


FARA E. 2000. Diversity of Callovian-Ypresian (-Eocene) tetrapod families and selectivity of extinc- tions at the K/T boundary. [Diversit6 des familles de t6trapodes du Callovien ~ l'Ypr6sien (Jurassique Moyen-]~oc6- ne) et s61ectivit6 des extinctions ~ la limite K/T]. GEOBIOS, 33, 3: 387-396. Villeurbanne, le 30.06.2000.

Manuscrit d6pos6 le 22.07.1999; accept6 d6finitivement le 02.11.1999.

ABSTRACT - The diversity of tetrapod families increased through the , punctuated by three major extinction events at the Jurassic/Cretaceous, Cenomanian/Turonian, and Cretaceous/ boundaries. Extinction and survivorship at these times are analysed with regard to taxonomy and ecological categories of diet, habitat and size. Whereas no constant selectivity pattern is found for diet and size through the period, freshwater tetrapods seem to have been less extinction-prone than terrestrial and marine ones. The Cretaceous/Tertiary extinc- tion had less effect on small, omnivorous, and freshwater families than other ecological categories. This strong selec- tivity signal is consistent with other work made at higher taxonomic and stratigraphic levels of resolution, thus legi- timising the use of fossil families in global studies of diversity and palaeoecology. KEYWORDS: TETRAPODS, CRETACEOUS, EXTINCTION, PALAEOECOLOGY.

Rt~SUMt~ - La diversit6 des familles de t6trapodes a augment6 au cours du Cr6tac6 mais trois 6pisodes d'extinctions la ponctuent aux limites Jurassique/Cr6tac6, C6nomanien/Turonien et Cr6tac6/Tertiaire. Extinction et survie lors de ces 6v6nements sont 6tudi6es pour diff6rentes cat6gories de r6gime alimentaire, d'habitat et de taille. R6gime ali- mentaire et taille ne font preuve d'aucun motif constant de s61ectivit6 au cours de la p6riode mais les t6trapodes vivant en eaux douces affichent une survie pr6f6rentielle par rapport aux t6trapodes terrestres et marins. La crise Cr6tac6-Tertiaire a peu affect6 les familles de petite taille, omnivores et vivant en eaux douces. Le fort signal de s61ectivit6 6cologique corrobore les travaux r6alis6s ~ des niveaux de r6solution taxinomique et stratigraphique plus 61ev6s, 16gitimant ainsi l'emploi du niveau familial dans les 6tudes globales de diversit6 et de pal6o6cologie. MOTS-CLI~S: T]~TRAPODES, CRI~TAC]~, EXTINCTION, PALI~OI~COLOGIE.

INTRODUCTION called 'taxon counting' perspective and investigate the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) extinction event. Major patterns of evolution are documented by palaeontological data, or so it is hoped. Since the A purely taxonomic approach has its limitations time of Simpson (1944, 1953), broad diversity pat- and consideration of survivorship and extinction terns have been investigated by the taxic approa- within ecological categories is advisable for a bet- ch (Levinton 1988; Smith 1994) in the 'nomothetic ter understanding of extinction processes (Bakker palaeontology' framework (Raup et al. 1973). 1977; Jablonski 1986a,b, 1991; Flessa & Jablonski Rates of extinction and origination can be deduced 1984). Small-scale studies have previously docu- from the observed ranges of groups at a chosen mented the ecological selectivity of extinctions at taxonomic level. These patterns can be investiga- the K/T boundary for different groups of verte- ted at different geographic and temporal scales, brates. For instance, differential survival might ranging from studies of local sections representing have favoured freshwater taxa, omnivorous and a few million (my) to global databases cove- insectivorous groups as well as small-sized ani- ring the entire Phanerozoic (e.g. Raup & Sepkoski mals (e.g. Buffetaut 1984; Archibald & Bryant 1982, 1984, 1986; Benton 1985, 1989, 1995; 1990; Sheehan & Fastovsky 1992). However, even Sepkoski 1996). Even if those large-scale non-cla- if some general conclusions emerge, they remain distic approaches suffer from some drawbacks syntheses of diverse isolated works often restric- (Patterson & Smith 1987; Smith 1994), their out- ted to one region or to one group. It thus seems comes should not be dismissed (see Sepkoski & fundamental to test the significance of these selec- Raup 1986; Sepkoski & Kendrick 1993; Sepkoski tivity patterns at wider temporal, geographical & Koch 1996; Foote 1996 for discussion). Indeed, and taxonomic scales with a single global databa- congruence in the results is an informative way of se, especially at a time when such compilations are testing the robustness of assessed evolutionary becoming readily available. The clade Tetrapoda patterns. Here, I present an overview of tetrapod has been well studied in terms of ecology and it is familial diversity through the Cretaceous in a so- relevant to tackle this question (Benton 1989). The 388 ecological selectivity of the K/T event by size, diet men from a single locality (and called here 'single- and habitat is tested here. The results are compa- tons') have been removed from the analysis. I thus red with other Cretaceous extinction events, those consider here 345 non-singleton families (20 of at the Jurassic/Cretaceous and Cenomanian/ amphibians, 138 of reptiles, 42 of birds and 145 of Turonian transitions. mammals) occurring in the Callovian-Ypresian interval. This large time span allows the study of diversity to be made around 15 million years beyond the period boundaries. Variations in diver- METHOD sity are usually estimated by four metrics. The simple numbers of extinctions (E) and originations The stratigraphic ranges of Cretaceous tetrapod (O), and the ratio of these numbers divided by the families (most of them being monophyletic) are duration (T) (the 'total rates') are the basic taken from The Fossil Record 2 (Benton 1993). The measures, but they do not account for the total few corrections made to this original dataset are diversity (D), that is to say the number of taxa 'at listed in appendix. The timescale is from Harland risk' in each time-unit. The proportional rates (E/D et al. (1990), which is the standard used in the and O/D) and the per-taxon rates (E/DT and O/DT) Fossil Record 2 compilation. Other timescales correct for this bias but are consequently subject to (Odin 1994; Gradstein et al. 1994, 1999; Berggren larger statistical uncertainties (Sepkoski & Koch et al. 1995) yield similar patterns when extinction 1996). Inasmuch as these two latter measures and origination rates are calculated. Ecological attributes come from a database compiled by yield very similar patterns to the simple numbers Benton (1996a,b), which is available on the and total rates respectively, they have been prefer- Internet (http://palaeo.gly.bris.ac.uk/tetrapods/ red here. tetrapods.html). This data set assigns each family In addition, ecological selectivity of extinctions is to a broad ecological category of diet, habitat and studied by comparing survival and extinction in size, based on consideration of all species in the each ecological category for the Tithonian/ family and taking into account, as far as possible, Berriasian (= Jurassic/Cretaceous), Cenomanian/ changing body sizes and diets during growth. Turonian, and K/T boundaries. In order to test the Categories used for this study are: differential survival of taxa at the end of the - Diet: tetrapod-eater; fish-eater; invertebrate-eater; Cretaceous, I also applied statistical tests to the omnivorous; herbivorous. proportions of survival for each ecological catego- - Habitat: terrestrial; freshwater; marine. ry. Statistical investigations are not possible for - Size: small (snout-vent length L < 15 cm); me- the other events because the sample sizes at the dium (15 cm < L < 150 cm); large (L > 150cm). family level are too small. The statistics used here Clearly, many families can belong to more than one for the K/T boundary are a binomial test compa- category for each ecological attribute (e.g. small/ ring the proportion of extinction per category with medium or freshwater/terrestrial, etc.). The strati- the random variation of the overall mean propor- graphic ranges have been maximised ('long-range tion (McKinney 1987), and the 95% binomial confi- technique'). Families known from a single speci- dence intervals as proposed by Raup (1991a).


<> 200

# Total Diversity ",/

150 ---<>- -- MaximalDiversity 1

FIGURE 1 - Total and maximal diver- sity of tetrapod families from the Callovian (Middle-Jurassic) to the Ypresian (Eocene). The maximal 100 diversity corresponds to the total ,J i diversity to which the singleton families (known from a single speci- men from a single locality) are added. Diversitd totale et maximale des familles de tdtrapodes du 50 Callovien (Jurassique Moyen) & l'Yprgsien (Eocene). La diversitd maximale correspond ~t la diversitd totale ~t laquelle sont ajoutdes les families 'singleton" (connues par un seul spgcimen provenant d'une seule 0 localitg). CAL OXF ICAM TTH BER VLG HAU BRM APT ALB CEN TUR CON SAN CMP MAA DAN THA YPR 389

RESULTS EXTINCTION AND ORIGINATION RATES Figure 2 shows the proportional extinction and ori- OVERALL DIVERSITY gination rates for tetrapods. Although division by Figure 1 represents the total diversity and the the total diversity increases the statistical uncer- maximal diversity (which corresponds to the total tainty of the ratio, it allows the calculation of the diversity when the 'singleton' families are added) 95% confidence intervals estimated by a binomial for tetrapod families throughout the Cal]ovian- procedure as proposed by Raup (1991a) and used in Ypresian interval. The general increase in diversi- many works (Erwin 1996; Jablonski 1998; Jablonski ty is clear and statistically significant (Spearman & Raup 1995; Sepkoski 1996; Sepkoski & Koch 1996). This technique shows that the rates do not Rank Correlation, p<0.005), going from 36 families differ significantly from one stage to the next, in the Callovian to 201 in the Ypresian, though except in the Tithonian (end-Jurassic) and this diversity growth is not linear, neither expo- Maastrichtian (end-Cretaceous) where the extinc- nential (X2 test, p<0.001). Three main extinction tion rates are significantly higher than for adjacent events are noticeable in the interval, with diversi- stages. The results are consistent with the traditio- ty drops at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary nal use of major bio-events to delimit the main time- (from 62 to 47 families), between the Cenomanian units in geology. The local peak in both extinction and the Turonian (from 67 to 64 families) and at and origination rates in the Albian can be linked to the Cretaceous/Tertiary transition (from 103 the long duration of this stage, the longest in the Maastrichtian to 83 families). Note that whole Mesozoic (from 12 to 15 my, after Harland et the total diversity does not differ significantly al. 1990; Odin 1994; Gradstein et al. 1994, 1999). from the maximal diversity, showing that the sin- Benton (1995) observed a similar result in the gleton families do not create artificial diversity Albian for continental organisms but this dubious patterns. pattern vanishes when a time-normalisation is



~ 0.3

FIGURE 2 - Proportional origina- tion and extinction rates for tetrapod families in the Callo- 0.1 vian-Ypresian interval. Error I bars represent the binomial 95% confidence intervals calculated o.1 following Raup (1991a). Taux proportionnels d'extinction et d'apparition des familles de tdtrapodes dans l'intervalles Cal- 2~ 0.3 lovien-Yprgsien. Les barres d'er- © reur reprgsentent les intervalle de confiance & 95% calcul#s suivant 0.5 la mdthode binomiale de Raup CAL OXF KIM TTH BER VLG HAUBRM APT ALB CEN TUR CON SAN CMP MAADAN THA YPR (1991a).







FIGURE 3 - Per-taxon origination 0.02 and extinction rates for tetrapod families in the Callovian- 0 Ypresian interval. The timescale used is from Harland et al. (1990). Taux par taxon d'extinc- !-o.o2 tion et d'apparition des familles .£ de tdtrapodes dans l'intervalle -0.04 CaUovien-Yprdsien. L~chelle de temps est celle de Harland et al. -0.06 (1990). CAL OXF IGM TTH BER VLG HAU BRM APT ALB CEN TUR CON SAN CMP MAA DAN THA YPR 390 applied. Local maxima in origination rate also occur have been shown to be negatively correlated to the in the Kimmeridgian and in the . The for- time-units duration under most of realistic extinc- mer might be due to a 'Lagerst~itten effect' and the tion models (Foote 1994). It also assumes that latter illustrates the end-Palaeocene mammalian extinctions and originations are evenly spread turnover, although the ten families restricted to this throughout each stage. However, there is no corre- stage may exaggerate its magnitude. lation between extinction rate and stage duration Further information can be gained from the per- here but there is for origination rate (Spearman taxon extinction rates (Fig. 3). The end-Jurassic Rank Correlation, p<0.05) in the Callovian- and end-Cretaceous events have similar magnitude Ypresian interval, though this correlation is insi- with this metric. Compared with the proportional gnificant in the Cretaceous sensu stricto. rates, major shifts occur in the Aptian-Coniacian interval where the longest stages adjoin the shor- test ones. Artefactual peaks due to time-normalisa- EXTINCTION EVENTS AND ECOLOGICAL tion have been faced by many authors in this inter- SELECTIVITY val (see for instance Sepkoski & Raup 1986; Hubbard & Gilinsky 1992) and stem from the choi- The following results present survivorship of ce among the available timescales. The latter can tetrapod families among ecological categories of create artificial local maxima for the Turonian diet, habitat and size at the end of the Cretaceous (Harland et al. 1990) or the Coniacian (Odin 1994), (Maastrichtian/Danian transition), in comparison but the Cenomanian extinction event carries a with the Tithonian/Berriasian and Cenomanian/ strong and stable signal associated with a drop in Turonian events. The figures allow estimates of diversity also recognised in local studies. Time nor- the absolute as well as the relative importance of malisation adds uncertainties linked to the time- extinction in all categories. Statistical significance scale (Raup 1986; Sepkoski & Raup 1986; Raup & of extinction and survival is also given for the K/T Boyajian 1988; Gilinsky 1991) and per-taxon rates event.

FIGURE 4 - Extinctions and survi- TITHONIAN CENOIvIANIAN MAASTRICHTIAN vals of tetrapod families at the BERRIASIAN TURONIAN DANIAN Jurassic/Cretaceous, Cenomanian] Turonian and K/T boundaries by class. Abbreviations are as follow: 40 40- Amph= Amphibians; Rept=Rep- tiles; Bird=Birds; Mamm=Mam- 30 30 30- mals. Statistical significance of selectivity at the K/T boundary -~ 2o 20 20- according to the binomial test on o? the overall mean is noted by an 10 10 asterisk, categories significantly different from all the others accor- 0 0 0- ding to the binomial 95% confiden- ce interval calculated following *~ -10 -10 -10 - . ! Amph Rept Bird Mamm Raup (1991a) are noted by §. -20 - Extinction et survie des familles de ~-20 Amph gepb Bird Mamm tdtrapodes aux limites Jurassi- -30 que / CrdtacO, Cgnomanien / Turo- nien et Crgtacd/Tertiaire par clas- -40 - se. Les abrdviations sont les sui- Amph Rept Bird Mamm vantes: Amph=Amphibiens; Rept= Reptiles; Bird=Oiseaux; Mamm= Mammil~res. Les catdgories gcolo- giques montrant une sdlectivitd significative lors de la crise K/T sont notges par un astdrisque (test binomial sur la moyenne) et / ou par le symbole § [intervalle de confian- ce binomial & 95% calculds d'apr~s Raup (1991a)].

TITHONIAN CENOMANIAN MAASTRICHTIAN FIGURE 5 - Extinctions and survivals of tetrapod BERRIASIAN TURONIAN DANIAN families at the Jurassic/Cretaceous, Cenoma- 35 nianYruronian and K/T boundaries by diet. 35 * Abbreviations are as follow: Herb=Herbivorous, Omn=Omnivorous, Tet=Tetrapod-eater, Inv=In- 25 25 25 vertebrate-eater, Fish=Fish-eater. Statistical significance for the K/T event noted as on fig.4. 15 Extinction et survie des familles de tgtrapodes aux limites Jurassique / Crdtacd, Cdnomanien / 5 5- Turonien et Crdtacg / Tertiaire par rdgime alimen- taire. Les abrgviations sont les suivantes: -5. Herb=Herbivore, Omn=Omnivore, Tet=mangeur de tdtrapodes, Inv=mangeur d'invertdbrgs, - -15. Fish=piscivore. Catdgories statistiquement signi- Tet Inv fish omn herb ficatives notdes comme sur la fig. 4. Tet Inv fish omn herb Tet Inv fish omn herb 391

Taxonomy The nature of the diet and the position of an animal within food webs appear to be determining factors Lumping tetrapod families into larger groups (tra- for the survival of many taxa during major crises. ditional 'classes') reveals some interesting pat- For instance, omnivorous sea urchin genera showed terns of extinction and survival (Fig. 4). All the significant survival through the K/T event (Smith & extinctions concern the most diverse group during Jeffery 1998). Benthic deposit-feeders and detritus- the Cretaceous: Reptilia. However, birds suffered feeding taxa also reached the Tertiary with few taxa high losses, with 70 % of families becoming extinct being wiped out (Sheehan & Hansen 1986). at the K/T boundary. However, as Chiappe (1995) Nevertheless, bivalves show no differential survival pointed out, the fossil record of birds taken at face concerning this parameter (Jablonski & Raup value could lead to spurious results and figures of 1995). The present results show that omnivorous extinction must be considered with caution. tetrapods and invertebrate-eaters (including insec- Although Alroy (1999) found high level of extinc- tivorous taxa) are markedly favoured at the K/T tion (around 60%) among North American mare- boundary. The diet-selective pattern of extinction is real species at the K/T boundary, the data suggest also apparent for the other events. But even if diets here a significant survival of this class at the fami- are regarded as autonomous characteristics in stu- ly level. Similar observations are made for amphi- dies on selectivity, they are directly tied to the habi- bians, which amazingly cross all the three events tat. studied here without any extinction. Through the whole Cretaceous, only the Chigutisauridae are Habitat known to disappear in the Albian. Clemens (1986) Survival depends on habitat (Fig. 6). Marine tetra- also found a high familial survival (7/8) among pod families show relatively high extinction rates, amphibians in the Western Interior at the K/T especially at the K/T boundary (61% of extinction, boundary. This seems to be a general pattern n=18) where this result is statistically significant. among amphibians as most of the Mesozoic fami- Terrestrial families are severely reduced in diver- lies are still extant today. Even if their poor fossil sity at the K/T boundary (43% of extinction, n=68), record must be treated cautiously, the peculiar compared to freshwater-dwelling families that are resistance of amphibians to extinctions may well significant outliers in terms of survival. The few be linked to their habitat and diet as I will discuss taxa becoming extinct are also terrestrial. Fresh- later. water families exhibit only a slight increase in Diets diversity (16 to 17 families from the Maastrichtian to the Danian). This habitat appears to be protec- The transition from the Maastrichtian to the ted for all the three events studied here and also Danian is marked by important extinctions in all for the purely continental Thanetian/Ypresian diet categories, except the significant survival of faunal turnover. Taxa dependent upon humus and omnivorous families (Fig. 5). Relatively to their freshwater habitat (mainly invertebrate-eaters, diversity, invertebrate-eaters are also little affec- detritus-feeders and omnivorous taxa) were little ted at the K/T boundary as well during other affected during the K/T environmental crisis, even Cretaceous extinction events, the sharpest extinc- the freshwater fauna and flora found in the infra- tion for them being the Tithonian/Berriasian tran- and intertrappean beds in India (Prasad & sition. The K/T event is also the most dramatic for Khajuria 1995). Bakker (1977) also found a huge herbivorous and carnivorous families, with 92% survival (90%) for tetrapod families (turtles, croco- (n=12) and 57% (n=21) of extinctions respectively. diles and champsosaurs) at the K/T boundary in The Tithonian/Berriasian event shows the highest freshwater environments, as did Van Valen & number of extinctions among fish- and invertebra- Sloan (1977) and Sheehan & Fastovsky (1992). te-eating families whereas fish- and tetrapod- Buffetaut (1990) noted general agreement about eating families are most affected at the Cenoma- the peculiar resistance of freshwater taxa at the nian/Turonian boundary. end of the Cretaceous.


FIGURE 6 - Extinctions and survivals /-- of tetrapod families at the Juras- 40- z- 40- 40 sic/Cretaceous, Cenomanian/Turo- nian and K/T boundaries by habitat. 30. 30- 30 Abbreviations are as follow: Mar= !iiii! Marine, Ter=Terrestrial, Fw=Fresh- 20- 20- 20 water. Statistical significance for the K/T boundary noted as on fig. 4. lO- 10- 10 Extinction et survie des familles de

m tdtrapodes aux limites Jurassique/ 0 C C m m Crgtacg, Cdnomanien / Turonien et | m m Crgtacd/Tertiaire par habitat. Les -10 -10 -10 abrdviations sont les suivantes: Ter Fw Mar Ter Fw Mar Mar=Marin, Ter=Terrestre, Fw= -20 Eaux douces. Catdgories statistique- ment significatives notdes comme sur -30 la fig. 4. Ter Fw Mar 392

FIGURE 7 - Extinctions and survivals of tetra- TITHONIAN CENOMANIAN MAASTRICHTIAN pod families at the Jurassic/Cretaceous, BERRIASIAN TURONIAN DANIAN Cenomanian-Turonian and K/T boundaries by size. Abbreviations are as follow: S=Small, M=Medium; L=Large. Statistical 40 significance for the K/T boundary noted as on figure 4. Extinction et survie des familles 30 30 de tdtrapodes aux limite Jurassique/ Crgtacg, Cgnomano.Turonienne et Crgtacg / Tertiaire par taille. Les abrgviations sont les 20 suivantes: S=Petit, M=Moyen, L=Grand. Catggories statistiquement significatives notdes comme sur la fig. 4. io IO i0

o 0

-i -lO -i0 S M L s M L


-30 S M L

Size marine and continental organisms. Marine reptiles also suffered important losses (Bakker 1977, 1993; Survivorship also depends on body size (Fig. 7). Bardet 1995). The high percentages of extinction Whereas the Cenomanian/Turonian extinction among marine fish- and tetrapod-eating taxa found affected taxa from the medium-large range of in this work are consistent with these observations, sizes, no selectivity is observed at the Tithonian/ but terrestrial families are also concerned. The glo- Berriasian boundary. Families of large-sized tetra- bal extinction of reptiles between the Tithonian and pods were significantly more likely to become the Berriasian, with a loss of 24% of families, may extinct at the K/T boundary than the two other be over-estimated because of changes in the quality categories. Conversely, small-sized tetrapods exhi- of the fossil record (Benton 1985, 1989, 1995). bit a high survival when reaching the Tertiary. 'Lazarus' families indeed appear to be much more Size is a factor traditionally considered in studies numerous in the Berriasian than in the Tithonian about extinction selectivity. It is commonplace to (Benton 1987; Bardet 1995; Fara & Benton, in consider large animals as more vulnerable than 2000) but proportions are equivalent for all size small ones for proximate causes of extinction, such categories. Lack of differential survival by size also as during brutal environmental shifts (Bakker suggests that this parameter is not responsible for 1977; Gingerich 1984; Lawton 1995). Size is any bias in the fossil record at the end of the indeed directly correlated with metabolism, size of Jurassic. A rapid marine regression occurred in populations and gene pool (Bakker 1977; La Europe (Hallam 1978), but no other major faunal Barbera 1986; Raup 1991b; Jablonski 1996). For turnover is known from elsewhere (Hallam 1986, the K/T boundary, Bakker (1977) noted that the 1996). Thirteen tetrapod families out of eighteen 'size-specificity of this extinction is remarkable', as becoming extinct at the Jurassic/Cretaceous transi- out of twenty-two 'small' (under 10 kg) families, tion have geographic ranges including Europe. only two (pediomyid and stagodontid mammals) Geographic restriction of this pattern should be became extinct. The results presented here further considered with caution, as most of the studies are support size selectivity at the K/T boundary for themselves confined to Europe. Although Hallam & tetrapods. Wignall (1997) concluded that this event is gene- rally only notable at the species level, significant extinction maxima have been found in global data- bases of higher taxa. The next challenge will be to DISCUSSION estimate the effect of potential biases on the quali- ty of the fossil record and its spatial distribution to TITHONIAN/BERRIASIAN BOUNDARY explain this signal, especially for terrestrial orga- nisms. The Jurassic/Cretaceous transition has been consi- dered as a second-order mass extinction and of significant intensity in the study of periodicity CENOMANIAN/TURONIAN BOUNDARY (Raup & Sepkoski 1986). Nearly 30 % of marine invertebrate genera, especially cephalopods and Sepkoski (1996) noted a 25% and a 4.5% extinction bivalves, became extinct (Sepkoski 1996), corres- level for marine genera and families respectively, ponding to the loss of 19 mollusc families (Sepkoski whereas Benton (1995) obtained a 4.8-5% drop in 1992) and a fall in marine family diversity of 6.5% diversity for all families, but slightly higher for (Sepkoski & Raup 1986). Benton (1985, 1995) also marine families (4.9-5.6%). Similarly, Harries observed important reductions in diversity at this (1993) observed the demise of 7% of marine fami- time for non-marine tetrapod families and similar lies. Tetrapod families exhibit similar figures drops in diversity ranging from 5.1% to 17.6% for (4.6% in this work). Marine reptiles, especially the 393 well-known ichthyosaurs, suffered dramatically at the Cretaceous. Detritus feeding may buffer taxa the Cenomanian/Turonian transition perhaps from extinction at time of drastic but temporary because of the decline of their main trophic drop in primary productivity. Extinction-buffered sources, notably belemnites (Bardet 1995). The taxa either belong to the forest-soil fauna (insecti- results further support a mainly aquatic catas- vorous small mammals, lizards and amphibians) or trophe affecting medium-to-large-sized predators to freshwater stream communities (turtles, croco- of fish and other tetrapods. Severe extinctions diles) relying mainly on detritus from land. This have been noted for planktonic and benthic fora- kind of habitat should be buffered during dramatic minifera (de Gracianski et al. 1984; Hart & Ball - but temporary - drops of primary productivity. 1986; Banerjee & Boyajian 1996), as for coral reefs Freshwater environments are indeed essentially and molluscs (Kauffamn 1994; Kauffman & Hart based on allochthonous resources (Sheehan & 1996). These modifications of micro-, meio- and Hansen 1986; Sheehan & Fastovsky 1992; Sheehan macrofauna resulted from perturbations in food et al. 1996). Archibald & Bryant (1990) and chains (Hart 1996) that can be linked to the well- Sheehan & Fastovsky (1992) further tested this documented and correlated environmental shifts hypothesis by comparing the survival of riparian- known to occur in the Late Cenomanian: high riverine assemblages with land-dwelling ones, and stands in sea level, major anoxic event, abrupt fall observed strong differential survival in favour of in CO 2 and climate cooling (Jenkyns 1980; Haq et the freshwater environment among Maastrichtian al. 1987; Orth 1989; Kauffman 1994; Hfiber eta]. vertebrate species from Montana. The 90% level of 1995; Kauffman & Hart 1996; Barnes et al. 1996; survival obtained here for freshwater tetrapod Kuypers et al. 1999). The Cenomanian/Turonian families is clearly consistent with this hypothesis. boundary corresponds to a key point in the evolu- This percentage equals (for the same number of tion of the global climatic . Despite poor taxa) the values independently found by Sheehan temporal resolution of the continental fossil & Fastovsky (1992) and Bakker (1977). record, extinctions among vertebrates were proba- Importantly, this survivorship appears to be inde- bly caused by the trophic perturbations that affec- pendent of size, supporting Buffetaut (1990), ted top predators in the marine reahn, but more Bakker (1977) Clemens (1986) and Archibald & studies are needed to explain diversity variations Bryant's (1990) views that size can not be the single on land (Hallam & Wignall, 1997). attribute responsible for the differential extinction. Moreover, size is a multivariate factor that implies arbitrary choices to limit convenient categories that CRETACEOUS/TERTIARY TRANSITION are not absolute. According to how the choice is made, one could find a selectivity pattern, or not. My purpose here is not to discuss the hypotheses One can then readily understand why no general (volcanic and/or impact-related) proposed as trig- rules can be put forward without having some gers for the K/T extinction (see for example reserve about this question (Raup 1991b, 1995; Sharpton & Ward 1990; Sutherland 1994; Mac Leod Jablonski & Raup 1995; Jablonski 1996). & Keller 1996; Hallam & Wignall 1997 for reviews) Covariation of ecological attributes also suggests but rather to consider the known ecological after- that several of these may explain extinction resis- math. Both impact and volcanic scenarios for the tance (Jablonski 1986a; Norris 1992; Harries et al. K/T boundary imply a short-term collapse in pri- 1996). mary productivity. A dramatic drop in primary pro- ductivity in the oceans has been recognised by many workers (e.g. Hsii & McKenzie 1985; Hsfi 1986; Arthur et al. 1987; Zachos et al. 1989; Hansen DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION et al. 1993; Smit 1994) and on land, palynomorphs and fossil leaves witness a similar crisis in conti- Extinction of organisms remains a genuine biolo- nental productivity at the K/T boundary (Orth et al. gical phenomenon. Contemporaneity of environ- 1981; Nichols et al. 1990; Tschudy et al. 1984; Wolfe mental shifts does not imply direct cause-effect & Upchurch 1986; Saito et al. 1986; Johnson et al. relations. Major hypotheses indeed come up 1989; Johnson & Hickey 1990). This disruption at against the central issue of the selectivity of the base of the ecological pyramid is held to be res- extinctions (Buffetaut 1984). For instance, selecti- ponsible for the demise of downstream diet catego- ve survival of climate-sensitive animals like eusu- ries. This disruption of trophic chains remains a chian crocodiles at the K/T boundary casts doubt central key argument to explain the selective on long-term climatic hypotheses for this major extinctions of many heterotrophic organisms extinction event (Markwick 1998). Selective survi- (Smith & Jeffery 1998, for sea urchins; Cappetta val has been observed in both marine and conti- 1987 and Noubhani & Cappetta 1997, for sela- nental realms. Many factors are usually held to be chians; Bardet 1995, for marine reptiles; Buffetaut potentially responsible for the differential survival 1990; Sheehan & Fastovsky 1992, for terrestrial of taxa at time of extinctions (see Harries et al. vertebrates). In the marine realm, Rhodes & 1996 for a review). 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