Odonatological Abstract Service

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Odonatological Abstract Service Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Silberdistelweg 11, D-72113 Ammerbuch, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7073 300770; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 2009 ter level was low, I propose that a marsh be developed as a wintering site in the lower reaches of the canal sys- 8211. Abilhoa, V.; Bornatowski, H.; Otto, G. (2009): tem in consolidated paddy fields." (Author)] Address: Temporal and ontogenetic variations in feeding habits not available of Hollandichthys multifasciatus (Teleostei: Characidae) in coastal Atlantic rainforest streams, southern Brazil. 8214. Al-Houty, W. (2009): Insect biodiversity in Neotropical Ichthyology 7(3): 415-420. (in English, with Kuwait. International Journal of Biodiversity and Con- Portuguese summary) [Stomach content of H. multifas- servation 1(8): 251-257. (in English) ["Natural causes, ciatus includes odonate larvae but is not further speci- together with the deliberate destruction of the environ- fied.] Address: Otto, G., Universidade Federal do Para- ment with the objective of forcing political, military and ná (UFPR), Depto de Zoologia, CP 2936, 69083-000 means of civilization have resulted in great deterioration Curitiba, PR, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] of the environment. The insect fauna of Kuwait has suffered from such destructions, resulting in some be- 8212. Adeyemi, S.O.; Adikwu, I.A.; Akombu, P.M.; coming extinct, while others are threatened with extinc- Iyela, J.T. (2009): Survey of zooplanktons and macroin- tion from Kuwait desert, however, others still flourishing. vertebrates of Gbedikere Lake, Bassa, Kogi State, Ni- This contribution records the status of the entomofauna geria. International Journal of Lakes and Rivers 2(1): in Kuwait prior to the Gulf War (from 1980 - 1990), and 37-44. (in English) [Between July and Sept., 2008, ma- after the Gulf War (from 1992 - 2008), including the ef- croinvertebrates were represented by Coleoptera (2.44 fects of new modern dwellings and severe draught. Dur- %), Diptera (48.85%), Ephemeroptera (2.59%), Hemi- ing the first period 474 species of insects were recorded ptera (9.59%), Odonata (29.07 %), Trichoptera (0.91%), from Kuwait (356 genera, 109 families, 19 orders) but Plecoptera (0.30%), Arachnida (2.13%), Annelida (2.89 the numbers of species increased to 492 (273 genera, %) and Nematoda (1.22%).] Address: Adeyemi, S.O., 116 families, 19 orders) during the second period. The Dept of Biological Sciences, Benue State University, differences are caused by disappearance and re-ap- Makurdi, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected] pearance. This study wills discus the reasons for in- crease, disappearance and reappearance of insects in 8213. Akira, M. (2009): Growth of several fish and the desert ecosystem of Kuwait." (Author) 11 odonate dragonfly species in the drainage system of a consolid- taxa - without specification - and each prior and after ated paddy field. Japanese Journal of Conservation the war are listed.] Address: Al-Houty, W., Department Ecology 14(1): 3-11. (in Japanese, with English sum- of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of mary) ["This study examined the growth of aquatic an- Kuwait. E-mail: [email protected] imals in the canal system constituting the main, lateral, and farm drains in a consolidated paddy field, with em- 8215. Aliberti Lubertazzi, M.A.; Ginsberg, H.S. phasis on canal structure and year-round water flow in (2009): Persistence of dragonfly exuviae on vegetation the canals. A field survey at six sites, which involved and rock substrates. Northeastern Naturalist 16(1): 141- three different canal levels, was carried out in Chikusei, 147. (in English) ["Surveys of dragonfly exuviae have Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan (36°21'N, 139°59'E). Samp- been used to assess rare species' habitats, lake water ling was conducted at monthly intervals from April 2001 quality status, and wetland restoration programs. Know- to March 2002. Of the freshwater fish, young-of-the- ledge of the persistence of exuviae on various sub- year (YOY) Zacco platypus appeared in September, strates is necessary to accurately interpret exuvial sur- while YOY Misgurnus anguillicaudatus appeared in veys. In 2006, we recorded exuvial persistence at de- May. Last instars of Calopteryx atrata were collected fined areas in a variety of small freshwater wetlands in only in June, suggesting emergence about this time, Rhode Island. Exuviae were field-identified, labeled with while those of Orthetrum albistylum speciosum were small daubs of nail polish, and observed every three collected in May and July, suggesting a longer duration weeks from June through September. Overall, exuvial of emergence. Since populations of the four species de- persistence displayed exponential decline, disappearing creased during the non-irrigation season when the wa- rapidly during the first few weeks, and more slowly Odonatological Abstract Service 26 (February 2010) - page 1 thereafter. The initial rate of decline was similar for most micropylar apparatus is composed of a sperm storage species, but differed in some taxa. There was no signi- chamber (atrium) and a median projecting stalk, which ficant difference in exuvial retention on emergent veget- possesses a pair of sub-terminal orifices. The atrium in ation vs. rock substrate." (Authors)] Address: Luber- B. sobrina is dome shaped with a tiny stalk whereas in tazzi,Maria, Dept of Plant Sciences/ Entomology, Uni- O. s. sabina the micropylar apparatus is triangular with versity of Rhode Island, Woodward Hall, Kingston, RI a longer stalk and a pair of almost apically placed ori- 02881, USA. E-mail: [email protected] fices. Significant variations occur in the shape and size of the micropylar apparatus. The functional interrelation- 8216. Altamiranda Saavedra, M. (2009): Actualiza- ship of the micro morphological modifications in the ción de registros del orden Odonata del Museo Ento- chorionic structures is discussed." (Author)] Address: mológico Francisco Luís Gallego. Boletín del Museo Andrew, R.J., Post-Graduate Department of Zoology, Entomológico Francisco Luís Gallego 1(3): 6-18. (in Hislop College, Nagpur 440 001, India. E-mail: raju- Spanish) [Since 1945, 1,180 Odonata specimens were [email protected] deposited in the collection of the Museo Entomológico Francisco Luís Gallego. In a table, taxonomic informa- 8219. Anonymous (2009): Of damsels and dragons. tion, identifier, and locality data of this collection are The Nature of Scotland 4 (Summer 2009): 17-19. (in compiled. All specimens are from Columbian locaities.] English) [General account on Scottish Odonata.] Ad- Address: Altamiranda Saavedra, M., Biólogo, Estudi- dress: http://www.snh.org.uk/pdfs/SNHMagazine/Con- ante de Maestría Ciencias – Entomología, Universidad tents-Summer-2009/Damselsdragons.pdf Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín, Grupo de Invest- igación en Ecología y Sistemática de Insectos (GIESI). 8220. Ardila-Garcia, A.M.; Gregory, T.R. (2009): An Museo Entomológico Francisco Luís Gallego MEFLG exploration of genome size diversity in dragonflies and Apartado Aéreo 3840. Medellín, Colombia damselflies (Insecta: Odonata). Journal of Zoology 278: 163-173. (in English) ["Like most insect orders, the 8217. Alvarez, G.; Nicieza, A.G. (2009): Differential Odonata remain poorly studied from the perspective of success of prey escaping predators: Tadpole vulnerab- genome size. They exhibit several characteristics that ility or predator selection? Copeia 2009(3): 453-457. (in make them desirable targets for analysis in this area, English) ["Species inhabiting habitats with different pre- for example a large range in body size, differences in dators are expected to show divergent phenotypes for developmental rate, and distinct modes of flight – all of antipredator traits. Here, we used a predator–prey sys- which are related to genome size in at least some anim- tem of dragonfly larvae and tadpoles to determine if vul- al taxa. The present study provides new genome size nerability to a common predator differs in species with estimates and morphometric data for 100 species of contrasting antipredator strategies. We examined the odonates, covering about 1/5 of described North Amer- vulnerability of tadpoles of Rana temporaria and Bufo ican diversity. Significant relationships are reported bufo to predation by Aeshna larvae when the two spe- between genome size and body size (positive in cies co-occur in the same arena. Our results demon- dragonflies, negative in damselflies), and there is also strated that tadpoles of Bufo were more vulnerable than indication that developmental rate and flight are related tadpoles of Rana despite the observation that dragonfly to genome size in these insects. Genome size is also larvae did not show initial preferences for either prey positively correlated with chromosome number across species. Differences in susceptibility to predation seem the order. These findings contribute to an improved un- to be associated with their low performance in evasive derstanding of genome size evolution in insects, and responses. Most important, our data
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