Nick Castle; Spreading the Love Michael Myers 40 Years of Film Christian Soto

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Nick Castle; Spreading the Love Michael Myers 40 Years of Film Christian Soto Winner of Multiple Awards fromo Our college. Our news. Our voice. Naugatuck Valley Community College November 1, 2018 Waterbury, Connecticut Vol. 62, Iss. 7 Change on the Horizon Th omas Ackerman is not yet a transfer ticket for every major, but Students could soon see a Common General 6HDEXU\VDLG7$3LVPDNLQJHͿRUWVWRGRMXVW Education structure among all CT community that. colleges, allowing for seamless transfer of credit Co-manager of TAP, Professor Candace to CT state universities. The proposed policy Barrington, of CCSU, said whatever the consol- would reduce total general education courses idated Gen-Ed structure will look like, it will necessary to graduate. Each community college most likely become part of TAP. She said tickets currently has a unique structure catering to its may have to add nine credits to reach the thirty students’ needs. NVCC requires 30-31 general credits, so students will, in fact, enter as juniors education credits, while some community with the necessary credit numbers. colleges require 21. The proposal calls for a The other TAP co-manager, Professor consistent 21 credits, the minimum to satisfy Kenneth Klucznik, from Manchester the New England Association of Schools and &RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHRͿHUHGGDWDLQDQHPDLO Colleges. showing that of 4,407 community college “The philosophy here is rather than start graduates last spring, 24%, or 1,046 students, at thirty credits and [sometimes] remove showed courses from more than one commu- them, we are going to start low,” said Math nity college on their transcripts. He said TAP Professor Jason Seabury, NVCC’s represen- does not have simply accessible numbers on tative on the Framework Implementation students who are currently enrolled, nor those and Review Committee (FIRC), which over- who did not graduate, but data indicates a sub- sees the “transfer tickets,” or the Transfer and Transfering Credits stantial number of students attend more than Articulation Program (TAP). Seabury is also one community college. The common credit Chair of the Curriculum and Educational would make transferring to other community Affairs Committee (CEAC), and previous colleges convenient, though campuses could Chair of the General Education Assessment education. She said it can be difficult to find GEACC. In her time with the group so far, she’s lack autonomy. and Curriculum Committee (GEACC). The for- cohesive opinion at the community college seen courses are often substituted for sake of The proposed policy is an aspect of the mer is an in-house interpreter of what general EHFDXVHVWXGHQWVKDYHGLͿHUHQWEDFNJURXQGV VWXGHQWFUHGLWVXFKDVRͿHULQJDÀHOGELRORJ\ “Students First Initiative,” as CSCU institu- education courses should be. The latter helps WKDWLQÁXHQFHWKHLUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIHGXFD course instead of a botany course. Her concern tions inch toward the 2023 consolidation goal. anticipate how internal changes will collec- tion and what community college should be. is students may “not know the things [four-year Seabury said he understands many faculty WLYHO\DͿHFW19&&GHSDUWPHQWV 2QHVWXGHQWDYHWHUDQVDLGÀQDQFLDOOHVVRQV schools] want them to know.” have the belief that Gen-Ed requirements could Seabury said NVCC programs, like Allied VKRXOGEHUHTXLUHG$QXUVLQJVWXGHQWRͿHUHG Regardless, TAP may hardly be affected EHEHWWHUVLPSOLÀHGUHJDUGOHVVRIFRQVROLGD Health and Engineering, must adhere to outside another opinion. Some said the measure could as CT four-year schools work with and trust tion pressure. Though unclear whether indi- agency requirements, not just NVCC require- enable students to aim for an easy education. the community colleges on their requirements vidual aspects of the consolidation may come ments, or even those of TAP, allowing certain SGA Vice President Ana Cruz said the SGA to ensure students may enter university as to fruition before 2023, professors involved said students exemptions from Gen-Ed require- opinion will largely consist of student opinions MXQLRUV³DOWKRXJKWKHFUHGLWVPD\QRWVSHFLÀ they’ve been reassured changes will not hap- ments. Seabury explained these programs expressed at the meeting. Cruz newly serves on cally align with program requirements. There pen until then. require students to take many program-spe- FLÀFFRXUVHVOLPLWLQJURRPLQVFKHGXOHVIRU Gen-Ed credits. One example of the many proposed changes is to no longer require a lab-based sci- were determined to create a new identity. Celebrating Veterans :KHWKHULQÁLJKWIURPSHUVHFXWLRQRUIURP ence course. The Common Gen-Ed proposal is in public comment phase. Groups at each Rick Bellagamba poverty, the huddled masses have, with few college, including students and faculty alike, exceptions, welcomed American values, the are encouraged to submit opinions. Public American way of life and American oppor- comments regarding the proposed policy are tunities. And America herself has bound due Nov. 16th, for NVCC, and could dramat- them to her with powerful bonds of patrio- ically shape enrollment and requirements for tism and pride.” students. What binds us together as Americans is Professor Ronald Picard is part of the group not a common ethnicity or loyalty to a ruling that created the proposal this summer. Serving family. Our common bond is allegiance to as an NVCC representative partly because a set of founding principles based on natu- of his involvement as a founding member of ral rights and individual liberty. That makes FIRC, and his experience with Gen-Ed compo- our country an exception among nations. It nents in TAP, he has also worked on behalf of also means those who’ve taken up arms in the statewide assessment coordinators. Picard service to the United States can be assured said, “TAP transfer tickets are sort of common, WKHLUVHUYLFHDQGVDFULÀFHZHUHIRUDWLPH EXWWKHUHDUHVWLOOGLͿHUHQFHVDPRQJWKHJHQHUDO less cause. American veterans deserve to education and the tap transfer degrees,” add- be proud. And those who cherish our free- ing, “They’re trying to create one set of require- doms should be grateful for them. If not for ments for every program, regardless of college.” JHQHUDWLRQVRISDWULRWLFVHOÁHVV$PHULFDQV He said, while not unanimous, the vote on the willing to put life on the line, the freedoms proposal represented the majority. Displays of generosity, kindness, and in the general population, commit suicide every we take for granted could have long ago $VORRPLQJFRQVROLGDWLRQHͿRUWVIRUFHWKH patriotism have been nothing short of day? I’d like to address that in a future Veteran’s disappeared. CSCU system to interpret questions surround- astounding since 9/11, even though Voice column. Not all veterans have seen death Our commitment to liberty shouldn’t ing modern higher education, it’s important to American patriots go back way before or been wounded during deployments, but for waiver; therefore, neither should our com- remember students attend community college 1776. With devoted Americans across the those who have, it can be devastating, and a mitment to those who defend it. Veterans IRUGLͿHUHQWUHDVRQV6RPHVHHNPDQXIDFWXULQJ country—people like you and me—opening memory not easily forgotten. The term PTSD is know better than anybody the cost of free- FHUWLÀFDWLRQVRPHSXUVXHVSHFLÀFSURJUDPV their hearts to donate time and hard-earned not to be taken lightly; it’s real. I’ll also address dom. Veterans also tend to be the most patri- at specific schools. Other students don’t yet money to honor our veterans, our ability to it in the future. otic Americans because they understand have clear goals, while some are pursuing an help service members in need has grown Margaret Thatcher said, “Americans and what America stands for, what they served Associate’s degree, not planning to study fur- in ways we never thought possible. So, Europeans alike sometimes forget how unique and fought for. Their service is deserving of ther. Therefore, attempts to create a universal before I say anything else, thank you those is the United States of America. No other nation astronomical respect and pride. As we honor system may yield snags. wonderful people for their dedication to our has been created so swiftly and successfully. No our veterans for preserving liberty at home, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Lisa country and the sincere generosity they’ve other nation has been built upon an idea—the and where possible, restoring or expanding Dresdner, informed those present at the shown to embody it. idea of liberty. No other nation has so success- the blessings of liberty and freedom abroad, October 17th SGA meeting about the proposal, Now consider: out of over 360 million IXOO\FRPELQHGSHRSOHRIGLͿHUHQWUDFHVDQG let’s pledge that our missing POWs will not mainly asking students what they thought the people Americans, only 1% are or were active nations within a single culture. Both the found- be forgotten. God bless our veterans, not just requirements should include. In an e-mail, military members. So why is it approxi- ing fathers of the United States and the suc- on November 11th, but every day, and God Dresdner expressed favor for well-rounded mately 22 veterans, a much higher rate than cessive waves of immigrants to your country bless the U.S.A. 2 News The Tamarack, November 1, 2018 EDITOR’S NOTEBOOK Challenges Immense SGA PRESIDENT for Next Governor Care-full November to Going into Mark Kacyrat Thanksgiving and the Remember holiday season, it is Happy November, and usually an opportunity congrats! If you’ve made it this far, that for everyone to be means you’re almost done with the first grateful, not only for semester of the year! This month is all about the materialistic objects in this world, but being thankful, and I am thankful that I also the company each of us keeps in our only have one more month after this. The tightknit circles. With the end of the year month of November is much tamer with the coming into close approach, celebrations are events the SGA will be hosting. Don’t worry, many and all around. though. Although we have fewer things As a community with the atmosphere Ned Lamont (D) Bob Stefanowski (R) happening this month, we still have plenty described above, we sometimes fail to real- of fun planned! ize that not everyone looks forward to this On November 1st, 15th, and 29th we time of year.
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