Starinar Lxiii/2013, 1–326, Beograd 2013

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Starinar Lxiii/2013, 1–326, Beograd 2013 ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE UDK 902/904 (050) ISSN 0350–0241 STARINAR LXIII/2013, 1–326, BEOGRAD 2013. INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE STARINAR Nouvelle série volume LXIII/2013 BELGRADE 2013 ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD STARINAR Nova serija kwiga LXIII/2013 BEOGRAD 2013. STARINAR STARINAR Nova serija kwiga LXIII/2013 Nouvelle série volume LXIII/2013 IZDAVA^ EDITEUR Arheolo{ki institut Institut archéologique Kneza Mihaila 35/IV Kneza Mihaila 35/IV 11000 Beograd, Srbija 11000 Belgrade, Serbie e-mail: e-mail: Tel. 381 11 2637191 Tél. 381 11 2637191 UREDNIK RÉDACTEUR Slavi{a Peri}, direktor Arheolo{kog instituta Slavi{a Peri}, directeur de l’Institut archéologique REDAKCIONI ODBOR COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Miloje Vasi}, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Miloje Vasi}, Institut archéologique, Belgrade Rastko Vasi}, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Rastko Vasi}, Institut archéologique, Belgrade Noel Dival, Univerzitet Sorbona, Pariz Noël Duval, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris IV Bojan \uri}, Univerzitet u Qubqani, Bojan \uri}, Université de Ljubljana, Filozofski fakultet, Qubqana Faculté des Arts, Ljubljana Mirjana @ivojinovi}, Srpska akademija nauka Mirjana @ivojinovi}, Académie serbe des sciences i umetnosti, Beograd et des arts, Belgrade Vasil Nikolov, Nacionalni arheolo{ki institut Vasil Nikolov, Institut archéologique national et Musée, i muzej, Bugarska akademija nauka, Sofija Académie bulgare des sciences, Sofia Ivana Popovi}, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Ivana Popovi}, Institut archéologique, Belgrade Marko Popovi}, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Marko Popovi}, Institut archéologique, Belgrade Nikola Tasi}, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Beograd Nikola Tasi}, Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Belgrade SEKRETAR REDAKCIJE SECRÉTAIRE DE RÉDACTION Olivera Ili}, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Olivera Ili}, Institut archéologique, Belgrade LEKTOR ZA SRPSKI JEZIK LE LECTEUR POUR LA LANGUE SERBE Aleksandra Anti} Aleksandra Anti} LEKTOR ZA ENGLESKI JEZIK LE LECTEUR POUR LA LANGUE ANGLAIS Dejv Kalkat Dave Calcutt GRAFI^KA OBRADA RÉALISATION GRAPHIQUE Danijela Paracki Danijela Paracki D_SIGN, Beograd D_SIGN, Belgrade [TAMPA IMPRIMEUR ALTA NOVA, Beograd ALTA NOVA, Belgrade TIRA@ TIRAGE 400 primeraka 400 exemplaires SEKUNDARNA PUBLIKACIJA PUBLICATION SECONDAIRE COBISS COBISS SCIndeks SCIndex ^asopis je objavqen uz finansijsku pomo} Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo{kog razvoja Republike Srbije Ce périodique est publié avec le soutien du Ministère de l’éducation, de la science et du développement technologique de la République Serbie SADR@AJ – SOMMAIRE RASPRAVE – ETUDES Josip [ari} Smolu}ka cave – unpublished chipped stone artifacts from excavations in 1987 . 9 Josip [ari} Smolu}ka pe}ina – nepublikovani okresani artefakti sa iskopavawa 1987. godine . 21 Aleksandar Kapuran Late Hallstatt pottery from north-eastern Serbia (6th to 4th century BC) . 23 Aleksandar Kapuran Keramika poznog hal{tata u severoisto~noj Srbiji (VI–IV vek pre n. e.) . 39 Sofija Petkovi}, Bojana Iliji} Votive altar of Lucius Petronius Timachus . 53 Sofija Petkovi}, Bojana Iliji} Votivni spomenik Lucija Petronija Timaka . 72 Jelena An|elkovi} Gra{ar, “Tomb with Cupids” from Viminacium: a contribution Emilija Nikoli}, Dragana Rogi} to research of construction, iconography and style . 73 Jelena An|elkovi} Gra{ar, „Grobnica sa kupidonima “ iz Viminacijuma: Emilija Nikoli}, Dragana Rogi} Prilog prou~avawu konstrukcije, ikonografije i stila . 100 Ivana Popovi}, Sne`ana Ferjan~i} A new inscription from Sirmium and the basilica of St. Anastasia . 101 Ivana Popovi}, Sne`ana Ferjan~i} Novi natpis iz Sirmijuma i bazilika sv. Anastasije . 114 Michel Kazanski Les Gépides et la Crimée . 115 Mi{el Kazanski Gepidi i Krim . 130 Ivan Bugarski, Ranosredwovekovna ostava gvozdenih predmeta iz Rujkovca Vujadin Ivani{evi} i sli~ni nalazi sa podru~ja centralnog Balkana . 131 Ivan Bugarski, Vujadin Ivani{evi} Early Mediaeval Hoard of Iron Objects from Rujkovac and Similar Finds from the Central Balkans . 152 Dejan Crn~evi} Kameni stup~i} oltarske pregrade iz manastira Svetog Arhangela Mihaila na Prevlaci . 153 Dejan Crn~evi} A small Stone Column of the Alter Screen from the Treasures of St. Achangel Michael’s Monastery in Prevlaka . 169 Marko Popovi} The funerary church of the monastery of @i~a – a contribution to the study of medieval monastic burial in Byzantium and Serbia . 173 Marko Popovi} Grobna crkva manastira @i~e – ka problemu sredwovekovnih mona{kih sahrana u Vizantiji i Srbiji . 188 PRILOZI – APERCUS Jasna Vukovi} Fragmenti grn~arije kao alatke u kasnoneolitskoj Vin~i . 191 Jasna Vukovi} Pottery sherds as tools in late neolithic Vin~a . 201 Vojislav Filipovi} Grobna celina iz starijeg gvozdenog doba Vojislav Filipovi} iz okoline Svrqiga . 209 Early Iron age burial complex from the Svrljig area . 218 Bebina Milovanovi}, Seal boxes from the Viminacium site. 219 Angelina Rai~kovi} Savi} Bebina Milovanovi}, Kutijice za ~uvawe pe~ata na lokalitetu Viminacijum . 231 Angelina Rai~kovi} Savi} Bojana Plemi} The marble head of a statuette from Mediana (Excavations in 2001) . 237 Bojana Plemi} Glava mermerne statuete iz Medijane (iskopavawa 2001. godine) . 243 @arko Petkovi} Auctoritas maiorum u Galerijevom ediktu iz 311. godine . 245 @arko Petkovi} Auctoritas maiorum in the Edict of Galerius of 311 AD . 250 Sonja Vukovi}, Ivan Bogdanovi} A camel skeleton from the Viminacium amphitheatre . 251 Sowa Vukovi}, Ivan Bogdanovi} Skelet kamile iz amfiteatra u Viminacijumu . 267 Perica [pehar, Nata{a Kasnoanti~ka nekropola na lokalitetu Miladinovi}-Radmilovi}, Davidovac–Crkvi{te . 269 Sowa Stamenkovi} Perica [pehar, Nata{a Miladinovi}- Late antique necropolis in Davidovac–Crkvi{te . 284 Radmilovi}, Sonja Stamenkovi} HRONIKA ISKOPAVAWA – CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES Sofija Petkovi}, Arheolo{ka iskopavawa nalazi{ta Aleksandar Kapuran Gamzigrad – Romuliana 2007–2008. godine . 287 Sofija Petkovi}, Aleksandar Kapuran Archaeological excavations at Gamzigrad – Romuliana in 2007–2008 . 299 KRITI^KI OSVRTI – APERCU CRITIQUES Milorad Stoji} Odgovor na prilog: O neolitskoj autenti~nosti nalaza iz Belice, D. Antonovi} i S. Peri}a . 301 Milorad Stoji} Response to the contribution: On Neolithic authenticity of finds from Belica by Dragana Antonovi} and Slavi{a Peri} . 312 KRITIKE I PRIKAZI – COMPTES RENDUS Bisenija Petrovi}, Marija Jovanovi}, GOSPODARI GLINE I @ITA, Milo{ Spasi} Novi Sad 2011. 313 Dragan Jovanovi} Friedrich Laux, DIE DOLCHE IN NIEDERSACHSEN; Prähistorische Bronzefunde (PBF) VI, Band 14, Stuttgart 2011. 314 Dragan Jovanovi} Petr Nóvak, DIE DOLCHE IN TSCHECHIEN, Prähistorische Bronzefunde (PBF) VI, Band 13, Stuttgart 2011. 314 Marija Qu{tina Susane Sievers, Otto H. Urban, Peter C. Ramsl (Hg.), LEXIKON ZUR KELTISCHEN ARCHÄOLOGIE, Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission, Band 73, Lexica und Fachwörterbücher, Wien 2012. 315 Olivera Ili} \or|e S. Kosti}, DUNAVSKI LIMES FELIKSA KANICA, Beograd 2011. 317 Perica [pehar DIE ANFÄNGE BAYERNS. VON RAETIA UND NORICUM ZUR FRÜHMITTELALTERLICHEN BAIOVARIA, Hrsgb. H. Fehr, I. Heitmeier, Bayerische Landesgeschichte und europäische Regionalgeschichte, Band 1, EOS Verlag St. Ottilien 2012. 318 Ivan Bugarski Csanád Bálint, DER SCHATZ VON NAGYSZENTMIKLÓS: ARCHÄOLOGISCHE STUDIEN ZUR FRÜHMITTELALTERLICHEN METALLGEFÄSSKUNST DES ORIENTS, BYZANZ’ UND DER STEPPE, Budapest 2010. 319 IN MEMORIAM @arko Petkovi} SLOBODAN DU[ANI] (1939–2012) . 325 JOSIP [ARI] Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade SMOLU]KA CAVE – UNPUBLISHED CHIPPED STONE ARTIFACTS FROM EXCAVATIONS IN 1987 UDC: 903.21"632"(497.11) ; 902.2(497.11)"1987" e-mail: DOI: 10.2298/STA1363009S Received: Decembar 09, 2012 Original research article Accepted: April 23, 2013 Abstract. – Investigations carried out in Smolu}ka cave in the 1980s pointed to the presence of an important Middle Paleolithic station thus broadening our meagre knowledge about that period in the territory of Serbia. Owing to circumstances, material has not been completely published so we are presenting, in this work, a rather small group of chipped stone artifacts from the Eneolithic and Middle Paleolithic period in order to complete evidence about finds from the Smolu}ka cave. Key words. – chipped artifacts, Eneolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Mousterian, Smolu}ka cave, Serbia. he first information about a possible Middle at the site of the Jerinina cave near the village of Gra- Paleolithic find in the territory of Serbia is dac. Archaeological material which was dated, thanks T related to the skull with characteristics of to sedimentological and paleontological analyses, to Neanderthal man as was explained at one time by N. the Middle Paleolithic was discovered in the course of @upani}.1 This fossil skull, which had been found in a archaeological excavations carried out in that cave in layer together with the teeth of Elephas antiques near 1950 and 1951. During 1952, investigations also started the one time Vidin Kapija in Belgrade in 1919, has in the cave at Risova~a on the outskirts of Arandjelo- been lost in the meantime, so the mentioned claims can vac. The results were equally interesting and archaeo- not be checked. logical material from the cave that was dated to the Felix Milleker published in 1937 a text about sur- Middle Paleolithic was more precisely identified to be face finds of Paleolithic artifacts from sites in At, Mesi- of Szeletian provenance.3 Excavations in the Jerinina }a Kanal and Kozluk, on the outskirts of Vr{ac.2 In his and Risova~a caves, besides
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