Senators Vote to Enct TF Region Finds

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Senators Vote to Enct TF Region Finds nyOAVn^ESPO ^tuaUonstatew|de,alt)ioughtheJumplslBrger;--------in~thi}'seveTrihlei^ouH{iln states. Rehabilitative Services conducted a study por montii per child,'would seek work in the •' . Tlme^Newi writer . Cases bcross Idaho Increased at a rato'of 25.6 , •' Hie average monthly per child payment,was during the early summ er to attem pt to pinpoint processing plants in the Durley-^nroij. If there t w in f a l l s — Aid to Dependent CtiUdren, per ccnt during tiie same Juno, 1071, to March, ' pegged at |50.07 during the period of tlie In- U»e reasbna for the Increase. were too.great a supply of prospective em­ public flsslslantfd'a most controversial 1{)72. period.. , crease, a high of ^.43 In Wyoming Tlio atiidy dnlft In Twin Falls and Ihe, ployes, though, the result could be an increased program, showa n Ikjaglc Vnlloy cnsoload Irt- In Twin rails, Theo Milrdack, eligibUlty and a low of Nevada’s $34.83. .Tlieso figures SurroundlnB _.«rea_ wa6_gnthQrod_by._Dcnny_. --aid to.dcpendonts workload cose. ^ — from. June,. 1071,-to . • dirootor-for-Uie-DepiirtrnBnt“ of=Swifl!-find’------ compare to the nntlonal flvopogornccording' to Almqulat, wlTo said today he hod interviewed Increases for tiie otlier Magic Valley counties, March, 1972. Rehabilitative services for Region V. said of- Barlcer's statistics, of $51.43 per month per** about 05 Aid to Dependent Children recipients according to the figures, are ns follows: Jerome The elght-nionth incroase was'woll above the ndala ore confuMd about the rapid rate of in- - child. ■ • from thc-reglonnl areo,. / , County, 15.7 per cent; Minidoka County, 35.6 per statewide Incrco^c during th period. crease, and have conducted a study to deter­ Murdock also speculate that while part of the In Boise, ^.ns's director of research,' Richard cent; Lincoln County, 38.5 per cent; Dlalne Sen. Jolui M. Darker, R-Buhl, chnlrmnn of the increase in the area is due* to migration from mine the causes. Atwooil, said Uie stu(|y would bo completed in a County, 25.0 per cent; Camas County, an in­ Senate HcnlUi Education and Welfare Corrt. • According to Murdock, there are several . oUier states, an additional foctor may bo the " few weeks. He said Uie questions on the survey mlttee, who rclcpsod the atatistlcs, said they crease from no Aid to Dependent Children cases pbsslble causes. general increased awareness bn tlie port of were designed to determine whether- the to two. dcmonatratc tho- bornplexity of the altuatlon The first Is a Supreme Court dcclalon waiving citlzcns conccr&lp^ what Is available to-them recipients were from wltliln Idaho or had facing officials and legislators. Other averoge^ monthly checks from reslderlcy requirements for Aid to Dependent through federal and state programs. migrnted, among oilier information. surrounding slates Includc Oregon M0.6S; According’to Barker, the number of people Children assistance checks. Hie effect of tlie He also speculated that there was ‘‘general Murdock said Wednesday- part of the Increase Montana, $47.34; Washington, $fll67C rocelvirig ADC support In Twin- Falls County decision was to enable women receiving the lessening of the stigma” attached to receiving could probably be explained by normal Murdock’s figures, how<}vcr, show no definite ^-mo-33.^p6i!HH5nHurinirthrT)eriodr‘enssfji- ‘«cly-T— publlo-nsflistaneo;- ^o{-|)er5ons accKln8~'work~ in' U JorrtlnHun between tho size oi the cnecks ond County rose 50.5 per ccnt.'and Gooding rose a throughout the country. Tlte rate of divorce, generally high in/the :_pgricuUui:«LlJidiiaU:lca_in.thfl-Magic_Vallcy.^ Btaggorlng i2 4 p o r’cent;— .--------------------------- —tiiC-lotal-pprcentagc-of-chlldron-undor-lB-years- A'ccbfdlng to. Dark"S^s flgurosTrflaho'hasThe area", m ay also accounTfbr lh’elncreafle,hp safd. He sald persons from'Utah, which pays an of age receiving the asalstancp. .TheJnPrcdsc in the voiley is reflective of the t})ird highest uverage monthly support chocks Ho also^d-tbc^paj^tmcnt-Af-Socialiand- —avorngo-of-IGlTaOln-itapublle-nflalfllance-checks- Idaho's l.arfresl E vening N eivspnpor r ■ iPth-yfforT-iZJIrti lSii/o' ■ I W IN FALLS, ID A H O , THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1972 IVon-gas stinksv Senators vote to enct TF region finds TWIN F A IJ^ — A “gas ameU" In nn| Qlwnys gas. _AUi;aaLiLiiai»allicrc-jl!i;dntsdaiLnlBhL_ All <Hlor identified as natural gas covered (pucH of the Twin F'alls areo Wednesday evening, and waN pnrtlculnrly noticeable on the east side of WASHINGTON (UPI) -T h e sians and •sour the atmosphere opponent of Uie arm s agree-^ limitation talks (SALT V when (own. Rut il-wns not gnu,'i'inly fiit' "(Klorizer" wlilcli In added to llne^ missile launchers each side Senate voted today to halt its of detente. mentvdemandlnB “equnlUy” In Uxey resume this (all. carrying the fuel. <;ou\d deploy through 1077, month-long squabble over the A leadership move to Impose the size and numbers of But the White House backcd Itobcrt Fetersun, division m anager fur IntermumUnln Gas Co., Twin alUioughleaving boU) superpow­ now Soviet-American arms ploture —limiting further de­ mlsailea.deployed by both sides Uie Jackson amendment and I'alU, said Uie problem slem tned -frora the l-(inlpany’s odorizer equip- ers free to develop better and control agreement and put the bate on the issue .to one hour when a permanent treaty is the WaJihlngton-sendtor.coUecU. ment at Itii border dlstribuUon station south of TwinFnlls. nwro-dosU-uetlve-weopona.— -— ratification Issue to a vote, per Senator —mustered the negotluted to replace Uie five- ed 44 co-sponsors,“most of therh Peterson said the equipment which places tlie odorl’xlng ehcmlcar Into While giving the Sovlc'la o ' possibly by nightfall. necessary tWo-thirds vote, on year arms agreement, Republicans, even thopgh he the gas broke down, springing a leak and releaslirg^the chemical. The decided edge In numl}er8 and The move was a tactical, the first try, a very rare Members of the Senate was sharply crlUcal of the uddltlve is plnccd in gas lines to enable company workmen tu detect leaks megotonnoge ot mlsSlles, Uio defect for arm s consol odvo- occun*encc. ‘ - Foreign Itelntlons Committee ngreement/ In lines. - pact retained a U,S.-technologl-- cates fighting a White House- 11)13 clcared the way (or an from both parties fought the The (Ive-year pact would, (or Peterson said no gufi escaped and Ihe odorizer pos^ no danger to cal -ttdvahtage. —including Uie backed amci\dn\enl they 'Im m ediate showdown on nn Jaclison omendmenl, contend- the lirsl time, place strict people in the urea. ability to cluster m o ra l claimed would'Jeopordize furth­ amendm ent by Sen, Henry M. Lng it would create o rigid lim its on the num bers of CotnpaDy crewi repaired the equlpmont and stopped the leaking warheads in a single nose c o n e.' er negotiations with Uie Rus­ Jackson, D-Wash., a bitter condition for the sU’ateglc arms chemical. Peterson said Ihe odor should disperse, lie said he hod visited the area in which the smell was noliccoble tind had not delected any trace it. _ ■ Tlie chemical Is used by m ost gas dlslrlbullon companies in their lines, -Petersfm-aaid.— --------------r*— -------------- -------------- ------- captures wall MW SAIGON (U PD -South Viet- had secui:ed a'250*yard section «^ue&-D«nR)FS= . 0amfi80i.mflrln08,..ln. a . daringr flf.:UiC-wal]TTabout.f»fllf- o f4 t. liotaihU '.JM “T: x dnyllght attac‘k..,atDrmed and llie. attack- left-Uio NorUi- — WASHINGTONfUfI)=Pres— oxecutlvrdircctor of Uie State, captured part of Uie south waU Vietnamese wiUi one line of Ident Nixon's campaign com- Choirmen’is Association of the a n of the Quojig Trt Citadel today. escape and supply and B52s mlttec has ^ d a $2.^mlUlon Demonratlc. National Commit- /+^^They charged yelling, hurling heavily -bombed that routQ _counlfiduiUuiaihatllh.oJDpmo^ . tee. Last week the Democrat*— U S w h e a t hand grenndos-and-firing;point-butsido'tho'Clty7“^ Gem air crats, alleging that Uip Demo- found a "litUe red box," Somo>i>nei fhe guy who blonk at the North Vietnamese^ The sudcfen, charge under craU'-. bugging chargcs were • aUegedly for electronic surveO- hai a dull imoltcr undei^over of Hre from-five coming tank, fire ^ave:-the--rt f aimed at capturing-nowspaper- .4anco.~- * WASHINGTON (U P I)'-T h e Uie'Soviet soles in reccnt days doein'l know, wlio/ fio'i tanks. ■ m arines poW dhs on Uiree sides ^'VLli V U U t U headlines^ —MaOrice Stans, finance government said today about IS wtUi DemocraUc presidential mtising. UPI reporter Ted Kurrus,- of the 50-acre Citadel which Is ..The GOP suit, m ed in Uie chairman of Nixon’s re-elecUon ' million bushels of American nominee George S. McGovern, who clim'bcd up under fire wiUi Uie heart of Quang Trl City, Uie U.S. DisU-ict Court Wednesday, conunlttee, dismissed as' “poll- wheat has been bought by wos called as Uie first witness the 50 attacking marines, said only province capital to faU In endorsed charged Invasion of privacy and Ucally motivated" a House mainland Chino. The announce­ aV-a Houshig hearing on the (loni promise Uiat by nightfall Uie marines Uie Conrununlst 1972 offensive. violaUon -of 1st Amendment Bonking Committee report Uiot ment came ns the ndmlnlstra- Soviet sales, called by Rep. ^ n s had knowledge of $100,000 Uoh defended before Congress Graham Purcell, D-Tex. ,UP, t in Mexican funds ' iUegally as beneficial to all Americans Butz testified that the sale giviMi iiod proposed air quality sUndorda depositions aa a transferred to Nixon's cam- • Its 400mmion bushel wheat deal benefits _^armcj-8 Jiy hlgher_ WASHINGTON (UP!) -T h e will proy do cleanur a r sootier oi-maklriB ocoUaationa palgn fund.
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