WORKERS In Two Sections OF THE WORLD, DailUjiSforker Section One UNITE! Central Parti} U.S.A. (Section of the ) Entered an aecond-claM matter at the Post Office CITY EDITION Vol. IX, No. 79 at New York, N. V.. nnder the net of March S. 1870 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2,1932 Price 3 Cents EXPOSE WAR PROPAGANDA LIES OF SOVIET “ATROCITIES” For Working Class Unity in the Election Campaign!— Boss Press Lays Against the Hunger and War Offensive of the Capitalists! Base lor Armed BIG PROTEST For the Workers’ Ticket—Candidates of the Com- NATION-WIDE APRIL 6 ON munist Party—Against Candidates of the Bosses! FIGHT ON WAR Attack on USSR Call for the National Nominating Conventio n of the Communist Party, U. S. A. Bourgeois Reporter Slips in Reporting

In trade unions, on Easter Holiday Coming Workers, Comrades: TO ALL WORKERS, EXPLOITED All workers organized workers’ ON APRIL 6 “Clashes” SCOTTSBORO fraternal organizations, or other bodies; all un- May and Millions of workers and fanners are FARMERS, NEGRO AND WHITE, organized workers, through meetings called in 1 2 of Boys to Be starving in the midst of plenty. factories, mines, or in their neighborhood; all Workers in Many Defense Un- MEN AND WOMEN! employment continues to rise. Wages unemployed workers through their Unemployed Prepare In Forefront of Committees and Councils are urged to partic- Cities Dem- been and are being ruthlessly Workers! Answer the War Preparations Anti-War Meets have ipate in the local conferences which will be held onstrations slashed under Hoover’s regime of hun- There is only one way out of the unprece- .in all cities from May sth to May 22nd (subject Against the ! Demon- ger and oppression. The standard of dented misery and oppression of the toilers. This to the call of local Party committees) and from Their is the way of united and organized mass strug- Demand Release living of the vast millions of toilers are these local conferences elect delegates to the Defense of U. S. S. R. strate April 6 gle. Ifthe working class is not to be plunged National Nominating Convntion. being driven down to pauper levels. into still greater poverty, into the slaughter Protest Telegrams National organizations supporting the aims of Protest Robber War Capitalism has exposed bankruptly house of world war, it must with all its a new fight this convention may elect two delegates each on Gov. its might against the economic and political On China . Pour in and its inability to feed the working of- direct to the Chicago Convention; District Com- Soviets Increase Wages 11 to 20 P.C fensive carried on by the capitalists and people. their mittees of the Communist Party may one The fight against the Scotts- government. elect Intense preparations for Na- The big business interests, in order to keep delegate direct. While Bosses Prepare War boro lynch verdicts, against The Communist Party calls upon 6, up their high profits and swollen fortunes, are the workers The Communist Party, which calls this Con- jtional Anti-War Day, Aprli to establish united fighting front around the th- savage national oppression violently attacking tthe workers’ standards on this vention, is the only Party Which has forewarned are under way in many cities. MOSCOW, April I.—A rise of US to 18 per cent in wages in the following demands: of the Negro masses, will be all fronts. Increased exploitation and oppres- the working-class of the present crisis and the Huge outdoor and indoor de- Soviet light and heavy industries, will take effect today. An average in the forefront of the nation- sion and new imperialist wars are the two-fold 1. Unemployment and social insurance at attacks of the bosses, and urged them to prepare. monstrations of Negro and increase of 20 per cent in the wages in the engineering personnel in get expense employers. only Party consistently ordered. wide anti-war demonstrations next means being used by the boss class to out the of the state and It is the which has or- white workers and sympathetic ! both light and hevay industries also has been Wednesday, April 6. In many cities of the economic crisis. 2. Against Hoover’s wage-cutting policy. ganized the fight for unemployment insurance Members of the Communist Party who formerly received the lowest being and aggressive policy in the elements are being arranged preliminary meetings are held Imperialist war, with its bloody sacrifice of 3. Emergency relief, without restrictions by carried on an strike pay, are to share in the recent wage increases. industries against wage cuts every in the Negro districts to draw the workers’ lives, have already started in the Far the government and banks, for the poor farm- and against for vigorous mass protests a- upon the workers rights. largest possible number of Negro East against the Chinese people, a war which ers; exemption of poor fanners from taxes, attack gamst the robber war on workers into the demonstrations. is being systematically developed by the robber and from forced collection of debts. Fellow workers, the capitalist system Is bank- China, against the criminal By MYRA PAGE. into a war against the workers' father- rupt. The workers need and must a In Kansas City a parade and dem- nations 4. Equal rights for the Negroes and self- fight for preparatoins of the imperialists for In of growing naw system, a system Socialism. On the basis onstration of Negro and white work- land—the Soviet Union. fear the determination for the Black Belt. of armed intervention against the Sov- MOSCOW, April I—As part of the prep- strength of the Soviet Union, where no crisis or of a united and militant struggle for the defense ers through the thickly settled Negro Against capitalist against iet Union and its successful Socialist unemployment exists, the capitalists are organ- 5. terror; all of the living standards of the workers, the toilers for capitalist section of the city will be held on forms of suppression of the political rights of construction. The fight for the arations armed intervention izing their forces for intervention. War against must fight their way out of the crisis; they must against April 6. It will be lead by a band the workers. Scottsboro boys, the decision against bourgeois and a truck bearing an electric chair the Soviets is an immediate danger. abolish the capitalist system and establish a ! of the Alabama Supreme Court up- j the Soviet Union, the and Against imperialist for surrounded by eight Negro youths, United States imperialism behind the screen 6. war; the defense of Workers’ and Fanners’ Government. i holding the lynch verdicts against 7 the Chinese people and of the Soviet Union. “socialist” papers in the European capitalist symbolizing the boss terror. The of peace maneuvers and sham pacifist phrases, Join in the local conferences, send delegates-to ! of the boys, will be in the forefront to throw its forces into this It calls upon the workers to organize this united parade will start from 17th and Pa- is rapidly preparing the jof all the demonstrations. are intensifying the campaign of lies resistance in the coming election Chicago Convention. Forward to a fighting countries seo at 1 p. m. It will proceed through robber war. campaign by Chicago TUUL Conference Supports against Soviet < united front against the explorers! the Union. the most important streets of the The capitalist politicians—republican and sending delegates to the National Nominating Day During past few Anti-War the days numer- NEW Negro section, winding up at 2 o’ by the Ameri- Convention to be held in Chicago on May 28th YORK.—Similar lies have democratic —aided leaders of the Central In Chicago, parades and meetings ous reports described as from "spe- appeared recently in the American clock at 12th and Paseo, where the of Labor and the socialist party and 29th. Committee, Communist Party, cial can Federation are now being held in working-class ! correspondents” have been pub- bourgeois press, which together with big anti-war demonstration will be are forcing through their starvation and war All workers and farmers. Negro and white, and U. S. A. featuring districts, with special attention to; lished “Ukrainian revolts, the whole imperialist press, is busy held. The demonstration will raise program against the workers by means of terror, their organizations; all persons and workers' or- hunger in Moscow,” etc. the huge Negro district on the South j riots slandering the Soviet Union in a vi- the demand for the immediate and by suppressing the workers’ rights, by means of ganizations prepared to support a militant work- These reports simple Side. Meetings are being held at are pure and cious campaign designed to deceive unconditional release of the Scotts- beatings, lynchings and murders. The fight for ers’ platform and candidates, are invited to par- A good example All correspondence relative to the election cam- factory gates, special leaflets and inventions. of the the masses and win them for the boro boys, of Jess Hollins, a Negro the defense of the standards of living of the ticipate. lying reports paign addressed to the National Cam- I shop papers are being distributed. character of these is plans of the imperialists for a reac- young worker of Oklahoma, and of masses and the rights of the workers to fight Participation in this convention is not limited should be the dispatch by The main anti-war demonstration the bourgeois Tele- tionary war against the successful Tom Mooney and other class war against starvation and war are the burning is- to members and organizations of the Communist paign Committee, 35 East 12th Street, 9th Floor, Union in numerous will take place on April 6 at Union graph published construction of Socialism in the So- prisoners. sues before the millions of toilers today. Party. City, newspapers, according New York Park, Ogden and Randolph. German to viet Union. Preliminary meetings and open air In Indiana Harbor, an open air dem- which “fierce collisions occurred in Only yesterday rallies are now being held. A canvass onstratioin will be held at 4.30 p. m. various parts of Ukrania on Easter the New York is being made of all Negro organiza- at Broadway and Alder Streets on between religionists and atheists Times carried a dispatch from Buch- tions by the ,Scottsboro-Hol!ins De- Demonstrate at April 6. when the latter attempted to inter- arest which tnes to give substance fense Committee, urging them to 75,000 Miners Out on Strike in Coal In Gary, an indoor meeting is being fere with Easter celebrations.” to the lie that Red Army soldiers take part in the demonstrations. Ir- Ford’s Exhibition prepared for April 6 at 7.30 p. m. at The clever bourgeois correspondent have shot down ••fleeing’’ Soviet ene Hollins, young wife of Jess Hol- of New Model Cars 1814 Broadway. forgot that there are no Easter cele- peasants with the additional lie that lins, is taking a most active part in Fields Face U.M.W.A. Betrayal brations in the Soviet Union at the a commission appointed by the So- this work. Comrade Hollins has al- DETROIT, Mich., March 31. time of the Easter celebrations in viet Government and the Rouman- ready signified her support of the Workers greeted the exhibition of western countries, that all branches ian government is to investigate the struggle of the revolutionary move- CHICAGO, April I. Unable to ; .ahead with the idea of hiring scabs, only effective method at this time to the new Ford Models today with U. S. EXPERTS of the Orthodox church holding Eas- "shooting.” As an added touch, the put per wage the nothing per wage ment for Negro rights by becoming over a 60 cent cut on and UMWA officials do smash the 60 cent cut drive several demonstrations despite the ter celebrations will hold them the dispatch adds that the investigation coal in Illinois, about the men of the coal a member of the Young Communist 75,000 miners Ohio, it, keeping from operators. heavy detachments of Murphy’s first and second of May this year. may take place on Soviet soil. League. and sections of Ohio picketing. police at the display stations. Five The Press The National Miners Union is SEE EARLY WAR Comrade Hollins was one of the and Indiana the U. M. W. A. officials Associated states: “In Ireland, organizer the calling Max of main speakers at a recent protest and the coal operators have entered Illinois and Indiana the shutdown on the 75,000 miners now out Young Communist League, was meeting against the Alabama lynch into an agreement merely to stop was neither a strike nor a shutout. and hogtied to organize local rank sentenced to 30 days in jail today, DURING SPRING 30-day agreement to verdicts. The meeting was held at work for a period and to act There was no continue and file strike committees, to go Into for speaking at Ford’s plant last Center, City. to prevent the miners from conduct- operations.” Ten the Workers Kansas action into a real, mass struggle month during the preparation for Washington military experts Years of Communist Other speakers included Mother Ella ing a militant strike. The purpose The The same capitalist service bloody Hunger March. against wage cuts; to a the Ford Beeves Bloor. of the “silent truce” is to wear down declared: “No trouble was expected in the form openly hinted- yesterday that the men and then to permit the coal any of the fields.” united front of all miners, regardless the Japanese send more Press in the United States How will the war lone in the should operators to make their drastic cut In only one instance was a dem- of union affiliations, and to prevent troops into Manchuria to crush $6,10 next war cover also the of from the so-called scale of onstration of any kind planned and betraying carry- civilian their officials from the struggles of the heroic On 2 at Madison Square revolutionary unions—Tampa, Ken- 15 AREARRESTED a day to $3.90 or $4.00 and even less. that was at Bellaire, Ohio. In all I April ing out their plan of wearing down' population? Read “Chemical War- Manchurian masses and insurgent anniversary of tucky, California, the Com- The vast majority of the miners other mines the UMWA officials are i Garden, the tenth etc.), on soldiers. American imperialism thus the will be celebrated. This munist Party (outlawing in Tampa. are on part time work, and the new doing all they can to prevent picket- the miners in order to help the coal fare,” by Donald Cameron, ten Freiheit again expresses its suport for the etc.). AT SCOTTSBORO rates mean utter starvation for them ing or militant strike activities, the operators put over their wage cut. Cents. I is an event of great importance to Kentucky, Japanese in their butchery of the dangers by and their families. the Communist Party as a whole and The are overshadowed Chinese people and its desire that revolutionary move- far by the possibilities, and The closing down of the mines on to the ientrie therefore the Japanese imperialists should ment. Ten years of the is it is duty of the Party and its , MEET IN CHATTA. April Ist in the Illinois, West Virgi- Freiheit the speed up their plans for armed in- also ten years of Communist press members to penetrate ever more into nia and Ohio coal fields followed a tervention against the Soviet Un- in United States. the masses of workers in the shops, conference between the Illinois Co?’ Boys Appeal the Duncan, Ky. Miner, Is Scottsboro from Death ion, with Manchuria as the principal There was a Communist press in particularly of war industry. Operators’ Association and the of- j base for the Japanese operations. States before 1922, but it The first and most powerful Held for “Murder” ficials of the the United Th; New York Times reports: was not of The weapon of the Communist Party of America. | continuous character. and CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., April 1. Cells to Toiling Youth the World “Military experts here feel that attacks of the capitalist government the revolutionary movement in the No agreement had been reached be- of J —An orderly Scottsboro protest Japan must have a greatly increas- on the Communist Party and the re- fulfillment of this fundamental task the rank and file of the UMWA i J meeting was stopped here by the cause April I.—From the death cells in* > "Only ones helped us down here J ed forced in Manchuria before or- i volutionary movement in January is the Communist press. Millions of are dead set against wage slashes, MONTGOMERY”, Ala., police last night. Workers were just been the International Labor De- | der can be restored.” ; 1920, and the driving of the Com- workers sympathize with the men knowing are with Kilby Prison, where thy ehav beeen held under conditions of Soviet beginning to gather. About wtenty the they faced fens eand the League of Struggle for munist Party underground, made the Union. They must be informed on starvation already, and that ever since the trials the ' | The Japanese puppet government had arrived when two carloads of a fur- the most ghastly torture mock in lower Negro Rights. We don’t put work of the revolutionary Party dif- all the developments in the Soviet ther cut no faith jin Manchuria has imposed an em- | police, armed with rifles and pistols means death by hunger to court at Scottsboro, Ala., the eight Scottsboro boys send the In the National Association for the 1 ficult. But, like all revolutionary Union in the building up of Social- their families and the miners. -1! bargo against the shipment of wheat j surrounded the group and arrested following appeal to the young workers f the whole world to Advancement of Colored People. |to Vladivostok, Soviet port in the 1 movements, the Communist Party ism. They must be informed about The UMWA officials, in many fifteen. who They give some of us boys eats to Pacific, according to a Washington persisted and with its persistence the provocations against the Soviet acted with rally to the mass fight to smash the hideous frame-up and 1 j The police were accompanied by cases have the state au- go against the other boys who talked j dispatch to the New York World- grew the need of revolutionary dai- Union through the capitalists, their thorities on lynch murder verdicts: Police Captain Perkins and Judge to jail militant miners for the I.L.D. But we wouldn’t split, Telegram. The dispatch alleges that lies, and out of this came the Daily agents, the socialdemocrats, the re- criminal syndicalist charges “From the death cell here in Kilby Prison, eight of us | Fleming. The arrested are Jane because nohow. We know our friends and the Soviet garrisons on the Siberian Worker, the Freiheit and many other negades, white guards, etc. (plot to for strike against wage j Dillon, Sam Borensteln, W. H. they called Scottsboro boys is writing this to you. our enemies. border are further strengthening papers. assassinate Stalin. Chicherin, etc.). cuts, are agreeable to a wage cut s”