Romantic Fantasy Fantastical Romance.Pub
Romantic Fantasy Romantic Fantasy Armstrong, Kelley Bitten , Stolen , Dime Store Armstrong, Kelley Bitten , Stolen , Dime Store Magic , Industrial Magic , Haunted , Broken An Magic , Industrial Magic , Haunted , Broken An action-packed series, The Otherworld is populated by action-packed series, The Otherworld is populated by tough young women who also happen to be witches, tough young women who also happen to be witches, werewolves, and ghosts. werewolves, and ghosts. Bertin, Joanne Last Dragonlord , Dragon and Bertin, Joanne Last Dragonlord , Dragon and Phoenix After 600 years of waiting, Dragonlord Lin- Phoenix After 600 years of waiting, Dragonlord Lin- den Rathan finds his soultwin in ship captain den Rathan finds his soultwin in ship captain Maurynna. Maurynna. Dunkle, Clare B. The Hollow Kingdom , Close Kin , Dunkle, Clare B. The Hollow Kingdom , Close Kin , In the Coils of the Snake Marak, the Goblin King, In the Coils of the Snake Marak, the Goblin King, takes human Kate as his wife in the first book of this takes human Kate as his wife in the first book of this evocative trilogy. evocative trilogy. Hauf, Michele Seraphim , Gossamyr , Rhiana Hauf, Michele Seraphim , Gossamyr , Rhiana Battles between good and evil are fought in this tril- Battles between good and evil are fought in this trilogy th th ogy set in an alternate 16 century France. set in an alternate 16 century France. Haydon, Elizabeth Rhapsody , Prophecy , Destiny Haydon, Elizabeth Rhapsody , Prophecy , Destiny This saga begins with an unlikely trio of companions This saga begins with an unlikely trio of companions setting off on an epic journey. setting off on an epic journey.
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