I PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, iULY 29, 1971 manrlr^atp^. lEvrtting 1|pntUi Average Daily Net Press Run ’The Weather For The Webk Ended Showers, heavy at times, July 17, 1971 with occasional thunderstorms Full Gospel Christian Fellow through Saturday; high in 70o. ship, Interdenominational, will Church Reports About Town Democratic Cluh Urged ilanrbTfitpr lEumtim Hrralb Sunday’s outlook . cloudy, have a Bible study and open dis 1 5 ,0 0 0 warm, humid. Mias Sally Sherman, dau^ter cussion tonight at 7:80 at Mission Gifts PHIEHIfflST SEALTCST JULY of Mr. and Mrs. John Germ an Orange Hall. To Take Up Local Issues Manchester— A City of Village Charm of Windsor Locks and g^and- Totaled $10,350 daujgfiter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal H ie Manchester Chess Club The newly formed Deihocratlc Public Relations conunittee — Cheney of 89.Brookfield St., has Mrs. William Perry, president VOL. LXXXX, NO. 255 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1971 (Clasoifled Advertiaing on Fage IV) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS will not meet tonight as sched du b of Manchester, whose aim David Paris, chairman. TWENTY-TWO PAGES been named to the spring se of the Church of the Nazarene \ uled. is “ to create townwide interest, mester dean’s list at Hartwlck World Missionary Society, has Telephone committee — Ada ICE CREAM SALE announced to the church mem participation and involvement Sullivan, chairman. College, Oneonta, N. T. Alan R. Tupek of 19 Concord bership that for the 1970-71 in politics by Manchester Demo Membership committee — a Rd. has been named to the high Miss Anne Creed of 53 S.
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