J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000;68:465–471 465 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.465 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from Pattern of premature degenerative changes of the cervical spine in patients with and the impact on the outcome of selective peripheral denervation

S J Chawda, A Münchau, D Johnson, K Bhatia, N P Quinn, J Stevens, A J Lees, J D Palmer

Abstract modic torticollis with botulinum toxin Objectives—To characterise the pattern of seems to have a protective eVect. Patients and risk factors for degenerative changes with spasmodic torticollis and restricted of the cervical spine in patients with spas- head mobility who do not adequately modic torticollis and to assess whether respond to treatment should undergo these changes aVect outcome after selec- imaging of the upper cervical spine. tive peripheral denervation. Patients with imaging evidence of moder- Methods—Preoperative CT of the upper ate or severe degenerative changes seem cervical spine of 34 patients with spas- to respond poorly to selective peripheral modic torticollis referred for surgery were denervation. reviewed by two radiologists blinded to the (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2000;68:465–471) clinical findings. Degenerative changes were assessed for each joint separately Keywords: osteoarthritis; spasmodic torticollis; com- and rated as absent, minimal, moderate, puted tomography; selective peripheral denervation or severe. Patients were clinically assessed before surgery and 3 months postopera- Idiopathic spasmodic torticollis is the most tively by an independent examiner using common form of adult onset focal .1 It standardised clinical rating scales. For comparison of means a t test was carried is characterised by repetitive or sustained con- tractions of neck muscles that lead to an out. To determine whether an association 2–4 exists between the side of degenerative abnormal posture of the head and neck. changes and type of spasmodic torticollis Depending on the pattern of muscular activity a ÷2 test was used. Changes in severity, dis- the head is rotated, tilted, flexed, or extended but often there is a combination of these ability, and pain before and after surgery 5 were calculated using a Wilcoxon matched movements. Spasmodic torticollis often causes pain, interferes with daily activities, and pairs signed ranks test. 6–8 Results—Fourteen out of 34 patients had can be very socially disabling. Secondary 9 http://jnnp.bmj.com/ moderate or severe degenerative changes. problems include dysphagia and impairment 10 They were predominantly found at the of balance. C2/C3 and C3/C4 level and were signifi- Non-physiological repetitive head and neck cantly more likely to occur on the side of movements can stress the joints in the cervical the main direction of the spasmodic torti- spine. Cervical with resulting collis (p=0.015). There was no significant or myelopathy has been reported 11–26 diVerence in age, sex, duration of torticol- in patients with generalised dystonia and, National Hospital for rarely, in patients with spasmodic

lis, overall severity, degree of disability, or on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Neurology and torticollis.11 26–28 It has also been noted that Neurosurgery, Queen pain between the group with either no or minimal changes and the group with degenerative changes in patients with general- Square, London, UK 11–26 S J Chawda moderate or severe changes. However, in ised dystonia tend to occur prematurely. So A Münchau the second group the duration of inad- far no systematic study considering this D Johnson equate treatment was longer (10.1 v 4.8 problem using modern imaging methods has K Bhatia years; p=0.009), head mobility was more been carried out. N P Quinn We investigated 34 patients with spasmodic J Stevens restricted (p=0.015), and head tremor was more severe (p=0.01). At 3 months postop- torticollis who were referred for surgery (selec- A J Lees 29–31 J D Palmer eratively, patients with no or minimal tive peripheral denervation (SPD)) because degenerative changes showed a significant of primary resistance to or secondary failure of Correspondence to: improvement in pain and severity whereas botulinum toxin (BT) treatment. In all patients Dr Sanjiv Chawda, Department of Radiology, no diVerence was found in those with CT of the cervical spine from the occipitocer- Oldchurch Hospital, moderate or severe changes. vical junction down to the mid/upper cervical Waterloo Road, Conclusions—Patients with spasmodic spine was carried out mainly to look for Romford,Essex RM7 0BE, craniovertebral abnormalities that may not UK torticollis have an increased risk of devel- [email protected] oping premature degenerative changes of have been apparent on plain radiographs such the upper cervical spine that tend to be on as os odontoideum and rotatory atlantoaxial Received 14 June 1999 and the side towards which the head is turned dislocation.32 Plain radiographs of the cervical in revised form 15 October 1999 or tilted and compromise outcome after spine were not always available to us; therefore Accepted 25 November 1999 surgery. EVective early treatment of spas- degenerative changes were only assessed on 466 Chawda, Münchau, Johnson, et al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.465 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

440/15; FOV 24 cm; NEX=4; ma- trix=256×192) and T2 sagittal fast spin echo (TR/TE, 5000/130; FOV 24 cm; NEX=4; matrix=160×256) and relevant axial T2 gradient echo images (flip angle 20 degrees; TR/TE, 560/25; FOV 16 cm; NEX=5; ma- trix=160×224) were obtained. The sagittal sequences were 4 mm thick witha1mm interslice gap.

PATIENTS A total of 34 patients with spasmodic torticol- Patient with left tremulous torticollis with left grade 3 and lis, all of whom had received BT injections in right grade 0 changes at the C2/3 facet joints. the past, were referred for consideration of SPD surgery over the period 1997–8. The CT. In some patients MRI of the cervical spine interval between the last botulinum toxin (BT) was also performed. All patients were assessed injection and the investigation before surgery clinically before surgery and 3 months postop- was at least 4 months in all patients and often eratively by an independent examiner using more than 6 months. Patients were referred for standardised rating scales. surgery because of either primary or secondary failure of BT treatment. Patient characteristics Methods are given in tables 1 and 4. Of the 34 patients IMAGING STUDIES referred 22 underwent surgery. They were all Craniocervical CT was carried out in all 34 examined again 3 months after surgery. patients on a Siemens Somaton plus 4 (VB3 In addition to a detailed history from each version OB). A single spiral scan (kVp 120, 200 patient, medical notes were studied to deter- mA) continuing in a caudal direction was mine the documented response to BT injec- obtained (2 mm collimation, with a table feed tions over the years. Patients were classified as of 5 mm/s) and the data reconstructed as 1 mm having predominantly torticollis (head rotation thick slices. Axial sections were obtained from in the horizontal plane), laterocollis (head tilt the clivus to the midcervical spine with coronal in the coronal plane), or anterocollis or and sagittal reformats. All images were retro- retrocollis (head flexion or extension). This spectively reviewed by two radiologists (SJC was done taking into account the primary dys- and DJ) and any diVerences in interpretation tonic position and the degree of restriction of were resolved by consensus. The radiologists head movements. For instance, a patient with a were blind to the clinical findings in these combination of head rotation to the right and patients. tilt to the left was labelled primarily right torti- The joints considered were: occipital collis when left rotation was more restricted condyle-C1 lateral mass articulation (O-C1), than right tilt and vice versa. Severity at the C1-C2 lateral mass articulations, C1 anterior time of the investigation was determined using arch-C2 odontoid peg articulation, C2/3 facet the Toronto western spasmodic torticollis and uncovertebral joint articulations, and also rating (TWSTR) severity scale.33 This scale http://jnnp.bmj.com/ lower levels if they were scanned. The degree of takes into account the dystonic position of the spondylotic change was assessed from a head, the eVectiveness of any sensory trick, and combination of loss of joint space, subchondral how long the patient can keep the head in a sclerosis or cysts, and osteophytes. Degenera- straight position and estimates the degree of tive changes were recorded on a scale of 0–3 head mobility and position of the shoulder. (0=normal, 1=minimal, 2=moderate, and The maximum severity on this scale is 35. 3=severe). Apart from the C1 arch-C2 peg To further characterise restriction of head on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. articulation, the left and right joints were and neck movements we used a geniometer to scored individually. Figure 1 shows an example measure the degree of head mobility opposite of grade 3 degenerative change. to the direction of the dystonic head position— Eighteen patients also had MRI of the cervi- for example, contralateral tilt in a patient with cal spine and these were reviewed with particu- laterocollis. Firstly, patients were asked to lar emphasis on the cervical spinal cord. All actively tilt their head in the direction opposite MRI images were performed on a GE Vectra to the main dystonic position; secondly, the 0.5 T scanner. A quadrature anterior neck coil head was moved passively. If the patient was was used. T1 sagittal spin echo (TR/TE, able to actively or passively tilt the head less than 5 degrees past the midline a score of 6 was Table 1 Spasmodic torticollis patient characteristics given. The rating was 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 if the Sex Median age Median duration Severity* Primary contralateral tilt was at best 10, 15, 20, 25, and Type of ST n (M:F) (y (range)) (y (range)) (mean (SD)) failure 30 degrees or more than 30 degrees, respec- R Torticollis 5 3:2 54 (32–57) 12 (9–18) 20.2 (5) tively. For contralateral active or passive L Torticollis 11 4:7 49 (30–60) 11 (2–26) 20 (4.2) 3 rotation the rating was as follows: 6=contralat- R Laterocollis 6 3:3 52 (44–59) 12 (7–22) 19.5 (6) L Laterocollis 6 1:5 50 (38–66) 16 (4–21) 22.3 (1.6) 1 eral rotation of less than 10 degrees, 5=contral- Anterocollis 1 1:0 53 17 16 1 ateral rotation possible up to 20 degrees, 4=up Retrocollis 5 4:1 56 (23–59) 10 (3–37) 21 (4.1) 1 to 30 degrees, 3=up to 40 degrees, 2=up to 50 Total 34 16:18 53.5 (23–66) 11.5 (2–37) 20.4 (4) 6 degrees, 1=up to 60 degrees, and 0=more than *As determined by the TWSTRS. R=right, L=left. 60 degrees. To assess the overall restriction of Pattern of degenerative change in spasmodic torticollis 467 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.465 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

Table 2 Radiological findings in 14 spasmodic torticollis patients with moderate to severe degenerative changes



R Torticollis 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 — — — — 001 00 1 2 —— —— —— —— —— L Torticollis 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 3 0 1 1 — — — — 000 00 30 00 20 20 —— —— R Laterocollis 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 010 00 11 00 03 00 —— —— 001 00 13 11 12 11 —— —— 002 02 1 2 1 1 —— —— —— —— L Laterocollis 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 — — — — 001 00 10 00 30 00 31 00 002 00 10 10 30 10 —— —— 001 00 02 12 20 11 —— —— Retrocollis 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 000 00 22 00 31 22 31 00

R=Right, L=left; AO=atlanto-occipital; AA=atlantoaxial; LM=lateral masses; JT(S)=joint(s); U/C=uncovertebral —=not scanned; 0=normal; 1=minimal degenerative change; 2=moderate degenerative change; 3=severe degenerative change

Table 3 Side of (moderate or severe) degenerative changes treatment failure and occurrence of degenera- in the cervical spine below C2 in patients with torticollis or tive changes exists and whether the side of laterocollis (n=12; note that 1 patient with left laterocollis had bilateral changes) degenerative changes is associated with the type of spasmodic torticollis a ÷2 test was used Side of degenerative (for small sample size Fisher’s exact test was changes used). Changes in severity, disability, and pain Type of spasmodic torticollis Right Left before and after surgery were calculated using Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks test. R torticollis or laterocollis 5 1 L torticollis or laterocollis 1 6 Results R=Right; L=left; p = 0.015 (Fisher’s exact test). There were no patients with an anomaly of the head mobility both ratings were added so that craniovertebral junction in our study. Degen- patients could score from 0–12. erative changes on CT that was carried out in Disability and pain were assessed using the all 34 patients were either absent or minimal disability and pain subscales of the TWSTRS. (20 patients) or moderate or severe (14 Severity of head tremor was scored according patients, table 2). Cervical spine MRI was per- to the validated clinical rating scale proposed formed on the same day as the CT and none 34 showed evidence of a myelopathy. by Bain et al which defines four main catego- ries: no tremor (0), noticeable but mild tremor We grouped patients according to the level (1–3), moderate tremor, the tremor may be and side of degenerative changes seen on CT. bothersome to the patient but does not lead to From a functional point of view the cervical significant functional impairment (4–6), severe spine can be divided into a more mobile upper segment (occipital-C1 and C1-C2 joints) and a tremor present in all head positions (7–9), and http://jnnp.bmj.com/ extremely severe (10). lower less mobile segment (C2/C3 facet/ uncovertebral joints and below). We grouped degenerative changes in patients accordingly. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS In all 14 patients with moderate to severe For comparison of means of independent sam- degenerative disease, changes occurred at ples a t test was carried out. To determine C2/C3 and below. Five of these patients also whether an association between primary BT had moderate or severe disease above the C2/C3 level, four of whom had significant Table 4 Preoperative characteristics of patients with spasmodic torticollis (ST) with on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. none/minimal versus moderate/severe degenerative changes in the cervical spine changes in the C1 arch-peg articulation only (one patient with right laterocollis, two with left ST without or only ST with moderate or minimal degenerative severe degenerative laterocollis, and one with left torticollis as their changes (n=20) changes (n=14) p Value main component respectively), and one patient Median age (y (range)) 53.5 (23–61) 53.5 (38–66) NS (with right laterocollis) had changes in the C1 Sex (M:F) 10:10 6:8 NS arch-peg and right C1/C2 lateral mass articula- Mean duration of ST (y (SD)) 11.5 (6.9) 14 (8.1) NS tion. Median duration (y (range)) 10.5 (2–26) 12 (4–37) Duration (y) without eVective treatment Unilateral degenerative changes at C2/C3 Mean (SD) 4.8 (4) 10.1 (7.2) 0.009 and below were significantly more likely to Median (SD) 3 (1–15) 8 (1–30) occur on the side of the main direction of spas- Acute onset after trauma 1 2 NS Delayed onset after trauma 3 2 NS modic torticollis: patients with left torticollis or Tardive dystonia 0 1 NS laterocollis were more likely to have left sided Mean (SD) severity* 21.2 (3.8) 18.8 (4.3) NS Mean (SD) disability* 14.8 (6.4) 15.6 (5.8) NS degenerative changes and vice versa (table 3). Mean (SD) pain* 11.5 (5.1) 12.1 (2.7) NS The few patients with moderate or severe Primary BT treatment failure 3 6 NS disease at the OC1C2 articulations precluded Mean (SD) head tilt restriction score 2.5 (2) 4.1 (2.2) 0.03 Mean (SD) head turn restriction score 1.7 (2.1) 3.4 (2.5) 0.04 statistical analysis. Mean (SD) overall head movement We compared the two groups of patients restriction score 4.2 (3.1) 7.6 (4.1) 0.015 with none or minimal or moderate or severe Mean (SD) tremor severity 1.4 (1.8) 4.7 (2.7) 0.01 degenerative changes (table 4). There was no * Determined by the TWSTRS. significant diVerence in age, sex, duration of 468 Chawda, Münchau, Johnson, et al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.465 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

Table 5 Outcome after surgery

ST without or only minimal ST with moderate or severe degenerative changes degenerative changes

Before (n=20) After (n=14)p Value Before (n=14) After (n=8) p Value

Mean (SD) severity* 21.2 (3.8) 15.6 (4.8) 0.002 18.8 (4.3) 17 (4.9) 0.46 Mean (SD) disability* 14.8 (6.4) 13.2 (8.1) 0.056 15.6 (5.8) 10.4 (7.5) 0.352 Mean (SD) pain* 11.5 (5.1) 7.3 (5.6) 0.004 12.1 (2.7) 6.4 (6) 0.068 Mean (SD) head tilt restriction score 2.5 (2) 1.8 (2.2) NS 4.1 (2.2) 4.1 (2.2) NS Mean (SD) head turn restriction score 1.7 (2.1) 0.8 (1.4) NS 3.4 (2.5) 3.0 (2.6) NS Mean (SD) overall head movement 4.2 (3.1) 2.9 (3) NS 7.6 (4.1) 7.1 (4.5) NS restriction score Mean (SD) tremor severity 1.4 (1.8) 1.4 (2.1) NS 4.7 (2.7) 4.3 (2.7) NS

*Determined by the TWSTRS. torticollis, overall severity, degree of disability, narrowing, obliteration of joint space, subchon- or amount of pain (before surgery) as deter- dral sclerosis, and osteophytosis on plain films, mined by the TWSTRS. However, the dura- CT, and MRI36–39 and is strongly associated tion without adequate treatment diVered sig- with age.40 41 The degree of degenerative nificantly between the groups. In other words, changes encountered is more than would be patients with moderate or severe changes either expected in a patient group with a mean age of had a longer interval between onset of 50 years. Premature spondylosis has been symptoms of spasmodic torticollis and start of documented in generalised dystonia11–26 but eVective treatment (usually BT injections) or there is little information on patients with an overall shorter lasting response to BT treat- spasmodic torticollis, particularly with regard ment. Among the moderate or severe change to primary or secondary failure of BT treat- group there was a higher proportion of patients ment. with primary failure of BT treatment (six out of Spondylotic changes in the cervical spine 14) than in the none or minimal degenerative usually occur between C3 and C742 43 but not change group (3 out of 20), but the diVerence above C3. In normal aging the C5/6 uncoverte- was not significant. However, the proportion of bral joints are most often involved, followed by patients with primary BT treatment failure in those at C6/7. Changes in the facet (zygapo- the moderate or severe group was significantly physeal) joints usually occur at the C3/4, C4/5 greater than the expected proportion of and C5/6 levels. Overall, the C2/3 level is the primary BT failures in a non-selected group least often aVected, by contrast with our with spasmodic torticollis (less than 10%)35 findings in patients with spasmodic torticollis. (p=0.038, Fisher’s exact test). This was not the The pattern of degenerative changes we found case in the none or mild change group. in patients with spasmodic torticollis has previ- Clinically there were other distinguishing ously been described by others11 26–28 and has features in the moderate or severe group. also been noted in patients with generalised Firstly, although there was no diVerence in dystonia.11–18 20–22 24 26 overall severity of spasmodic torticollis before Functional anatomy might help to explain surgery between the two groups there was a the occurrence of degenerative changes pre- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ striking diVerence in restriction of head move- dominantly in the upper cervical segments in ment. Patients in the moderate or severe group patients with spasmodic torticollis. The C2/3 were significantly less able to turn or tilt the intervertebral joint is a transitional area head to the side contralateral to the dystonic situated between the upper cervical spine, head position than those in the none or mild where there is little flexion or extension and group (table 4). The combined rating (restric- most rotation, and the lower cervical spine, tion of contralateral tilt+contralateral turn) where sagittal plane motion predominates was also significantly higher in the first group. (C5/6 having the greatest range) as well as on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Secondly, head tremor was more severe in the some rotation.44 Nearly 50% of axial rotation moderate or severe group (table 4). occurs at the C1/C2 articulations.45 There is no Finally, in the none or mild group (n=20) or minimal axial rotation at the OC1 articula- there was a significant improvement of pain tions and negligible lateral flexion at the C1/C2 and severity, but not disability, 3 months after articulations.46 47 It has been shown that surgery. By contrast, in the moderate to severe rotation of the C1/C2 segment does not group (n=14) none of the three outcome vari- decrease with age but increases slightly to ables changed significantly after surgery (table compensate for the overall decreased motion 5). Head mobility (contralateral turn or tilt) that occurs in the lower segments.48 It is there- tended to improve after surgery in the none or fore likely that the continuous abnormal and mild group, but not in the moderate to severe complex head movements that occur in spas- group. Tremor did not change significantly modic torticollis strain the upper cervical spine after surgery in either group. articulations more than the lower cervical spine, as there is less mobility at lower levels. Discussion Moreover, coupling of motion in the spine The most striking finding of this study is the seems very important in spasmodic torticollis. occurrence of moderate to severe degenerative For example, lateral flexion of the neck to the changes in the C2/3 facets or below in 14 out of left will result in rotation of the cervical verte- 34 patients with spasmodic torticollis. Osteoar- brae to the left with the spinous process moving thritis in the cervical spine presents with joint to the right.45 49 Hence, if patients with Pattern of degenerative change in spasmodic torticollis 469 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.465 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

spasmodic torticollis have an abnormal posture restrict movement. On the other hand, it might for prolonged periods, this may result in more also be argued that a fixed abnormal position complex and asymmetric joint strain than may be a risk factor for the development of would happen if the head spent more time in degenerative cervical spine disease. Sometimes the neutral position. patients develop a relatively fixed head posture Degenerative changes in the upper cervical shortly after onset of the disease—for example, spine tended to be unilateral. In patients with in acute onset post-traumatic torticollis after moderate to severe degenerative changes, the minor trauma that usually starts several days side of arthritic changes was significantly asso- and sometimes weeks after the trauma,52 in ciated with the direction of spasmodic torticol- post-traumatic torticollis after cervical spine lis (for example, patients with left torticollis or injury,53 54 or occasionally in tardive dystonia left laterocollis had predominantly left sided (personal observation). These patients may degenerative disease and vice versa). Abnormal have an increased risk of developing premature motion results in increased stress, particularly osteoarthritis. Interestingly, three patients with at joint margins, which is likely to be greater on severe degenerative changes had a history of the side towards which the head is tilted or acute onset post-traumatic torticollis, severe rotated, accelerating degenerative changes on cervical spine injury, and tardive dystonia this side. Levine et al14 studied plain radio- respectively, but only one patient with mild graphs of the cervical spine of patients with degenerative changes had a history of acute spasmodic torticollis and also found that onset after trauma (table 4). However, these spondylosis was greater on the side to which numbers are too small to draw firm conclu- the head rotated. sions. Overall, it seems plausible that head position Three out of 20 and two out of 14 patients in and sustained non-physiological stress on the none or minimal and moderate or severe joints facilitates degenerative disease.50 How- group respectively gave a history of mild head ever, degenerative changes were either absent or neck trauma several months before the onset or mild in 20 out of 34 patients in this selected of dystonic symptoms (table 4), a proportion series of patients with spasmodic torticollis. that is in keeping with reports from the Surprisingly, neither age nor overall duration of literature.55 This has been referred to as spasmodic torticollis diVered between the two delayed onset post-traumatic torticollis,52 but groups. However, a significant diVerence was clinically these patients are indistinguishable found with respect to duration of inadequate or from patients with spasmodic torticollis who insuYcient treatment and occurrence of de- do not report a history of trauma.52 A history of generative changes. Thus, in the group with minor trauma itself does not seem to be a risk moderate or severe changes the interval factor for developing cervical spondylosis. between onset of symptoms and the start of Do the degenerative changes we have found eVective treatment was significantly longer in the upper cervical spine matter? Severe than in the none or minimal group. Similarly, myelopathy or radiculopathy caused by degen- six out of the 14 patients in the moderate or erative changes in the upper cervical spine can severe group were primary BT injection occur in generalised dystonia.11–26 However, no failures and consequently never had adequate patient in our series had myelopathy and clini- treatment. This proportion of primary BT cally there was no detectable weakness in http://jnnp.bmj.com/ injection failures was significantly higher than cervical myotomes. expected in a non-selected group of patients On the other hand compression of the with spasmodic torticollis in which primary C1/C2 roots could cause sensory symptoms in failure to BT injections is usually less than the C2 dermatome. We did not find sensory 10%.35 EVective treatment with BT may, prob- loss in the C2 dermatome before surgery in any ably due to improvement of head posture, pro- of our patients but occipital and nuchal pain tect patients from developing premature cervi- was a common complaint. Pain is often cal spondylosis. encountered in spasmodic torticollis and often on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Although overall severity on the TWSTR involves overactive dystonic muscles in the scale did not diVer between the two groups, neck. Apart from one patient with severe patients in the moderate to severe group had degenerative changes who reported constant some distinguishing clinical features. Firstly, nagging occipital pain starting shortly after a using a validated rating scale34 their head traction manoeuvre which could be interpreted tremor was significantly more severe. Tremu- as C2 radiculopathy, we were unable to recog- lous head movements in spasmodic torticollis nise a diVerence in the quality, location, or are often jerky and complex and could strain behaviour of pain in the two groups of patients. cervical joints considerably, particularly in the Also, their ratings on the TWSTR pain scale mobile transition zone of C2/3 between the were similar before operation. However, our upper and the lower cervical spine, which may measures may not have been sensitive enough promote the formation of osteophytes. Dys- to discern subtle diVerences in the character of tonic head tremor often responds less well to the pain between the groups. The fact that pain BT treatment51 and this also may put patients significantly improved after peripheral dener- with head tremor at higher risk of developing vation in the none or minimal group but not in degenerative changes. Secondly, head mobility the moderate or severe degenerative change was significantly more restricted in patients in group could indicate that pain in the second the moderate to severe group. This finding is group is indeed partly caused by osteoarthritis probably a consequence of underlying osteoar- rather than purely by dystonic muscular thritis that in advanced stages will inevitably spasms. However, as the number of patients 470 Chawda, Münchau, Johnson, et al J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.68.4.465 on 1 April 2000. Downloaded from

operated on with severe degenerative disease is tory. These patients do not seem to be good small, these results must be interpreted with candidates for surgery. caution. Recently Kutvonen et al,56 assessing Imaging of the cervical spine should be con- patients with spasmodic torticollis for the pres- sidered in patients with spasmodic torticollis ence, quality, and location of pain using diVer- who present with significantly restricted head ent established pain measurements, found no mobility and do not adequately respond to association with degenerative changes of the treatment. To demonstrate degenerative cervical spine. changes in the spine plain films or CT can be It seems that osteoarthritis compromises used. Spinal MRI should only be considered treatment outcome as it impairs neck mobility. when clinical signs of myelopathy are present. The proportion of primary BT failures was As part of our assessment for surgery we now high in patients with moderate or severe routinely scan patients from the occiput to C4 degenerative changes and surgical outcome using CT. was unsatisfactory. Three months after surgery, when possible reinnervation that could limit AM was supported by the Ernst Jung-Stiftung für Wissenschaft benefit would not be expected to have oc- und Forschung in Hamburg, Germany and by the Eugen Brehm curred, patients with no or mild degenerative Bequest, UK. changes had a significant improvement of severity of torticollis and associated pain. 1 Nutt JG, Muenter MD, Aronson A, et al. Epidemiology of focal and generalised dystonia in Rochester, Minnesota. However, in patients with moderate or severe Mov Disord 1998;3:188–94. changes none of the outcome variables had 2 Fahn S. Concept and classification of dystonia. Adv Neurol 1988;50:1–8. improved. 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