Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering

01CI0601: Transportation Engineering

Objective of the Course

Objectives of introducing this subject at second year level in civil branches are: • To understand the various elements of . • To understand fundamentals of planning and design of various airport structures. • To carry out geometric design of railway . • To give knowledge about maintenance of railways. • To make students aware of design of runway and taxiway at airports.

Credits Earned: 3

Students Learning Outcomes

After studying this subject students will be able to: • Understand the Rail network in India. • Know components, parts and maintenance of railway. • Evaluate the geometric components of Railway and Airport. • Know the important elements of Airport, planning and construction of Airport elements.

Teaching and Examination Scheme

Tutorial/ Teaching Scheme Theory Marks Practical (Hours) Marks Total Subject Name Credits Mid Term Marks ESE Internal Viva Theory Tutorial Practical Sem Work (E) (I) (V) (M) (TW) Transportation 2 0 2 3 50 30 20 25 25 150 Engineering

Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering Detailed Syllabus

Sr. Topic name Hours No 1 Introduction – Railway Engineering 1 1.1 Modes of Transportation, Importance of Transportation, Types of Transportation systems, Salient Features of Railways, Zones of Indian 1 Railways, Modern Trends in Railways 2 and Gauges 3 2.1 Gauges – types, selection of gauge, IR Track specifications, Uniform 1 Gauge Policy 2.2 and Construction Gauge 1 2.3 Permanent Way, Cross sections of Permanent way and Railway track 1 components 3 Coning of Wheels 1 4 Rails 2 4.1 Function of rails, Classification of Rails, Rail sections, defects in rails 1 4.2 Creep of Rails, Rail Joints and Welding of Rails 1 5 Rails – Fitting and Fastenings 1 5.1 Types, Rail to Rail, Rail to wooden, Rail with CI Sleepers, Rail with Steel Sleepers 1 5.2 Elastic types – /Elastic Clip 6 Geometric Design of Railway Track 4 6.1 Gradients, Grade Compensation, speed of train on curves, design of 1 elements 6.2 Super elevation, deficiency, negative super elevation 2 6.3 Widening of gauges on curves, extra clearance on curves 1 7 Crossing and Turnouts 2 7.1 Crossings – types and importance of crossing 7.2 Track Junctions – types, split, double turnout, crossover, diamond 2 crossing, slip, Gauntlet track, scissor crossover, triangle, double 8 Station and Yards 2 8.1 Requirements at station, facilities, classification, platforms, loops, 1 sidings. 8.2 Yards – types, various equipments in yards 1 9 Signaling and 2 9.1 Classification of signals 1 9.2 Purpose of interlocking 1 10 Introduction – Airport Engineering 1 10.1 Importance of Air transport, Development of Air transport 1 10.2 Airport Classification 11 Aircraft Characteristics 3 11.1 Engine type and propulsion 11.2 Size, weight and wheel configuration 1 11.3 Minimum Turning and circling radius 11.4 Speed Capacity and Noise 11.5 Vertices at Tail ends, Jet blast, Fuel Spillage 2 11.6 Aircraft Navigation Controls 12 Airport Planning 2 12.1 Site selection and Factor influencing size of airport 1 12.2 Airport Obstructions, Imaginary surfaces, height of object in approach 1 zone, turning radius Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering 13 Runway and Taxiway Design 6 13.1 Runway orientation, Wind Rose Diagram, Runway Configuration 2 13.2 Runway Geometric Design 1 13.3 Taxiway Requirements, geometric design, location of taxiway 2 13.4 Exit Taxiway, Turn around taxiway, taxi – length 1 14 Apron and Aircraft Parking 2 14.1 Holding apron : Size, operation and design 1 14.2 Loading apron: size and number of gates, parking configuration and 1 system of aircraft parking 15 Terminal Area Design 3 15.1 Layout of airport, components of airport system 1 15.2 Passenger terminal area, relation of terminal area with runway 1 15.3 Terminal area planning and Hangar – types and site selection criteria 1 16 Visual Aids – Marking, Lightning and Signs 2 16.1 Apron Marking, Landing direction indicator, wind direction indicator, runway marking, shoulder marking, taxiway marking 1 16.2 Airport Lightning, airport beacon, protected flight zone, runway lightning and taxiway lightning 16.3 Airport Signage – Mandatory signs, information signs, sign position at 1 runway and taxiway intersections TOTAL 38

Suggested Theory Distribution The suggested theory distribution as per Bloom’s taxonomy is as per follows. This distribution serves as guidelines for teachers and students to achieve effective teaching-learning process

Distribution of Theory for course delivery and evaluation

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create 20% 25% 30% 10% 15% 00%

Instructional Method and Pedagogy

1. Prerequisite of the course and its pattern shall be discussed on the commencement of the course. 2. Lectures shall be conducted in class room using various teaching aids. 3. Presence in all academic sessions is mandatory which shall carry 5% marks of the total internal evaluation. 4. At the end of each unit/topic an assignment based on the course content shall be given to the students which shall carry 5% weightage for timely completion and submission of the assigned work. 5. The laboratory experiments are planned in such a way that it covers the practical aspects of the course contents. The performance of these experiments shall bring the clarity of the theoretical concepts which the students have studied during the academic sessions.

Recommended Study Material Bachelor of Technology Civil Engineering Reference Books: 1. Dr. S. K. Khanna, M.G. Arora and S.S. Jain, Airport Planning & Design, Nem Chand & Bros., Roorkee 2. G.V. Rao Airport Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi 3. Airport Engineering, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, Anand 4. Satish Chandra and M.M. Agrawal, Railway Engineering, Oxford University Press, New Delhi 5. S.C. Saxena and S. P. Arora, A Text Book of Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi 6. S.C. Rangwala, K.S. Rangwala and P.S. Rangwala, Principles of Railway Engineering, Charotar Publishing House, Anand.