“It's Time to Act”
® Serving the Hampton Roads Navy Family Vol. 18, No. 24, Norfolk, VA FLAGSHIPNEWS.COM June 17, 2010 SECNAV discusses future of alternative energy BY MC1 DOUG KIMSEY es in supporting the nation’s key Naval War College Public Affairs objectives. The two-day forum is hosted annually by SECNAV. NEWPORT, R.I. — The sec- “It’s a matter of making sure retary of the Navy (SECNAV) that when we need those ships at ay Mabus shared his vision of a sea, when we need those aircraft greener Navy and Marine Corps in the air, when we need the Ma- team, one that is more energy in- rines on the ground, we have the dependent, but still remaining energy produced right here in the greatest maritime force in the the United States to do that,” said world, during a keynote address Mabus. at the Naval War College’s 61st Mabus, a former governor of Current Strategy Forum in New- Mississippi, U.S. Ambassador to port, R.I., June 9. Saudi Arabia and surface warfare “It’s a matter of energy inde- offi cer, gave examples of efforts pendence, it’s a matter of our to become less dependent on for- security,” said Mabus of the need eign fossil fuels. for the Navy and Marine Corps “In April, we fl ew the Green to reduce dependence on foreign Hornet, an F-18 Hornet. The fossil fuels. Green Hornet, a regular off-the- Attended by more than 1,200 shelf F-18, supersonic, fl ew on a participants, the 2010 confer- mixture of regular gasoline and ence explored the theme of “The biofuel, biofuel made from came- Global System in Transition” lina,” said Mabus.
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