Abrar A bi-monthly newsletter published by the Abrar Islamic Foundation 45 CrawfordEdior: Place, DrLondon Saeed W!H Shehabi 4LP A bi-monthly newsletter Abrar Tel:Published 020 7724 by the 3033 45Fax: Crawford 020 7724 Place, 7219 LondonEmail: W1H 4LP Vol 16, No 18 (402) 16th-31st March 2021
[email protected] Tel: 020Website: 7724 3033 The Ayatullah, the Pontiff and the politics of faith www.abrar.org.uk Was it a political or religious “crusade”? What the event. In their audience at the house of Email: did the Pope see and hear in his four-day trip to Ayatullah Sayed Ali Al Sistani in a small alley- abrarhouse Mesopotamia? What is it in that land that had way in the holy city of Najaf, the Pope and the @hotmail.com attracted the ultimate authority in the Christian Ayatullah exchanged constructive and positive Website world to make the arduous visit at a time when views on the relations between Christianity and www.abraronline.net everyone else would think twice before making Islam within the attempts to reconcile the two Charity no. 293802 the journey? Undoubtedly, the recent experi- sides. The Iraqi Christians had sought such un- ences of Iraqi Christians had been a factor in derstanding in order to enjoy the benefits as planning the papal visit to Baghdad, especially citizens with equal constitutional and religious when the “Christian world” paid little attention rights. to the plight of that small community in Iraq What is next? The hope is that a new ear has We stand for: and Syria which was being mercilessly targeted.