
Popis et al. Medical Journal of Cell 2018 DOI: 10.2478/acb-2018-0028 Received: 7.11.2018 Accepted: 28.11.2018

Drosophila research: history, breakthrough and perspectives

1, Blanka Borowiec1, Maurycy Jankowski1

Małgorzata Popis Abstract The common fruit , or Melanogaster, has been used as an object of biomedicals studies for over a century. It has been mostly employed in genetic research, as it exhibits several advantages which make its use relatively easy and cheap, with the results widely translatable into further studies. This model been the basis of the work of Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, who together with Eric Wieschaus unravelled much of the mystery surrounding early drosophila development in the 1970s-1980s, laying foundations for broader understanding of multicellular embryogenesis, which brought them a Nobel prize in and Medicine in 1995. The knowledge gained from drosophila studies improves the basic understanding of developmental processes, while the model itself is relatively easy to maintain, analyse and translate the results onto other species. While models such as present better with other , drosophila remains a very important element of genetic research, finding even more applications with the development of current science and medicine. Hence, in this short review, the outline of the history, breakthroughs and perspectives of the drosophila research has been presented.

Running title: Factors of pituitary and development

Keywords: drosophila, , research, history, prespectives

1Department of Anatomy, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland * Correspondence: [email protected] Full list of author information is available at the end of article 183 Popis et al. Medical Journal of Cell Biology (2018)

Drosophila Melanogaster as a model research, with results that turned out to be highly The common fruit fly, or Drosophila Melano- translatable across the species . gaster, has been used as an object of biomedicals has been primarily used studies for over a century. Its use was popularised for research considering the influence of different by , who used the model to in various biological processes. There are sev- create the definition of genes, as well as establish eral reasons for that, which make the fruit fly a ge- their location on the , which brought netic model of potential incomparable to any other him a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. The multicellular organism. The model has been studied fruit fly was further used by his student, Herman for over the century, with even the earlies research Muller, who discovered the adverse effects of ra- resulting in discovery of some genes that are now diation on the integrity of the , which also found to be immensely important. As was men- yielded him a Nobel Prize. Since then, the Drosoph- tioned before, the extremely short generation time ila model has been widely used in genetic research, allows to easily cross the specimen, and observe the as it exhibits several advantages which make its use of the offspring in a relatively short time. relatively easy and cheap, with the results widely The discovered genes are easily described using no- translatable into further vertebrate studies. This is menclature relating to the phenotypical results of especially important, as due to the long generation their . This tradition dates to the initial time, as well as obvious ethical constraints, genet- research by Thomas Hunt Morgan, resulting in ic studies conducted in , particularly those names such as wingless (mutant lack wings), concerning the early developmental processes, are Notch (mutants have notches on their wings), or impossible to perform [1]. groucho (mutant flies exhibit appearance that, ac- Using drosophila model overcomes those trou- cording to the researchers, resembled the famous bles through several of its properties. Firstly, the comedian Groucho Marx). Relative ease in observing fruit flies can be bred in large numbers, as each and describing of the affected female is able to lay up to around a 100 eggs each fruit flies allows for a research method that involves day, for as long as 20 days. Secondly, their whole de- exposing the specimen to and analysing velopmental process occurs over a relatively short the of abnormal specimen, identifying the (around 10 days at 25°C from an to genes responsible for the specific mutations [1]. the fully adult fly), which allow for easy observa- tion of phenotypes resulting from particular gene Drosophila Genetics and Christiane manipulation. Thirdly, the process of individual Nüsslein-Volhard fly manipulation, during processes such as selec- This approach been the basis of the work of tive cross-breeding, is also easily conductible, as Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, who together with the flies can be anesthetized with Eric Wieschaus unravelled much of the mystery or ether, analysed under low magnification micro- surrounding early drosophila development in the scope or magnifying glass, and moved around using 1970s-1980s, laying foundations for broader under- a fine tipped brush, all without major effort. Finally, standing of multicellular organism embryogenesis. the fruit fly doesn’t require any expensive housing However, the first stage of her research, con- conditions or specific feed, as multiple specimen ducted at the University of Basel, Switzerland, con- can be easily kept in standard conical flasks secured cerned studies on the effects of the mutations of the with cotton plug, feeding on a jelly mix placed at the bicaudal gene on embryo polarity. Knowledge on bottom of the flask (made of water, cornmeal, yeast, the role of this gene, back then recently described as soy flour, malt extract, corn syrup and agar) [2]. crucial for early embryo patterning [4], still did not The life of the Drosophila is quite distinct fully describe the conditions needed for complete from that of vertebrate species. The fruit fly devel- dorsal-ventral alignment. Its mutations cause char- ops in four stages. The first stage, the egg, lasts just acteristic phenotypes of the affected , man- around one day after . Afterwards, a lar- ifesting in duplication of the posterior abdominal va hatches, spending the next five days of develop- segments along the longitudinal axis, as well as lack ment on continuous feeding and growth. Then, the of the anterior body segments (thorax, head). The pupation occurs, lasting around four days, resulting study analysed the offspring of the cross-breeding in a fully mature fly. The majority of tissues proprie- of flies known previously produce embryos charac- tary to the early embryo and the are discarded terised with a phenotype associated with mutation during the stage. The complete adult organ- in the bicaudal gene. An analysis of a large amount ism develops from a conserved populations of cells of the resulting offspring was conducted, with dif- known as imaginal discs, induced in the early em- ferent severity of the bicaudal mutation effect ob- bryonic development [3]. However, despite the fact served. Some of the embryos exhibited normal that these processes seem nothing alike to those polarity and fully developed head. However, they occurring in the organism, the Drosophila lacked non-terminal segments, with abdominal or model has been successfully employed in a range of thoracic parts failing to develop. Most of the em- 184 Popis et al. Medical Journal of Cell Biology (2018) bryos exhibited bicaudal phenotypes of ranging se- early embryonic periods, acting as regulators of ex- verity, from those of symmetrically duplicated cau- pression of further genes responsible for drosoph- dal projections, to some that, despite duplication, ila . Lack of their expression resulted lacked some critical anterior or posterior struc- in severe embryo deformation, usually associated tures. Finally, a small amount of offspring exhibited with deletion of large continuous segment stretch- relatively normal symmetry, in some accompanied es [10]. The further steps of segment formation by head abnormalities, or did not develop past the were described to be directed by pair rule genes. egg stage. The analysis of the distribution of the var- This group derives its name from their specific pat- ious phenotypes allowed to identify that bicaudal is tern of expression, which takes form of alternating a hypomorphic (begins to manifest when the gene bands that span across the length of the embryo function drops below necessary threshold) mater- [11]. These regions correspond to the location of nal-effect mutation (as the paternal genotype does so called parasegments, primordial segments con- not affect the frequency of the mutant phenotype taining anterior part of one final segment and pos- appearance), with recessive inheritance pattern terior part of the next (more anterior) segment. The [5,6]. Additionally, the prevalence of mutant em- expression of pair rule genes is regulated by gap bryos was negatively correlated with the increase genes, as well as mutual interactions between the in maternal age and positively correlated with in- pair rule genes themselves. Impaired expression of crease in temperature in which the flies are kept. any of those genes results in failure to develop their The results were discussed, emphasizing essen- respective alternating parasegments [12]. The study tial role of bicaudal in the initial patterning of the of Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus identified five Drosophila embryos. The discussion also suggests pair rule genes: even-skipped, hairy, odd-skipped, presence of more factors that work in a manner of paired and runt. The final class of genes responsi- gradient pattern between the anterior and poste- ble for drosophila segmentation are the segment rior terminus of the embryo, to ensure the proper polarity genes. As the name indicates, these genes axis formation [7]. function to establish the anteroposterior polarity The most recognized work of Christiane of the final segments. Expressed in response to the Nüsslein-Volhard, conducted together with Eric communication between cells of adjacent paraseg- Wieschaus, followed the initial study with a much ments, their effects cause the differentiation of pos- broader focus. The two researchers led a newly terior and anterior segment regions through the founded group in the European Molecular Biolo- regulation and transmission of signals with the use gy Laboratory in Heidelberg, studying particularly of Wnt and Hedgehog signalling pathways. Lack of the processes driving the patterning of Drosophi- expression of certain segment polarity genes re- la Melanogaster. In their research, large scale ge- sults in abnormal boundaries between the final seg- netic screens were conducted, with the basic aim ments, or failure in specific segment development of identifying genes that affected the outcomes of [13]. Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus identified six processes. To generate a of those genes: cubitus interruptus, wingless, goose- large amount of random mutations in the drosophi- berry, hedgehog, fused and patch. The results of this la specimen, they were subjected to treatment with study were a major breakthrough in describing the ethyl methanesulfonate. This compound is a known processes driving early drosophila patterning. This and teratogen, causing guanine alkylation knowledge, complemented by further research based nucleotide substitution [8]. This compound, identifying the particular genes responsible for the applied to the drosophila specimen, yielded a large mutations observed in the genetic screens, resulted amount of random mutants of different pheno- in a complex “map” of . typical characteristics. Embryos in various devel- The study has become recognized around the world, opmental stages were subjected to , not only because of the significance of the results which allowed for complex characterisation of the for and , but also distinct steps of patterning. This resulted in charac- considering the enormous scale of the conducted terisation of 15 loci, mutations in which significant- research and the vast amount of work conducted ly affect the pattern of larval segments. The genes to achieve the results. The research was significant were grouped, depending on the stage in which they enough to bring the two researchers a Noble Prize exhibit their action. Three main groups were de- in Physiology and Medicine in 1995. scribed: Gap, pair rule, and segment polarity genes. expression arises in response to gradient Implications and further drosophila of maternal-effect genes. These gradients result in applications specific position placement of particular gap genes, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard later continued her which indicate the initial pattern of segmentation work on the drosophila model, further investigating [9]. Three genes from this group were identified by the genes identified in her breakthrough study. This Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus. Krüppel, knirps research resulted in discovery and isolation of the and hunchback were found to be expressed at the protein, deposited in the anterior of the egg 185 Popis et al. Medical Journal of Cell Biology (2018) by the female fruit fly, considered to be the first de- Ethical approval scribed [14,15]. Later, she focused on The conducted research is not related to either translating the knowledge gained in the research human or animal use. of drosophila into vertebrate models. Working in the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology Corresponding author in Tübingen, she began study investigate fish as a vertebrate analogue of the fruit fly model. Her lab Tel./Fax:Maurycy Jankowski,+48 61 8546567 Department / +48 61of Anatomy,8546568, Poznańe-mail: Universitymaurycy.j. quickly expanded, soon housing a large amount of [email protected] Medical Sciences, 6 Ś�więcickiego St., 60-781 Poznań, Poland Zebrafish specimen. 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