Former Miss Newark crowned in NYC. • Newark university ranks 12th. PAGEs4 & s

I'' II 'l."lll .. ''ll .. , "1111 11 ''11 ., ... , ... , ... ,,.,.,11."1 ••• Greater Ne\ re,.: - rL6 r 3a Atlt1~13 , nee 191 0 ••• • l lltlltJt. L ll • S22 94th Year, Issue 40 ©2003 Newark, Del. • 50¢ UPFRoNfl Farewell, rae Charlesa Horrid haunts, • By JIM STREIT creepy cemeteries NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER IS OTWITHSTANDING await the brave the "bun factor,'' Challenger Funk undecided N Charle a Lowell OR more than 50 year Newarker By CHRISTINE E. SERIO quickly warmed the heart of have participated in or watched the but Godwin makes it clear, all h met in ewark when downtown Halloween Parade, fol- NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER he arrived here ju t a few lowed by Trick Or Treat Main Street. files pape rs fo r third term year ago. Today, tho. e heart On Sunday, Oct 26, the 56th annual EVERAL Delaware and Maryland By DARREl W. COlE are heavy. event once again come to downtown. haunted hou e , and a troll through I and urely many other. For a few hours during that day, the a graveyard are ure to put a care NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER will gather tonight at the R. T. downtown i pede trian-friendly for into the brave t of risk-takers. Foard & Jone funeral home parade watchers and trick or treater . One of the more unique Halloween­ AL GODW1N got a head Lart in on Main Street Typically, about 3,000 people how up, type event is a Churchyard Cemetery hi campaign to ·erve a third to ay ··crood­ aid organizer Sharon Bruen, a recreation Hi tory Walk given by Ed Okonowicz term as the city' · mayor. bye .. to~ upervi. or with the city. and Mike Dixon. Okonowicz, an author On Friday. Oct. 17 he filed the de\ oted friend. "It' a lot of fun, the light are on and and toryteller who e book ha e includ­ required nominati n paper~ with the city Charle .... a died there' no traffic." Bruen aid. "You can't ed Newark people and place , and the ecretary'~ office. officially making him­ at her Windy ask for a better place for it all to happen. hi torian Dixon are leading tour through . elf a mayoral candidate for the April 13, Hills home Thi ha been going on o long, people the t. Stephen Episcopal Church ceme­ 200-+ non-parti ·an election. Ylonda). The are ruway planning ahead of time to - tery in Earleville, Md., on Saturday, Oct. It com se\ eral month~ before other cancer that he attend." 25 at 4 p.m. For Newarker it· about 45 potential candidate. - including tho e had fought o Streit Thi year the parade marshal i former minute. away, but well worth it, and will See AYOR, 15 hra\ ely for so Uni er~ity of Delaware football coach . urely raise the hair , on the back of long finally took it toll. Per Tubby Raymond. The parade begin at 3 neck. ht:r request. we ·11 celebrate p.m. at Tyre Avenue and East Main Street The duo teamed up about four year her life tonight. Family member and See PARADE, 26 See HAllOWEEN, 26 ._ C rbs· long-time fnend.., of Charle'>a hm:C long been heneficiarie-; or her lit:C. Tho!:~e of th here in . ewark han~ ju~t gotten to recycli k.nm\ her. Tonight. \\ e \\ill rem m­ her Ch<~·lc . a a. a p p.,on who h.1\'eJ her profes~ion. She v.a~ 0 pa. sionatt: about the impor­ s tance of lihrarie~. She knew th' po. itive impaCt the infor­ By DARREl W. COlE mation patrons garnered \ ia NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER bo ks. periodicals.and the Internet could ha\ eon anv ITHL the next fe\\ \\eek. rc - person. no matter their age­ ident '>hould begin receiving and '>tation in life. brochure.., acco7llpanied i~ Her cO-\VOrker~ at the 1 electric bilh c plaming a neVY \ oluntary ewark. Free Library certain­ curbside recycling program offered by ly \\ill recall her exemplary the Del a\\ are olid \\a. te Authont\. pirit. d . she led them through D \ official .... aid the\ ..tltcred their the often du t) transformation j origmal urYt:) .tt the re~que t of the ~ewark Cit} Council. t ..1 ept. .22 See , 7 me ting the council \\a enthu .... Ja. tic ..lbout the D \VA propo .... dl to ufkr rec:­ cling tore. ident. \\ ho will pa) for it. but wanted change. made in the original ur­ \C). including . pecif) ing Lhe item that could be rec) cled. Dan Aguilar. manager f inf m1ation See C Cl , 9

7 99462 00002 3 PAGE 2 • • OcrosER 24 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 NEWARK PosT ·:· POLICE BLOTTER · ·

Can we help? • Police Blotter i compiled ex t. 132 or all Delaware Offices: The paper's offices are each ~reek from the .files of the HE e\\Jrk Police Department i., tn\'e. tigating a Crime toppers at 1- '00-TIP-3333. located conveniently in the Ne~rark Police Department. ew Armed Tarmed robber) that occurred e\\ ark police al ·o M ime ti­ Robscott Building. 153 E Castle Count\' Police and the on Duke treet in c\\ arh. on e:ating the a s~.mlt on a 21-\ ear-old Chestnut Hill Rd., Newark DE Delaware State Police by !he \fonda). Oct 20 at ':.:n p.m. Univ~r it) of Delaware student 19713. Office hours are 8:30 ne~npoper tc~ff rob bery, The \ ictun reported that he had in iue the lph,l Tau Omega a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays ju t e\.tted ht" \chicle tn the park.­ h1)U e. 1:"' Courtne, St.. e:.11h Sat trda\ mornmQ. ()ct. II. · Phone: (302) 737-0724 ing lot anu' a '"· to hi apartment ''hen he \\'a Police aid th~ 'ictim uffered Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 Truck goes assault apprnacheu h\ a white male wear­ broken left orbital hone \\hich \\ill e-mail: [email protected] tn!.! a bla::h. IH~tl!.kd ''eat hin and je~n The Lhpect then di pia) ell a To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or through one cases hand!.!un and demanded the\ ictlm 1-800-220-3311. Cost is turn~\Crhi \\. and \\"hite snettka . 1 ~1 further detaiL are a' ailabl ,._ in!! era h imolving a utilitv An)one \\ith information rna) Police are continuing their in\ e. li­ HE STAFF of the Newark Post IS N true h. and"m o occupied ho~nes. · contact Ne'" ark Police at .366-7110 gation or the incident. eager to assist readers and advertis­ T 21. ------ers Reporters. writers. editors and On Tue.,da). Oct. at 8:18a.m., county pol ice and paramedic salespeople can be contacted as listed: police on aturda), Oct. 18. at 3:2-+ lege studenh v. ho I 1\ e next door had Po lie~ . aid he \\a . Lratched on re'>ponded to a home in the 00 block p.m. that omeone in.,ide a green held a part) the night before. The hi. arm .· and nee h.. Optiun. and \\ .tr­ James B. Streit, Jr. IS the publisher of Birchwood Dtive after hearing a Subaru hot a flare gun in the I 00 neighbor told police he did ho ·t a rant procedure \\ere explained to th~..· of the Ne~ 'ark Post He sets policies and report that a truck that had era hed block Lm ett Avenue. narrow!} mi s­ pat1) but wa. unav.are of anyone re id~nt s. \\ lw s.1id the\ no lon!.!er manages all departments in the Newark into two home . When police arri\ed. ing se\eral per:ons. off;ce. Call h1m at 737-0724 "turfmg" the adjacent lm\ n. needed police ,t ..,i tan e~ ._ they di'>cmered a Che\rolet utility Police ha' e a der. ription of the Darrel W. Cole is the news editor. truch. lodged in. ide the bedroom area car: im· '>ligation i continuing. He leads the day-to-day operation of the of a re idence. Man arrested after Fence destroyed newsroom Call him at 737-0724 The inve ... tigation re' ealed a 28 struggle with police After a 12-fo< t cLllon of knee Marty Valania prepares the sports year-old male. who \\as working for Fence twice was de tro) ed and .1 \\a ~u1 pages of thts newspaper The sports a heating and oil company. had gone ewark police an·e..;ted Cof) T'' ice on Sunday. Oct. I 9. a laving in the ~r 1. >ut 1d~ a home m editor is seldom in the office. however. to the area for a . en·ice call. His CampbelL 2L of ev.ark.. foliO\\ing wooden fence out ... ide a home in the the ~nit bl< ~"- Kel' A\ e lUe On he checks 1n frequently. Leave mes­ \Chicle \\US tra\eling we-.;t on an altercation at I :08 a.m. on 700 bloch. Wollaston Avenue \\a. Saturuay. Oct I . at I _- _- p.m .. sages for Marty at 1-800-220-3311 . Sunday, Oct. I 2. at the h) Hall Birch\\OOd Dri\e ju'>t pa.t damaged, poltce were told at 3:43 ewark pnlice \\ere calkd. King v.ood Dri\e v.hen he apartments. 400 Wollaston A\e. Kathy Burr is the office manager p.m. Alter a foot cha. e. police arn.~ ... ted approached a curve in the roadway. Police said t\\O plamclothe'> ortl­ and ed1tonal assistant who processes The homeowner told officer. Dean R. Brand. 32. of \\'ilmin!!ton. The \ehicle left the right side of the cer., \\ere v.! alcohol enforce­ most press releases. She prepares earl that day. he had repaired dam­ on \Voila. ton 'enue and tran p~rted roadv. a). tra\'eled acros a front) ard. ment in the area \\~hen the\ noticed a obituaries and People briefs She is age to a hrace that \\a snapped b) a him lt) , PO ht:ad4uan~r ''here he drove complete!) through a home man holding an open container of assisted by Ginni Buongiovanni group of ) oung male.·. Then. at I \\a" chamed with r' i ... tin!! arre. t. Contact them at 737-0724 and came to rest in the bedroom area p.m .. he Ji·covered that the fence beer in the court\ a rd. dt .... orderl)._ conduct. ue pa ~ing and of a '>econd re idence. Police reported the ortlcer di ... - Robin Broomall 1s a staff reporter had heen damaged again. cnminal mi. ch1ef. PoliLe di. co' ered both home played their badge and approached Worried about hi .t1"'ct\ hecau e Reach ner at 737-0724. were occupied at the time of the col­ the man. v. ho then grabhed the of \\hat police belte,ed to-he h~a\y Phil Toman has been the paper's li'>ion and, fortunately, no one \\Us Tires, wheels gone badge. Both officer.., joined in the alcohol consumpt on. the u ... pect injured. scuffle dunng v.hich an officer· arts editor smce 1969. Well-known in Four tirer., .md wheels. total value v. a" taken for e\ aluation .It the the arts communtty, he writes his col­ · The driver wa., transported to the '" atch wa bn~ken and a pol ice flash­ I .250, were removed from a 2000 1 ewark Emergenc\ Center. where umn from his Newark home Leave Christiana Hospital. where he j., light dtsappeared. officer'> said ._he -became unruh. messages for him at 737-0724 Chr)' ler parh.ed in the 400 block. undergoing treatment for non-life Campbell \\a_· charged \\ ith ueamed profanitit' . \\ re. tied \\ iih Lark. Dri\e. Ne\\ark. police \\ere told o!Ten. i\e touchin!! and criminal mt-.­ Otller contributing writers include threatening injurie'>, police said. 1 polJce .md attempted t , bite officers. on Sunday. Oct. 19. at 8: 1 a.m. chid in \\ ith inc idem. Jack Bartley, Tracy Bachman Elizabeth The tlr t home . truck h\ the truck. connectit~n th~ Brand ".1 later r lea cd on Coe. Elbert Chance. Marvin Hummel and h~b been condemned. In\ e'>tigator., police ... aid. He wa. relea..,ed pending .. 2.200 hond pending L·ourt appear­ a coun appearance. Mark Sisk Leave messages fo~ them at were tilltn pecting the second home Lawn 'turfed' ance .. police atd. 737-0724. at pre<.,s time. The crash remain., under im e'>ti­ A re ident ol the I 00 bloch. New Ed Hoffman IS the Newark Posfs gation. No charges ha' e been filed. London Road told Ne,., ark. police on 1Dog attack Car damaged advart1sing director and manages the Sundav. Oct. 19, at 9:15 a.m .. that A re ... ident of the unit block :\ pia ter Ja,, n de ·oratil n \\'d.., local sales team He can be reached at 1- omeone had dri\ en a \ ehicle Fremont Road told e'" ark pnl ice at thm\\ n \\ ith great for~.;L· at a car 800-t!l0-3311 . Trouble flares up through her back.\ard during the 5: I0 a.m. nn Sunda). Oct. 19. that he nie:ht 'and de ... trO\ed' her lawn . ._ ''a att.1cked h~ the fami I) dt~g. Jim Galoff serv1ces automotive Se' eral '' itnesse. told _·e,, ark "The re .... tdent told otTicers that col- See BlOTTER, 14 ..... che'lts 1n the Newark. Bear, Glasgo1 a'l" Routes 40/13 area. Ca~l him at 1-800-220-3311 Thursday Is Lobster Nite at Betty Jo Trexler sells real estate advertising She can be reached simply by calling 1-800-220-3311. Jenifer Eva ns sells ads in the downtown Newark area. She can be reached by calling 1-800-220-3311 . Ti m Moore sells ads in the Route 40 corridor. He can be reached by calling 1- 800-220-331 1 1 lb. - $16.95 Our circulation manager is Mary 1 ~lb. - $18.95 Ferguson. For information regarding subscriptions, call 1-800-220-3311 . 2 lb. - $24.95 The .Vezmrk Post is publi'fJed Friday by full Dinner CIJesapeake Publishing Corporation . .\'eu•s and local sales offices are located in tbe Robscott Office Center, 153 E. Chestnut Main Street, North East, Md Hill Rd., \ell'ark. DE 19-13. All atft•ertising and neu'S are accepted and printed only at Open 11:30 AM • Tues. -Sun. • Closed Mon. l,lll)ll~ 11111, Sl~ i\.l~f)f)J) & SIJSDI III J I~I~Irl' the sole discretion of the publisfJer. The Wednesday Thru Sunday Vezl'ark Post is a proud member ofthe 410-287-3541 .lfaiJ•kmd-Delmrare-D. C. Press Association. OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER • Wednesday-Sunday uburban Sezcspapers ofAmerictl, tbe ,\alionnlllezt·spaper .-t~sociation and the Downtoun Vercark Partner.-bip. orth 21 01 POSTMASTER: Send address l 1- changes to : Newark Post, 153 East Something terrible happens when you do • t. Chestnut Hill Road . Newark, DE 19713. Periodicals postage paid at not advertise. ot ing! Call 737·0724 0< 1 OB[· R 24. 2003 . ... 1 L·.\\ \RK PO~l • PACE 3 · · · NEWARK PosT ·:· ~ • ~ • - • • ~ ' h IN THE NEWS . . ' . Robbery attempt end in r les r p e ~arking restrictions The council took up the i -.uc required for licen:cd downtown • The Council will hold a in aklands in Augu ·t and eptemhe1. hm bu inc. c ~ that de .ire to vend public hearing regarding the to help business rcque~tcd city taff further item ~ out ide their own ·tore: rein. tallation of a 75-f ot load­ rcvicv.. · the proposed ordinance lict=n . cd bu. can vend on in2. zone and elimination of uesday night and residents with merchants. including the other private propert) out. ide pa~king meter on Center treet book..,cllcrs. the central businc.·: di..,tnct: and. near Happy Harry· s. HE ewark Police . By DARREL W. COLE Some of the revi~ion mclude the elimination of the propoo.;ed The changec., \\ere recom­ Department i inve ti~atin~ Llarit\ ing that alco.; or clling i rule rcoulatino vending from mended after deli\ery trucks an attempted armed robhcr)· NEWARK POST STAF~ WRITER 0 T <:>epar~uc ._from d1 pla:y Items ~1ot motor \~hicles on pl;vat'e prop­ "ervicing downtown bu ine se that occurred at 11·50 p.m. for ale: vending permit are not erty. \\·ere instead u 111g the new park­ Tuesday. Oct. 21 in the u"ually quiet downtown vending ordi­ ing Lot-+ t unload mer handi . neighborhood of Oakland~. nance. the removal of City Planning Director Roy Police reported that a 19 year-old A parking meter and cre­ Lopata aid th truck had diffi­ male Univer ity of Delaware stu­ ation of a loading zone near the cultie maneu ering in the lot , dent wa. walking on Cheltenham Hentkowskis honored Federal tation po t office and ometime~ blocked car , and on Road when a vehicle approached prohibiting pru·king on the north OHN Hentkow ki Sr. and get air conditioning in ~ur Sept. 16 one truck hit the park­ him and topped. ide of Park Drive during night John Hentkow ki Jr. were volunteer room. Never 111 my ing lot booth, cau ing minor Police aid two peopl got out of Univer ity of Delaware football recently honored for their wilde t dream did I think we damage. the van. on of whom pointed a gun game will be on the Newark J would get air conditioning. • A public hearing will al o , t the . tudent and demanded hi donation of labor to in tall two City Council' agenda Monday, Summer i actually our be held on the elimination of wallet. indu trial air conditioning Oct. 27. bu ie t time of year, where we orne parking on the north ide The vicrim ran away. and the u - unit at the Food B ank of The new vending rule came can have upward of 700 vol­ of Park Drive, from South pect got ba. k into the van and fled Delaware warehou e 111 about after the city received unteer . Now our volunteer College Avenue to we t of th area. The tudent was not Newark. complaint about bow down­ can b more comfortable ort­ Minquil Drive during night injured. police aid. The Carrier air condition­ town book ellers (Delaware ing and packing food. It i Univer ity of Delaware home A dragnet of the area failed to ing equipment valued at Book Exchange and wonderful.'' football game . immediately locate the :u pect or 9,000 wa donated by Peirce­ Lieberman' Univer ity When a. ked why he made City Manager Carl Luft ·aid the vehicle. a dark green minivan Phelp Inc. in Philadelphia. Bookstore) were conducting Hentkow ki Inc. donated the donation, John the ordinance wa created after ·w1th an angled ho;d, po .. ibly a idewalk ale . The complaint the labor nece ary to in tall Hentkow ki Sr. aid 'T m a re ident on Park Drive pre ent­ Chevy or Pontiac. police 'aid. were from other merchant' and the equipment in the volunteer true believer that everyone ed a petition asking for the Police aid both u pects were from the book eller them elve , area of the warehou e. including my elf, family, and re triction . white male wearing gray hooded complaining about each other' The company wa honored company hould help in the Football fan were parking on sweat hirt and ~eat pants. There operation, according to city doc­ community. It'. everyone· their treet, often leaving no \.lierc t\-\ o other occupant in the van at a recent break:fa t. uments. ··It is ab olutely great re pon ibility to give back room or cau ing traffic problem hut the victim could not de cribe The new regulation require receiving thi generou dona­ , omething no matter how for re ident . them to officers. specific setback , idewalk tion." aid Li a Carlisle. vol­ large or 'ffiall ... to help the The Council me tmg tart at Per.,ons ~ ith any information clearances and requirement that unteer coordinator for the community pro per." 7:30 p.m. at city hall' council about the incident are a~k.ed to con­ the vending be conducted only Food Bank of Delaware. "It The Food Bank of chamber.. 220 Elkton Road. tact NPD Det. Brvda. 366-7110. out ide the per on ·s bu ine ~ had been ugge ted many Delaware·. mi sion i~ a com­ Call 366-7070 for int rmation. ext. 132. or repor1 ~monymously to within the central bu ineli dL·­ time by volunteers that we munity free from hunger. Crime ~toppers. I -800-TIP-3333. trict. e 'TI1e Do11ald of Dela'luare' takes opportz4J1ity to to~1t bLlSi11es , Nelua~l'k

By DARREL W. COLE 1 rewark Hi~h School in 1995 and the eniversity of Delmvarc NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER in 2000. said the two were engaged in late Augu t, after YAN GERMAN need ' Co mopolitan chose him as one to et the record straight. of the nation· "mouthwateting RThe 25-year-old owner bachelor .'' of Caffe Gelato on Main Street ''I feel like the Iuckie t man may have been named ali ve,'' German aid. referring Delaware· bachelor of the year to hi relation hip w ith Canton. by popular women' magazine German aid he's not exact­ Co mopolitan, but now wants it ly ure how Co mopolitan made clear he' a taken man. cho e him, but aid ome6ne Soon after the November must have nominated him. Ryan and his i ' Ue of the magazine hit new - When magazine official called ''perfect woman," Shannon Canton. tand . German ent out a pre s to ay he wa one of the final- relea e pointing out that he i i t in Delaware, he aid he now engaged to 'the perfect kept putting them off, then woman." That woman i directed them to hi Web ite. be t to promote the bachelors flexing. I've been lucky to have wash­ Shannon Canton, a i tant edi­ Before he knew it they cho e with tease on the cover such The information about the board ab since I was young." tor at Delaware Today maga­ him a the top bachelor in a "Hot Guy In ide'' and bachelor i cant but alaciou , To the question of "Fave first zine. To further prove hi point, Delaware. "Sorry. No Bib Included." although German is listed a a move," German responds German attached an 8 -by-11- He hot the photo spread for In ide German' mode t pose re taurateur/entrepreneur. "Head and back massages." inch photo of the happy -couple the magazine in early Augu t has him wearing a jean jacket In the Q and A format, The magazine also dubbed who have set a Dec. 18, 2004 traveling to the Hampton in over a T- hirt. Other bachelors German i a ked what hi him "The Donald [Trump] of wedding date. New York tate. po ing next to him are bare ' mo t rave-worthy body region Delaware.'' He explains that German, a graduate of The magazine itself doe it chested, many with mu cle i ." He answer , 'My stomach. See BACHELOR, 22 ...,_ P.-\(,E 4 • • 1E\\ARh Po 1 • OcTOBER 24 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019

NE\\ sFOR NEWARK FROM THE UNIVERSITY exhi a t res collection of recent oil 'Emperor's painting of Antarcttca by A arti ·t Jim \Vood ·ide is on exhibit at Recitation Hall through New Clothes' Thursday, Nov. 6. Entitled "Polar Painting ,"the exhibition chroni­ due Nov. 9 cle Woodside' trip to the Palmer Station in Antarctica dur­ HE Kennedy Center ing the winter of 2003 and Imagination Celebration depict the tark splendor of gla­ Ton Tour· pre entation ciers, ice cap and arctic wildlife. of '!he Emperor·. New Woodside, who earned hi Clothe :· at 2 p.m .. Sunday. bachelor's degree in fine art Nov. 9. in Mitchell Hall, from UD in 1980, received a open the 2003-04 Family grant from the National Science Perfonning Arts Serie at UD. Foundation to vi ually document , A delightful introduction to the land. cape and wildlife near opera and a humorou inter­ Palmer Station. During his pretation of the cia· ic Hans arti t's residency. he worked out- Chri tian Ander en tale. 'The ide. frequently painting in Enperor's New Clothe ., L glove through an open portal e pecially recommended for tent. mdergarten through fifth \Voodside' work ha. been grade children (age. 5-l 0). shown in exhibition on the East · Set against the backdrop of Coast, including an invitational Andersen· · timeless tale of a alumni how at the Univer ity in kingdom ruled by a fa. hion­ 1991. He i director of visual art conscious emperor. chil­ at Walnut Hill School in Natick, dren's opera also ·hould Mas ·. Jim Woodside paints in Antarctica last winter. delight grownups with its ''Polar Painting · will be on open from 11 a.m.-5 p.m., 7:30 p.m., Thur day. Nov. 6, in about hi recent work. Both the mixture of soaring anas. love di play in Room 102 of Monday through Friday, and i Room 102 of Recitation Hall will exhibition and the re cption are duet , mystery and slapstick Recitation Hall through wheelchair acces ·ible. give viewer. a chance to meet free and open to the public. For comedy. Thur. day, Nov. 6. The gallery is A clo ing reception from 5:30- Woodside and speak with him more information. caU 831-22-+4. Before the performance. a buffet luncheon will be offered at the Blue & Gold Club, Kent Way. Ticket can be purchased ranks 12th a 0 g public by calling or visiting the man cia . including more non­ dent. amount . pent on libr.try Hartshorn box office. 831- HE Univer ity_ of Delaware chool · that combine great aca­ demics \\ ith rea onable costs.·· re ident application than any facilitie ,· and four- and . ix-year 2204, and the box office is i the 12th be t value in the Thi year. the magazine also other public university in the graduation rate. . Schools were open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tcountry for in- tate stu­ include a ranking of the be t bar­ country. At the arne time. we ranked by combining quality Blue & Gold Club pre-per­ dents at public college , accord­ gains for out -of-state tudents. have worked very hard to keep with such co t components as formance buffet reservations ing to a li ting of the top 100 and UD i ranked 19th our costs down and to tuition. mandatory fees. room. can be made by calling the chools in the November i ue of board and estimated expcn e for restaurant at 831-2582. Kiplinger' Per onal Finance in that li ting. reT..:k~~ ~;~~~" ·e financial magazine. ''Kiplinger' rank­ books and upplie . . UD wa ranked 14th in ing further confirm lJ For 1t rankino Also induded in the equation Kiplinger' 2002 urvey and 24th UD's reputation a K1plinger. s looked eat \\ere the a\ cragc co t for a stu­ in it 2000 ranking. offering top-notch academic everal mea ·ure of academic dent \\tthout n~ed \ ;bout Guatemala .. l\ lartinez. who h a~ entered pageant tor the past 10 year , You could ask friend for advice but you'll do

Transportation better con ulting with omeone who stage forum set Nov. 6 ucce ful wedding reception for a living. The De laware Center for Transportation at UD i eeking And that' who you'll find at Embas y Suite . input to identify the mo t impor­ tant tran portation issue facing A guide who can help you plan life's mo t EMBASSY ITES the region. HOTEL The 2003 Tran portation important day. There' no "pre-planned menu " Education and Re earch Fomm Newark/Wilmington South take place Thur day. Nov. 6 at or "as embly line" feeling here. And Delaware Clayton Hall. Anyone intere ted in improv­ Today readers voted u "the most elegant place ing the tran portation y tern i to have a wedding reception." Come see why. welcome to attend the forum. There i no fee for the forum, but regi tration i required by 654 South College Ave., Newark, DE 19713 • 302-368-8000 Friday, Oct. 24. For more infor­ mation or to regi ter call 831- www.embassysuite 0674 or 831-1446. PAGE 6 • NEWARK PoT • 0 OBER 24, 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 I I


AM USED. CONFUS ED. BEMU SED Our oF 1HE Arne The Pharisee of Time

By MARVIN HUMMEL NEWARK POST COLUMNIST li i ... Was I offending OMEBODY in the next room at the their biorhyth1ns? What is party mu t have set him off - prob­ Sably excu ing hi early departure a biorhythm?" becau e of an early-morning flight, which would require "cranking up the old alarm clock." That et off the Phari ee of Time on a cla sic rant, omething about '"healthy Other people in other time and place people" not needing alann clocks becau e had needed help, too! But five alarms? they had undamaged internal biorhythms Five! Was that an excessive number?

and were in tune with the univer e, includ- 1 (Perhaps the Pharisee wa right!) I ing the ocean waves and the fullne of the A I went to bed the next morning, I moon. went over my inventory of alarms. The one I went into the next room to hear more next to my bed tart the proce of calling This week's "Out of the Attic" features a murky photo of the Washington House, of the Pharisee of Time' peroration me to arm . It ays, "Needle-needle-nee­ built prior to 1850. It stood on the spot where the Stone Balloon is today. In 1964, (There ·s a little bit of the rna ochi t in u dle-needleneedle-needle,'' the aural equiv­ the hotel and restaurant were purchased by Jimmy Copoulos and renamed all). alent of acupuncture. It ends me to the Jimmy's Tavern. A few years later it became Merle's Tavern and remained that The ') nop i of his remark were: ·'I coffee pot down tair , it job done. until1972 when the building was purchased by William Stevenson and he created thank thee, 0 great Chrono , that I am not Propped up in bed with a mug of coffee, I 1 the Stone Balloon. Photo courtesy of the University of Delaware Archives like other men- tho e night crawlers and watch television to di cover the new of Photograph collection. "Out of the Attic" features historic photographs from lugabeds who are o out of fre h di a ter until the Old School Marm Newark's past. Readers who have a .historic photo an~ ~oul.d lik.e to share it w!th yn.... ch with the univer e that clock on the TV tart chiming in: ''Ding­ other readers are invited to loan the1r photos for repnntmg m th1s space. Special the) mu t re ort to the DangDing-Dang-Ding!" Enough already! care will be taken. For information, call the Newark Post, weekdays, 8:30a.m. to unnatural u e of 'alarm And I brush both teeth, and, perchance, 5 p.m., at 737-0724. clocks! .. .'' slip back between the cover ! ------He, it eem , unerringly If this were to happen (and ometime and unfailingly, tell him­ does), the faraway clock gets mad and in self what time to wake up, a demanding and annoyingly di ident PAGR'i FRoM THE PAST and he and hi bio-rhvthm way a k me, ''Do I have to come over get him up without· help there?!' It won't. So, I'm getting up! New a it appeared in the ewark Post throughout the year from any artificial device Hummel Permanently! (Or at lea t until tomorrow or "contraption !" morning.) impre upon the swine High tension wires fall By the time the onion in hi Gib on • Oct. 24, 1928 owner the neces ity of As for old Ben and older Seth, I keep began popping up and down, its pla tic burying all dead animaL Last Thur ·day during those old relict of another time and place pear not with. tanding, he had emptied out Ask Newark to letter immediate! y. the rain and wind-.torm. a the place: Phari ee of any and all ort when and where they erved me long and its name on building The Board believe that pole carrying high ten ion never collect crowd - they di pel them. well. I could no more throw them out than it would be advi able for wire fell at the comer of a hor e lover could end old, pavined Agitation ha been Main treet and North But he made me think, a Phari ee the owner of ' \\> ine in Dobbin to the knacker to be made into tarted by Po tmanter College a\ enue. The cur­ alway do. Am I lugabed? No! Never! William H. Evan to have vicinitie where cholera i'> (My tire prote ted a I turned the comer dog food and baseball cover . Never! prevalent to have their ani­ rent \\a cut off and traffic Squat, round-bellied Ben and metal­ the name Newark painted stopped immediately while too abruptly! Wa I offending their bio­ in large letters on the roof mal inoculated by their rhythms? What IS a biorhythm!) capped Seth will have a home on my local veterinarian. the \ ire w re 'Ut 3way. dre ser until time out for me. of one of the prominent However. repair. ould not I am NOT a "night crawler!" Nor am I building in town, as a be completed until ne t a " lugabed!" At wor t, I am nocturnally Fie upon all Phari ee of Time and their guide to both civilian and morning and that portion challenged! bio-rhythm or whatever it is that wake ervice flier . Thi i pur­ r------of the town wa without them up without a i tance from any 1 That wa it! Nocturnally challenged! 1 suant to the ugge tion light during Thur da Still, I thought reluctantly, I do have five plugged-in device or battery-laden made by Colonel Charle, caller -to-arm ! night. alarm clock , one on my bed tand, one on A., Lindbergh that all top of the TV et, a third on the far dre er A for me: until I am undone. I will town in the United State , on the other ide of the room. never a k for whom my bell toll! They over 1000 in population Oct. 27 , 1988 And, on another little table, old Ben and toll for me! identify them elve in uch till older Seth. Perhap the Phari ee of Post script: If the Phari ee of Time a manner that flier can UD.pres ident Jones time was right! want to talk about what he calls his ba ic read their name when fly­ resigns stuns campus No he wa n't! A pox on all Phari ee ! ing over the town . NewArk Po ' biorhythm , I have a friend Dai y who ha Univer ity of Delawar But he had unnerved me. enough for both of u . ''Pages From The Pre ident Ru el C. J n To defend my elf, I looked up the At her bio-time, he dance around me Hog cholera prevalent Past" is compiled from re igned Monday exactly word involved: "alarm" ha a long hi to­ on her two back leg , utter mock-whim­ Report coming into the early editions of the one year after hi inaugu­ ry and mean "a call to arm " ''Clo k" per and real barks, then give me a office of the Delaware Newark Post and its ration. come from ·'bell, ' and I knew their long­ mournful look. State Board of Agri ulture forenumers by In a letter to the time ta k - to get people going! She is o certain that the time ha come, would indicate that quite a staffers. Efforts are Univer 1t Board of he lead me to the lea h and vamp · me few hog are b ing lo ·t made to retain origi­ Tru 'tee . Jone cited ··con­ • A retired clergynwn and a teacher since until I clip it to her harne and then proj­ from cholera. nal headline and sn le traint · from abme" a , hi 1972, Hummel has contributed to the ect u to and through the door. Biorhythm The State Board of in the reprinting of . rea ·on for tepping down. Nelvark Post for more than nvo decades. that Mr. Phari ee of Time! Agriculture \\'i he to these items. He has lived in Delaware since 1959. See PAGES, 7 ~ NEwARI< Posr ·:· · OPINION &· coMMENTARY It was her smile I'm ure I'm not the only .... UP FRONT, from 1 Rotarian who remember the "happy dollar·· he gave at one of into one of the brighe t, mo t our Thursday morning meeting inviting and comprehensive at the Blue and Gold Club about information center in Delaware. one year ago. he proclaimed he wa. more than a friend of proudly that . he had b en cancer the !ihraf) - Charlesa was the free for five year . · inspirational -.pirit that ha. Weeks later. the devil helped re-energ11e the Friend of returned. 1 the ewark Lihrary ince he All of us were amazed by her arri ed at the Ltbrary A\ enue po iti\e attitude, her high ·pirits facility. even when the news wa grim. And her friends in the 1\ewark and her mile - it never left her Morning Rotary Club. myself face. included, tonight will remember Ju t ight day ago, imp!; her smile and how she a .. imilat­ through the luck of the draw, ed into our clo e-knit friendly Charle a wa a ked to extempo­ circle o qui kly. (Ho-v e\er, the raneou Iy addre her fellow my tery car rally . he organized Rotarians. urpri ed u . You ju t never Undaunted by the urpri e, would have imagined Charle a he tepped to the podium and would lead u blindly to an bared with obviou pa sion, evening of bellydancing.) why he believed being a librari­ She wa predictable, pa ion­ an i not only a worthy, but an ate and dependable but then important vocation. She asked he'd urpri e you, offering tho e her Rotary friend to urge young around her a glimp e into the people to con ider the profes ion amazing depth of her per onality. in pite of the "bun factor;· which Thi trait i what I believe com­ she de cribed a the tereotypical NEWARK POST PHOTO BY JIM STREIT pelled o many people in Newark image of a gray-haired librarian \Nearing a wig while receiving cancer treatments in January, the smile never left librarian Charlesa to love her. with her hair in a bun. Charle a wa my age. She i Lowell's face, even during a friendly challenge from fellow Rotarian Eric Cannon . Lowell hosted her As she poke, I uspect I wa friends in the Newark Morning Rotary Club for a pre-opening tour of the renovated and greatly enlarged my fir t clo e friend to die. Thi not the only friend who marveled week ha been tough. Library Avenue media center. at her pirit and that ever-present Charle a wa wrong about one wrong. mile; we all knew he was to thing. To Howard, her family and begin dreaded chemotherapy La t week, he told us that friend , her library c.oaeague LETTER To THE EDrroR treatment the next morning, just librarian "never get rich." The and my Rotary buddie , I offer one week ago today. legacy he left behind prove her my deepe t ympathy. I Stoddard on 'First State News' A-cars roll To: The editor companie that owned the cable y tern. From: Jim Stoddard In the final analysi , the off line herer cable TV executive you want MUCH appreciated the to recall worked for Suburban .... PAGES, from 6 recent Up Front column Cable. That i the company I (Oct. 3) with the banner that t::,nded Fir t State News 'I have increa ingly found it headline a king for the return and merged it into the Tri­ impo sible to effect the nece - Dr. BJrb.tra .\kt.•lllrk of my 1956 weather map. State Media Network, which ary and de. irable change which Dr Ron fcmb\.'r~ That date of it construc­ did a regional new broadca t would continue the evolution of tion i probably fairly accurate much like C -8 doe today. the Unjversity of Delaware and it looked a little wacky It i my under tanding that toward the greatne it de erve ." but got the job done. Suburban Cable negotiated the Jone aid in the letter. I did the weather on Fir t licen e renewal with the City State ew for 14 years and of Wilmington ju t prior to am till recognized for that elling to Cornea t. Suddenly Police make plea to council work, which make me very the provi ions for local news Newark police officer made happy. were gone and they had a ten­ an emotional plea to City It wa an honor to be invit­ year deal. So a local new Council Monday night, urging ed into people' home to give teleca t will not be returning council member to agree to their them their daily forecast and I to your home creen. late t contract offer. fertility care £ r gro\ving familic . enjoyed it. Yeah, I know the produc­ Fraternal ~------~ I didn't get rich doing it, it tion value on Fir t State Order of I "Pages From The wa a pa.-t-time job and never New could be funny orne­ Police (FOP) Past" is compiled and reprinted Downtown Dover-New Location! paid very much. When I tart­ time . We chuckled a lot about Lodge 4 from early edt­ 1ll1 . Governors Avenue • Dover, DE 19901 ed out in 1986 it paid $15 a it, too. members , tions of the Toll Free: (800) 673-9277 • Phone: (302) 674-1390 night. But there wa a caring staff who have Newark Post and Sad to ay the new ca t trying to tell the continuing been without its forerunners. Campus of Christiana Care will never return. tory of Delaware a story no a contract ~------~ 4735 gletown- tanton Road • Medical Arts Pavilion 2 • uite 3217 The only rea on it tarted other TV tation eem very ince Jan. 1, were flanked by Newark, DE 19713 • Phone: (302) 623-4242 wa that Wilmington City intere ted in and that effort i upporters from all aero the Council made local new cov­ great! y rni ed tate. E-mail: [email protected] • erage a condition to licen e Hey if we can get a tudio renewal. So WNS and orne air time somewhere, A- cars roll off the line (Wilmington New Service ) I' 11 call Com cast and see if they 11 donate the 1956 weath­ The Plymouth AcclaiflJ. and GIVE AGIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR! CALL was begun by Rollins Cable. Dodge Spirit, the two new A-cars That telecast eventual! y er map. We can do our own being produced at Chry ler became First State New and show. Corp.'s Newark Assembly Plant, AGIFT SUBSCRIPTION! 737- was carried on by the variou were unveiled during a celebra­ tion Tuesday. PACE 8 • NEwARK Po T • OcrosER 24, 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019


OUILOOK Couple time

• Outlook is a weekly feature provided to Ne1-vark Post read­ ers by the staff of tlze Nelv Re-energized NHS alumni group raises funds with honor walkway Castle County Cooperative E.:ttension Office. By ELIZABETH COE The organization ha two main into the Pentagon. IME. Mo t familie feel fundraising campaigns currently ongo­ Alumni pin are al o being sold for they never have enough. NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER ing. $5 each. The pin ay "NHS Alumni'' In many familie with Sally Pinto Krapf, a 1969 graduate, and have a yellow jacket on them. T HE Newark High School Alumni young children, that percep­ is in charge of fundraising for the The NHS Alumni A ociation ha tion is magnified because one Association has regrouped after organization. One fundraising campaign everal committee , including the constraint never goe away. Tyears of inactivity, and i now is the "Walk of Fame" at NHS. The Scholar hip Committee, which i in Kids must be cared for no sponsoring fund rai ing event in order walk of fame is a walkway of brick in charge of choo ing one high chool tu­ matter how old they are or to rai e awareness of the organization place around the flag pole in front of dent per year as a recipient of the $1000 how independent. Carving out and rai e cholarship money for NHS the high school. Bricks can be pur­ annual scholar hip. Applicants mu t be together time to spend as a graduates. chased for $5L) for two lines of writing a junior or senior at NHS with a GPA of couple i a real challenge. The NHS Alumni Association had or $75 for three lines. Nearly 100 bricks at least 3.0 for all four years of high Research uggests that been in existence for years, but it are already in place, and up to 800 are chool. most couple have concerns became inactive in the 1990s. It wasn't expected to be sold. The recipient of the cholar hip for about the time they pend until the planning of the Millennium Krapf said that brick have been 2003 wa Katie Lehigh Rhoad who i with their Reunion in the year 2000 that people given in honor of taff members, tu­ now a fre hman attending the spouses. came forward to restart the group. dents, and graduates of NHS. She al o Univer ity of Delaware, majoring in Concern In the process of creating a database said there will mo t likely be a dedica­ elementary education. related to of graduates for the reunion, the NHS tion ceremony held at the high chool to There i a catch to the cholar hip. not being Alumni Association wa revitalized, celebrate tho e who have been named. Recipient are a ked to maintain the able to and now ha about 25 core member Mary Lou McDowell, a 1980 gradu­ database of graduate of their cla s and develop a who are actively promoting the organi­ ate and editor of Honeycomb, said the keep the addre e and contacts up to quality rela­ zation, according to members. "Wall of Fame" i a great way to date for the Alumni A ociation. tionship, Membership to the organization i acknowledge people who have made McDowell said it i al o important to fear of los­ free, and is open to all graduates of contributions to education. try to get new people involved in the ing their NHS and any former students. "They are also great graduation organization. partner if The association holds meetings once gifts," she said, ·'and everal people "It seems like in the e type of organ­ .enough By Maria Pippidis a month between September and June, have gotten one in remembrance of izations it alway the arne people who attention is and publishes their newsletter, the someone who ha touched their lives." are involved, and that's why they often not given to the relationship, Honeycomb, twice a year in October These include one for Matt Focco die," she said. "So one of our goals i to and concern over not being and April. The annual meeting in who was a 1998 NHS graduate who get new people interested and get them . able to catch up on important October is when elections for new offi­ was killed in the terrorist attacks of involved to help keep the organization couple issues. cers are held. 9/11 when the plane he was on crashed See BRICKS, 9 ..... When asked about the time spent together, couples said the most common time together was during meals. Other times included early Saturday morning or after the . kids went to bed. Some cou­ Local leaders encourage volunteering ples planned a night or week­ race Aries, President of 'Count 10 for Kid ' wa with two .e.nd away. Others met for the Delaware State local Girl Scout troop . . lunch. And some couples Federation of Women's The girl competed with each uoted that time on the tele- · G Every community needs more helping Clubs, and three other members fi fi other in doing random act of phone during the day helped - of the New Century Club of kindnes , and the troop that had them stay connected. hands." Newark- Grace Owen, presi­ the highest average of good Couples indicated the deeds was awarded a ca h prize biggest barriers to time away dent; Betty O'Hara, vice-presi­ GRACE OWEN dent, and Chris Drake, director­ each month by the New Century together are finances that NEW CENTURY CLUB OF NEWARK were among 180 women attend­ Club. would allow them to hire help In June, the club entertained .and trusting others to care for ing the Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of the General all the girl and parent at a tea in their children. Some couples the Clubhou e at Delaware didn't feel they had the finan­ Federation of Women' Club importance of encouraging more Pre ident Judy Lutz talked about (GFWC) in Atlantic City, NJ, last people to get involved in volun­ her special project, which focu es Avenue and Haine Street. cial resources to take a "long GFWC i an international ·weekend" or a night out. week. teer activitie . on the needs of children. Aries and the other Newark ''Every community needs ''There are o many way we organization of community­ Others said they didn't have a based volunteer women' club ll:usted caregiver. They didn't women attended a series of work­ more helping hands," Owen aid. can make a difference in the life shops and pre entations designed 'Women who volunteer through of a child," she said. ' By choo - which have been working for 113 want to leave their children year.... to addre the mo t pre - with others who wouldn't take to help Federation leaders raise a GFWC club can reach out to ing one or two of the 'Count 10 support within their clubs for a those in need and at the same for Kids' activitie , your GFWC ing need of their communitie the same care as they did. and the world. Some said that they wouldn't wide range of program and proj­ time find new friends and realize club can do o much to enhance ect that will fill pecific needs a great ense of accompli h- the live of the children in your It i headquartered in be ~le to relax if they were Wa hington, DC. Newark' club within their communities. ment." j community. celebrated it llOth anniver ary See OUTLOOK, 9 • According to Owen, the two­ In her address to meeting The New Century Club of day meeting al o tre ed the attendees, GFWC International Newark's project in the pring for in May. 0 ,TOBER 24, 2003 • NEWARK P o T • PAGE 9

. - NEWARK PosT •!• THE ARTS r • I Recycling could cut city's dumping fees ..... RECYCLE, from 1 come at a co t of $6 per month powerlul me age .. , created to manage tate landfill week period in the fall and during for full curb ide recycling, Newark City Councilman Karl and work on way to divert wa te two week in the pring. including collection of metal , into recyclable material . and education for the DSWA, Kalbacher hope the city can pro­ City re ident don't pay a de - pia tic and paper material . vide a good example for the rest The authority get it revenues ignated fee for the city' twice-a­ aid la~ t week that hi agency ha ''taken the city' reque t a tep City re ident now mu t bring of the tate. from tipping fees at the three week garbage pickup. However, further" by increa ing the ize of recyclable to one of ix drop off ''I will ign up for it and pay state landfill , one in each county. the city refu e divi ion' operat­ the brochure. providing more center in the city, otherwi e it extra, and I hope our re ident No tate or county money goe to ing budget wa about $2.3 mil­ information about the program can be di po ed of with the regu­ upport thi too," Kalbacher aid. the authority and Aguilar aid the lion in 2002. and more way to contact the lar tra h. "It' important for the environ­ authority will lo e money on the In 2002, the city paid the DSWA to ign up for curb ide Currently, about 500 ment and make financial en e curb ide recycling program. DSWA about $706,000 to dump recycling. Wilmington-area re ident pay too." In addition to the recycling garbage at the Cherry I land Curb ide yard wa te collec­ for the DSWA' curb ide recy­ Aguilar aid tatewide tudie program, the authority ha al o Landfill. But becau e the fee are tion wa eliminated from the cling program. have hown that the average propo ed increa ing the ize of ba ed on tonnage, if more city original propo al becau e the city Expanding the recycling pro­ hou ehold ha about 61 pound the Cherry I land Landfill. re ident recycle it could co t the already provide that collection, gram into the Newark area i the of garbage per week and about 20 The DSWA's yard wa te city less. while an addition to the urvey econd pha e of a county-wide pound of that could be recycled. option wa taken off the propo al include a detachable po t card pilot project aimed at reducing The DSWA is a qua i-govem­ becau e the city currently picks • For information contact the re ident can fi ll out and end to the amount of material going rnental agency created by the up gra s over a 26-week period in DSWA at 1-800-404-7080 o·r visit the authority. into the Cherry I land Landfill in state Legislature in 1975. It was I the umrner, leave over a nine- its Web site at If at lea t 10 percent of the Wilmington. 6,400 city electric cu tomer ign While getting 10 percent up for the voluntary program, approval from Newark resident Aguilar said the authori ty could i the mi nimu m Aguilar said the Alumni group seeks sponsorships begin curb ide pickup early next final deci ion will be up to the DSWA board. out to one other when they need McDowell aid he joined the year for tho e who have igned ..... BRICKS, from 8 service . The organization is cur­ In order to expand the ervice NHS Alumni A sociation up for it. If initiated, it would renlly worki ng on putting togeth­ becau e Newark's hi tory i into Newark, the authority might running o we can start doing have to purcha e a new truck and er a bu ine s directory. important to her and her family. Solution to The Post Stumper more fun thing like dance and Gail Hutchi on Ru ell, a on Page 11 . hire new employee . ' I gue you could ay com­ other community event " 1970 graduate and vice pre ident munity ervice and involvement .. We are committed to provid­ Spon or hip is also available 1 of the as ociation, aid he joined i genetic!· he aid, want my ing curb ide recycling to more ··r through the NHS Alumni becau e he wanted to do orne­ kid to grow up to be a part of people becau e it allow our As ociation newsletter. For $1 00 I thing for the community. thi too.'' vehicles and taff to work at opti­ any NHS graduate can have a ''I work with a lot of fun peo­ For more information about mal perlormance,'' Aguilar said. bu ines card printed in the ple and I think it's intere ting to 1 the NHS Alumni A ociation ·'While 10 percent [640 re i­ Honeycomb. stay in touch with graduate and Vl 1t their Web ite at dences] would mean a good The a sociation al o tries to be able to ee them even after o increa e for the program, if 1,200 promote graduate of NHS by many year ," he aid. 0/alumni.htm/ people ign up then it' a more encouraging member to reach

TI~I 1 1)f)Jl~ 1\~\~'J,I~I For Cecil County's Newest Farmer's Market Indoor & Outdoor Vendors Needed Re lax wh ile New or Used Items Allowed Imagine ... the soothing comfort of a warm you are away Special rates for long term tenants massage right outside your back door. A Hot Spring Portable Spa is the state-of- Facility has central air and heat • New washrooms • the-art hydrotherapy. Bu1lt for a lifetime of reb u uon ·• ..... OUTLOOK, from 8 Ample parking • Indoor food court New Castle 302-324-1 999 Milford 302-424-1999 Call41 0-620-4520 www.poolsandspasunlimited .com worried about what wa happen­ ing at home. . .- Mo t couple that did take time for them ·elve ·aid they had to plan for it. Some of the strate­ Get your flu shot, not the flu . gies u ed include, putting it in their calendar, eliciting other family member or friend for Flu shots are available at the following locations in your area. Payment options include help. and aving money for a Medicare Part B, or $20, cash or check. For more information, please call 302-661-3399. long weekend or night out. Keeping your relationship trong keep the family trong. Tuesday, October _28 Wednesday, October 29 Thursday, ·Of;tober 30 Friday, October 31 Con ider time with your pou e or partner a an inve tment in 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. each other and your family·. Central Branch YMCA Mid-County Senior Walnut Street Happy Harry's Di cu budgeting money to hire Wilmington Center Branch YMCA Glendale Plaza orne help periodically so you Wilmington 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. can get away. Consider creating 4-7 p.m. a cooperative arrangement with Hockessin Memorial Hall tru ted family member or Westem Family 4-7p.m. friend who can care for your 4-7p.m. Branch YMCA Happy Harry's children while you take a few Brandywine Branch YMCA Newark Kirkwood Highway, hour or weekend for yourselves. Wilmington Elsmere Recognize that others may not 4-7p.m. be supportive of the priority you 4-7p.m. Happy Harry's place on your relationship with Happy Harry~s your spouse or partner for couple College Square CHRISTIANA CARE Middletown Square HEALTH SYSTEM time. Make an effort to relax when you're away and trust the people you have left in charge. I J f r ,1 l I ; , I , I II I t I If, f 1. 1.1 P GE 10 • NEWARK Po T • OCTOBER 24 2003 • • 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 versions THEATRE • EVENTS • EXHIBITS • NIGHTLIFE • MEETINGS

SPOOK-TACULAR HAUNTED TRAIL Through SaddJe up your imagina­ ALAMA DER EARCH _ p.m. afternoon walk \\ ith park naturah'>t tomorroY- 7-10 p.m fun. , afe. but definitely cary tion and join the earchmg the tloodplains for these creature at White Clav Creek tate Park. HalloY- een outmg in the Brandywine Creek State Brandywine River Info .. 36 -6900. · Park.. 7 per per on. Proceeds \\ill benefit the park' LEEP l'l'\DER THE TARS Haunted overnight camp featuring overnight year-mund science education program.Info .. 655 - Mu eu"m Explorer for a haunted camp. hayride .. bonfire,, mu ic under the big tent at Rock\\ ood 5740. western adventure. ~lan,ton Park. All age, welcome Free. regi·tratiOn requtred. call 39---6:6. PAGHETTI DINNER .f-7:30 p.m. dinner at the Discover western land , KIP JACK MARTHA LEWIS 5:30- p m. ~h cru1 e along the -ewark Senior Center pon ored by the 'ey. ark people and animals on a Su. quehanna RI\·er. P

under 6 $3. Proceeds benefit the ewark Lion museum' exhibition, 407 0 Club' Sight Program . Ticket available at the door. Art of the American ALL HALLOW E\'E CO TUME BALL 9 p.m. - l a.m. Continuoui> live 368-0776. West from a Private music performed by Don't Call Me Francis at the Brandy\\ ine River 2X4 DANCE CLUB -I 0 p.m. Plu level quare dance at Shue Medill School Collection. On Sunday, Mu eum. Wine. beer. oda and a omplimentaf) buffet will be provided. on Kirkwood Hwy. $6 per per on. £nfo .. 738-5382. info. and tickets, 610-388-8315. NIGHT OWL PROWL 10 a.m. walk for adult and young plant enthu ia ts Nov. 2, from 1 - 2:30 COMEDY CABARET From the Movie "Tuvalu" 1r. Rubber Fa e Terry to explore and identify non-native "alien·· plant that have been invading the p.m., after a tour, create Gille pie: and direct from The Avenue of the Art and a three-week pert'orm­ park at White Clay Creek State Park. Meet at Chamber · Ro k parking area. a scrapbook page about ance at the Wilma theatre. Philly · funnie~t lady Mary Fran ·e, Connell) and £nfo., 368-6900. your travels in a work­ Steve Miller and Pat Kelley at Arr Tran port Command. 143 '. DuP nt PONY CLUB PRESIDE T'S CUP Through Sunday. The country's top four shop) free with museum Hwy. SIS at the door. 652-6873. teams of Pony Club Senior . which compri e of 14-16 year -old . will com­ admission. Appropriate SATURDAY TOURS 10 and ll a.m . Tour on varying exhibits at Delaware pete for the Pre ident' Cup and ribbon championship at Fair Hill Nature for children ages five Art Mu eum. 800 S. Madison St.. Wilmington. Free. Info. ~7 I -O_:!Q. Center. £nfo., 410-398-21 ll. and older. For info call PERFECT STRANGERS 8 p.m. mu ical performance at the Unitarian 610-388-8382. - ~ HALLOWEEN PARADE AND TRICK OR Univer ali t Fellow hip Hall , 420 Willa Rd ., ewark. Info ., 475-3454. SUNDAY TREAT MAIN STREET 3 p.m. parade beginning BUDDIDST MONKS OF DREPUNG LOSELlNG MOSTESARY Through at Tyre Ave. continuing down Main Street to . Sunday. A morning ceremony to create a Mandala and painting by laying A SENSE OF PLACE Through ov. l. Exhibition of painting by arti t College Ave. Trick or Treat 1ain Street w1U follow out millions of grain of colored and on a flat platform at Longwood Loui e Clearfield at The Station Gallery on Kennett Pike in Greenville. the parade \\ith local bminesse handmg out good1es Garden in Kennett Square. £nfo. , 610-388-1000 ext. 456. £nfo., 654-8638. for co tumed children. For more inforn1ation. call DELAWARE RAG 8-ll p.m. bluegras at Home Grown Cafe & Gourmet to 366-7060. Go. I 26 E. Main Street. o cover. 266-6993. HARVEST DAY 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. craft . bake ale. JOHN REDA 12-3 p.m Smatra unday at Home AUTUMN' COLORS Enjoy the colors of fall in the arboretum and and the SPJURDAY car how, breakfast, oup lunch. pig roast dinner Grown Cafe & Gourmet to Go. 126 E. tun treet. autu mn foliage along the walks at Longwood Garden in Kennett Square, ilent auction and more at Red Clay Creek 26 'o cover. 266-6993 Pa.lnfo.,38 -1000 Pre bvterian Church. lnfo. and direction .. 239-5399. FREE L' D Y \lOR. 'lNG Comphmentaf)' THE .LOI YOUNG SHOW The last Saturdav of 1 '.C. WYETH HOUSE AND STUDIO TOUR Through ov. 23. Come tour admis. ion to enjo) the pecia! exhibition Art of the Amencan We t. and a the hou e where Wyeth rai ed hi · extraordinary reative children and the every month. 10:30 a.m. 1a ter puppeteer. song­ children's Di coven Game at the Brand\\\ine Rher Museum. Info .. 610- studio in which he painted many of hi\ memorable worh of art. Tours will \\riter and ventriloqui-;t. Loi Young u e · her life­ 3 -2700. . . depart from the Brandywine River museum. Info .. 610-3 8-1197. ize puppets and humorou ongs to ex pre .. the JOy. 4TH Al'\NCAL COTT ~fACKLER Rr~ 5K nmhalk to benetit the \L ROCKEFELLER COLLECTIO ' Through Feb. I One of the mo. t signifi­ and dilemmas of childhood through puppetry. origi­ As. c iallon beginmng at Temple Beth E n P·• um Par Rd. tart ti11t 25 nal \ongs and interaciiYe 'itorie~ aimed at children cant collection of American painting~ in the world from San Franci!lco's de '\oon. Registr:mon 20./ Info .. 633-120 . YJung Museum at\\ mter. An American Counlr) E~tate Info. 88 ·-4600. from 3 to 8 }ears old at The Chapel treet Playhou e Ticket!-. arc 5 and ma) be purchased at the door 456-9227 . • AMt:EL BECKETT: A CELEBRATION Throue:h Dec. 19. E\hibition of • ~IONDAY~ OCT. 27 \Wrk · by one of the l\\ entieth centui) most acclaimed writers ,tt the THE SORCERER S APPRE:\'TICE Perfonnance h\ the ~1id Atlantic Ballet \\ ith . pwal gue t perfonnance~ by mternauona1 baitet supeNars Adrienne Umver·it) of Delaware \ ~lorri. Librarv.lnfo .. and directiOns. 831-2~31. LL 'h DA~C~G I p.m. beginner cia.": anJ _p.m. Jlhan ed da . e\ 'f) and A hlej Canterna. and Longwood Dane Theatre at Mit hell Hall on THE FELLOWS Through Dec. 31. EAhibit. ho\\ca ing contemporary glas' ~tonday at ~ewark Senior Center. 737-2336. ' ork b) past and current CGCA fello\\. hip reupienL at Wheaton Village outh College Avenue and Am tel Awnue. Ticket. ~u·e SII and C, I~. and can be obtained ~b) callmg 266-6362. in {\'e\\ Jer ev. lnfo . ·-6-82" -6800. \VEDNESDAY~OCT. 29 LA~D OF ICE, HEARTS OF FIRE Throue:h Dc1.. 1-l Rare Canadian lnmt Bt;LL ROA T 2-4 p.m Pit Beef on the grill. barbecued chicken. homem,tde chili. potato alad/cole ~lav. and desert . draft beer and soda. \\ ith mu,ic drawing from the Fredenck and Luc) S Hennan t\atJve American Art FALL FU!'\DRAJ ER Through Frida). 9 a.m. - I p.m. sh wc~e oi a large from 3-9 p.m. at the \'FW Po ·t 475. Tickets._ 68-4326. Collection at the L: niwr. it) Gallery. 114 Old College For more infonnation. election of wonderful name brand produd at • 'e\\ ark . teth 1dht Chur h. call 31-824 ~ WHAT' EATING ANNIE 8-1 I p.m. acoustic duo v.ith \(f al at Home Grown Cafe & Gourmet to Go. l~6 E. Main Street. No cover 266-6993 . See HAPPENINGS, 11 ~

• FRIDAY, OCT. 24 Penn. ylvania Railroad into Manhattan member. , meeting location provided • Tl.JESDAY~ OCT. 28 and evoke the feeling of the magnificent only \nth regi tration at 765-9740. COMPLIMENTARY L\IPRES IONS. space that was the Penn 'y lvania Station MEETINGS ESL Afternoon and evening clas es for l'iEWARK DELTOI\ES E'er: Tue J~). Through Oct. 25. Joint exlubition of orig­ at Hagley Museum and Library . Engli h Comersati on held every Monday 7 45 p.m. For men \\ ho like to ing :.11 inal works by Linda Costa & Erika NATURE VIDEOS Every Saturday. I p.m. at ewark l.Jnired Methodi t Church. 69 'e\'u\rk Church of Christ. Ea! 1 Main Neidhardt at Hardcru tie GaHery. Info., video and one-hour guided walk for all Church. 1-+3 E. Lake Street in East 1ain Street. Regi tration required. Street. Fnr mor infonnatiun. call \\ ~11 at 655-5230. ages at A bland Nature Center. All wel­ Middleto\\ n.378-97-+.t. 292-2091. "68-3052. REBECCA DIETZ Through tomorrow. come. lnfo., 239-2334. NCCo STROKE CLUB noon on Monday· SWEET ADELL 'ES 7:30 -!0 p.m. Photographic e>.hibit at You' e Been CHURCHYARD/CEMETERY HISTO­ • SUNDAY, OCT. 26 at the Je\\ ish Community Center. Smging group. t \lB.· ABo\\ Inan Framed, 172 E. Main Street Free and RY WALK 4:30 p.m. hi tory, folktale Talleyville. For information. call t\ancy Center, Ruute 4. Newark. Lbtener and open to the public. • and area legend will be told during one­ REFORMATION CONCERT 10 a.m. Traub at 324-14-W. new members v.elcome. lnfu. 999-8310. STRENGTH TRAINING Fridays and hour tour among the grave tone at St. concert at Our Redeemer Lutheran SIMPLY JAZZERCIZE Mondayo;, SCRAPBOOKING 7-9 p.m. at Gla go~ Mondays at Newark Senior Center. 200 Stephen' Epi copal Church in Earlville. Church in Che tout Hill E. tate per­ Tue da) and Wedne days at ewark Reformed Presb\'teri:m Church, Summit Wllite Chapel Dr. lnfo., 737-2336. Md. $10 per per ·on in advance. $12 formed by Concordia' Choir. Public Senior Center, 200 \-\'bite Chapel Drive. Bridge Road. Glasgov. 1 1ursel}. $2/child. walk-upon the day of the event. lnfo., invited. freewill offering will be taken. lnfo .. 737-2336. lnfo, call 34-GRPC. 410-275-1291. lnfo .. 7 7-6176. CHORUS OF BRANDYWINE 7:30p.m. \1 SUPPORT 4-6 p.m. JI ~1 Society MEN'S BREAKFAST 7:30a.m. at Greater ~len' barbershop rehear;al at ~1B A Headquarter . 2 Mill Road. Wilmington. GARAGE SALE 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. clothes. Grace Church, 30 Blue Hen Dr. $5 dona- • MONDAY, OCT. 27 Bowman Conference C nter. Ogletown. Info. all655-:610. appliances, furniture, hou ewares, toy , tion goes to mi . ions. Info. 738-1530. All are welcome. 655-SING. ~ DIVORCECARE 6:30-8:30 p.m. support books and more for ale at St. Margare! ' DlVORCECARE Saturdays and AAUW 7:30 p.m.. Stained Gla Window NEWARK ROTARY CLUB 6:15 to 7:30 group meeting at Evangelical of Scotland Church, 230 Executive Drive · Wednesday . Separated/divorced per on program at St. ichol Epi copal Church p.m. every Monday at the Holiday lnn. Presbyterian Church. 308 Pos um Park in Newark. Info., 369-8100 ext. 15. meet at Prai e Assembly. 1421 Old on E. Che tout Hill Rd. Info., 731-+ 724. Route 273. 453-8853. Rd., 'ewark. fnfo. 737-7239. GUARDIANS' UPPORT 6-8 p.m. HEAD TO TOE: ALL ABOUT YOUR Baltimore Pike, Newark. All welcome. NEW DIRECTlO 7:15p.m. meeting Monday . Meeting for grandparems and BODY Through Jan. 4. Take a clo er Info, 737-5040. for per on affected with Bipolar • WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29 all tho e raising o ther~· children at look at the human body using a hands-on POST-POLIO SUPPORT 10 a.m. to noon Di ·order at Alder gate United Methodi t Children & Farnilie Fir L 6~ N. Chapel model at Delaware Museum of Natural fourth Saturday of month. Meeting at the Church on Con ord Pike. Donation of 5 HALLOWEEN PARTY 4-5:30 p.m. parry St.. ewark. lnfcYrmation and regi tration, Hi tory. Info., 658-9111 Easter Seal Independent Living Center, for the ftrst meeting and 1 for ub e­ mcludmg game .. refreshments and a cos­ 658-5177, ext. 260. MACHINE, MONUMENT AND Reads Way, New Castle. For information. quent meeting . lnfo .. 286-1161. tume parade at Downes School cafeteria COTTISH DANCING 7:30p.m. METROPOLIS: NEW YORK'S call Paula Hentz at 369-3905 or 764- MHA DEPRESSION UPPORT GROUP for children 3-12 years-old. Sl at the PENNSYLVANIA STATION Through 1714. 7-9 p.m. Monday . Support group pon­ Monday at St. Thomas Epi copal door. Info .• 366-7060. Jan. 2.Exhibit tracing the history of the WOMAN'S MINISTRY Fourth Saturday ored by Mental Health As ociation in Church. Soutb College Avenue. engineering feat that brought the of the month. Meeting to unite and hare Delaware. Free. To protect privac_ of Newark.lnfo. 36R-23l8. See MEETINGS, 11 ....,_ fellow hip at Dale United Methodi t 0 TOBER 24, 2003 • NEWARK P T • PA E 11 . NEWARK POST •!• THE POST STUMPER . . .

ACROSS go ... " 108 Liam 7 "It's 48 Architect 98 Presidential 1 Use a 59 Vicki Neeson freezing!" Saarinen monogram calculator Lawrence fi lm 8 Bandleader 49 "La - Vita" 100 Place- 4 Cartog- sitcom 112 Make a Alvino ('60 film) kicker's rapher's 61 Overseas muumuu 9 lncamatJon 54 AMEX rival prop creation 63 Icelandic 114 Ruminate 1 0 Marchetti of 56 Linguist 104 Wildebeest 7 Actress epic 115 '' at football Chomsky 105 Sonia 65 Word with last!" 11 In addition 57- Lama count? 12 "-Dancing" stop or bull 116 New York 12 R-V 59 - Hill (Civil 1 09 Exercise the ('78 smash) 66 Body- stadium hookup? War site) elbow 18 Payable builder's 120 Cornerstone 13 Crone 60 Corset part 11 0 Witch doctor 19 Bristol brew pride abbr. 14 "- Breaky 62 Earl- 111 Frankfurter's 20 Abuse 67 Musty 124 "David Heart» Biggers field 22 Puget 68 Unlikely to Copperfield'' ('92 hit) 64 Spurt 113 Marry Sound city enthrall character 15 Make too 69 Benito's 116 Noah's 23 M1mic 70 Hoopster 129 Saul Bellow much of bread eldest 24 Tub Archibald novel 16 Portent 71 Flat hats 117 Scottish 25 Sarah Miles 73 Pinky or 134 Pirate's 17 Fights 72 Idle and philosopher movie Peggy quaff 21 "Kookie" Sevareid 118 Kuwaiti ruler 27 Ruehl of 74 Massachl1- 135 Hubbub Symes 75 After-bath 119 Competent "The Fisher setts resort 136 Estefan or 26 Writer Rand powder 121 Part of EST King" 79 Comrade Estevez 28 Artichoke 76 "Gimme 122 Peter or 30 Muldoon's 82 "Dies-" 137 Painted heart? five!" and Ivan partner 83 Present poorly 29 Shows "Aloha!" 123 Malarial 31 Itches 84 High spirits 138 Slangy one's teeth 77 Mythologi- fever 32 Remnant 87 Profess suffix 34 "CHiPs" cal 125 Rock's- 33 Southwest- 89 University 139 Brink star swimmers Butterfly em s1ght deg. 140 Just 35 Cow or 78 Sketch 126 Conifer 36 Start to 91 Uncommon 141 Philhar- sow 79 Wear out covering snooze 93 Amulet monic 37 Norwegian the carpet 127 Singer 39 Anne motif section saint 80- -garde Adams Nichols 95 Everly 142 Opera's 38 Prima 81 Lenya or 128 Actress play Brothers hit Merriman donna Lehmann Schneider 46 Existed 99 CPR 143 Essential 39 Actress 85 Roman 130 "Lorenzo's 50 Japanese provider Nielsen fountain -"('92 honorific 101 Jenny lind, DOWN 40 Fishhook 86 Underworld film) 51 Nick of for one 1 Eliot's "- parts 88 Impact 131 Powell 130 Down 102 Involve Bede" 41 Sluggish sound co-star 52 Zilch 103 City in 2 Con 42 Milne 90 Cornice kin 1.32 Nourished 53 '90 Barry Kyrgyzstan 3 "Bambi" creature 92 Symbol 133 QB's stats Levinson 104 Scoffed at extras 43- roll 94 Exemplar of film 106 "Run to 4 Experts 44 Airhead redness 55 Style Him" singer 5 Lamp lad 45 May or 96 Puppy 58 "- the 107 Conductor's 6 "Our Gang" Stritch protests fields we concern can ine 47 Siren 97- gin fizz

Wedne day from 6:15-7:30 p.m. Support 765-9740. Rd., Wilmington. Info., 648-3881. available: age 7 -:11d up get to wirn. 610- ~MEETINGS, from 10 group ·ponsored by Mental Health GRIEFSHARE 7 p.m. eminar and upport STORYTIME Every Thursday. 10:30 a.m. 869-2140. A ociation in Delaw v To maintain the group every week for those who have lo t Animal torie read by a lively toryteller EVENING YOGA 6: 15 p.m. clas to encour­ THE U.N. DECEPTION 7: 15 p.m. video privacy of member . upport group loca­ omeone clo e to them at Prai e As"embly, near the Otter exhibit at Brandywine Zoo. age relaxation and improve trength. bal­ pre entation pre en ted by the e\\ ark tion not be publi bed. To regi ter, call 1421 Old Baltimore Pike. Info., 737-5040. In ca e Brandywine Zoo. ance, and peace of mind. l per month at Chapter of the John Birch Societ) at the 765-9740. NEWARK DELTONES 7-10 p.m. at WOMEN'S DEPRESSION 7-9 p.m. upport Newark Senior Center. Info., 737-2336. Newark Free Library. Free. PAINTING GROUP 9:30 a.m.-noon econd ewark United Church of Chri t, Main group ponsored by Mental Health NEWARK MORNING ROTARY 7-8:15 UNDERSTA fDING YOUR TEENAGER and fourth Wedne day at Newark Art Street. For information. call 737-4544. A ~oci ation in Delaware. Free. To protect a.m. every Thur. day at the Blue & Gold 6.30-9:30 p.m. meeting to help you learn Alliance. 132 E. Delaware Avenue. Bring TAl CHI 2:30 p.m. Wednesday or Monday; privacy of members, meeting location Club, Newark. For infonnation. call 737- important principle for building good rela­ own supplies. 266-7266. ll: 15 a.m. Friday, at ewark Senior provided only with regi tration at 765- 1711 or 737-0724. tion hip and receive practical ideac; and FOLK DANCING 7:30-9:30 p.m. dancing at Center. $20/month. 737-2336. 9740. BLUEGRASS/OLDTIME JAM 7:30-10 ugge_ lions to learn to avoid common par­ Arden Gild Hall, 2406 Granby Rd., BINGO 12:45 p.m. at ewark Senior Center. DIVORCECARE 7-8:30 p.m. p.m. Thursday at St. Thoma! Epi copal enting mistake with take-home infonna­ Wilmington. $4. 478-7257. Lunch available for $2.25/platter at II :45 Separated/divorced per on meet at Church, South College Avenue. Ally kill tive book.let . article ·. and guideline at St. DIVORCECARE 7 p.m. Separated/divorced a.m. 737-2336. Southern Che ter County YMCA, East level welcome. Bring your own in trument. Paur UMC on Foulk Rd . in Wilmington. person meet at Prai e As embly, 1421 Old FAMILY CIRCLES 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Baltimore Pile. Jenner ville, Pa. Childcare Info., 47 -3135. Baltimore Pike. Lnfo .. 737-3544. at Newark Senior Center. 658-5177. ME~TAL HEALTH FORUM 7-9 p.m .. ANXIETY DISORDER 2nd & -lth Forum aJdre · ing i 'Ue of copmg ~ ith Wedne day from 6:15-7:30 p.m. Support • THURSDAY, OCT. 30 family members who uffer \\ ith mental group pon ored by 1ental Health illne!-1. at Red Cb) Creek Presbytenan Association in Delaware To maintain the BAKING CLASS noon- 2 p.m. and 7-9 Church. free Info .. 765-9740. privacy of member , support group loca­ p.m. free, open to the public bread baking A1 iXIETI' DISORDER 2nd & 4th tiOns not be publi bed. To regi ter, call class at Holiday Inn Select. 630 aarnan wrestle with the jar lid ... and win 2111. Hill Brewery & Re taurant. 147 E. Main ~HAPPENINGS, ·from 1o - ,. CARRIE IDA EDINGER Through Oct. 31. Street. For more info., call 266-9000. Delaware Individual Arti ts Fellow hip in HAWK MIGRATION Selected Saturdav cardio strength stretch 69 E. Mmn St Work on Paper. exhibited in the ;md Thursdays through ov. 29 :30 ~.m. ARTFUL LIVING Through Jan . 4. Mezzanine Gallerv in the Carvel State hawk identification and ob ervation at Exhtbllion sho\v a ing paintings and deco­ Office Building. 820 . French St., White Clay Creek State Park. Binoculars rati\e arts from the home of Sewell C. Wilmington . needed. A limited number of binocular · Btgg. at the Bigg. Mu<.eum in Dover. Free BINGO 12:-+5 p.m Wedne day at ewark will be available by re ervation. 368-6900. and open to the public. Info .. 302-674- Semor Center. Lunch available for LET'S DANCE CLUB 4 to 6 p.m. $2.25/platter at II :-+5 a.m. 737-2336. Thursdays. Bring partner and dance to DJ fresh moves. new music. r and Big Band 1u ·ic at ewark Senior pure mo iva ion I Think safety when day- • THURSDAY, OCT. 30 Center. Info .. 737-2336. Lunch & Dinner BEGINNER LINE DA CE. 6 p.m. begin­ light saving time ends jazzercise Celebrate Your Next Event OKTOBERFEST Eve!) Thur day. Special ner clas. e at the ewark Senior Center. It shows. The American Red Cro menu featuring Gennan cui ine at Jron Info. 737-2336. With Us!! advi e people to do three Buy One Month, thing when Daylight Saving ~ ~ Get One Month FREE Every Thursday is Time end Sunday, Oct. 26: lADIES NIGHT PREE REMOVAL (2 months of Jazzercise for 0 LY $.10) at The Hole In the Wall • Tum your cloch back No Membership Fees one hour. Ladies Drinks 112 prlee. Of Your Unwanted, Resellable, Delaware - • Bear • Glasgow • Change the batteries m CONSISTENTLY PLEASING OUR rnoke alarm . Reusable Furniture. let us do the Work!! • Newark • Hockessin I I CUSTOMERS FOR 20 YEARS • Te t evacuation plan . Must be Clean & in Good Condition. Maryland - • North East • Elkton With the mo t active month Please Call Call 302-838-577 6 • Calll-800-FIT-IS-IT Historic Chesapeake City for re idential fire ju ·t around or go to 410-885-5040 the corner, the Red Cro i EU R O REMOVAL SVS Valid for nev. customers only or hose who Toll Free l-877-582-4049 urging familie to take time to hove no. attended for 6 mon hs or longer. • www.boyo prepare now before a di aster 1·800· 696·1289 Valid only at participating locations. o valid Serving MD, DE, PA and NJ w1th any other offer. No refunds or cosh value A Bayard House Gift Certificate is hit home. lim1 one oer customer. ExPires 1 • '30!03. Always in Good Taste PACE 12 • ~1\\'.\RK Po r • O<.roBFR 24. 200~ 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019

EDUCATIO. T NEWS FOR NEWARK FROM LOCAL SCHOOLS NOTEPAD Science reinforces all ot r earni Family Literacy By ROBIN BROOMALL Day in Dover NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ROM kindergarten to 12th ROM helping your child erade. the tudents of the to read to understanding FChristina School District the ·tat ' tc. ting pro- arc using technology to help with grams and preparing . enior~ reading. writing and math. for college, the answers to • High ">chool ~tudent tho e question~ are at de ign flyer: and brochures m Delaware· Se' cnth Annual graphic arts cla. ses. using com­ Family Literacy Day puter software and a color copier. Celebration, Saturday. Nov. L Fourth graders on trip'> take pic­ from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at ture. with digital can c..ras and Delaware State Umversity. video equipm~nt and later have -IBNA Building. in Dover. project reports. Science cla.., -es Workshops. ~xlubits. chil­ use digital probe to record data. dren's acti vi tie , guest read­ • Music clas e have digttal­ er , give-away and free food i?ed keyboard . Power Point i will be available. used by elementary 'tudents to Repre entatives from pub- present team reports. lic and private chools. · • Librarie have lost tho. e · TJ.cluding the Christina hulky card catalog· and arc heing District will be pre.;;ent. completely modernized. using The event \VIII kick -off the OPAC on-!ine system for rovember as "Stron2 library research. Three chools - Families. Strong J;Qols Kirk

See NOTEPAD, 13 ~


yan Cheng, a fourth NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER grader at Thurgo d RMar hall A;-.JIELA Cardona and Elementary. wa selected her mother M icacla by Principal Elva Brooks D \ orkcu intent! on their as thi week' Student of math chart. aduin2 and ubtract­ the ing to fill in the~ hlank.:-.. The Week. qu-ickly finished the a:signmcr~t Ryan and rat eJ their hand high in the won a air hoping to be the first one.- to school fini..,h. e ay Teacher Rosa Alice.t collected contest the card anu revie~ ed the that ans\verli with the 25 econd­ earned grader· .md th ir parents. him an The Cm·donas ~ere among auto- l 1-0 familic v. ho p was the fir:-.t time three very creative and always EWARI\ POST PHOTC BY ROBI'J BROOMALL <.,chooL - \Vilson Elementarv. intere ted in learning new Bancroft Intermediate ar{d things. Ryan loves to read. Kindergartner Ulises Morales and his mother Petra lxtepan work on pattem blocks, sorting, matching and counting the colored shapes. Math night instruction was done in S_ anish to help parents understand the Pulaski intem1ed1ate - partnered __ __j math concepts so they can help their children with homework assignments. See MATH, 13 Oc1 OBFR 24, 2003 • . TF\\'\RK Po I • P.\CE 13

Students are connected .Band obje tive i -;till the o..,arne. ·· jam ..... TECH, from 12 al computers in one room when another cia:. will have onlv one One credit m computer litera­ The A.l. computer at a workstation but cy is required by the . tate of Dupont High • Student · at the intermediate access to a traveling lab with 30 Dela\'i are for graduation. That School grade~ are u ing Fa t For\Vard. a wrreles computers. le\ el of competency is now being band, right, program developed by Scrcntific Even though computers are completed at the middle chool performs at Learning Corp. to improve mem­ available in all th 1.163 cia s­ the New ory. word-recognition, ~md mfor­ room . . Michael Epler. director of Charter school Castle mation proce ing skill . It was instruction for the di trict. tech­ County Band u ed for the fir t time at Stubb nology i looked at a ju ~ t anoth­ applications due Dec. 5 Festival Oct. 18 at Newark High School. Elementary School Ia. t we_ek. er tool to help the tudents in The Newark Charter School i Delaware State University Band also per­ Student wear headset and play their learning. accepting application for grade formed. Pe'rformers from Middletown High game.· on the computer. which "Technology i a tool that i 5 to 8 for the 2004-2005 chool School, below, and Glasgow, right, strutted involve. li tening clo ely to u ed in every area,'· Epler aid. year. The open enrollment period their stuff Oct. 18 at the festival. ound and following direction . ·'If integrated in the regular le - end Dec. 5, with application The re ult of each e ion will on. in planning, word-proce - available at the chool office at be u ed to a ess the child' ing. pel! check. vocabulary 2001 Patriot Way or from the trength and weakne e . development." choor Web ite. More than 5.000 computer With TV program . Internet, Enrollment i open to all are available to tudent in the computer game . and fa t paced Delaware re ident . In the event di trict. with mo t connected to activitie . today' children. early the number of applicants exceed the Internet. on in their development, begin to the number of opening , a lottery On the operational ide. the proces information and cla ify 1 will be u ed to elect tudents, hool di trict i also completely thing · in their brain differently I with preference given to ibling computerized, with admini tra­ than their parents did, Epler of current tudent and to stu­ tor able to track what the tu­ explained. There i a different dent living within a five-mile dents eat for lunch. where they impact on how children receive radiu of the chool. Students 1i e, and what day they were and proce information. who have been on a waiting li t ab ent. Most teacher u e their e­ Computer are considered the in the pa t mu t re-apply for the mail to keep in touch with di ·trict norn1 for children today. 2004-2005 school year. offices a well a parent . "It' a tool for learning, simi­ An Open Hou e for tudents The ratio of Chri tina tudent lar to the chalkboard," Chuck and parents will be Sunday, Nov. to computer i 3.5 to one. how­ Longfellow, director of technolo­ 9, from 1 to 3 p.m. For informa­ ever. that figure can be mislead­ gy ervice , said. 'The tyle of tion call 369-2001 or visit ing because there might be sever- learning may change but the . ------.-- J Schools see more parents who speak little or no English for parent tD get involved in homework as ignment . Each Cardona aid. Her husband wa and parent to impro e tudent ..... MATH, from 12 . their children's education." grade level had a take-home attending the third grade e ion achievement." Free tran portation wa made packet that included more math that night. All three , chool have een a to offer the program for kinder­ available from the warnington activities that parent and stu­ "Our purpo e in holding thi teady increa in the number of garten through ixth grader and chools to Wil on. dent can complete together. event i to better explain tan­ bilingual . tudent and parent their familie . Although eparate Student and familie went Micaela Cardona admitted try­ dard -based math program in who peak littl or no Engli h. In event have been held in the pa t, through ample math lesson ing to help her daughter with Spani h to bilingual parent ," thi chool year, 10 per ent of admini trator realized that many with both Spanish and Engli h homework wa challenging. aid George Steinhoff, principal Bancroft' 1.016 tud nt are familie had children attending teacher at each grade level. It 'When I went to chool, math of Pula ki. "The math in truction bilingual. Pula ki ha 15 perc nt all three of the chool and it wa gave parent a chance to better wa different. I don't alway i difficult enough for parent to of it 533 tudent and Wil on challenging for the parents to grasp without the language barri- f ha 33 per ent of it 566 tudent understand how math i taught in 1 under tand what they are sup­ attend three eparate math pro­ identified a bilingual. the elementary grade and the ter- 1 posed to do. We have a econd er. Thi is one way we are work­ gram. minology u ed o they will be and a third grader and have to ing with our bilingual tud nt .. Having the event at Wil on able to help their children with help them with their homework, ' enabled us to coordinate our par­ ent education initiative for bilin­ gual familie . ·· aid Helen Something big is happening Spacht. principal of Wil on School. ·'Ho ting our family this Thanksgivingl event here make it convenient The Sunday Breakfast Mission will be serving 600 Help for parents I Thanksgiving meals to the homeless and hurting of Greater Wilmington as part of the .... ·NOTEPAD, from 12 Great Thanksgiving Banquet - a nationwide celebration at 275 Rescue Missions that will provide the huttle ervice, a k your child' building principal for more than 500,000 meals to the more information and to make homeless and needy during r ervation . Thanksgiving week, one of the nation's largest coordinated Homework help efforts to bring traditional --Woodside Farm-- Thanksgiving meals to people 6~1 'Kathy 'Ruck Are you already getting in need. bogged down in trying to help Space prov10ed I:Jy your child with homework Chesapeake Publishing Corp ,J(;r'lrk£T~fk ~fJalle1u as ignment ? Be ure to check ------,...., . ince 1888 d out the Chri tina School Di trict 302-7 38-5003 Web ·ite for link to homework Something terrible happens when you • · 622 1 Cl\'ar~ hopping Center. i\e\\'ar~. DE help. 1any ubject from art to ------~ all framed reproductions & hi"tory and phy ics to elemen­ do not advertise. Nothing! Call 737 ·0724 custom framing now until tary math are (J.vailable. Vi ·it 25% 01=1= September 15th w \'H.Lhrh;tina.kl :! PAGE 14 • EWA RK Po T • O CTOBER 24 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 . . NEWARK PosT ·:· POLICE BLOTTER . '

• BLOTTER, from 2 tumbling in the roadway near 799 and boulder with a wine bottle Both youth · were relea~ed pend­ Chry ·ler Ave. wielded by the intruder, who had ing Family Court appearance . police Alcohol , noise Officer di covered a man, 26, been told not fo enter the home. aid . violations detailed parked in the 300 block Chickory di oriented, confu ed, hi face bleed­ Police aid the man could not be Way, Newark police were told on ing and wollen. He did not know arraigned immediately due to hi Officer of the ewark Police Saturday, Qct 18, at 8:46 p.m. what cau ed his injurie , police aid. high blood al cohol content. Shoplifting arrests Department ha e continued their The car' wind hield wa broken The man was taken to Chri tiana Two women were charged with tepp d-up enforcement of alcohol­ rel ated and noi ·e Jaw . and paint was chipped. Damage wa Ho pitaJ for treatment. Truck taken at 7-Eieven hop lifting after they were~ ·een by e timated at $700, police aid. Pathmark tore per onnel concealing Marked unit and pecial plain­ $30,000 damage A 2000 Ford truck wa tolen 14 D D on their per ·on ·, ewark clothe detail operated here during Assault charge from out ide the 7-Ele en, 202 police were told on Tue day, Oct, 14, what police de cribe at "peak party After vandal poured dirt into the Elkton Road, at 2 p.m. Wedne day, at 11 :13 a.m. periods.'' Officer out of uniform David J. Sadow ki, 49, of oil fill cap, the engine of a bulldozer Oct. 15. while the owner wa reading Mary M. Graham, 20. of Bear, al o conducted "Cop In Shop " Newark, was charged with a ault was de troyed, Newark police were magazine in ide the convenience and Kri ti L. Green, 19, of detail in ewark liquor outlet . following an altercation inside a told on Friday, Oct, 17, at 3:15p.m. store, Newark police said. Middletown, each were charged with Alcohol-related arre t climbed dur- home in the 1000 block Bark dale The owner told police it would be The owner had been in the store hoplifting. Graham al o wa ing the ni ver ity of Delaware' Road on Saturday, Oct. 18, at 7:47 nece sary to replace the engine at a le s than two minute when the theft charged with receiving tolen proper­ Homecoming Weekend. Some of the a.m., Newark police said. co t of $30,000. wa di covered. The keys had been ty after other D VD were di co ered re\..ent arre t include: Ad ib B. Rushdan , 20, of New Castle, n01se v1ola­ The damage apparently took left in ide the truck and the door during a earch of her vehicle, police t1on. at 34 Madison Dr., on Sunday, Oct. 19, at Taken to hospital place while the earthmover wa were unlocked, police were told. aid. 4:18a.m.; parked on the Newark re ervoir con­ An immediate police earch of Both were relea ed pending court Ada m M. Baumol, 19, of Teaneck, N.J., noise vio lati on. at 618 Lehi gh Road. on Sunday, Oct. A man found laying in front of the truction site, 241 Paper Mill Road. the area failed to locate the tolen appearance . 19, at 1:42 a.m.; Continental Court apartment , 65 S. truck, which was valued at $20,000. Ma lco lm W. Wax, 21. of Newark. noise Violation, Chapel St., on Saturday, Oct. 18 at at at 118 Lovett Ave .. on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 1 3:11 a.m. wa taken to Christiana Assault at NHS Fatal crash on 1-95 a.m.; Fight at Newark Steph en l. McNally, 20. of Newark, underage Ho pita! by the Aetna ambulance, Newark poilice were called to A 26-year-old Virginia woman possession of alcohol . at 46 E. Cleveland Ave Newark police reported. Newark High School, on Friday, Oct. Two youth , 16, were arre ted by was killed in a traffic crash that on Sunday, Oct. 19. at 12:31 am . The California man, 23, was in 17, at 7:54a.m. after a teacher, 49, Newark police following a fi ght clo ed northbound I-95 for three Rebecca A. Zerbe. 19 of Bear. underage pos­ session of alcohol and possess1on of an open town for homecoming. Friend told was hoved in the school' hallway in ide the Newark High School cafe­ hour around 2 a. m. Tue day, Oct. container of alcohol. at 46 E Cleveland Ave ., police at the ho pita! that the victim by a di ruptive tudent. teria, 401 E. Delaware Ave. , at 12:34 20. on Sunday, Oct 19, at 12:45 a.m. had been drinking at a party. No criminal arre t were made. p.m. on Tuesday. Oct., 14. The woman, Liping Ma. wa a Jarrett N. Hunt. 19. of Narbeth Pa . underage The man was treated for an eye possession of alcohol, at 400 Wollaston Ave .. School adrnini trator told police pa enger in a 199 Ford Mu tang on Saturday, Oct 18, at 11 26 p m.; laceration, police said. The victim p~nding that a the two were being taken from driven by William J. Hoffner, 19. of Victor C. Daniello. 18. underage consumotion of could not recall what happened. Charges the cafeteria to the school office, one Virginia. He wa driving outh on I- alcohol , Michael R. Calabrese . 18. underage of the teens punched a hole in the 95 when, just outh of the Salem consumption of alcohol. and Warren J. A ault charge are pending Ko stis. 18 underage possess1on of alcohol. Man injured again t a man accused of forcibly drywall of the hallway. Church Road o erpa , the vehicle all of Islip Terrace. N.Y., at East Park Place entering a home in the unit block Both were charged with di order­ veered into the gra · median before near South Chapel Street on Saturday, Oct. Newark police were called to We tfield Drive at 1 a.m. on ly conduct. One young ter al o wa hitting a guardrail and pun into the 18, at 10:15 p.m. Robert l. Bradley IV 24 of Landenberg, Pa .. inve tigate a po ible a sault on Thur day. Oct. 16, and as aulting a cited for po e ion of marijuana northbound Jane, befo re corning to and Cornilius B. Shiloh 27, of Middletown. Friday, Oct. 17, at 7:22 p.m. when re ident, Newark police reported. after a green leafy ub tance wa di - top. possession of an open container of alcohol, alerted that a man had been een The re ident wa truck in the eye covered in hi book bag by officer . Hoffner and hi 22-year-old wife outside Suburban Liquors 2094 Suburban Jing-Jing were transported to Dr . on Saturday. Oct 18. at 10:10 p.m., Paul Step hen Buszko . 19. of Allentown. N J Chri tiana Hospital nnd suffered underage consumption of alcohol. at 303 New from unknown injurie . while the London Road on Saturday, Oct 18. at 8 51 other female passenger \\a:-. pro­ p.m Audrey Lynn Bailey 21. of Newark, possessiOn nounced dead at the c.;cene. of an open c 1nti1mer of alcohol on Wilbur State police -.aid It appears that Street near Prospect Avenue on Saturday. none of the occupants were \\Caring Oct 18 at 8 08 p m : seat belt at the time of the crash. George J. Pappas 21 of Massapequa ~ Y possessiOn of an open conta.ner of alcohol at 316Ash'ey Road 01 Saturday Oct 18 a 7 40 pm Arrests made in car Kelly A. Buber. 20 of Yuba Ctty, Calif. Lnd 'dge consumption o alcohol at 314 E. Main St on break-ins at schools Saturday Oct 18 at 6.51 p m Andrew J. Taranto 18 of Somerv1l3 N J. Del.1ware State Police ha\·c underage possess1on of alcchol at 400 charged two men for a rash of car Wollaston Ave , or Saturday Oct 18 at o38 break-ins at area school . pm Shane A. Oliver 20 of Trenton J Jnderage T~EAT YOLI~ELF TO ... Eligio T Cintron. 37. of poss~>ss1on of alcohol and Jason T. Eagan Wilmington. and Radee L. Prince. 21. possessiOn of an open centamer of alco· hoi. on South O.apel near East Matn Street. on 23. of Mar halton, were arrested for Saturday Oct 18 at 6 15 p.m. breaking into more than 35 cars Amy Theresa We lsh 20 of Springfield, Pa , and parked at area high school during Thomas H. Ma llee Jr .. 19 of Newark. under­ age possession of alcohol. on Wyoming Road. ·chool hour and during f otball on Saturday Oct 18 at 5:31 p m.. game. Charles B. Lego . 29. of Newark, disorderly con­ duct. on the DaimlerChrysler lot, 550 S The break-in began when school College Ave. on Saturday. Oct. 18 at 2 34 opened fo r the year Sept. 3 at pm ; Brandywine High School. From then Daniel R. Wi lson . 23. of Newark. and Eric D Hebert. 21 of Pilesgrove. N.J. possession of on the two allegedly truck at an open container of alcohol , at 113 W Park McKean High School. William Penn Place. on Saturday. Oct 18. at 345 p m: High School, Dickin on High David E. Allison . 19. of Laurel. underage con­ School, Chri tiana High School, sumption of alcohol , at 249 E. Park Place. on Saturday, Oct 18. at 12:30 p m . Hodg on Yo-Tech and Sanford Michael J. Ritchie Jr .. 19. of Newark. underage School. possess1on of alcohol . at 400 Wollaston Ave on Saturday, Oct 18. at 12:14 p m The two were captured Saturday. Brent Jorii, 19, of Wilmington underage con­ Oct. 11 when a tate trooper saw the sumption of alcohol. at South College Avenue two breaking into a car parked in the near Holten Place. on Saturday, Oct. 18 at 2 30 am: student lot at Concord High chool. Jeffery J. Smod ish 22 of Sparta N.J. lewdness near Ebright Road. Cintron was (public urination) reportedly m plam v1ew of tak.en int ... cu:-.tody and Prince wa dnvers and pedestrians at East Main and captured after a foot cha-..e that ended North Chapel streets. on Fnda , Oct. 17 at 11 53 p m • on aanuns Road. police .,~ud. Connor A. Schm itt 20. of Reston. Va .. underage entry mto a ltquor store and displaying a Trooper · have charged Cintron license not h1s own . at Suburban Liquors. 204 and Prince with 110 criminal charge, Suburban Dr !J!l Friday dct 17 at 917 p.m. including theft. attempted theft. con­ Brady G. Kelly , 20. of Celebration . Fla under­ ·piracy, tre pas ing and po e sion age entry mto a liquor store at 908 p m. Tracy E. Antonia 19. of Hamson. N Y underage of burglary tooL . They " ere entry 1nto a liquor store . at 8·21 p.m.. arraigned and committed to the Molly K. Lenseth 20 underage possession of Department of Correcti on in default alcohol. at Peddlers Liquors . 100 College Sq on Friday, Oct. 17. at 7·50 p.m.. of 110.000 cash bail. Ch arles Joseph McCall IV of Newark. underage The pair allegedl y stole more th an possession of alcohol , at the Texaco station. 1005 S College Ave . on Friday Oct 17. at 26.000 in tereo and electronic 2:19 p.m.; and equipment and cau ed more th an Corey S. Fleischer, 20, of Newark. n01se viola­ 1 $8.000 in damage to vehicle . tion . at 227 W Main St.. on Wednesday. Oct. Your donations go right to work. 15, at 12.19 a.m. Trooper. recovered very little Police ·aid all person arre ted www tolen property and believe the ttem for ale hoi and noi e violation were were old. relea ed pending court appearances ...... ·• 0 OBER 24, 2003 • EWARK Po T • P GE 15 . NEWARK Posr ·:· IN THE NEWS Godwin proud of work on water issues ..... NEWARK, from 1 Frank 0 borne (Di trier 5) and didacy. Chri Rewa (DL trier 6) are up a Godwin . aid regardles of hi welL Of the three, only 0 borne I opponent or oppon nt . he look. for three council eat - are I What you should knOw ... aid he ha not decided if he will at election a · a tim to di cu expected file paper . Godwin run again. or when he will make a • Election day is April 13, 2004 • Residents must register with i ·ue and id a . ·aid he filed early becau e he had deci ion. the state Department of • Last day for candidates to file Godwin aid he i. proud of his been told that rumored mayoral Council m mber are elected Elections, in the Carval State accompli ·hment.. including candidate Vance Funk III wa for two year tenn . petitions is March 15. Office Building in downtown OYerhauling the cit) \ at r . y tern telling people he (Godwin) wa ·­ 1 Wilmington by calling 302- Kalbacher wa fir t elected in • The last day for city residents to make the city "water independ­ n 't going to run. 199 . running unoppo ed. H 577-3464. Forms can also be ent.'' but I ok. forward to work­ Funk ')aid he never told any­ to register to vote is March mailed. wa elected two more time , each 22. ing on i ue uch a downtown one Godwin wa n 't a candidate tim unoppo ed a well. parking. and would have no rea on to do • One or two special registra­ ''I will d finitely run for coun­ • City offices up for election are ''Challenger always tr to o. The two apparent!} had a civil cil again. but I don't plan on fil­ tion days within the city will find omething .. . it requir s but pointed phone discu. sion mayor and council seats in be held prior to the registra­ ing for a while yet:' Kalbacher 1 incumbent to ·ay what they have about the rumor · Ia t week. district 3, district 5 and dis­ tion deadline. aid. "I ha e enjoyed the work trict 6. done and pro e why the . hould In addition, Funk aid that and welcome the opportunity to remain in office," Godwin said. while he ha talked to other and erve th community again." 1 Godwin ·aid if challenged he hinted at a po ·ible run for mayor Rewa i eeking her third term Uni er ity of Delaware and i a moved within city limit in would expect to rai e b ~tween he ha · not made a final deci ion. and ·'ab olutely'' plan on run­ poke per on for the Delaware October 2002. $10,000 and 15,000 for the cam­ He aid he pulled nominating ning. Stroke Initiative. Funk did not want to publicly paign. He ·aid h ha a few thou- petition recently but ha not "I'll probably file after the He earned hi law degree in di ·cu why he would challenge I and dollar · left o er from pre i- fill d them out or turned them in. fir t of the year ometime." he 1968. I Godwin or what i ue he think · 1 ou campaign ·. "Ba ically what I am doing is aid. He ha lived in the greater are important until he make a talking to friend and family to The la t day for all candidate Newark area ince the 1970' but final deci ion about hi own can- ee if it' the right thing to do," to file i · March 15, 2004. aid Funk, not wanting to elabo- I rate. Sign urging ''AdVance the • Mayoral race Aetna's Austin 'humbled' by award city" have begun to appear in HILE Godwin i a known orne Main Street torefront and By ELIZABETH COE involved in fire ervice for 40 1 ·-r e b en fortunate to r ceiv Funk pas. ed out election ticker 1 W political commodity - year , including 29 year with a lot of award. in the pa t, but the having ·erved on the council at Community Day in September. 1 NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER Aetna. Pennsylvania Legi lator j mo t important thing I have been Godwin admit filing early i ince 1987, including mayoral Curt Weldon wa al o honored. able to accompli h in my career a "highly unu ual move," but it victorie in 1998 and 2001 - ETNA Ho e, Hook and ·'I wa humbled to recei e th i my member. hip with Aetna," Funk i a elf-de cribed newcom­ al o . how that the mayor i. let­ 1 Ladder Co. fire police I award,'' aid Au tin, a ewark Au tin aid. 'That i · what thi i ting the competition know he' er to 1 cal politic but not a new­ A officer Stephen P. Au tin re ident. 'There were o many really all about." ready for an election fight. comer to the Newark community. wa recently honored by the important people there, including Au tin al.o . en ed a · pre i­ ··we u uall y don't get eriou Hi law office ha been in the national Burn Foundation for hi member of Aetna. I wa very dent of the Delav. are Volunteer ahout elections until February. city ince 1973, while hi · work in leadership and commitment to happy to have people from Firemen' · As. ociation and rved but I wanted to get the me age real e tate ettlement workload fire ervice organization locally Newark there with me." a chairman of the ational Fire out and had to mak it official," once earned him the nickname and nationally. Other Aetna member pre ent Protection A. ociation' Godwin said. ''Mr. Settlement." In addition he Au tin, presented with a cry - were fire Chief Steve Kavanagh Technical Committee on Fire Th mayor· po. t i. a three­ i well-re pected, i an active tal culpture Oct. 11 at the orga­ and vice pre ident Jon Townley. Inve. tigator Profe ional year term. member of the Newark Senior nization' 30th anniver ary event Au tin ha held variou po i­ Qualifications from 1990 to Meanwhile, the council eat Center board. ha everal youth at the National Con titution tion with Aetna including ambu­ of Karl Kalbacher (Di trict 3 ), port , i a 1965 graduate of the 1 Center in Philadelphia, ha been lance lieutenant. See AWARD , 26 .....

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PosrGAVIE ewark nips Glasgow in thriller with 35 s cond left in the gan1e. and 3-1 in conference. play. Abbott hacl slipped behind What are Turner's late TO lifts Turner caught the ball after it 'Thi wa an excellent high the YellO\\ja ket def nderc., Jackets to victory deflected off the hand of chool football game," said thank to some well-executed could they Dragon' A.J. WiWs, and then ewark oach Butch pla_ action b) Falke. and \vould By JOE BACKER ped 32 yard . untouched. into Simp on. "We were fortunate to have had an a touchdO\vn. the end zone before a tunned win this game tonight. Quite On the n t play. Willi. ped possibly be NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER capacity crowd. frankly, coming in, I don't know around the left side for a .f6-yard 'The ball bounced right off of if I wa very confident becau e I gain. thinking? ewark it alone on top of hi hand ," aid Turner, "but felt they had a lot of weapon. and After \eral more run . the Flight A Conference tand­ once I caught it, I knew I had to a lot of tough people," ·aid Willi th n raced 25 yard for the - By MARTY VALANIA ing after an incredible, la t take it ho~e," he said. Simp on. touchd wn to cap a five-play. 3- minute 14-7 victory over cro · - Thi wa Turner' frr t tart in After a defen ive-minded and , ard drive. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER town rival Gla gow Friday night everal week due to an injury coreles fir t three quarter . On Newark' next po e ion. on the Dragon home field. early in the ea on. Gla gow got on the board early in junior running back am Cott n Newark' Junior defen ive AJlen Se om Newark i now 6-0 on the ea­ the fourth period. carried ix traight time , with back Chet Turner wa the unlike­ Pre ident. on. and 3-0 in Flight A. The scoring drive began with mo t of th run going around the ly hero, picking off a pa from Delaware tate Univer ity Gla gow, off to it. be t start in a Folke ju t mi ing enior tight left . ide. ~ .... Dragon quarterback Pete Folke decade, dropped to 5-1 overall, end Dan Abbott on a long pa Dover. DE - See NEWARK , 20 ...... Dear Dr. Se om ·: I know I'm probably in the minority ba ed on the lack of other opinion and Hens make Homecoming a happy one editorial coming from the tate· · bigge ·t UD rips Rhode new · oro-an­ ization ~but Island 55- 10 I ouldn 't with good By MARTY VALANIA con -cience it idly by NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER and let thi whole 1-A Valania Th niver ity of Delaware thing go by defen ·e forced ix turnover. and without offering a di ent­ held Rhode I land'· -option ing view. attack to ju t '277 total yard. on What in the name of the the wa to a commanding s: -10 BCS are you thinking? Atlantic I 0 Conference fo tball It' one thing for victor} aturda aft rno n at Mar hall to go from I-AA Delaware tadium. to I-A. but lit me all tho e The o. 4 ranked Blue Hens. other chool that have who got four touchdown pa . e from ni r quarterba k And) been ~ucce ful in the tran- ition. Hall and 26 total yards on th How doe a school that ground. remained undefeated at ha · a hard time filling it 7-0 (5-0 Atlantic 10). it be. t tart . ince -0 in 2000. and won 5,000-~eat tadium (if you can call it that) propo e to for the lOth time in it Ia 't II get put over 15.000 people home games. A :un-drenched in a 30.000- eat tadium? Homecoming crowd of 20,795 aw Delaware improve to 26-~ What 30,000- eat tadi­ v . . Atlanti lO oppon nt on um are we talking about any\\ ay? A a matter of Homecoming. Th Hen led 35-0 fact. there are thou and at halftime and were up .f--0 (yes. thou and ) of high before the Rams finally got on 1 chool in thi country the board with :-+9 left in the with better facilitie than third quart r. Delaware State. "Going into the gam . I I know you think that a thou~ht Rhode Island was the I-A football team will be. t team \\e.\c pia~ d all year:· attract tudent and money, aid Delaware head oach K.C. but that really only Work Keeler. a former Delaware Land­ if you're one of the 35 or out who i now 1. -3 all-time in 40 -chool in the country. ~ames at Delaware Stadium a: a And correct me if I· m player and coach ...When we got wrong, you haven't won up on them. though I thought any game.:. thi. year in the that clo e lo . to Villanova last powerful 1\AEAC. You're \\eek came back to

0 ° NEWARK POST ·:· SPORTS Christiana impressive in romp over Delcast e -·· By JOE BACKER more in the second period, while 29-yard run by the fleet-footed run, Enni broke numerou tack­ touchback. building a 34-0 halftime lead. Hall. After the Viking defen e le and changed direction , ever­ Delca tle' only point of the NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER Chri tiana coach Marvin recovered the fir t of everal al time , before breaking into the day came in the fourth quarter Spence aid hi team' strength i Delca tle fumble . Carter raced clear for the last 20 yard . when Piazza cored on a e en­ Chri tiana's offense took con­ focused on a trong running 20 yard for a core. Jeff Hou er ·'That wa an electrifying run, yard run and he added the two­ trol by coring early and often, a attack. wa ucce ful on two of hi and one of the be t r ve ever een point conver ion. the Vikings earned a home victo­ We knew they were bigger three PAT attempt . in high chool football," aid ·'I wa very plea ed with our ry over Flight A conference oppo­ then we were, o initially we In the econd quarter, Spence. effort today on both ide of the nent Delcastle 41-8, Saturday wanted to run out ide, because Chri tiana' dominance contin­ Later in the game, Enni ball, hopefully, we will continue afternoon. we have orne back with orne ued. Four minute into the period. recovered a fumble to thwart a to build and impro e a the ea- The Viking employed a good peed," he aid. ' We fig­ Viking linebacker 1a on Powell Delca tle coring attempt. On the on progre e :· 'aid Spence. relentle running attack through­ ured if we could run outside suc­ recovered another Cougar fum­ play, Cougar quarterback Kyle Both team are in action out the game u ing the kill and ce fully, and get them worried ble, and ran for a 29-yard touch­ Piazza hit Eric Fletcher on a long Friday night for conference experience of senior Tommy about out ide play , then we down. bomb but the ball wa knocked game . Chri tiana travel to Brooking and Kenny Hall, and could hit back up inside." About four minute later, loo e hort of the goal line by McKean, while Delca tie i on the talents of junior Lewi Carter. Brooking opened the scoring Chri Ennis brought the crowd to Christiana's defensive back the road to play Middletown. The team cored three frrst-quar­ early in the frrst quarter with a it collective feet by scoring on a Sedale Truitt. Enni then pounced ter touchdown , and added two one-yard plunge, followed by a 75-yard punt return. During the on the ball in the end zone for a St. Mark's soccer edged by archrival Salesianum By JOE BACKER hitting, phy ical game to the end. the 33rd minute to give St. gets the job done ·· he aid. 2-2 on the ea on. The defeat "It wa the type of game you Mark s a 1-0 lead at interrni ion. Salesianum then picked up marks the fir t tim in a number NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER expect from St. Mark's. It doesn't St. Mark came out flying in orne momentum from of years the Spartan have lo t matter which i the more polished the second half and nearly scored Dougherty' goal and got off two two game in a row. Put another cla ic team when the e two team play, in the 41 t minute, but Sal fre h­ high percentage hots. But thi Spartan coach Tom DiMattei Sale ianum -SL Mark· you can to a coin ·in the man keeper Brandon time Mangat wa equal to the aid he wa plea d with hi air. becau e the inten ity i o Dombrow ki came up with ev­ ta kin making great ave . team' effort de pite the etback. high." eral big ave . In the 68th minute, Dougherty '"We didn ·r do anything to lo 'e enior St ve Ca alier cored The game opened in typical The Sals tied the score in the again found the range on a fine the game. I'm really proud of on a penalty kick to lift fa hion with relatively even play 61 t minute on a goal by enior cro ing pa from junior Ryan them, we've been coming back Sal ianum to a 3-2 victory over through the fir t 20 minute . The Ryan Dougherty. Burke, who a i ted on both all year in ituation where we· re Cat hoi ic Conference arch-rival u ual .... cri p pa ing game by the Mosier aid he· the team' goal . down bte in the game. It' ju. t St. Mark· Tuesday night at Sal· was di rupted by the tena­ .. go-to·· guy in tough situation . Sale ianum, the defending omething about the e guy . they Baynard tadium in Wilmington. ciou partan defen e. Both ··He's a real gamer. When the tate champion, improved it played great:· he aid. Cavalier'· goal came in the team had everal good coring game· on the line. Ryan· the record to 11-0-3 on the ) ear. 75th minute of action. moment chance~. until Piecuch scored in guy that work th harde t. and St. l\1ark 's record drop to 10- after t. ~lark·~ had tieu the core on .:\like Piecuch· :-econd g.o,tl ot the game. a blistering from long... ui~tance. ... The play occurred after a dt<.i­ puteu hanuhall call on 2 Spartan

uefender in the 1 -yard box. me ~ee the area's be I porb Card, Cavalier beat backup keeper A tAR, Beanies, YU·GI-OH, and Comic Book vendors along with our Special Guests Ja~on Gilttllan from hort range, Jamar Nicholas wlio Cartoonist and creator of DETECTIVE BOOGALOO; HIP-HOP COP after tarter Dan Mangat wa and THf JAMAR CHRONICLES and former gi\ en a yellow card for mi con­ Phillie and Yankee Larry Milbourne duct. igning FREE autographs from 11-1 Sundav. November 2nd 1Dam-3pm Sale ianum coach S ott Aetna Fire Hall, Newark. DE Mo.· ier aid it wa a good. hard- For mfo ton tact u al (3 02)438-0967 or !:!Mperrt« br,t>du ··oon't miss our nt>:\.t !then"~ at Aetna Fire HaJI 12/28 .& 1 '25 'Anniversary Safe r Q. ,O furnitll Od. 20-31sl \.....1~ A Solid Choice ~ A FULL LINE OF SOLID WOOD FURNITURE. All Styles of Desks Dining Room Sets Children's Furniture Bedroom Suites Hand-Crafted Mattresses

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' ·,- .. . . 'NEWARk POST -:~ SPORTS . . D to induct eight into De Ia '"'Yare up to No. 3 in the polls back to Idaho tate in the 19 1 the econd half. Hall al o fired a Athletics Hall of Fame ...._ HENS, ~rom 18 NCAA 1-AA playoff~. two-yard touchdown pa . to full­ , group of three women and The cia s of 2003 include Senior Germaine Bennett led back Sean Bleiler and a fi e­ Rhode Island. which had a five men. representing eight dif­ three- port tandout Lauren E. a Delaware ground game that yarder to David Boler ju. t 19 . ec­ three-game win streak snapped in ferent ~port , make up the ~ev­ Baugher (Delaware '97). record- piled up 268 yard with 91 of hi ond left before halftime. Ia. t week' la5t minute 21-17 to~ enth cia of the University of etting All-American football own and fre. hman Niquan Lee Hall at o ru hed for 71 ]ards to No. 3 ranked Villanova. fell to Delaware Athletics Hall of Fame fullback Daryl W. Brown added 58, including a 37-yard on ix carrie . It i. the econd 3-4, 2-3 Atlantic I 0. The Ram announced Monday by UD (Delaware '95), wre tling All­ ·coring jaunt up the middle with time thi ·ea on that Hall hc.L lo t three fumble . threw three Director of Athletic.· Edgar N. American David G. "Dave" 12: 1 left for hi fir. t career received the A-1 0 honor. interception , two by Delaware John on. DeWalt (Delaware '86), leg­ touchdown. Kicker Brad John on led an ut tanding junior afety Dave Camburn, and Thi year' · cia. . which endary 36-year ba eball he;d Shu hman also converted two defen iv effort with even tack­ gave Delaware the ball at it own include record-breaking tu­ coach Robert M. "Bob" Hannah field goal to lead the UD charge. le ~ , including three for lo e , a 19-yard Line after a bad nap on a dent-athlete and coache , bring (Delaware '64 ). record- etting a k, a forced fumble and a fum­ punt to et up another Blue Hen to 60 the total number of former ba ketball forward Colleen ble recovery. It wa the fifth core. Rhode I land managed ju t UD duo takes A-1 0 UD athletes, coache , and friends McNamara Cimador (Delaware traight game that John on ha. 179 total yard ru hing well honors who have been honored. The '95), tandout All-American regi tered a sack. under their average of 353.3 Cia s of 2003 will be inducted football lineman Anthony E. The Atlantic-! 0 named Hall yard per game that~ranked No. 2 into the Hall of Fame in a cere­ "Tony" Stalloni (Delaware '47) it Offen ive Player of the Week nationally in NCAA I-AA enter­ Hens up to No.3 mony Friday, ov. 14 at the Bob and enior defen ive end Shawn women' athletic pioneer and ing the game. Delaware' entered Carpenter Center and will be rec­ out tanding volleyball coach John on its Defen ive Player of If there' any que tion about the game ranked fifth nationally ognized prior to the Delaware v . Barbara L. Viera, and tum-of-the the Week. which I-AA conference i. the in ru hing defen e at 85.7 yard Ma achu ett football game century ba eball pitcher and Hall, a Walter Payton Award toughe t. ju t check out the lat t per game. Saturday. ov. 15 at Delaware coach and Ba eball Hall of Fame candidate, completed 16 of 22 1-AA ranking . There are thre - Delaware reached a ea on­ Atlantic-! 0 team · in the top five. Stadium. Plaque li ting the member Victor G . . 'Vic" Willi . pas s for 153 yard and four high for point , it fourth highe t accompli hment of each of the Stalloni and Willi will be hon­ touchdown , the mo t touchdown Delaware, Villanova and .ever in an Atlantic 10 game, and honoree will hang in the con­ ored po thumously. pas e by a Blue Hen ince 1998, UMa all moved up in th week­ it 463 yard wa the econd cour. e of the Carpenter Center. in just over a half of action. ly I-AA poll. highe t total this eason. Junior wide receiver G.J. McNee e State remain o. 1 Delaware ha' now urpa sed 400 Cre cione hauled in two touch­ but We tern Illinoi ' lo enabl d total yard in eight traight game down , a 19-yarder with 3:20 left Villanova to move up to No. 2 since la t ea on. Rhode I land Jackets still undefeated in the fu t half that gave the Hen and Delaware to move up to o. suffered its bigge t los v. a I­ a 28-0 lead and a 57-yarder from 3. Montana i now o. -+and the end zone on an interception by AA opponent ince a 51-0 et- ..... NEWARK~ from 18 Hall on the Hen ' fir t drive of Minutemen are. o. 5. the tingy Dragon defen e. Cotton's one-yard run, with Glagow coach Mark 7:55 remaining, tied the core at DelPercio said he felt the team 1-A idea n·ot one that will work at DSU 7-7. and et up Turner' last will respond well to its fir t los minute heroic . Cotton had a of the ea on. ...._ POST GAME, from 18 rning tanding-room-only crowds college try. bu y night, collecting 222 yard "We'll be fine, it' going to of clo e to 15 000 into that tate­ Let' look at the numb r hurt for a while, but we have a of-the-art tadium of yours. though. You bring in 77,000. on 42 carrie for the not even a top 35 I-AA program. Yellowjacket . good team, and people haven't How have tho e I-A chool Right now, the co t i o er $1 een the la t of our football Bill Collick and Joe Purzycki like Western Michigan, Ea tern million. A 1-A program will co t "Sometime I'm guilty of tak­ worked miracle to make the ing Sam for granted " aid team," he aid. Michigan Loui iana Tech and up to $12 mi1lion annually- Thi Saturday, Newark takes Hornets something the state, Boise State done in attracting that before one new facility i Simp on. "He' a 160 lb. junior, chool, alumni and tudents and he's a warrior. Sam run the on William Penn in New big money donator and thou- built. It doe n 't take a DSU Ca tie. The 1-4 Colonials are could be proud of. Now look and of high-end tudent appli­ accounting degree to figure out ball a hard, and tough and what you have. (By the way, that determined a any running back corning off a 22-0 lo to cmlfer­ cations? It really doe n 't happen tho e number aren t particularly ence rival Middletown. was real smooth and cia sy way and tho e school have had a lit­ in your favor. in the tate and it doe n 't matter to get rid of Ben Blacknall. what ize you are." Newark had The Dragons will play their tle bit of ucce in their I-A bot­ Ye , I under tand there' fir t road game in everal week Maybe you do have ome of that tom-feeder conference . nothing wrong with drean1ing a good opportunity to core in the I-A profe ionali m already.) fu t half. but wa kept out of the when they battle Brandywine, It doe n 't happen at chool big. But putting your whole al o on Saturday afternoon. It would be one thing if thi like that. It doe n't matter if in titution in financial peril to was a temporary lull your program they're I-A or I-AA or II or III. have a borderline I-A program was going through, but I'm having Take a look at what you have how a tunning lack of en e. a hard time corning up with all the there in Dover. The fact i , I know you ha e a lot of peo­ past eason that you were jam- you're way clo er to being a ple whi pering in your ear that JOSEPH L. ROMANO, ESQUIRE Divi ion III athletic program thi i ~ po ible, if not probable. I than a I-A program. ju t wanted to make ure you Winning the Battle for Benefits for Children with: The only other way to make knew that there are orne f u Cerebral Palsy • Traumatic Brain Injuries money at I-A i to pro titute out here that think it will be your athletes out for big money much mor difficult than you're Ventilator Dependency • Long Term Nursing Needs away game at Nebra ka and being told. Virginia Tech where you can get De pite my re ervation , I do, Legal Advice and Funding Sources for Children with Complex Medical Needs a payday and your kid will get however. wi h you luck in your When: Saturday, November 8, 2003 thumped. endea or. I'd be happy to be Registration and light breakfast 9 am to 10 am Ahh, that' giving it the old proved wrong. Program- 10 am to 12 Noon 12 Noon to 2 pm- Individual questions and FREE consultation rAson ~isio9 Where: Doubletree Hotel When you need blood 4727 Concord Pike tests, bring your ~·~ d}eupuncture Wilmington, DE prescription to OMEGA. Attorney Romano is a nationally recognized advocate for children with Complex Medical Needs. This program will discuss nursing, governmental benefits, managed care denials and appeals. Newark Each attendee will receive a colT'plementary copy of his latest book, 341 E. Main Street The Legal Rights of the Catastrophically Ill and Injured: A Family Guide ( 302) 454-8088 Available in Spanish or English Mon. - Fri. 7 am- noon To register for this FREE Conference, call1-800-331-4134 Sat. 7 am- 10 am 62 1'. Chapel .. t., uite 3 SPACE IS LIMITED- WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE CHILDREN Ne\\ark, DE • 302-894-1882 No appointment needed! This conference will NOT address issues ri!lating to Autism. POD or learning Disabilities. Jeff Gould, DipiAc, DipiCH OcTOBER 24, 2003 • Nn\·.\Rh Pos r • P\<;E 21

:· , . , · NEWARK PoST ·:· SPORTS BRIEFS · · · • · Socceroos offered and scholarships are avail­ able. Join anytime. All are wel­ Newark Parks and Rec is come. Pre-Team ages 5-6 is accepting registration for their LocAL SPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS held on Tuesdays and Socceroos, ages 3-6, every Thursdays at 4:45 pm.; Junior Saturday from Jan. 24, Winter Volleyball 10 a.m. to noon at Pearson Proof of age required. A - ages 7-10 is held on through March 6, at the West Hall. Teams are formed daily For more information/regis­ Monday and Wednesday at 5: Park Elementary School. League starting for informal games. tration, call 366-7060, 366- 45 p.m.; and Junior B - ages Classes for 3-4 year-olds will Newark Parks and Rec is Participants may register in 7033, ext. 200, after 5 p.m. 11-15 is held on Tuesdays and run from 1 to 1 :45 p.m. and 5- accepting registration for their advance. Fee is $33 resi­ and on weekends, or at park­ Thursdays at 5:45. 6 year-olds from 2 to 2:45p.m. adult winter volleyball league. dents/$38 non-residents for srec@ For more information/regis­ Fee is $21 residents/$26 non­ The league will begin the Monday/Wednesday session tration call Coach White at residents. week of Oct. 20, and end in and $30 residents/$35 non­ Toys for kids softball 836-5784. Information and registra­ March, playing 12 matches. residents for Sunday session. tion 366-7060, 366-7033, ext. Last year's teams will be given Information and registra­ tournament 200, after 5 p.m. and on week­ LPGA offers girls youth priority. tion, 366-7060, 366-7033, ext. Newark Parks and Rec. will ends, or at golf program Information and registra­ 200. be sponsoring the 6th annual [email protected]. tion, 366-7060, 366-7033, ext. , after 5 p.m. and on week- Toys for Kids Softball The LPGA Urban Youth 200, after 5 p.m. and on week­ ends, or at Tournament on November 8 Golf Program of Delaware is Pin ize Basketball ends, or at parksrec@ and 9 at Handloff Park. Entry offering a LPGA-USGA girls offered parksrec@ fee is $30, plus each team golf program for girls age 7 - Youth Basketball member must bring a $10 17 to learn to play golf, bu1ld Newark Parks and Rec is Newark Basketball in offered unwrapped gift. All gifts will be friendships and sample com­ accepting registration for their donated to local charities. For petition in a supportive and Pint Size Basketball for kids Action offered Newark Parks and Rec is more information, call 366- positive learning environment. ages 4-7, that will run every Newark Parks and Rec is accepting registration for their 7060. No previous golf experience is Saturd ay from Jan. 3, to accepting registration for their basketball leagues for boys necessary. Info. 428-1612. March 6, at West Park two Newark Basketball in and girls ages 8-9, 10-11, 12- Elementary School. Classes Boys and Girls Club Action sessions: the first 14 and 15-18. Practices begin forming swim teams Holy Spirit Parish 1965 for 4-5 year-olds w1ll run from begins on Jan. 5, through in November with games CYO member reunion 11 to 11:45 a.m. and 12 to March 17, with games held beginning in early December. The Boys and Girls Club on 12·45 p.m.; 6 -7 year-olds every Monday and Fees are $42 for 8-9 year­ Route 40 in Bear, is now form­ The Holy Spirit Parish is from 9 to 9"45 a.m. and 10- Wednesday from 8 to 9:30 old residents/$4 7 non-resi­ ing swim teams for ages 5-15. looking for CYO members 10:45 a.m. p.m. at West Park Elementary dents; $49 for 1 0-11 years-old The programs are designed from 1965 for a reunion. For Fee is $31 residents/ $36 School; the second begins on residents/$54 non-residents; for children with no or very lit­ information, call Betty Deramo non-res1dents. Jan. 11, through March 28, $54 for 12-18 year old resi­ tle competitive swim experi­ after 6 p.m. at 571-1620 or Information and registra­ with games on Sundays from dents/ $59 non-residents. ence. Financial assistance Karen at 328-67 45. tion, 366-7060, 366-7033, ext. 200, after 5 p.m. and on week­ ends, or at parksrec@ newark. de. us.


E.WARKPosr 737-0724

Your business is an investment, and so is the promotion of your business. Cecil County, MD and New Castle County, DE re idents have a total disposable income of almost $15.3 BILLION-are you taking advantage of this? Can you afford not to? Showcase your company in our Business directory that is read by local people who are ready. willing. and able to invest in your products and services! It s as simple as your business card-what you offer, where you are, and what you do better than anyone else. We can help design your advertisement to maximize impact. Publishing Days: 1,200 Sq. Ft. Cecil Whig ...... Wednesday Warehouse Units -- --- Newark Post & Route 40 Flier ...... Friday Front Call 410-398-1230 or 800-220-1230 $6 Invest in your business with a cost-effective 3 month program. Can you afford not to? NEWARK Posr ~ "i#LIER • c...Ntet"""'- loo• • PAGE 22 • EWARK Po T • OCTOBER 24, 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 . . NEWARK POST . ·:· IN TilE NEWS Cosmo leads to clever promotion on national television

• BACHELOR, from 3 He al o realize that hi zeal continue to pu h. i hi · bu ine , promotion, German and other at "Good Morning America," the and drive can rub people the and by exten ion downtown bachelor were flown to New tub of gelato wa by hi ide. wrong way at time . He aid it Newark, which he aid he love York for a egment on "'Good Before hi egment he a ked the he's always been entrepreneurial, make him feel bad that some and where he plan on taying. Morning America'" with Diane producer if he c uld take a am­ opening a muffin tand in front of might think he' "cocky," and He' alway fir t to get involved Sawyer. But German wa think­ ple of hi gelato to Diane Sawyer hi Newark home when he wa under tand that he need to in anything to do with downtown, ing about more than promoting a a ·egway into the Italian g­ 11 years old, then while attending improve on how people perceive upport a ariety of organiza­ hi own look . He planned ahead ment. UD tarting a house-painting him. tion , and i n 't afraid to ay what and lugged a large container of bu ines which earned him 'Tm ure when I wa 21 I wa he think . gelato ( imilar to ice cream) The producer thought it wa enough money to ecure a loan to probably more cocky and I real­ Ju t two week ago he_spoke becau e he knew the bachelor' a great idea,"' German aid. ·· o, I open hi re taurant when he wa ize it' not a good attribute but I to the Newark City Council about egment wa being followed by a go out there and I wa only up­ 21 year old. al o think certain a pect of an a planned repaving project next egment on Italian cooking. Fir t, po ed to talk with Diane, but A folks in the area know. entrepreneurial pirit can be umrner. He uggested the work he kept the Italian de ert cool in couldn't re i t a king if Charle German can be aggre i ve and taken the wrong way,'' German begin at 9 p.m. in tead of 6 p.m., a New York hotel re taurant (Gib on) wanted a ta 'te too. o opportuni tic when it come to aid. 'I'm ju t striving to do the becau e it would have le impact overnight, then packed it in hi then he over, I wa. abl to hi busine , which after three be t job I can for cu tomer , and on bu ine e . German then vol­ 1 friend' refrigerator, although ay omething about my re tau­ year i a succe by all accounts I know they and the city have unteered to lead a task force to I they kept the door clo ed with rant and Newark, and It worked with a re taurant, the gelato spe­ allowed u to be ucce ful." make it happen. rubber bands. out real well I think.·· cialty, catering and di tribution. What he i focu ed on, and A part of the Co mopolitan While awaiting hi appearance

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2001 Patriot Way, Newark, Delaware 19711 905 . Broom Street • Wilmington DE 19806 (located near the intersection of Chri tiana Pkwy. &: Elkton Rd.) (302) 42 1-3739 • (3 ~ 2) 369-2001 0 OBER 24, 2003 • EWARK Po T • P-\GE 23 · NEWARK Posr .·:· .IN THE NEWS ·s oric mill area hosts evolutio By ELIZABETH COE board committed to getting at by lo al Girl cout . lea t a portion of the operation up Admi ion to the event i free NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER and running, and eventually reha­ with the contribution of ne\ am­ bilitating the entire y tern. ple- ized toiletrie , towel , or FTER u taining heavy On Oct. 18, the railroad tart- I wa hcloth . damage cau ed by ed toward tho e goal . with limit­ ASeptemher · flooding and ed operation of the Greenbank Item received will be donated a hurricane, the Wilmington & Local Train to Wil mere and to the Mini try of Canng. We tern Railroad and hi toric Brandywine Spring Park. Meanwhile, on Sat., Oct. 25 at Greenbank Mill, both near Red The train will operate through 7 p.m. Greenbank Mill will ho. t a Clay Creek at Kirkwood Nov. 16, departing Saturday and performance of early American Highway and Newport Gap Pike Sunday every 30 minute mu ic by David and Ginger are in operation once again. between 12:30 and 3 p.m. Co t Hildebrand at Brandywine The Sept. 15 creek flooding are $5 for adult , $4 for senior Spring Elementary School. 2916 and the Sept. 18 and 19 and $3 for children. ~~!:lt!e~...:..:;...::_..:.:.:~~:,:::..=:=::~~~~:..:_~:..::.....J 1 Duncan Road. Proceed will go Hurricane I abel deva tated both Also the Santa Claus Expre The historic Greenbank Mill during Isabel's visit here. to the mill. hi torical in titution . Trains will begin weekend opera­ The Hildebrand - e national­ The railroad uffered about $ tion Nov. 22 while the Holiday ly known for their concert and 5 million in damage while I Night Train will run from Dec. ri ing to che t-high level in the as they camp. ocialize and train educational program , which u e Greenbank Mill had an e timated 26-29. fir t floor of the gri tmill and tex- at Greenbank. a blend of mu ic, torie and di - 1 $300,000 in damage. The railroad i till eeking I tile mill areas. During the event, vi itor can cu ion to create a vi id en e of donation and volunteer to help But the mill i back on line participate in a variety of activi- I cultural hi tory for audience -. with the overhaul. tarting this weekend, with a ties including militia drills, bullet member. • The railroad 1 For information call 302-998- Revolutionary War re-enactment casting, games, colonial cooking Ticket for the mu ical per­ About 70 percent of the rail- 1930. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 25 and mill tour . Vi itors can also formance are $25 for Greenbank road 10.2 mile track wa and 26. learn about the many weapon members, and $30 for non-mem­ wa bed away or unu able, American Revolutionary War and military trategies u ed dur­ ber . Proceed from thi event including the de truction of ix • The mill re-enactors from the Cecil ing the Revolutionary \Var. will a si t in repairing flood dam­ wooden tre tle . The Sept. 15 Red Clay Creek County Militia and the 6th I This living history event i age to the mill. Executi e Director David Maryland Regiment will be being held in conjunction with flood wa al o deva tating to the For information call 302-999- Ludlow aid that week after the hi toric mill property, with water joined by a Briti h Regiment, the the 6th annual Make-A- damage the non-profit group' 84th Royal Highland Immigrant Difference Day , co-spon ored 9001.

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One of the most exciting aspects about St Anne's L the integrative and II T ARK'S thematic curriculum. Within one chool year, the ·ubjects are connected across multiple content I GH CH OL area . For e ·ample, when the fourth grade i stud~ing t .S. history in ....Excellence in. Catholic Edt1cation ocial studie , they may be reading poetry by Robert Frost or «Sara, Plain • Fh e acaJemic levels to meet the need ot each tudent & Tall" by Patricia MacLachlan in • Delaware's large t Advanctd Placement Program Language Art . They might be expo ed to Native American artifacts • \h ·t affordable choice in Catl11.~ic or prh ate educati n or master such as the Wyeths in art • Cl)lleae Placement Proaram- 97 percent go tl' college clas , while replicating early Edison • Am·. athletic , academic dub·, and ·ervke oroanization· invention in the science lab. • Adranced technolozv to enhance instruction and to Students pursue these studies wRltin fo ter parental involvement the contex of traditional fourth grade· programs, which include analytical • Academic :cholarships and financial aid maintain writing and advanced math skills, affordable academic excellence Spanish, cience, physical education, mu ic, religion and much more. Oven House Open House Sunday, November 2, 2003 November 1st 12:30-3:30 pm Join us this fall for an Open House! Creek Ro I, Wilnlington. DE 19 0 - Call today to reserve a date. (302) 378-3179. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2003-2004 SCHOOL YEAR. . ' PAGE 24 • EWARK Po T • OCTOBER 24, 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019

' NEWARK POST •!• IN THE NEWS I Get free tickets now to Nov. 18 Air Force band concert OR the econd time thi I Che tnut Hill Road. Beginning America band concert la t Band' vital mi sion of enhanc­ year, the Newark Post i Monday, Nov. 3, the paper· pring," aid Kent. ''Spon oring a ing e prit de corp in military Fjoining forces with the office will be relocated to Free tickets free patriotic concert i a natural troop , promoting America' Newark Morning Rotary Club Madeline Cro ing 168 Elkton part of Rotary' commitment to national heritage. and building THROUGH Ocr. 30 and the Chri tina School Di trict Road, Newark next to the former 1 Newark Post office community service.'· and u taining patrioti m in to bring the United States Lip mackers location. 153 E. Chestnut Hill Road The USAF Rhythm in Blue America through mu ical pre en­ Heritage of America band here. Ticket will al o be available Jazz En emble i the official jazz tation throughout the mid­ Free ticket are now available next week at three Happy Harry' BEGINNING Nov. 3 group of the USAF Heritage of Atlantic tate . on a ftr t come ftr t erved ba i location including Suburban Newark Post office America Band. "They are in con tant demand for the 7:30 p.m. concert on Plaza in Newark and Four 168_Eikton Road The dynamic 18-member to perform public concerts, jazz 1 Tue day, Nov. 18, in the Gla gow Sea on just acros Rt. 896 from AVAILABLE NOW en emble perform the be t in fe tival , and mu ic clini for High School auditorium. Gla gow High. Cecil Whig office jazz mu ic from the cla ic of a piring young mu ician , con- Tickets can be picked up, four La t May, more than 800 per­ 601 Bridge St., Elkton Duke Ellington Fletcher i tently demon ·trating the to a per on, in the office of the on filled the GHS auditorium to Render on, Count Basle, Stan I USAF Heritage of Ameri a I AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK t hear the Heritage Of America Kenton and Glenn Miller to the Band· commitment to mu ical Ne-.,vark Po weekday , 8:30 Happy Harry's a.m. to 5 p.m. Ticket are al o band. exciting contemporary sound of 1 excellence,'' Moffit aid .. "They were so impressed with Four Seasons, Glasgow artist like Pat Metheny To hiko Jazz en emble director Ma ter available the same hour at the ' Surburban Plaza, Newark paper i ter publication, The the re ponse of the audience here Akio hi , and Bob Mintzer. Sgt. Peter E. Aiello Jr. i a native Cecil Whig, 601 Birdge St., that they offered to return ' for the Rhythm in Blue skillfully of We t Babylon NY, and hold a Nov. 18 concert, aid Jim Streit, bring this uniquely American Bachelor of Mu ic Education Elkton, Md. Rotary club president Dr. publi her of the Newark Post and music to over 50,000 people each degree from the Shenandoah It i important to note that James Kent agreed the fir t con­ a member of the Newark year, aid en emble poke man Con ervatory of Mu ic in today through next Thur day, cert was an enjoyable event. Morning Rotary Club, which i Sgt. Kerry Moffit. Winche ter, Va. Oct. 30, the tickets are being dis­ "Our Rotarian had a great co- pon oring the event along Rhythm in Blue has produced Since enli ting in the Air tributed at the Post office in the time u bering parking cars and uch highly acclaimed compact Force Band Career Field in 19 4, Rob cott Building 153 E. j with the Chri tina School I ponsoring the Heritage of District. disc recording a "Rockin' in Sgt. Aiello ha been a igned to Rhythm", a tribute to Duke Ein iedlerhof AS Germany and Ellington, and a video entitled Langley Air Force Ba e in "Air Combat Command Virginia where the Heritage of Remember Glenn Miller." ASmerica band i headquartered. While the Nov. 18 program i In 1997 and 1999 Sgt. Aiello not yet finalized, Moffit believe wa elected a the United State it will include the band popular Air Force Out tanding Band on alute to Glenn Miller and big Commi . ioned Officer of the band mu ic, a well a patriotic Year and i the only two-time offerings. recipient of thi award ince it Rhythm in Blue hare in the inception. USAF Heritage of America PEOPLENEWS

The captain was Mik.e Zeccola Chantler works to Sr. of Newark and crew member. meet changing needs were Frank Zeccola of Hock.e. sin and Mike Zeccola Ill of ewpnrt. Steven Chantler, CSA with S .V. Chantler & Company in Greenville. completed a compre­ Linwood on list hen i e course on priority enior Newark re ident Elizabeth i sue on Sept. 8. The cour e is linwood ha recently been named conducted by the Society of to the dean's li tat Delaware Tech Certified Senior Advi or , a Stanton Campu .. national organization that ha Linwood, a 2001 graduate of trained over 9,000 profe ional ewark High School~ is the in all 50 state and the Di trict of daughter anc) Linwood. Columbia. Succe sful participant , ot complete a thorough examination to earn the Certified Senior Angell places AdYi or. CSA designation. The CSA member hip will en ure that ewark re ident Amanda he remain an infonned profe - Angell wa placed on the dean's ional for enior citizen . li tat 01thea tern niver. it in Bo ron, Ma ... An engineering major, he is Beste named an honors tudent, part of a bur­ to dean's list geoning program at orthea tern Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 2003 at 7:30p.m. that offer. high caliber tudent Michael Beste, a European the chance to further hone their History major at Lewis College in tudie and intere ts, li e in pe­ Glasgow High School (Rts96,JustS.oft-9s) Colorado, ha been named to the ciaJ intere t on-campu hou ing, dean' li t. Be te i a graduate of and participate in one or two pe­ Cara el Academy in Bear. ciaJ honor cour e each tenn. ~B~ 0 '::!:' ~K~ ~ Local angler Monaghan named Tickets are available while supplies last during regular womng hours at takes top prize Collegiate Scholar The Newark Post The Cedi Whig Happy Harryls Newark re ident larry Zeccola Newark re ident Timothy John !53 E Chesoot Hill Rd. 601 Bridge St. · SurOOtban Plaza Jr. took the top Tuna prize in the Monaghan accepted member hip 1ewark, DE Elkton, MD · Foor Seasons Plaza 2nd place Tuna divi ion at the in The National Society of White Marlin Open, the world's Collegiate Scholar and will be -Fairla.x Shopping Center largest billfi h tournament that honored during a campus ceremo­ took place in Ocean City, Md. ny thi fall at the Univer ity of Uptofotl" ticki.1sareavailabk, ~iile suppics last, by Imil. Sail aSASE n • Camt liciets, • Zeccola's Tuna weighed in at Virginia He ha been named to Newalt JUt J53 F. CJamdtiiJ Rd.)lewark. DE 1!1713, Mail RqUeSts must be received by


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- P-\CE 26 • NEWARK Po T • 0 OBER 24, 2003 737 -0724 • Fax737-9019 NEWARK PosT ·:· IN THE NEWS Area offers Halloween hap pen1ngs• .... HALLOWEEN, from 1 Okonowicz take on the ta k of own prop , create originaL tion. haunted attraction al o tern pulling together gho t stories and haunting oundtrack and opened The haunted hayride take the from the ·'odd littl thing ·· that interpreting in cription and the two haunted house. that are till brave through the wooded area, bappen around th hou. ~ where ago to give people a little pooi< ymbol on the grave . running in New York. pa t different cary cene and Cindy and Jeff live, ne t to the and a lot of hi tory a they ''If we aid we were going to Those who are afraid to te t into the hand of creepy crea­ haunted trail. explore the cemeterie of Cecil give a hi tory lecture in a cia - their fear level in the Maze of ture . Then pa , enger are ··since my hu band and [ County. room. we would probably get Terror, can take a hayride through dropped into the Scarecrow· moved into thi , h u e. there have 1 "We've done tours in about 12 peo e, ·; Okonowi z the wood or enjoy the carnival Revenge Com Maze where they been little thing that go on. It' · 1aryland all up and down the aid. ··sut \\hen we have the hi - rides. have to find their way out. nothing cary really. ju t weird." peninsula. but thi is the first time tOI) and gho t torie in a ceme­ A day maze show i offered Frightland· Fall Fe t i open Cindy aid. "The doorbell \\ill we ha\·e done one at St. tery. we can g t about 100 peo­ for younger children on on Saturday and Sunda:y from ring and no one will be there. We Stephen· and this i. the lowe. t in ple." Okonowicz aid. Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. noon to 6 p.m. The co t for all alway h ar one do r opening the [Ceci lj county we have done The co. t for the tour i $ l 0 in and Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. The daytime activitie i $12 for age. and clo ing and there i · no one one," Ok.onowicz . aid. ..Thi. advance and $12 the day of the scare are tamed down and the 3 to 59, $5 for age 60 and older there. Ju t odd little things like cemetery ha one of the be t event. The proceed will benefit music is witched to non-threat­ and free for children 2 and under. that.·· tombstones I've ever een. It St. Stephen' Episcopal Church. ening holiday tune ~ for the day The cary stuff take , place on The Haunting at McGinni date from 1754, ha a tory and For more information or to how. But tho e who attend the Friday , Saturday and Sunday Hill i open Thur day through poem about the mariner buried re erve a spot call410-275-1291. night how are fair game. at 7 p.m. The haunted attraction Sunday at 6 p.m. The flr t tour there and then at the bottom there The Maze of Terror is open will al o be open the Thur day tart when it get · dark and the i a kull and bat wing ." Friday and Saturdays from 7 to night before Halloween. place clo e at I 0 p.m. The o t i The two take about ix to nine Terrifying twists, turns 11 p.m. and Sundays and every A FrightPa s can be purchased $10 and $5 for tho e under 4 month to plan out and re earch a he usual fire engines, equip­ day of Halloween week from 7 to for $22 to allow entry to everal inche . tour. Dixon pend hi time in the Tment and sterile atmo phere l 0 p.m. The co t i $5 for the day event . The Haunted Hayride and For more information, call book looking up detail about of the South Che apeake City how and $7 for the night show. Corn Maze are $15, entry to the 410-620-1169 or 410-392-4199. the area, church and the people Firehou e has been transformed Call for information at 410-885- Bam of Horror and Idalia Manor buried in the cemetery. into a Maze of Terror. Carl Chetta 5448. i $15 and unlimited carnival and hi wife Jill are the ones to ride $13. A peed pa s i avail­ thank for the screams and scare . Veteran haunters able for $32 and allow no wait­ Burn group honors Parade steps The couple moved to the ing in line. Chesapeake City area about a rightland now in it seventh The farm i located at 309 Pt. Aetna 's Austin year and a half ago and this i Fyear in Middletown, Del., will Penn Rd. in Middletown, Del. offat3 p.m. their econd year creating the continue to provide a variety of For more information, call Maze of Terror. ways to get scared, but has also 302-378-VAMP...... AWARD, from 15 "This year, the maze is longer, changed it up a bit with new char­ .... PARADE, from 1 2000. In 1996 he wa inducted there are more twists and turns acters, theme and longer-lasting Family haunts into the Delaware Fire Service and end at North College and new props," Jill aid. attractions. Hall of Fame and i vice chair of A enue and Main. The ounds of spine tingling "We really lengthened the ombies, werewolve , the National Board on Fire A of Oct. 17 there were 41 cream and chilling chant fill haunted hayride, added more to ZMcGinni ance tor and other Service Profe ional parade participant , including the air a maze-goer make their that, and we changed the barns creatures of the night have made Qualification . your u ual assemblage of politi­ way past crazed clowns, the around," said George Long, one a home on the trail of terror that Au tin began hi career in ftre cian , non-profit organizations, Chainlink Maniac and the furry of the five partner of Frightland. lead to the Haunting at ervice at age 16 when he joined school bands and dance groups. 13-foot tall creature known as By day, Frightland is a Fall McGinni Hill. The haunted a volunteer flre department in There are al o five de ignated Pandemonium. The maze is full Fe t for the the entire family with attraction it off of Pula ki Winche ter Va, "float " for the Mother Hubbard of animated frighteners a well a carnival rides country hayride , Highway between B&H Auto where he li d Child Care Center Kindercare a number of live actors lurking crafts and more. But the freak and Mary land Portable Concrete with hi par- Meadowood, Kappa Delta Pi, around corner . Trap door and come out at night and the inno­ and i Cecil County' newe t DAP Pu hmobile Derby and Girl secret window make it ea y for cent looking farm tructure addition to spooky pot . Scout Troop 1254. carer to move from spot to pot become the ource of scare and "Haunting at McGinni Hill great Later there will be award in to surpri e unsuspecting inno­ terror. is a walk-through trail that tart 1 tion that come five categorie . cent . Idalia Manor i one of the at dark and it' a quarter of a mile with belonging Following the parade children Carl designed the intricate haunted attraction . But thi long. To our knowledge, it' the to the fire erv­ are encouraged to trick or treat maze to fit within the confine of home i not cozy and inviting. Ionge t trail anywhere in the local ice and being along Main Street a bu ines es the firehou e and still achieve the "The theme i that Dr. Idalia area," Cindy McGinni aid. able to help will be handing out goodie for optimum amount of scare . lived there and trangled hi wife 'The whole trail i in wooded other people," all in addition to being open for The 23-year Halloween indu - many year ago and that he' till area and there are about 25 dif­ he aid. bu ine . The Main Street will try veteran pecialize in anima­ in there, ' Long aid. The Bam of ferent cenes along the way. Along with Austin open to traffic about 5 p.m. tronic , builds and patent his Horror i another haunted attrac- Part of the in piration for the hi po ition at Aetna, he erve a Public Affair Liai on in State Farm' Federal Affair Office. ONLY 64 DAYS fTIL He ha erved on the Burn CHRISTMAS Foundation' Board of Director for 10 year . Start Your Shopping at .~ The Burn Foundation i a Philadelphia-ba ed organization that erve the greater Delaware ~- Valley burn treatment center . - Burn center like the Nathan Speare Regional Burn Treatment Turner's Unlimited Center and the Crozer-Che ter Annual Christmas Medical Center, which erve Delaware, work with the Bum OPEN HOUSE Foundation to provide patient October 31, November 1 & 2 care education and pon or community program to help HUGE SELECTION OF HOLIDAY. .. pread awarene about how to DECORATIONS, TREES, WREATHS, GIFTS & MORE prevent eriou burn injurie . The nonprofit foundation wa 410-648-5443 formed in 1973 and i upported Just minutes from Newark, Middletown, Dover and Chestertown on by a three-state network of vol­ Scenic MD Route 213, just south of Galena, MD unteer organizations, corporate and individual donations and See Next weeks paper for details! www. 1 government grants. -- OCTOBER 24 2 03 • NEWARK P T • PAGE 27 NEWARK POST ·:· OBITUARIES

• Obituaries are printed free of 1 He i survived by hi wife. Eilene charge as space permits. C. "Logan ' Hur t; on, Andrew L. Information usually is supplied I Charlesa A. Lowell, manager of Newark Hur t; daughter. Jennifer M. Hur t, all of Wilmington, and daughter, to the newspaper by the funeral 1 director. For more information, library, led staff through extensive renovations Amy L. Kri hnamoorthy of San Jo e. call 737-0724. Calif.; father, John Hur t of HARLESAA. County and every experience., were most Wilmington; and a brother, Edward LOWELL, 52, of the Delaware impres ive. She said those are Hur t of Wtlmington. Service were held at the Mecrery Anita Rose Tatarelli Newark, died Monday, Deputy State the qualitie she will miss C Memorial Chapel in Wilmington. Aley, office manager Oct. 20, 2003 at home. Librarian. most. Burial wa in the Crumpton Mrs. Lowell was branch Diana Mrs. Lowell is survived by Cemetery in Crumpton, Md. Newark re ident Anita Rose manager of the Newark Free Brown, man­ her husband, Howard P. Tatarelli Aley died on Sunday, Oct. 5, Library during a major renova­ ager of Lowell of Newark: son. 2003. Samuel E. Tomblin, tion project that was complet­ librarie in of Las Mr . Aley, 57. wa born, rai ed Garrett R. Timmon and educated in Che ter. Pa. ed in January 2003. Her New Ca tle Cruces, N.M.; mother and 1 flew bombers in WWII She graduated from Che ter High friends and colleagues said County aid step-father, Lovina and Newark re. ident amuel E. School in 1964. Tuesday it was her dedication Lowell was Charles Thomp on of Tomblin died on Wedne day. Oct. . She mo t recently lived in I and commitment to the project the most lowell Independence, Mo.; brother, 2003. Mr. Tomblin, 5, wa. called Newark but wa a longtime re ·ident that helped her see it through committed Michael Gat on of , ··sam·· by hi family and friend . . of Claymont, and Bethel Township, He was li \ ing at the Mtllcroft 1 to completion despite battling and bravest public ervant she Independence, Mo.; and two Pa. cancer. ever worked with. sisters, Regina Smith of Senior Li ing Community. She " a. an office manager for She was a member of the "She knew the cancer wa Noble, Okla .. and Hope Pharr Mr. Tomblin \\a. a sale. man for An.lco of Che ter for many ye'ars and Newark Morning Rotary and seriou but she wanted to ee of Wichita, Kan. Brandywine Chrysler Plymouth. a former member of Concord Bapti~t retiring in 1977 after 1 year of Church in Wilmington. the Delaware Library the library open and I can tell A Celebration of Life serv­ servtce. She i .. urvi ·ed by her ·ons. Carl Association. She enjoyed her you he pushed me to make it ice will be held at 8 p.m.on He was a master sergeant in the Ale} Jr. of Collegeville. Pa., and time with the ·'Soup Group:' the be t it could be,,. Brown Friday, Oc~. 24, at R. T. Foard Anny Air Corps and ,erved In the Ste\ en Aley of Plymouth Meeting. She completed her under­ said. "She wa there every and Jone Funeral Home. 122 Pacific Theatre and ''"' ith the -+2nd Pa.; <;i ter. Kathy Dinan of Ohio; and graduate degree at Oklahoma day, pushing the proce for­ W. Main St., Newark. Friends Bombardment Group during v orld two grandchildren. State University and complet­ ward and making ure the pub­ may call from 7 to 9 p.m. War II. Ser\ices were held at the Nolan ed her graduate degree at the lic had its ay. Every time we Further services will be private Mr. Tomblin wa. an Honorable Fidale Funeral Home in Chester. Pa. University of Oklahoma. [county library official J at the convenience of the fami­ Kentucky Colonel. a member of the Burial was held pri\ately. She was strongly commit­ would run into a diver ion she ly. Ci \ il Air Pau·ol. and a member of the ted to libraries and their posi­ would keep u on track.. , In lieu of flowers, contribu­ Ma. onic Lodge 375. John P. Zikakis, Ph.D., He i · ·urviYed b\ ht w1ie of 5-t tive effect on the lives of peo­ Gene Danneman, operator tions may be made to the years. Clara M. To~blin: son ·. Don UD professor emeritus ple. Prior to working in of the Copy Maven and a Friend of the Newark Free E. Tombhn and hi . \\ife Maureen of Newark, Mr . Lowell was the clo e friend, said Mr . Library and/or the ACLU, Elkton, Md., and .Marh.. . Tombhn e\\ ark area re ident John P. first librarv director of Kent Lowell' ''enthu ia m for life both in care of the funeral and h1 · wife Donna of Mtddletown: Ztk.alu" dted on Sunda}. Oct. 5. 2003. County Library in Kent and the pleasure he found in home. daughters. Carolyn A. Wamer and after a \ altant fight with cancer. her husband Dannv of Norfolk. Va .. 1r. Ztk.ak..J~. ~70, \\a\ J prole!->sor Tom J. Ko. turko -and her husband emeritus at the Uni\er!'>ity of David of Warrington. Ya .. and Tern Delaware. E. \\'right Jr. and John W. Wright, charged in 1946. Harry T. Hurst, worked L. Pedrick and h'er husband Dale of After retiring he moved to Fon both of I\ew Castle, Carolyn He Is survived by his loving wife. Middletown. Pa. Lauderdale. Fla. TO\\ nsle) and her husband John of Yernice Woodley: stepdaughter. for News Journal He ts also sun'L\ed by hts st. ter~. Hi~ ze-.t for life and thirst for Penn:-.jhania. and Daniel J. Wright Veronica and her hu. band Capes Beatnce M. Waldren of Huntington, Newark area re ident Harrv T. knowledge m many areas. plu his and his companion Ton' a Fus<., of Riley of Newark; brother. Arto and W.Va .. Betty Mcintyre of Lexington. de ire to help people gave htm joy. Maryland: 15 grandchildren; and sister, Ro etta Woodlev. both of Hur t died on Wedne day. Oct. 2003. Ky.: 13 grandchtldren: and four He shared his vast h..nO\\ ledge fredy eight great-grandchildren. Toledo. Ohio; two grari'dsons; and great-grandchildren. Mr. Hur t. 54. wa a computer and felt rewarded to see others reach Sen ices were held at the Gebhart several nieces, nephew , and other Sen 1ces were held at the Dohenv technician with The NeH ·s Journal their full potential. Funeral Horne in New Ca tle. relative . Service were held at the Funeral Home m Pike Creek. for 34 year . Relatn e and friend depended Burial wa in the Gracelawn Congo Funeral Horne in Wilmington. lntennent wa m Hich..ory GroYe He was an active member of the on his \\ell-res Jrched and solid Memorial Park. al o in New Ca tie. Interment wa in the Rolling Cemetery. opinions on health. finances and/or Green Memorial Parh.. in We t Bear Community Church and a ham emotional matter . Chester, Pa. radio operator. See OBITUARIES, 28 ~ He guided his daughter. Salome. Edward E. Wolfe, into the right deci ion in her Vietnam vet, lab tech career a:-. .m attorney and was proud to ..,ee her develop into a preciou~ and Bear restdent Edward E. Wolfe well-cultivated human being. died on Tue. day, Oct. 7, 1003. He 10\ ed and re. pected his son­ Mr. Wolfe. 58. had been in-la\\. Btl! Parady. and treasured his emplo} ed a. a laboratory technician grandchildren. for Dade Behring. Hts world tra,·el v.ith hi · wife Mr. Wolfe w·a. a dedicated hus­ added to ht spiritual growth and ful­ band and father and an avid hunter filled ht constant ob e ~ion for I and portsman. leru11ing. He ened ill country in the U.S. He is sun i\ed bv hi · wife of 45 Army dunng the Ytetnam War. years. KiKi.: daughter Salome and He i. . urvived by hi. wife of 30 her husband Bill Parad); and two }Car , Susan M. Wolfe; daughter. grandchildren. Erica Wolfe and her hu band Jo ·eph en tees were held at the St. Medora of Middletown; mother. Demetrio Grech. Orthodox Church Lillian Rynlow k.i of Newark; broth­ in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. er. Henry Rynkow ki of Milford; and mother-in-law, Ella Mallo\ . Service were held at the Gebhart Melvin E. Wright Sr., Funeral Home in New Ca tie. worked for Chrysler Burial wa in the Delaware Veteran Memorial Cemetery in Newark area re ident Melvin E. Bear. • Gas heat Wright Sr. died on Tue day, Oct. 7, • Washer and Dryer 1003, after a hort illne . • Multiple phone line capability Mr. Wright. 69, wa born in Eddie Woodley, WWII • Mini-blinds Wilmington. veteran, supervisor at • Ceiling fan The He retired from Chry ler in 1987 • Breakfast bar • Dishwasher and \\as a member of UAW Local Frankford Arsenal • Private patio or balcony* 11 3. Newark re ident Eddie Woodley • Fitness center He wa. an avid NASCAR fan and died on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1003. • News and coffee bar loved e\eryone, e ·pecially hi grand­ Mr. Woodley, 82. wa born in • Business services VININGS children, and will be . adly mi sed by Coila, Mis i ippi. • Pool with sundeck all who knew him. He retired a a supervi ·or in the • Clubhouse He is . urvived by hi. brothers. upply di\iswn at Frankford Arsenal • Video library Roy Wright of Delaware. and in Philadelphia. • Pet Walking area at CHRISTIANA VauO"hn Wright of Flonda; children. tv1r. Woodley \\a · a World War 11 • Resident activities program 200 \'ining-, \\ray. _ -e\.vark. DE 19~02 Tere~a Dochert and her hmband ,·eteran and was honorably dis- Chn topher of 1 e\\ Ca~tk. :\lehin (302) 737-4999 P\<..E 2 • ~1.-.\\'.\RK Po"iT • Oc TOBER 24, 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 - . . ' NEWARK POST •!• OBITUARIES . .

..... OBITUARIES, from 27 . ny in Pennsyl\ania. of ~hich she Methodist Church tn 'ewark. Christiana Fire Company. er-.. George Grande! of Wilmington, later became president. She is suni\ed by her nephew . Mrs. Cutone wa!"> a member of the and Harry Gr.mdel of Claymont: ~i~­ Mrs. Wal!Jck traveled often early Donald R. Om 1s of Smyrna. lartin Palace Internet Club. ter. Dora Grey of Wilmington: and Dwight G. Graham II, 37 in her life. G. Davis of 'e\\ark. Harvey J. Davi-. he i. unived by her hmband of si granJchtldren. Later, he devoted herself to her of Cambridge. Md .. C. Alan Da\ is of 33 year.. Richard R. Cutone: brother­ enices were held Jt the 'ewark resident Dwight G. dogs and collecting antique glass­ Easton. Md.. Le~ is Whiteman of in-law. Anthonv Cutone . Mr . Da i , 67, wa born and Kemble. ville United Methodi t Newark re ident Michael A. He wa rai. ed on dairy farms in raised in Tenne ee. Church in Kemble ville, Pa. Antonelli Sr. died on Friday, Oct. 10, Gla ~go w and Bear and he attended Miriam Moore Taylor, She lived in Newark for 16 year. Burial was in the adjoining 2003. Newark High chool. before moving to Te as, where she memorial cemetery. secretary at UD Mr. Antonelli, 31, was a 1990 Mr. Law. was a lifelong baseball married her late hu band. Raymond graduate of Gloucester County enthu ·iast. Newark re ident Miriam Moore H. Davi. Vocational School. In 1949 and 1950 he pitched for Charles W. Halfen Sr., Taylor died on Thursday, Oct. 9, She returned to Newark in 1995. He owned and operated the Ace Gla gow in the 1\:e\\ark-Kent-Cectl 2003. Mr . Davi was an accompli hed worked for Chrysler Sealcoat & Paving Company of league. Mrs. Taylor, 75, was born in Fair earn tre . Newark. In 1950. he pit hed a one-httter Newark resident Charle W. Hill.Md. She i. urvi ed by her , on, Gary again t Clayton. \\ the league Hal fen Sr. died on Thur. day, Oct. 9, She wa a homemaker and a ec­ He also enjo ed fi . hing and snow k.iing. L. Hutton of Middletown: daughter, champion hip for Gla. go\>.. 2003. retary at the Univer ity of Delaware Jeanne Eichinger of Media, Pa.; Mr. Antonelli was a former re ·i­ In 19 5, 1r. Laws wa._s mducted Mr. Halfen, 69. retired from in the plant science department. brothers, Lloyd Sitzlar of King ton, dent of Franklinville. N.J. into the Cecil Harford Oldllmers Chrysler in 1985 after 27 1/2 years of She also enjoyed camping and Tenn., Buford Sitzlar of Bonita He is . urvi ved by hi mother. Ba eball Association Hall of Fame. servtce ewing. Spring , Fla.. and Virge! Sitzlar of Doris Eck tein Beach and her hu.­ Mr. Laws ~orked for r )ears in He \\a a graduate of Conrad She i urvived by her son, W. Ten Mile. Tenn.; stster. . Alene band Cal in of Newark: and father. construction contracting. High Schoo!"' and an a\ id Warren Taylor Jr. and his wife Cindy Jack:on of Ten Mile, Tenn .. Loui e Daniel Antonelli of Bellmawr. N.J.: He ''a foremLm ~m numerou. Philadelphia sport. fan. of Pittsgrove. N.J.; daughters. Branson of ewark. and Eula Kile of son. Michael A. Antonelli Jr. of proJects mcluding portion. of I-lJ5. He bowled and played ~oftball for Deborah . Carman of Newark. and Cleveland. Tenn.: I 4 grandchildren: t\labga. ·.1 .. pJternal grandfather. the Baltimore belt\\ a . and countle man_ )ears in the Wilmington Area. Joan E. Hutson of Middletown: and eight great-grandchildren. Dante Antonelli of Camden. N.J.: residential sne de~elnpment in He is sun ived by his \\ ife of 47 brother. Charles Moore of Elkton. Sen ices were held at the Bee. on Del.1ware Lllld \Ian bnd. stepbrother'> Jeff Beach and his wife 1 year., Carolyn M. Halfen: children. Md.: sister ·. Emily Shoun of Blake. Memorial Sen ice-. of 1 e~ark. Kri'>tie of Lom ... iana. and Jon Beach He attended Trinity pi~copal Charle. W. Halfen Jr.. Rav Halfen. t\ 1d .. Anne Swan of Landenberg. Pa., Intern1ent was 111 HKkory Grove of Mantua. '.J.; one niece; one Church in Elkton. 1\ld .. and \\a. a alerie Halfen and Steven H. Halfen. and Dorothy Reynold: of Cemetery in Port Penn. Del. member of the Chn:-..ttana o luntecr 1 nephew: and many aunts. uncles and all of 1 ewark: brotha. HarH~) F. Cochrannlle. Pa.: and three grand- Fire Compan .. Half n Jr. or Bear: . isters. Elaine children. .. COUSinS. Sen ices were held at the Church Mildr d M. Briggs He coacheJ ) outh ba. eball league zafranski and Geraldine Halfen. Ser ice were held at the R. T. for man) ) ear and he enJO) ed t nJ­ b th of Wilmington: and ix grand­ Foard and Jone Funeral Home in of the 1 'attvity in Franklinville, 1 r.J. Interment was in the Gate of Downs, food service in in~ to a lar!!e ve~etable ~ard~:n Lhildren. Newark. ~. lr. La'~ s \\a~ a deH~ed hu band. Heaven Cemetery in Berlin. 1 ' .J . Sen tees were held at the Nichols­ Burial was in the Del a 'A are Red Clay schools father and ~randfather. Gilmore Funeral Home in 1 rewport. Veterans lemorial Cemetery in 'ewark resident i\.lildred • 1. He lo\ ;d heerin!! for hi -'!rand­ and at the chapel at Gracelawn Bear. Linda J. Cutone, 54, chi ldrcn in their . ~H1 and .. other 1 Briggs Downs died on Friday. Oct. Mernonal Park in 1 ev.· Castle. 10. 2003. acti\ ities. Interment was in the Gracelawn owned Video Lobby Gladys W. LaFountain, ·1rs. Downs. 3. 'A a. a food serv­ He is suni,ed h\ hi \\ife of 53 Memorial Park Cemetery. Bear resident Linda J Cutone ice worker in the Red Cia School \ear.. Jane Boulden. La\\ : l.:hildrcn. 93, dental assistant died on Friday. Oct. I 0. 2003. District from 1965 to 19 0. · R. DennL Law and hi . wife SusJnne of kLhamc, bur!!. Pa .. Patti Pat icia D. Walli k, .1"\ewark re tdent Gladys W. Mrs. Cutone, 54. 'A a~ called Mr-.. Do\v ns 'A Js a member of L. Sandv and her hu band Chuck of LaFountain died on Friday, Oct. I 0. "Peachi" by her famtl) and friend:-.. Libert\ Lodge 10 I.O.O.F. in belt turner to president Camden-. and Ke\ Ill G. Lav. and hi 2003. She was d 1967 graduate or Hocke~sin. th; Centre Grange II in Chnsttana High School. .. Centen ille. and Red Cia; Creek wife Robin of Elkton: brother . t \:wark resident Particia D. Mrs. LaFountain. 93. \vas born in \mnan La\\~ of Del~m are it\. and Wallick died on Thursday. Oct. 9. NewLLrk. Irs. Cut;ne \vJ~ the owner of Presbvte1ian Church - Video Lobby in Taylortown, Bear. She is survived by her son. Earl Laws of Ebmere: . f tL'r , 2003. of cancer. She wa_ · a dental a~sistant for Paul Ann

l RED UON UNITED NEW ARK WESLEYAN CHURCH Head of Christiana METHODIST CHURCH 708 West Church Rd. Presbyterian Church Newark, DE drffJl At the corner of Rts. 7 & 71 in Bear (302) 737-5190 @vangefiea( 1.5 miles south of Rt. -10 ttt L· 1100 Chur h Road Presb1Jterian Church ( PCA) 1545 Church Road Bear, DE 19701 ::::Pastor James E. Yoder III Newark, DE Christ Centered • Biblically Based Sunday School for all ages .9:30a.m. 802-781-4169 302-834-1599 Morning Worship ...... l0:30 a.m. 3iDb Sunday Worship 10:45 Sunday School 9:00a.m. Children's Church & Nursery Provided Rev. Christopher "Kit" Schooley, pastor ¥abnui7ul~ 9:30 Sunday School Choir- Sunday ...... 5:30p.m. + + + + + Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Youth Meeting Sunday ...... 6:00 p.m. Baptist Church 308 Possum Park Rd. Church School - 9.30A..\1 "/if;fh#./' n, lfl)' ~ 7il~ Ow:!" Newark RLUMC Mid-Week Bible Study Moming Worship - ll :OOAM 302-737-2300 01 Se, mour Rd, Bear, D'E 19701 Rev. John M. Dunnack, Pastor 'It Family Churcb Witb A F1·iendly Hem1" Nur ery Available . (302) 122-1029 ... Redeeming Grace Carlo De~' tefano , Pastor Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Schedule of Senices ~ \; ,,. \ Worldwide Ministries, Inc. Unitarian Christ Invites You! Sunda~ School 9:45 \M ~ -;.p>l 129 Lovett Ave ~ewark DE l9"'ll Universalist Morning \\orship 11 ·00 AM Sunday E\ening 6:00 PM (302) 286-6862 Fa.x (302 l 268-6 "'48 • Concordia Choir Concert 1O:OOam en:1ce l Oa.m ep-j) Fe l~:::~ o f \\'edne. day Prayer ~eetm g ~ :00 PM Bishop Marian L. Rudd, Pastor &Founder Child C~ r e & ~2 0 Willa Rd . • Adult Bible Class & Sun School 8:45am C\ uN ·n Pro\ tdl'd fo r all t' n Jn~) · unday ::,chool , ewark, DE W\\ ~.fairwind, Prayer 'fues. &Fri 12 noon - un. School8:30 am Ho 11 1t of the Faincind .... Chu~t um S lwol Morning Worslnp 10:00 am Rev. Carl Kruelle, Pastor "Pioneer Gospel Hour" (302) 368-2984 Co 1CAST CABLE CH -\r-.;~[L 28 Tues. Bible tudy ~ : 00-8:30 pm THUR DA'r 8 :00P\.\ Topic: Glass Houses 10 Johnson Rd., Newark (near Rts. 4 & 273) Christian Ennchment Cbss:Tu es ~o pm. For. ill Ages "He Keeps Me Sin ·ng" ·:oo. : Speaker: Gary Jackoway omcast Cable Chann I 28 737-6176 Thur day 8:3 0PM White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church Polly Drummond Hill Road at Kirkwood Highway SUNDAY SERVICES

8:30 am, Traditional Worship 9:45 am, Sunday School 11:00 am, Contemporary Worship (302) 737-2100 Healing Waters Christian Highway Word of Faith Ministries Fellowship International Ministries Can extension of Highway Gospel Join us for Community Temple, West Chester PA) Sunday Morning Service -@ 10:30 New Order of Services AM held at the Chri tiana Hilton, Sunday: 8:00 a.m. ~E Morning Worship: 9:00 a.m. assembly 100 Continental Drive Sunday evening worship: 1st 1421 0 ld Baltimore Pike Newark DE- & 3rd Sundays @ 4:00pm Terance & Victoria Blount Bible Enrichment Class: Newark, DE Wednesday @ 7:00pm Pastor '/Founder The Way Bible Institute: (302) 737-5040 Ezekiel 'i7: 12 Saturday 9:00am • 1 :OOpm Sunday Sch6ol...... 9:15 a.m. All services will be held at the & 302-292-2314 Best western Hotel Sunday Worship.lO:OO a.m. 5:30p.m. Z60 Chapmans Rd., Newark, Of Wednesday Family Night...... 7:00p.m. (across from Burlington Coat Factory) r;m--'4.-o·, ·• Adult Bible ·tud', Roval Ra1 ger. i ou h &~ ~~ · 1:'l11ett • Mailing Address die &. Fun Lhild1:en 's \linistn at each serv1ce. I 'Experi1ence An Upbeat Message To Motivate You P.O. Box ZZO Quality. ·ur: I} pr~\1d d. To Win Every Time.'' Bear, Delaware 1970Z-OZZO Sundays • 11 :OOam· Michael Petrucci, Pastor Wednesdays ·7:30pm· Ben Rivera, Assistant Pastor Chi l drl.'n ~ Church A\,lilahle) Bert Flagstad, Visitation/Assoc. "-----c>,:iam1te Fa th Radlo-Sro,;:; Mor Fri 8:00a'Yl an 151 Oam Pastor Lucie Hale, Children 's Ministries - Dynamite Family Christian Center Director 1910 Lancaster Ave. & Union St. Wilmington, DE Visit us online at Pastor Carl A. Turner Sr. FIJ'St Lady Karen B. Turner www 302·651-WIND For rurther information or directions please call: Pastors Kelvin & Lisa Duomso1jl'f!g~~ 302-834-9003 1 P \(.1: 30 • • 1:\\ \R~ Po~ r • O croBI- R 24, 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019

Order of Service for SOLID FOUNDATION WORD OF KNOWLEDGE MINISTRIES, INC. Share God's power and love through worship, FAMILY WORSHIP CE TER service, education and community Located on Rt. 40 (Pulaski Hwy.) Rev. Bernard "Skip" Kt~els, Senior PIISmr Christian Education-sunday 9:.10 :.un. • Sunda)· Worship ROO a.m., 10:)0 a.m.. 6:00p.m. • MoHo: Achieving Excellence Rev. CinJy Burkert, Associate Pasmr FUSION Youtb-funilily 6:00p.m. • Family Nigbt-Wedn~ -:(X) p.m. Through Integrity Rev. Ltura Lu Wils~m, Campus Pastor/Ex. Dir. W~ley Fou,1dation Theme: AChurch After The Heart of God! Sunday Morning Worship WHAT IF ... 69 East Street 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am Services lhl'r<' "'t- a dJUrch thai took dte lime to SUNDAY Newark, DE 1971 1 . 9:30 am Sunday School for all ages fin of Gnt.l afue Prayer 7pm UJOC'\\ :o1t.l ~Otlllf.! mt~ ; Bible Advance (Sword of the Spirit) St John the Baptist Catholic Church 7:30-9:10pm Puritan Reformed E. Main &N. Chapel Streets IMi\Gl~ ... (Bible Stud' lnr Children:! n~ of age plu~) Fellowship FRIDAY ~~ Daily Mass: Mon- Sat 8 a.m. tf then: 11 a." a church that " 'ecking to /1c /{cjormcd 111 Prradung & Practice" \\'hol~ness 1\1inistry Spm ~~~ tbt'tl fr SJtlt.'\1 mu'iit for a (Speci,:ll m1111stnes support group) Sunday Mass: 7:30, 9, 10:30 a.m. tlt."\\ We meet in the Iron Hill room at Howard nlillt'flllinm ant.! wu 1..oukl :".1en's \1inistric-, ht rrida\ 1 l llll(' Ullastttl cJoliJC.~ Holy Ange/5 Catholic Church Women's \1inbtrie.., ~nd Fridav lohnson on Rt. '%South oi, ·e\\'cJrk. unda\' ingles ;\1inistne-,/ Di,·orce Care 3rJ.Frida\ 82 Possum Park Road afternoon lpm & /pm mthe lrnn Htll Rl1um for into JLST Plt11JRE ... \larnage \1mi">tn 4th Frida~ - Weekend Masses: Saturday 5 p.m. SATURDAY or direcllDn~ call30:2-,'32-~952 a~k for Richard or a churt:h tlt.JJ motkk'tl Clfl" :uld Sunday 9, 10:30, 12:00 noon wmp;~ ~Jon, \11ltn' 1011 ''l're Bovz 2 ~len l,irl7 2 \\'omen-2nd Sah emailmqUJres pdgrim19701 imj lftUll j11:>1 bCGitN.' ~OU Wl,.t.' )Oil. 12pm--fpm Youth \len tor I'rngram tor ag~-,1~-19 2 p.m. (Spanish) Visit our Web Site at: Pastor: Father Richard Reissmann Email: [email protected] 2')0 WbitcbaJl Road • Elkton, MD 21921 • 410.398.4234 • Bible Doctrine Classes monthly For more info. or directions please call prayer meeting and psalm sing. Rectory Office: 731-2200 Office: -838-0355 -- SPIRIT & LIFE ~ OCLETO\\~ ~ FIRST PRESBITERL\F '\ \ I I CHm H B B E CHURCH BAlYfiST CI ll-RCll 292 \Yt: t )lain . t. • ~ Tewark ~ 3i6 Red.Mill Rd.- Newark, ·bE. Pastor Rev. Jonnie '-n: (302) 731-3644 (corner l)i 273 & Red ~1i\l Rd.) & Barbara Nickles T~th CYtaperl un ·OOAlL Con. mporary\\or hip n. e 302-737-2511 un 9·00 AM .. Christian Education Sunday 10:30 AM & 6 PM Living the Best Life Pastor: Dr. Drew Landrey Sl 'DAY un 10:30 A' I Traditional \\or h1p en'lce Wednesday- 7:00 PM unda! 'n JCc-,· Relevant, Ful illin Fun · Worship, Prayer &Teaching Sund. \ ·l hool 9.1.::; am. Jr · r Youth Group Cl) Provided for Jll cnic<.:~ Pastor : Ray and u an Smith 276 S.(ollege Ave. at Park Place, Newark, DE 19711 1112 You Were Created To Become eChnst- (302) 368·4644 Church Office (9:00·1 :00 Mon. ·Fri.) 10 ChP tnut Road (\'Ve t Creek. hopes) r The Voice of Liberty TV Channel 28 11;9 You Were Shaped For Servmg God- Mimstry (302) 366·0273 Parish Information Hotline Broadcast every Sat 5:30pm Elk.ton, ivfD 21921 www.stthomas arish.or 11 16 You Were Made For A lussion ·Evangelism Sundav WorshiP We ore located at 11'23 Celebration Sunday' 8:00am Holy Eucharist, Rite One 27 44 Red Lion Rood (Route 71) 10:30am Family Worship·Holy Eucharist in Bear. Delaware 19701. Meeting at: 5:30pm Holy Eucharist , Inclusive Language For more information about the Church. Hodgson Vo-Tech School Please call (302) 838-2060 The Rev. Thomas B. Jensen , Rector Old 898 just south or Rt. 40, The Rev. Jay Angerer, Assistant & Episcopal George W. Tuten Ill. Pastor near Peoples Plaza, Glasgow Campus Minister Richard Berry, Pastor Ms . Lynne Turner, Director of Children 's Ministries Libertv Little Lamb Pre chool no\~ Ms. Kay Leventry, Head Preschool Teacher accepting application Wl\1~./ibert~bapti Ministry Center: 410-392-6374 :30a.m. -7lcousfic 7JI:rsfup - ~ First Church /0:30a.m. n Christ, ~fcient i s t 48 West Park Place, Newark -Gkclric ?~{,.ship - SUnday Service & Sunday School 10: 00 AM - Wednesday Testimony Meetings 7:30 PM Public Reading Room • 92 E. Main St., Newark Rev. Curtis E. Leins, Ph.D. Mon. - Fri. 10 :00 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday 10:00 AM · 5:00 PM located I l/2 miles nonh Ctmdcare available during services. of FJkton on Rt. 213 302-458-5808 AU ARE WRCOME 41 0·392·34 56 OcTOBER 24, 2003 • XF\\'ARK PoT • P.\C.F 31

...,! •

Saturday, October 25th 4:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. Free Food • Fireworks • Hot Air Balloon Rides • Free Games & Prizes On the grounds of the Liberty Baptist Church Rt 71, Bear DE • 302-838-2060

DQ Grill & Chill Bakers Party Rentals DELAWARE'S LARGETS SELECTION Middletown Moon Bounces, Obstacle Course Rt 273 & Prangs Lane Cotton Candy New Castle, DE 19720 100 Sandhill Dr Middletown, DE 19709 328-5336 Penn Jersey 328-2917 302-449-1200 STOP-N-CO 324-9266

Call the TUTEN TEAM fOP all DAIRY QUEEN OF BEAR BUR OLDER you• Real Easte needs!!! Don J & Linda Lee IOTOR 9 I 0 Graham DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION 200 BUCKLEY BL D BEAR, DE 19701 brazief&J PH: 302-328-2200 302-322-7127 FAX: 302-358-44 77 - Blue He s to see how good they really a e Br MARTY VALANIA Mid hipmen won ju t a total f ince 19 1. coach Paul John · n, i playing three ga me in the previ u thr e "Thi i a different animal," for a lot more than ju ·t a SPECIAL TO THE ROUTE 40 FLIER year , but thi ea on have com­ aid Delawar coach K.C. Keeler. Homecoming ' piled a 5-2 record thrvuo-h even " ur kid are excited and hould "They have bowl a piration ," Up to o. 3 in the I-AA rank­ game , including a viet ry over have a lot of fun. lt' their Keeler aid. "L ino to 1-AA ing , the Univer ity of Delaware then No. 25 Air Force. Homecoming, there'll be o er elaware won't cut it." football team get a fr hot to avy al o ha vi torie over 3 ,00 there and w 'll take a ton Navy' la t b wl appearance . ee how g d it really i thi week Vanderbilt and Rice and, with a of fan down there to . It'll be a came in 1996 when it went 9-3 again t avy. a on-ending victory over win­ raucou Divi ion I-A atmo - and beat California in the Aloha Thi i n't the b t year t have le Army, could win it fir t phere. We're going there to win." Bowl. to go to Anna pol i . The Commander-in-Chief Trophy a y, und r econd-year John n i u ed to hi team' winnin . He won 50 game· dur­ ing a four-year pan at Georgia outhern before moving to Annapoli . Corey's Kids enters its third straight season this fall of taking groups of ouog boys and girl "Pau 1 John on i one of the .... ages 13 and under to each of the 7 Delaware Football home games. Corey's Kids founded by out tanding £ otball coache in .---~ Mike Corey, the Voice of the America," Keeler aid admiring­ Delaware Blue Hens on the New River ly. "I think he' one of ju t three 94.7. along with the University of Delaware and the area or four coache to win 50 game bu inesses, have teamed up once again to offer various over a four-year period like that.' organization the opportunity to take their group to see Like he did at Georgia They al o have the luxury f ee­ a Blue Hen football game, and enjoy the many different outhern, John on' offen will ing how we're g ing to d fend tt acti ities and events planned throughout the day which run the triple option. It i direct­ after watching u again t Rhod include: ed by enior quarterback Craig I land." Candeto, who ru hed for 151 • Transportation prov ided by Creative Travel While thi i a big gam for • A CoreJ•'s Kid T-Shirtfrom New Image yard in la t week' 3 -6 VICtory the Delaware player , K eler • A free meal at the Old CoutZtry Buffet over Rice. tre ed that it i nor a impor­ • Football Toss to win additional prizes The Mid hipm n lead the Corey's Kids tant a an Atlantic-10 game. • Food Vouchers at the gante courtesy of nation in ru hing by a wide mar­ U of D Concessions Email: [email protected] "The difference thi week i gin, ru hing for 3 21 yard per 3001 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont DE 19703 that it' not for the Atlantic-1 If you are involved in a group or organization or know game, well ahead of econd champion hip," the coach . aid. of a group of young boys and girls that would enjoy the Phone: 302-793-4200 Ext. 304 !place Air Force at 294. "We won't ru ·h anyb dy hack opportunity to attend a Delaware football game, please Fax: 302-793-4204 "H ' a oreat athlete and d from injury to play thL week. lf it send your group name and contact infonnation to: For more infonnation check out our website: a great job," Keel r aid f wa an A-10 game we might." Special Thanks to this Year's Sponsors: and click on Corey's Kids Candeto. 'They al o have the K eler aL o d e~n't think 1t ability to pa th ball efficient­ will be a problem in getting his ly." team ready to play. That pa ino ability is one )f "I don't think m )tiYation will the thing that differentiat -; be a problem thi.;, week," he .. ,lid. Navy', offen e from a imila.r "The ni thmg ah )Lit thi, one i Rhode bland offen e. that when you're J )Oe, You JU~t "W got to practi e again. t mm·e on ro the next one. \Ve Just the triple option agamst Rhode feel th1 i.., a great ... ppmtunity tor I. land, but thi.· is a little differ­ us. W' \vin thL, it', a huge, hu~e nt," Keeler sai J. "The) h

WINE All Yellowtail1.5L...... $8.99 CK Mondavi 1.5L ...... $8.99 Kendall Jackson Chard ...... $8.99 Sutter Home Varieties 1.5 ...... $7.99 Twin Valley Riunite 1.5L...... $5.99 Prices W. Zin. & W. Merlot 1.5L...... $3.99 Toasted Head Chard. 750 ...... $9.99 not to be combined with other offers. Black Velvet 1.75 ...... $10.99 SKYY 1.75 ...... $21.99 Prices Canadian Club 1.75 ...... $16.99 Smimolf (all flavors)1.75 .... $16.99 Good from Seagrams V.O. 1.75 ...... $16.99 Popar 1.75 ...... $9.99 10/1/03 to 10/30/03 Bacardi Light & Dark 1.75 ... $15.99 Absolute 1.75 ...... $29.99 - This new sedan puts its own spin on style, features, performance

By MALCOLM GUNN area that has suffered in the transi­ in the powertrain department. Base V~EE BASE CO•~MU .._AT ONS tion i.., trunk space. which is slightly DE and ES sedans are equipped less than before. The larger platform with a 2.4-liter SOHC four-cylinder has also been made significantly engine that produce 160 hor epow­ itsubishi i~ spicing stiffer in a mo,·e to aid O\'erall ride er, 20 more than the outgoing car's up tts automotiYe and handling. output. A switch to variable valve lineup and the new The Galant's reworked interior it. timing is the major rea on for the M mid-size Galant also a recent Outlander/ Endeavor added thrust. appears to be one of the ta ... tier knock-off. \\ ith a central metallic­ More enticing still is the 3.8-liter item~ on the menu. colored control stack and chunky SOHC V6 tuffed into the Galant No longer in the busines.., of pro­ spoked <,leering "'heel protruding LS and top-dog GTS. Delivering an ducing mere nichc-mlri\ ing to be con..,ider~d gauges. the effect i!> somewhat is one of the largest in its class in in the same bret~h as the big-vol­ rnacl10. but in a sturdy and inviting term!> of displacement but just shy ume sellers -To) ota. Honda. ... ort of"' ay. of the 240-horse rating po ted by I\lazda and Nissan- and thev·re Also inviting i what's available the Honda Accord V6 or the 2~5 doing it by applying distincti,:e horsepower cranked out by the 3.5- I\1itsubishi-specific stvling to the liter-V6-powered Nissan Altima. entire fleet. They're also n1aking A wa the ca e with the previout. sure that performance 10\ ers won't Galant. a four-speed automatic be disappointed. remains the only transmission The 200-t Galant was designed choice. in California. an almost mandatory 2004 Galant As for content, eYen the base DE mecca these days for just about version includes air conditioning, * Four-door mid-size sedan. avail­ keyless remote entry. tilt steering, e\ er) auto manufacturer. It must be able 1n DE, ES, LS and GTS versions. that the salt air, warm breezes and six-way adjustable driYer's seat. ., 2.4-liter SOHC 14 and 3.8-liter SOHC four-speaker CD-equipped audio laid-bad. lifestyle is conduci\'e to V6 produce 160 and 230 horse­ unleashing waws of creatiYity power, respect1ve1y. system. four-\\ heel disc brake and among the industry artiste<,. * Four-speed automatic transmis­ power ""indo\\ s, locks ll!1d outside Whate\er it is. it's working just sion mirror'>. fine for ~1itsubishi. *The new-for-2004 Galant has been At the other end of the scale, the The attractive sheetmeta1 is a enlarged in nearly every direction V6-powered GTS arrive~ loaded blend of both new and been-there­ from the old model and is now with climate control, 270-watt sound done-that shapes that instantly out­ much more eye-catching. system. 17-inch a!IO) wheels. stiffer date the previous Galant. The mild­ * Both base four-cylinder. as well as su pen ion. rear spoiler. leather and !) protruding nose is a cue taken opt1onal V6 eng1nes produce sig­ maple wood-trimmed interior and from the Outlander and Endeavor ni'cantly more power than he power driYer\ seat, to name ju t a sport-utility vehicles, while the old Galant and are now a ma-ch few premium ingredients. beveled fenders can be found on for most of the mid-sized competi­ . Since the new Galant is arriving tors. the sporty Eclipse as well as the m early faiL final pricing has yet to * An extens1ve range of standard Montero off-roader. From the side. be announced. howe\ er. count on it conten+comb1ned with a reason­ being close to the 2003 model's there are cues that appear lifted able st1cker price adds to the from a page of the Ni-.san Altima $18.000 starting point. That will Gaiant's appeal come as good news for mid-size text book. * Safety features: Front airbags; No matter the influence. the nev. sedan shopper.., looking for a quick, Side-impact airbags 0/6) traction comfortable and feature-laden pack­ Galant is dimensionally -.;uperior to control 0/6). age that will stand out against the the outgoing model in tenns ot * MPG (City/hwy) n/a oYerall length, \.\idth, \"heelbase *Base price $19.000 (est.) landscape instead of blending into and passenger volume. The only it..

2003 Y TA f X ..-..._ ,_~ ~ ~ lS, TRAilER PKG., PW, Pl. AND MUCH MORE, STK #23n258 MSRP ---·-····--...... _, _____ $39,201 WilliAMS DISC ...... _____ $4,132 REBATE.--·--·--·.. ---·$3,500 BONUS REBATE--·---·--·-·$500 SPECIAl REBATL ... _____ $750

2oo3 CHEVY S-1 0 P ·UP SLIDING REAR WINDOW, ELEC. XPRESS CARGO 5SPO, AC, ALLOY WHEELS, MSRP ...... - ...... ""'"" __ $11,912 MSRP _____ $25,595 1TON , 5300 VB, AC, AUTO, SNRF, CO, AC, STK #23n231 STK #2318410 WILLIAMS DISC".. ··---S354 * WilliAMS DISC._ .. ___$2,105 STK #231284 * REBATE ...,nuounu-ouuou_._,.,$4,000 , REBAJE __, __ $3,000 PAGE 2 OUT OF THIS WORLD CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER 24, 2003 -I

I• ; 't

t r t ,r This outrageous exotic, g r with nearly limitless power, is , ,'f still one the most formidable sports cars ever built

By MALCOLM GUNN tent sports machine, horsepower and 369 lb.-ft of torque, ring in less than 9 seconds. Top speed pound advantage. WHEELBASE COMMUNICATIONS but not aerodynamically suited for the 959 made 230 ponies more than was 195 m.p.h. There were a number of major high-speed competition. To address the production car upon which it was Porsche's success in breaking the obstacles that stood in the way of the problem, all-new bodywork was based. four-second zero-60-m.p.h. barrier prospective 959 buyer when the car designed, including a smoother nose A six-speed gearbox. featuring an can largely be attributed to the 959's finally went on ale in 1987. First was and a flat spoiler that extended across ultra-low first gear for getting under all-wheel-drive system that virtually its prohibitive $227,000 price tag. ow does one describe the the rear deck. Bulging Kevlar-rein­ eliminated traction loss from a dead indescribable? way on off-road terrain, was standard. Second. the company wa vef) partic­ forced fiberglass fenders and protrud­ stop. When it comes to the Dropping the clutch in second gear ular about who be allowed to buy it. ing rocker panels allowed for extra­ The amount of power directed to H Porsche 959, you could was the norm when starting off on Only regular customers that were wide wheels and tires. Under the paved surfaces. the axles depended upon which one of deemed important or mature enough pull out every superlative and every body, a special belly pan was attached To give the car suitable torque at four driver-controlled settings was to handle the 959\ awesome power piece of hyperbole from your verbal to further enhance air flow. low speeds, the turbos operated in selected: Dry; Wet; Ice; and Traction. were given a ~pot in a line that wa arsenal ... and it still might not be The basis for any successful racing sequence. At 4,000 r.p.m. or lower, The latter locked up the front clutch only 230 buyers long. They also had enough. Porsche lies beneath the rear decklid only one turbo was working. Above and rear differential for maximum off­ to promise not to sell for at lea t six This little-known but highly touted and the company went flat-out to that range, the other turbo would kick road grip and was successfully months. hy:per-Porsche turned the 1980s defi­ develop its flat-six-cylinder power­ in and the engine would rocket to its employed when early test versions of Further complicating matters was nition of high performance completely plant for maximum velocity. 7,800 r.p.m. redline. the 959 finished first- not once, but the fact that the car could not be certi­ upside down with its futuristic Displacing just 2.8 liters, the horizon­ The performance numbers generat­ twice- in one of the world's tough­ fied for use on North American road-. approach to speed, handling and com­ tally opposed DOHC engine featured ed by the 959 were staggering. They est automotive contests, the 6,500- (although a few verucles managed to puter-controlled hardware. It was a twin turbochargers and intercoolers, still are, even by today's standards. rnile off-road Paris-Dakar (France to car that was light years ahead of its sneak in under the no es of govern­ three separate cooling systems, six oil Zero-to-60 m.p.h. flashed by in about Senegal) rally. ment watch dogs). time and one that would become the pumps and 12 fuel injectors. With 444 3.8 seconds, with 100 m.p.h. occur- Other complex ground-breaking benchmark for all Porsches that fol­ Although the closest to a 959 that items included computer­ most of us will ever come are the pic­ lowed. controlled hydraulic ride Conceived, designed and built in ture printed on this page. the benefit~ the 1980s to go racing in a new facto­ height, twin shock ab orbers of this true supercar can be found in and coil springs positioned ry-experimental class, Porsche also many of today' Porsches. In fact. the at each wheel. and a tire­ set out to build about 200 copies (as -lOO-hor all-\\heel-dnYe rnid- mandated by the rules) of the 959 for pressure monitoring system 1990s 911 Turbo is a direct descen­ public consumption. used with low-profile dent of the 959 program. Of course, racing had been in Bridgestone run-flat rubber. More than 15 years after the last of Porsche's blood since the company's Two trim levels were these hand-built rear-engine mon:.ter~ modest beginnings shortly after the offered: Comfort, which left the factory. 959 Yal.:i"es continue Second World War. From its earliest included air conditioning, appreciate. regularly breaching the 'bathtub' cars to the modern-day 911, ride-height control and $250,000 barrier. all models have benefitted from the power windows and seats: Such is the demand for this high­ lessons learned on the track. and Sport, containing none tech hall-of-fame Porsche that rew The beginning point of the 959 was of the Comfort's extras, the exotic-car book and left behind an the rnid-1980s 911 Carrera, a compe- which provided a 125- impres~.ive technological legacy.•

I I I ~ I ,.,.. ,.. I I I

,.. I" ..,. I

gles Cheerleaders will be on hand Sat• . for photos & autographs

Sale Location: iywine Chrysler Jeep inc. "BCP" vood Highway in Wilmington DE 0 ® @g ®~cQO OCTOBER 24, 2003 OUT OF THIS WORLD CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 3

410·398·1230 REACHING OVER 800·220·1230 325,000 READERS WEEKLY Or Fax Us - 24 Hours 7 Days a week Call us to place an ad Mon - Fri 8 AM .. 5 PM Office Open Mqnday - .day 8 AM - 5 PM 41 0·398·4044 WE SUPPORT OUR ARMED FORCES 601 Bridge Stree Elkton, MD 000 Announcements 300 Rentals 600 Merchandise DEADLINE: Checks, Cash or Credit Card 100 Employment 400 Real Estate Sale 700 Farm Market lncolumn 3:00 PM D&di;=i 200 Business Opps 500 Services 800 Transportation Display Noon 2 days prior Online at

U Help Wanted U Help wanted J&l" Help Wanted J&l" Help Wanted J&l" Help Wanted l!&l"" Help Wanted l!&l"" Help Wanted ~NOTICES ~ NOTIC~ ,.. full-time ,.. · full-time ,.. · full-time ,.. full-time ,.. . · full-time ,.. full-time ,.. full-time BARTE NDER 2ND ANNUAL POSTAL JOBS- AUTOMOBILE Drivers DRIVERS & OWNER DRIVERS- Simply DRIVERS· You + ADVERTISING Trainees needed I $250 a announcement public SALES Operators- Dedicated mor€ ! $.40 per mile Western Express.,suc SHRIMP AND BEEF SALES day potential. Local pos1- DINNER #USPS2475.. Up to ·we WILL TRAIN openings. 2800 mi/wk. More pay per mile than cess. Sol'd miles. reli­ $29.16 per hour, applica­ *SALARY PLUS COMM. l1ons available. 1-800- ••••••••• $.36, mile, no touch anyone else' Call us. able home time, compet­ Saturday October 25. Chesapeake Publish­ tions-information. Free *5 DAY WORK WEEK 293-3985 X 2908 EXPERIENCED freight. Also OTR Van, 2003 North East V.F.W. ing has an immediate we'll prove it to you' itive pay, benefits pack­ call. Now h1nng for 2003' *COMPANY BENEFITS TRACTOR/ TRAILER Flatbed, Autohaul. COL 12.· mos. OTR required. 4:00 pm. - 7:00 pm. opening for outside age easy pass ·pre-pass. Federal hire-full benefits *PAID VACATION + CRYOGENIC DRIVER! tra1ning. Call Dan 800- HEARTLAND EXPRESS D1nner served 5:00 pm. sales executives. Ele­ COL. 22 yrs old 1-800-892-5114 X 97 HOLIDAYS *******Company, Solos & 347-4698 800-282-5861 www.heart­ - 8:00 pm. Music' ments of this pos1t1on mm. good MVR. 877- *YOU SUPPLY A Teams Source Trans­ 316-7100 SHRIMP-BEEF include maintaining GREAT SMILE POSI­ Owner Operators portation, a division of GREEN TABLE exsisting and develop­ & *DRIVERS* ,.. LosT &: FoUND TIVE ATTITUDE! + Primary Runs RUAN Transportation, is OUT OF THIS THE OUT OF THIS DRAFT BEER- SODAS­ ment of new accounts Newark, DE + Weekly Hometime accepting applications WORLD CLASSIFIEDS WORLD CLASSIFIEDS ICED TEA 1n sales territories 1n CONTACT TED Turnaround Avail. NOWJ COLONIAL HONDA + Miles Miles M1les for qualified Tractor REALLY WORK! 410-398-1230 OR 800- Beer will be served FOUND HUSKY OR Cecil County, MD and • Miles-Miles-Miles 41 0-642-2433 30 Mm. Approval Trailer Cryogenic Dri­ 410-398-1230 220-1230 until 8:00 pm. MALAMUTE Found 1n New Castle County, 877-687-5627 • Wkly. Hometime $20.00 per person or vers 30 Mm. Approval Delancy Village behind DE. This challenging JOG LOGISTICS PUBLIC NOTICE $35.00 a Couple. Must Royal Farms on Route position IS for creative Automot1ve We offer: 877-687-5627 pay for children at door 40 by Williams Chevy and achievement driv­ PARTS COUNTER Super China. Inc .. has on October 14. 200:1 COUNTER STAFF JDC Logistics Under 6- free. 6 to 12 yrs 443-497 2859 en people. We encour PERSON will tram the applied w1th the Alcoholic Beverage Control - $15.00. Tickets can be age new ideas and right person. hrs 7:30a- Accepting applications: + Un1on Benefits + Commissioner for a tram-fer of a Re;;taurant for the newley remod-1 Drivers - purchased at Post 6027 allow individuals to 4:30p. Apply in person: Home nightly + Excel­ Liquor License that includes Sundays and J&l" Help Wanted eled Dunkin Donuts. OWNER OPERATORS Only 200 T1ckets Avail­ work freely with clients. COLONIAL HONDA lent wage package + permits the sale~, ~en·ice and consumption of ,.. full-time 5439 Pulaski Hwy, 2462 Pulaski Hwy' Medical & Dental Insur­ & FLEET OWNERS able. Mens· Auxiliary Competitive salary. Live between OH and alcoholic beYerage;: on the premises where !ast l!J +Advancement CUSTOMER SERVICE offer. electromc settle­ 800 749-5782 (24 hrsl ence requ1red. Call 1- re~idents or property owm·r;; located within 1 opportunities $500 a week. helpmg ments, pa1d liability 800-806-0084 X 201 Must have a COL-A mile of the premises. or In any incorporated area~ LEON SMITH + Get the training you US government. Call Insurance & discounts AND BAND $600-$1520 WKLYplus need to build a career NTA 1-877-255-6720 class license With a min­ located within 1 mile of the premities. The prote:-;t imum of 3 years of Cryc­ on fuel. tires and more. appearing at Uncle full benefits. Entry-pro­ + Fun office must be filed with the Alcoholic BeYerage ContPJl fessional level. No expe­ genic expenence and CALL MIKE: Bob's Western Corral atmosphere DATA ENTRY, work 800-288-8139 Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Can·el Statt> 565 Kirk Road rience necessary. Paid When you from home. Flexible tank and HazMat Office Building, 820 1\orth French Street. + Easily accessible endorsements. LANDSTAR Pleasant Hill, MD training vacations no commuting hassles hours' Great pay' Com­ Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest must be Sat. 10.25, 9am-1pm Green Card OK. 1-877- are looking puter required. 1-800· + Health, dental and Interested Candidates received bv the Commissioner·s office on or before 329·5268 ext. 805 401 (k) 382-4282 ext. 70 DRIVERS- CFI- New November 17, 2003. Failure to file such a should call: pay plan! 3-6 mos. exp. + Paid vacations and for DRIVER- $1.1 00/week protest may result in the Commissionet holida,-s 302-324-0482 $.28: 6-12 mos. exp. average' Great home and ask for $.30: 1 yrs. exp. $.32. considering the application ~vithout further something, time Must have one Steve Brough NOW HIRING' Compa­ notice, input or hearing. If you ha\'e question~ BERTUCCI~S Please call year OTR experience regarding this matter please contact thl· Ed Hoffman ny. 0'0. 1- BRICK OVEN PIZZERIA and good MVR. 888- 800-CFI-DRIVE Commissioner's office at (3021 577-5222. 410·398-3311 X 3057 look Dedicated to Diversity 247 4037 Sm1th Trans­ np 10 1; 2~.31 fax resume to: EOE Earn up to $25.00/hr. port, M-F 8a-6p. Sa-Sun, 41 0-398-4044 to the 8a-5p. www.smithtrans­ Announcing our newest PUBLIC AUCTION PUBLIC NOTICE cp classifieds DRIVER- COVENANT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned otice is herebv given that the undersigned opening in the will sell at public auction on ovember 19, Transport Teams. will sell at Public Auction on November 25, 2003 at 10 a.m. at: first! Teams. Teams. We need 2003 at 12:00 p.m. at: CHRISTIANA CHURCHMANS MINI STORACE teams for the long haul. PUBLIC STORAGE INC. 45S EAST NEW CHURCHMANS ROAD TOWN CENTER Owner Operators. expe­ 201 BELLEVUE RD. rienced drivers. Solos, NEW CASTLE, DE 19720 NEWARK, DE t97t:S Benefits include: teams and graduate stu­ the personal property heretofore stored with the personal property heretofore stored with Great pay, flexible schedules, dents. Call 888-MORE­ the undersigned by: the undersigned by: medical, dental and life PAY (888-667-3729) AG14- William Mercante -sofa, dressers, boxes, insurance, short term lamps A004 - Sharon lee - toys, clothin& 30+ boxes, disability, vision care ******* A056 - Edml(nd Lugovoy - boxes, TV, chairs 5+ totes program, paid vacations, DRIVERS np 10 24,31 C059 - Eunice J. Rogers - misc. furniture, 5+ tuition assistance, credit Liquid Tank boxes, wheelchair, toys union, meal discounts NEW TERMINAL E145 - Shakeera Pennewell- misc. furniture and career advancement Co Drivers & 0 O's F042 - Maurice Earl - misc. items opportunities. Local G045 - Richard Shelton - misc. furniture, 10+ Please apply in person, Regionai/OTR(3-1 0 day boxes, microwave • At least 6 months of experience required dispatch) Mon.-fri., 9am-5pm; C023 - Trimeka Waller - misc. furniture, toys, • IV certifiCation preferred + 55 K average per yr. Sat., 9arn-1pm, in the 5+ boxes, bike trailer behind our • Competitive Compensation + Full Medical + 401 k & Profit Sharing can take you places! np 10 17,H new location at the • Flexible Hours 41 0-398-1230 Christiana Town Center, • Supportive Staff We reqwre: 201 W. Main Street, + Class A COL- X end. Newark, DE 19702, Plt!a>t! RS\ P b~ calling: 1 -800-774-0~23 + Good dnving record LEGAL '\OTICE (302) 286-6600. ( andidah'" mUll brill'! 2 rc}cr~m:t'.\, c:WTt'llf stalt lin·uswt·. + 1 yrs T T exp. \:oti.:e is h~reby gi\en thai the properties listed beiO\\ \\Cre >CJ;ed for \iolation of Title 16 of the Delaware Code. EOE 78 Dt•t(7mmaiion and CPR cards to tire en:IJI. 0\\ ncr' or lknhold~rs \\ ho can establi>h that the propert} \\a> forfeited by an act or onuss10n commmed or ommed Schwerman• Trucking \\ ithout 1hcir con,ent ma~ appl~ for r~nmsion at 1he effie~ of the A nome} General, Forfeiture Di\ 1~ion. Wilmington DE Bertucci's h.u bun chosrn as the \\"ilmin!!IOn. Delaware. Person> des1rin!! to contesl lhc forfeirure of assets 'e1zed pursuam to Tille 16 ot the Genesis ElderCare ~ 302-395-9905 DelU\\U;e Code, Section -t78-t may pro1~ct their intere>l by fihng a Cl\11 petition in Supenor Coun withtn -l5 days 2003 Employer of Choice :a: by tht• ;\imonal Rt· later. uperior Court Ci,iJ Rule 71.3 >Cl> oul the EOE, WF orv. ******* requirements for filing a ci\ il forfeiture petition. FR0\1. Lawana. \.1cLean \\HERE: \\est Tth 1. ARTICLE: 1990 Pontiac; \GE'.C)'· \Yilmtngton Police Dept DATE SEIZED: 09 12 03 \T\~ I G::>WJ 14T9LF2539 6 WHERE: 1699 W 3rd St. . ~ rAR_n.Cf.E : $1071.00 US Currency FR0:'-1: Martm Roberts DATE SEIZED: 09,08/03 AGEl"CY: Wilmmgton Police Dept. ARTICLE. S1335 .00 US Currenc) FR0\1: The !lie Chamblee WHERE: 1300 N Cla\·mom St AGENCY: 1\e\\ Ca,tle Co. Police Dept DATE SEIZED: 09 ::>S 03 FR0\1: Dona-ld Gouge \\"HERE: 40-l \1 Co'> St ARTICLE. $7 50.00 LS Currency \GE\:CY: Delaware' late Police DATE SEIZED: 09 06 03 WHERE: 702 East:'\\"enue ARTICLE: 5796.00 C Currenc) FR0\1: Holh, Zane DATE SEIZED: 09 13 03 AGI::. '\CY· 1\e\\ Ca.ile Co. Pollee Dep1 \RTICL E: $589.00 lJS Currenc~ FR0\1: William Castle \\"HERE: 230 Thi,tle \\'a~ AGE'\CY: DRBA Police DATE SEIZED:. I0-0:! 03 ~R0\ 1 : William Gaiewood -\\'HERE: 149 N DuPont H\\)". ARTICLE: SD92.00 L Currcnc~ \GE\:CY· \\ ilmmg10n Police Dept. DATE SEIZED: 09 27 03 Start your new \\II ERE: 1500 Blk \\' 3rd S1. ARTICLE: 1991 Honda: FR0~1. Ronald G1lli DATE SEIZED: 09 ::>6 03 VIN# I HGED364 1ML031317 AGE'\CY: \\ ilmmgton Police Dep1. ARTICLE: !:>."l60.00 t;S Currency WHERE: 704 \i Tatnall Si. FR0\1: Jacqueline Thomas DATE EIZED. 10 06 03 car or truck FR0:\1: \1ichael Dorse; AGENCY: Delaware State Police ARTICLE: 34~.00 LiS Currency AGE:-.CY: \\'ilmmglon. Police Dep1. WHERE: 1200 \\'est Ave Room 247 FR0\1:.Lamar con \\'HERE: :!00131k;..; \'anBuren SL DATE SEIZED: 09 :!4 03 AGENCY: \\ ilmmg10n Police Dep1. DATF SEIZED: 09 16 03 ARTICLE: S::>OSO.OO lJ Currency \\'HER£: 23rd & Lamolte 1. ARTICLE: Sl7o.OO_t;S Currency DATE SEIZID: 0 ::>9 03 shopping FR0,\11 : Jason Te~ter ARTICLE: $546.00 Li Currenc} FR0\1 01'\ille Smith AGE;\CY· Dela\\are Stale Police -\GE'\CY: Wilmington Police Dept \\HERE: 84:! Grant A\ e. FR0 \1· Da\ 1d Jonc' \\HER!.: CnncordA\c & !'\ Tatnall S1. DATE EIZED: 09 T0'03 AGE~CY: :"\ew Ca,tle Co. Police Dept in, the Out Of DATE SEIZED: OR 30 03 ARTICLE. 1000.00 t;S Currency \\HERE. 16TyroneA\e. ARTICLf'· 53<,9.00 t;S Currenc} DATE SEIZED: 0 07 03 FROM: Bryan Pa) mer ARTIC'I:E: 19"'9 Che\ rol~t/~_;, FR0\1· Franklm \1owbra\ AGE'\CY: \\ilmmgton Police Dept. \ '1 =( PL2:! WHERE: 499 S\\' 32nd S1. .. AGE!'\CY· Wilmmglon Pohce Dept. DATE SEIZED: 09 II 03 np 10 24 'PAGE 4 OUT OF THIS WORLD CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER 24, 2003 ~ Help Wanted Help Wanted U' U Help Wanted ~ BusiNESs OPP. U' .APARTMENTS r CONDOS FOR U HOUSESFOR 1m"" LoTS/ACREAGE U LoTs/ACREAGE 'Y' full-time ,.. full-time ,.. full-time ,.. FOR SALE ,.. . UNFURNISHED ,.. RENT Ji"" SALE ,... FOR SALE Ji"" FOR SALE : EASY WORK! Great GOVERNMENT RETAIL ASSISTANT S550 WEEKLY AFFORDABLE Motel NEWARK WATERS NO RENT! SO DOWN ABANDONED Home­ ...NEw ·•• Oucvey s !pay! Immediate open­ WILDLIFE & POSTAL MANAGER • Mature, INCOME posscble mail­ Rooms & Efficiency EDGE 1 br, $725. mo + hoes. Gov't. & Bank stead- 1800' yr round Grove Phase II 20+ ac. ,mgs. processing macl, JOBS! Paid training. Full responsible, & expen­ ing our sales brochures apartments. $165 utcl's. Sec dep & ref foreclosures! HUD. FHA. stream. 28+ ac $79,900. Mountacn •assembling products benefits. NO expenence ence preferred. Will train from home. No experi­ Weekly. 41 0-392-9623 req d. 302-654-4641 VA. No credit OKI For $109.900. Just mm to S stream, mounta.n vcews . necessary. Earn $13.21 the right person. good ence necessary. FT PT or 41 0-287-9877 lcstcngs 800-501-1777 Branch of Potomac. Open'wooded. 90 min. :~~~r ~r~~y h~~;· :;r~~~~ to $48.00 per hour. Call starting wage. Please Genuine opportunely. STEVENSVILLE: 2BR ext. 2091 Mature hardwoods. Must west of DC. Gomg fastl • Qir~;ctory today. 800- for application exam Apply in person at Furni­ Supplces provided garage. pier. immaculate seel Call 800-842-9091 Call 800-842·9091 B"' HoUSES FOR cond., $1350/mo. + utili­ :267-3994 ext 135 information. 1-888-778- ture & Freight, 141 The cnculdcng customer mail­ IIV" MANuFACTURED www amencanacreage.corr~ ,.. RENT tee s. 41 0-643-9685 • \WM'.easywork-grealp3y.CXJ111 4266 ext 153 Village of Elkton. ing labels. Call 1-708- Ji"" HOMES FOR SAI.E 808-5182 (24 hours) ACCESS TO Potomac River· 11+ ac. $99,900. u CoiOIERCIAL/ GET PAID TO SHOP! HIRING FOR 2003 TREE CLIMBER BOHEMIA RIVER: 35' HYLINE '89 ac, full !, ,.. To Share Great mix of hardwoods ,.. IIM:snar;T POR SALE 1Mystery shoppers earn Postal positions. $600- Pe rform tree mainte­ small 1br cottage. on Ba w: shower, new hot A+ NESTLE Chocolate & meadows w deeded :$25/local area stores. $1520/weekly plus full nance activities. Utilize Treasures Vending water,furncshed with boat water heater & c'a. full •free merchandcse, federal benefcts. Entry­ safety equipment. assist slip, $975 month + utili­ river access. Perfect for SAWMILL S3895. New Rou te. Great locations RISING SUN : nice sz fridge. frz, lots of clos­ horsesl Call now for :movies, meals & more. professional level, no foreman in all aspects of available while they last. ties Call: 410-275-2540 development, full house ets, 2 sheds w• elect. Super Lumbermate o..www. Sea rch4 S hop- early appointment 304- 2000. Larger capacc!les, experience necessary daily work activitces. Excellent profit potential! privileges. all utilities Florida Rm. Sl

I f OCTOBER 24, 2003 OUT OF THIS WORLD CLASSIFIEDS PAGES ~ CHILD CARE I!V LAWN & FuRNITURE/ ~ MOTORCYCLES/ lfV ,. YARD SALES ,.POWER BoATS ,. AUTOS "" SERVICES I ""GARDEN SERVICES ,... FuRNiSHINGS Y I ATVs GERMAN SHEPHERD BEAR 6wks-12yrs .. TV 25" w /stand ELKTON 38 Breeze­ R. SUN Multi Fam, 404 YAMAHA LARSON'S PUPS 2 males w papers 34' SILVERTON '87 cert. CPR instructor, 1st $100, 2 desks $25 & way Dr. , off of Leeds Ad. Pearl St., Fri & Sat 101 YZ250F '03. Four & shots. Taking deposits Flying Bridge convert, aid, meals & snacks incl. Tree Service & $50 kitchen table w/6 Sat.1 0/25 8-noon HUGE 24 & 25, 8-4, antique, twin 270 hp, ac, genera­ stroke Motorcross bike. now. 41 0-398-0212 chairs $75 call 410-287- FORD TAURUS GL before afterschool lie. Landscaping, YARD I GARAGE I chairs, Singer treadle, tor. $47,900/ $43 takes it Brand new. Less than #520742 302-838-6583 9544 MOVING SALE tools, '96 p 'w, p/1, dual L.L.C HIMALAYAN CAT perennials, h/h, brand in Oct. 410-739-4745 5 hrs. Mint condition. turn. , garden, kitchen, plseats, dual air bags, 741 Leeds Road female purebred, 1 year name clothing, turn Just purchased home glassware, craft supplies p m1rrors, 8 disk CD HEALTH CARE Elkton, MD 21921 old. Litter trained. Great " GENERAL & must sell. $4500 u ,... ~MERCHANDISE sewing patterns & etc. changer, arnlfm stereo 410-392-5175 with kids. Not spayed. OBO. /cassette, alloy whls. "" SERVICES ~BOATS/OTHER 443-553-2707 $200 410-287-3716 ELKTON Indoor sale cruise, 98K, heat & Fall is for Planting CRAFTMATIC BED WHOLESALE Vita- HUSKY MIX spayed full sz, exc cond, $400. 35 Irwin Ave, near ale, keyless entry & CANOE- 11 foot, wood remote start. W66 mins/Sports Nutrition. all shots current 80 lbs Jewelry Armoire $50. Frenchtown Pool, Fri. & fiberglass, painted "' A UTO PARTS & • Landscape Call 41 0-620-9419 1 0/24 Sat. 10 /25 8am- ~ fl~])'llJ,g~_w Wholesale prices! Save Package Specials needs fenced yard. Free came. $200. Please Call ,... A CCESSORIES BIG!! www.supplemneta­ to good home only. Call 4pm Sun. 10/26 1Oam- oon't l\, .... 5 41 0-885-2596 'J~ ~2.!1J1Hm Calf • Hydroseeding FREE 3 room direct TV 4pm Christmas gifts, Th' lV.US 410-642-2210 leave • Buffer Plantings 41 0-287-3490 18 AMERICAN RACING system including instal­ flags, new items & etc. One 4 wheel drive rims 16 x msg if necessary. • Reforestation & KITTEN lation! FREE 3 months Aforestation 9 3/4, 8 lug, fits Dodge ~ HoME IMPROVEMENT FREE TO GOOD HBO (& movie channels) WARWICK: 31 Main Ford $600 or b/o call • Hazardous & HOME! w/subscription. Access Street, Sat., Oct. 25th, 302-738-2287 "" SERVICES Takedowns 225+ TV channels. Digi­ Multi 8am-1pm. Please call: ti:..t.i ·,f, BOAT SLIP: 50 ' COV­ • Tree Takedowns 410-620-1383 tal quality picture I Moving after 50 years! GRAMPS can fix any­ • Stump Grinding J\1\"J ~Family Incredible Finds! ERED slip. Bohemia Bay TRUCKS/SPORT thing but Congress!! All sound. Limited offer. N~~~)' • Brush Chipping Details 1-800-963-2904 Yacht Basin, Ches. City UTILITY VEmCLES your "to-do's", big or KITTENS: Free to ELKTON Multi-family (Eastern shore). Electric, FORD TAURUS SW good homes. Cute & small. Nobody's more­ Licensed & Insured FREE 3-ROOM 2 Southhampton Ct. ... LAWN & GARDEN phone & cable hook ups. '95 seats 8, ps, pw, pi, friendly. Call Barbara. Kensington Courts Dev. DODGE DAKOTA careful. 410 287 5157 MHIC # 73466 DirecTV System includ­ ,... EQUIPMENT Rental avail 11 /01 /03. SLT 2001 , quad cab, 92k miles, $2600. Call 41 0-392-9142 Sat. 10/25 8am-2pm Ing installation! Sub­ Call 856-768-3624 short bed, hard ton­ 410-620-5577 NO early birds please! HANDYMAN Light Major Credit Cards PERSIAN KITTENS scribe to "NFL-Sunday WHEELHORSE C-165 neau cover, hitch, exc FORD TEMPO '88 hauling, yard work & Accepted CFA Reg. adorable little Ticket" get 4 months Tractor, garage kept, ~ REcREATIONAL cond., S13,000. 410- small jobs our specialty. INDOOR ESTATE 50k orig. mi., 4 cyl., auto balls of fur. Lovable per­ FREE programming. hydro-static, hydraulic ,... VEmCIES 620-4789 Call 302-709-2208 sonalities, looking for Access 225+ channels. SALE continued, com­ lift 42" deck, snow w/ ale, exc. cond., ask­ U FINANCIAL/ loving home $300 each. Digital quality picture. bined w/ family indoor blade, wheel weights & DODGE P/U '88 one ing $1200 410-287- sale. 114 Newark Ave DAMON Ultrasport owner, auto. p/s, ale, 3285 HAS YOUR building ""MONEY TO LEND 41 0-620-5558 sound. Limited time chains, S1 ,000 . 410- shifted? Structural offer. 800-796-4229 Elkton, MD, Fri 10/24 8- 392-6258 Diesel Pusher '36ft '98 p/b, bed liner. Full size. LEXUS '97 52K, metic­ repa1rs of barns, houses, ALL TYPES OF Mort­ RESCUED KITTENS 3, to numerous to list. slideout loaded. $75,000 $2,000 302-322-4961 Call 301-807-4018 ulously main! & cared garages. Call Woodford gage financing avail. FREE to good home HOT TUB & SPA 4-5 ... MACmNERY& Bros., Inc. for straighten­ only. Call 443-309-1546 person. Never used! tor. Leather mt, p/w, p/1, Good credit, poor credit, ,... HEAVY EQUIPMENT p/s, slide/tilt moon roof, 6 ing, level, ioundation Call for financing today_ Therapy seats, cover, FORD CLASS C 27ft SHITZU AKC regis­ full warranty, loaded! Ne\JtJqgq)' Winnebago '89 59k mi., way elect seats w/ lom­ and wood frame Ron 302-429-0600 CUMMINS ENGINE repairs.1-800-0LD­ tered. 3F. 1M Parents on $3,410 delivered. 800- awning, gen., heat, ale, N~~,~ bard, cruise. CD est am/ -~v 300 '85 with Jake Brake BARN or 1-800-0LD­ premises. Call: 410-920- 340-3142 www.over­ cable hook up, new tires FORD EXPEDITION fm radio w/ 6 CD chang­ SSCASHSS IMMEDI­ INTERSECTION RT 350k, since major, MHIC# 05- 3806, Ready now MD inspect., $11500 or Eddie Bauer ' 00 4x4 er, dual a/bags, front & ATE cash for structured 273 & Blueball Rd, $2000 call after 5pm rear del. 2 tone pearl & 121561 settlements, annuities, Huge sale. 3 Day Sale b/o 41 0-287-6039 loaded, red, tan lthr int., 410-658-6067 pr. mnroof, 6 cd. 3rd row bronze $16,700 Call real estate. notes. pri­ ,. APPLIANCES 10-23, 10-24 & 10-25. 41 0-658-2065 after 5pm J&J HOME Improve­ vate mortgage notes, bunk bed, dressers, CAMPERS/ seat, gar. kept, 45k mi., U $21 k 410-620-2804 lv mg ments, specializing in accident cases and turn. , scroll saw, industri­ ,.PoWER BoATS ,... - PoP-UPS MERCEDES C-280 roofing. siding, decks, insurance payouts. 800- FREE SEARS DISH- N~..j~)' al sewing machine, & FORD EXPLORER 1997, 4 door, excellent kitchens, and bath­ 794-7310 JG Wentworth WASHER needs pump POOL TABLE 6., lots of stuff condition, 6 cylinder, all rooms. 41 0-620-4980 but good for parts. Call good condition, balls, 17' LOGIC CC '9 1, 26' POWLER: 1998, SPORT '98 2dr, all whl & 4 whl dr, 5 spd manual options. Bose stereo FINANCES GOT YOU 41 0-620-5577 . and 2 st1cks incl. $300. Live BW, am/ fm cass, lg travel trailer, w/ lg. slide out, sleeps 6, queen size trans, 60,500 mi. $6,500 with 6 disc CD. Driver RELIABLE HANDY­ DOWN on Dating? Get Call 410-620-4397 cooler under seat, 50 hp and passenger power Honda 4 stroke, 51 hrs bed, lg. awning, exc. Call 302-455-9476 MAN over 20 yrs exp. Lie cash fast!!! $100-$500. ~COMPUTERS & seats, power windows, on BMT/ still new, new cond., $12,500. 410- & lns'd. Comm & res. Funds deposited ,... ACCESSORIES power locks, climate 15k, must sell baby on 479-1851 302-834-0589 checking account next ~VANs/MINI VANS control, silver gold day Loans by County INTEL PENTIUM Com­ NORTH EAST 15 the way. Asking $10,500 metallic paint, light tan Call 41 0-398-5936 Bank of Rehoboth puters. Bad credit/no Nazarene Camp Rd. ~ MOTORCYCLES/ Interior. only used Mobil I!J"" LAWN& Beach. DE Member credit. No credit checks. Sat 1 0/25 8-? h/h DODGE CARAVAN SE 20' SEACRAFT: 1976, ,... ATVs '95, 115k miles, pw, pi, 1. A great buy, must see' "" GARDEN SERVICES FDIC EOL 1-800-992- Have your fully loaded SCOOTER - VESTA, items tools furniture & Call:302-530-3743 days, 9200 computer in 24-72 hours. 40 CC, 30 miles/hour, many more items! CC, 98 175hp. Mere EFI , well maintained, garage CUSTOM SOFTAIL 302-449-0858 Checking savings will carry up to 2501bs, Rain date Sat. 11 /1 trailer, many extras kept, $2750 abo. Call $6,500/obo. 410-643-0154 '98 8k mi, $14,000 call 410-620-1477 leave PAY DAY LOANS to account required. Call can be ridden on high­ MUSTANG GT 5.0 '85 Larson's Farm $500! Never leave today 800-559-4002 x S. 41 0-275-9265 I 41 0- msg. way. Call: 41 0-287-8835 23' PARKER: 1990, 5 speed, $2,500 1964 & NURSERY home. County Bank of or 41 0-688-1254 287-8494/ 443-309-1035 cuddy cabin, w/ 150HP GRAND VOYAGER Ford Fairlane 500, 2dr 741 Leeds Road Rehoboth Beach, DE. NEED A COMPUTER? Bad credit? Bankruptcy? ~o~~~f£"ni~- Yamaha OB, VHF, FF, '92 runs great $2000. hard top, 289 automatic. Elk1on, MD 21921 Member FDIC. Equal HARLEYS WANTED: $4,000. 410-287-8082 Opportunity Lender. Not OK. No credit check, AM/FM, $16,000. 410- Call 41 0-392-321 0 410-392-5175 643-2096 Any year or condition, Available 1n CA. CO. WV guaranteed approval. •A2IfP CASH PAID! Checking account, home NORTH EAST Tyler residents. 1-800-897- 301-938-2218 ,.,. AUTOS 0069 phone required. 800- Estates on Rt 7 btwn 26' TROJAN '77 F/B FALL IS 419-3702 SLOT MACHINE, real central landfill & N. East low hrs on 318 Chrysler on Sat 1 0/25, 8-2. FOR STOP FORECLO- 1 armed bandit, recondi­ Inboard, all elec., new HONDA 400 EX 2001 CADILLAC DEVILLE SURE! $549.00 guaran­ tioned, $375. Please canvas. 443-286-6904 Upgrades. Asking '97 1ow mileage, A 1 con- TOYOTA CAMRY '90 PLANTING teed service. See real PC TRAINING one on call 610-687-2282 $3,500. 302-836-3625 dillon. Call ale, auto, p/w, cassette, case results-www.unit­ one, m home. Also 41 0-755-6649 199k, runs good. $1600 repair. setup & main!. SPA COVERS S99 & L i ..itMalti S & S 96" EVO Motor b 0 41 0-620-3427! Our UP cover lifters $179 call Jon 302-897-9733 STD Heads, Basely CORVETTE '81 350 cu winning team helps cartridge filters avail­ J\1\Y( ~Family EVERGREEN TREES Andrews Valve Springs in. auto. 41 k orig miles. VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, 1GOO's save homes. Let able. 1-800-771-3481 COLORADO SPRUCE us help you! Call 888- lfV FuRNITURE/ ODESSA Multi-family & Cam, S & S Carbure­ 25th anniversary colors. 1999. New body style, BLUE SPRUCE Gar kept. Very good GLS sunroof, 6 disc CD 9840 x 75 today' ,... FuRNISHINGS WEDDING DRESS Basalt St., StoneField 33' ROBBINS 1971 tor $3500 or b/o call NORWAY SPRUCE Dev. Sat. 10/25 8a-2p Custom Bay Built Picnic 41 0-392-6832 cond. Call after 2 pm. changer, black. 95,000 WHITE PINE size 9-1 0. Brand new, 41 0-378-4229 miles. $7900 OBO. Call: BED 2 piece QUEEN never worn. Off shoulder toys, clothes, turn., h/h boat, yacht finish, strip $1 0.00 PER FOOT ,.,. Misc. SERVICES PILLOW TOP in plastic items & more! planked, white cedar 410-459-5534 $15.00 PER white A line. $600 b/o DODGE INTREPID w, warr. NEW, Can deliv­ Call 41 0-398-7126 hull, F.G decks, full FOOT-PLANTED er. $149 302-293-4054 !ength cabin top, 165 hp '94, 73,000 miles. excel­ PORT DEPOSIT 328 lent condition. $3,000 TOO MUCH STUFF? gas Mere, new hydraulic BED RM SET qn. sz. SPORTING Principia Rd., Fri & Sat abo. 410-275-81 10 CONTAINER TREES Call on us. Basements, r 10/ 24 & 25, 8-? Lg multi steering, stainless fuel atti:;s, garages. cleaned camp w/ 2 night stands ,... GOODS 1"-1%'' califer family yd sale, welder, tank & lines, controls, DODGE STRATUS '99 out, Please Call Tammy headboard, dresser, mir­ 1 0 planted for 1,000 tools, car parts, h/h, wiring, & more. Great $8,500, abo. 4dr, sun VOLVO 960 '94 105k 1W'-2" Caliper at : 302-395-1 086 ror & armo1re $850 GANDY POOL cocktail cruiser or yacht Dinette Set 7 pc. wood TABLE, 9'x4W, 3 piece clothes, turn, games, roof. tinted windows. mi.. champagne w tan 5 Planted for retired Longaberqer bas­ club boat. $37,500 auto, runs great. Call lthr. mt., loaded, $6000 S750.00 & tile. $250 410-287- slate. Very good cond. Owner, 41 0-991-0939 3437/410-287-0024 $1200. kets. Much moreT 443-553-5800 Call 41 0-939-2959 I 302-737-9241 8 & 8 TREES BENNINGTON Pine Chanticleer Pear bedroom set. Queen GUN & KNIFE show 5295.00 each s1ze head & foot board Pikesville Armory, Nov. 1 5 or more S250.00 Armoire, hutch styled & 2, Sat 9-5, Sun 9-3. each dresser wlmirror & 2 500 trade tbls. Adm $5. night stands. Down siz­ Preston 41 0-391-8883 MUMS ~ CATS 2, owne ~ ing Will sacrifice for S6.00 each passed away & wants $750 41 0-688-1 951 3 for $15.00 SALES these cats to stay ,. YARD together. Both have all DINING ROOM SUITE MULCHES shots & declawed. They Broyhill. Queen Ann, BEAR 1 04 Rushmore cherry, lighted hutch are mside cats only. For Ct., Becks Woods Dev. TOP SOIL wrglass shelves drawers more info call after off of Rt 40 btwn Salem Premium & storage. Server w top - 4:30pm or leave msg Church Rd & Rt 72 Sat $20.00 per yard Free to good home that opens, 1 drawer & 1 0/25, & 10/26 & 1 0/27 - Screened only 410-287-8477 storage. Oval table w/2 8am-2pm Moving sale $15.00 per yard Senous inquiries only leaves. (6) upholstered incl. gas grill, pwr. cha1rs - 2 armed - 4 side. sewing machine, turn. Saturdays a Almost new, too large for microwave baby clothes Professional CHIHUAHUA PUPS space $4900 or b/o orig. car seat, toys & etc. Landscape Designer AKC Reg. 2 f. 1 blonde $8k+ Please Call: 610- is available for & white markings, 1 998-1977 asststance. Bring a black mask W' fawn picture of your home. color. avail. now, home HOT TUB. Brand new. raised. $550 or b'o Call 6 person, 30 jets. full Delivery Available 410-378-2188 warranty. Still in wrapper. S25.00 with in 1 0 Cost $6200. Sell $3500 CHOC. LAB 302-456-9978 BEAR Comm. of miles Other rates Fairwinds 728 Ellen Dr., available PUUPIES. AKC reg., 1st shots & wormed. Ready MATTRESS - KING pil­ on Rt 40 Sat. 1 0/25, to go now! $300 ea. 717- low top set. In plastic w/ 9am-4pm collectibles, Major Credit Cards antiques, tools, hard­ Accepted 456-5230 warr. sacrifice $225. Can deliver. 302-293-4054 ware, models, h/h, & FREE KITTENS 5 primitives. First yard OUT OF THIS months old, 3 males MATTRESS - QUEEN sale in 50 yrs! WORLD CLASSIFIEDS longhair. 1 female short­ Ortho:Piush set. new in Rain date 10 /26 410-398-1230 OR TOLL hair. Need good homes. plastic w/warr $125. Can FREE 800-220-1230 Call 410-287-9235 deliver 302-293-4054 N~~~)' CHARLESTOWN: Comm Yard Sale,Trinity Woods Rt 267 & 7 Oct 24th & Oct 25th 9am-? No early birds please, too much to list ELKTON 103 Mitchell call our New St., in Friendship Heights, off of High St. Fri. 1 0/24 & Sat. 10/25 Automated Credit Hotline 9a-3, sewing machine, curtains, blankets, h/h f ~m o tc n hone items, dishes, ladies 24 Hours • No Paperwork clothes, knick-knacks, No Embarassment craft items & materiel 1·800·511·4775 ...... -J ...... \ Mnt&FUtib' SALE ELKTON 308 HER­ MITAGE Dr. Sat, Oct 25th, 8-2.

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COLOR &TRIM MAY Jr02 Mustang Convertibles VARY 2 TO CHOOSE FROM! #P4231 Fonl Escape XLI 4x4 s #P4317, MOONROOF, LEATHER , CO, A/f, LOADED! 995 S189 8 '02 Monte Carlo SS '01 Mazda 626 4DR #1'4265. AUTO. A. C. LTHR ., SUNROOFI $16995 #PF4248A.A AUTO A. C. LOADED! $11988 JrOJ Fonl Taurus SES ·~~6 ~C~~ur:~~~~~ $ 9995 ·~P~3 ~~~~~L~~ ' $23988 #PF4321, AUTO., NC, CERTIFIED 6n5K WARR. 7 TO CHOOSE FROM Jr02 Explorer XLS 4x4 #P4241, 4 DOOR , LOADED! S12995 S1999 ·oo Ford Taurus Wagon '99 Toyota Corolla 4DR S #P4271, AUTO., LOADED s 12995 #T9496BB. 4DR. AUTO A C CLEAN' 9888 '01 Oldsmobile Alero '97 Grand Marquis LS s '00Fon1Ranger4x2 ~ 10788 #P4283, AUTO., A/C, LOADED! s 12288 #AUTO A/C. LEA~HER. 60 OOL ~~~ .ES 9988 -~~ RF~-:t D~~~~~~& MORES 18688 #P4308. SUPERCAB. 6 CYL. HJIRD TONNEAU

