Pacific Citizen Staff Ties." Tant." Sights
Newsstand: 25¢ $1.50 postpaid (U.S., Can.) I $2.30 (Japan Air) #29951 Vol. 137, No. 1 ISSN: 0030-8579 National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) JULY 4-17,2003 2003 JACL Nat'l Youth/Student Conference Draws Supreme Court Preserves Affirmative Large Number of First-time Participants Action in Narrow' Ruling on College ByTRACYUBA obviously for Japanese Americans day early, so they all flew out here Admissions, JACL Hails Decision to the but for everyone, is really impor together to St. Louis and saw the Special Pacific Citizen Staff ties." tant." sights. So all the kids know By Pacific Citizen 1DC and Associated Press Court's deciSion once again ST. LOUIS-Although turnout "The in general is very sup each other," said Yamazaki, who is ''The 1DC reinforces what the military, institu was slightly lower than in previous portive of their youth," said Maya a student at the University of WASHINGTON-In its most tions of higher education and corpo years, the 2003 JACL National Yamazaki, JACL national youth Washington in Seattle. ''They've significant statement aboutrace in a rate America have been living for Youth/Student been slowly building generation, a divided Supreme. decades - that diversity on cam Conference (NY/SC) up, and it's really nice . Court on June 23 upheld the puses and in the workplace builds drew about 100 atten to see that, especially University of Michigan Law strength and benefits not only the dees, including a for them to come all School's affirmative action pro students but also all Americans," large contingent from the way out to St.
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