Former Miss Newark crowned in NYC. • Newark university ranks 12th. PAGEs4 & s I'' II 'l."lll .. ''ll .. , "1111 11 ''11 ., ... , ... , ... ,,.,.,11."1 ••• Greater Ne\ re,.: - rL6 r 3a Atlt1~13 , nee 191 0 ••• • l lltlltJt. L ll • S22 94th Year, Issue 40 ©2003 Newark, Del. • 50¢ UPFRoNfl Farewell, rae Charlesa Horrid haunts, • By JIM STREIT creepy cemeteries NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER IS OTWITHSTANDING await the brave the "bun factor,'' Challenger Funk undecided N Charle a Lowell OR more than 50 year Newarker By CHRISTINE E. SERIO quickly warmed the heart of have participated in or watched the but Godwin makes it clear, all h met in ewark when downtown Halloween Parade, fol- NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER he arrived here ju t a few lowed by Trick Or Treat Main Street. files pape rs fo r third term year ago. Today, tho. e heart On Sunday, Oct 26, the 56th annual EVERAL Delaware and Maryland By DARREl W. COlE are heavy. event once again come to downtown. haunted hou e , and a troll through I and urely many other. For a few hours during that day, the a graveyard are ure to put a care NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER will gather tonight at the R. T. downtown i pede trian-friendly for into the brave t of risk-takers. Foard & Jone funeral home parade watchers and trick or treater . One of the more unique Halloween­ AL GODW1N got a head Lart in on Main Street Typically, about 3,000 people how up, type event is a Churchyard Cemetery hi campaign to ·erve a third to ay ··crood­ aid organizer Sharon Bruen, a recreation Hi tory Walk given by Ed Okonowicz term as the city' · mayor. bye .. to~ upervi. or with the city. and Mike Dixon. Okonowicz, an author On Friday. Oct. 17 he filed the de\ oted friend. "It' a lot of fun, the light are on and and toryteller who e book ha e includ­ required nominati n paper~ with the city Charle .... a died there' no traffic." Bruen aid. "You can't ed Newark people and place , and the ecretary'~ office. officially making him­ at her Windy ask for a better place for it all to happen. hi torian Dixon are leading tour through . elf a mayoral candidate for the April 13, Hills home Thi ha been going on o long, people the t. Stephen Episcopal Church ceme­ 200-+ non-parti ·an election. Ylonda). The are ruway planning ahead of time to - tery in Earleville, Md., on Saturday, Oct. It com se\ eral month~ before other cancer that he attend." 25 at 4 p.m. For Newarker it· about 45 potential candidate. - including tho e had fought o Streit Thi year the parade marshal i former minute. away, but well worth it, and will See AYOR, 15 hra\ ely for so Uni er~ity of Delaware football coach . urely raise the hair , on the back of long finally took it toll. Per Tubby Raymond. The parade begin at 3 neck. ht:r request. we ·11 celebrate p.m. at Tyre Avenue and East Main Street The duo teamed up about four year her life tonight. Family member and See PARADE, 26 See HAllOWEEN, 26 ._ C rbs· long-time fnend.., of Charle'>a hm:C long been heneficiarie-; or her lit:C. Tho!:~e of th here in . ewark han~ ju~t gotten to recycli k.nm\ her. Tonight. \\ e \\ill rem m­ her Ch<~·lc . a a. a p p.,on who h.1\'eJ her profes~ion. She v.a~ 0 pa. sionatt: about the impor­ s tance of lihrarie~. She knew th' po. itive impaCt the infor­ By DARREl W. COlE mation patrons garnered \ ia NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER bo ks. periodicals.and the Internet could ha\ eon anv ITHL the next fe\\ \\eek. rc - person. no matter their age­ ident '>hould begin receiving and '>tation in life. brochure.., acco7llpanied i~ Her cO-\VOrker~ at the 1 electric bilh c plaming a neVY \ oluntary ewark. Free Library certain­ curbside recycling program offered by ly \\ill recall her exemplary the Del a\\ are olid \\a. te Authont\. pirit. d . she led them through D \ official .... aid the\ ..tltcred their the often du t) transformation j origmal urYt:) .tt the re~que t of the ~ewark Cit} Council. t ..1 ept. .22 See , 7 me ting the council \\a enthu .... Ja. tic ..lbout the D \VA propo .... dl to ufkr rec:­ cling tore. ident. \\ ho will pa) for it. but wanted change. made in the original ur­ \C). including . pecif) ing Lhe item that could be rec) cled. Dan Aguilar. manager f inf m1ation See C Cl , 9 7 99462 00002 3 PAGE 2 • • OcrosER 24 2003 737-0724 • Fax 737-9019 NEWARK PosT ·:· POLICE BLOTTER · · Can we help? • Police Blotter i compiled ex t. 132 or all Delaware Offices: The paper's offices are each ~reek from the .files of the HE e\\Jrk Police Department i., tn\'e. tigating a Crime toppers at 1- '00-TIP-3333. located conveniently in the Ne~rark Police Department. ew Armed Tarmed robber) that occurred e\\ ark police al ·o M ime ti­ Robscott Building. 153 E Castle Count\' Police and the on Duke treet in c\\ arh. on e:ating the a s~.mlt on a 21-\ ear-old Chestnut Hill Rd., Newark DE Delaware State Police by !he \fonda). Oct 20 at ':.:n p.m. Univ~r it) of Delaware student 19713. Office hours are 8:30 ne~npoper tc~ff rob bery, The \ ictun reported that he had in iue the lph,l Tau Omega a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays ju t e\.tted ht" \chicle tn the park.­ h1)U e. 1:"' Courtne, St.. e:.11h Sat trda\ mornmQ. ()ct. II. · Phone: (302) 737-0724 ing lot anu' a '"· to hi apartment ''hen he \\'a Police aid th~ 'ictim uffered Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 Truck goes assault apprnacheu h\ a white male wear­ broken left orbital hone \\hich \\ill e-mail: [email protected] tn!.! a bla::h. IH~tl!.kd ''eat hin and je~n The Lhpect then di pia) ell a To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or through one cases hand!.!un and demanded the\ ictlm 1-800-220-3311. Cost is turn~\Crhi \\<tllet. S15.95 per year to New Castle The 'ict1m uid ,md th_ u"p ·ct County addresses. To begin a h me, stops open tled on foot tO\\ ard Lthran subscnption. simply call. 'enue. Pol ice ,1id th u· pect i To place a classified: Call 737- described as a \\ hite male. fi, ~:: feet eight inches tall in ht t\\ entie . 0724 or 1-800-220-3311. in another \\ earing a blach. hooded S\\ eatshirt. To place a display ad: Cali 737- a red brimmed ba eball hat. blue emen.!enc\ n om. EW Ca tie County Police are 1 0724 or 1-800-220-3311. imestigating an earl) mom­ jean'>. and \\"hite snettka . 1 ~1 further detaiL are a' ailabl ,._ in!! era h imolving a utilitv An)one \\ith information rna) Police are continuing their in\ e. li­ HE STAFF of the Newark Post IS N true h. and"m o occupied ho~nes. · contact Ne'" ark Police at .366-7110 gation or the incident. eager to assist readers and advertis­ T 21. ---------- ers Reporters. writers. editors and On Tue.,da). Oct. at 8:18a.m., county pol ice and paramedic salespeople can be contacted as listed: police on aturda), Oct. 18. at 3:2-+ lege studenh v. ho I 1\ e next door had Po lie~ . aid he \\a . Lratched on re'>ponded to a home in the 00 block p.m. that omeone in.,ide a green held a part) the night before. The hi. arm .· and nee h.. Optiun. and \\ .tr­ James B. Streit, Jr. IS the publisher of Birchwood Dtive after hearing a Subaru hot a flare gun in the I 00 neighbor told police he did ho ·t a rant procedure \\ere explained to th~..· of the Ne~ 'ark Post He sets policies and report that a truck that had era hed block Lm ett Avenue. narrow!} mi s­ pat1) but wa. unav.are of anyone re id~nt s. \\ lw s.1id the\ no lon!.!er manages all departments in the Newark into two home . When police arri\ed. ing se\eral per:ons. off;ce. Call h1m at 737-0724 "turfmg" the adjacent lm\ n. needed police ,t ..,i tan e~ ._ they di'>cmered a Che\rolet utility Police ha' e a der. ription of the Darrel W. Cole is the news editor. truch. lodged in. ide the bedroom area car: im· '>ligation i continuing. He leads the day-to-day operation of the of a re idence. Man arrested after Fence destroyed newsroom Call him at 737-0724 The inve ... tigation re' ealed a 28 struggle with police After a 12-fo< t cLllon of knee Marty Valania prepares the sports year-old male. who \\as working for Fence hit twice was de tro) ed and .1 \\a ~u1 pages of thts newspaper The sports a heating and oil company. had gone ewark police an·e..;ted Cof) T'' ice on Sunday. Oct. I 9. a laving in the ~r 1. >ut 1d~ a home m editor is seldom in the office. however. to the area for a . en·ice call. His CampbelL 2L of ev.ark.. foliO\\ing wooden fence out ... ide a home in the the ~nit bl< ~"- Kel' A\ e lUe On he checks 1n frequently.
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