VOL XXIX #1 1 February 2007 I n t e r n a t i o n a l F l e e t C l u b N E W S L E T T E R Editor / Publisher From the Editor make it available to everyone who’s Jim Catalano interested and share the wealth of in- formation we all have, I’m drawn into 8 Westlin Lane It’s been great to hear from so the future. Cornwall NY 12518 many of you over the last few months, So hang on to that strut and since the Fall Newsletter hit your step safely into the future: check out E-Mail mailboxes. Thanks so much for the o u r n e w w e b s i t e a t
[email protected] great cards, letters, e-mails and web.mac.com/fleetclub! The site will phone calls. help us share even more information Telephone Remember the First Law of and images as well as newsletters – 845 - 534 - 3947 Wing-walking? “Don’t let go of what past and present - and will widen our you’ve got until you’ve got a firm reach to others who might be interes- Fleet Web Site grasp of something else.” I’m feeling ted in Fleets. If you’d like to give up web.mac.com/fleetclub like one of those guys right now: I’m paper/snail-mail delivery of your Fleet poring through the Fleet Club archi- news, see the last page of this issue. ves, delving deeply into the history of Fleet Net Remember that the site and the airplane and am awed by the skill the newsletter are only as good as the groups.yahoo.com/ and dedication of the generations of information YOU provide.