Arxiv:Astro-Ph/0508141V2 29 May 2006 O Opeeve H Edri Eerdt H Above the to Referred Is Reader the Case, Any View in Complete Reionization

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Arxiv:Astro-Ph/0508141V2 29 May 2006 O Opeeve H Edri Eerdt H Above the to Referred Is Reader the Case, Any View in Complete Reionization Gravitino, Axino, Kaluza-Klein Graviton Warm and Mixed Dark Matter and Reionization Karsten Jedamzik a, Martin Lemoine b, Gilbert Moultaka a a Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique et Astroparticules, CNRS UMR 5825, Universit´eMontpellier II, F-34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France b GReCO, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS, 98 bis boulevard Arago, F-75014 Paris, France Stable particle dark matter may well originate during the decay of long-lived relic particles, as recently extensively examined in the cases of the axino, gravitino, and higher-dimensional Kaluza- Klein (KK) graviton. It is shown that in much of the viable parameter space such dark matter emerges naturally warm/hot or mixed. In particular, decay produced gravitinos (KK-gravitons) may only be considered cold for the mass of the decaying particle in the several TeV range, unless the decaying particle and the dark matter particle are almost degenerate. Such dark matter candidates are thus subject to a host of cosmological constraints on warm and mixed dark matter, such as limits from a proper reionization of the Universe, the Lyman-α forest, and the abundance of clusters of galaxies.. It is shown that constraints from an early reionsation epoch, such as indicated by recent observations, may potentially limit such warm/hot components to contribute only a very small fraction to the dark matter. The nature of the ubiquitous dark matter is still un- studies as well. known. Dark matter in form of fundamental, and as yet Decay produced particle dark matter is often experimentally undiscovered, stable particles predicted warm/hot, i.e. is endowed with primordial free-streaming to exist in extensions of the standard model of parti- velocities leading to the early erasure of small-scale per- cle physics may be particularly promising. For a scale turbations [14], due to the kinetic energy imparted on the of the new physics around 1 TeV, as preferred by the- decay product during the decay process itself. Since axi- oretical arguments, such dark matter abundances pro- nos, gravitinos, and KK-gravitons are superweakly inter- duced either during freeze-out of stable particles from acting, they will not thermalise after decay, and inherit equilibrium, or freeze-out of meta-stable particles and as kinetic energy a good fraction of the rest mass en- their subsequent decay into stable particles, may come ergy of the mother particle. For decay χ → γ + G˜ of a tantalizingly close to the abundance required by cosmol- massive particle χ to an essentially massless particle γ ogy. For this reason, a number of candidate dark matter (with mγ ≪ mχ) and the dark matter particle G˜, with particles, including also stable axinos produced in decays mχ >mG˜ one finds for the instantaneous post-decay mo- of next-to-lightest supersymmetric particles (NLSP); bi- mentum of G˜ nos or staus [1, 2, 3, 4], stable gravitinos produced via 2 2 (m − m ) NLSP bino, stau, or sneutrino decays [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], or i χ G˜ pG˜ = . (1) stable KK-gravitons produced via the decay of KK U(1) 2mχ hypercharge gauge bosons [5], have been recently consid- The momentum of particles of arbritrary relativity red- ered/reconsidered. For details and the theoretical moti- shifts with the scale factor of the Universe, and insisting vation for the possible existence of such particles we refer for the particle to be non-relativistic at the present epoch, arXiv:astro-ph/0508141v2 29 May 2006 the reader to the orginal literature. one may compute the present free-streaming velocity of In this note we consider the fact that particle dark the DM particle matter (DM) produced by the decay of a relic popula- m2 − m2 1/3 0 χ G˜ T0 g0 tion of metastable particles is often warm or even hot. vDM = , (2) This has been known for some time [10], but has escaped 2mχmG˜ Td gd entering into the conlusions of some recent studies. This where T and g are cosmic temperarture and statistical effect is also known to exist in the context of dark matter weight of the plasma at the present ′0′ and particle de- production by cosmic string evaporation [11]. Neverthe- cay ′d′ epochs, respectively. It has been shown that a less, very recently the very same observation has been sudden decay approximation, approximating all particles et al. rediscovered in the studies by Cembranos [12] and to decay at the same Td, is excellent [3], provided one Kaplinghat [13]. These latter papers concentrate on the ≃ −1 −1 uses the relation td Γd with t = (2H) in the early possible resolution of a number of alleged deviations be- radiation dominated Universe, where t is cosmic time, tween the observed sub-structure of galactic halos and Γd is the decay width of the particle, and H the Hubble structure of dwarf galaxies and that predicted in struc- constant, respectively. Using the above one finds ture formation with a purely cold DM particle, whereas m2 − m2 1/2 our study focusses mostly on constraining such warm- or 0 ≃ × −5 km χ G˜ −1/12 τd vDM 4.57 10 gd . mixed- dark matter models by reionization. In any case, s 2mχmG˜ 1s for a complete view the reader is referred to the above (3) 2 Free-streaming velocities may become appreciable for ei- explaining a scarce of substructure in Milky-Way type ≪ ther light DM particles (i.e. mG˜ mχ) or late decay, a halos or the existence of cores in dwarf galaxies. Nev- condition satisfied for much of the axino-, gravitino-, and ertheless, counterarguments in favor of CDM have also KK-graviton- DM parameter space. been presented, such that the situation is not resolved. Cosmological constraints on warm dark matter deriv- We will here only focus on three cosmological implica- ing, for example, from the Lyman-α forest or cosmo- tions of WDM or mixed dark matter (MDM) scenarios; logical reionization, are often formulated as lower lim- namely the optical depth in the Lyman-α forest of mildly its on the mass of a hypothetical gravitino DM parti- non-linear fluctuations on smaller scales ∼ 1 Mpc [21], cle. Such limits assume a relativistically freezing out the successful reionization of the Universe at high red- gravitino, leading thereby to a well-specified relation shift (probing perturbations on the smallest scales ∼ ≃ −1 2 0.34 −1.34 − vrms 0.044kms (ΩG˜ h /0.15) (mG˜ /1 keV ) [15] 10 100kpc) [17, 22], and for the case of MDM, the between gravitino mass and root-mean-square present abundance of clusters at close to the present epoch [23]. day gravitino velocity (cf.e.g. to [16, 17]). However, A recent analysis of the matter power spectrum as im- it is rather the latter quantity, vrms, which is, without plied by observations of the Lyman-α forest and the further assumptions about the nature and production cosmic microwave background anisotropies (CMBR) by mechanism of the dark matter, constrained by cosmol- the WMAP mission has yielded a 2σ lower limit on the ogy. Free-streaming particles erase primordial dark mat- WDM gravitino mass of 550 eV [21]. Using the above 0 < −1 ter perturbations between very early times and the epoch this may be translated to a limit vrms ∼ 0.1kms . One of matter-radiation equality (EQ), after which further year of observations of polarization of the CMBR by erasure becomes inefficient. Up to which scale pertur- the WMAP sattelite have revealed a high optical depth bations have been erased than depends essentially only τ ≈ 0.17 ± 0.04 [24] for Thomson scatterings of CMBR on vrms and the time of EQ (determined itself by Ωm, photons on electrons. The recently presented three year the total non-relativistic matter density), such that one WMAP analysis has led to a downward revision of this finds [17] value to τ ≈ 0.09 ± 0.03 [25], where error bars are one −0.14 0.86 sigma and a ΛCDM concordance model has been as- 0 ≃ Ωm vrms sumed. This implies a fairly complete reionization of Rc 0.226Mpc , (4) < < 0.15 0.05km/s the Universe at redshift 8.5 ∼ z ∼ 15 (at 95% confidence level) seemingly consistent with CDM scenarios. Such by detailed Boltzman-equation simulations [18]. Here scenarios predict an early reionization of the Universe due R0 ≡ 1/k defines the wave vector k for which the pri- c c c to the early formation of sub-galactic halos and massive mordial power spectrum is suppressed by a factor two [19] stars therein. The situation is different in WDM scenar- when compared to the same cosmological model, but with ios due to the lack of small-scale power and the concomi- cold dark matter. Armed with a relation between vrms tant late formation of the first stars. If the fairly high and gravitino mass, as well as Eq. (3), we may now trans- optical depth is indeed due to the first stars, rather than late in the literature existing limits on relativistically due to some ’exotic’ mechanism, reionization places very freezing out gravitino warm dark matter, into limits on stringent limits on the warmness of the DM. In particu- warm dark matter generated by particle decay. Here we lar, Yoshida et al. [22] have shown that even for WDM employ decay widths as calculated in the original litera- ≈ with mG˜ 10 keV reionization is far from substantial ture [20]. at redshift z ∼ 17 (appropriate to the τ central value We note here that the equivalence between traditional of the one year WMAP analysis). This corresponds to warm dark matter, described by a Fermi-Dirac distribu- 0 −1 v < 0.002kms .
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