL/JUNE 15, 1982/VOL. 126 VOLUME 126 JANUARY-JUNE 1982


MARC BALTZAN, MD, FRCP(C) President B.E. FREAMO Secretary general DAVID WOODS Director of publications

PETER P. MORGAN, MD, DPH, DECH REG. M. SINNOTT Scientific editor Production manager ANN BOLSTER, BA NEIL K. HUTTON Associate scientific editor Director, advertising sales BRIAN BERUBE, BSc KATHLEEN BEAUDOIN News and features editor Librarian

Published by THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PO Box 8650 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1G OG8 Tel: (613) 731-9334 IDEX TO VOLUME 126 AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION: Control of asthma (TR) (Dolovich and others) 613 Positive pressure ventilation as a mechanism of reduction of left ventricular afterload (BR) (Guyatt) 1310 bject entries for various departments are indicated as follows: ALBERTA ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (EXCELLENCE AWARD CATEGORY) 1981: Parsons, ief Reports (BR), Clinical Trials (CT), Diagnostic Challenge William (P) 711 ), Editorials (E), Family Practice (FP), Letters (L), ALBERTA HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Alberta Heritage Foundation appoints ical Notes (MN), News and Features (NF), Original Articles advisory council (NF) 1083 ), Platform (P1), Profiles (P), Publishers Page (PP), ALBERTA OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION: Advertising optometry (L) (Gagnon) iew Articles (RA), Therapeutic Reviews (TR), Vista (V) 115 Very Original Articles (VOA) after the title. Provinces Through a child's eyes. An international symposium on vision. Its abbreviated: Alberta - Alta., British Columbia - B.C., relationship to learning (Ad.) 125; 423: Comment on: See itoba - Man., New Brunswick - N.B., Newfoundland - Nfld., GAGNON R a Scotia - N.S., Ontario - Ont., Prince Edward Island - P.E.I., ALCOHOL DRINKING: Confronting alcoholism (E) (Holt and others) 351 bec - Que. and Saskatchewan - Sask. ALCOHOL, ETHYL: Treatment of methanol poisoning with ethanol and hemodialysis (TR) (Pappas and others) 1391 ALCOHOLISM: Alcoholism abuse (MN) 352 A Confronting alcoholism (E) (Holt and others) 351 ALCOHOL, METHYL: Treatment of methanol poisoning with ethanol and hemodialysis (TR) (Pappas and others) 1391 P: See AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS ALEXANDER S: See WILSON KS SM: See ACADEMY FOR HEALTH SERVICES MARKETING ALI M: See KERLEY B A: See AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ALLERGY: See HYPERSENSITIVITY A: See ASPIRIN ALTITUDE: Aeromedical transport: its hidden problems (RA) (Parsons RON TH and MUTTITT ELC: Reactions to acetylsalicylic acid (TR) and others) 237 609; Comment on: See NGUYEN K ALUMINUM: Aluminum reduction and bladder cancer (L) (Dunkley) 1026 BOTT EC: Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity ALVEOLITIS: Proportional analysis of respiratory cells obtained by (NF) 534 bronchoalveolar lavage (OA) (Braude and others) 1401 EAR EM: See DePASS EE ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: See DEMENTIA NORMALITIES: Thrombocytopenia with absent radii (BR) (Leclerc and AMBULATORY CARE: Halifax centre dedicated to Nova Scotia MD (NF) 686 others) 506 Treatment of psoriasis with the Ingram anthralin paste regimen ORTION, THERAPEUTIC: Abortion (L) (Casey) 1032; (L) (Froese) (BR) (Ross and others) 496 1152; (L) (Linegar) 1152; (L) (Newman) 594; (L) (Palframan) AMBULATORY SURGERY: Outpatient treatment of pilonidal disease (BR) 1032; (L) (Watters and others) 465; (L) (Wilson) 21 (Meban and others) 941 Abortion before "individuation" (L) (Roy) 1150 AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS: Pediatrics group to study MD payment Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical practice? plans (NF) 1084 (NF) 1448 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE: John R. Sutton (P) 83 STRACTING AND INDEXING: Index Medicus jeopardized (E) (Sherrington) AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: AMA publishes medical books for the 459 public (NF) 1085 DEMY FOR HEALTH SERVICES MARKETING: Marketing your services -- a US Supreme Court says AMA cannot restrict MD advertising (NF) matter of patient PR (NF) 301 1432 CIDENTS: Canadian Trauma Foundation (L) (Ghent) 120 AMIEL B: A healthy view of physicians (NF) 1107 CIDENTS, HOME: Methyl chloride: an unusual incident of intoxication AMIRI Z: See SALIT IS (L) (Lanham) 593 AMNIOCENTESIS: Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing (NF) 64 CIDENTS, TRAFFIC: Use of automobile seat restraints by children in ANALGESICS: Commentary: Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin? (TR) two Canadian cities (OA) (Verreault and others) 1163 (Crocker) 611 CLIMATIZATION: Circumpolar health (E) (Martin) 339 Reactions to acetylsalicylic acid (TR) (Aaron and others) 509 ETAMINOPHEN: Acetaminophen: should it be as available as ASA? (NF) ANDERSON JE: Prescribing of tranquillizers to women and men (FP) 125: 707 1229; Comment on: See RAPP MS; replies: 900 Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) (McGuigan) 232; (L) ANEMIA, ASPLASTIC: Bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and (Nadasdi) 232; (L) (Nadasdi) 1278 asplastic anemia: management of ABO incompatibility (OA) ETYLCYSTEINE: Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) (McGuigan) (Curtis and others) 649 232; (L) (Nadasdi) 232; (L) (Nadasdi) 1278 ANESTHESIA, DENTAL: Ontario anesthetist awards himself achievement ETYLSALICYLIC ACID: See ASPIRIN medal (NF) 1088 RES SE: See DAVIES JW ANESTHESIA, EPIDURAL: Epidural use of morphine in managing the pain of YCLOVIR: See DRUG THERAPY carneous degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma during pregnancy M JE: Recurrent herpes simplex (L) 894 (BR) (Treissman and others) 505 AM JE, DION WM and REILLY S: Sporotrichosis due to contact with Labour is still painful (L) (Baltman) 469; (L) (Hanvey) 354; contaminated sphagnum moss (BR) 1071: Correction 1376 (L) (Klein) 354; (L) (Melzack) 470; (L) (Melzack and MS ME and PEARCE RH: Chemonucleolysis (L) 232 others) 357 ENINE ARABINOSIDE: See VIDARABINE ANESTHESIOLOGY: Anesthesiology (L) (Courey) 21 ENOCARCINOMA: Colonic adenocarcinoma: a later complication of ANEURYSM: Gastroduodenal artery aneurysm associated with chronic ureterosigmoidostomy (BR) (MdFadden and others) 827 relapsing pancreatitis (BR) (Mercer and others) 1065 Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita associated with adenocarcinoma Pericarditis and impending rupture of aneurysms of the ascending of the lung (BR) (Knowling and others) 1308 aorta (BR) (Morris) 1190 HESIVES: Cyanoacrylates in medicine (L) (Blais and others) 227 ANILINE: Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) (Connolly) HOC COMMITTEE ON DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR DIABETES MELLITUS, CLINICAL 1025 AND SCIENTIFIC SECTION, CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION: ANIMAL DISEASES: How multiple sclerosis is related to animal illness, Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus stress and diabetes (OA) (Warren and others) 377 and related conditions by the Canadian Diabetes Association ANOXIA: Prognosis after cardiac arrest based on age and duration of (RA) 473 coma (OA) (Tweed) 1058 MINISTRATION, ORAL: Harmony with drugs and food (TR) (Tuttle) 1161 ANTHRACENES: Treatment of psoriasis with the Ingram anthralin paste INISTRATION: See ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION regimen (BR) (Ross and others) 496 LESCENCE: New game for adolescents teaches parenting (NF) 837 ANTHRALIN: See ANTHRACENES LESCENT BEHAVIOUR: Teaching sex: where does biology stop and ANTIANXIETY AGENTS: See TRANQILIZING AGENTS, MINOR morality begin? (NF) 553 ANTIBODY-COATED BACTERIA TEST, URINARY: See FLUORESCENT ANTIBODY ULT: Juvenile dermatomyositis: medical, social and economic status TECHNIC in adulthood (OA) (Chalmers and others) 31 ANTICHOLINERGIC AGENTS: See PARASYMPATHOLYTICS VERTISING: Advertising optometry (L) (Gagnon) 115 ANTICONVULSANTS: Treating epilepsy: one drug or several? (E) Confronting alcoholism (E) (Holt and others) 351 (Young and others) 1134 US Supreme Court says AMA cannot restrict MD advertising (NF) ANTIDEPRESSIVE AGENTS: Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (L) 1432 (Kubacki) 767 ROMEDICAL TRANSPORT: See TRANSPORTATION OF PATIENTS ANTIDIURETIC HORMONES: See VASOPRESSINS ROSOLS: Control of asthma (TR) (Dolovich and others) 613 ANTIEMETICS: Preventing motion sickness (L) (Hodgson) 1374 E OF CONSENT: See INFORMED CONSENT ANTI-FLAMMATORY AGENTS: Latent tuberculosis and anti-flammatory agents ED: Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy (NF) 203 (L) (Brennan) 21 Geriatric medicine (L) (Clarfield) 770; (L) (Fisher) 769; ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS: Interferon: no verdict yet (E) (Tan) 9 (L) (Williamson) 769 ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS: Changing treatment of tuberculosis (E) Placement or disposal? (L) (Kirshen) 1266 (Grzybowski and others) 457 The psychiatrist's role in the care of the elderly (L) (Hontela) ANTIVIRAL AGENTS: Herpes simplex encephalitis: poor outcome despite 604 adenine arabinoside therapy (BR) (Wenman and others) 819 UIRRE C: See LUENGAS FM Interferon: no verdict yet (E) (Tan) 9 R POLLUTANTS: Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) (Wigle New drug for genital herpes soon available (NF) 1084 and others) 1277 ANXIETY DISORDERS: Prescribing tranquilizers (L) (Collyer) 1033 RCRAFT: Aeromedical transport: its hidden problems (RA) (Parsons AORTIC ANEURYSM: Pericarditis and impending rupture of aneurysms of and others) 237 the ascending aorta (BR) (Morris) 1190 IPhysicians' medical kits to be available on all Air Canada flights AORTIC VALVE: Natural history and management of chronic aortic valve (NF) 962 disease (RA) (Morton) 477 in Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 1 AORTIC VALVE DISEASE: See AORTIC VALVE Parsons, William (P) 711 AORTIC VALVE INSUFFICIENCY: Natural history and management of chronic Sistek, Vladimer (P) 310 aortic valve disease (RA) (Morton) 477 Three MDs honoured with membership in (NF) AORTOCORONARY BYPASS: Declining rates of death due to heart disease 1204 (L) (Tyers) 772 Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board Factors predicting working status after aortocoronary bypass (NF) 1206 surgery (OA) (Danchin and others) 255 AZATHIOPRINE: Reversible azathioprine-induced erythrocyte aplasia Working status after aortocoronary bypass surgery (L) (Cumming) in a renal transplant recipient (BR) (Hogge and others) 1153 512 ARCINUE E: See ROZEE KR AZO COMPOUNDS: Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in ART: Investing in Canadian art (NF) 988 Canadian drugs (TR) (MacCara) 910 Radiologic art featured on CMAJ cover (NF) 525 "The Runaway" (NF) 992 ARTERIOVENOUS ANEURYSM: See ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA: Gastroduodenal artery aneurysm associated with B chronic relapsing pancreatitis (BR) (Mercer and others) 1065 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: Smooth muscle and endothelial cell function in the BCHA: See BRITISH COLUMBIA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (RA) (Gotlieb) 903 BHI: See BIOPHARMACEUTICS ASHENHURST EM: See YOUNG GB BABECHKO WP: See PARSONS CJ ASPIRIN: Acetaminophen: should it be as available as ASA? (NF) 707 "BABY": See BUCKLE A BABY YEAR Acetylsalicylic acid (L) (Nguyen) 773 BACTEREMIA: See SEPTICEMIA Commentary: Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin? (TR) (Crocker) BACTERIAL INFECTIONS: Phagedena: gagrenous and necrotic ulcerations 611 of skin and subcutaneous tissue (RA) (Jackson and others) In healthy habitual smokers acetylsalicylic acid abolishes the 363 effects of tobacco smoke on platelet aggregate ratio (OA) BAGSHAW, ELIZABETH: Remarkable woman doctor dies at 100 (NF) (Davis and others) 637 287 Reactions to acetylsalicylic acid (TR) (Aaron and others) 509 BAILEY RR: Determining the site of urinary tract infections in Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in Canadian drugs (TR) children (L) 1033 (MacCara) 910 BAIN HW: Community development: an approach to health care for ASTHMA: Control of asthma (TR) (Dolovich and others) 613 Indians (E) 223 Home remedies for asthma (MN) 618 BAKER I: Ophthalmologists and optometrists (L) 1373 ASTROFF V: MD Management offers new programs for '82 (NF) 995 BALANCE BILLING: See FEES, MEDICAL Money management for a lifetime (NF) 1232 BALLERMANN B: See GAGNON RF Retractable preferred shares: investment with a tax break (NF) BALLOON CATHETERS: See CATHETERIZATION 1098 BALTMAN SM: Labour is still painful (L) 469 ATERMAN K (ed), MacSWEEN HM, PERRY PE, WARNER HA: Recurrent BALTODANO A: See FENJE PC infections, diarrhea, ascites and phonophobia in a 57-year-old BALTZAN MA: Duductable insurance could rationalize medicare (NF) man (DC) 623 550 ATHEROSCLEROSIS: See ARTERIOSCLEROSIS Health for all by the year 2000 (L) 120 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE: Aeromedical transport: its hidden problems Dr. Marc Baltzan and debate medicare (NF) 290 (RA) (Parsons and others) 237 BARON M, SKRINSKAS G, UROWITZ MB and MADRAS PN: Prostaglaiidin ATOMIC ENERGY: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) (Marko) 357; E1 (L) (Robertson) 358 therapy for digital ulcers in scleroderma (BR) 42 ATOMIC WAR: Physicians and the bomb (L) (Bates and others) 768; BARRIE HJ: Sir William Boyd: a legacy in print (NF) 421 (L) (Gibney) 767; (L) (Stuart) 768; (L) (Woods) 768 BARROWMAN JA: See BOWMER MI ATOMIC WARFARE: See NUCLEAR WARFARE See CHANDRA L ATTIA EL and MARSHALL KG: Halitosis (RA) 1281 BARRY, JAMES: Dr. James Barry: military man -- or woman? (NF) ATTITUDE: A positive view of retirement (NF) 1093 854 Smoking habits of Winnipeg school students, 1960-80 (BR) BASILAR BONE: See OCCIPITAL BONE (Morison) 153 BASMAJIAN, JOHN V.: Profiles 1326 Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? (NF) BASS M: Prescribing of tranquilizers (L) 900 553 BASS MJ: Do physicians overprescribe for women with emotional Use of automobile seat restraints by children in two Canadian problems? (E) 125: 1211; Comment on: See COLLYER JA cities (OA) (Verreault and others) 1163 BASS MJ and BASKERVILLE JC: Prescribing of minor tranquillizers ATTITUDE OF HEALTH PERSONNEL: Abortion (L) (Wilson) 21 for emotional problems in a family practice (FP) 125: Anesthesiology (L) (Courey) 21 1225; Comment on: See RAPP MS; replies 900 An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 BATE JT: See TREISSMAN DA Circumcision (L) (Green) 466 BATES DG and DWORKIND M: Physicians and the bomb (L) 768 Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't practise in Canada (NF) 1213 BATES DV: Medicine bridges scientific facts and human values Friends and families of the handicapped (L) (Sky) 362 (NF) 722 Friends and families of psychiatric patients (L) (Thornton and BATTERED PARENT SYNDROME: See DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR others) 1375 BAUMGARTNER K: Smoking cessation: physician - make a stand (E) The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? (P1) 101 (Morrissy) 483 BAYARDELLE P, JOLIVET-GRANGER M and LAROCHELLE D: Staphylococcal Labour is still painful (L) (Hanvey) 354; (L) (Klein) 354 malignant external otitis (BR) 155 Maintaining professionalism in a material age (NF) 847 BEAL VA: See CLARK LL Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration (NF) 1342 BEAR RA, DRUMMOND J and HALPERIN ML: Inappropriate secretion of Physicians must come to the aid of the party (V) (Geekie) 1442 antidiuretic hormone: correction of hyponatremia by Prevalence and duration of breast-feeding in Manitoba (OA) expansion of intravascular fluid volume (BR) 275 (Clark and others) 1173 BEAZLEY, GARY: Profiles 849 Smoking habits in hospital (L) (Rosen and others) 1152 BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG van: Recurrent infections, diarrhea, ascites Study of smoking habits in hospital and attitudes of medical staff and phonophobia in a 57-year-old man (DC) (Aterman (ed) towards smoking (OA) (Senior) 131 and others) 623 ATTITUDE TO HEALTH: Venous ulcers (FP) (Fratesi and others) 631 BEHAVIOR, DANGEROUS: See DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: Hypopituitarism in a patient with idiopathic BELL L: See HANLEY WB hypoparathyroidism (BR) (Salti and others) 942 BELL M: See JACKSON R Pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease: some facts and some BENSLEY EH: Canada's first medical graduate (L) 902 speculation (E) (Strakosch and others) 10 James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated Empress of AUTOMOBILES: Use of automobile seat restraints by children in two Ireland (NF) 318; Correction 1376 Canadian cities (OA) (Verreault and others) 1163 BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE: Acute intoxication with lindane (gamma AUTOPSY: Accuracy of clinical diagnosis (L) (Karnauchow) 230; benzene hexachloride) (BR) (Telch and others) 662 (L) (Thurlbeck) 230 BENZODIAZEPINES: Diazepam withdrawal seizures (BR) (Robinson AWARDS AND PRIZES: Alberta MD named Family Physician of the Year and others) 944 (NF) 1431 Triazolam intoxication (L) (Trappler and others) 893 Campbell, Norman (P) 310 BERGER E: The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) 1147 CMA initiates Medal of Honour for non-physicians (NF) 684 BERTELL R: Physicians rally against the threat of a nuclear Earn, Abe (P) 1096 epidemic (L) 125: 542; Comment on: See MARKO AM; Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (NF) 426 ROBERTSON JAL Gelfand, Erwin W. (P) 548 BERUBE B: Canadian Trauma Foundation adopts charter (NF) 702 Genest, Jacques (P) 1216 Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiologist reminisces (NF) Montreal family physicians awarded 1982 Osler Scholarship 1109 (NF) 288 Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration (NF) Murphy, David A. (P) 548 1342 New Brunswick MD honoured as distinguished citizen (NF) Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (V) 680 406 Ontario anesthetist awards himself achievement medal (NF) Quebec's draconian moves endanger profession's liberty (V) 1088 175

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 11 Sex education: the physician's role (OF) 123: 776; BIRCH SJ: See COLAPINTO RF Comment on: See MURRAY AB BIRON P: How to read clinical journals (L) 125: 699; Comment The strike against the strike (V) 965 on: See SACKETT DL ESLEY, KEITH: Profiles 83 BIRTH CONTROL: See FAMILY PLANNING EZEREDI T: See TRAPPLER B BITES AND STINGS: Reactions to mosquito and blackfly bites (L) IEHN J: Managing uncertainty ill family practice (FP) 915 (Dolovich and others) 1147 IELER Z: Do MDs recognize threat of environment? (NF) 320 BLACKFLIES: Reactions to mosquito and blackfly bites (L) Quebec physicians say government has taken over (NF) 972 and 1147 IELMANN P: (Dolovich others) See LAMBERT B BLADDER NEOPLASMS: Aluminum reduction and bladder cancer (L) ILE DUCTS: Retrograde cholangiography (L) (Connon) 359; (L) (Dunkley) 1026 (Hershfield) 359 Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) (Connolly) ILHARZIASIS: See SCHISTOSOMIASIS 1025; (L) (Heinisch) 1025 ILIARY TRACT DISEASE: Retrograde cholangiography (L) BLAIS P and CAMPBELL RW: Cyanoacrylates in medicine (L) 227 (Hershfield) 359 BLANK D: See NANJI AA ILL C102: See LEGISLATION, DRUG BLASTOMYCOSIS: Pulmonary blastomycosis diagnosed by cytologic ILL 27: See LEGISLATION, MEDICAL examination of sputum (BR) (Robertson and others) 387 INDING ARBITRATION: Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding BLENDIS LM: See COLPINTO RF arbitration (NF) 1342 BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Are routine measurements of serum chloride Manitoba physicians opt for binding arbitration (NF) 836 and total carbon dioxide levels worth doing? (L) (Nanji and The strike against the strike (V) (BHrubd) 965 others) 901 INGO: See RECREATION BLOOD COAGULATION FACTORS, CONCENTRATED: Coagulation factor therapy OETHICS: The ethics of biomedicine (L) (Oreopoulos) 1142; for hemophilia: relation to hepatitis B and to liver function (L) (Roy) 1142 (OA) (Card and others) 34 Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing (NF) 64 BLOOD GLUCOSE: A method for maintaining normoglycemia during labour OGRAPHY: Bagshaw, Elizabeth: Remarkable woman doctor dies at and delivery in insulin-dependent diabetic women (OA) 100 (NF) 287 (Haigh and others) 487 Barry, James: Dr. James Barry: military man -- or woman? BLOOD GROUP INCOMPATIBILITY: Bone marrow transplantation for (NF) 854 leukemia and aplastic anemia: management of ABO incompatibility Basmajian, John V. (P) 1326 (OA) (Curtis and others) 649 Beazley, Gary (P) 849 BLOOD PLATELET DISORDERS: Sodium valproate and thrombocytopenia Besley, Keith (P) 83 (L) (Hoffman) 358; (L) (Morris) 359 Black, Elinor (Obit) 869 BLOOD PRESSURE: Diagnosis and treatment of low blood pressure in Boyd, Sir William: Sir William Boyd: a legacy in print a Canadian community (OA) (Shapiro and others) 918 (NF) 421 Low blood pressure: an extinct diagnosis (E) (Shapiro) 887 Campbell, Norman (P) 310 BODY WEIGHT: The sense and nonsense of best-selling diet books Chalmers, G. Everett (P) 1461 (NF) 696 New Brunswick MD honoured as distinguished citizen (NF) BOISVERT D: See CHOUINARD G 680 BOIVIN Y: See LAMBERT B Clarfield, Avram Mark: Montreal family physician awarded BOLLAND PG: Abortion before "individuation" (L) 231; Comment on: 1982 Osler Scholarship (NF) 288 See ROY DJ Conner, William Tristram (P) 980 BONE MARROW: Bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and aplastic Dickson, Robert Clark (P) 1096 anemia: management of ABO incompatibility (OA) (Curtis and Halifax centre dedicated to Nova Scotia MD (NF) 686 others) 649 Earn, Abe (P) 1096 BONENFANT, JEAN-LOUIS: Three MDs honoured with membership in Fraser, Graham C. (P) 83 Order of Canada (NF) 1204 Gelfand, Erwin W. (P) 548 BOOK REVIEWS: See paqe 27 of Index Genest, Jacques (P) 1216 BOOKS: AMA publishes medical books for the public (NF) 1085 Gerstein, William (P) 980 The iatrectomists (PP) (Woods) 743 Gillespie, John (Obit) 205 BOOTH BH: See FISCHER RG Grant, James Frederic: James Grant: ship's surgeon on the BOULOS JB: See DePASS EE ill-fated Empress of Ireland (NF) 318 BOURASSA MG: See DANCHIN N Gray, Patricia Ainslie (P) 980 BOURGOUIN P: See GAGNON RF Hall, John V.G. (P) 980 BOUTHILLIER D: See DAVIGNON J Herr, Francis (P) 1326 .BOWMER IM: See CHANDRA L Krause, Robin: Dr. Robin Krause assumes presidency of CFPC BOWMER MI, LEGGAT I and BARROWMAN JA: Disseminated gonococcal (NF) 1454 infection (BR) 1188 Leach, Wilson G. (P) 711 BOYD JJ: Circumcision 1278 LeClair, J. Maurice: Montreal (L) physician assumes presidency BOYD, SIR WILLIAM: Sir William Boyd: a legacy in print (NF) 421 of CN railways (NF) 963 BRACES, HEAD AND NECK: Modified head-neck support for basilar LeMesuier, Arthur B. (Obit) 1353 invagination with brain-stem compression (BR) (Hunt and Limongelli, Fulvio (P) 980 others) 947 MacCharles, Malcolm Rutherford (P) 978 BRADWEJN J: See CHOUINARD G McCulloch, Tom A. (P) 1096 BRAIN DAMAGE: Prognosis after cardiac arrest based on age and Mcllroy, William J. (P) 711 duration of coma (OA) (Tweed) 1058 Marshal, Brian McQuillan (Obit) 432 Modified head-neck support for basilar invagination with Matthews, Ross Munro (Obit) 1228 brain-stem compression (BR) (Hunt and others) 947 Mitton, Deborah Mackay (P) 711 BRAUDE AC, CHAMBERLAIN DW and REBUCK AS: Proportional analysis Moore, Percy (P) 416 of respiratory cells obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage Mull, John D. (P) 548 (OA) 1401 Murphy, David A. (P) 548 BRAUDE AC: See REBUCK AS O'Brien, Joseph: Alberta MD named Family Physician of the BREAST-FEEDING: Year (NF) 1431 Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba (OA) (Committee on Breast-Feeding, Manitoba Pediatric Society) Parsons, William (P) 711 639 Psutka, Dennis A. (P) 548 Prevalence and duration of breast-feeding in Manitoba (OA) Rae Grant, Naomi I. (P) 849 (Clark and others) 1173 Rasmussen, Theodore Brown (P) 202 Untoward effects of weaning (E) (Gerrard) 1133 Richer, C1ement (P) 849 BREAST NEOPLASMS: Intractable pain with breast cancer (OA) Roberts, Harry Duncan (P) 710 (Watson and others) 263 Segall, Harold: Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiologist Benign breast disease (L) (Frei) 232; (L) (Hislop and reminisces (NF) 1109 others) 1266 Simon, Louis Michael (P) 310 BRENNAN M: Activation of latent tuberculosis by nonsteroidal Sistek, Vladimer (P) 310 anti-inflammatory agents (C) 122: 400; Comment on: See Sutton, John R. (P) 83 21 Tanser, Paul H. (P) 1326 BRIEF REPORTS: Acute intoxication with lindane (gamma benzene Wellcome, Henry S.: The Wellcome library: reflection of an hexachloride) (Telch and Jarvis) 662 insatiable collector (NF) 712 Acute manganese intoxication and pancreatitis in a patient Wilson, D. Laurence: Former CMA president to be dean of treated with a contaminated dialysate (Taylor and Price) medicine at Queen's University (NF) 1325 503 OPHARMACEUTICS: Clinical trials launched for biosynthetic Band keratopathy in hypercalcemia of myeloma (Wilson, insulin (NF) 1323 Alexander and Chisholm) 1314 OPSY: Benign breast disease (L) (Frie) 232; (L) (Hislop Campylobacter infection a of and others) 1266 mimicking relapse ulcerative Endomyocardial colitis (Chandra, Barrowman, Kutty, Bowmer and Fardy) 389 biopsy: its history, techniques and current Colonic adenocarcinoma: a late indications (RA) (Melvin and others) 1381 complication of IOSYNTHETIC HUMAN INSULIN: See ureterosigmoidostomy (McFadden and Himal) 827 BIOPHARMACEUTICS Creation of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt with a IOTECHNOLOGY: Huge federal grant for gene studies at Connaught Gruntzig balloon catheter (Colapinto, Stronell, Birch, Labs (NF) 1084 Langer, Blendis, Greig and Gilas) 267

" Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 3 Cytomegalovirus in the semen (Embil, Manuel, Garner and BRUN D: See GAGNE C Coveney) 391 BRUNTON JL: See WENMAN WM Diagnosis and treatment of postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis BUCHANAN AG: See SEKI LH (Fong and Salmon) 661 BUCKINGHAM IP and KUEHN LA: Diagnosing and treating hypothermia Diazepam withdrawal seizures (Robinson and Sellers) 944 1276 Disseminated gonococcal infection (Bowmer, Leggat and BUCKLE A BABY YEAR: Ontario hospital launches "BABY" (NF) 963 Barrowman) 1188 BUCKLEY, WILLIAM F., JR.: A conversation with William F. Buckley Encephalitis during the prodromal stage of acute hepatitis A (NF) 179 (Hammond, MacDougall, Plummer and Sekla) 269 BUDGETS: See FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Epidural use of morphine in managing the pain of carneous BURNSTEIN ME: The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) 1149 degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma during pregnancy BUSTAMANTE JO, WATANABE T, MURPHY DA and McDONALD TF: Isolation (Treissman, Bate and Randall) 505 single atrial and ventricular cells from the human heart (I Gastroduodenal artery aneurysm associated with chronic 791 relapsing pancreatitis (Mercer and Ghent) 1065 Haemophilus influenzae pyosalpingitis (DePass, Fardy, Boulos and Abear) 1417 C Heartburn and globus in apparently healthy people (Thompson and Heaton) 46 CAIR: See CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF INTERNS AND RESIDENTS Herpes simplex encephalitis: poor outcome despite adenine CARAL: See CANADIAN ABORTION RIGHTS ACTION LEAGUE arabinoside therapy (Wenman, Brunton, Lank and Ronald) 819 CCHA: See CANADIAN COUNCIL ON HOSPITAL ACCREDITATION Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita associated with adenocarcinoma CFPC: See COLLEGE OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS OF CANADA of the lung (Knowling, Meakin, Hradsky and Pringle) 1308 CFS: See CANADA FITNESS SURVEY Hypopituitarism in a patient with idiopathic hypoparathyroidism CPR: See RESUSCITATION (Salti, Mouradian, Amiri and Khalil) 942 CPRC: See RESUSCITATION Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone: correction of CAMPBELL DJ: See NANJI AA hyponatremia by expansion of intravascular fluid volume CAMPBELL, NORMAN: Profiles 310 (Bear, Drummond and Halperin) 275 CAMPBELL RW: See BLAIS P Influence of trivalent influenza vaccine on serum theophylline CAMPYLOBACTER INFECTIONS: Campylobacter infection mimicking a re levels (Fischer, Booth, Mitchell and Kibbe) 1312 of ulcerative colitis (BR) (Chandra and others) 389 Interaction of cimetidine and theophylline in two infants (Fenje, Outbreak of Campylobacter enteritis due to consumption of ra% Isles, Baltodano, MacLeod and Soldin) 1178 (BR) (McNaughton and others) 657 Is conization appropriate treatment for cervical cancer in situ? CANADA FITNESS SURVEY: Benefits of a fitness survey (E) (Steph (Lambert, Rousseau, Bielmann, Lamoureux and Boivin) 1176 587 Lack of accentuation by the Valsalva maneuver of the murmur of CANADIAN ABORTION RIGHTS ACTION LEAGUE: Abortion (L) (Watters an, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: importance of others) 465 monitoring the pulse (LeJemtel, Ribner, Strom, Jordan and CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF INTERNES AND RESIDENTS: Federal-provincii Sonnenblick) 48 fiscal arrangements: interns' and residents' views (E) 1- Malaria acquired by accidental inoculation (Varma) 1419 The issue is quality (E) (Perkin) 757 Metastase endobronchique 20 ans apres la resection d'un CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF MEDICAL DEVICES: How wi hypern6phrome (Echave, Caro, Tosi-Kruse, Melancon et Dobell) set our priorities for medical technology? (NF) 1431 1073 CANADIAN CARDIOVASCULAR SOCIETY: Dr. Harold Segal: a pioneer Modified head-neck suppotrt for basilar invagination with cardiologist reminisces (NF) 1109 brain-stem compression (Hunt and Dekaban) 947 CANADIAN COUNCIL ON HOSPITAL ACCREDITATION: CCHA redefines guide Neuropsychiatric disturbance due to occult occlusion of the portal to surveyors on itinerant surgery (NF) 404 vein (Yik, Sullivan and Troster) 50 CMA must prove Canadian health care is underfunded (NF) 77 Outbreak of Campylobacter enteritis due to consumption of raw milk Limongelli, Fulvio (P) 980 (McNaughton, Leyland and Mueller) 657 CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION: Acceptance of new criteria for Outpatient treatment of pilonidal disease (Meban and Hunter) 941 diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and related conditions by thE Perforation of Meckel's diverticulum by an alkaline hearing aid Canadian Diabetes Association (RA) (Ad Hoc Committee on battery (Willis and Ho) 497 Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Pericarditis and impending rupture of aneurysms of the ascending Scientific Section, Canadian Diabetes Association) 473 aorta (Morris) 1190 Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) (Rodger) 453 Positive pressure ventilation as a mechanism of reduction of left CANADIAN HEART FOUNDATION: Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiol' ventricular afterload (Guyatt) 1310 reminisces (NF) 1109 Postoperative toxic shock syndrome in a man (Portnoy, Hinchey, CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF LAW AND MEDICINE: The age of consent (L) Marcus-Jones and Richards) 815 (Emson) 1147 Prenatal prediction of o<-thalassemia phenotype by endonuclease CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Abortion (L) (Wilson) 21 mapping of parental DNA (Steinbrecher, Wai Kan and de Leeuw) 156 Un appel aux membres de 1 'AMC. An appeal to CMA members (PP Prostaglandin E1 therapy for digital ulcers in scleroderma (Baron, (Richard) 1131 Skrinskas, Urowitz and Madras) 42 CMA president warns EPF committee against cutbacks (NF) 108 Pulmonary blastomycosis diagnosed by cytologic examination of Dear Mr. MacEachen...CMA responds to budget measures (NF) C sputum (Robertson, Kimball and Magtibay) 387 Federal government proposing state medicine? (NF) 961 Results of renal transplantation in a small centre (Ludwin, Manpower questionnaire is urgent business (NF) 684 Morales, Salerno, Cohanim, Singer and Morrin) 1420 Ophthalmologists and optometrists (PP) (Woods) 221 Reversible azathioprine-induced erythrocyte aplasia in a renal Secretary General 65; 134; 226; 425 transplant recipient (Hogge, Wilson, Shumak and Cattran) 512 Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on healt Smoking habits of Winnipeg school students, 1960-80 (Morison) rationing (NF) 1432A 153 Affiliate Societies: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 81 Sporotrichosis due to contact with contaminated sphagnum moss Alta. Div.: Alberta will try "liaison committee" in future f (Adam, Dion and Reilly) 1071 negotations (NF) 1218 Staphylococcal malignant external otitis (Bayardelle, Negotiations fail: Alberta MDs try direct billing (NF) 17 Jolivet-Granger and Larochelle) 155 Annual Meeting, 115th, Saskatoon, Sept 19-24, 1982: Announce Tardive dyskinesia in a nonpsychiatric patient due to short-term 535 use of a neuroleptic/anticholinergic combination drug (Chouinard, CMA announces annual meeting scientific program (NF) 405 Boisvert and Bradwejn) 821 Registration 713; 969; 1099 Thrombocytopenia with absent radii (Leclerc and Toth) 506 Board of Directors: The board in brief (NF) 78 Transcatheter embolization in the management of intractable uremic CMA must prove Canadian health care is underfunded (NF) 77 epistaxis (Gagnon, Ballermann, Bourgouin, Herba and Kaye) 158 CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 79 Treatment of psoriasis with the Ingram anthralin paste regimen Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board (Ross and Guptill) 496 (NF) 1206 BRISTOW G: See FRIESEN RM Committee on Allied Health: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 BRITISH COLUMBIA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: Staff cuts and bed closures Committee on Archives: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 imminent in BC hospitals (NF) 1324 Committee on Bylaws: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 BRITISH SOCIETY OF IMMUNOLOGY: Money sought to purchase Jenner's house Committee on Ethics: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 (NF) 523 Committee on Finance: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 BRITTON L and RUBEN FL: Serum theophylline levels after influenza Committee on Publications: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 vaccination (L) 1375 Council on Economics: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 79 BRONCHIAL NEOPLASMS: Metastase endobronchique 20 ans apres la Economics council sponsors national allocations conference resection d'un hypernephrome (BR) (Echave et autres) 1073 (NF) 684 BRONCHODILATOR AGENTS: Control of asthma (TR) (Dolovich and others) Council on Health Care: Canadian Trauma Foundation (L) 613 (Ghent) 120 BRONCHOSCOPY: Bronchoalveolar lavage (E) (Rebuck and others) 1370 Proportional analysis of respiratory cells obtained by CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 79 bronchoalveolar lavage (OA) (Braude and others) 1401 Council on Medical Education: CMA develops proposals on sex BROOK-WILLIAMS P and HOOVER LH: Morphine suppositories for intractable education (NF) 836 pain (L) 14 CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 79 BROWN, MICHAEL S: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (NF) Divisions: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 426 General Council: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 79

4 Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 1 Man. Div.: Is a two-tier health care system really that bad? CERTIFICATE OF ILLNESS: How to write a certificate (L) (Copeman) (NF) 1323 1277 Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration (NF) 1342 CERTIFICATION: Family medicine certification (L) (Green) 604 W1A dues may be compulsory for Manitoba MDs (NF) 404 The issue is quality (E) (Perkin) 757 Manitoba physicians opt for binding arbitration (NF) 836 CERVIX NEOPLASMS: Is conization appropriate treatment for cervical MD Management Ltd.: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 79 cancer in situ? (BR) (Lambert and others) 1176 MD Management offers new programs for '82 (NF) 995 CHAIN-SAWS: See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Medal of Honour: CMA initiates Medal of Honour for non-physicians CHAITMAN BR: See DANCHIN N (NF) 684 "CHALK RIVER NUCLEAR LABORATORIES": Chalk River Nuclear N.S. Div.: Maintaining professionalism in a material age Laboratories (L) (Marko) 357 (NF) 847 CHALMERS A, SAYSON R and WALTERS K: Juvenile dermatomyositis: Ont. Div.: OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare medical, social and economic status in adulthood (OA) 31 (NF) 860 CHALMERS, G. EVERETT: New brunswick MD honoured as distinguished Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's report citizen (NF) 680 (NF) 967 Profiles 1461 Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on health CHAMBERLAIN DW: See BRAUDE AC care rationing (NF) 1432A See REBUCK AS Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement (NF) 1443 CHANDRA L, BARROWMAN JA, KUTTY KP, BOWMER IM and FARDY P: Past President: Former CMA president to be dean of medicine Campylobacter infection mimicking a relapse of ulcerative at Queen's University (NF) 1325 colitis (BR) 389 Roberts, Harry Duncan (P) 710 CHAPMAN KR, CARMICHAEL FJ and GOODE JE: Medical services for Publications: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 outdoor rock music festivals (OA) 935 Sask. Div.: Retiring SMA president urges concern about health CHARTER OF RIGHTS: Canada's new constitution: will it affect care funding (NF) 1462 medical practice? (NF) 1448 Senior Secretariat: CMA 1981-82 directory (NF) 80 CHAUDHARY RK, NICHOLLS ES and KENNEDY DA: Prevalence of hepatitis CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL: Advertising optometry (L) B markers in Indochinese refugees (OA) 125: 1243; Comment (Gagnon) 115 on: See WHITE F and MATHIAS R CMAJ announces appointment of scientific editor (NF) 1203 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: Do MDs recognize threat of environment? (NF) CMA must prove Canadian health care is underfunded (NF) 77 320 Cover: Out in the cold: frostbite and hypothermia (NF) 1089 CHEMONUCLEOLYSIS: Chemonucleolysis (L) (Adams and others) 232; Information for contributors of manuscripts 53 (L) (McCulloch) 119 Letters to the editor: variety and brevity (PP) (Woods) 1367 CHEMOTHERAPY: See DRUG THERAPY Mail chauvinism reversed. (PP) (Woods) 7 CHEUNG OT: See GOLDSTEIN RS Radiologic art featured on CMAJ cover (NF) 525 CHEUNG, WAI YIU: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers Subscription rates 53 (NF) 426 CANADIAN MEDICAL DIRECTORY: The Canadian Medical Directory (E) CHILD: Acute intoxication with lindane (gamma benzene hexachloride) (Sherrington) 11 (BR) (Telch and others) 662 CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY, FETUS AND NEWBORN COMMITTEE: Benefits Determining the site of urinary tract infections in children and risks of circumcision: another view (P1) 1399 (L) (Bailey) 1033 CANADIAN PHYSICIANS FOR LIFE: Abortion (L) (Newman) 594; (L) Serum sickness with cefaclor (L) (Lovell and others) 1032 (Watters and others) 465 TV program "Dallas" errs on child restraint device (NF) CANADIAN RENAL FAILURE REGISTRY: National results of kidney 287 treatment to be analyzed (NF) 679 CHILD BEHAVIOR: Battered parent syndrome (L) (Lewin) 593 CANADIAN TRAUMA FOUNDATION: Canadian Trauma Foundation (L) CHILD CARE: Use of automobile seat restraints by children in (Ghent) 120 two Canadian cities (OA) (Verreault and others) 1163 Canadian Trauma Foundation adopts charter (NF) 702 CHILD HEALTH SERVICES: Morbidity in Canadian Indian and CANCER: See NEOPLASMS non-Indian children in the first year of life (OA) CANDIDOSIS: Diagnosis of systemic or visceral candidosis (RA) (Evers and others) 249 (Kozinn and others) 1386 CHISHOLM IA: See WILSON KS CANKER SORE: See STOMATITIS, APHTHOUS CHLORIDES: Are routine measurements of serum chloride and total CAPE RD: Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy (NF) 203 carbon dioxide levels worth doing? (L) (Nanji and others) CARBON DIOXIDE: Are routine measurements of serum chloride and 901 total carbon dioxide levels worth doing? (L) (Nanji and CHOLANGIOPANCREATOGRAPHY, ENDOSCOPIC, RETROGRADE: Retrograde others) 901 cholangiography (L) (Hershfield) 359 CARBON DIOXIDE LASERS: Laser surgery: using the carbon dioxide CHOLECYSTECTOMY: Retrograde cholangiography (L) (Connon) 359; laser (RA) (Wright) 1035 (L) (Hershfield) 359 CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING: "Bingo brain" (L) (Watson) 1266 CHOO-FOO GF: Generic names (L) 1147 ARCINOMA, BASAL CELL: The many faces of basal cell carcinoma CHOUINARD G, BOISVERT D and BRADWEJN J: Tardive dyskinesia in a (FP) (Jackson) 1157 nonpsychiatric patient due to short-term use of a CARD RT, DUSEVIC M and LUKIE BE: Coagulation factor therapy for neuroleptic/anticholinergic combination drug (BR) 821 hemophilia: relation to hepatitis B and to liver function CHOUINARD JL: Task force on provision of primary care services (OA) 34 (L) 1142 CARDIAC ARREST: See HEART ARREST CHOVIL AC, McCRACKEN WJ, DOWD EC, STEWART C, BURTON DF and DYER DW: CARDIAC OUTPUT: Positive pressure ventilation as a mechanism of Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (OA) 125: 1237; reduction of left ventricular afterload (BR) (Guyatt) Comment on: See CONNOLLY JG; HEINISCH G 1310 CHRIST LWAC: See ROBERTSON D Utilite de l'epreuve d'effort sur tapis roulant peu apres CHURCHILL DN: See FINE A un infarctus du myocarde (OA) (LeBlanc et autres) 1300 CHYMOPAPAIN: See PEPTIDE PEPTIDOHUDROLASE ARDIOLOGY: Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiologist reminisces CIGARETTES: See TOBACCO (NF) 1109 CIMETIDINE: See GUANIDINES Lack of accentuation by the Valsalva maneuver of the murmur CIRCUMCISION: Benefits and risks of circumcision: another view of idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: importance (P1) (Canadian Paediatric Soceity, Fetus and Newborn of monitoring the pulse (BR) (LeJemtel and others) 48 Committee) 1399 CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION: See RESUSCITATION Circumcision (L) (Boyd) 1278; (L) (Deacon) 360; (L) CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE: See HEART DISEASE (Dickie) 901; (L) (Genesove) 467; (L) (Green) 466; CARMICHAEL FJ: See CHAPMAN KR (L) (Haworth) 1278; (L) (Laing) 467; (L) (Morgan) 603; ARO J: See ECHAVE V (L) (Prucha) 603; (L) (Skipper) 1278; (L) (Strashin) CARPENTER P: How to apply for medical position in Third World 466; (L) (Sze) 467; (L) (Tummon) 466; (L) (Verma) 466; (NF) 124: 1088; Comment on: See DEVADASON C (L) (Warner and others) 360; (L) (Warner and others 603 CARSON J: See POSTLE BD Circumcision: the unkindest cut of all? (L) (McKim) 231; ASEY MT: Abortion (L) 1032 (L) (McSherry) 231 CASHMAN FE and SHEPPARD R: Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause CIRCUMPOLAR HEALTH: See COLD CLIMATE of psychosis (L) 118 CIVIL AVIATION MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Hall, John V.G. (P) 980 CATAPLEXY: Post-traumatic cataplexy (L) (Sadowski) 1150 CLARFIELD, AVRAM MARK: Montreal family physician awarded 1982 Osler ATHARTICS: The uses and abuses of laxatives (TR) (MacCara) Scholarship (NF) 288 780 Scottish geriatricians have learned to plan (NF) 125: 1178; CATHETERIZATION: Creation of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt Comment on: See WILLIAMSON J; FISHER RH; replies 770 with a Gruntzig balloon catheter (BR) (Colapinto and others) CLARK LL and BEAL VA: Prevalence and duration of breast-feeding 267 in Manitoba (OA) 1173 Ureteral "kinking" following colposuspension (L) (Watt) 360 CLASSIFICATION: Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis of diabetes ATTRAN DC: See HOGGE DE mellitus and related conditions by the Canadian Diabetes EFACLOR: See CEPHALEXIN Association (RA) (Ad Hoc Committee on Diagnostic Criteria for 'ELL: Isolation of single atrial and ventricular cells from the Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Scientific Section, Canadian human heart (OA) (Bustamante and others) 791 Diabetes Assocation) 473 CENTRE FOR BIOETHICS: Abortion before "individuation" (L) Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) (Rodger) 453 (Bollard) 231 CLAYTON AJ, PEACOCKE JE and EWAN PE: Toxic shock syndrome in CEPHALEXIN: Serum sickness with cefaclor (L) (Lovell and others) Canada (RA) 776 1032 ran Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 5 CLERMONT R: See VIENS P Predictive value of the ear-crease sign in coronary artery CLINICAL TRIALS: Clinical trials on trial: disease (OA) (Pasternac and others) 645 II. Improving nonrandomized trials (E) (Morgan) 588 COSTS AND COST ANALYSIS: Deductable insurance could rationalize III. Should statistics give the final verdict? (E) (Morgan) medicare (NF) 550 1369 Pediatrics group to study MD payment plans (NF) 1084 Tribulations of a clinical trial (L) (McAlister) 1033 Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of economic CLOMIPHENE: Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of psychosis (L) restraints on life-support treatments (E) (Oreopoulos) (Cashman and others) 118 745 CN RAILWAYS: See RAILROADS COUNSELING: Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for COHANIM M: See LUDWIN D cigarette smokers in a family practice (FP) (Wilson and COHEN M: See WATTERS WW others) 127 COLAPINTO RF, STRONELL RD, BIRCH SJ, LANGER B, BLENDIS LM, GREIG PD COUREY NL: Anesthesiology (L) 21 and GILAS T: Creation of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt COVENEY L: See EMBIL JA with a Gruntzig balloon catheter (BR) 267 COXIELLA: Q fever in Maritime Canada (OA) (Marrie and others) COLD: Diagnosing and treating hypothermia (L) (Buckingham and 1295 others) 1276 CRAIG GA: See GOLDSTEIN RS COLD CLIMATE: Circumpolar health (E) (Martin) 339 CRICHTON EP: Legionellosis in British Columbia (L) 1373 Nutrition in the North (MN) 341 CROCKER JFS: Commentary: Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin? (TR) COLLEGE OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS OF CANADA: Alberta MD named Family 611; Comment on: See NGUYEN K Physician of the Year (NF) 1431 See ROZEE KR Dr. Robin Krause assumes presidency of CFPC (NF) 1454 CROSS INFECTION: Nosocomial transmission of listeriosis? (L) Family medicine certification (L) (Green) 604 (King and others) 1374 The issue is quality (E) (Perkin) 757 CRYOTHERAPY: Recurrent herpes simplex (L) (Adam) 894 Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin (NF) CUBER'S THUMB: Cuber's thumb (L) (Thompson) 773 1452 CULPAN S: Continuing medical education in Maritime Canada (L) Training for family practice (L) (McGregor) 16; (L) 227 (Morrissy) 16 CUMMING GR: Working status after aortocoronary bypass surgery COLLYER JA: Prescribing tranquilizers (L) 1033 (L) 1153 COLONIC NEOPLASMS: Colonic adenocarcinoma: a late complication CURRY L and PUTNAM RW: Continuing medical education in Maritime of ureterosigmoidostomy (BR) (McFadden and others) 827 Canada: methods physicians use, would prefer and find most COLPOSUSPENSION: Ureteral "kinking" following colposuspension effective (OA) 124: 563; Comment on: See CULPAN S; (L) (Watt) 360 replies 227 COMA: Prognosis after cardiac arrest based on age and duration CURTIS JE and MESSNER HA: Bone marrow transplantation for leukemia of coma (OA) (Tweed and others) 1058 and aplastic anemia: management of ABO incompatibility (OA) COMMITMENT OF MENTALLY ILL: See FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY 649 COMMITTEE ON BREAST-FEEDING, MANITOBA PEDIATRIC SOCIETY: CYANOACRYLATES: Cyanoacrylates in medicine (L) (Blais and others) Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba (OA) 639 227 COMMUNICATION: Good English is good medicine (L) (Eaton) 230; CYCLOSPORINS: Cyclosporin A: a powerful immunosuppressant (TR) (L) (Hoaken) 230; (L) (Mailer) 120 (Laupacis and others) 1041 The hospice movement: a human approach to palliative care CYTOMEGALOVIRUSES: Cytomegalovirus in the semen (BR) (Embil and (NF) (Skelton) 556 others) 391 Ten words to give up in 1982 (L) (Eibel) 900; (L) (Lane) 1153; (L) (Morgan) 1153 COLE MG, REICHENFELD HF and ROY JR: Psychiatrist's role in care of elderly (E) 124: 957; Comment on: See HONTELA S; D replies 604 COLITIS, ULCERATIVE: Campylobacter infection mimicking a relapse "DALLAS": TV program "Dallas" errs on child restraint device (NF) of ulcerative colitis (BR) (Chandra and others) 389 387 COLLAGENOLYTIC AGENTS: Isolation of single atrial and ventricular D'AMOURS D: See LeBLANC P cells from the human heart (OA) (Bustamante and others) DAN BB and SHANDS KN: Toxic shock syndrome: coming full circle (E) 791 751 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding DANBY FW: Reducing government spending (L) 231 arbitration (NF) 1342 DANCHIN N, DAVID P, BOURASSA MG, ROBERT P and CHAITMAN BR: Factors Negotiations fail: Alberta MDs try direct billing (NF) 173 predicting working status after aortocoronary bypass surgery COMMUNITY ACTION: See CONSUMER PARTICIPATION (OA) 255; Comment on: See CUMMING GR COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE: See COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR: Battered parent syndrome (L) (Lewin) 593 COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES: Community development: an approach to DARWISH H: Surgically correctable sleep apnea (L) 118 health care for Indians (E) (Bain) 223 DAVID, PAUL: Three MDs honoured with membership in Order of The soft health path: a healthier future for physicians? Canada (NF) 1204 (E) (Hancock) 1019 DAVID P: See DANCHIN N COMPOSERS: Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity DAVIDSON DA: "No resuscitation" orders (L) 768 (NF) 534 DAVIES JW, ACRES SE and VARUGHESE PV: Canada needs a compulsory COMPRESSION-SCLEROTHERAPY: Compression-sclerotherapy for varicose measles vaccination program (E) 107 veins: a Canadian study (OA) (Douglas and others) 923 Experience with measles in Canada and the United States (RA) COMPUTERS: Computers in medicine: a publishing dilemma (L) 123 (Shires) 1265 DAVIES JW: See NICHOLLS ES Microcomputers in medicine (L) (Piasecki) 1265 DAVIGNON J and BOUTHILLIER D: Probucol and familial CONCENTRATED COAGULATION FACTORS: See BLOOD COAGULATION FACTORS hypercholesterolemia (L) 1024 CONGENITAL DEFECTS: See ABNORMALITIES DAVIS AJ: Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure in CONIZATION: Is conization appropriate treatment for cervical family medicine (L) 124: 684; Comment on: See cancer in situ? (BR) (Lambert and others) 1176 McWHINNEY IR CONNAUGHT RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Huge federal grant for gene studies DAVIS JW, DAVIS RF and HASSANEIN KM: In healthy habitual smokers at Connaught Labs (NF) 1084 acetylsalicylic acid abolishes the effects of tobacco on the CONNER, WILLIAM TRISTRAM: Profiles 980 platelet aggregate ratio (OA) 637 CONNOLLY JG: Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) DAVIS RF: See DAVIS JW 1025 DAWSON D and SHELDON H: Case of an anemic man with chest and CONNON JJ: Retrograde cholangiography (L) 359 abdominal pain (DC) 145 CONSTIPATION: Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy (NF) 203 DAY CARE: See OUTPATIENT CLINICS, HOSPITAL A home remedy for constipation (MN) 782 DEACON JE: Circumcision (L) 360 The uses and abuses of laxatives (TR) (MacCara) 780 DEATH: "No resuscitation" orders (L) (Evans) 769 CONSUMER PARTICIPATION: The soft health path: a healthier future DEATH RATE: See MORTALITY for physicians? (E) (Hancock) 1019 DECISION MAKING: Managing uncertainty in family practice (FP) CONTRACEPTIVES, ORAL: Liver lesions and oral contraceptives (L) (Biehn) 915 (Freedman) 1149 DECLARATION OF VANCOUVER: Declaration of Vancouver updated (E) Oral contraceptives: effects of folate and vitamin B12 (Sherrington) 888 metabolism (RA) (Shojania) 244 DEFENSIVE MEDICINE: See MALPRACTICE CONTRERAS M: See GOLDSTEIN RS DE GUIRE L: See THERIAULT G CONVERSION DISORDER: Heartburn and globus in apparently healthy DEHEJIA H: Scientifically trained allergists (L) 1149 people (BR) (Thompson and others) 46 DEITEL M: See WONG KH COPEMAN WJ: How to write a certificate CL) 1277 DEKABAN AS: See HUNT TE CORONARY DISEASE: Cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada (L) DELAGE G: Bacteremia caused by viridans streptococci (L) 1152 (Marris) 1142 de LEEUW NKM: See STEINBRECHER UP Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? (E) DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE: An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 (Tweed) 102 CMA must prove Canadian health care is underfunded (NF) Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease (L) (Muckle) 77 1373

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 12i Community development: an approach to health care for Indians DICKIE GL: Circumcision (L) 901 (E) (Bain) 223 DICKSON, ROBERT CLARKE: Halifax centre dedicated to Nova Scotia MD Geriatric assessment unit in a teaching hospital (OA) (NF) 686 (Robertson and others) 1060 Proffles 1096 Geriatric medicine (L) (Clarfield) 770; (L) (Fisher) DIET FADS: The sense and nonsense of the best-selling diet books (NF) 769; (L) (Williamson) 769 696 The hospice movement: a human approach to palliative care DIGITAL ULCERS: See FINGER INJURIES (NF) 556 DIGOUT S: See ROZEE KR Is a two-tier health care system really that bad? (NF) 1323 DION WM: See ADAM JE Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the '80s DIRECT BILLING: See FEES AND CHARGES (NF) 1331 DIRECTORIES: The Canadian Medical Directory (E) (Sherrington) 11 Medicare is financially sick (NF) 838 Directory of cancer support services in Ontario (L) (Godden) Model geriatric unit planned for Ontario hospital (NF) 174 1265 Quebec physicians force Johnson to amend Bill 27 (NF) 285 DISABILITY EVALUATION: Factors predicting working status after Quebec physicians say government has taken over (NF) 972 aortocoronary bypass surgery (OA) (Danchin and others) 255 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians (NF) Work status after aortocoronary bypass surgery (L) (Cumming) 61 1153 Quebec's draconian moves endanger profession's liberty (V) "THE DISEASES OF CIVILISATION": The iatrectomists (PP) (Woods) 743 175 DISEASE VECTORS: Rabies control and management (OA) (Nicholls and Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on health others) 1286 care rationing (NF) 1432A DISEASES: Recurrent herpes simplex (L) (Adam) 894 Toronto lawyer says medical egalitarianism here to stay (NF) Recurrent infectious mononucleosis (L) (McSherry) 899 1203 DISSEMINATED GONOCOCCAL INFECTION: Disseminated gonococcal infection Un appel aux membres de 1 'AMC. An appeal to CMA members (PP) (BR) (Bowmer and others) 1188 (Richard) 1131 DNA, RECOMBINANT: Huge federal grant for gene studies at Connaught eMANUELE F: See FISHER RH Labs (NF) 1084 EMENTIA: The psychiatrist's role in the care of the elderly (L) DNA RESTRICTION ENZYMES: Prenatal prediction of,,'-thalassemia (Cole) 605; (L) (Hontela) 604 phenotype by endonuclease mapping of parental DNA (BR) EONARINE L, WEINERMAN BH, MacDOUGALL BK and KEMEL S: Non-Hodgkin's (Steinbrecher and others) 156 lymphoma in Manitoba, 1968-77: the impact of chemotherapy DOBELL J: See ECHAVE V (OA) 807 DOLOVICH J, HARGREAVE FE, WILSON WM, GREENBAUM J, POWLES ACP and EPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE: Inside the Department of NEWHOUSE MT: Control of asthma (TR) 613 National Health and Welfare (NF) 1089 DOLOVICH J, KWEE YN and GREENBAUM J: Reactions to mosquito and ePASS EE, FARDY PW, BOULOS BJ and ABEAR EM: Haemophilus influenzae blackfly bites (L) 1147 pyosal pi ngi tis (BR) 1417 DORKEN E: See ENARSON DA EPRESSION: Symposium presents medical approaches to depression (NF) DOUGLAS KM, FISHER G and REELEDER D: Compression-sclerotherapy for 1235 varicose veins: a Canadian study (OA) 923 ERMATITIS: Disseminated gonococcal infection (BR) (Bowmer and DOUGLAS, TOMMY: Dr. Marc Baltzan and Tommy Douglas debate medicare others) 1188 (NF) 290 ERMATOLOGY: Ontario will promote dermatology research (NF) 1085 DRUCKER DJ: See ROSEN CF The many faces of basal cell carcinoma (FP) (Jackson) 1157 DRUG ABUSE: See SUBSTANCE ABUSE ERMATOMYOSITIS, JUVENILE: Juvenile dermatomyositis: medical, social DRUG ADDICTION: See SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE and economic status in adulthood (OA) (Chalmers and others) DRUG ADMINISTRATION: See ADMINISTRATION, ORAL 31 DRUG HYPERSENSITIVITY: Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in EVADASON C: How to apply for a medical position in the Third World Canadian drugs (TR) (MacCara) 910 (L) 902 DRUG INDUSTRY: The pharmaceutical industry needs remedy for IABETES: Clinical trials launched for biosynthetic insulin (NF) MacEachenism (PP) (Woods) 337 1323 DRUG INTERACTIONS: Cimetidine potentiation of warfarin action (L) IABETES MELLITUS: Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis of (Kerley and others) 116 diabetes mellitus and related conditions by the Canadian Harmony with drugs and food (TR) (Tuttle) 1161 Diabetes Association (RA) (Ad hoc Committee on Diagnostic Influence of trivalent influenza vaccine on serum theophylline Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Scientific levels (BR) (Rischer and others) 1312 Section, Canadian Diabetes Association) 473 Interaction of cimetidine and theophylline in two infants (BR) Cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada (L) (Marris) 1142 (Fenje and others) 1178 Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) (Rodger) 453 Potentially lethal interaction of cimetidine and morphine (L) How multiple sclerosis is related to animal illness, stress and (Fine and others) 1032 diabetes (OA) (Warren and others) 377 DRUG LABELING: Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in Canadian A method for maintaining normoglycemia during labour and drugs (TR) (MacCara) 910 delivery in insulin-dependent diabetic women (OA) (Haigh DRUGS, NON-PRESCRIPTION: Acetaminophen: should it be as available as and others) 487 ASA? (NF) 707 Complications: Staphylococcal malignant external otitis (BR) DRUG OVERDOSE: See SUBSTANCE ABUSE (Bayardelle and others) 155 DRUG THERAPY: Changing treatment of tuberculosis (E) (Grzybowski and DIAGNOSIS: Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis of diabetes others) 457 mellitus and related conditions by the Canadian Diabetes Commentary: Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin? (TR) (Crocker) 611 Association (RA) (Ad Hoc Committee on Diagnostic Criteria Control of asthma (TR) (Dolovich and others) 613 for Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Scientific Section, Cyclopsporin A: a powerful immunosuppressant (TR) (Laupacis and Canadian Diabetes Association) 473 others) 1041 Accuracy of clinical diagnosis (L) (Karnauchow) 230; (L) Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia in nonpsychiatric (Thurlbeck) 230 patients (L) (Grimes) 468; (L) (Seeman) 468 Diagnosis and treatment of postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis Generic names (L) (Choo-Foo) 1147 (BR) (Fong and others) 661 Herpes simplex encephalitis: poor outcome despite adenine Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) (Rodger) 453 arabinoside therapy (BR) (Wenman and others) 819 Diagnosis of sytemic or visceral candidosis (RA) (Kozinn and Huntington's chorea (L) (Fisher and others) 605 others) 1386 Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (L) (Kubacki) 767 Endomyocardial biopsy: its history, techniques and current New drug for genital herpes soon available (NF) 1084 indications (RA) (Melvin and others) 1381 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Manitoba, 1968-77: the impact of Managing uncertainty in family practice (FP) (Biehn) 915 chemotherapy (OA) (Deonarine and others) 807 Natural history and management of chronic aortic valve disease Pancreatitis caused by nefenamic acid (L) (vanWalraven and (RA) (Morton) 477 others) 894 Pulmonary blastomycosis diagnosed by cytologic examination of Prescribing of tranquilizers (L) (Anderson) 900; (L) (Bass) sputum (BR) (Robertson and others) 387 900; (L) (Rapp) 899 Screening for tuberculosis: how much is too much? (E) Prescribing tranquilizers (L) (Collyer) 1033 (Mellor) 458 Propranol in psychiatric illness (L) (O'Regan) 606; (L) (Ray) What is the diagnosis? (MN) 628 606 DIAGNOSIS, LABORATORY: Errors with rubella diagnostic serology Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (L) (Hoffer) 1375 (L) (Weber) 901 Adverse effects: Adverse neurologic effects of metoclopramide (FP) Legionellosis in British Columbia (L) (Crichton) 1373 (Grimes and others) 23 DIAGNOSIS, ORAL: Halitosis (RA) (Attia and others) 1281 Reactions to acetylsalicylic acid (TR) (Aaron and others) 509 DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE: Case of an anemic man with chest and abdominal Reversible azathioprine-induced erythrocyte aplasia in a renal pain (Dawson and Sheldon) 145 transplant recipient (BR) (Hogge and others) 512 Recurrent infections, diarrhea, ascites and phonophobia in a Tardive dyskinesia in a nonpsychiatric patient due to short-term 57-year-old man (Aterman (ed), MacSween, Perry and Warner) 623 use of a neuroleptic/anticholineraic combination drug (BR) DIAGNOSTIC ERRORS: Errors with rubella diagnostic serology (L) (Chouinard and others) 821 (Weber) 901 DRUG THERAPY, COMBINATION: Treating epilepsy: one drug or several? DIALYSIS: Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of economic (E) (Young and others) 134 restraints on life-support treatments (E) (Oreopoulos) 745 DRUMMOND J: See BEAR RA DIAZEPAM: Diazepam withdrawal seizures (BR) (Robinson and others) DUBLIN: Convention cities: Dublin (NF) 864 944 DUDLEY DKL: See TUMMON IS

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 7 DUNCAN J: See KING HS Pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease: some facts and some DUNCAN P: See FRIESEN RM speculation (Strakosch and Wall) 10 DUNKLEY GC: Aluminum reduction and bladder cancer (L) 1026 Raw milk and health in humans (White and McCarthy) 1260 DURNIN RA: Saphenous thrombosis mimicking adductor tendinitis (L) Screening for tuberculosis: how much is too much? (Mellor) 458 232 Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of economic restraint DUSEVIC M: See CARD RT on life-support treatments (Oreopoulos) 745 DUST: "Labrador lung": an unusual mixed dust pneumoconiosis (OA) Smoking cessation: physician--make a stand (Baumgartner) 101 (Edstrom and others) 27 The soft health path: a healthier future for physicians? DWORKIND M: See BATES DG (Hancock) 1019 DYES: Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) (Connolly) Toxic shock syndrome: coming full circle (Dan and Shands) 751 1025 Treating epilepsy: one drug or several? (Young, Ashenhurst and Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in Canadian drugs (TR) Eder) 1134 (MacCara) 910 Untoward effects of weaning (Gerrard) 1133 DYSBARISM: Aeromedical transport: its hidden problems (RA) EDSTROM HW and RICE DMD: "Labrador lung": and unusual mixed dust (Parsons and others) 237 pneumoconiosis (OA) 27 DYSKINESIA, DRUG-INDUCED: Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive EDUCATION: New game for adolescents teaches parenting (NF) 837 dyskinesia in nonpsychiatric patients (L) (Grimes) 468 EDUCATION, MEDICAL: Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy (NF) 203 Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (L) (Hoffer) 1375 Career choices, work patterns and perceptions of undergraduate Tardive dyskinesia in a nonpsychiatric patient due to short-term education of McMaster medical graduates: comparison between men use of a neuroleptic/anticholinergic combination drug (BR) and women (OA) (Ferrier and others) 1411 (Chouinard and others) 821 CMA develops proposals on sex education (NF) 836 Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure in family medicine (L) (McWhinney) 115 E The issue is quality (E) (Perkin) 757 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians (NF) 61 EPF: See ESTABLISHED PROGRAMS FINANCING Task force on family practice training set to start work (NF) 52 EAR-CREASE SIGN: See EAR, EXTERNAL Task force on provision of primary care services (L) (Chouinard EAR, EXTERNAL: Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease (L) 1142 (Muckle) 1373 Training for family practice (L) (McGregor) 16; (L) (Morrissy 16 Predictive value of the ear-crease sign in coronary artery disease EDUCATION, MEDICAL, CONTINUING: Continuing medical education in (OA) (Pasternac and others) 645 Maritime Canada (L) (Culpan) 227; (L) (Curry and others) EARN, ABE: Profiles 1096 227 EATON RDP: Good English is good medicine (L) 230 EIBEL P: Ten words to give up in 1982 (L) 900 ECHAVE V, CARO J, TOSI-KRUSE A, MELANCON F et DOBELL J: Metastase ELDERLY: See AGED endobronchique 20 ans apres la resection d'un hypernephrome (BR) ELECTROMAGNETICS: False claims for magnetotherapy (L) (Orpin) 1375 1073 ELWOOD JM: See HISLOP TG ECONOMICS: Can anyone make a million? (NF) 1102 EMBIL JA, MANUEL FR, GARNER JB and COVENEY L: Cytomegalovirus in the A conversation with William F. Buckley, Jr. (NF) 179 semen (BR) 391 Dear Mr. MacEachen...CMA responds to budget measures (NF) 197 EMBOLIZATION, THERAPEUTIC: Transcatheter embolization in the The economy: an anthropologic view (PP) (Woods) 1015 management of intractable uremic epistaxis (BR) (Gagnon and Good long-term outlook for stock market (NF) 415 others) 158 The 1982 economic forecast calls for cautious investing (NF) 414 EMERGENCIES: Good Samaritan laws: questioning the need (L) How to handle a tax assessment (NF) 412 (Smialek) 14 Investing in Canadian art (NF) 988 EMERGENCY HEALTH SERVICES: Medical services for outdoor rock Retractable preferred shares: investment with a tax break (NF) music festivals (OA) (Chapman and others) 935 1098 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES: Physicians' medical kits to be ECONOMICS, HOSPITAL: CMA must prove Canadian health care is available on all Air Canada flights (NF) 962 underfunded (NF) 77 EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION: Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't Hospitals and private money (PP) (Woods) 451 practise in Canada (NF) 1213 Ontario government to allow hospitals private sector funding (NF) EMPLOYMENT: PMAC to encourage students' summer employment in 62 pharmaceutical industry (NF) 680 Staff cuts and bed closures imminent in BC hospitals (NF) 1324 EMPRESS OF IRELAND: James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated ECONOMICS, MEDICAL: Un appel aux membres de 1 'AMC. An appeal to CMA Empress of Ireland (NF) 318 members (PP) (Richard) 1131 EMSON HE: The age of consent (L) 1147 Deductable insurance could rationalize medicare (NF) 550 ENARSON DA, DORKEN E and GRZYBOWSKI S: Tuberculous pleurisy (OA) Federal government announces funding for medical research (NF) 493 173 ENCEPHALITIS: Encephalitis during the prodromal stage of acute Keeping your staff happy -- at little cost (NF) 1223 hepatitis A (BR) (Hammond and others) 269 Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the '80s Herpes simplex encephalitis: poor outcome despite adenine (NF) 1331 arabinoside therapy (BR) (Wenman and others) 819 Money management for a lifetime (NF) 1232 ENCEPHALOMYOCARDITIS VIRUSES: Is a compromised interferon response Negotiations fail: Alberta MDs try direct billing (NF) 173 an etiologic factor in Reye's syndrome? (OA) (Rosee and Ottawa's Blue Book: the true story on Medicare funding (PP) others) 798 (Geekie) 1255 ENDOTHELIAL CELL FUNCTION: Smooth muscle and endothelial cell Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding function in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (RA) (NF) 1462 (Gotlieb) 903 ECTOPIC HORMONE SYNDROME: See NEOPLASTIC ENDOCRINE-LIKE SYNDROME ENTERITIS: Campylobacter infection mimicking a relapse of EDELS M: See vanWALRAVEN AA ulcerative colitis (BR) (Chandra and others) 389 EDER S: See YOUNG GB Outbreak of Campylobacter enteritis due to consumption of EDITORIALS: Benefits of a fitness survey (Stephens) 587 raw milk (BR) (McNaughton and others) 657 Bronchoalveolar lavage (Rebuck, Braude and Chamberlain) 1370 ENTEROCOLITIS: Septicemia due to Yersinia enterocolitica (L) Canada needs a compulsory measles vaccination program (Davies, (Luengas and others) 772 Acres and Varughese) 107 ENTEROTOXINS: Toxic shock syndrome in Canada (RA) (Clayton and The Canadian Medical Directory (Sherrington) 11 others) 776 Changing treatment of tuberculosis (Grzybowski and Hershfield) ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE: "Labrador lung": an unusual mixed dust 457 pneumoconiosis (OA) (Edstrom and others) 27 Circumpolar health (Martin) 339 ENVIRONMENT POLLUTANTS: Do MDs recognize the treat of environment? Clinical trials on trial: (NF) 320 II. Improving nonrandomized trials (Morgan) 588 Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) (Robertson) 358 III. Should statistics give the final verdict? (Morgan) 1369 ENZYMATIC DISSOCIATION: See COLLAGENOLYTIC AGENTS Community development: an approach to health care for Indians EPIDEMIOLOGY: Benefits of a fitness survey (E) (Stephens) (Bain) 223 587 Confronting alcoholism (Holt and Skinner) 351 Benign breast disease (L) (Frei) 232 Declaration of Vancouver updated (Sherrington) 888 Canada needs a compulsory measles vaccination program (E) Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (Rodger) 453 (Davies and others) 107 Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? (Tweed) 102 Cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada (L) (Marris) Federal-provincial fiscal arrangement: interns' and residents' 1142 views (Canadian Association of Internes and Residents) 1136 Experience with measles in Canada and the United States (RA) Gelototherapy (Sherrington) 753 (Davies and others) 123 Implementing research findings: who is responsible? (Pless) 345 Tuberculosis -- a review of 498 recent admissions to hospital Index Medicus jeopardized (Sherrington) 459 (OA) (Goldstein and others) 490 Interferon: no verdict yet (Tan) 9 Tuberculous pleurisy (OA) (Enarson and others) 493 The issue is quality (Perkin) 757 EPILIPSY: Treating epilepsy: one drug or several? (E) (Young Low blood pressure: an extinct diagnosis (Shapiro) 887 and others) 1134 Maternal phenylketonuria: finding and treating women before EPISTAXIS: Transcatheter embolization in the management of conception (Hanley and Bell) 1259 intractable uremic epistaxis (BR) (Gagnon and others) The need for scientifically trained allergists (Sim) 225 Oral history (Sherrington) 1021 158

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 QUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES: Physicians' medical kits to be available Task force on family practice training set to start work (NF) on all Air Canada flights (NF) 962 523 RNST P: Recognizing hyperparathyroidism (L) 1031 Task force on provision of primary care services (L) RNST P and KATE M: Recognizing hyperparathyroidism caused by (Chouinard) 1142 ectopic production of a substance resembling parathyroid Training for family practice (L) (McGregor) 16; (L) hormone (BR) 125: 857; Comment on: See MURRAY TM (Morrissy) 16 and JOSSE RG; replies 1031 Venous ulcers (Fratesi and Scobie) 631 SKIMOS: Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (OA) (Postl FARDY PW: See CHANDRA L and others) 811 See DePASS EE Moore, Percy (P) 416 FAULKNER RS: See MARRIE TJ SOPHAGUS: Heartburn and globus in apparently healthy people (BR) FECES, IMPACTED: Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy (NF) 203 (Thompson and others) 46 FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL FISCAL ARRANGEMENTS: Federal-provincial fiscal SSES S, FEINBERG S and PANOS T: "Swan-Ganz elbow" (L) 1276 arrangement: interns' and residents' views (E) (Canadian STABLISHED PROGRAMS FINANCING: CMA President warns EPF committee Association of Internes and Residents) 1136 against cutbacks (NF) 1083 FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL FISCAL FINANCING ACT: Underfunding awareness Ottawa's Blue Book: the true story on Medicare funding (PP) campaign to continue says CMA Board (NF) 1206 (Geekie) 1255 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION: US Supreme Court says AMA cannot restrict THICS: Abortion (L) (Linegar) 1152 MD advertising (NF) 1432 Deductable insurance could rationalize medicare (NF) 550 FEDERATION OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS OF QUEBEC: Richer, Clement (P) THICS, MEDICAL: Abortion (L) (Newman) 594; (L) (Watters 849 and others) 465 FEEDING BEHAVIOUR: Guide on infant feeding (L) (Myres) 902 Abortion before "individuation" (L) (Bollard) 231; (L) FEEDING PATTERNS: See FEEDING BEHAVIOUR (Roy) 1150 FEE INCREASE ALLOCATIONS: Economics council sponsors national Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical practice? allocations conference (NF) 684 (NF) 1448 FEE SCHEDULES: Alberta physicians reject government's 13.3 o/o fee Circumcision (L) (Dickie) 901 increase offer (NF) 62 The ethics of biomedicine (L) (Oreopoulos) 1142; (L) Negotiations fail: Alberta MDs try direct billing (NF) 173 (Roy) 1142 FEES AND CHARGES: An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 Huntington's chorea (L) (Fisher and others) 605 Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration (NF) 1342 "No resuscitation" orders (L) (Davidson) 768; (L) Negotiations fail: Alberta MDs try direct billing (NF) 173 (Evans) 769 FEES-FOR-SERVICE: See FEES, MEDICAL Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing (NF) 64 FEES, MEDICAL: Alberta will try "liaison committee" in future fee Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of economic negotiations (NF) 1218 restraints on life-support treatments (E) (Oreopoulos) Federal government proposing state medicine? (NF) 961 745 A healthy view of physicians (NF) 1107 US Supreme Court says AMA cannot restrict MD advertising (NF) OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare (NF) 860 1432 Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's THNIC GROUPS: Circumpolar health (E) (Martin) 339 report (NF) 967 THROCYTES, ABNORMAL: Reversible azathioprine-induced erythrocyte Pediatrics group to study MD payment plans (NF) 1084 aplasia in a renal transplant recipient (BR) (Hogge and Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement (NF) others) 512 1443 TTINGER P: Convention cities: Saskatoon (NF) 1346 Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board VALUATION STUDIES: Bronchoalveolar lavage (E) (Rebuck and (NF) 1206 others) 1370 Ont.: Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from the West (NF) Clinical trials on trial: 850 II. Improving nonrandomized trials (E) (Morgan) 588 FEINBERG S: See ESSES S III. Should statistics give the final verdict? (E) (Morgan) FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: Kentucky offers John P. Wyatt 1369 travelling fellowship (NF) 686 Compression-sclerotherapy for varicose veins: a Canadian study FENJE PC, ISLES AF, BALTODANO A, MacLEOD SM and SOLDIN S: (OA) (Douglas and others) 923 Interaction of cimetidine and theophylline in two infants Continuing medical education in Maritime Canada (L) (Culpan) (BR) 1178 227; (L) (Curry and others) 227 FERRIER BM and WOODWARD CA: Career choices, work patterns and Proportional analysis of respiratory cells obtained by perceptions of undergraduate education of McMaster medical bronchoalveolar lavage (OA) (Braude and others) 1401 graduates: comparison between men and women (OA) 1411 EVANS KG: 'No resuscitation' orders - an emerging consent (NF) FERTILITY AGENTS: Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of 125: 892; Comment on: See DAVIDSON DA; replies 769 psychosis (L) (Cashman and others) 118 EVANS RJ: See WATSON CPN FETUS AND NEWBORN COMMITTEE, CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY: See EVERS SE and RAND CG: Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY, FETUS AND NEWBORN COMMITTEE children in the first year of life (OA) 249; Comment on: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Can anyone make a million? (NF) 1102 See WIGLE DT and JOHANSEN H Dear Mr. MacEachen... CMA responds to budget measures (NF) EWAN PE: See CLAYTON AJ 197 EXERCISE TEST: Utilite de 1'6preuve d'effort sur tapis roulant Good long-term outlook for stock market (NF) 415 peu apres un infarctus du myocarde (OA) (LeBlanc et autres) How to handle a tax assessment (NF) 412 1300 Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the '80s EXCERPTA MEDICA: Index Medicus jeopardized (E) (Sherrington) (NF) 1331 459; (L) (Nevill) 1266 Money management for a lifetime (NF) 1232 EXHIBITS: Toronto's China show will exhibit medical curiosities The 1982 economic forecast calls for cautious investing (NF) (NF) 964 414 Ontario government to allow hospitals private sector funding F (NF) 62 Retractable preferred shares: investment with a tax break FMOQ: See FEDERATION OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS OF QUEBEC (NF) 1098 F.N.G. STAFF AWARD: See AWARDS AND PRIZES Some common staff managment and money questions (NF) 1456 FTC: See FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Staff cuts and bed closures imminent in BC hospitals (NF) FAIRBAIRN C: Retiring SMA president urges concern about health 1324 care funding (NF) 1462 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, HOSPITAL: Ontario increases hospital budgets FALOPE RING: See STERILIZATION, SEXUAL by 12 o/o for next year (NF) 962 FAMILY: New game for adolescents teaches parenting (NF) 837 FINANCING, GOVERNMENT: CMA must prove Canadian health care is "FAMILY PHYSICIAN OF THE YEAR": See COLLEGE OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS underfunded (NF) 77 OF CANADA CMA president warns EPF committee against cutbacks (NF) FAMILY PLANNING: Birth control (MN) 144 1083 Female sterilization by Falope Ring ligation (OA) (Lalonde) Duductable insurance could rationalize medicare (NF) 550 140 Federal government announces funding for medical research FAMILY PRACTICE: Adverse neurologic effects of metoclopramide (NF) 173 (Grimes, Hassan and Preston) 23 Federal-provincial fiscal arrancement: interns' and residents' Confronting alcoholism (E) (Holt and others) 351 views (E) (Canadian Association of Internes and Residents) 1136 Family medicine certification (L) (Green) 604 Government approves more funding for health research (NF) The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family 680 physicians (FP) (Stewart and others) 1051 Inside the Department of National Health and Welfare (NF) Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure in family 1089 medicine (L) (McWhinney) 115 Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the '80s Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin (NF) 1452 (NF) 1331 Managing uncertainty in family practice (Biehn) 915 Medicare is financially sick (NF) 838 The many faces of basal cell carcinoma (Jackson) 1157 Ontario increases hospital budgets by 12 o/o for next year The mass reflex: an emergency in a quadriplegic patient (NF) 962 (Muzumdar) 369 Ottawa's Blue Book: the true story on Medicare funding (PP) Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for cigarette (Geekie) 1255 smokers in a family practice (FP) (Wilson and others) 127

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 9 Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding GENETICS: Adult T-cell leukemia (L) (Miyamoto and others) 229 (NF) 1462 GENETICS, MEDICAL: Multiple sclerosis: research in British Columbia Un appel aux membres de l'AMC. An appeal to CMA members. (PP) (L) (Sadovnick) 1276 (Richard) 1131 GENETIC SCREENING: Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board (NF) 64 (NF) 1206 GENITAL DISEASES, FEMALE: Haemophilus influenzae pyosalpingitis FINE A and CHURCHILL DN: Potentially lethal interaction of (BR) (DePass and others) 1417 cimetidine and morphine (L) 1032 GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY: The psychiatrist's role in the care of the FINGER INJURIES: Prostaglandin E therapy for digital ulcers in elderly (L) (Cole) 605; (L) (Hontela) 604 scleroderma (BR) (Baron aAd others) 42 GERIATRICS: Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy (NF) 203 FISCHER RG, BOOTH BH, MITCHELL DQ and KIBBE AH: Influence of Geriatric assessment unit in a teaching hospital (OA) trivalent influenza vaccine on serum theophylline levels (Robertson and others) 1060 (BR) 1312 Geriatric medicine (L) (Clarfield) 770; (L) (Fisher) FISHER G: See DOUGLAS KM 769; (L) (Williamson) 769 FISHER RH: Geriatric medicine (L) 769 Model geriatric unit planned for Ontario hospital (NF) 174 FISHER RH, NORRIS JW, DeMANUELE F, RIDGLEY B and MALYON C: Montreal family physician awarded 1982 Osler Scholarship (NF) 28 Huntington's chorea (L) 605 Placement or disposal? (L) (Kirshen) 1266 FLUID BALANCE: See WATER-ELECTROLYTE BALANCE The psychiatrist's role in the care of the elderly (L) (-Cole) FLUORESCENT ANTIBODY TECHNIC: Determining the site of urinary tract 605; (L) (Hontela) 604 infections in children (L) (Bailey) 1033 GERRARD JW: Untoward effects of weaning (E) 1133 FOLIC ACID: Oral contraceptives: effects on folate and vitamin B12 GERSTEIN, WILLIAM: Profiles 980 metabolism (RA) (Shojania) 244 GHENT WR: Canadian Trauma Foundation (L) 120 FOLATE: See FOLIC ACID Trauma research (L) 14 FOLLOW-UP STUDIES: Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up See MERCER D for cigarette smokers in a family practice (FP) (Wilson and GIBNEY PF: Physicians and the bomb (L) 767 others) 127 GILAS T: See COLAPINTO RF FONG DY and SALMON- PA: Diagnosis and treatment of postpartum GILLESPIE, JOHN: John Gillespie (Obit) 205 ovarian vein thrombosis (BR) 661 GINGRAS S: See THERIAULT G FONG S: See vanWALRAVEN AA GLOBUS HYSTERICUS: See CONVERSION DISORDER FOOD: Harmony with drugs and food (TR) (Tuttle) 1161 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST: Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis of The sense and nonsense of the best-selling diet books (NF) diabetes mellitus and related conditions by the Canadian 696 Diabetes Association (RA) (Ad Hoc Committee on Diagnostic FOOD TECHNOLOGY: Food of the future: will it be nutritious? (NF) Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Scientific Section, 689 Canadian Diabetes Association) 473 FOREIGN BODIES: Perforation of Meckel's diverticulum by an alkaline Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) (Rodger) 453 hearing aid battery (BR) (Willis and others) 497 GODDEN JO: Directory of cancer support services in Ontario (L) 1265 FORENSIC MEDICINE: Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference GOITER, EXOPHTHALMIC: Pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease: (NF) 72 some facts and some speculation (Strakosch and others) 10 FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY: Canada's new constitution: will it affect GOLD, PHIL: Quebec physicians say government has taken over (NF) 972 medical practice? (NF) 1448 GOLDBERG PK: See KOZINN PJ Involuntary admission to hospital and treatment in Ontario: GOLDSTEIN, JOSEPH L.: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers is pessimism among physicians warranted? (OA) (Menuck) (NF) 426 1168 GOLDSTEIN RS, CHEUNG OT, SEGUIN R, LOBLEY G and JOHNSON AC: Decreased FRASCH CE: See SALIT IE elimination of theophylline after influenza vaccination (L) 47( FRASER, GRAHAM C.: Profiles 83 GOLDSTEIN RS, CONTRERAS M, CRAIG GA and CHEUNG OT: Tuberculosis -- a FRATESI SJ and SCOBIE TK: Venous ulcers (FP) 631 review of 498 recent admissions to hospital (OA) 490 FREEDMAN AN: Liver lesions and oral contraceptives (L) 1149 GOODE JE: See CHAPMAN KR FREI JV: Benign breast disease (L) 232; Comment on: See GOOD SAMARITAN LAW: See LEGISLATION, MEDICAL HISLOP TG, ELWOOD JM and WORTH AJ GOTLIEB AI: Smooth muscle and endothelial cell function in the FRIESEN RM, DUNCAN P, TWEED WA and BRISTOW G: Appraisal of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (RA) 903 pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (OA) 1055 GOUGH D: See MARRIE TJ FRINGE BENEFITS: See SALARIES AND FRINGE BENEFITS GOUT: Cuber's thumb (L) (Thompson) 773 FROESE GF: Abortion (L) 1152 GOVERNMENT: The abuse of power (V) (Woods) 1205 FUNGUS DISEASES: See MYCOSIS Alberta will try "liaison committee" in future fee negotiations (NF) 1218 CMA president warns EPF committee against cutbacks (NF) 1083 G Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't practise in Canada (NF) 1213 Inside the Department of National Health and Welfare (NF) 1089 GAGNE C, LUPIEN P-J, BRUN D, MOORJANI S and TOUSSAINT M: Probucol The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) (Berger) 1147; (L) and high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (C) 123: 356; (Burnstein) 1149; (L) (Rapp) 1149; (PP) (Woods) 99 Comment on: See DAVIGNON J and BOUTHILLIER D; replies 1025 The medical profession and the press: prime targets for GAGNON R: Advertising optometry (L) 115 commissions, task forces (PP) (Woods) 583 GAGNON RF, BALLERMANN B, BOURGOUIN P, HERBA MJ and KAYE M: Is Ottawa a capital punishment? (PP) (Woods) 883 Transcatheter embolization in the management of intractable Ont.: Ontario Premier appoints new health minister (NF) 679 uremic epixtaxis (BR) 158 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: Inside the Department of National Health and GAIRDNER FOUNDATION: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers Welfare (NF) 1089 (NF) 426 GRANT, JAMES FREDERIC: James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated GALE GL: Tuberculosis in Canada: a century of progress (NF) 526 Empress of Ireland (NF) 318 GAME THEORY: New game for adolescents teaches parenting (NF) 837 GRANT PD: Vitamin E (L) 1153 GANGRENE: Phagedena: gangrenous and necrotic ulcerations of skin GRAVES' DISEASE: See GOITER, EXPHTHALMIC and subcutaneous tissue (RA) (Jackson and others) 363 GRAY C: Inside the Department of National Health and Welfare (NF) GARNER JB: See EMBIL JA 1089 GARTNER LM: See LEE K-S Osteopathy: is there a place in Canadian medicine? (NF) 108; GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY: The uses and abuses of laxatives (TR) Comment on: See PARSONS WB (MacCara) 780 Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing (NF) 64 GEEKIE DA: CMA must prove Canadian health care is underfunded (NF) Sexual myths still persist (NF) 981 77 The Wellcome library: reflection of an insatiable collector Ottawa's Blue Book: the true story of Medicare funding (PP) (NF) 712 1255 GRAY JD: See RENTON KW Physicians must come to the aid of the party (V) 1442 GRAY, PATRICIA AINSLIE: Profiles 980 GEGGIE DC: Labour pain (L) 1374 GREEN R: Family medicine certification (L) 604 GELBART K: Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical GREEN WG: Circumcision (L) 466 practice? (NF) 1448 GREENBAUM J: See DOLOVICH J Food for the future: will it be nutritious? (NF) 689 GREENHILL S: See WARREN SA Investing in Canadian art (NF) 988 GREIG PD: See COLAPINTO RF Vacation Supplement: GRIMES JD: Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia in How your colleagues plan vactions (NF) 182 nonpsychiatric patients (L) 468 Why not try these unusual destinations? (NF) 188 GRIMES JD, HASSAN MN and PRESTON DN: Adverse neurologic effects GELFAND, ERWIN W.: Profiles 548 of metoclopramide (FP) 23 GELOTOTHERAPY: Gelototherapy (E) (Sherrington) 753 GROEN F and KERR A: How community doctors can have easy access to the GENERIC EQUIVALENCY: See THERAPEUTIC EQUIVALENCY medical literature (NF) 124: 1628; Comment on: See BROWN MC; GENESOVE LJ: Circumcision (L) 467 FRASER CW; KERR AM GENEST, JACQUES: Profiles 1216 GROSSMAN, LARRY: Ontario Premier appoints new health minister (NF) Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board 679 (NF) 1206 GRZYBOWSKI S: See ENARSON DA GENETIC INTERVENTION: Huge federal grant for gene studies at GRZYBOWSKI S and HERSHFIELD E: Changing treatment of tuberculosis (E) Connaught Labs (NF) 1084 457 GENETIC ENGINEERING: See GENETIC INTERVENTION GUANIDINES: Cimetidine potentiation of warfarin action (L) (Kerley and others) 116

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 Interaction of cimetidine and theophylline in two infants (BR) Prognosis after cardiac arrest based on age and duration of coma (Fenje and others) 1178 (OA) (Tweed) 1058 Potentially lethal interaction of cimetidine and morphine (L) HEART ATRIUM: Isolation of single atrial and ventricular cells from (Fine and others) 1032 the human heart (OA) (Bustamante and others) 791 GUIDELINES FOR HEALTH PLANNING: See HEALTH PLANNING GUIDELINES HEART AUSCULTATION: Lack of accentuation by the Valsalva maneuver GUPTILL J: See ROSS JB of the murmur of idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: GUYATT GH: Positive pressure ventilation as a mechanism of reduction importance of monitoring the pulse (BR) (LeJemtel and others) of left ventricular afterload (BR) 1310 48 GYNECOLOGY: Is conization appropriate treatment for cervical cancer HEART DISEASES: Declining rates of death due to heart disease (L) in situ? (BR) (Lambert and others) 1176 (Morgan and others) 772; (L) (Perey) 770; (L) (Tyers) 772 Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? (E) (Tweed) 102 Endomyocardial biopsy: its history, techniques and current H indications (RA) (Melvin and others) 1381 Natural history and management of chronic aortic valve disease (RA) (Morton) 477 Pericarditis and impending rupture of aneurysms of the ascending HDCV: See HUMAN DIPLOID-CELL VACCINE aorta (BR) (Morris) 1190 gHTLA: See HYPERTRICHOSIS Smooth muscle and endothelial cell function in the pathogenesis AEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE: Haemophilus influenzae pyosalpingitis (BR) of atherosclerosis (RA) (Gotlieb) 903 A (DePass and others)) 1417 HEART MURMUR: See HEART AUSCULTATION AIGH SE, TEVAARWERK GJM, HARDING PEG and HURST C: A method for HEARTBURN: Heartburn and globus in apparently healthy people (BR) maintaining normoglycemia during labour and delivery in (Thompson and others) 46 insulin-dependent diabetic women (OA) 487 HEART SURGERY: Factors predicting working status after aortocoronary ALDANE EV: See MARRIE TJ bypass surgery (OA) (Danchin and others) 255 JIALITOSIS: Halitosis (RA) (Attia and others) 1281 Working status after aortocoronary bypass surgery (L) (Cumming) Home cures for bad breath (MN) 1285 1153 ALL J: See YEUNG DL HEART VENTRICLE: Isolation of single atrial and ventricular cells from ALL, JOHN V.G.: Profiles 980 the human heart (OA) (Bustamante and others) 791 ALPERIN ML: See BEAR RA HEATON KW: See THOMPSON WG AMASAKI K: See MIYAMOTO K HEINISCH G: Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) 1025 AMMOND GW: Neonatal herpes simplex (L) 468; Correction 773 HEMODIALYSIS: Acute manganese intoxication and pancreatitis in a HAMMOND GW, MacDOUGALL BK, PLUMMER F and SEKLA LH: Encephalitis patient treated with a contaminated dialysate (BR) during the prodromal stage of acute hepatitis A (BR) 269 (Taylor and others) 503 HANCOCK T: The soft health path: a healthier future for physicians? Treatment of methanol poisoning with ethanol and hemodialysis (E) 1019 (TR) (Pappas and others) 1391 HAND INJURIES: Raynaud's phenomenon in forestry workers in Quebec HEMOGLOBINS, ABNORMAL: Prenatal prediction of "<-thalassemia phenotype (OA) (Theriault and others) 1401 by endonuclease mapping of parental DNA (BR) (Steinbrecher and HANDICAPPED: Friends and families of the handicapped (L) (Sky) 362 others) 156 Friends and families of psychiatric patients (L) (Thornton and HEMOPHILIA: Coagulation factor therapy for hemophilia: relation to others) 1375 hepatitis B and to liver function (OA) (Card and others) 34 AANLEY WB and BELL L: Maternal phenylketonuria: finding and treating HEMORRHAGE, GASTROINTESTINAL: Case of an anemic man with chest and women before conception (E) 1259 abdominal pain (DC) (Dawson and others) 145 'IANVEY L: Labour is still painful (L) 354; Comment on: See HEPATITIS A: Encephalitis during the prodromal stage of acute GEGGIE DC hepatitis A (BR) (Hammond and others) 269 ARDING PEG: See HAIGH SE HEPATITIS B: Coagulation factor therapy for hemophilia: relation to IARGREAVE FE: See DOLOVICH J hepatitis B and to liver function (OA) (Card and others) 34 HASHIMOTO'S DISEASE: See THYROIDITIS, LYMPHOMATOUS Hepatitis B markers in Indochinese refugees (L) (White and ASSANEIN KM: See DAVIS JW others) 1374 ASSAN MN: See GRIMES JD HERBA MJ: See GAGNON RF AWORTH JC: Circumcision (L) 1278 HERNIA, DIAPHRAGMATIC: Maternal nutrition in pregnancy (L) (Reynolds) EALTH: Health for all by the year 2000 (L) (Baltzan) 120 465; (L) (Wong and others) 466 Raw milk and health in humans (E) (White and others) 1260 HERNIATED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC: See INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISPLACEMENT EALTH CARE RESEARCH: See HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH HERPES GENITALIS: Circumcision (L) (Strashin) 466; (L) (Sze) EALTH CARE SYSTEMS: See DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE 467; (L) (Tummon) 466 HEALTH EDUCATION: Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba (OA) New drug for genital herpes soon available (NF) 1084 (Committee on Breast-Feeding, Manitoba Pediatric Society) 639 HERPES SIMPLEX: Herpes simplex encephalitis: poor outcome despite The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family adenine arabinoside therapy (BR) (Wenman and others) 819 physicians (FP) (Stewart and others) 1051 Neonatal herpes simplex (L) (Hammond) 468; (L) (Tummon and Smoking cessation: physician -- make a stand (E) (Baumgartner) others) 469 101 Recurrent herpes simplex (L) (Adam) 894 Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? (NF) HERPES SIMPLEX, GENITAL: See HERPES GENITALIS 553 HERR, FRANCIS: Profiles 1326 EALTH FACILITIES: Geriatric assessment unit in a teaching hospital HERSHFIELD E: See GRZYBOWSKI S (OA) (Robertson and others) 1060 HERSHFIELD NB: Retrograde cholangiography (L) 359 Medical services for outdoor rock music festivals (OA) (Chapman HIATUS HERNIA: See HERNIA, DIAPHRAGMATIC and others) 935 HIMAL HS: See McFADDEN DD EALTH FACILITY MOVING: How to move your office effortlessly (NF) HINCHEY EJ: See PORTNOY D 858 HISLOP TG, ELWOOD JM and WORTH AJ: Benign breast disease (L) 1266 EALTH MANPOWER: Manpower questionnaire is urgent business (NF) 684 HISLOP TG and ELWOOD JM: Risk factors for benign breast disease: Placement incentives (L) (Miller) 120 30-year cohort study (OA) 124: 283; Comment on: See FREI JV EALTH PLANNING GUIDELINES: Guide on infant feeding (L) (Myres) 902 HISTORY OF MEDICINE: Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on EALTH PROMOTION: Benefits of a fitness survey (E) (Stephens) 587 creativity (NF) 534 EALTH RESOURCES: Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social conscience (NF) economic restraints on life-support treatments (E) (Oreopoulos) 1465 745 Dr. Harold Segall: a nioneer cardiologist reminisces (NF) EALTH SERVICES: Circumpolar health (E) (Martin) 339 1109 Directory of cancer support services in Ontario (L) (Godden) Dr. James Barry: military man -- or woman? (NF) 854 1265 James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated Empress of Ireland Moore, Percy (P) 416 (NF) 318 EALTH SERVICES FOR THE AGED: Geriatric assessment unit in a teaching Medicine's remarkable Scottish connection (V) (Woods) 687 hospital (OA) (Robertson and others) 1060 Ontario doctor donates collection to McMaster library (NF) 836 Geriatric medicine (L) (Clarfield) 770; (L) (Fisher) 769; Oral history (E) (Sherrington) 1021 (L) (Williamson) 769 Recurrent infections, diarrhea, ascites and phonophobia in a Model geriatric unit planned for Ontario hospital (NF) 174 57-year old man (DC) (Aterman (ed) and others) 623 EALTH SERVICES RESEARCH: Implementing research findings: who is Sir William Boyd: a legacy in print (NF) 421 responsible? (E) (Pless) 345 Toronto's China show will exhibit medical curiosities (NF) 964 EALTH STATUS INDICATORS: Community development: an approach to Tuberculosis in Canada: a century of progress (NF) 526 health care for Indians (E) (Bain) 223 The Wellcome library: reflection of an insatiable collector (NF) Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian children in the first 712 year of life (OA) (Evers and others) 249 HO WC: See WILLIS GA HEALTH SURVEYS: Benefits of a fitness survey (E) (Stephens) 587 HOAKEN PCS: Good English is good medicine (L) 230 Medicare is financially sick (NF) 838 HODGSON T: Preventing motion sickness (L) 1374 HEARING AIDS: Perforation of Meckel's diverticulum by an alkaline HOFFER A: Schizophrenics and tranqillizers (L) 1375 hearing aid battery (BR) (Willis and others) 497 HOFFMAN B: Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media (NF) 408 HEART: Isolation of single atrial and ventricular cells from the human HOFFMAN LM: Sodium valproate and thrombocytopenia (L) 358 heart (OA) (Bustamante and others) 791 HOGGE DE, WILSON DR, SHUMAK KH and CATTRAN DC: Reversible HEART ARREST: Appraisal of pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation azathioprine-induced erythrocyte aplasia in a renal transplant (OA) (Friesen and others) 1055 recipient (BR) 512

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 11 HOLIDAYS: Convention cities: Dublin (NF) 864 I Convention cities: Saskatoon (NF) 1346 Convention cities: Vancouver (NF) 428 Vacation Supplement: IPPNW: See INTERNATIONAL PHYSICIANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAF How your colleagues plan vacations (NF) 182 IATROGENIC DISEASES: The iatrectomists (PP) (Woods) 743 Keeping travel costs low (NF) 195 Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (L) (Kubacki) 767 Why not try these unusual destinations? (NF) 188 IDIOPATHIC HYPERTROPHIC SUBVALVULAR STENOSIS: Lack of accentuation HOLISTIC HEALTH: The soft health path: a healthier future for by the Valsalva maneuver of the murmur of idiopathic hypertrophi physicians? (E) (Hancock) 1019 subaortic stenosis: importance of monitoring the pulse (BR) HOLT S and SKINNER HA: Confronting alcoholism (E) 351 (LeJemtel and others) 48 HOME ACCIDENTS: See ACCIDENTS, HOME IGA: Recurrent infections, diarrhea, ascites and phonophobia in a HOME CARE SERVICES: Montreal family physician awarded 1982 Osler 57-year-old man (DC) (Aterman (ed) and others) 623 Scholarship (NF) 288 ILLICH, IVAN: Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin (NF' HOMOSEXUALITY: Cytomegalovirus in the semen (BR) (Embil and others) 1452 391 IMAMURA N, INADA S, KAMADA N and KURAMOTO A: Sweet's syndrome Seroepidemiologic aspects of Neisseria meningitidis in homosexual associated with acute leukemia (L) 605 men (OA) (Salit and others) 38 IMMUNIZATION: Rabies control and management (OA) (Nicholls and HONTELA S: The psychiatrist's role in the care of the elderly (L) others) 1286 604 IMMUNIZATION, PASSIVE: VZI globulin now available without restrictioi HOOVER LH: See BROOK-WILLIAMS P (NF) 1325 HOSPICES: The hosDice movement: a human approach to palliative care IMMUNOLOGIC DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES: Recurrent infections, diarrhea, (NF) 556 ascites and phonophobia in a 57-year-old man (DC) (Aterman (e HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION: Staff cuts and bed closures imminent in BC and others) 623 hospitals (NF) 1324 IMMUNOLOGY: The need for scientifically trained allergists (E) (Sir HOSPITAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: See FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, HOSPITAL 225 HOSPITALIZATION: The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE AGENTS: Cyclosporin A: a powerful immunosuppressar (P1) (Morrissv) 483 (TR) (Laupacis and others) 1041 Involuntary admission to hospital and treatment in Ontario: is INADA S: See IMAMURA N pessimism among physicians warranted (OA) (Menuck and others) INAPPROPRIATE ADH SYNDROME: Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic 1168 hormone: correction of hyponatremia by expansion of Tuberculosis -- a review of 498 recent admissions to hospital intravascular fluid volume (BR) (Bear and others) 275 (OA) (Goldstein and others) 490 INCENTIVES: See MOTIVATION HOSPITALS: The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? (P1) INCLAN GM: See LUENGAS FM (Morrissy) 483 INCOME: Alberta physicians reject government's 13.3% fee increase Hospitals and private money (PP) (Woods) 451 offer (NF) 62 Ontario government to allow hospitals private sector funding (NF) Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from the West (NF) 850 62 Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's report Smoking in hospital (MN) 133 (NF) 967 Smoking habits in hospital (L) (Rosen and others) 1152 INCOME TAX: Dear Mr. MacEachen...CMA responds to budget measures Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on health care (NF) 197 rationing (NF) 1432A How to handle a tax assessment (NF) 412 Study of smoking habits in hospital and attitudes of medical staff The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) (Berger) 1147; towards smoking (OA) (Senior) 131 (L) (Burnstein) 1149; (PP) (Woods) 99 Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board (NF) Retractable preferred shares: investment with a tax break (NF) 1206 1098 HOSPITALS, CHRONIC DISEASE: See HOSPITALS, SPECIAL INDEXING: See ABSTRACTING AND INDEXING HOSPITALS, SPECIAL: Tuberculosis in Canada: a century of progress INDEX MEDICUS: See MEDLARS-MEDLINE INFORMATION SYSTEM (NF) 526 INDIANS, NORTH AMERICAN: Community development: an approach to heali HOSPITALS, TEACHING: Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals care for Indians (E) (Bain) 223 in the '80s (NF) 1331 Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (OA) (Postl and others) HOSPITALS, Doctors Hospital, Toronto: Ontario hospital launches "BABY' 811 (NF) 963 Moore, Percy (P) 416 HRADSKY NS: See KNOWLING MA Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian children in the firs1 HUMAN DIPLOID-CELL VACCINE: Rabies control and management (OA) year of life (OA) (Evers and others) 249 (Nicholls and others) 1286 Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) (Wigle and others) HUNT TE and DEKABAN AS: Modified head-neck support for basilar 1277 invagination with brain-stem compression (BR) 947 INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE: See OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE HUNTER E: See MEBAN S INFANT: Acute intoxication with lindane (gamma benzene hexachloride HUNTINGTON SOCIETY OF CANADA: Huntington's chorea (L) (Fisher (BR) (Telch and others) 662 and others) 605 Guide on infant feeding (L) (Myres) 902 HURST C: See HAIGH SE Interaction of cimetidine and theophylline in two infants (BR) HYGIENE: Circumcision (L) (Green) 466; (L) (Sze) 467 (Fenje and others) 1178 HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA: Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (OA) Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian children in the first (Postl and others) 811 year of life (OA) (Evers and others) 249 HYPERCALCEMIA: Band keratopathy in hypercalcemia of myeloma (BR) Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) (Wigle and others) (Wilson and others) 1314 1277 Recognizing hyperparathyoidism (L) (Ernst) 1031; (L) (Murray INFANT FOOD: Commercial or homemade baby food? (L) (Yeung and and others) 1031 others) 113 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA: Probucol and familial hypercholesterolemia (L) INFANT MORTALITY: Recent trends in neonatal morality: the Canadian (Davignon and others) 1024; (L) (Gagne and others) 1025 experience (OA) (Lee and others) 373 HYPERPARATHYROIDISM: Recognizing hyperparathyroidism (L) (Ernst) INFANT NEWBORN: Circumcision (L) (Boyd) 1278; (L) (Deacon) 360; 1031; (L) (Murray and others) 1031 (L) (Dickie) 901; (L) (Haworth) 1278; (L) (Morgan) 603; HYPERSENSITIVITY: Acetylsalicylic acid (L) (Nguyen) 773 (L) (Skipper) 1278;(L) (Verma) 466 Commentary: Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin? (TR) (Crocker) 611 Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (OA) (Postl and others) 81 The need for scientifically trained allergists (E) (Sim) 225 Nosocomial transmission of listeriosis? (L) (King and others) Reactions to acetylsalicylic acid (TR) (Aaron and others) 509 1374 Reactions to mosquito and blackfly bites (L) (Dolovich and Ontario hospital launches "BABY" (NF) 963 others) 1147 Recent trends in neonatal morality: the Canadian experience (OA Scientifically trained allergists (L) (Dehejia) 1149; (L) (Lee and others) 373 (Johnson) 1149 INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES: Neonatal herpes simplex (L) (Hammond) Untoward effects of weaning (E) (Gerrard) 1133 468; (L) (Tummon and others) 469 HYPERTENSION, PORTAL: Neuropsychiatric disturbance due to occult INFANT NUTRITION: Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba (OA) occlusion of the portal vein (BR) (Yik and others) 50 (Committee on Breast-Feeding, Manitoba Pediatric Society) HYPERTRICHOSIS: Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita associated with 639 adenocarcinQma of the lung (BR) (Knowling and others) 1308 Commercial or homemade baby food? (L) (Yeung and others) HYPONATUREMIA: Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone: 113 correction of hyponatremia by expansion of intravascular fluid Untoward effects of weaning (E) (Gerrard) 1133 volume (BR) (Bear and others) 275 INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS: Recurrent infectious mononucleosis (L) HYPOPARATHYROIDISM: Hypopituitarism in a patient with idiopathic (McSherry) 899 hypoparathyroidism (BR) (Salti and others) 942 INFLIGHT MEDICAL SERVICES: Physicians' medical kits to be HYPOTENSION: Diagnosis and treatment of low blood pressure in a available on all Air Canada flights (NF) 962 Canadian community (OA) (Shapiro and others) 918 INFLUENZA VACCINE: Decreased elimination of theophylline after Low blood pressure: an extinct diagnosis (E) (Shapiro) 887 influenza vaccination (L) (Goldstein and others) 470; HYPOTHERMIA: Circumpolar health (E) (Martin) 339 (L) (Renton and others) 470 Diagnosing and treating hypothermia (L) (Buckingham and others) Influence of trivalent influenza vaccine on serum theophylline 1276 levels (BR) (Fischer and others) 1312

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 Serum theophylline levels after influenza vaccination (L) ISLES AF: See FENJE PC (Britton and others) 1375 IVERSEN OH: Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone from NFORMATION DISSEMINATION: See INFORMATION SERVICES the pineal body (VOA) 787 NFORMATION EXCHANGE: See INFORMATION SERVICES NFORMATION SERVICES: Access to the medical literature (L) (Kerr) 120 J Computers in medicine: a publishing dilemma (L) (Shires) 1265 Implementing research findings: who is responsible? (E) (FP) (Pless) 345 JACKSON R: The many faces of basal cell carcinoma (Piasecki) 1265 1157 Microcomputers in medicine (L) JACKSON R and BELL M: Phagedena: gangrenous and necrotic NFORMED CONSENT: The age of consent (L) (Emson) 1147 ulcerations of skin and subcutaneous tissue (RA) 363 Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference (NF) 72 JARVIS DA: See TELCH J JAUNDICE: A home cure for jaundice (MN) 812 "No resuscitation" orders (L) (Davidson) 768 Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (OA) (Postl and others) NGLIS, BRIAN: The iatrectomists (PP) (Woods) 743 811 NOCULATION: Malaria acquired by accidental inoculation (BR) "THE JENNER APPEAL": Money sought to purchase Jenner's house (NF) (Varma) 1419 523 NPATIENTS: See PATIENTS JEREMIAS, MARTIN: Ontario doctor donates collection to McMaster NSTITUTIONALIZATION: Placement or disposal? (L) (Kirshen) library (NF) 836 1266 JOHANSEN H: Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) 1277 NSULIN: Clinical trials launched for biosynthetic insulin JOHN P. WYATT TRAVELLING FELLOWSHIP: Kentucky offers John P. (NF) 1323 Wyatt travelling fellowship (NF) 686 NSULIN INFUSION SYSTEMS: A method for maintaining normoglycemia JOHNSON AC: See GOLDSTEIN RS during labour and delivery in insulin-dependent diabetic JOHNSON CA: Scientifically trained allergists (L) 1149 women (OA) (Haigh and others) 487 JOHNSTON N: See WILSON D NSURANCE, HEALTH: An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 JOHNSTONE T: Sex education: the physicians's role (L) 125: 958; Comment on: See MURRAY AB Deductable insurance could rationalize medicare (NF) 550 JOLIVET-GRANGER M: See BAYARDELLE P JORDAN A: See LeJEMTEL TH A healthy view of physicians (NF) 1107 JOSSE RG: See MURRAY TM Dr. Marc Baltzan and Tommy Douglas debate medicare (NF) JOURNAL DE L'ASSOCIATION MEDICALE CANADIENNE: Avis aux 290 collaborateurs 53 Federal government proposing state medicine? (NF) 961 Prix de 1 'abonnement 53 Is a two-tier health care system really that bad? (NF) JOURNALISM: Good English is good medicine (L) (Mailer) 120 1323 JOURNALISM, MEDICAL: Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media Medicare is financially sick (NF) 838 (NF) 408 OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare (NF) Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (V) 860 (Berube) 406 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians (NF) JURISPRUDENCE: The age of consent (L) (Emson) 1147 61 Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical practice? Toronto lawyer says medical egalitarianism here to stay (NF) (NF) 1448 1203 Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference (NF) Un appel aux membres de 1 'AMC. An appeal to CMA members (PP) 72 (Richard) 1131 "No resuscitation" orders (L) (Davidson) 768 Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board (NF) 1206 NTERFERON: Interferon: no verdict yet (E) (Tan) 9 Is a compromised interferon response an etiologic factor in K Reye's syndrome? (OA) (Rosee and others) 798 NTERNATIONAL AGENCIES: How to apply for a medical position in the Third World (L) (Devadason) 902 KAMADA N: See IMAMURA N NTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETIES: KARNAUCHOW PN: Accuracy of clinical diagnosis (L) 230 McIlroy, William J. (P) 711 KAYE M: See GAGNON RF NTERNATIONAL PHYSICIANS FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR: Nuclear KAZUN WJ and JUTRAS R: Statement on abortion (NF) 125: 922; armament or disarmament? (NF) 545 Comment on: See WATTERS WW and COHEN M; NEWMAN PR Physicians and the bomb (L) (Bates and others) 768 KELLY C: Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference (NF) NTERNSHIP AND RESIDENCY: Federal-provincial fiscal arrangement: 72; Comment on: See EMSON HE interns' and residents' views (E) (Canadian Association of Should doctors promote auto occupant restraint? (NF) 125: Internes and Residents) 1136 630; Comment on: See GHENT WR Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure in family KEMEL S: See DEONARINE L medicine (L) (McWhinney) 115 KEMENY REPORT: See REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON THE The issue is quality (E) (Perkin) 757 ACCIDENT AT THREE MILE ISLAND The strike against the strike (V) (Berube) 965 KENDEL DA: Why abandon rotating internship programs? (NF) 124: Training for family practice (L) (McGregor) 16; (L) 799; Comment on: See McGREGOR JB (Morrissy) 16 KENT, TOM: Print media will survive says Tom Kent (NF) 961 INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISPLACEMENT: Chemonucleolysis (L) (Adams KEOWN PA: See LAUPACIS A and others) 232; (L) (McCulloch) 119 KERATOPATHY: Band keratopathy in hypercalcemia of myeloma (BR) INTERVIEWS: Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media (NF) 408 (Wilson and others) 1314 Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (V) KERLEY B and ALI M: Cimetidine potentiation of warfarin action (Berube) 406 (L) 116 INTESTINAL DISEASES: Campylobacter infection mimicking a relapse KERR AM: Access to the medical literature (L) 120 of ulcerative colitis (BR) (Chandra and others) 389 KEY, MARVIN: Ontario anesthetist awards himself achievement INTESTINAL MOTILITY: See GASTROINTESTINAL MOTILITY medal (NF) 1088 INTESTINAL PERFORATION: Perforation of Meckel's diverticulum by KEYL P: See VERREAULT R an alkaline hearing aid battery (BR) (Willis and others) KHALIL A: See SALTI IS 497 KIBBE AH: See FISCHER RG INTOXICATION: See POISONING KIDNEY DISEASES: National results of kidney treatment to be INUIT: See ESKIMOS analyzed (NF) 679 See INDIANS, NORTH AMERICAN KIDNEY FAILURE, CHRONIC: Results of renal transplantation in a INVESTMENTS: Can anyone make a million? (NF) 1102 small centre (BR) (Ludwin and others) 1420 Dear Mr. MacEachen ...CMA responds to budget measures (NF) Transcatheter embolization in the management of intractable 197 uremic epistaxis (BR) (Gagnon and others) 158 Good long-term outlook for stock market (NF) 415 KIDNEY NEOPLASMS: Metastase endobronchique 20 ans apres la Investing in Canadian art (NF) 988 resection d'un hypernephrome (BR) (Echave et autres) MD Management offers new programs for '82 (NF) 995 1073 Money management for a lifetime (NF) 1232 KIMBALL PL: See ROBERTSON SA The 1982 economic forecast calls for cautious investing (NF) KINCH RA: See MELZACK R 414 KING HS, DUNCAN J and TRACEY PM: Nosocomial transmission of Retractable preferred shares: investment with a tax break listeriosis? (L) 1374 (NF) 1098 KIRSHEN AJ: Placement or disposal? (L) 1266 Some common staff management and money questions (NF) 1456 KITAZIMA K: See MIYAMOTO K INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT: See COMMITMENT OF MENTALLY ILL KLEIN M: Labour is still painful (L) 354; Comment on: See See also FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY GEGGIE DC IRRIGATION: Bronchoalveolar lavage (E) (Rebuck and others) KNOWLING MA, MEAKIN JW, HRADSKY NS and PRINGLE JF: Hypertrichosis 1370 lanuginosa acquisita associated with ademocarcinoma of the Proportional analysis of respiratory cells obtained by lung (BR) 1308 bronchoalveolar lavage (OA) (Braude and others) 1401 KODSI BE: See MOZINN PJ

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 13 KOHLER, GEORGES: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers LeJEMTEL TH, RIBNER HS, STROM JA, JORDAN A and SONNENBLICK EH: L (NF) 426 of accentuation by the Valsalva maneuver of the murmur of KORCOK M: Marketing your services -- a matter of patient PR (NF) idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: importance of 301 monitoring the pulse (BR) 48 Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? LEPROSY MISSION CANADA: How to apply for a medical position in t (NF) 553 Third World (L) (Devadason) 902 KORDA H: See SHAPIRO MF LETTERS: Abortion (Casey) 1032; (Frosse) 1152; (Linegar) 1 KOZINN PJ, TASCHDJIAN CL, KODSI BE, WISE GJ, SEELIG MS and (Newman) 594; (Palframan) 1032; (Watters and Cohen) 46 GOLDBERG PK: Diagnosis of systemic or visceral candidosis (Wilson) 21 (RA) 1386 Abortion before "individuation" (Bollard) 231; (Roy) 115 KRAHN H: An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 Access to the medical literature (Kerr) 120 KRAUSE, ROBIN: Dr. Robin Krause assumes presidency of CFPC (NF) 1454 Accuracy of clinical diagnosis (Karnauchow) 230; (Thurlbe KUBACKI A: Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (L) 767 230 KUEHN LA: See BUCKINGHAM IP Acetylsalicylic acid (Nguyen) 773 KURAMOTO A: See IMAMURA N Adult T-cell leukemia (Miyamoto, Sato, Hamasaki, Kitazima, KUTTY KP: See CHANDRA L Sanada and Tanaka) 229 KWEE YN: See DOLOVICH J Advertising optometry (Gagnon) 115 The age of consent (Emson) 1147 Aluminum reduction and bladder cancer (Dunkley) 1026 L Anesthesiology (Courey) 21 Are routine measurements of serum chloride and total carbon dioxide levels worth doing? (Nanji, Blank and Campbell) 9 LABOR: Labour is still painful (L) (Baltman) 469; (L) (Hanvey) Bacteremia caused by viridans streptococci (Delage) 1152; 354; (L) (Klein) 354; (L) (Melzack) 470; (Melzack and (Righter) 1152 others) 357 Battered parent syndrome (Lewin) 593 Labour pain (L) (Geggie) 1374 Benign breast disease (Frei) 232; (Hislop, Elwood and Wor A method for maintaining normoglycemia during labour and delivery 1265 in insulin-dependent diabetic women (OA) (Haigh and others) 487 "Bingo brain" (Watson) 1266 LABORATORY INFECTION: Malaria acquired by accidental inoculation (BR) Canada's first medical graduate (Bensley) 902 (Varma) 1419 Canadian Trauma Foundation (Ghent) 120 LABRADOR LUNG: See LUNG DISEASES Cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada (Marris) 1142 LAING WB: Circumcision (L) 467 Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (Marko) 357; (Robertson) LALONDE AB: Female sterilization by Falope Ring ligation (OA) 140 Chemonucleolysis (Adams and Pearce) 232; (McCulloch) 119 LAMBERT B, ROUSSEAU S, BIELMANN P, LAMOUREUX E and BOIVIN Y: Is Cimetidine potentiation of warfarin action (Kerley and Ali) conization appropriate treatment for cervical cancer in situ? Circumcision (Boyd) 1278; (Deacon) 360; (Dickie) 901; (BR) 1176 (Genesove) 467; (Green) 466; (Haworth) 1278; (Laing) LAMBERT J: See WALLOT H (Morgan) 603; (Prucha) 603; (Skipper) 1278; (Strashin LAMOUREUX E: See LAMBERT B 466; (Sze) 467; (Tummon) 466; (Verma) 466; (Warner a LANE RAG: Ten words to give up in 1982 (L) 1153 Strashin) 360, 603 LANGER B: See COLAPINTO RF Circumcision: the unkindest cut of all? (McKim) 231; LANGUAGE: Good English is good medicine (L) (Eaton) 230; (L) (McSherry) 231 (Hoaken) 230; (L) (Mailer) 120 Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of psychosis (Cashma Ten words to give up in 1982 (L) (Eibel) 900; (L) (Lane) Sheppard) 118 1153; (L) (Morgan) 1153 Commercial or homemade baby food? (Yeung, Pennell, Leung an LANHAM JM: Methyl chloride: an unusual incident of intoxication (L) Hall) 113 593 Computers in medicine: a publishing dilemma (Shires) 1265 LANK BA: See WENMAN WM Continuing medical education in Maritime Canada (Culpan) 2 LAROCHE G: See THERIAULT G (Curry and Putnam) 227 LAROCHELLE D: See BAYARDELLE P Cuber's thumb (Thompson) 773 LASERS: Laser surgery: using the carbon dioxide laser (RA) Cyanoacrylates in medicine (Blais and Campbell) 227 (Wright) 1035 Declining rates of.death due to heart disease (Perey) 770: LAUGHTER: Gelototherapy (E) (Sherrington) 753 (Morgan and Wigle) 772; (Tyers) 772 LAUPACIS A, KEOWN PA, ULAN RA, McKENZIE N and STILLER CR: Cyclosporin Decreased elimination of theophylline after influenza vaccin A: a powerful immunosuppressant (TR) 1041 (Goldstein, Cheung, Seguin, Lobley and Johnson) 470; (Ren LAVAGE: See IRRIGATION and Gray) 470 LAW C: Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin (NF) 1452 Determining the site of urinary tract infections in children LAXATIVES: See CATHARTICS (Bailey) 1033 LEACH, WILSON G: Profiles 711 Diagnosing and treating hypothermia (Buckingham and Kuehn) LEADER A: See WONG KH Directory of cancer support services in Ontario (Godden) 1 LeBLANC P, TREMBLAY B, D'AMOURS et TREMBLAY G: Utilite de l'epreuve Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia in nonpsych d'effort sur tapis roulant peu apres un infarctus du myocarde patients (Grimes) 468; (Seeman) 468 (OA) 1300 Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease (Muckle) 1373 LeCLAIR, J. MAURICE: Montreal physician assumes presidency of CN Errors with rubella diagnostic serology (Weber) 901 railways (NF) 963 The ethics of biomedicine (Oreopoulos) 1142; (Roy) 1142 LECLERC J and TOTH J: Thrombocytopenia with absent radii (BR) 506 False claims for magnetotherapy (Orpin) 1375 LEE K-S, GARTNER LM, PANETH N and TYLER L: Recent trends in neonatal Family medicine certification (Green) 604 mortality: the Canadian experience (OA) 373 Friends and families of the handicapped (Sky) 362 LEE SHS: See MARRIE TJ Friends and families of psychiatric patients (Thornton, Plur See ROZEE KR and Seeman) 1375 LEFEBVRE AM: Surgically correctable sleep apnea (L) 119 Generic names (Choo-Foo) 1147 LEGAL MEDICINE: See FORENSIC MEDICINE Geriatric medicine (Clarfield) 770: (Fisher) 769: LEGGAT I: See MOWMER MI (Williamson) 769 LEGIONELLA: Legionellosis in British Columbia (L) (Crichton) 1373 Good English is good medicine (Eaton) 230; (Hoaken) 230; LEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA: Legionella pneumophila pneumonia (L) (Seki (Mailer) 120 and others) 116 Good Samaritan laws: questioning the need (Smialek) 14 LEGIONELLOSIS: See LEGIONELLA Guide on infant feeding (Myres) 902 LEGISLATION: Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical Health for all by the year 2000 (Baltzan) 120 practice? (NF) 1448 Hepatitis B markers in Indochinese refugees (White and Math LEGISLATION, DRUG: The pharmaceutical industry needs remedy for 1374 MacEachenism (PP) (Woods) 337 How to apply for a medical position in the Third World LEGISLATION, MEDICAL: The age of consent (L) (Emson) 1147 (Devadason) 902 Good Samaritan laws: questioning the need (L) (Smialek) 14 How to read clinical journals (Sackett) 1373 Involuntary admission to hospital and treatment in Ontario: is How to write a certificate (Copeman) 1277 pessimism among physicians warranted? (OA) (Menuck and others) Huntington's chorea (Fisher, Norris, DeManuele, Ridgley and 1168 Malyon) 605 Quebec physicians say government has taken over (NF) 972 Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure in family medicine (McWhinney) 115 Man.: MMA dues may be compulsory for Manitoba MDs (NF) 404 Index Medicus jeopardized (Nevill) 1266 Que.: Quebec physicians force Johnson to amend Bill 27 (NF) The International Year of the Overtaxed (Berger) 1147; 285 (Burnstein) 1149; (Pedersen) 1149; (Rapp) 1149 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians (NF) 61 Labour is still painful (Baltman) 469; (Hanvey) 354; (KlE Quebec's draconian moves endanger profession's liberty (V) 354; (Melzack) 470; (Melzack and Kinch) 357 (Berube) 175 Labour pain (Geggie) 1374 LEG ULCER: Venous ulcers (FP) (Fratesi and others) 631 Latent tuberculosis and anti-inflammatory agents (Brennan) LEIOMYOMA: Epidural use of morphine in managing the pain of carneous Legionella pneumophila pneumonia (Seki, Stackiw, Buchanan ar degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma during pregnancy (BR) Parker) 116 (Treissman) 505 Legionellosis in British Columbia (Crichton) 1373 LEIOMYOSARCOMA: Case of an anemic man with chest and abdominal pain Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (Kubacki) 767 (DC) (Dawson and others) 145 Liver lesions and oral contraceptives (Freedman) 1149

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 Maternal nutrition in pregnancy (Reynolds) 465; (Wong, Leader LISTERIA INFECTIONS: Nosocomial transmission of listeriosis? (L) and Deitel) 466 (King and others) 1374 Methyl chloride: an unusual incident of intoxication (Lanham) LISTERIOSIS: See LISTERIA INFECTIONS 593 LITERATURE: Circumcision: the unkindest cut of all? (L) (McKim) Microcomputers in medicine (Piasecki) 1265 231; (L) (McSherry) 231 Morphine suppositories for intractable pain (Brook-Williams and Sir William Boyd: a legacy in print (NF) 421 Hoover) 14 LITHIUM: Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (L) (Kubacki) Mortality and medicine (McKinnon) 893 767 Multiple sclerosis: research in British Columbia (Sadovnick) Symposium presents medical approaches to depression (NF) 123 1276 LITTMANN SK: See MENUCK M Neonatal herpes simplex (Hammond) 468; (Tummon, Dudley, LIVER DISEASES: Coagulation factor therapy for hemophilia: relati Walters and MacDonald) 469 to hepatitis B and to liver function (OA) (Card and others) "No resuscitation" orders (Davidson) 768; (Evans) 769 34 Nosocomial transmission of listeriosis? (King, Duncan and Tracey) Creation of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt with a 1374 Gruntzig balloon catheter (BR) (Colapinto and others) Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (Connolly) 1025; 267 (Heinisch) 1025 Liver lesions and oral contraceptives (L) (Freedman) Ophthalmologists and optometrists (Baker) 1373 1149 Osteopathy (Parsons) 231 Neuropsychiatric disturbance due to occult occlusion of the Pancreatitis caused by mefenamic acid (vanWalraven, Edels and portal vein (BR) (Yik and others) 50 Fong) 894 LOBLEY G: See GOLDSTEIN RS Parental smoking and infant morbidity (Wigle and Johansen) 1277 LOEB, LAZARUS: Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't practise in Canada Physicians and the bomb (Bates and Dworkind) 768; (Gibney) 767; (NF) 1213 (Stuart) 768; (Woods) 768 LONGITUDINAL STUDIES: Factors predicting working status after Placement incentives (Miller) 120 aortocoronary bypass surgery (OA) (Danchin and others) Placement or disposal? (Kirshen) 1266 255 Post-traumatic cataplexy (Sadowski) 1150 LONG TERM CARE: Friends and families of the handicapped (L) Potentially lethal interaction of cimetidine and morphine (Fine (Sky) 362 and Churchill) 1032 LOVELL SJ and REID WD: Serum sickness with cefaclor (L) 1032 Prescribing of tranquilizers (Anderson) 900; (Bass) 900; LOW BLOOD PRESSURE: See HYPOTENSION (Rapp) 899; (Collyer) 1033 LUDWIN D, MORALES A , SALERNO TA, COHANIM M, SINGER MA and Preventing motion sickness (Hodgson) 1374 MORRIN PAF: Results of renal transplantation in a small Probucol and familial hypercholesterolemia (Davignon and centre (BR) 1420 Bouthillier) 1024; (Gagne, Lupien, Brun and Moorjani) 1025 LUENGAS FM, INCLAN GM, MONTEJO J and AGUIRRE C: Septicemia due Propranolol in psychiatric illness (O'Regan) 606; (Ray) 606 to Yersinia enterocolitica (L) 772 The psychiatrist's role in the care of the elderly (Cole) 605; LUKIE BE: See CARD RT (Hontela) 604 LUNG DISEASE: Bronchoalveolar lavage (E) (Rebuck and others) Reactions to mosquito and blackfly bites (Dolovich, Kwee and 1370 Greenbaum) 1147 "Labrador lung": an unusual mixed dust pneumoconiosis (OA) Recognizing hyperparathyroidism (Ernst) 1031; (Murray and Josse) (Edstrom) 27 1031 Proportional analysis of respiratory cells obtained by Recurrent herpes simplex (Adam) 894 bronchoalveolar lavage (OA) (Braude and others) 1401 Recurrent infectious mononucleosis (McSherry) 899 Pulmonary blastomycosis diagnosed by cytologic examination Reducing government spending (Danby) 231 of sputum (BR) (Robertson and others) 387 Retrograde cholangiography (Connon) 359; (Hershfield) 359 LUNG NEOPLASMS: Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita associated Saphenous thrombosis mimicking adductor tendinitis (Durnin) 232 with adenocarcinoma of the lung (BR) (Knowling and others) Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (Hoffer) 1375 1308 Scientifically trained allergists (Dehejia) 1149; (Johnson) Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) (Heinisch) 1149 1025 Septicemia due to Yersinia enterocolitica (Luengas, Inclan, LUPIEN PJ: See GAGNE C Montejo and Aguirre) 772 LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, SYSTEMIC: Recurrent infections, diarrhea, Serum sickness with cefaclor (Lovell and Reid) 1032 ascites and phonophobia in a 57-year-old man (DC) Serum theophylline levels after influenza vaccination (Britton (Aterman (ed) and others) 623 and Ruben) 1375 LYMPHOMA: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Manitoba, 1968-77: the Sex education: the physician's role (Murray) 1026 impact of chemotherapy (OA) (Deonarine and others) 807 Smoking habits in hospital (Rosen and Drucker) 1152 Sodium valproate and thrombocytopenia (Hoffman) 358; (Morris) 359 M Surgically correctable sleep apnea (Darwish) 118; (Lefebvre) 119 MMA: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Man. Div. "Swan-Ganz elbow" (Esses, Feinberg and Panos) 1276 McALISTER NH: Tribulations of a clinical trial (L) 1033 Sweet's syndrome associated with acute leukemia (Imamura, Inada, MacCARA ME: Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in Kamada and Kuramoto) 605 Canadian drugs (TR) 910 Task force on provision of primary care services (Chouinard) 1142 The uses and abuses of laxatives (TR) 780 Ten words to give up in 1982 (Eibel) 900; (Lane) 1153; McCARTHY ME: See WHITE FMM (Morgan) 1153 MacCHARLES, MALCOLM RUTHERFORD: Profiles 978 Training for family practice (McGregor) 16; (Morrissy) 16 McCULLOCH JA: Chemonucleolysis (L) 119 Trauma research (Ghent) 14 Chemonucleolysis for relief of sciatica due to a herniated Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (McGuigan) 232; (Nadasdi) intervertebral disc (OA) 124: 879; Comment on: See 232, 1278; (Trappler and Bezeredi) 893 ROSEN JH; SPODICK DH; replies 338 Tribulations of a clinical trial (McAlister) 1033 McCULLOCH, TOM A.: Profiles 1096 Ureteral "kinking" following colposuspension (Watt) 360 MacDONALD NE: See TUMMON IS Vitamin E (Grant) 1153 McDONALD TF: See BUSTAMANTE JO Working status after aortocoronary bypass surgery (Cumming) 1153 MacDOUGAL KB: See DEONARINE L LEUKEMIA: Adult T-cell leukemia (L) (Miyamoto and others) 229 MacDOUGALL BK: See HAMMOND GW Bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and aplastic anemia: MacEACHEN, ALLAN: Dear Mr. MacEachen...CMA responds to budget management of ABO incompatibility (OA) (Curtis and others) 649 measures (NF) 197 Sweet's syndrome associated with acute leukemia (L) (Imamura McFADDEN DD and HIMAL HS: Colonic adenocarcinoma: a late and others) 605 complication of ureterosigmoidostomy (BR) 827 LEUKOPENIA: Lithium, leukopenia and affective illness (L) (Kubacki) McGREGOR JB: Training for family practice (L) 16 767 McGUIGAN MA: Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) 232; LEUNG M: See YEUNG DL Comment on: See NADASDI M LEWIN PK: Battered parent syndrome (L) 593 McILROY, WILLIAM J.: Profiles 711 LEYLAND R: See McNAUGHTON RD McKENZIE N: See LAUPACIS A LIBRARIES: The Willcome library: reflection of an insatiable McKIM JS: Neonatal circumcision (E) 125: 955; Comment on: See collector (NF) 712 McSHERRY JA: replies 231 LIBRARIES, MEDICAL: Access to the medical literature (L) (Kerr) McKINNON NE: Mortality and medicine (L) 893 120 MacLEOD AJ: Maintaining professionalism in a meterial age (NF) Index Medicus jeopardized (L) (Nevill) 1266 847 LIFE STYLE: A positive view of retirement (NF) 1093 MacLEOD SM: See FENJE PC LIFE SUPPORT CARE: Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas McMASTER HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY: Ontario doctor donates of economic restraints on life-support treatments (E) collection to McMaster library (NF) 836 (Oreopoulos) 745 McNAUGHTON RD, LEYLAND R and MUELLER L: Outbreak of Campylobacter LIMONGELLI, FULVIO: Profiles 980 enteritis due to consumption of raw milk (BR) 657 LINDANE: BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE McSHERRY JA: Circumcision: the unkindest cut of all? (L) 231 LINEGAR KL: Abortion (L) 125: 337; Comment on: See WILSON DR; Recurrent infectious mononucleosis (L) 899 (L) 1152 MacSWEEN HM: See ATERMAN K (ed)

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 is McWHINNEY IR: Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure Keep it simple 889 in family medicine (L) 115 Living infection 1390 MACKLEN, PETER: Quebec physicians say government has taken over Nutrition in the North 341 (NF) 972 One man's view 746 MADRAS PN: See BARON M Pain 152 MAGNESIUM: Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (L) (Hoffer) 1375 Physician as protector 1054 MAGNETICS: False claims for magnetotherapy (L) (Orpin) 1375 Preventive medicine 108 MAGTIBAY LZ: See ROBERTSON SA Research 41 MAILER CM: Good English is good medicine (L) 120 The rewards of research 793 MALARIA: Malaria acquired by accidental inoculation (BR) (Varma) Smoking in hospital 133 1419 What is the diagnosis? 628 MALPRACTICE: Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference (NF) MEDICALLY UNDERSERVICED AREAS: Placement incentives (L) (Miller) 72 120 MALYON C: See FISHER RH Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to provinces's physicians (NF) MANGANESE: Acute manganese intoxication and pancreatitis in a 61 patient treated with a contaminated dialysate (BR) (Taylor MEDICAL ONCOLOGY: Adult T-cell leukemia (L) (Miyamoto and others) and others) 503 229 MANIPULATION, ORTHOPEDIC: Osteopathy (L) (Parsons) 231 Halifax centre dedicated to Nova Scotia MD (NF) 686 MANITOBA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Is conization appropriate treatment for cervical cancer in Man. Div. situ? (BR) (Lambert and others) 1176 MANITOBA PEDIATRIC SOCIETY: Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY: See SOCIOLOGY, MEDICAL (OA) (Committee on Breast-Feeding, Manitoba Pediatric MEDICARE: See INSURANCE, HEALTH Society) 639 MEDICINE: The iatrectomists (PP) (Woods) 743 MANUEL FR: See EMBIL JA Medicine bridges scientific facts and human values (NF) MANUSCRIPTS, MEDICAL: Declaration of Vancouver updated (E) 722 (Sherrington) 888 Medicine's remarkable Scottish connection (V) (Woods) 687 MARCUS-JONES OW: See PORTNOY D Mortality and medicine (L) (McKinnon) 893 MARKETING OF HEALTH SERVICES: Marketing your services -- a matter MEDICINE, ORIENTAL: Toronto's China show will exhibit medical of patient PR (NF) 301 curiosities (NF) 964 MARKO AM: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) 357 MEDLARS-MEDLINE INFORMATION SYSTEM: Index Medicus (MN) 460 MARRIE TJ, HALDANE EV, NOBLE MA, FAULKNER RS, LEE SHS, GOUGH D, Index Medicus jeopardized (L) (Nevill) 1266; (E) MEYERS S and STEWART J: Q fever in Maritime Canada (OA) (Sherrington) 459 1295 MEETINGS AND COURSES: Canadian Institute of Law and Medicine, MARRIS R: Cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada (L) 1142 3rd annual conference, Toronto, Oct 1-2, 1981; (NF) MARSHALL, BRIAN McQUILLAN: Brian McQuillan Marshall (Obit) 432 report 72 MARSHALL KG: See ATTIA EL Canadian Medical Association annual meeting, Registration MARTIN JR: Circumpolar health (E) 339 713 MARTIN PR and LEFEBVRE AM: Surgical treatment of Canadian Medical Association, Saskatoon, Sept 19-24, 1982 sleep-apnea-associated psychosis (FP) 124: 978; Comment (notice) 405 on: See DARWISH H; replies 119 Convention cities: Dublin (NF) 864 MARTYN JW: Diagnosing and treating hypothermia (RA) 125: 1089; Convention cities: Saskatoon (NF) 1346 Comment on: See BUCKINGHAM IP and KUEHN LA Convention cities: Vancouver (NF) 428 MASON JW: See MELVIN KR Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin (NF) MASS MEDIA: Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media (NF) 408 1452 Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (V) Major 1982 medical meetings in Vancouver (notice) (NF) (Berube) 406 429 Print media will survive says Tom Kent (NF) 961 Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration (NF) MASS SCREENING: Screening for tuberculosis: how much is too 1342 much? (E) (Mellor) 458 The Medical Consequences of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear MASS SYMPATHETIC REFLEX: The mass reflex: an emergency in a War, Toronto, 1982; (NF) report 315 quadriplegic patient (FP) (Muzumdar) 369 Medic Canada '83...towards the year 2000, Toronto 1203 MASTERS, WILLIAM: Sexual myths still persist (NF) 981 Historical perspectives on Canadian Medicine, Hamilton, MATERNAL BEHAVIOR: Prevalence and duration of breast-feeding June 1982 (NF) 1021 in Manitoba (OA) (Clark and others) 1173 Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICES: Maternal phenylketonuria: finding and (NF) 1462 treating women before conception (E) (Hanley and others) Symposium on Circumpolar Health, 5th International, Copenhagen, 1259 Aug 9-13, 1981; report 339 MATHIAS R: See WHITE F Symposium presents medical approaches to depression (NF) MD MANAGEMENT LTD.: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, MD 1235 Management Ltd. Teaching the critical assessment of clinical data, 2nd MEASLES: Canada needs a compulsory measles vaccination program workshop, Hamilton, Sept 27-Oct 1, 1982; notice 1373 (E) (Davies and others) 107 MEFENAMIC ACID: Pancreatitis caused by mefenamic acid (L) Experience with measles in Canada and the United States (RA) (vanWalraven and others) 894 (Davies and others) 123 MELANCON F: See ECHAVE V MECKEL'S DIVERTICULUM: Perforation of Meckel's diverticulum by MELLOR J: Screening for tuberculosis: how much is too much (E) 458 an alkaline hearing aid battery (BR) (Willis and others) MELVIN KR and MASON JW: Endomyocardial biopsy: its history, 497 techniques and current indications (RA) 1381 MEBAN S and HUNTER E: Outpatient treatment of pilonidal disease MELZACK R: Labour is still painful (L) 470 (BR) 941 MEMBERSHIP DUES: MMA dues may be compulsory for Manitoba MDs (NF) MELZACK R and KINCH RA: Labour is still painful (L) 357; 404 Comment on: See GEGGIE DC MENINGOCOCCAL INFECTIONS: Seroepidemiologic aspects of Neisseria MELZACK R, TAENZER P, FELDMAN P and KINCH RA: Labour is still meningitidis in homosexual men (OA) (Salit and others) 38 painful after prepared childbirth training (OA) 125: MENSTRUATION: Toxic shock syndrome: coming full circle (E) (Dan 357; Comment on: See HANVEY L; KLEIN M; replies 357; and others) 751 BALTMAN SM; replies 470 Toxic shock syndrome in Canada (RA) (Clayton and others) 776 MEAKIN JW: See KNOWLING MA MENTAL DISORDERS: Symposium presents medical approaches to depression MEDAL OF HONOUR: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Medal of (NF) (Trainor) 1235 Honour MENUCK M and LITTMANN SK: Involuntary admission to hospital and LES MEDECINS DU QUEBEC POUR LE RESPECT DE LA VIE: Abortion treatment in Ontario: is pessimism among physicians warranted? (L) (Newman) 594; (L) (Watters and others) 465 (OA) 1168 MEDICAID: MEDICAL ASSISTANCE MERCER D and GHENT WR: Gastroduodenal artery aneurysm associated with MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: Pediatrics group to study MD payment plans chronic relapsing pancreatitis (BR) 1065 (NF) 1084 MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD, 1981: Earn, Abe (P) 1096 MEDICAL COUNCIL OF CANADA: Leach, Wilson G. (P) 711 MESSNER HA: See CURTIS JE MEDICAL NOTES: Alcohol abuse 352 METABOLIC DISEASES: Maternal phenylketonuria: finding and treating Antisepsis 1371 women before conception (E) (Hanley and others) 1259 Birth control 144 METABOLISM: Oral contraceptives: effects on folate and vitamin B12 CMAJ retrospect 71; 309; 547; 558; 694; 848; 853; metabolism (RA) (Shojania) 244 968; 999; 1222; 1237; 1335; 1341; 1467 METABOLISM, INBORN ERRORS: Maternal phenylketonuria: finding A cure for "canker" 368 and treating women before conception (E) (Hanley and Dealing with uncertainty 917 others) 1259 The first ballooning experiments 243 METHANOL: See ALCOHOL, METHYL A home cure for jaundice 812 METHYL CHLORIDE: Methyl chloride: an unusual incident of intoxication Home cures for bad breath 1285 (L) (Lanham) 593 Home remedies for asthma 618 METOCLOPRAMIDE: Adverse neurologic effects of metoclopramide (FP) A home remedy for constipation 782 (Grimes and others) 23 Humouring the physician 753 MEYERS S: See MARRIE TJ Index Medicus 460 MICHAELS E: Acetaminophen: should it be as available as ASA? (NF) "Indigestion" 25 707

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 the West (NF) 850 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: How multiple sclerosis is related to animal Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from 377 Medicine would be helpless in nuclear war say concerned MDs (NF) illness, stress and diabetes (OA) (Warren and others) 315 Multiple sclerosis: research in British Columbia (L) (Sadovnick) on to opt out of medicare (NF) 860 1276 OMA group insists right 125: 211; Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's report MURDOCH S: Good Samaritan laws: questioning need (NF) (NF) 967 Comnent on: See SMIALEK Z Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement (NF) 1443 MURPHY DA: See BUSTAMANTE JO See COMPUTERS MURPHY, DAVID A.: Profiles 548 MICROCOMPUTERS: role (L) 1026 MILITARY MEDICINE: Dr. James Barry: military man -- or woman? (NF) MURRAY AB: Sex education: the physician's MURRAY TM and JOSSE RG: Recognizing hyperparathyroidism (L) 1031 854 in the MILK: Outbreak of Campylobacter enteritis due to consumption of raw MUSCLE, SMOOTH: Smooth muscle and endothelial cell function milk (BR) (McNaughton and others) 657 pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (RA) (Gotlieb) 903 Raw milk and health in humans. (E) (White and others) 1260 MUSIC: Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity MILLER L: Placement incentives (L) 120 (NF) 534 MILSTEIN, CESAR: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (NF) Medical services for outdoor rock music festivals (OA) 426 (Chapman and others) 935 CROWTHER SM: Probucol: a weak hypocholesterolemic MUTTITT ELC: See AARON TH MISHKEL MA and a quadriplegic patient agent (L) 125: 135; Comment on: See DAVIGNON J and MUZUMDAR AS: The mass reflex: an emergency in BOUTHILLIER D (FP) 369 MITCHELL DQ: See FISCHER RG MYCOSES: Diagnosis of systemic or visceral candidosis (RA) (Kozinn MITTON, DEBORAH MACKAY: Profiles 711 and others) 1386 MIYAMOTO K, SATO J, HAMASAKI K, KITAZIMA K, SANADA H and TANAKA T: Pulmonary blastomycosis diagnosed by cytologic examination of Adult T-cell leukemia (L) 229 sputum (BR) (Robertson and others) 387 MONTEJO J: See LUENGAS FM Sporotrichosis due to contact with contaminated sphagnum moss MONTPLAISIR S, COURTEAU C, MARTINEAU B and PELLETIER M: Limitations (BR) (Adam and others) 1071 of the direct immunofluorescence test for antibody-coated MYELOMA: Band keratopathy in hypercalcemia of myeloma (BR) (Wilson bacteria in determining the site of urinary tract infections and others) 1314 in children (OA) 125: 993; Comment on: See BAILEY RR MYOCARDIAL DISEASES: Endomyocardial biopsy: its history, techniques MONTREAL CARDIAC SOCIETY: Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiologist and current indications (RA) (Melvin and others) 1381 reminisces (NF) 1109 MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: Case of an anemic man with chest and abdominal MOORE, PERCY: Profiles 416 pain (DC) (Dawson and others) 145 MOORJANI S: See GAGNE C Utilite de l'epreuve d'effort sur tapis roulant peu apres un MORALES A: See LUDWIN D infarctus du myocarde (OA) (LeBlanc et autres) 1300 MORALS: The ethics of biomedicine (L) (Oreopoulos) 1142; (L) MYOCARDIOPATHIES: See MYOCARDIAL DISEASES (Roy) 1142 MYRES AW: Guide on infant feeding (L) 902 Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? (NF) 553 MORAL, ED: Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's report (NF) 967 MORBIDITY: Circumcision (L) (Morgan) 603; (L) (Warner and others) 603 N Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian children in the first year of life (OA) (Evers and others) 249 Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) (Wigle and others) NDDG: See NATIONAL DIABETES DATA GROUP 1277 1278 MORGAN P: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (NF) 426 NADASDI M: Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) 232; (L) NANJI AA, BLANK D and CAMPBELL DJ: Are routine measurements of serum MORGAN PETER P.: CMAJ announces appointment of scientific editor (NF) 901 1203 chloride and total carbon dioxide levels worth doing? (L) NATIONAL DIABETES DATA GROUP: Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis Clinical trials on trial: the Canadian II. Improving nonrandomized trials (E) 588 of diabetes mellitus and related conditions by (E) 1369 Diabetes Association (RA) (Ad Hoc Committee on Diagnostic III. Should statistics give the final verdict? and Scientific Section, Ten words to give up in 1982 (L) 1153 Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical WIGLE DT: Medical care and declining rates of death Canadian Diabetes Association) 473 MORGAN PP and Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) (Rodger) 453 due to heart disease and stroke (E) 125: 953; Comment on: and See PEREY B; replies 772; TYERS GFO NEAR-DROWNING: Legionella pneumophila pneumonia (L) (Seki MORGAN WKC: Circumcision (L) 603 others) 116 (BR) NECROSIS: Phagedena: gangrenous and necrotic ulcerations of skin and MORISON JB: Smoking habits of Winnipeg school students, 1960-80 363 153 subcutaneous tissue (RA) (Jackson and others) NEGOTIATIONS: See COLLECTIVE BARGAINING MORISSET R: See VIENS P infection (BR) MORPHINE: Epidural use of morphine in managing the pain of carneous NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE: Disseminated gonococcal degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma during pregnancy (BR) (Bowmer and others) 1188 NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS: Seroepidemiologic aspects of Neisseria (Treissman and others) 505 38 Morphine suppositories for intractable pain (L) (Brook-Williams meningitidis in homosexual men (OA) (Salit and others) NELSON N: See POSTL BD and others) 14 125: Potentially lethal interaction of cimetidine and morphine (L) NELSON NM: A more balanced approach to prenatal education (E) 331; Comment on: See KLEIN M; replies 357 (Fine and others) 1032 and MORRIN PAF: See LUDWIN D NEONATOLOGY: Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (OA) (Postl MORRIS AL: Pericarditis and impending rupture of aneurysms of the others) 811 ascending aorta (BR) 1190 Neonatal herpes simplex (L) (Hammond) 468 MORRIS N: Sodium valproate and thrombocytopenia (L) 359 Recent trends in neonatal mortality: the Canadian experience and (OA) (Lee and others) 373 MORRIS N, BARR RD, PAI KRM and KELTON JG: Valproic acid of (BR) 125: 63; Comment on: See HOFFMAN LM; NEOPLASM METASTASIS: Band keratopathy in hypercalcemia myeloma thrombocytopenia (BR) (Wilson and others) 1314 replies 359 la resection d'un MORRISSY JR: The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? Metastase endobrochique 20 ans apres (P1) 483 hypernephrome (BR) (Echave et autres) 1073 Training for family practice (L) 16 NEOPLASMS: Directory of cancer support services in Ontario (L) (Marris) (Godden) 1265 MORTALITY: Cardiovascular disease mortality in Canada (L) and 1142 Intractable pain with breast cancer (OA) (Watson others) 263 Declining rates of death due to heart disease (L) (Morgan and in situ? others) 772; (L) (Perey) 770; (L) (Tyers) 772 Is conization appropriate treatment for cervical cancer Mortality and medicine (L) (McKinnon) 893 (BR) (Lambert and others) 1176 The many faces of basal cell carcinoma (FP) (Jackson) 1157 Recent trends in neonatal mortality: the Canadian experience d'un (OA) (Lee and others) 373 Metastase endobronchique 20 ans apres la resection Natural history and management of chronic aortic valve hypernephrome (BR) (Echave et autres) 1073 MORTON BC: Mortality and medicine (L) (McKinnon) 893 disease (RA) 477 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Manitoba, 1986-77: the impact of MOSQUITOES: Reactions to mosquito and blackfly bites (L) (Dolovich 807 others) 1147 chemotherapy (OA) (Deonarine and others) and NEOPLASTIC ENDOCRINE-LIKE SYNDROME: Recognizing hyperparathyroidism MOSS: See SPHAGNUM MOSS and others) 1031 MOTION SICKNESS: Preventing motion sickness (L) (Hodgson) 1374 (L) (Murray researchers incentives (L) (Miller) 120 NEUFLED, ELIZABETH F.: Gairdner Foundation honours medical MOTIVATION: Placement (NF) 426 MOURADIAN A: See SALTI IS MAJOR Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone from the NEUROLEPTICS: See TRANQUILIZING AGENTS, MOVEMENT: NEUROLOGIC MANIFESTATIONS: Adverse neurologic effects of pineal body (VOA) (Iversen) 787 (FP) (Grimes and others) 23 MOVEMENT DISORDERS: Adverse neurologic effects of metoclopramide (FP) metoclopramide in (Grimes and others) 23 Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia nonpsychiatric FACILITY MOVING patients (L) (Grimes) 468 MOVING, HEALTH FACILITY: See HEALTH due to occult occlusion of the portal MUCKLE TJ: Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease (L) 1373 Neuropsychiatric disturbance' vein (BR) (Yik and others) 50 MUELLER L: See McNAUGHTON RD 1266 MULL, JOHN D.: Profiles 548 NEVILL AD: Index Medicus jeopardized (L) 17 Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 NEWHOUSE MT: See DOLOVICH J New game for adolescents teaches parenting 837 NEWMAN PR: Abortion (L) 594 Nuclear armament or disarmament? 545 NEWS AND FEATURES: Acetaminophen: should it be as available as ASA? The 1982 economic forecast calls for cautious investing 414 707 OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare 860 Alberta Heritage Foundation appoints advisory council 1083 Ontario anesthetist awards himself achievement medal 1088 Alberta MD named Family Physician of the Year 1431 Ontario doctor donates collection to McMaster library 836 Alberta will try "liaison committee" in future fee negotiations Ontario government to allow hospitals private sector funding 1218 62 Alberta physicians reject government's 13.1% fee increase offer Ontario hospital launches "BABY" 963 62 Ontario increases hospital budgets by 12 % for nex year 962 AMA publishes medical books for the public 1085 Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's report An argument for opting out 1336 967 Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from the West 850 Ontario Premier appoints new health minister 679 The board in brief 78 Ontario will promote dermatology research 1085 Bowels, bungling and bureaucracy 203 "Patient-pleasing" tips 305 Canada's new constitution: will it affect medical practice? PC's Graham Taylor takes over health ministry 1463 1448 Pediatrics group to study MD payment plans 1084 Canadian Trauma Foundation adopts charter 702 Physicians' medical kits to be available on all Air Canada Can anyone make a million? 1102 flights 962 CCHA redefines guidelines to surveyors on itinerant surgery 404 PMAC to encourage students' summer employment in pharmaceutical Clinical trials launched for biosynthetic insultin 1323 industry 680 CMA announces annual meeting scientific program 405 A positive view of retirement 1093 CMA develops proposals on sex education 836 Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing 64 CMA initiates Medal of Honour for non-physicians 684 Preventing childhood accidents examined 124: 1346; Comment CMA must prove Canadian health care is underfunded 77 on: See GOLDBLOOM RG; GOODHALL-GUNN P and ROBERTSON HR; CMA 1981-82 directory 79 GHENT WR CMA president warns EPF committee against cutbacks 1083 Print media will survive says Tom Kent 961 CMA represented at NDP convention in Vancouver 125: 372; Quebec physicians force Johnson to amend Bill 27 285 Comments on: See HOAKEN PCS Quebec physicians say government has taken over 972 CMAJ announces appointment of scientific editor 1203 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians 61 Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity Radiologic art featured on CMAJ cover 525 534 Remarkable woman doctor dies at 100 287 Convention cities: Dublin 864 Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding Convention cities: Saskatoon 1346 1462 Convention cities: Vancouver 428 Retractable preferred shares: investment with a tax break 1098 A conversation with William F. Buckley, Jr. 179 "The Runaway" 992 Dear Mr. MacEachen ...CMA responds to budget measures 197 The sense and nonsense of the best-selling diet books 696 Deductable insurance could rationalize medicare 550 Sexual myths still persist 981 Do MDs recognize threat of environment? 320 Sir William Boyd: a legacy in print 421 Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media 408 Some common staff management and money questions 1456 Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social conscience 1465 Special Report: CMA Presi-ent calls for task force on health Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiologist reminisces 1109 care rationing 1432A Dr. James Barry: military man -- or woman? 854 Staff cuts and bed closures imminent in BC hospitals 1324 Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't practise in Canada 1213 Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement 1443 Dr. Marc Baltzan and Tommy Douglas debate medicare 290 Symposium presents medical approaches to depression 1235 Dr. Robin Krause assumes presidency of CFPC 1454 Task force on family practice training set to start work 523; Economics council sponsors national allocations conference 684 Comment on: See CHOUINARD JL Ethics contest honours Canada's first medical student 125: Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? 1270; Comment on: See BENSLEY EH 553 Federal government announces funding for medical research 173 Three MDs honoured with membership in Order of Canada 1204 Federal government proposing state medicine? 961 Toronto's China show will exhibit medical curiosities 964 Food of the future: will it be nutritious? 689 Toronto lawyer says medical egalitarianism here to stay Former CMA president to be dean of medicne at Queen's 1203 University 1325 Tuberculosis in Canada: a century of progress 526 Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers 426 TV program "Dallas" errs on child restraint device 287 Good long-term outlook for stock market 415 Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board Government approves more funding for health research 680 1206 Halifax centre dedicated to Nova Soctia MD 686 US Supreme Court says AMA cannot restrict MD advertising A healthy view of physicians 1107 1432 The hospice movement: a human approach to palliative care Vacation Supplement: 556 How your colleagues plan vacations 182 How to handle a tax assessment 412 Keeping travel costs low 195 How to move your office effortlessly 858 Why not try these unusual destinations? 188 How will we set our priorities for medical technology? 1431 VZI globulin now available without restriction 1325 Hugh federal grant for gene studies at Connaught Labs 1084 The Wellcome library: reflection of an insatiable collector Inside the Department of National Health and Welfare 1089 712 Investing in Canadian art 988 NEWSPAPERS: The medical profession and the press: prime targets Is a two-tier health care system really that bad? 1323 for commissions, task forces (PP) (Woods) 583 Is there a cure for cuber's thumb? 1023 NGUYEN K: Acetylsalicylic acid (L) 773 Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin 1452 NICHOLLS ES and DAVIES JW: Rabies control and management (OA) James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated Empress of 1286 Ireland 318 NICHOLLS ES, JUNG J and DAVIES JW: Cardiovascular disease Keeping your staff happy -- at little cost 1223 mortality in Canada (OA) 125: 981; Comment on: See Kentucky offers John P. Wyatt travelling fellowship 686 PEREY B; MARRIS R Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference 72 NO RESUSCITATION: See RESUSCITATION Maintaining professionalism in a material age 847 NOBLE MA: See MARRIE TJ Major 1982 medical meetings in Vancouver 428 NON-PARTICIPATION: An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration 1342 OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare (NF) Manitoba physicians opt for binding arbitration 836 860 Manpower questionnaire is urgent business 684 NORRIS JW: See FISHER RH Marketing your services -- a matter of patient PR 301 NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS: See CROSS INFECTION MD Management offers new programs for'82 995 NUCLEAR MEDICINE: "Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories" (L) Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the (Marko) 357 '80s 1331 Medicine would be helpless in nuclear war say concerned MDs Medicare is financially sick 838 (NF) 315 Medicine bridges scientific facts and human values 722 Nuclear armament or disarmament? (NF) 545 Medicine would be helpless in nuclear war say concerned MDs NUMISMATICS: Ontario anesthetist awards himself achievement medal 315 (NF) 1088 MMA dues may be compulsory for Manitoba MDs 404 NUTRITION: Food of the future: will it be nutritious? (NF) 689 Model geriatric unit planned for Ontario hospital 174 Nutiriton in the North (MN) 341 Money management for a lifetime 1232 The sense and nonsense of the best-selling diet books (NF) Money sought to purchase Jenner's house 523 696 Montreal family physician awarded 1982 Osler Scholarship NUTRITIVE VALUE: Commercial or homemade baby food? (L) (Yeung 288 and others) 113 Montreal physician assumes presidency of CN railways 963 National results of kidney treatment ot be analyzed 679 Negotiations fail: Alberta MDs try direct billing 173 New Brunswick MD honoured as distinguished citizen 680 New drug for genital herpes soon available 1084

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 0 Weber, John J. 728 Weber, Walter H. 869 Wells, Thomas J. 84 Whittaker, John S. 728 Wilson, Edward Geoffrey 728 OBITUARIES: Ahuja, A. Gyan 738 O'BRIEN, JOSEPH: Alberta MD named Family Physician of the Year Anderson, Clare L. 563 (NF) 1431 Annett, Robert Kenneth 1353 OBSTETRICS: Labour is still painful (L) (Baltman) 469; (L) Bagshaw, Elizabeth C. 287; 1104 (Hanvey) 354; (L) (Klein) 354; (L) (Melzack) 470; Bell, James F. 563 (L) (Melzack and others) 357 Billings, Roger M. 728 Labour pain (L) (Geggie) 1374 Black, Elinor F.E. 869; 1228 Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing (NF) 64 Blagdon, Georges 1228 OCCIPITAL BONE: Modified head-neck support for basilar Bleeks, Cherry Knox 84 invagination with brain-stem compression (BR) (Hunt and Blenkinsop, Gavin W. 84 others) 947 Boileau, George Rene 563 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES: Aluminum reduction and bladder cancer Byers, Wilmer Mason (Bill) 1104 (L) (Dunkley) 1026 Campbell, Ronald Wilson 1228 "Labrador lung": an unusual mixed dust pneumoconiosis (OA) Carleton, G. Wylie 1104 (Edstrom and others) 27 Caswell, Lloyd Albert 84; 728 Occupational cancer: experience in Ontario (L) (Connolly) Chapman, Eric Francis 1353 1025; (L) (Heinisch) 1025 Clifford, Ernest J. 1353 Raynaud's phenomenon in forestry workers in Quebec (OA) Coulombe, Leo 84 (Theriault and others) 1404 Crummey, Arthur S. 205 "Swan-Ganz elbow" (L) (Esses and others) 1276 Danby, Charles William Elliott 1104 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE: Do MDs recognize threat of environment? Davidson, Clarence Roderick Scott 1104 (NF) 320 Davidson, John Ross 1353 ODORS: Halitosis (RA) (Attia and others) 1281 Day, Clarence Stanley 432 OFFICE MANAGEMENT: How to move your office effortlessly (NF) Derbyshire, Wilfred 1104 858 Duncan, Hugh A.G. 84 Keeping your staff happy -- at little cost (NF) 1223 Fenn, William E. 1104 MD Management offers new programs for '82 (NF) 995 Freedman, Natham 563 OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare (NF) Gagnier, Leglius 432 860 Gillespie, John 205 Some common staff management and money questions (NF) Goddard, Ernest Stewart 432 1456 Grant, Charles Ross 563 ONCOLOGY, MEDICAL: See MEDICAL ONCOLOGY Grimes, Sylvester Edmund 84 ONTARIO CANCER TREATMENT AND RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS: Directory of Hall, William MacKintosh 205 cancer support services in Ontario (L) (Godden) 1265 Haslett, William R.T. 432 ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Higley, Anthony John 84 Ont. Div. Holland, Thomas Edward 728 ONTARIO MENTAL HEALTH ACT: See LEGISLATION, MEDICAL Horan, Patrick J. 869 ONTARIO MINISTRY OF HEALTH: Ontario Premier appoints new health Humphrey, John N. 1104 minister (NF) 679 Kaye, Kenneth Eugene Peter 1228 ONTARIO SCIENCE CENTRE, Toronto: Toronto's China show will exhibit Kelly, R. Arnold 84 medical curiosities (NF) 964 Koop, Walter Henry 869 ONTARIO THORACIC SOCIETY: Gray, Patricia Ainslie (P) 980 Kratz, Jules Clemens H. 205 OPHTHALMOLOGY: Ophthalmologists and optometrists (PP) (Woods) Lambert, J. Jacques 1104 221 Leacock, Arthur Murdoch 84 OPTOMETRY: Advertising optometry (L) (Gagnon) 115 Leblanc, Marcel 563 Ophthalmologists and optometrists (L) (Baker) 1373; (PP) LeMesurier, Arthur B. 1353 (Woods) 221 Letienne, Louis 1104 OPT-OUT: See NON-PARTICIPATION Lewis, John E. 432 ORAL HEALTH: Halitosis (RA) (Attia and others) 1281 McCracken, George 869 ORDER OF CANADA: Three MDs honoured with membership in Order of McCurrach, Allan Cunningham 728 Canada (NF) 1204 McDonald, Allan Donald 84 THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN: Besley, Keith (P) 83 MacKenzie, Seymour Gordon 563 O'REAGAN JB: Treatment of acute postpartum psychosis (L) 125: McMahen, Willard John 205 1083; Comment on: See RAY I; replies 606 Mailloux, Joseph Ernest Luc 84 OREOPOULOS D: The ethics of biomedicine (L) 1142 Maltby, Ernest J. 1104 Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of economic Marshall, Brian McQuillan 432 restraints on life-support treatments (E) 745 Martine, Roland Jean 84 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION: Medical schools and affiliated Matthews, Ross Munro 1228 teaching hospitals in the '80s (NF) 1331 Michaud, Charles E. 205 ORIGINAL ARTICLES: Appraisal of pediatric cardiopulmonary Miller, Leonard A. 563 resuscitation (Friesen, Duncan, Tweed and Bristow) 1055 Mitchell, Hugh Douglas 728 Bilharziose intestinale chez des touristes quebecois: Monteith, John Sinclair 1353 aspects parasitologiques et diagnostiques (Viens, Morisset Morphy, John 84 et Clermont) 137 Morris, Cecil W.J. 728 Bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and aplastic anemia: O'Brien, Willard Cleveland 563 management of ABO incompatibility (Curtis and Messner) Orlik, Erich G. 728 649 O'Shaughnessy, Peter E. 84 Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba (Committee on Paas, Priit 432 Breast-Feeding, Manitoba Pediatric Society) 639 Pace, Frederick Cecil 1228 Career choices, work patterns and perceptions of undergraduate Pender, Charles B. 205 education of McMaster medical graduates: comparison between Philibert, Rene-Paul 205 men and women (Ferrier and Woodward) 1411 Poisson, Paul 563 Coagulation factor therapy for hemophilia: relation to hepatitis Rae, Mary Viola 1353 B and to liver function (Card, Dusevic and Lukie) 34 Ranger, Claude Joseph 205 Compression-sclerotherapy for varicose veins: a Canadian study Ranosky, Michael John 563 (Douglas, Fisher and Reeleder) 923 Reid, Raymond Albert 205 Diagnosis and treatment of low blood pressure in a Canadian Riddolls, Wilfrid Elliott 1104 community (Shapiro, Korda and Robbins) 918 Ritz, Irwin 1104 Drug addiction among Quebec physicians (Wallot and Lambert) Robb, Douglas MacCrindle 1353 927 Robert, Paul E. 1104 Factors predicting working status after aortocoronary bypass Rogala, Eugene Julian 84 surgery (Danchin, David, Bourassa, Robert and Chaitman) 255 Rowter, Robert Mackay 563 Female sterilization by Falope Ring ligation (Lalonde) 140 Ryan, Clarence A. 1104 Geriatric assessment unit in a teaching hospital (Robertson, Sharp, Fletcher Bell 728 Christ and Stalder) 1060 Sharpe, William C. 728; 1104 How multiple sclerosis is related to animal illness, stress and Simon, Travis Theodore 432 diabetes (Warren. Warren. Greenhill and Paterson) 377 Simpson, William Wesley 869 Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates (Postl, Nelson and Carson) Smell, Emanuel 1104 811 Taylor, G. Douglas 205 In healthy habitual smokers acetylsalicylic acid abolishes the Tetu, Felix 1104 effects of tobacco smoke on platelet aggregate ratio (Davis, Thompson, Alfred L. 84 Davis and Hassanein) 637 Thompson, Iam MacLaren 728 Intractable pain with breast cancer (Watson and Evans) 263 Turpel, William N. 84 Involuintary admission to hospital and treatment in Ontario: is Walker, Richard Joseph 869 pessimism among physicians warranted? (Menuck and Littmann) 1168

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 19 Is a compromised interferon response an etiologic factor in Reye's PANETH N: See LEE K-S symdrome? (Rosee, Lee, Crocker, Digout and Arcinue) 798 PANOS T: See ESSES S Isolation of single atrial and ventricular cells from the human PAPPAS SC and SILVERMAN M: Treatment of methanol poisoning with heart (Bustamante, Watanabe, Murphy amd McDonald) 791 ethanol and hemodialysis (TR) 1391 Juvenile dermatomvositis: medical, social and economic status in PARASITIC DISEASES: Bilharziose intestinale chez des touristes adulthood (Chalmers, Sayson and Walters) 31 quebecois: aspects parasitologiques et diagnostiques (OA) 'Labrador lung": an unusual mixed dust pneumoconiosis (Edstrom (Viens et autres) 137 and Rice) 27 PARASYMPATHOLYTICS: Tardive dyskinesia in a nonpsychiatric patient Medical services for outdoor rock music festivals (Chapman, due to short-term use of a neuroleptic/anticholinergic Carmichael and Goode) 935 combination drug (BR) (Chouinard and others) 821 A method for maintaining normoglycemia during labour and delivery PARENT-CHILD RELATIONS: Battered parent syndrome (L) (Lewin) 593 in insulin-dependent diabetic women (Haigh, Tevaarwerk, Harding PARENTING: New game for adolescents teaches parenting (NF) 837 and Hurst) 487 PARKER SE: See SEKI LH Morbidity in Canadian Indian and non-Indian children in the first PARKINSON DISEASE: Adverse neurologic effects of metoclopramide (FP) year of life (Evers and Rand) 249 (Grimes and others) 23 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Manitoba, 1968-77: the impact of Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia in nonpsychiatril chemotherapy (Deonarine, Weinerman, MacDougall and Kemel) 807 patients (L) (Grimes) 468 Predictive value of the ear-crease sign in coronary artery disease PARSONS CJ and BOBECHKO WP: Aeromedical transport: its hidden (Pasternac and Sami) 645 problems (RA) 237 Prevalence and duration of breast-feeding in Manitoba (Clark and PARSONS WB: Osteopathy (L) 231 Beal) 1173 PARSONS, WILLIAM: Profiles 711 Prognosis after cardiac arrest based on age and duration of coma PARVOLEX: See ACETYLCYSTEINE (Tweed, Thomassen and Wenberg) 1058 PASTERNAC A and SAMI M: Predictive value of the ear-crease sign in Proportional analysis of respiratory cells obtained by coronary artery disease (OA) 645; Comment on: See MUCKLE TJ bronchoalveolar lavage (Braude, Chamberlain and Rebuck) 1401 PASTEURIZATION: Raw milk and health in humans (E) (White and Q fever in Maritime Canada (Marrie, Haldane, Noble, Faulkner, others) 1260 Lee, Gough, Meyers and Stewart) 1295 PATERSON M: See WARREN SA Rabies control and management (Nicholls and Davies) 1286 PATHOLOGY: Benign breast disease (L) (Frei) 232; (L) (Hislop Raynaud's phenomenon in forestry workers in Quebec (Theriault, and others) 1266 DeGuire, Gingras and Laroche) 1404 PATIENT ADMISSION: Tuberculosis -- a review of 498 recent admissions Recent trends in neonatal mortality: the Canadian experience to hospital (OA) (Goldstein and others) 490 (Lee, Gartner, Paneth and Tyler) 373 PATIENT ADVOCACY: Abortion (L) (Newman) 594; (L) (Watters and Seroepidemiologic aspects of Neisseria meningitidis in homosexual others) 465 men (Salit and Frasch) 38 The hospice movement: a human approach to palliative care (NF) Study of smoking habits in hospital and attitudes of medical 556 staff towards smoking (Senior) 131 The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? (P1) Tuberculosis -- a review of 498 recent admissions to hospital (Morrissy) 483 (Goldstein, Contreras, Craig and Cheung) 490 Legal uncertainties bewilder MDs at conference (NF) 72 Tuberculous pleurisy (Enarson, Dorken and Grzybowski) 493 PATIENT CARE PLANNING: Directory of cancer support services in Ontari Use of automobile seat restraints by children in two Canadian (L) (Godden) 1265 cities (Verreault, Stulginskas, Keyl, Read and Pless) 1163 Intractable pain with breast cancer (OA) (Watson and others) Utilite de l'epreuve d'effort sur tapis roulant peu apres un 263 infarctus du myocarde (LeBlanc, Tremblay, D'Amours et Tremblay) Placement or disposal? (L) (Kirshen) 1266 1300 PATIENT EDUCATION: Venous ulcers (FP) (Fratesi and others) 631 ORPIN JA: False claims for magnetotherapy (L) 1375 PATIENT PARTICIPATION: Hospitals and private money (PP) (Woods) 451 ORTHOPEDIC EQUIPMENT: Modified head-neck support for basilar Is a two-tier health care system really that bad? (NF) 1323 invagination with brain-stem compression (BR) (Hunt and Physicians must come to the aid of the party (V) (Geekie) 1442 others) 947 PATIENTS: Scientifically trained allergists (L) (Dehejia) 1149 OSLER SCHOLARSHIP, 1982: Montreal family physician awarded 1982 Osler Study of smoking habits in hospital and attitudes of medical Scholarship (NF) 288 staff towards smoking (OA) (Senior) 131 OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA: Modified head-neck support for basilar PATIENTS' RIGHTS: See PATIENT ADVOCACY invagination with brain-stem compression (BR) (Hunt and PATIENT'S VISITORS: See VISITORS TO PATIENTS others) 947 PATTERNS OF PRACTICE: Career choices, work patterns and perceptions OSTEOPATHY: Osteopathy (L) (Parsons) 231 of undergraduate education of McMaster medical graduates: OTITIS EXTERNA: Staphylococcal malignant external otitis (BR) comparison between men and women (OA) (Ferrier and others) (Bayardelle and others) 155 1411 OTITIS MEDIA: Serum sickness with cefaclor (L) (Lovell and others) PEACOCKE JE: See CLAYTON AJ 1032 PEARCE RH: See ADAMS ME OUTPATIENT CLINICS, HOSPITAL: Female sterilization by Falope Ring PEDERSEN BAT: The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) 1149 ligation (OA) (Lalonde) 140 PEDIATRICS: Appraisal of pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation OUTPATIENT SURGERY: See AMBULATORY SURGERY (OA) (Friesen and others) 1055 OVARIAN DISEASES: Diagnosis and treatment of postpartum ovarian Benefits and risks of circumcision: another view (P1) vein thrombosis (BR) (Fong and others) 661 (Canadian Paediatric Society, Fetus and Newborn Committee) 1399 OVER-THE-COUNTER DRUGS: See DRUGS, NON-PRESCRIPTION Determining the site of urinary tract infections in children (L) (Bailey) 1033 Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) (McGuigan) 232 PENNELL MD: See YEUNG DL p PENSIONS: Money management for a lifetime (NF) 1232 PEPTIDE HORMONE: Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone PAIRN: See PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERNS AND RESIDENTS OF from the pineal body (VOA) (Iversen) 787 NEWFOUNDLAND PEPTIDE PEPTIDOHUDROLASE: Chemonucleolysis (L) (McCulloch) PMAC: See PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 119 PMQ: See PHYSICIAN MANPOWER QUESTIONNAIRE PEREY B: Declining rates of death due to heart disease (L) 770 PPFC: See PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION OF CANADA PERICARDITIS: Pericarditis and impending rupture of aneurysms of the PSR: See PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ascending aorta (BR) (Morris) 1190 PACIFIC ASSOCIATION OF PAEDIATRIC SURGEONS: Fraser, Graham C. (P) 83 PERIODICALS: How to read clinical journals (L) (Sackett) 1373 PAIN: Epidural use of morphine in managing the pain of carneous Mail chauvinism reversed (PP) (Woods) 7 degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma during pregnancy (BR) PERKIN RL: Family medicine certification (L) 125: 957; Comment (Treissman and others) 505 on: See GREEN R Labour is still painful (L) (Baltman) 469; (L) (Hanvey) 354; The issue is quality (E) 757 (L) (Klein) 354; (L) (Melzack) 470; (L) (Melzack and PERRY PE: See ATERMAN K (ed) others) 357 PERRY TL: Some ethical problems in Huntington's chorea (P1) 125: Labour pain (L) (Geggie) 1374 1098; Comment on: See FISHER RH, NORRIS JW, DeMANUELE F, Pain (MN) 152 RIDGLEY B and MALYON C PAIN, INTRACTABLE: Intractable pain with breast cancer (OA) (Watson PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT: Keeping your staff happy -- at little cost and others) 263 (NF) 1223 Morphine suppositories for intractable pain (L) (Brook-Williams PHAGEDENA: See SKIN ULCER and others) 14 PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: See DRUG INDUSTRY PAINTINGS: See ART PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA: PMAC to encourage PALFRAMAN DS: Abortion (L) 1032 students' summer employment in pharmaceutical industry (NF) PALLIATIVE TREATMENT: The hospice movement: a human approach to 680 palliative care (NF) 556 PHENOLS: Probucol and familial hypercholesterolemia (L) (Davignon PANCREATITIS: Acute manganese intoxication and pancreatitis in a and others) 1024; (L) (Gagne and others) 1025 patient treated with a contaminated dialysate (BR) (Taylor and PHENYLKETONURIA: Maternal phenylketonuria: finding and treating others) 503 women before conception (E) (Hanley and others) 1259 Gastroduodenal artery aneurysm associated with chronic relapsing PHYOPITUITARISM: Hypopituitarism in a patient with idiopathic pancreatitis (BR) (Mercer and others) 1065 hypoparathyroidism (BR) (Salti and others) 942 Pancreatitis caused by nefenamic acid (L) (vanWalraven and PHYSICAL FITNESS: Benefits of a fitness survey (E) (Stephens) 587 others) 894

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 PLATFORM: Benefits and risks of circumcision: another view (Canadian PHYSICIAN IMPAIRMENT: Drug addiction among Quebec physicians (OA) Paediatric Society, Fetus and Newborn Committee) 1399 (Wallot and others). 927 The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? (Morrissy) PHYSICIAN MANPOWER QUESTIONNAIRE: Manpower questionnaire is urgent 483 business (NF) 684 PLESS IB: Implementing research findings: who is responsible (E) PHYSICIAN-PATIENT RELATIONS: The hospital: a place of comfort or a 345 place of work? (P1) (Morrissy) 483 See VERREAULT R Managing uncertainty in family practice (FP) (Biehn) 915 PLEURISY: Tuberculous pleurisy (OA) (Enarson and others) 493 Marketing your services -- a matter of patient PR (NF) 301 PLUMMER E: See THORNTON JF "Patient-pleasing" tips (NF) 305 PLUMMER F: See HAMMOND GW PHYSICIANS: The abuse of power (V) (Woods) 1205 PNEUMOCONIOSIS: "Labrador lung": an unusual mixed dust pneumoconiosis Alberta physicians reject government's 13.3% fee increase offer (OA) (Edstrom and others) 27 (NF) 62 PNEUMONIA: Legionella pneumophila pneumonia (L) (Seki and others) Anesthesiology (L) (Courey) 21 116 Un appel aux membres de 1'AMC. An appeal to CMA members (PP) Q fever in Maritime Canada (OA) (Marrie and others) 1295 (Richard) 1131 POETRY: Circumcision: the unkindest cut of all? (L) (McKim) 231; An argument for opting out (NF) 1336 (L) (McSherry) 231 Continuing medical education in Maritime Canada (L) (Culpan) POISONING: Acute intoxication with lindane (gamma benzene 227; (L) (Curry and others) 227 hexachloride) (BR) (Telch and others) 662 Do MDs recognize threat of environment? (NF) 320 Acute manganese intoxication and pancreatitis in a patient treated Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media (NF) 408 with a contaminated dialysate (BR) (Taylor and others) 503 Dr. Marc Baltzan and Tommy Douglas debate medicare (NF) 290 Methyl chloride: an unusual incident of intoxication (L) Drug addiction among Quebec physicians (OA) (Wallot and (Lanham) 593 others) 927 Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) (McGuigan) 232; (L) Friends and families of psychiatric patients (L) (Thornton and (Nadasdi) 232; (L) (Nadasdi) 1278 others) 1375 Treatment of methanol poisoning with ethanol and hemodialysis A healthy view of physicians (NF) 1107 (TR) (Pappas and others) 1391 Humouring the physician (MN) 753 Triazolam intoxication (L) (Trappler and others) 893 James Grant: ship's surgeon of the ill-fated Empress of Ireland POLAR REGIONS: See COLD CLIMATE (NF) 318 POLICY MAKING: "No resuscitation" orders (L) (Evans) 769 Manitoba MDs vow to strike for binding arbitration (NF) 1342 Smoking habits in hospital (L) (Rosen and others) 1152 Manpower questionnaire is urgent business (NF) 684 POLITICS: The abuse of power (V) (Woods) 1205 The medical profession and the press: prime targets for Alberta physicians reject government's 13.3% fee increase offer commissions, task forces (PP) (Woods) 583 (NF) 62 Medicine would be helpless in nuclear war say concerned MDs Alberta will try "liaison committee" in future fee negotiations (NF) 315 (NF) 1218 Montreal physician assumes presidency of CN railways (NF) 963 A conversation with William F. Buckley, Jr. (NF) 179 OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare (NF) 860 Deductable insurance could rationalize medicare (NF) 550 Physicians and the bomb (L) (Bates and others) 768; (L) Dr. Marc Baltzan and Tommy Douglas debate medicare (NF) 290 (Gibney) 767 The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) (Berger) 1147 Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (V) (Berube) Is Ottawa a capital punishment? (PP) (Woods) 883 406 Nuclear armament or disarmament? (NF) 545 Physicians must come to the aid of the party (V) (Geekie) 1442 Ontario government to allow hospitals private sector funding Placement incentives (L) (Miller) 120 (NF) 62 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians (NF) 61 Ontario Premier appoints new health minister (NF) 679 Quebec's draconian moves endanger profession's liberty (V) PC's Graham Taylor takes over health ministry (NF) 1463 (Berube) 175 Physicians must come to the aid of the party (V) (Geekie) 1442 Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding Quebec physicians force Johnson to amend Bill 27 (NF) 285 (NF) 1462 Quebec's Bill 27 a major blow to province's physicians (NF) 61 Smoking cessation: physician -- make a stand (E) (Baumgartner) Reducing government spending (L) (Danby) 231 101 Retiring SMA president urges concern about health care funding Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on health care (NF) 1462 rationing (NF) 1432A Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement (NF) 1443 Three MDs honoured with membership in Order of Canada (NF) 1204 Toronto lawyer says medical egalitarianism here to stay (NF) Underfunding awareness campaign to continue says CMA Board (NF) 1203 1206 POLYSTYRENES: Methyl chloride: an unusual incident of intoxication Man.: Manitoba physicians opt for binding arbitration (NF) 836 (L) (Lanham) 593 Ont.: Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from the West (NF) 850 PORTAL VEIN: Neuropsychiatric disturbance due to occult occlusion of Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement (NF) 1443 the portal vein (BR) (Yik and others) 50 Que.: Quebec physicians force Johnson to amend Bill 27 (NF) 285 PORTNOY D, HINCHEY EJ, MARCUS-JONES OW and RICHARDS GK: Postoperative PHYSICIANS, FAMILY: Confronting alcoholism (E) (Holt and others) toxic shock syndrome in a man (BR) 815 351 PORTOSYSTEMIC SHUNT, SURGICAL: Creation of an intrahepatic Dr. Robin Krause assumes presidency of CFPC (NF) 1454 portosystemic shunt with a Gruntzig balloon catheter (BR) The hospital: a place of comfort or a place of work? (P1) (Colapinto and others) 267 (Morrissy) 483 POSITIVE PRESSURE RESPIRATION: Positive pressure ventilation as a The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from family mechanism of reduction of left ventricular afterload (BR) physicians (FP) (Stewart and others) 1051 (Guyatt) 1310 Inadequacy of current requirements for licensure in family POSTAL SERVICE: Mail chauvinism reversed (PP) (Woods) 7 medicine (L) (McWhinney) 115 POSTL BD, NELSON N and CARSON J: Hyperbilirubinemia in Inuit neonates Ivan Illich talks tough at CFPC meeting in Dublin (NF) 1452 (OA) 811 Managing uncertainty in family practice (FP) (Biehn) 915 POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS: Postoperative toxic shock syndrome in a Montreal family physician awarded 1982 Osler Scholarship (NF) man (BR) (Portnoy and others) 815 288 Toxic shock syndrome: coming full circle (E) (Dan and Shands) Training for family practice (L) (McGregor) 16; (L) 751 (Morrissy) 16 POSTPARTUM PERIOD: See PUERPERIUM PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Medicine would be helpless in POSTPHLEBITIC SYNDROME: Venous ulcers (FP) (Fratesi and others) 631 nuclear war say concerned MDs (NF) 315 POWERS G: How to handle a tax assessment (NF) 412 Physicians and the bomb (L) (Bates and others) 768 How to move your office effortlessly (NF) 858 PHYSICIANS, WOMEN: Career choices, work patterns and perceptions of Keeping your staff happy -- at little cost (NF) 1223 undergraduate education of McMaster medical graduates: A positive view of retirement (NF) 1093 comparison between men and women (OA) (Ferrier and others) Some common staff management and money questions (NF) 1456 1411 POWLES ACP: See DOLOVICH J Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social conscience (NF) PRACTICE MANAGEMENT, MEDICAL: How to move your office effortlessly 1465 (NF) 858 PIASECKI G: Microcomputers in medicine (L) 1265 Keeping your staff happy -- at little cost (NF) 1223 PILONIDAL ABSCESS: See PILONIDAL CYST Marketing your services -- a matter of patient PR (NF) 301 PILONIDAL CYST: Outpatient treatment of pilonidal disease (BR) MD Management offers new programs for '82 (NF) 995 (Meban and others) 941 OMA group insists on right to opt out of medicare (NF) 860 PILONIDAL SINUS: See PILONIDAL CYST "Patient-pleasing" tips (NF) 304 PINEAL BODY: Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone from Some common staff management and money questions (NF) 1456 the pineal body (VOA) (Iversen) 787 PREGNANCY: Maternal nutrition in pregnancy (L) (Reynolds) 465; PITON M: The 1982 economic forecast calls for cautious investing (L) (Wong and others) 466 (NF) 414 Neonatal herpes simplex (L) (Hammond) 468; (L) (Tummon and PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION OF CANADA: Mitton, Deborah Mackay (P) others) 469 711 PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS: Epidural use of morphine in managing the PLATELET AGGREGATION: In healthy habitual smokers acetylsalicylic pain of carneous degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma during acid abolishes the effects of tobacco smoke on platelet aggregate pregnancy (BR) (Treissman and others) 505 ratio (OA) (Davis and others) 637 PREGNANCY IN ADOLESCENCE: Sex education: the physician's role (L) (Murray) 1026

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 21 PREGNANCY IN DIABETES: A method for maintaining normoglycemia during Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) (Robertson) 358 labour and delivery in insulin-dependent diabetic women (OA) Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? (E) (Tweed) (Haigh and others) 487 102 PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS: Prenatal diagnosis: the demand is increasing Experience with measles in Canada and the United States (RA) (NF) 64 (Davies and others) 123 Prenatal prediction of -<-thalassemia phenotype by endonuclease Raw milk and health in humans (E) (White and others) 1260 mapping of parental DNA (BR) (Steinbrecher and others) 156 Smoking cessation: physician--make a stand (E) (Baumgartner) PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG: Generic names (L) (Choo-Foo) 1147 101 Ophthalmologists and optometrists (L) (Baker) 1373 The soft health path: a healther future for physicians? (E) Prescribing of tranqilizers (L) (Anderson) 900; (L) (Bass) (Hancock) 1019 900; (L) (Collyer) 1033; (L) (Rapp) 899 PUBLIC OPINION: Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from the West PRESTON DN: See GRIMES JD (NF) 850 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE: Canada needs a compulsory measles vaccination Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't practise in Canada (NF) 1213 program (E) (Davies and others) 107 The economy: an anthropologic view (PP) (Woods) 1015 Experience with measles in Canada and the United States (RA) Medicine bridges scientific facts and human values (NF) (Davies and others) 123 722 Preventive medicine (MN) 108 A positive view of retirement (NF) 1093 Smoking cessation: physician--make a stand (E) (Baumgartner) Use of automobile seat restraints by children in two 101 Canadian cities (OA) (Verreault and others) 1163 PRICE JDE: See TAYLOR PA PUBLIC RELATIONS: Do's and don'ts of dealing with the media PRINGLE JF: See KNOWLING MA (NF) 408 PRIVATE SECTOR FUNDING: Hospitals and private money (PP) (Woods) Marketing your services -- a mater of patient PR (NF) 301 451 Patient-pleasing: tips (NF) 305 PROBABILITY: Predictive value of the ear-crease sign in coronary Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (V) artery disease (OA) (Pasternac and others) 645 (Berube) 406 PROBUCOL: See PHENOLS PUBLISHER'S PAGE: Un appel aux membres de l'AMC. An appeal to PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERNS AND RESIDENTS OF NEWFOUNDLAND: The CMA members (Richard) 1131 strike against the strike (V) (Berube) 965 The economy: an anthropologic view (Woods) 1015 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Maintaining professionalism in a material age Hospitals and private money (Woods) 451 (NF) 847 The iatrectomists (Woods) 743 PROFILES: Basmajian, John V. 1326 The International Year of the Overtaxed (Woods) 99 Beazley, Gary 849 Is Ottawa a capital punishment? (Woods) 883 Besley, Keith 83 Letters to the editor: variety and brevity (Woods) 1367 Campbell, Norman 310 Mail chauvinism reversed (Woods) 7 Chalmers, Everett 1461 The medical profession and the press: prime targets for Conner, William Tristram 980 commissions, task forces (Woods) 583 Dickson, Robert Clark 1096 Ophthalmologists and optometrists (Woods) 221 Earn, Abe 1096 Ottawa's Blue Book: the true story on Medicare funding Fraser, Graham C. 83 (Geekie) 1255 Gelfand, Erwin W. 548 The pharmaceutical industry needs remedy for MacEachenism Genest, Jacques 1216 (Woods) 337 Gerstein, William 980 PUBLISHING: Computers in medicine: a publishing dilemma (L) Gray, Patricia Ainslie 980 (Shires) 1265 Hall, John V.G. 980 Mail chauvinism reversed (PP) (Woods) 7 Herr, Francis 1326 Print media will survive says Tom Kent (NF) 961 Leach, Wilson G. 711 PUERPERIUM: Diagnosis and treatment of postpartum ovarian vein Limongelli, Fulvio 980 thrombosis (BR) (Fong and others) 661 MacCharles, Malcolm Rutherford 978 PUTNAM RW: See CURRY L McCulloch, Tom A. 1096 McIlroy, William J. 711 Mitton, Deborah Mackay 711 Moore, Percy 416 Q Mull, John D. 548 Murphy, David A. 548 Parsons, William 711 Q FEVER: Q fever in Maritime Canada (OA) (Marrie and others) Psutka, Dennis A. 548 1295 Rae Grant, Naomi I. 849 QUADRIPLEGIA: The mass reflex: an emergency in a quadriplegic Rasmussen, Theodore Brown 202 patient (FP) (Muzumdar) 369 Richer, Clement 849 QUALITY OF HEALTH CARE: CCHA redefines guidelines to surveyors Roberts, Harry Duncan 710 on itinerant surgery (NF) 404 Simon, Louis Michael 310 CMA president warns EPF committee against cutbacks (NF) Sistek, Vladimer 310 1083 Sutton, John R. 83 Diagnosis and treatment of low blood pressure in a Canadian Swanson, Arnold L. 849 community (OA) (Shapiro and others) 918 Tanser, Paul H. 1326 Federal-provincial fiscal arrangement: interns' and residents' PROGNOSIS: Juvenile dermatomyositis: medical, social and economic views (E) (Canadian Association of Internes and Residents) status in adulthood (OA) (Chalmers and others) 31 1136 PROPRANOLOL: Propranolol in psychiatric illness (L) (Ray) 606 Is a two-tier health care system really that bad? (NF) 1323 PROSTAGLANDIN E: Prostaglandin E therapy for digital ulcers in The issue is quality (E) (Perkin) 757 scleroderma (BR) (Baron aid others) 42 Low blood pressure: an extinct diagnosis (E) (Shapiro) PRUCHA ZS: Circumcision (L) 603 887 PSORIASIS: Treatment of psoriasis with the Ingram anthralin paste Maintaining professionalism in a material age (NF) 847 regiment (BR) (Ross and others) 496 Medicare is financially sick (NF) 838 PSUTKA, DENNIS A.: Profiles 548 Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on PSYCHIATRY: Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive dyskinesia in health care rationing (NF) 1432A nonpsychiatric patients (L) (Seeman) 468 Staff cutts and bed closures imminent in BC hospitals (NF) Friends and families of psychiatric patients (L) (Thornton 1324 and others) 1375 Propranolol in psychiatric illness (L) (O'Regan) 606; (L) (Ray) 606 R The psychiatrist's role in the care of the elderly (L) (Cole) 605; (L) (Hontela) 604 REACH: See RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND ASSISTANCE FOR CANADIANS WITH Symposium presents medical approaches to depression (NF) 1235 HERPES PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY: Propranolol in psychiatric illness (L) (O'Regan) RRSP: See REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN 606; (L) (Ray) 606 RABIES: Rabies control and management (OA) (Nicholls and others) PSYCHOSES: See PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS 1286 PSYCHOSIS, POSTPARTUM: Propranolol in psychiatric illness (L) RADIO: Dr. Marc Baltzan and Tommy Douglas debate medicare (NF) (O'Regan) 606; (L) (Ray) 606 290 PSYCHOSOCIAL MEDICINE: Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (L) RAE GRANT, NAOMI I.: Profiles 849 (Hoffer) 1375 RAILROADS: Montreal physician assumes presidency of CN railways PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS: Clomiphene citrate as a possible cause of (NF) 963 psychosis (L) (Cashman and others) 118 RAND CG: See EVERS SE Surgically correctable sleep apnea (L) (Darwish) 118 RANDALL PT: See TREISSMAN DA (L) (Lefebvre) 119 RANDOM ALLOCATION: See RESEARCH DESIGN PUBLIC HEALTH: AMA publishes medical books for the public (NF) 1085 RANDOMIZATION: See RESEARCH DESIGN Canada needs a compulsory measles vaccination program (E) (Davies RAPP MS: The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) 1149 and others) 107 Prescribing of tranquilizers (L) 899

I22 Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 RASMUSSEN, THEODORE BROWN: Profiles 202 Phagedena: gangrenous and necrotic ulcerations of skin and -RAY I: Propranolol in psychiatric illness (L) 606 subcutaneous tissue (Jackson and Bell) 363 RAYNAUD'S DISEASE: Raynaud's phenomenon in forestry workers in Smooth muscle and endothelial cell function in the pathogenesis Quebec (OA) (Th6riault and others) 1404 of atherosclerosis (Gotlieb) 903 READ J: See VERREAULT R Toxic shock syndrome in Canada (Clayton, Peacocke and Ewan) REAL ESTATE: See INVESTMENTS 776 REBUCK AS, BRAUDE AC and CHAMBERLAIN DW: Bronchoalveolar lavage REYE'S SYNDROME: Is a compromised interferon response an etiologic (E) 1370 factor in Reye's syndrome? (OA) (Rosee and others) 798 REBUCK AS: See BRAUDE AC REYNOLDS R: Maternal nutrition in pregnancy (L) 465 RECOMBINANT DNA: See DNA, RECOMBINANT RIBNER HS: See LeJEMTEL TH RECREATION: "Bingo brain" (L) (Watson) 1266 RICE DMD: See EDSTROM HW RECURRENCE: See DISEASES RICHARD L: Un appel aux membres de 1 'AMC. An appeal to CMA REELEDER D: See DOUGLAS KM members (PP) 1131 REFERENCE SHELF: See PAGE 27 OF INDEX Dear Mr. MacEachern...CMA responds to budget measures (NF) REFERENCE STANDARDS: Declaration of Vancouver updated (E) 197 (Sherrington) 888 Medicare is financially sick (NF) 838 REFUGEES: Hepatitis B markers in Indochinese refugees (L) Special Report: CMA President calls for task force on health (White and others) 1374 care rationing (NF) 1432A REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN: Some common staff management RICHARDS GK: See PORTNOY D and money questions (NF) 1456 RICHER, CLEMENT: Profiles 849 REGISTRIES: Natioanl results of kidney treatment to be analyzed RIDGLEY B: See FISHER RH (NF) 679 RIGHT TO TREATMENT: See PATIENT ADVOCACY Results of renal transplantation in a small centre (BR) RIGHTER J: Bacteremia caused by viridans streptococci (L) 1152 (Ludwin and others) 1420 RISK FACTORS: See PROBABILITY REHABILITATION: Utilite de 1'epreuve d'effort sur tapis roulant ROBBINS J: See SHAPIRO MF peu apres un infarctus du myocarde (OA) (LeBlanc et autres) ROBERT P: See DANCHIN N 1300 ROBERTS, HARRY DUNCAN: Profiles 710 REID WD: See LOVELL SJ ROBERTSON D, CHRIST LWAC and STALDER LJ: Geriatric assessment REILLY S: See ADAM JE unit in a teaching hospital (OA) 1060 RELIGION AND MEDICINE: Abortion before "individuation" (L) ROBERTSON JAL: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) 358 (Roy) 1150 ROBERTSON SA, KIMBALL PL and MAGTIBAY LZ: Pulmonary blastomycosis RENTON KW, GRAY JD and HALL RI: Decreased elimination of diagnosed by cytologic examination of sputum (BR) 387 theophylline after influenza vaccination 123: 288; ROBINSON GM and SELLERS EM: Diazepam withdrawal seizures (BR) Comment on: See GOLDSTEIN RS, CHEUNG OT, SEGUIN R, 944 LOBLEY G and JOHNSON AC; replies 470 RODGER NW: Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (E) 453 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT'S COMMISSION ON THE ACCIDENT AT THPEE RONALD AR: See WENMAN WM MILE ISLAND: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) ROSEMAN, SAUL: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (Robertson JAL) 358 (NF) 426 RESEARCH: Alberta Heritage Foundation appoints advisory council ROSEN CF and DRUCKER DJ: Smoking habits in hospital (L) 1152 (NF) 1083 ROSEN HJ: Chemonucleolysis v. disc surgery (L) 125: 244; Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories (L) (Marko) 357 Comment on: See McCULLOCH JA Federal government announces funding for medical research ROSS JB and GUPTILL J: Treatment of psoriasis with the Ingram (NF) 173 anthralin paste regimen (BR) 496 Food of the future: wil it be nutritious? (NF) 689 ROSSER WW: See STEWART PJ Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (NF) 426 ROUSSEAU S: See LAMBERT B Government approves more funding for health research (NF) ROY, AUGUSTIN: Quebec physicians say government has taken over 680 (NF) 972 Huge federal grant for gene studies at Connaught Labs (NF) ROY DJ: Abortion before "individuation" (L) 1150; (L) 1084 (Bollard) 231 Implementing research findings: who is responsible? (E) The ethics of biomedicine (E) 125: 689; Comment on: See (Pless) 345 OREOPOULOS D; replies 1142 Ontario will promote dermatology research (NF) 1085 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CANADA: Examinations The pharmaceutical industry needs remedy for MacEachanism 45; 321; 547 (PP) (Woods) 337 ROYAL COMMISSION ON NEWSPAPERS: The medical profession and the Research (MN) 41 press: prime targets for commissions, task forces (PP) The rewards of research (MN) 793 (Woods) 583 Trauma research (L) (Ghent) 14 ROZEE KR, LEE SHS, CROCKER JFS, DIGOUT S and ARCINUE E: Is a Tribulations of a clinical trial (L) (McAlister) 1033 compromised interferon response an etiologic factor in Reye's B.C.: Multiple sclerosis: research in British Columbia (L) syndrome? (OA) 798 (Sadovnick) 1276 RUBELLA: Errors with rubella diagnostic serology (L) (Weber) RESEARCH DESIGN: Clinical trials on trial: 901 II. Improving nonrandomized trials (E) (Morgan) 588 RUBEN FL: See BRITTON L III. Should statistics give the final verdict? (E) (Morgan) RUBIK'S CUBE: Cuber's thumb (L) (Thompson) 773 1369 RUBIN J: Placement incentives: will they lure doctors into RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND ASSISTANCE FOR CANADIAN WITH HERPES: underserviced areas? (NF) 124: 1360; Comment on: See Neonatal herpes simplex (L) (Tummon and others) 469 MILLER L RESEARCH PERSONNEL: Implementing research findings: who is Why not become an anesthetist? (NF) 125: 296; Comment on: responsible? (E) (Pless) 345 See COUREY NL RESPIRATORY TRACT DISEASES: Parental smoking and infant morbidity RUSSIA: See UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS (L) (Wigle and others) 1277 RESUSCITATION: Appraisal of pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (OA) (Friesen and others) 1055 S "No resuscitation" orders" (L) (Davidson) 768; (L) (Evans) 769 Prognosis after cardiac arrest based on age and duration of SMA: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Sask. Div. coma (OA) (Tweed and others) 1058 STC: See SOCIETY OF TOXICOLOGY OF CANADA RETIREMENT: A positive view of retirement (NF) 1093 SACKETT DL: How to read clinical journals (L) 1373 RETIREMENT BENEFITS: See PENSIONS SADOVNICK AD: Multiple sclerosis: research in British Columbia REVENUE CANADA: How to handle a tax assessment (NF) 412 (L) 1276 REVIEW ARTICLES: Acceptance of new criteria for diagnosis of SADOWSKI S: Post-traumatic cataplexy (L) 1150 diabetes mellitus and related conditions by the Canadian SALARIES AND FRINGE BENEFITS: Keeping your staff happy -- at little Diabetes Association (Ad Hock Committee on Diagnostic cost (NF) 1223 Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus, Clinical and Scientific SALEM RB: Potentially lethal interaction of cimetidine and Section, Canadian Diabetes Association) 473 morphine (L) 125: 1212; Comment on: See FINE A and Aeromedical transport: its hidden problems (Parsons and CHURCHILL DN Bobechko) 237 SALERNO TA: See LUDWIN D Diagnosis of systemic or visceral candidosis (Kozinn, SALMON PA: See FONG DY Taschdjian, Kodsi, Wise, Seelig and Goldberg) 1386 SALPINGITIS: Haemophilus influenzae pyosalpingitis (BR) (DePass Endomyocardial biopsy: its history, techniques and current and others) 1417 indications (Melvin and Mason) 1381 SALTI IS, MOURADIAN A, AMIRI Z and KHALIL A: Hypopituitarism in Experience with measles in Canada and the United States a patient with idiopathic hypoparathyroidism (BR) 942 (Davies, Acres and Varughese) 123 SAMBROOK DK: Nuclear armament or disarmament? (NF) 545 Halitosis (Attia and Marshall) 1281 SAMI M: See PASTERNAC A Laser surgery: using the carbon dioxide laser (Wright) SAMUELSSON, BENGT: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers 1035 (NF) 426 Natural history and management of chronic aortic valve SANADA H: See MIYAMOTO K disease (Morton) 477 SANATORIUMS: See HOSPITALS, SPECIAL Oral contraceptives: effects of folate and vitamin B12 SAPHENOUS VEIN: Saphenous thrombosis mimicking adductor tendinitis metabolism (Shojania) 244 (L) (Durnin) 232

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 23 SASKATCHEWAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: See CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION SKY R: Friends and families of the handicapped (L) 362; Sask. Div. Comment on: See THORNTON JF, PLUMMER E and SEEMAN M SASKATOON: Convention cities: Saskatoon (NF) 1346 SLEEP: Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone from the SATO J: See MIYAMOTO K pineal body (VOA) (Iversen) 787 SAYSON R: See CHALMERS A SLEEP APNEA SYNDROMES: Surgically correctable sleep apnea (L) SCHISTOSOMIASIS: Bilharziose intestinale chez des touristes (Darwish) 118; (L) (Lefebvre) 119 quebdcois: aspects parasitologiques et diagnostiques (OA) SMIALEK Z: Good Samaritan laws: questioning the need (L) 14 (Viens et autres) 137 SMITH K: Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social SCHIZOPHRENIA: Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (L) (Hoffer) conscience (NF) 1465 1375 Dr. James Barry: military man -- or women? (NF) 854 Symposium presents medical approaches to depression (NF) SMOKING: Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? 1235 (E) (Tweed) 102 SCHNEIDER G: Managment of normal labour and delivery in the case The impact of routine advice on smoking cessation from room: a critical appraisal (P1) 125: 350; Comment on: family physicians (FP) (Stewart and others) 1051 See KLEIN M; replies 357 In healthy habitual smokers acetylsalicylic acid abolishes SCHOOLS: Sex education: the physician's role (L) (Murray) the effects of tobacco smoke on platelet aggregate ratio 1026 (OA) (Davis and others) 637 Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the '80s Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) (Wigle and others) (NF) 1331 1277 SCIENCE: Medicine bridges scientific facts and human values (NF) Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for 722 cigarette smokers in a family practice (FP) (Wilson and SCLERODERMA, SYSTEMIC: Prostaglandin E therapy for digital ulcers others) 127 in scleroderma (BR) (Baron and others) 42 Smoking cessation: physician-make a stand (E) (Baumgartner) SCOBIE TK: See FRATESI SJ 101 SCOPOLAMINE: Preventing motion sickness (L) (Hodgson) 1374 Smoking habits in hospital (L) (Rosen and others) 1152 SCOTLAND: Medicine's remarkable Scottish connection (V) (Woods) Smoking habits of Winnipeg school students, 1960-80 (BR) 687 (Morison) 153 SEAT BELTS: Ontario hospital launches "BABY" (NF) 963 Smoking in hospital (MN) 133 TV program "Dallas" errs on child restraint device (NF) 287 Study of smoking habits in hospital and attitudes of medical Use of automobile seat restraints by children in two Canadian staff towards smoking (OA) (Senior) 131 cities (OA) (Verreault and others) 1163 SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT: Juvenile dermatomyositis: medical, social and SEELIG MS: See KOZINN PJ economic status in adulthood (OA) (Chalmers and others) SEEMAN MV: Pharmacologic features and effects of neuroleptics 31 (RA) 125: 821; Comment on: See GRIMES JD; replies 468 SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Confronting alcoholism (E) (Holt and others) See THORNTON JF 351 SEGAL, HAROLD: Dr. Harold Segall: a pioneer cardiologist SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Abortion (L) (Linegar) 1152 reminisces (NF) 1109 The ethics of biomedicine (L) (Oreopoulos) 142; (L) SEGUIN R: See GOLDSTEIN RS (Roy) 1142 SEKI LH, STACKIW W, BUCHANAN AG and PARKER SE: Legionella Medicine would be helpless in nuclear war say concerned MDs pneumophila (L) 116 (NF) 315 SEKLA LH: See HAMMOND GW Physicians and the bomb (L) (Gibney) 767 SELLERS EM: See ROBINSON GM SOCIAL VALUES: Medicine bridges scientific facts and human SELLERS EM and FREEDMAN F: Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning values (NF) 722 (TR) 125: 827; Comment on: See NADASKI M; McGUIGAN MA Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? SEMEN: Cytomegalovirus in the semen (BR) (Embil and others) (NF) 553 391 SOCIALISM: A conversation with William F. Buckley, Jr. (NF) 179 SENIOR SL: Study of smoking habits in hospital and attitudes of SOCIETIES, MEDICAL: Is Ottawa a capital punishment? (PP) (Woods) medical staff towards smoking (OA) 131; Comment on: See 883 ROSEN CF and DRUCKER DJ See AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE SEPTICEMIA: Bacteremia caused by viridans streptococci (L) See AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (Righter) 1152 See BRITISH COLUMBIA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Septicemia due to Yersinia enterocolitica (L) (Luengas See BRITISH SOCIETY OF IMMUNOLOGY and others) 772 See CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF INTERNS AND RESIDENTS SEX BEHAVIOR: Sexual myths still persist (NF) 981 See CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURES OF MEDICAL DEVICES SEX EDUCATION: CMA develops proposals on sex education (NF) See CANADIAN CARDIOVASCULAR SOCIETY 836 See CANADIAN COUNCIL ON HOSPITAL ACCREDITATION Sex education: the physician's role (L) (Murray) 1026 See CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION Sexual myths still persist (NF) 981 See CANADIAN HEART FOUNDATION Teaching sex: where does biology stop and morality begin? See CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY (NF) 553 See CIVIL AVIATION MEDICAL ASSOCIATION SHANDS KN: See DAN BB See COLLEGE OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS OF CANADA SHAPIRO MF: Low blood pressure: an extinct diagnosis (E) 887 See FEDERATION OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS OF QUEBEC SHAPIRO MF, KORDA H and ROBBINS J: Diagnosis and treatment of See HUNTINGTON SOCIETY OF CANADA low blood pressure in a Canadian community (OA) 918 See INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETIES SHELDON H: See DAWSON D See LEPROSY MISSION CANADA SHEPPARD R: See CASHMAN FE See MANITOBA PEDIATRIC SOCIETY SHERRINGTON A: The Canadian Medical Directory (E) 11 See MEDICAL COUNCIL OF CANADA Declaration of Vancouver updated (E) 888 See MONTREAL CARDIAC SOCIETY Gelototherapy (E) 753 See ONTARIO CANCER TREATMENT AND RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS Index Medicus jeopardized (E) 459; Comment on: See See ONTARIO THROACIC SOCIETY NEVILL AD See PACIFIC ASSOCIATION OF PAEDIATRIC SURGEONS Oral history (E) 1021 See PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION OF CANADA SHIPS: James Grant: ship's surgeon on the ill-fated Empress of See SOCIETY OF TOXICOLOGY OF CANADA Ireland (NF) 318 See WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION SHIRES DB: Computers in medicine: a publishing dilemma (L) 1265 SOCIETY OF TOXICOLOGY OF CANADA: Do MDs recognize the threat of SHOJANIA AM: Oral contraceptives: effects on folate and vitamin environment? (NF) 320 B12 metabolism (RA) 244 SOCIOLOGY, MEDICAL: Maintaining professionalism in a material age SHULMAN, MORTON: Can anyone make a million? (NF) 1102 (NF) 847 SHUMAK KH: See HOGGE DE SOLDIN S: See FENJE PC SICURELLA J: See WILSON D SONNENBLICK EH: See LeJEMTEL TH SILVERMAN M: See PAPPAS SC SORBIE C: Chemonucleolysis in treatment of lumbar disc protrusion SIM ESH: The need for scientifically trained allergists (E) (E) 124: 840; Comment on: See ROSEN HJ; SPODICK DH; replies 225; Comment on: See DEHEJIA H; JOHNSON CA McCULLOCH JA; ADAMS ME and PEARCE RH SIMON, LOUIS MICHAEL: Profiles 310 SOVIET UNION: See UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS SINGER MA: See LUDWIN D SPECIALTIES, MEDICAL: Anesthesiology (L) (Courey) 21 SISTEK, VLADIMER: Profiles 310 The need for scientifically trained allergists (E) (Sim) 225 SKELTON D: The hospice movement: a human approach to palliative Scientifically trained allergists (L) (Dehejia) 1149; (L) care (NF) 556 (Johnson) 1149 SKIN NEOPLASMS: The many faces of basal cell carcinoma (FP) SPHAGNUM MOSS: Sporotrichosis due to contact with contaminated (Jackson) 1157 sphagnum moss (BR) (Adam and others) 1071 SKIN ULCER: Phagedena: gangrenous and necrotic ulcerations STACKIW W: See SEKI LH of skin and subcutaneous tissue (RA) (Jackson and others) STALDER LJ: See ROBERTSON D 363 STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS: Postoperative toxic shock syndrome in a man SKINNER HA: See HOLT S (BR) (Portnoy and others) 815 SKIPPER GE: Circumcision (L) 1278 Toxic shock syndrome: coming full circle (E) (Dan and others) SKRINSKAS G: See BARON M 751

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 Toxic shock syndrome in Canada (RA) (Clayton and others) 776 TASK FORCE ON HEALTH CARE RATIONING: Special Report: CMA President STAPHYLOCOCCAL INFECTIONS: Staphylococcal malignant external otitis calls for task force on health care rationing (NF) 1432A (BR) (Bayardelle and others) 155 TASK FORCE ON FAMILY PRACTICE TRAINING: Task force on provision of STATE MEDICINE: Quebec's draconian moves endanger profession's liberty primary care services (L) (Chouinard) 1142 (V) (Berube) 175 Task force on family practice training set to start work (NF) 523 Federal government proposing state medicine? (NF) 961 TAXES: Dear Mr. MacEachen ...CMA responds to budget measures (NF) STATISTICS: Clinical trials on trial: 197 III. Should statistics give the final verdict (E) (Morgan) How to handle a tax assessment (NF) 412 1369 The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) (Berger) 1147; STEINBRECHER UP, WAI KAN Y, and de LEEUW: Prenatal prediction of (L) (Burnstein) 1149; (PP) (Woods) 99 o-thalassemia phenotype by endonuclease mapping of parental DNA TAYLOR, GRAHAM: PC's Graham Taylor takes over health ministry (NF) (BR) 156 1463 STEPHENS T: Benefits of a fitness survey (E) 587 TAYLOR PA and PRICE JDE: Acute manganese intoxication and pancreatitis STERILIZATION, SEXUAL: Female sterilization by Falope Ring ligation in a patient treated with a contaminated dialysate (BR) 503 (OA) (Lalonde) 140 TECHNOLOGY, MEDICAL: How will we set our priorities for medical STEWART J: See MARRIE TJ technology (NF) 1431 STEWART PJ and ROSSER WW: The impact of routine advice on smoking Should we let them die? The moral dilemmas of economic restraints cessation from family physicians (FP) 1051 on life-support treatments (E) (Oreopoulos) 745 STILLER CR: See LAUPACIS A TELCH J and JARVIS DA: Acute intoxication with lindane (gamma benzene STOCK MARKET: See INVESTMENTS hexachloride) (BR) 662 STOMATITIS, APHTHOUS: A cure for "canker" (MN) 368 TELEVISION: TV program "Dallas" errs on child restraint device (NF) STOWE-GULLEN, AUGUSTA: Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: a pioneer of social 287 conscience (NF) 1465 TENDINITIS, ADDUCTOR: Saphenous thrombosis mimicking adductor STRAKOSCH CR and WALL JR: Pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease: tendinitis (L) (Durnin) 232 some facts and some speculation (E) 10 TERMINAL CARE: The hospice movement: a human approach to palliative STRASHIN E: Circumcision (L) 466 care (NF) 556 See WARNER E TEVAARWEK GJM: See HAIGH SE STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS: Bacteremia caused by viridans streptococci THALASSEMIA: Prenatal prediction of -thalassemia phenotype by (L) (Delage) 1152; (L) (Righter) 1152 endonuclease mapping of parental DNA (BR) (Steinbrecher and STRESS: Ear-crease sign and coronary artery disease (L) (Muckle) others) 156 1373 THEOPHYLLINE: Decreased elimination of theophylline after influenza How multiple sclerosis is related to animal illness, stress and vaccination (L) (Goldstein and others) 470; (L) (Renton diabetes (OA) (Warren and others) 377 and others) 470 STRIKES: The strike against the strike (V) (Berube) 965 Influence of trivalent influenza vaccine on serum theophylline Strikes and slowdowns force Ontario fee settlement (NF) 1443 levels (BR) (Fischer and others) 1312 STROM JA: See LeJEMTEL TH Interaction of cimetidine and theophylline in two infants (BR) STRONELL RD: See COLAPINTO RF (Fenje and others) 1178 STUART FK: Physicians and the bomb (L) 768 Serum theophylline levels after influenza vaccination (L) STUDENTS: Smoking habits of Winnipeg school students, 1960-80 (BR) (Britton and others) 1375 (Morison) 153 THERAPEUTIC EQUIVALENCY: Generic names (L) (Choo-Foo) 1147 STUDENTS, MEDICAL: Canada's first medical graduate (L) (Bensley) THERAPEUTIC REVIEWS: Commentary: Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin? 902 (Crocker) 611 PMAC to encourage students' summer employment in pharmaceutical Control of asthma (Dolovich, Hargreave, Wilson, Greenbaum, industry (NF) 680 Powles and Newhouse) 613 SMA develops proposals on sex education (NF) 836 Cyclosporin A: a powerful immunosuppressant (Laupacis, Keown, STULGINSKAS J: See VERREAULT R Ulan, McKenzie and Stiller) 1041 STYROFOAM: See POLYSTYRENES Harmony with drugs and food (Tuttle) 1161 SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) (McGuigan) Reactions to acetylsalicylic acid (Aaron and Muttitt) 509 232 Tartrazine: a potentially hazardous dye in Canadian drugs Treatment of acetaminophen poisoning (L) (Nadasdi) 232 (MacCara) 910 Triazolam intoxication (L) (Trappler and others) 893 Treatment of methanol poisoning with ethanol and hemodialysis The uses and abuses of laxatives (TR) (MacCara) 780 (Pappas and Silverman) 1391 SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE: Drug addiction among Quebec physicians (OA) The uses and abuses of laxatives (MacCara) 780 (Wallot and others) 927 THERIAULT G, DE GUIRE L, GINGRAS S and LAROCHE G: Raynaud's phenomenon SUBSTANCE WITHDRAWAL SEIZURES: Diazepam withdrawal seizures (BR) in forestry workers in Quebec (OA) 1404 (Robinson and others) 944 THERIAULT G, DE GUIRE L and CORDIER S: Reducing aluminum: occupation SULLIVAN SN: Tribulations of a clinical trial (P1) 125: 1325; possibly associated with bladder cancer (OA) 124: 419; Comment on: See McALISTER NH Comment on: See DUNKLEY GC See YIK KY THIRD WORLD: See DEVELOPING COUNTRIES SUPPOSITORIES: Morphine suppositories for intractable pain (L) THOMAS WDS: Dissension in the ranks (L) 124: 1432; Comment on: (Brook-Williams and others) 14 See PERKIN RL; BIEHN J; MORRISSY JR SURGERY: Laser surgery: using the carbon dioxide laser (RA) THOMASSEN A: See TWEED WA (Wright) 1035 THOMPSON JM: Cuber's thumb (L) 773 SURGERY, ITINERANT: CCHA redefines guidelines to surveyors on THOMPSON WG and HEATON KW: Heartburn and globus in apparently healthy itinerant surgery (NF) 404 people (BR) 46 SURGICAL EQUIPMENT: Laser surgery: using the carbon dioxide laser THORNTON JF, PLUMMER E and SEEMAN MV: Friends and families of (RA) (Wright) 1035 psychiatric patients (L) 1375 SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION: Postoperative toxic shock syndrome in a man THROMBOCYTOPENIA: See THROMBOPENIA (BR) (Portnoy and others) 815 THROMBOPENIA: Sodium valproate and thrombocytopenia (L) (Hoffman) SURVIVAL: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in Manitoba, 1968-77: the impact 358; (L) (Morris) 359 of chemotherapy (OA) (Deonarine and others) 807 Thrombocytopenia with absent radii (BR) (Leclerc and others) SUTTON, JOHN R.: Profiles 83 506 SWAN-GANZ ELBOW: "Swan-Ganz elbow" (L) (Esses and others) 1276 THROMBOPHLEBITIS: Diagnosis and treatment of postpartum ovarian vein SWANSON, ARNOLD L.: Profiles 849 thrombosis (BR) (Fong and others) 661 SWARTZ J: Can anyone make a million? (NF) 1102 THROMBOSIS: Saphenous thrombosis micking adductor tendinitis (L) The sense and nonsense of the best-selling diet books (NF) 696 (Durnin) 232 SWEET'S SYNDROME: Sweet's syndrome associated with acute leukemia THROMBOSIS, VENOUS: See THROMBOPHLEBITIS (Imamura and others) 605 THURLBECK WM: Accuracy of clinical diagnosis in a Canadian teaching SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: The mass reflex: an emergency in a hospital (OA) 125: 443; Comment on: See KARNAUCHOW PN; quadriplegic patient (FP) (Muzumdar) 369 replies 230 SZE MK: Circumcision (L) 467 THYROID DISEASES: Pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease: some facts and some speculation (Strakosch and others) 10 TILLEY, ROSS: Three MDs honoured with membership in Order of Canada T (NF) 1204 TOBACCO: Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? (E) (Tweed) 102 TSS: See TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME In healthy habitual smokers acetylsalicylic acid abolishes the T-LYMPHOCYTES: Adult T-cell leukemia (L) (Miyamoto and others) 229 effects of tobacco smoke on platelet aggregate ratio (OA) TAIT M: Alberta will try "liaison committee" in future fee (Davis and others) 637 negotiations (NF) 1218 Randomized clinical trial of supportive follow-up for cigarette TAMPONS: Toxic shock syndrome in Canada (RA) (Clayton and others) smokers in a family practice (FP) (Wilson and others) 127 776 Smoking cessation: physician--make a stand (E) (Baumgartner) TAN YH: Interferon: no verdict yet (E) 9 101 TANAKA T: See MIYAMOTO K Smoking habits of Winnipeg school students, 1960-80 (BR) TANSER, PAUL H.: Profiles 1326 (Morison) 153 TARDIVE DYSKINESIA: See DYSKINESIA, DRUG-INDUCED TOSI-KRUSE A: See ECHAVE V TARTRAZINE: See AZO COMPOUNDS TOTH J: See LECLERC J TASCHDJIAN CL: See KOZINN PJ

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 25 UNIVERSITIES, McMaster, Hamilton: Career choices, work patterns and TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME: Postoperative toxic shock syndrome in a ma.. perceptions of undergraduate education of McMaster medical (BR) (Portnoy and others) 815 graduates: comparison between men and women (OA) (Ferrier an( Toxic shock syndrome: coming full circle (E) (Dan and others) others) 1411 751 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Health Services Centre Hospital: Toxic shock syndrome in Canada (RA) (Clayton and others) 776 Swanson, Arnold L. (P) 849 TRACEY PM: See KING HS UREMIA: Transcatheter embolization in the management of intractable TRAINOR D: No absolutes in abortion debate (NF) 125: 507; Comment uremic epistaxis (BR) (Gagnon and others) 158 on: See BOLLAND PG URETERAL OBSTRUCTION: Ureteral "kinking" following colposuspension Symposium presents medical approaches to depression (NF) 1235 (L) (Watt) 360 TRANQUILIZING AGENTS: Prescribing tranquilizers (L) (Collyer) 1033 URETEROSIGMOIDOSTOMY: Colonic adenocarcinoma: a later complication Schizophrenics and tranquillizers (L) (Hoffer) 1375 of ureterosigmoidostomy (BR) (McFadden and others) 827 TRANQUILIZING AGENTS, MAJOR: Drug-induced parkinsonism and tardive URINARY CATHETERIZATION: Ureteral "kinking" following colposuspensior dyskinesia in nonpsychiatric patients (L) (Grimes) 468; (L) (Watt) 360 (L) (Seeman) 468 URINARY DIVERSION: Colonic adenocarcinoma: a late complication of Tardive dyskinesia in a nonpsychiatric patient due to short-term ureterosigmoidostomy (BR) (McFadden and others) 827 use of a neuroleptic/anticholinergic combination drug (BR) URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS: Determining the site of urinary tract (Chouinard and others) 821 infections in children (L) (Bailey) 1033 Triazolam intoxication (L) (Trappler and others) 893 UROGENITAL SYSTEM: Haemophilus influenzae pyosalpingitis (BR) (DePas TRANQUILIZING AGENTS, MINOR: Prescribing of tranquilizers (L) and others) 1417 (Anderson) 900; (L) (Bass) 900; (L) (Rapp) 899 UROWITZ MB: See BARON M TRANSDERM-V: See ANTIEMETICS TRANSPLANTATION: Bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and aplastic V anemia: management of ABO incompatibility (OA) (Curtis and VZIG: See VARICELLA ZOSTER IMMUNE GLOBULIN others) 649 VACATIONS: See HOLIDAYS Cyclosporin A: a powerful immunosuppressant (TR) (Laupacis and VACCINATION: Canada needs a compulsory measles vaccination program others) 1041 (E) (Davies and others) 107 Results of renal transplantation in a small centre (BR) (Ludwin Decreased elimination of theophylline after influenza vaccinatior and others) 1420 (L) (Goldstein and others) 470; (L) (Renton and others) 47( Reversible azathioprine-induced erythrocyte aplasia in a renal Experience with measles in Canada and the United States (RA) transplant recipient (BR) (Hogge and others) 512 (Davies and others) 123 TRANSPORTATION OF PATIENTS: Aeromedical transport: its hidden Serum theophylline levels after influenza vaccination (L) problems (RA) (Parsons and others) 237 (Britton and others) 1375 TRAPPLER B and BEZEREDI T: Triazolam intoxication (L) 893 VALPROIC ACID: Sodium valproate and thrombocytopenia (L) (Hoffman) TRAUMA: See WOUNDS AND INJURIES 358; (L) (Morris) 359 TRAVEL: Bilharziose intestinale chez des touristes quebecois: aspects VALSALVA'S MANEUVER: Lack of accentuation by the Valsalva maneuver parasitologiques et diagnostiques (OA) (Viens et autres) 137 of the murmur of idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: Convention cities: Dublin (NF) 864 importance of monitoring the pulse (BR) (LeJemtel and others) Convention cities: Saskatoon (NF) 1346 48 Convention cities: Vancouver (NF) 428 VANCOUVER: Convention cities: Vancouver (NF) 428 Vacation Supplement: How your colleagues plan vacations (NF) vanWALRAVEN M, EDELS M and FONG S: Pancreatitis caused by mefenamic 182 acid (L) 894 Vacation Supplement: Keeping travel costs low (NF) 195 VARICELLA ZOSTER IMMUNE GLOBULIN: VZI globulin now available without Vacation Supplement: Why not try these unusual destinations? restriction (NF) 1325 (NF) 188 VARICOSE VEINS: Compression-sclerotherapy for varicose veins: a TREISSMAN DA, BATE JT and RANDALL PT: Epidural use of morphine in Canadian study (OA) (Douglas and others) 923 managing the pain of carneous degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma VARMA AJ: Malaria acquired by accidental inoculation (BR) 1419 during pregnancy (BR) 505 VARUGHESE PV: See DAVIES JW TREMBLAY B: See LeBLANC P VASCONCELOS JAC and ENNS JW: Does lithium prevent neutropenia caused TREMBLAY G: See LeBLANC P by antidepressants? (L) 125: 20; Correction: See 125: TREVINO, BEN: Ben Trevino: medicine's rain-maker from the West (NF) 1087; Comment on: See KUBACKI A 850 VASODILATOR AGENTS: Prostaglandin E therapy for digital ulcers in TRIAZOLAM: See BENZODIAZEPINE TRANQUILIZERS scleroderma (BR) (Baron and hhers) 42 TROPICAL MEDICINE: Bilharziose intestinale chez des tourists VASOPRESSINS: Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone: quabecois: aspects parasitologiques et diagnostiques (OA) correction of hyponatremia by expansion of intravascular fluid (Viens et autres) 137 volume (BR) (Bear and others) 275 TROSTER M: See YIK KY VASCULAR DISEASES: Prostaglandin E1 therapy for digital ulcers in TUBERCULOSIS: Changing treatment of tuberculosis (E) (Grzybowski scleroderma (BR) (Baron and others) 42 and others) 457 VASCULAR SURGERY: Compression-sclerotherapy for varicose veins: a Composers and tuberculosis: the effects on creativity (NF) 534 Canadian study (OA) (Douglas and others) 923 Latent tuberculosis and anti-flammatory agents (L) (Brennan) VENEREAL DISEASES: Circumcision (L) (Genesove) 467 21 Cytomegalovirus in the semen (BR) (Embil and others) 391 Screening for tuberculosis: how much is too much? (E) (Mellor) 458 Seroepidemiologic aspects of Neisseria meningitidis in homosexual Tuberculosis -- a review of 498 recent admissions to hospital (OA) men (OA) (Salit and others) 38 (Goldstein and others) 490 Sex education: the physician's role (L) (Murray) 1026 Tuberculosis in Canada: a century of progress (NF) 526 VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY: Venous ulcers (FP) (Fratesi and others) 631 Tuberculous pleurisy (OA) (Enarson and others) 493 VERMA TR: Circumcision (L) 466 TUMMON IS: Circumcision (L) 466 VERREAULT R, STULGINSKAS J, KEYL P, READ J and PLESS IB: Use of TUMMON IS, DUDLEY DKL and WALTERS JH: Genital herpes simplex (RA) automobile seat restraints by children in two Canadian cities 125: 23; Comment on: See HAMMOND GW; replies 469 (OA) 1163 TUNIS, BARBARA R. and BENSLEY, EDWARD H.: William Leslie Logie: VERY ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide McGill University's first graduate and Canada's first medical hormone from the pineal body (Iversen) 787 graduate(s) 105: 1259; Comment on: See BENSLEY EH in workers in TUTTLE CB: Harmony with drugs and food (TR) 1161 VIBRATION: Raynaud's phenomenon forestry Quebec (OA) (Theriault and others) 1404 t TWEED WA: Does cigarette smoking cause coronary heart disease? (E) VIDARABINE: Herpes simplex encephalitis: poor outcome despite 102 adenine arabinoside therapy .(BR) (Wenman and others) 819 See FRIESEN RM VIENS P, MORISSET R et CLERMONT R: Bilharziose intestinale chez des TWEED WA, THOMASSEN A and WENBERG M: Prognosis after cardiac arrest touristes quebecois: aspects parasitologiques et diagnostiques based on age and duration of coma (OA) 1058 (OA) 137 TYERS GFO: Declining rates of death due to heart disease (L) 772 VIRIDANS STREPTOCOCCI: See STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS TYLER L: See LEE K-S VIRUS DISEASES: Is a compromised interferon response an etiologic factor in Reye's syndrome? (OA) (Rosee and others) 798 VISITORS TO PATIENTS: Friends and families of the handicapped (L) (Sky) 362 U VISTA: The abuse of power (Woods) 1205 Medicine's remarkable Scottish connection (Woods) 687 Physicians can promote professionalism in the press (Berube) 406 USSR: See UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Physicians must come to the aid of the party (Geekie) 1442 ULAN RA: See LAUPACIS A Quebec's draconian moves endanger profession's liberty (Berube) ULCER: Phagedena: gangrenous and necrotic ulcerations of skin and 175 subcutaneous tissue (RA) (Jackson and others) 363 The strike against the strike (Berube) 965 Prostaglandin E therapy for digital ulcers in scleroderma (BR) VITAMIN B Oral contraceptives: effects on folate and vitamin B12 (Baron and othirs) 42 metaColism (RA) (Shojania) 244 Venous ulcers (FP) (Fratesi and others) 631 VITAMIN E: Vitamin E (L) (Grant) 1153 UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS: Nuclear armament or disarmament VOLUNTARY HEALTH AGENCIES: How to apply for a medical position in the (NF) 545 Third World (L) (Devadason) 902 UNITED NATIONS: The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) (Rapp) VOLVOLON: Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone from the 1149 pineal body (VOA) (Iversen) 787

Can Med Assoc J, Index to Volume 126 WOODS D: The abuse of power (V) 1205 w A conversation with William F. Buckley, Jr. (NF) 179 Dr. Lazarus Loeb: why I won't practise in Canada (NF) 1213 WHO: See WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION The economy: an anthropologic view (PP) 1015 WAI KAN Y: See STEINBRECHER UP Good English is good medicine (NF) 125: 624; Comment WALKER S, SCHREIBER L and MIDDELKAMP JN: Serum theophylline levels on: See MAILER CM; HOAKEN PCS; EATON RDP after influenza vaccination (L) 125: 243; Comment on: See Hospitals and private money (PP) 451 BRITTON L and RUBEN FL The iatrectomists (PP) 743 WALL JR: See STRAKOSCH CR The International Year of the Overtaxed (PP) 99; Comment WALLOT H and LAMBERT J: Drug addiction among Quebec physicians (OA) on: See BERGER E; RAPP MS; BURNSTEIN ME; PEDERSEN BAT 927 Is Ottawa a capital punishment? (PP) 883 WALTERS JH: See TUMMON IS Letters to the editor: variety and brevity (PP) 1367 WALTERS K: See CHALMERS A Lofty thinging on physician manpower defies logic (V) WANG, JERRY H-C: Gairdner Foundation honours medical researchers (NF) 125: 79; Comment on: See DANBY FW 426 Mail chauvinism reversed (PP) 7 WAR: Nuclear armament or disarmament? (NF) 545 The medical profession and the press: prime targest for Physicians and the bomb (L) (Bates and others) 768; (L) commissions, task forces (PP) 583 (Gibney) 767; (L) (Stuart) 768 Medicine's remarkable Scottish connection (V) 687 WARFARIN: Cimetidine potentiation of warfarin action (L) (Kerley New Year resolutions: 10 words to give up in 1982 (PP) . and others) 116 125: 1307; Comment on: See EIBEL P; LANE RAG; replies WARNER E and STRASHIN E: Benefits and risks of circumcision (RA) 1153 125: 967; Comment on: See DEACON JE: replies 360; Correction Ophthalmologists and optometrists (PP) 221; Comment on: 1153; TUMMON IS: replies 466; GREEN WG; VERMA TR; LAING WB; See BAKER I SZE MK; GENESOVE LJ; MORGAN WKC; replies 603; PRUCHA ZS; The pharmaceutical industry needs remedy for MacEachenism DICKIE GL; HAWORTH JC; SKIPPER GE; BOYD JJ (PP) 337 WARNER HA: See ATERMAN K (ed) Physicians and the bomb (V) 125: 1350; Comment on: See WARREN KG: See WARREN SA GIBNEY PF; STUART EK; BATES DG and DWORKIND M; repies 768 WARREN SA, WARREN KG, GREENHILL S and PATERSON M: How multiple Politics and preventive medicine (PP) 125: 129; Comment sclerosis is related to animal illness, stress and diabetes (OA) on: See BALTZAN MA 377; Comment on: See SADOVNICK AD WOODWARD CA: See FERRIER BM WATANABE T: See BUSTAMANTE JO WORK CAPACITY EVALUATION: See DISABILITY EVALUTATION WATER-ELECTROLYTE BALANCE: Inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Health for all by the year 2000 (L) hormone: correction of hyponatremia by expansion of 120 intravascular fluid volume (BR) (Bear and others) 275 The International Year of the Overtaxed (L) (Pedersen) WATSON CPN and EVANS RJ: Intractable pain with breast cancer (OA) 1149 263 WORTH AJ: See HISLOP TG WATSON WC: "Bingo brain" (L) 1266 WOUND HEALING: Vitamin E (L) (Grant) 1153 WATT LO: Ureteral "kinking" following colposuspension (L) 125: 20; WOUNDS AND INJURIES: Canadian Trauma Foundation (L) (Ghent) Comment on: See 360 120 WATTERS WW and COHEN M: Abortion (L) 465 Canadian Trauma Foundation adopts charter (NF) 702 WEANING: Untoward effects of weaning (E) (Gerrard) 1133 Declining rates of death due to heart disease (L) (Perey) WEBER JM: Errors with rubella diagnostic serology (L) 901 770 WEILER, PAUL: Ontario negotiations: tempers flare over fact-finder's Medicine would be helpless in nuclear war say concerned MDs report (NF) 967 (NF) 315 WEILER REPORT: See WEILER, PAUL Post-traumatic cataplexy (L) (Sadowski) 1150 WEINERMAN BH: See DEONARINE L Trauma research (L) (Ghent) 14 THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE: The Wellcome WRIGHT VC: Laser Surgery: using the carbon dioxide laser (E) library: reflection of an insatiable collector (NF) 712 1035 THE WELLCOME LIBRARY: See THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF WRITING: Good English is good medicine (L) (Eaton) 230; (L) MEDICINE (Hoaken) 230; (L) (Mailer) 120 WENMAN WM, BRUNTON JL, LANK BA and RONALD AR: Herpes simplex Ten words to give up in 1982 (L) (Lane) 1153; (L) (Morgan) encephalititis: poor outcome despite adenine arabinoside 1153 therapy (BR) 819 WERNBERG M: See TWEED WA WHITE F and MATHIAS R: Hepatitis B markers in Indochinese refugees YERSINIA INFECTIONS: Septicemia due to Yersinia enterocolitica (L) 1374 (L) (Luengas and others) 772 WHITE FINGER SYNDROME: See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES YEUNG DL, PENNELL MD, LEUNG M and HALL J: Commercial or WHITE FMM and McCARTHY ME: Raw milk and health in humans (E) 1260 homemade body food? (L) 113 WHITESIDE C, FRIEMAN J and CONNON JJ: Retrograde cholangiography in YIK KY, SULLIVAN SN and TROSTER M: Neuropsychiatric disturbance the postcholecystectomy syndrome (BR) 125: 597; Comment on: due to occult occlusion of the portal vein (BR) 50 See HERSHFIELD NB; replies 359 YOUNG GB, ASHENHURST EM and EDER S: Treating epilepsy: one drug WIGLE DT: See MORGAN PP or several? (E) 1134 WIGLE DT and JOHANSEN H: Parental smoking and infant morbidity (L) 1277 WILLIAMSON J: Geriatric medicine (L) 769 REFERENCE SHELF WILLIS GA and HO WC: Perforation of Meckel 's diverticulum by an alkaline hearing aid battery (BR) 497 WILSON, D. LAURENCE: Former CMA president to be dean of medicine at Calendar of Congresses of Medical Sciences. No. 42. Council Queen's University (NF) 1325 for International Organizations of Medical Sciences 514; WILSON D, WOOD G, JOHNSTON N and SICURELLA J: Randomized clinical Correction 1153 trial of supportive follow-up for cigarette smokers in a family Canadian Medical Directory 1981, Twenty-seventh Annual. practice (FP) 127 Edited by Anne Newcombe 55 WILSON DL: Medical schools and affiliated teaching hospitals in the Dictionary of Medical Syndromes. 2nd ed. Sergio I. '80s (NF) 1331 Magalini and Euclide Scrascia 1076 WILSON DR: Abortion (L) 21; Comment on: See CASEY MT; Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. Twenty-sixth ed. PALFRAMAN DS; FROESE GJ; LINEGAR KL Edited by John P. Friel 828 See HOGGE DE Health Sciences Information Sources. Ching-Chih Chen 1315 WILSON KS, ALEXANDER S and CHISHOLM IA: Band keratopathy in Speaking at Medical Meetings. A Practical Guide. 2nd ed. hypercalcemia of myeloma (BR) 1314 James Calnan and Andras Barabas 277 WILSON WM: See DOLOVICH J WISE GJ: See KOZINN PJ WISHART D: Convention cities: Dublin (NF) 864 Convention cities: Vancouver (NF) 428 BOOK REVIEWS Vacation Supplement: Keeping travel costs low (NF) 195 WIT AND HUMOR: Gelototherapy (E) (Sherrington) 753 Koss and Dulcie Volvolon: a recently discovered peptide hormone from the Advances in Clinical Cytology. Leopold G. 787 V. Coleman 949 pineal body (VOA) (Iversen) Annual Research Reviews. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Related WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS: See SUBSTANCE WITHDRAWAL SEIZURES S. Panayi 1192 WOMEN: Prescribing of tranquilizers (L) (Rapp) 899 Conditions. Volume 5. Edited by Gabriel a pioneer of social Atlas of Pelvic Surgery. Clifford R. Wheeles, Jr. 1422 WOMEN'S RIGHTS: Dr. Augusta Stowe-Gullen: Bladder Cancer. Principles of Combination Therapy. T.R.D. conscience (NF) 1465 W.F. Hendry and H.J.G. Bloom 1192 WONG KH and DEITEL M: Studies with a safflower oil emulsion in Oliver, Correction Breast Cancer Management. The Experience of the Combined total parenteral nutrition (OA) 125: 1328; Breast Clinic, St. George's Hospital/The Royal Marsden 902 by R.C. Coombes, T.J. Powles, H.T. Ford WONG KH, LEADER A and DEITEL M: Maternal nutrition in pregnancy Hospital. Edited 125: 550; Comment on: See REYNOLDS R; replies 466 and J.-C. Gazet 664 WOOD G: See WILSON D

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