I like Cornwall very much it is not England It is bare and dark and elemental Tristan’s Land I lie looking down at the cove where the Waves come white under a low, black sky. It is old, Celtic, pre-Christian. Writer unknown Photograph: Richard Vivash Heather Wells: Editor We invite you to contribute articles, poems, letters, illustrations and Lorna Douglas: Deputy Editor & Design Consultant responses so that Initiative reflects the religious communities it Joy Hodder: Editorial Assistant serves. Editorial guidance can be obtained from Heather Wells, PO Charanjit Ajit Singh Box 110, Lancaster, LA2 6GN Email:
[email protected] Sr. Maureen Goodman Issue 14 Themes: ‘Forgiveness ‘ & ‘Mixed Marriage’ Onn Keet Peng David Ebbitt Image: The Fire Window, Manchester Cathedral Nuala F.Power (CC member) Memorial to Hubert Worthington, architect and restorer of the Cathedral after bomb damage in World War 11 and to the Aim: suffering of the ordinary men and women of Manchester during The aim of Initiative is to open windows on world religions, beliefs the blitz. and practices in the hope that this will foster understanding and thus reduce religiously motivated violence. THE EDITORIAL TEAM OF INITIATIVE IS SINCERELY Statement: GRATEFUL TO THE PRIVATE DONORS WHO HAVE MADE Whilst the contents of this magazine will be in accordance with the PUBLICATION OF THE MAGAZINE POSSIBLE. WE WELCOME Purpose and Principles of URI there will be freedom of expression. AND APPRECIATE ALL DONATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS. Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: Editorial The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, dominated western world, ‘designer babies’.